##VIDEO ID:nUladVJh-Ko## the New Jersey open public meeting law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced noce of and to attend the meeting of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the Cedar Grove board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be advertised by having the date time and place thereof posted on bulletin boards in the district published Andor transmitted to the Verona Cedar Grove times and star lger newspapers tap into online news filed with the Township Clerk and posted on the district's website could I have a roll call please David Grande here L marzulo here Paul pet here s Keegan here Dora here good evening everybody good evening um all right at this point I'd like to open the meeting to uh public for public comment agenda items only seeing that there is nobody signed up or here I move to close that portion of the meeting um good evening how are you hello good how are you we're going to start with you today perfect thank you good evening everyone my name is avidano and I am the President of Cedar Grove High School all school council this path this past month the members of all school council volunteered at the e8th grade open house by helping future students and parents navigate the school and learn information about our club currently we are collecting canned food items for our Thanksgiving food drive fundraiser to give to people in need as a club and school we think it is very important to give back to our community and we are very excited for collecting this food for the month of December we are planning on bringing multiple cghs clubs together to host a Christmas toy toy drive if you would like to donate any non- perishable foods we are accepting them until tomorrow in the Cedar Grove High School main office and toys for our Christmas toy drive will be accepted after break um unwrapped unused toys in the main office as well thank you so much thank you thank you appreciate it very much okay um not too much in the community reports thank you have a nice Thanksgiving thank you you too thank you um couple committes reports we had some FSA AP meetings so Mr P Mr pet do you want to speak on them we met earlier this month with the North End FSA and as usual was an outstanding turnout uh the main part of that agenda was our superintendent Dr toraman was with us and did make a presentation to the parents and it was uh very well received it was one that again presented our district goals also presented some of the uh plans that he had in mind for the district as we move forward and then he opened it up to for questions uh from the parents and again North End does an outstanding job with their FSA meetings as well as having 20 or so members of of their school in person they do have a significant number that zoom into the meeting as well um but we thank Dr tman for being with us that evening thank you right Peter did you want to add anything to the FSA not no pressure just because I know you can't say no you attended so no just echoing the comments uh earlier uh by board member pic the I thought the attendance was really amazing we got some great questions and I appreciate the invitation and look forward to being invited back to continue to update them on our progress okay thank you sure um we also had a Personnel meting right that it's all blending together uh thank you Mr door we we had a Personnel meeting um earlier in October and the um basic tenant of that agenda was to uh move forward with the hiring of a business administrator um with the help of Dr T once again the candidate was presented to the Personnel committee and um we were in a position to interview that candidate and as you can see the uh candidate is being presented by the superintendent for approval on this evening's agenda that's correct okay so as uh Mr palic said um in a little bit we'll be presenting a resolution for the new ba um I do want to take some time to thank uh Dana and your staff for all the work that you've done in the process process as we are moving on to the next but we um appreciate your time and effort and look forward to continue to work with you in this transition process so thank you for your services really do appreciate that um okay so there are no board presentations today um I have a very quick and short update I just want to wish everybody a very Happy Thanksgiving and I want to wish uh good luck on Friday to our boys football team as they uh take on the the big game at MetLife Stadium so I encourage uh people to go and support them so good luck to them Happy Thanksgiving to everybody else in case I forget to say that at the end um uh next we're going to move on to superintendent report okay all yours thank you madam president and good and good evening Cedar Grove School Community I'd like to begin this evening by wishing all our families and staff a very Happy Thanksgiving may your holidays be filled with much joy love and some relaxation with friends and family I have several updates and highlights I would like to share with the community this evening first a very big congratulations to our varsity football team the players coaches cheerleaders and all those in the community that supported our undefeated championship team coach gy and his staff have done an amazing job this season and we could not be more proud of them and our players throughout the season the team has played hard and proven to be very resilient in the face of adversity in route to this undefeated campaign which I'm excited to share will wrap up this Friday at metli Stadium a much deserved honor for our championship team I would also like to acknowledge principal English her full admin team and the many teachers who came out to support and participate in our eighth grade orientation last week at the high school we hosted a full crowd of eighth graders and their families as we kicked off the process of supporting our eighth graders over the next several months to ensure they experience a successful transition to ninth grade as part of the evening activities we had announced a new healthc care pathway that students may choose to enroll in and a new partnership with seatan Hall University with dual enrollment classes for students to earn college credits we also announced our commitment to providing every eighth grade student and family with a one-on-one in-person conference with the school counselor this February to discuss their class schedule for 9th grade I would also like to acknowledge and thank the Memorial Middle School administration and staff for including me in their annual potluck Feast last week it was a great event with some amazing dishes and wonderful company last week I also had the opportunity to observe all of our middle school students who were running for student council make their speeches in the Middle School gym in front of the full student body the speeches were well received by their classmates and every student running for our position demonstrated great courage and Poise in the delivery of their speech it was also very exciting to see so many of our fifth graders running for positions on the student council a great job by all of the Cates also of note several of our fifth grade students at the middle school were invited to compete in the Essex County problem solving competition last week at the competition students participated in round robin problem solving activities where students completed problems in math mythology Sports and More this year three of our middle school students placed on the top three teams tied at third place on two different teams Joseph Diago and Charlotte McHugh and Connor in Solera earned a spot on the second place team congratulations to all our students that participated in this exciting event I would also like to acknowledge all of our students and staff who were involved with the fall production of a wicked Christmas Carol over the weekend of November 15th a big shout out to our director Jackie libowitz and assistant producer Jesse lab artistic director Emily vogle and to the tech crew lead Tyler cotch and Jen Jensen and Andy fistner for all their efforts with set design and overall production the show was a great success with all the performers doing a great job memorizing all of their lines in closing this evening this past week we hosted family conferences across all of our schools I hope our families found these conferences helpful toward building and maintaining strong Partnerships with our families and our Educators please know we are committed to ensuring every Cedar Grove student achieves their full potential each and every school year and a successful partnership with our families is the most important part of achieving that goal again I would like to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving holiday and with that I conclude my report Madame President thank you thank you all right moving on under the business administrator's report can I have a motion for G1 through G10 please so move second any discussion roll call please David Grande yes lar zul yes Paul P yes Keegan yes D yes under a superintendent report can I have a motion for H1 through H5 so move second any discussion roll call please David Grande yes zul yes Paul pal yes Keegan yes yes under Human Resources a motion for i1 through I9 so second discussion roll call please David Grande yes Lumar zul yes Paul pet yes Dan Keegan yes d Dora yes this time I open the meeting to public comment on any school related items seeing that I have no when for this evening I move to close that portion and move on to the announcement of future meetings um our next meeting will be December 17th and it will be um held in the auditorium again so just please note that change uh next meeting December 17th uh 7:30 is a regular meeting time and it will be held here and we will be um recognizing all the student athletes right so we do expect a larger crowd so I'm looking forward to that yes um and then the following meeting after that will be Jan January 7th and that will be our reorganization meeting um that's all I got for this time so that one here we are determining that okay te right now it's set for the media Center but at sou at sou thank you CU I got cut off um but yes there where is a consideration to to move that but we will make that announcement all right a motion to all in favor to close the meeting hi all right meeting closed Happy Thanksgiving everybody Happy Thanksgiving Happy Thanksgiving enjy and thank you