##VIDEO ID:xoxI28aqttk## [Music] this meeting is being recorded I call a meeting to a for Wednesday in October 23rd Ro B yeah on yes yes Ro is abent Jerome Z okay I item on the agenda is approval of the meeting was September 18th make a motion to approve the minutes second all in favor bills submitted for September 2024 communication a motion to approve the bill submitted second second second all in favor I now we have the review and vote on our 2025 budget present by Pro just let to know we're loging on now he [Music] [Music] [Music] before you even that it's Lou can you hear me yep is your microphone on it says me all the hold on can you hear me CAM heard some noise oh oh you're on the speaker which is even better set up can you hear me I can yes all right perfect we can actually see you up there and we can hear you right here so you can can you you can see me too y can you see can you see us or I'm not sure if I can put the let me see if I can get the camera going it's not able to I can't use the camera but we can see you I can't you can hear me I can hear you sort of it's choppy so we um we the camera's not working but we can see you you can't see me okay okay hi everyone hi all right so yeah we can hear you really guys ready yeah okay I'm going to see if I can share my screen which would be um share okay I want to share this okay did the budget show up it does but we have it in front of us too so you do okay good well I'm going to um since I'm I'm going to be looking at it while we talk oh perfect that's excellent hi everyone um my name is Kim Crow I don't know if there's new people there this year I was I was at the meeting last year sorry I'm not there today um but I'm here to present the fisal 25 budget for efficient housing um your schedules don't have the program Nam on top I realize a lot of people I I talk um code that they're under so I've added that to the top here 40001 is presidential terce 689 is the Garfield Street property and then the management column is the swans the management of swans housing so this front page has a lot of numbers on it the pink section on the left is the current budget and then what I've added to the right just for comparison we have last year's budget and then way over to the right is the actual so they're just kind of nice to see how things change from year to year um the major change from last year is the discontinuation of the management of Swansea and how that kind of shows up here is you'll see there's um the the decrease in salaries and benefits and that's offset by the management fee that a cook it now pays to Somerset so if you'll see they kind of wash so instead of paying women and LS benefits you're now paying um Somerset a monthly fee to manage you so that's really the major shift everything else is kind of similar and I'll go through most of these expense category um um and as you can see kind of over here you have all the expenses and then each program has their own column and where this ends up for the year it's down here in the yellow section um we have budgeted a increase in reserves for the year of 42,000 43,000 for presidential um just a little bit for Garfield and then you're basically breaking even with your management um kind of have to do with you not bringing in the income anymore um but we have that pretty much for the E for the year um so this is kind of the big picture is our questions any one our questions before I kind of dig in a little bit more any no okay excellent so this first schedule is the salary schedule and um Lynn is still on there because of the six-month contract but none of her salaries are going to the um really to the ACC cushioned programs that's kind of the residual management fee so the main the main person here is Nancy and her position is split between the admin assistant and the resident service coordinator the resident service coordinator salaries is covered by the grant you receive from the state so you'll see we gave her quite a nice raise this year um but that doesn't I guess you could say hit the bottom line because it's it's covered by Revenue coming in from the state um so she is getting um you know about 8,000 more but that is being paid for by the state um and then a 4% raise for her other position and um Kelly melow I have her name yeah Kelly melow from uh Swansea also does some RSC work but since the grant is going a cush it her position is listed here and that's also lumped in with the grant so all so those two RC positions are covered income coming from the state just so the board knows we did apply um to share this grant with swazi and we did get the extra funding so it doesn't affect what we got we got additional funding to um give swazi some resident service to continue yep okay okay and the other main I guess you could say salaries um this is the labor rate is um the maintenance so this is um I so make this is Mike right yes M yes um so he has a a Department of Labor and Industry rate set by the state which last year was 33 this year is 35 and 32 um eohc is now allowing you to kind of tack on to that rate as opposed to giving him an hourly adjustment so if you added those together those are going to be his new hour Rel rate excuse me um a large portion is still being built to Swansea um and actually I should kind of go back a step where a lot of these how a lot of these expenses work it's we come up with a total and then a piece gets allocated to each program for the most part by unit so the 401 presidential terce has um a lot more units than Garfield so they're getting you know 69% of the expenses it's going to the 40001 and that's how a lot of the expenses are allocated um we have some other categories that are the same as last year there's an on call amount that might get for being on call each week $85 a week then there's a little bit for overtime and snow removal and then there's also a position for seasonal labor if he needs help at some point maybe for landscaping and snow removal again um that sort of thing um so not a huge change the increase is is mostly driven by um his needs at Swansea and I think he's also going to do some hours at Somerset as well and that's the main source of that of that increase the next two pages are the benefits and insurance which the Housing Authority doesn't have much um swag in if it kind of is what it is um the retirement bumped up a little bit from last year from 30 to 31 and then these are kind of all calculated based on the salaries and again allocated the same way of the largest pieces for 401 Garfield's getting a piece of that and then the management for um part of ly salary Mike salary and Nancy's salary and that's the totals down here that are going to each program very similar to this are your insurance policies um talking with the other people in my firm uh they're I just if you remember the property insurance increased um a huge amount last year um from um uh I think below 200s to 272 a unit so I've guessed that they're going to go up another $8 some other people might perm have have increased it a lot more so I may have underestimated what the property insurance is going to be it hasn't come out yet um they were late to release it last year but um that's kind of the only question mark the the safety insurance ual and workers comp is is pretty close too um but these are your your three insurance policies as the Housing Authority hi there's a lot going on in this schedule this is um kind of a catch all the whole admin section which has legal travel accounting um the audit which is the a um which is State requirement and then all of your office expenses everything to run the office membership dues um for instance for massero there's the telephone and internet you pay a um payroll service that's in here again I have highlighted this is the main jump from last year this is the new line and this is um what a cush it is paying Somerset to manage them and this calculation is driven by the um the Ed calculation put out by the state and it's it's the same as what you used to calculate Lyn salary and prior years um which is a separate schedule um but this is what it acquaints to for fisal um 95 sorry this year 25 [Music] any questions on this before I the next schedule here um maintenance supplies and maintenance contracts so as you can see kind of the main categories we have here these are um contracts that chrisna has in place for oh you don't have rubber room as La leave that line but um for the annual inspections of the fire or plumbing services to come out um if there's a plumbing emergency appliance repair um electrical repairs some housing authorities go into huge detail here these are kind of the main ones that kushit has and I think you were pretty close to the budget last year so we didn't change too much here from last year so this should look very similar to Prior years [Applause] so what makes the Housing Authority pretty much run is the subsidy from um the state um as you know the the tenants can only bring in a certain amount of income so the state supplements that by providing subsidy and this is how the state calculates what they agree to give you and it's basically the difference between what you bring in from tenants and what you're paying out in all your other off opting expensive they um increase what they call a spending cap each year so if the Housing Authority believes they're going to spend over this cap you kind of have to explain that but um aush it is within their spending cap which is this um $300,000 amount um so they're allowing you they they pay 100% of your utilities and then they'll pay um up to the spending cap that's not covered by by the tenants what the the state also includes here are some special initiatives um one year they did a tech Grant where they gave everyone $5,000 to get a printer or a scanner get their website up and running but they have these kind of what I would call special initiatives um this year they're requiring agencies to budget legal costs so um if I scrolled back up to this admin other um I have here this legal expenses of of 3,000 the state will cover that 3,000 up to 3,000 you might if you spend more you're on the hook for that over it um but they're covering those legal expenses for you and then the other obviously the bigger one here is the resident service coordinator so in addition to this spending cap you have they're also giving you the $70,000 for um your RSC coordinator and $5,000 of expenses which can be used for any kind of you know um Coffee hours for tenants um special parties I think chrishna did some gardening some gardening boxes right y we did um so that's covered by that Grant so if if um here's the total of what the state is is agreeing to to cover you it's never going to be this number because this is all based on estimated income and everything but um if you went all the way back up to the front there's that um 104,000 of income from the state so it's kind of a hard schedule to follow but hopefully I explain that enough um but are there any questions on that before I keep going all right and then the next few pages are a summary of the of the three programs so we just I just kind of went through all the fense categories and this is the snapshot of just the 4,01 program and again it's just to kind of show you a little bit in more detail I have last year's actuals last year's budget and then and then this year's budget and again the same shift um salaries decreased that's mainly because of L but you're adding other jumped up because of the management feate uh so I won't go too much over this but I just want to point out um you know this we're we're estimating um I don't want to call it a profit but it's um we're estimating we're going to add to our reserves by about 43,000 and that leaves you about at the 73% which is great it's a great place to be state does not want you to dip below 35 anything I would say you know over 50 is great so 70 73 is amazing really so um you ended the last year um 112,000 in operating reserves and we're going to add to that this year hopefully and end with about 155 [Applause] um this is the same but for Garfield and then we have the management of of [Applause] Swansea um I won't go too much over utilities again the state covers these in your subsidy calculation so even if we're Way Off the Mark here it wouldn't affect your your bottom line um but so I think what I what I normally do is I kind of just add on um like an inflation percentage 10% of the cost um so there are little increases from last year and it's just like I said a little increase in the cost um this page is tightly linked to contract cost and maintenance it's um you know if the authority thought um they needed a big project done this year like six trees they wanted to cut down or something like that that aren't really in a normal year you could add that here as kind of what we would call extraordinary just so you don't swing the contract cost category too much CU that's pretty much you know what's set in place um so these are I guess you could say kind of special initiatives um and this year we just have um a little bit budgeted for appliances and then some water heaters um so I'm not much going on here but some places do have um you know if you thought you going to have a lot of vacancies put some vacancy costs here so this year just a few a few things in this um replacement of equipment category as that census and then the last page here is how I calculate the income from tenants and what I used is the first quarter of this fiscal year so July August in September and multiply that by 12 and then the the gari build is a contract that you have set in place the the last year's monthly rate was this 2006 43 hopefully you'll get a little increase this year um so the total income projected is this time 12 and then you also get a little income from interest and then you charge tenants for laundry or late fees would go here so the this here is I went all the way back to the beginning um the other income for these projects so again this should look very similar to last year the big shift being the the management fee um and the other big takeaway here is kind of adding to the reserves at the end of the year so that's where we're projecting we're going to be as of June 30th 25 are there any questions I have one question on the occupancy rate U page 15 of 15 you got 99% is that realistic I mean when we turning all apartments 99% seems like a lot I don't get the question were you 100 uh where are you currently Lyn you know yeah we're 100% yeah no we have no vacancies but but throughout the year then people move out and we have that month out you know I know last year it was last year we had 13 turnovers the turnovers so I mean with the turnovers what was the do we have the number the percentage I mean no yeah it's probably it's definitely cal calculable calculable um but I don't have that but I mean we did usually when we have a big tal like that the next couple years it's going to be good Mone yeah and if we do if we do have somebody leave um it's usually um and um they want us to turn over the apartments in one month yeah but but again I me if if there's one a month I understand yeah there like 12 that's that's like if there's 80 units I 60 60 so one a month so I guess it doesn't affect it that much 12 but it's probably closer to 90% than 99 yeah I could do that yeah yeah every year is different like you say so so far this is I guess with that kind of uh reserves it's not going to hurt us anyways it just changes that number well that the the state will cover that so if you brought in less from tenants you'll get more in subsidy there's a direct correlation there so hopefully you're a 99% um but if not the state covers that similar to to um utilities if you spend twice as much as we have budgeted they'll they cover that so that's a good safety net with the presidential tariff proper question more questions I think that's it are we all set to vote or good Mo I will um I have to read I have to read this exact for roll I have to read the motion and then a roll call vote um so we're going to start with a 689 so the motion is moved to propose the operating budget for State aided housing of the Acushnet Housing Authority chapter 689 for fiscal year and in 630 2025 showing the total revenue of $333,200 and total expenses of $3 32,767 um there by requesting a subsidy of zero and further that the executive director's total annual Sal salary of zero for fiscal year ending 6:30 2025 be submitted to the Department of Housing and Community Development for its review and approval and we just need a motion all in favor pass all right so I just um if everybody can sign this before they leave um and then I'll just send it around Mr rine just has to sign it top so okay so uh as far as um the 4,01 so a motion moves that the proposed operating budget for State aided housing of the Acushnet Housing Authority chapter 667 for fiscal year ending 630 2025 showing a total revenue of 4 465,000 thereby requesting a subsidy of4 $1,543 and further that the executive director's total annual salary of zero for fiscal year ended in 6:30 2025 be submitted to the Department of Housing and Community Development for its review and approval motion second all in favor Mo classes [Applause] and you just need I just need you to sign this one by alone this is for the directed salary so you just sign sign and print yes sign and print I think that's it Kim okay excellent again sorry I'm not there but Reach Out questions no problem thank you very much okay thank you have a great day [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you so you have sign number one and Nancy we just have to make sure jome signs this cuz even though he wasn't here he has to sign [Applause] it yep uh oh the other one's coming around now [Music] I think it's off yeah we maybe print there that's I think just print right here that's it perfect sobody have the direct you sure so everything around here has actually been going really great like I was telling um someone i m before Tuesday October 29th um I'll get you the time the Secretary of Housing is coming around um I'm not sure he said he's going to invite some other people to come and walk the property so if any of the board members want to come why the secretaries of housing is here he'll he'll do a walk around then he'll come in and ask some questions and um you're all invited I will actually post it as a meeting um if anybody wants to come and once again that's Tuesday the 29th I think it's at 1:15 but I'll definitely verify in time once it gets closer um Nancy and I just started all the paperwork for recertifications uh the recertifications will start in January and all the rents will change in March um besides that it's been just normal office work as usual and um as far as the 689 um we've definitely been doing some maintenance over there Mike can explain that but um as far as uh office wise everything is going great at the 689 start new business yes must on right yep um so we just need a board vote in um there in your folda to um approve the substantial completion for the shut off project and also um the uh final completion for the shut off Val project um they came in in I think how many days four days in four days had this whole place done where that other guy uh that we had to get rid of um I mean they they they made it look really easy let's just say that um arer there yeah yeah yep local and so we just um if I can get a vote to approve the substantial completion for the shut off and then one for the final completion they can go ahead and um get the rest of their money CU they did finish everything that was asked of them you with the job Mark everything's yeah like I say very professional you the tenants were happy and actually a new new law rules with the state the engineer the architect and the guy from arat they had to come and inspect it we inspected every apartment like a week later so everything's all all set all the way down than I'll make a motion no do I got to do two different motions I think we can do it in the same motion to approve both both both the substantial completion and the final completion make a motion for both second all in favor pass you going have so all business nothing nothing oh have a a motion to accept the director's report Mo to accept the director's report second I M passes okay now me like we just talked about the water shut off project went well um been over G Street I finally got all the windows done there uh so that's complete I don't know if we have any money left with whatever we have left we'll put a couple more in uh the other day one of the um sprinkler system one of the elbows corroded on it so we had to cut the ceiling open and firepro came and replaced the little bow little elbow and stuff and that's about it I think I got a been almost all set there for their report and been just cleaning up around here and finally get time to catch up on stuff so pretty good and the windows are 100% done over there too yeah perfect motion to accept the uh name Mr fav pass no tenants here next meeting November 20th is that okay with everybody 11 y okay no other business I have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn oh fa [Music]