##VIDEO ID:jHNPhDcNOq8## e e e e e e e uh good evening ladies and gentlemen we have our agent back in the room back at the back at the controls here so we're going to get started here it is now 7:02 p.m. and it's uh Tuesday October 22nd calling this meeting of the chelon Conservation Commission to order my name is Carl Bishoff I'm the chair of the Conservation Commission and we will be following the published and posted agenda the meeting is both in person and in Zoom through the zoom in the case of the zoom not working we will continue the meeting in person only this meeting is being broadcast and recorded by Chon tele media and a available will be available on their website and YouTube um making sure we have a quorum here we do have our Quorum here uh we are missing Mr spawn tonight I believe he told me he was not going to be here so um we have five on the commission tonight um this meeting will include both Regulatory and Land Management topics the Conservation Commission is chartered to protect our natural resources with most specifically the wetlands and to manage land held in conservation the regulatory ction of the meeting is to review the applications for permitting projects that may be in a protected resource area we will start our meeting with Open Session citizen concerns are there anybody in the in the uh audience that has a concern that is not on our agenda uh that they'd like to bring forward uh my name is IA Mooney it is on the agenda however it deals with the uh uh uh request for the CR Barry bog U uh evaluation can I ask my questions now or should I wait until she speaks is she going to join David do we have Jenna um we don't have her yet um I've sent I've sent her an email um with the the link um in case she doesn't have it already so uh hope hopefully she'll um get in shortly so Iva do you want to share your question now or do you want to wait for why don't why don't we wait until presentation yep okay okay thank you thanks IA okay we will move on we have a uh representative from the planning board hello alternate uh alternate alternate tonight yes associate please associate member um yeah replacing Crystal Valley who went to San Antonio Texas for some cooler weather apparently um but um yeah last last week we had uh one the most concerned I think uh Conservation Commission was for payot Drive which is up in that area uh that has had a lot of flooding and and um apparently they're trying to put some parking behind the apartments because people are parking in the culdesac and and uh that created a lot of concerns about water and storm water and that sort of thing so we continue the meeting and so we'll see what what comes of that and then this this uh tomorrow night we have two special permits for use and uh also a minor site plan and then we have a couple of we're actually going to be discussing zoning at the planning board for once uh just be reviewing our bayad overlay and then also Kate's Corner as far as zoning conflict kinds of stuff but I don't think anything necessarily is going to concern commission so great that's kind of what we have up up on schedule and also I have to say it's kind of sad that there was a missed opportunity for Mr Swinson there to have a photo up with the beaver cuz I thought when you had the beaver here cuz I thought that might have been a step to World Peace but so much all right that's it any questions any questions for Joel all right thanks thanks appreciate it thank you okay so we have Jenna now oh okay got reputation with Hello uh Jenna good evening guys how is everybody we're good why don't you tell us about your project and what your request is and and a little bit about yourself yeah thank you guys so much for having me thank you great um yes so my name is joh oops award um I graduated from films High School in 2021 and I'm currently a senior at Clark University um in Wester and I'm in I'm majoring in environmental science and policy and I'm in a class right now that is um I'm actually in two different classes but I'm kind of combining some research from both of them uh to do a final project this semester which is really exciting um in my ecological restoration class we were looking at at uh former cranberry boogs that have been restored and um we were looking at the plant Community composition so what plants are there how much um between two different uh former bug oh Jenna we are and we were also looking at uh Pacific Atlantic White Cedar and what's that oh I'm not hearing you yeah we're we're catching about every other word we have not the best connection maybe if you turn off your video okay turn off your video that might help I'll be right back oh okay is that better yeah let's go with that let's try that okay all right sorry about that thank you guys um how much did you hear would you like me to start over no we got most of it so you've got different species you're looking for yes so we're looking at what species are present and then also this specific tree um Atlantic White Cedar which is what the bogs uh were mostly full of before they were kind of uh converted into cranberry farms um and so part of the restoration is bringing those trees back and so we're looking at are those trees present um and and kind of how common are they so my interest with the chelsford and carile kber blog is to look at a bog that has not been restored and what plants are present there how much um are we seeing any of this Atlantic White Cedar um in this bog and how do how do they kind of compare and differ um I live right near the cranberry bog I grew up there and it it just has a very special place in my heart and so uh when we were doing this work for my class I was like I would really love to um bring in another another bog and and kind of get to explore it in a new way um so I will be taking my with you know with your guys' permission of course um I'll be taking my class to the bog um I think sometime next week and we'll be looking at the the plants that are there um and then making a report that I can share with you all when when that's all finished of of what do we find how how do these things compare and um yeah so it's a really exciting project and uh I I just love the bog so it's fun to get to to bring in kind of one of my favorite places in the area to my friends and Wester great uh let me see if there's questions from the commission here uh Chris do you have any questions oh that sounds great Jenna no not yet looking forward to your results Bill not right this second I'm good whatever Dave do you have a question so so Jenna are you going to be looking just at Wetland plants or Upland plants as well yeah that's a great question uh we'll be looking at plants that are specifically in the Bog area um so like the if if you're familiar with the cranberry BG you know there's kind of the walking paths there's a forest area and then there's the areas of land where cranberry was actively farmed and kind of where the plants the cranberry plants were um so we would be looking at those areas where it was formerly just cranberry plant forming um so not in the the forest uh as much this time maybe for future studies we'll see um uh but because that is kind of the main uh variable that's the same across and they were all former Cranberry Bogs and so looking at what was supposed to you know when the farm was around just cranberry plants what is there now you know there there's still cranberry I'm sure but um what kind of else what else has moved in so so Jenna my my understanding have you are you asking the Carlile commission as well have you talked to the carel yes I've actually uh received permission from the car commission last week I think okay um but CU B grew up in chord so I wanted to make sure I talked with you guys too no I I appreciate that but based on what you're telling me I'm pretty sure all of The Cranberries were grown in the Carlile side uh not on the chumford side but it's great to know you're doing that and we definitely would like to hear it you know hear the results any more absolutely thank you questions David no I don't have any so we we're giving you permission I think I'm I'm seeing nodding from the from the commission I I IA has a question yeah oh that's right we had a person online Iva ivva Mooney do you have a question okay thank you thank you I think she answered my question and so you're focusing uh but basically where the Cranberries are being grown you're not really focusing on uh on uh like like was indicated earlier the Uplands area is that correct yeah hello that's what I that's what we heard that's correct okay yeah should just be looking at the plants that have uh so she'd only be looking over the next month or so at the vegetation she wouldn't be looking at any wouldn't be a long-term study that would extend you know more than a month other words it's I'm trying to figure out what vegetation that would be out of SE vegetation that would already be not visible now so unless she you know was there for a longer period so I'm trying to get a handle on on what uh the time frame it's a week two weeks a mon hello Jenna yeah yeah that's a great question thank you so much um so this will only be going and sampling at one point of time so that is you know one limitation to this study um but it's what we did for the other Cranberry Bogs as well we're just looking at the um veget that's present at this kind of one period of time um but one of my professors is a a botanist um like her her specialty is is specifically plants um and so we she's been able to kind of tell us even if it's a plant that's kind of dead because it is the fall moving into winter um she's able to really uh identify and and tell us what it is which is super cool to see um so it is not a long-term study um I would love to be able to do that at some point um but because it's just a one semester class um and you know some of the limitations that that puts on us we will just be going and sampling this one time okay okay CU I was sort of hoping that perhaps you know one of the uh one of my favorite plants over the bug is the uh lady slippers especially the lady slippers that exist you know where the dam is you know near the point just below the dam and above the dam there's some lady slippers but you won't be documenting that so I just so that's what I wanted to find out okay thank you thank you IA probably not um but you're right lady slippers are okay Jenna thank you very much um we look forward to hearing uh your report um and good luck with your classmates uh out at the cranberry bog next week the weather looks pretty good I think thank you so much I really appreciate it all right thanks thank you Jenner bye okay next we are in the regulatory section we are at the notice of intent for the chumford water district with multiple addresses and parcels and we have Brian Sadowski from a Co representing the applicant and we have a notice Mr Gahan legal notice pursuing to the provisions of the Massachusetts Wetlands protection act Mass general laws chapter 131 section 40 and the CHC Wetlands bylaw chapter 187 the choun Conservation Commission will conduct a public hearing here in room 204 at the town offices on Tuesday October 22nd 2024 at 7: P.M to consider the notice of intent filed by the property owner of chood water district on behalf of the property owner of the town of Chon for proposed work within Riverfront area in bordering land subject to flooding 50 do drive 75 Granville Road 120 Richardson Road zero Granville Road 23 Granville Road 230 to 250 North Road further identify assesses partials 30- 98- 34 30-11 19-1 31 11-2 31 11 11-5 31 11 11-3 and 38-11 17-1 respectively the project entails installation of a transmission in water main between Smith Street wastewater treatment plant and the Crooked spring wastewater treatment plant Mr chairman thank you very much at this time I'm going to recuse myself thank you so good evening can you uh tell us your name and uh tell us about your project absolutely my name is Brian Sadowski I am a project engineer with aeom and we're here on on behalf of the Chums Waters District as stated um with me today I have Jillian Flanigan who is our environmental scientist and we have Steve D Franchesco our project manager um just to clarify and I'll turn over to Jillian in a second this is to convey water from the Smith Street Water Treatment Plant the drinking water plant over to the Crooked Springs Water Treatment Plant but um thank you for allowing us to speak today and I'm going to turn over I'm sorry I saw that I saw it said waste water yes the drinking water facilities just to clarify um oh my bad sorry not a problem nope not a problem bit of a difference yeah so I'm actually going to turn over to Julian and she's going to present our noce 7 intent thank you okay so just let me know when you want to go from slide to slide okay so next side I also have it with me so the proposed project is to convey water from the Smith Street Water Treatment Plant to the kired spring water treatment plant for pasos removal and this will be accomplished through the following upssize the water M on the north side of Smith Street so the water M on the South Side can be utilized for transmission purposes only and construct a new transmission man at the uh remainder of the route to the Crooked spring water treatment plant site so in that figure the lower green square is the Smith Street and the upper green square is crooked spring um the orange line will be the um water main and the red line is the transmission main next slide okay so project background posos has been detected in the district's distribution system but the source of contamination is undetermined currently on October 2nd 2020 Mass published its posos public drinking water standard of 20 nanog per liter for this sum of the concentrations of six specific posos in April 2024 the EPA finalized a national primary drinking water regulation um which established a maximum contaminant limit for posos under this new regulation public water utilities have until 2027 to sample the four contaminants and until 2029 to be in compliance uh past levels in the third quarter of 2021 exceeded the maximum contaminant Li limit at the Crooked Springs Water Treatment Plant and the district is currently in the process of planning posos removal systems at Crooked spring and riverneck but that is a different project next slide um the project will install 2.4 miles of transmission in water mains from Smith Street to Crooked Springs Water Treatment Plant um Smith Street will be a water main uh that will be approximately 1 mile mile and then it will be a transmission main going Westford for approximately 1.4 miles until it reaches the Crooked spring site on Smith Street um the existing 6-in water main will be taken offline and replaced in the same location with an 8in water M there are a few locations on Smith Street where the pipes are outside of the right of way and so in those cases they will be abandoned in place and replaced within the new right of way hydrants will be removed and replaced on Smith Street and the existing 12in water M on Smith Street will be used as a transmission M to Crooked Springs next slide uh the new 10-in water man will be installed at a with the existing 12in pipe on Parkers Road and then we'll head south the new 10-in water main will continue West on road and exit the road at the chumford Public School Administration building where the material will shift from ductile iron to high density polyethylene the 10in hdp transmission R will follow the outskirts of the school property including McCarthy middle school chumford high school and Parker middle school and it will be installed via horizontal directional drilling across uh to get across uh where granitville Road and Old Wester Road meet the transmission main will leave Parker middle school property and head up do drive to the Crooked Spring Water Treatment Plant where the water will be conveyed to the head of the posos treatment process there will be no service interruptions to Residents in the project area and the contractor will supply water to residents on Smith Street for the areas impacted by the project and there is no increase in impervious surfaces next slide uh so the resources impacted from this project are the 200t riverfront area bordering land subject to flooding and the 100ft buffer zone there are no bordering vegetated Wetlands within the limit of work however there are a few in the vicinity of the project and there are no natural heritage endangered species program priority or estimated habitats or certified veral pools or areas of critical environmental concern in the limits of work next slide okay so all impacts will be temporary um for the 100t inner Riverfront area 13,570 Square ft the 200t riverfront area 47,800 Square ft bordering then subject to flooding is 7,820 ft and the 100t buffer zone will be 77,6 120 square ft and the 200t Riverfront area does overlap these other jurisdictional areas in some spots next slide um an alternative analysis was developed in April 2023 and an investigated options for a centralized posos um system at Crooked Springs water treatment plant with three possible Roots um root option two which if you can see is the green line in that figure um was considered for um additional consideration um uh and this was based on the pipe length and anticipated construction challenges and the proposed route is um similar to this option to rout next slide um mitigation and minimization erosion control straw barell silt fences sediment traps Etc will be installed and removed once construction is completed all accumulated sediment and debris will be removed after each storm event and at regular intervals if the catch Basin is over 1ir full of sediment the unit will be emptied measures will be implemented to alleviate dust noise odor nuisance and Diesel emissions a traffic traffic management plan will be developed waste material debris and trash will be properly disposed of dumping of sporal material waste or other debris in West West wetland resource areas um will be prohibited excavated material we backfilled and covered at the end of each work day next slide so um this project um can be permitted as a limited project under 310 CMR 10.53 3D the construction of underground Public Utilities such as water lines um it will be uh the project will comply with the pro Visions um including issuing authority may require a reasonable alternative route with fewer adverse effects for a local distribution or connecting line not reviewed by the energy facility sitting Council so uh alternative Roots have been developed and analyzed uh best available measures shall be used to minimize adverse effects during construction so we just went over those um best available measures shall be used throughout the duration of construction to minimize adverse effects within the project area the surface vegetation and Contours of the area shall be sub substantially restored and All Surface vegetation and Contours will be restored to their existing conditions after construction all sewer lines shall be constructed to minimize inflow and leakage and this is not applicable as no sewer lines will be constructed during the project uh next slide uh the general performance standard for the 200t riverfront area aligned in 310 CMR 10.58 4 um uh will be complied with uh protection of other resource areas the work in the project era will meet all performance standards for bordering land subject to flooding and um in the buffer zone minimization and mitigation measures will be implemented protection of rare species there are no rare species habitat in the project area applicable and sustainable equivalent economic Alternatives um several Alternatives were developed uh next uh General performance standard for bordering land subject to flooding outlined in 310 CMR 10.57 4 um compensatory storage for lost flood storage volume no change in existing elevations is proposed for project no increase in fledge stage or velocity an in an increase in fledge stage or velocity is not anticipated since the project will re um be restored to preconstruction conditions uh protection of wildlife habitat functions um the overall project area doesn't provide high quality wildlife habitat since it has been largely altered um and is comprised of lawn and roadways however through mitigation um efforts the existing wildlife habitat functions will not be removed I think that's it that's it David uh y That's um the only question I have um it's it's actually maybe surprisingly I've seem to gotten the most number of questions I'm going to bring up the um the transmission uh route sure um was where uh the um the uh the line is going over the school property so uh I think which why am I why am I not finding it um so is this that's the start of when it goes over school okay so so um so just just remind me Jillian so so this so going over the school property is an entirely new main right yes corre okay and so so so is so is that the transmission main or yes that transmission okay that's what I thought so um so I guess then the the next one would be continuing over school property so um so there so there it's follow there it's following the road so so I guess in in this location over here that's going through that's going through um is that an athletic field I guess or a softball field softball field okay for for some reason that was you know I got several questions on that um okay that that that was really the only question I had um you know I I think just general comments are I mean this is you know aside from the fact that this is over a you know relatively large Geographic extent it's it's actually a very it's a very simple project um it's only it's you know actually not going through any actual Wetland resources yes going through Riverfront area but it's it's temp temp temporary disturbance really um meets meets all the performance standards I would I would just recommend keeping the hearing open one one time to um get dpw's uh comments and and in particular any request for any conditions they might have to be um included in the order of conditions because they there's not going to be any other Town boards which are going to be reviewing this oh okay okay all right we'll ask the commission if we have any questions Chris yeah just a general comment Jenner I mean I think this is going to be a great project it's um I mean one of our key interests on conservation is the protection and safety of our public water supply and this is going to really help us address this past problem so the water is going to be safer for every resident in town in the uh in the center water district so I mean generally this is going to be good uh also a couple questions when would you anticipate the project starting we were just talking about that brand T night so it's either going to start sorry can can you give us your name oh sure Steve D Francesco AECOM thank you uh project manager so that's still somewhat up in the air it it it may start say next July or we might wait till the following July there's there's some cash flow questions that we have to deal with because this is getting srf I don't want to go into too much detail it's getting s RF funds they'll only give you so much per year so um we may put it off a year when do you think um when do you think uh the pro how long would the project take and and once it started and when do you think we'd be U operational the project will probably take what what' we say Brian about four or five months for them to install six months to install it I mean this this type of work goes in really quick especially across the the school Fields because we're going to be using highdensity polyethylene pipe there with they just they fuse it together they'll probably be putting in like two to 300 feet a day going in the field so it's going to move along really quickly on the roads a lot of times it's a little slower because you got traffic control you got pavement to deal with that may be more like 100 to 200 feet per day so I think we figured it was going to be it it might take them one construction season which would be say July to October some something in that time frame all right good good Mr chair I'm I'm good for now thank you well I support the project too uh I think it's a uh it's needed um just had a question you brought up the schools do you have an easement across the school land how does that work with the school hopefully being voted on right now as we speak it was last night yeah oh was it last night approved okay okay I was just curious because most of it's in the road not and we have been working with the school department as far as the RO route we showed them an initial route they asked us to make a few adjustments to it we're on school property but as you can see we're trying to hug the side of the roads we're trying to stay off the pavement so we don't disturb that but not Al also not disturb their fields all right I'm I'm great fine thanks B no I I support what this said and Bill said I support it 100% as a water user in the Senate District I live in the other end of town though and I like what you're doing is keeping it off the roads you know uh no I'm I'm good with it I think we need it and I just hope you picked a good contractor to do this job unfortunately we don't get to pick them well they're going to bid it right and they get performance yes so look closely oh we do okay well I understand that anything else John nope thank you okay so so it sounds like um as a rate payer yeah yes that's right okay so it sounds like David in L of any kind of peer review we're looking for the DPW to to uh get their eyes on it yes and um so continue for one more meeting yeah I would say till till the 12th should should be fine my understanding is the water district has already informed them um of the project has sent them the notice of intent and plans um being the DPW the DPW but I I I just want to touch base with them or you as part of this public hearing process no I'm I'm with everyone else here I think this is good it's in the public interest um it's a good it's a good project and it looks like it's well put together so I'll take a motion to oh yeah yeah we could take some public input if there's anybody from the public that would like to comment on this project okay we'll uh take then I guess I'll I'll make a motion then we continue this hearing until our next meeting which is November 12th 2024 that'll allow um possible input from our DPW Department okay motion from Chris second second from Bill any any further discussion all in favor I motion passes thank you very much nice job Julian thank you thank you and Mr Mark is coming back in the house all right so next one in on the list here is the notice of intent for 10 HTH Street and if I'm not mistaken David we have uh been asked for a continuous to the November 12th correct we are still awaiting among I think the main thing is the natural heritage yes yes and I'm keep being told they're close they're very close but okay not quite yet kind of know how that goes um I move then to continue that hearing until November 12th motion from Chris do I have a second second second from Bill all in favor motions unanimous meeting is continued until November 2nd the hearing is continued and the last one here is the notice of intent for four palot Drive which also has been a request to continue to November 12th from the applicant and uh do we have a motion any any comment on that um I I gather that um the the engineer is meeting uh either they met today or will be meeting tomorrow uh with with DPW and maybe the fire chief not sure exactly what they're going to discuss but okay take a motion to continue to the 12th I move that we continue to November 12th for four pellet drive thank you for second Bill all in favor I I motion passes unanimous to pass to uh continue this hearing to November 12th okay we are through the regulatory section of our meeting we are now moving into the land management section of the meeting and first thing on our list is the Thanksgiving pollinator Garden project is there a speaker in the room Karen hello Karen come on up and introduce yourself and tell us about your project I am Karen Karen Walton I live at 33 jenet Road diagonally cross from Thanksgiving forest and um I've just been certified as a Master Gardener and during my course of study I took a lot of courses and um lectures and one was with Jan Janna who inspired me about bees being needed for humans um and there's two particular beads bees that um are native to Massachusetts and we're trying to get them back into chumford she has them at her garden I'd like to bring them over to Thanksgiving Garden so we um devised the plan with 13 species one for nectar and one for pollen to attract these bees right at the base oh there they are uh these come from Dr Jar's um plant list all of them and all of them are in uh Jan Ker's Garden at uh Sunny Meadow um it's 25 by 10 ft this there's a little Sunny area I'm H it's first time things will be planted right there um there is a strip of sun partial sun partial shade um from the picnic table to the parking lot so it would be a kidney shape because nothing in nature is straight uh it would be a kidney shaped garden with a hopefully a waddled fence but before the waddled fence a a deer fence a 4ot deer fence uh would be in a rectangle um so that's the plan and I think I'm asking for permission and okay um this is the first time I've ever done anything like this and I don't know what money is available or how to access or grants or Y uh go fundme so we can find some ways possibly to help you there there's you know there is some money in the Conservation Commission we can go offline with David and and uh I can talk with you and we can figure out what this might look like in terms of cost okay and look for sources of funding um I'm happy to spend some time with you on that oh that' be great um let me just ask the commission if there's any questions Chris do you have anything uh you want to no I mean I think we could partner for some seed money so to speak you know Gina CER is just offered all the plants from her garden okay through seeds and transplantation so the plants that were in The Proposal um nice she but she did have a we do have a question that if one of these uh Dr G Gear's plants doesn't survive there if we could put another one in its place I mean yeah okay oh yeah yeah okay they're all Native I know I know his list I've seen his list I know that spreadsheet I know John Carla I know you you're in the right right space with her wonderful mentor and guiding me through this process yep Mark do you have questions you're trying to migrate from one oh Garden to another yeah well just to write bring him back into into into the forest area I mean it's a forest area and then um you know there's so many Gardens there several Master Gardeners on the street that are planting so I mean the bees will be but we want these two Veris ver verus and and vagans to come um the problem is that that the water and I don't know how how there's some things that can be done there um so those are the I've been thinking about this that you can get these bricks these blocks of water and it might be something we can work with the DPW to get one but actually we probably need two cuz what you need is swap the cubes yeah cubes the water CU yeah be wonderful things yeah I mean this is a project this is some money but we can I think this could be a good pilot for making this happen in some other places and once you're established you don't need the water in theory right in a year or two and there's so many gardeners and so many on team pollinator Thanksgiving Forest that we will walk down there and and let me just ask any more questions mark no I think it's great we need bees for for our life right right yeah for our life yeah bill so you going to put a fence around it you said yeah the fence for the deer there's so many deer what kind of fence do you need to put up up 25 by 10 what kind of fence a deer resistant um it's like it was in the like at Sunny Meadows it's like gritted okay with posts and a gate yeah like a chain link fence it have to be smaller smaller in Grid oh okay okay um that would be the fence around it but uh we have an artist in a landscape artist that would like to waddle waddle it's it's weaving a fence from natural resources okay in the bean shape in in the kidney shape yeah sounds good to me I wish you good luck with that I support that okay John yeah I'm good with it good luck with the deer so I know so I just had a couple questions I know oh go ahead so um I I think you answered the first one already so in terms of maintenance is just some watering that you're going to have to do yes and weeding and okay and what what sort of plans do you have to do the follow-up monitoring to actually look for these bees and see if they have returned well that's where I have to uh be guided by Gina Cara I have the photographs of them but I haven't seen them I have not seen them in so she so I have to go to Sunny Meadow and sit there with her and she's committed to help okay and and we might we we might be able to get some some additional help as well um I I personally would like to see um you know uh all of all all of the um pollinators uh do do the survey of of all the pollinators that um use this um you know certainly Oxo has um some some good entomologists that would be would be capable of identifying you know probably all the species you might expect to see there so that's a possibility as well we can get we could get some additional help in terms of the identification and I'm I'm ready to connect with the Master Gardeners too you know to we could have possibly make it a project guard where Master Gardeners come once a month and and working that' be great and and it would be it would be good to see you know the written reports you know what what you do find you know after you know all the monitoring be good to see it's a first um you know it's a first attempt so um my vision my only comments are I know that one of our um our audience members is planning to I think planning at the next meeting to present in the same space a project to put a boat ramp for a canoe and and a and a um accessibility platform out in the in the brook and so we want to make sure that we can make these projects work together so we may want to we might talk about having you stake out where you're thinking this to fit and make sure that the access can can still work and that we can make two projects compatible so uh that'll be next at our next meeting but in the meantime it's it's it's Dave sitting over there at the at the end okay oh the boat oh the people would love so many people visit that that that that Forest it'll be a scouting project and it's so the Conservation Commission owns that particular space But as soon as you get right next to the water it becomes the ched land conservation trust property and so it's kind of a project for them but they have to Traverse our property so we're going to we're going to have that discussion and they'd be going right by your your project so we just want to make sure that you're not blocking what they're doing so but I'm pretty confident knowing that space that we can make it we can make it work yeah it's a big space I just know that you don't have a lot of sun in there well there's there is a is is a there is a sliver yeah and that's what Gina ker and I were talking well if these don't what will work yeah what will work and that's the game is you figure out what works and go with that right and there's also these I don't know if you know there's Norway Norway Maples there that are not conducive to plant on our property we can maybe do something about that feel free to get rid of those actually it's called no way no way tree not we we are actively working to get rid of the well that might be a different story John so Karen you have the permission and actually I'll I'll be in touch we can talk some more um y um we're pleased that you're you're doing this and uh I think it'll be great this is what we do in retirement right there you go well of other reservations where this could be done as well so just the first one it's a person on Zoom right that's talking all right any any other questions anybody else uh actually we do have a yeah uh there's going to be more hi Dave SP 12 Long View Drive uh to the Conservation Commission uh what happens if and when this fails because there are two failed pollinator plots at Russell Mill that it just piles of weeds at this point that you can't even mow down or do anything with okay uh good good question cuz things do happen yeah the re it's 25 by 10 which is tremendously manageable um there's there's several Master Gardeners right in the area retired um I'm the are a Master Gardener it it it's it's not that it's not as massive is sunny meal but I think your your Point's a good one that if if in 5 years it's like well that was a good idea it didn't work what is it look like we're hoping yeah we hope it we hope it takes off but we should it stays yeah but we should think about like let's a good question the not so happy sides of things right uh the other thing as I was playing around there taking measurements uh yesterday the soil seems to be pretty bad have you done any I have get it tested tested and I would really um if I could amend it now oh not plant but amend it with that carile compost oh okay I was going to ask them for okay 50 bags there we go compost but Ju Just to start it there and and shape it and that would be and stake it okay thank you very much all right appreciate it failure is not an option oh right yeah in spite of M Mr doomsayer over there think positive think positive okay next up uh thank you very much Karen next up is the uh right reservation and Mr mayot is coming uh uh up to talk about the lightweight walkway project and um the status of that and next steps so all I have to say fits on this little piece of paper so it's going to be short and sweet um so we installed 63 ft of walkway in addition to the 96 ft of walkway that was there already can you make that the picture on the um on the left side there David bigger maybe sure but we'll lose some on the right side that's okay the reason I I I mentioned this was is that so Carl made this I put I put together the pictures I wanted to show and Carl stuck him into this format and um go down a little bit yeah yeah so there it is it's mud and there's actually another one that's even better you go back to the normal size I think it's the next page yeah yeah go to the next yeah here we go oops too far go back one right there yeah that's that's the one on the right right so what's what you see there on the left side is what we now call the heavyweight walkway because the one we build is much lighter um and on the right side you can see when you come off that walkway what you went into previously and from most people that was pretty offputting it was really sticky black mud um and so we've obviously extended that so let's go to the next photos this is a really interesting project because um as as you know from a couple of meetings ago uh we're using this new technique where we use highdensity po polyethylene pipe um and we slot it and you can see the pile of slotted pipes here on the right and then The Jig that's used to do that work makes a lot of mess makes really no noise too but over warm pole is perfect for that let's go the next one um so when you're building something really long you get a lot of pieces and that pile there on the left side is about half of the walkway decking so we had two of those piles um on the right side there you can see the the pieces of the walkway coming together uh in the shop and again the idea behind this whole deal was to assemble almost everything at warn Poole uh and because again the lightweight concept these things can be picked up and easily carried by two people although if you're carrying at longer distance three or four is better um so we built them all ahead in decent conditions where your feet don't get muddy or wet and there's no bugs and it was undercover and and that all really worked out well go to the next page please so on the left side there uh you can see some of the pieces going together and so um well there's Carl what's he doing oh I don't know and then Bill he should be waiting in the truck I don't know they're supervising no that's what it is that actually actually everybody was great on this job because a lot of it involved carrying things and there was quite a lot of that the other thing too is you can see uh so each section uh most of the sections were 8 ft long and you can see a number of them being joined together here uh and so a foot off of each end was left um as open so you could carry the things and then we would put in the missing boards in sight uh over on the right side is a photo I really like um it was um so that fellow on the left there is is Scott venir and he was involved with the heavyweight walkway in 2007 uh and so uh I gave him a chance to put in a screw though actually was one of the last screws uh of the lightweight walkway um and course there I am on the right and uh so yeah 163 ft and we did all that for $2,199 so so um Steve in what sense is this is this lightweight just is is it the wood that's lighter or yes well really the the thing that really makes it lightweight are the are the polyethylene pipes okay so we're keeping this whole walkway up off the ground by quite a lot those pipes I I won't say they weigh almost nothing but they're really light uh and they're I me obviously they're meant to be buried so they're very rigid uh and very strong and so uh somebody can carry a pair of those really easily just put one on each arm and then you go whereas if we had done this the heavyweight way it would have been 6X sixes or something like that and nobody's going to put a 6x6 on each arm that's just like not going to happen the other thing that makes it lightweight is um the heavyweight walkway which is in some of the previous pictures they used stringers of 4X sixes which is nice but again heavy so we use 2x4s um and then instead of using 2x10 decking which is what the heavyweight walkway use we use 5/4 X six so it's a little bit thinner in that Dimension it's a little and it's surprisingly uh you know anybody that's walked on it looked at go there should be bounce here but there isn't it's it's uh we've had a really nice reaction uh to the folks uh there was a post on chelsford news a number of people oh yeah we went on it and it was beautiful so um for the next page I think it'll show the kind of the finished yeah yeah so on the left there is looking from the heavyweight walkway out towards the uh the new and then on the right side is uh looking at the sort of the far end of it so you know there 163 ft between the the two pictures there so the the whole thing together you know between the lightweight and heavyweight is 256 ft which is pretty long almost you know the better part of a football field um we have a couple more projects to do that aren't going to be terribly expensive but now that we've got this technology of building something that you can build off site and just carry it in essentially drop it in place there is another little Gully that's about 12T that's going to be one section we've got a bridge that we had listed as poor and then Carl stepped on one of the boards and it nearly FP up and hit him on the side of the head well now that's dangerous so that one's going to be replaced too so that's an again about a 12T section and so again very manageable using this technology so it's not terribly expensive and you know it's the kind of thing that you can actually just carry in and do you know versus one of the bridges we're talking about replacing was built with utility poles originally um and so obviously you know those are in this kind of diameter and not lightweight at all right so anyway that's um that's all the notes that I wanted to talk about so yeah just one last thing in that um the right reservation currently has four Bridges um and seven walkways of various lengths some of them are in quite poor condition but they're not dangerous and so for the moment we're going to leave we can't fix everything in one day um So the plan is to we did the the worst thing which was this lightweight that was the longest that was the mud thing that was really stopping people from using the site um the next one is a bridge that's really dangerous we need to fix that before someone gets hurt um and then there's another little muddy section that we can quickly get in one whack and so we're going to do that one and at that point we'll have a site that you can walk around and maybe even white tennis shoes if you dare and and uh and you'll be all right good work thank you any uh any comments questions awesome great hey Steve how many feet was the new one uh 163 and it took how many hours to once they were brought over there 6 hours to oh to install um there a couple couple mornings yeah we did that in uh so it turns out with old guys of which I am one you can do about six in the more six sections and be all right and beyond that it's like forget it and so there we did 20 sections there was one day where it was it was raining so we only did two and so we did three work parties of of six sections and one of two so it was four work parties at the site in the garage you know we had it was all broken down by individual tasks like cut all the boards to length paint all the ingrain mark the boards for where the screws are going to go uh cut all the 2x4s to length slot the pipes and just basically get all the bits and pieces ready to go and then come in and assemble and what was nice about this is we didn't need a work party of you know 10 people for the jobs in the garage especially it's like okay I need one person to help for an hour one two people for an hour whatever and just so a number of people were able to get involved with very low effit on their part which makes volunteers easier getting volunteers easier um and so that um you know nobody nobody get hurt you know that's that's the key thing nobody get too exhausted and yeah beautiful design thank you you got that from Bedford right somebody Dave got it from Bedford yeah right saw right there yeah it's beautiful it's uh and with those plastic pipes you can put them in the water the water can go underneath and pass right through earlier in the early presentation that's that's what they're using for the water right I mean so we have transits for water every six feet or so um and that on the right side but left right side picture I think that's about 60 ft long right there so that that's a lot of opportunity cuz the other thing is that the deck way is well off the so there is actually no wood touching right the the dirt which is going to help a life of that a lot right it's perfect I want to add um independent of this Jim Martin from the tree committee and Scott's wife Amy um are working on if you remember there was the the um there was a young lady in town in like 2012 did a a a paper a presentation for the site for the tree identification cuz the right reservation the trees there are really it's a good mix of trees but it's been it's old it was getting worn out and we we connected with the young lady who did it who's now like 30 years old but and she was amazed that we found her but we have the document and Jim is working with Amy to update that to a new version and using the I think they're going to use what three words and identify where certain trees are so so in combination with this hoping that we kind of can roll out like a new right reservation with um a tree scavenger hunt um kind of a thing and the the walkways and fix up the other ones so in the next couple of months um it'll be kind of uh hey you know this this site that's got a lot you know a lot less use in the last few years because of that mud and a few other things I think it'll start to be a much more interesting site and we have a trust fund with that site and we're using the money to make that to make it happen which is what the 50 50 years ago Mr Wright's descendants that's what they were trying to do and so we're trying to trying to honor what they were what they were doing so this is this is a great example along with what Jim Martin is doing we need to thank the DPW because they donated those pipes right yeah when you say $2,000 plus the DPW uh pipes yeah the the the stuff that's on top of the pipes is relatively inexpensive the pipes are actually quite expensive now I I'm sure they're getting a deal but yeah we got them from the from the DPW so a big shout out to them all right that's it St very good thanks David thanks for sharing that all right so the coolest uh is next on the agenda so we had a site walk last week um we're going to talk about the site Walk we're going to talk about um some update on the status on the CR and and some other stuff so I'm just curious your comments on our site walk last week uh fellow Commissioners if you have uh thoughts um you weren't there you were there today I was there today I did my sidewalk today wrong Tuesday but you've been there other days so great sidewalk but I saw the mocks on the rocks and stuff and I got some ideas on that I like that red maple that thing was awesome out there I think a lot of work's been done out there coming right along there's a lot of vas has been taken out of there uh which is not easy work and I I appreciate all the work that uh John Ray is done and the other volunteers have done out there it looks great uh it was a good sidewalk good okay any comments Mark anything no no I I I thought a tremendous amount of Works been done out there we we might be able to get this under one umbrella and find out to head in One Direction with one leadership I think that's important to get that out there but I uh okay so John if you want to come up let's talk a little bit I know that um I've heard you uh it's been mentioned you said after the last meeting that you weren't able to get the shed request for a shed in so let's thank you John Ray 223 Pine Hill Road uh four doors up from um from the coolest uh Farm I've been there with John since January and um uh that we had summer and and and everybody left and there was three of us me myself and I and and uh sometimes I argue with myself but most of the time I won um uh so so actually the timing of this is is impeccable I freaking love that bridge concept oh isn't that good yeah yeah I think that we have a we have a temporary Bridge um uh that we thought was wide enough U we had to put it in because there was water there and we'd like to move that down at some point in time that would be a perfect that's down in the back in the back in the back over by the pine trees yeah yeah yeah I'm I'm a um sort of like a selfstarter okay and and I'm anxious to get stuff done uh and and uh so I've made some requests Carl to this organization uh I'd like to get in with the Baseline survey people to ensure everything they want need um that we get them that I'm on the site 3 to 5 days a week much just a suin of my wife um but I'm there and I'm I'm talking with everybody and and being uh hopefully uh uh Pleasant to them well I am Pleasant to them but I'm not interrupting what they want to do um but but then you get good ideas from the people that are there as to what you want what they want not what I want what they want and and uh so so that's the way I operate and I would be a good go between this between this committee and the population so what I'd like to um have is the freedom to know that I could if I need the DPW services that I can ask for it and asking for it is all dependent on their Ser their time frame I totally get it um and my objective uh is to not do that and do it by myself with our with our volunteers okay we've been lucky we've had a fair number of volunteers making that uh big red available you see the picture on the right it was totally y uh covered up now that's the back side of the red tree as opposed to uh the left hand side is uh on the the front side coming from the street um but that was all morning probably eight people cutting and and last week I had the master master Vine here so I I really would like to get I'm not sure why um DPW was told not to assist us and and I'd like to get away from doing that well what specifically are you talking about what in what area cuz if you need the brush hogging I think it's the back right on the right hand side the right hand field um we had cleared in April or May of last year and then we went back in and tried to do it again and the person doing it hit metal so he stopped so um I would like to get in there and get get the metal that's still there out can't be much but you've seen how much we've we've accumulated yeah and and the the the mental in there is it's a hazard okay and and the stones are hazards the stones a trip Hazard but more of a hazard to any equipment you bring in there now the you've asked me not to remove any stone um and that's because we have to do a baseline I would like to work with the Baseline group so that in advance of them being there I'll make sure that whatever they need is available to them sitewise David maybe you can explain how an Works uh because she I I know she doesn't want help she right the way she operates yeah the the person that's being hired you know go CH choose chooses a day to go out um to um you know uh look look look at the property try as best she can to find the boundaries and that's that's something that she prefers to do alone that's thing and I I've I've offered to a compan you know uh a number of times she says no no no I don't I don't need need that you know it's if if if she's out there and you happen to be there well yeah and um you know I I don't think it would be a problem if you it spoke to her I think that's happened before but I mean term in terms of you know coordinative coordinating a visit with other people that's not something that she does I'm I'm I'm not I'm not asking for that I'm asking simply to to let me understand what she's doing where she's doing it I'll make sure that to the best of my ability that there's nothing going on where she wants to be okay and you know it's working with people and and and not getting in front of them and in their way to get it's a big job what they're expecting to do what what who's exp the Baseline survey I suspect she she does this all the time though she yeah I understand it and she's much smarter about it than I am I just I I can offer yeah I don't so John I don't just to be frank I don't think she needs any help she's going to get out there she's going to go do her things she's going to find the corners she's going to find all the markers she's going to do her thing she's going to create a report um I say just hands off let her be if you see and she'll have like a she'll have like an orange vest or a green vest or something like that on you'll know right away and she'll be and she'll be like trying to avoid you cuz she did that to me when I was out at Warren po one time here's here's here's my deal working with people you can offer I'm not insisting on anything I'm just trying to yep if if in and there will be questions of users of the property my my my way of dealing with people is just that what can I do for for you if it means getting out of the way I'll get out of your way okay all right um let's get back to to DPW though um there is an occasion uh well DPW a good example we don't want to be having the DPW in there doing work when she's there okay should' be able to work around them I'm quite sure okay all right and and and yeah I don't know does DPW work on Saturdays I mean she I mean she you know generally not generally not I mean she I think more often than not she goes out on weekends I can't guarantee that'll be the case this this time but think that's often the case so okay don't think that should be an issue really so DPW access is not a problem then well we need to know specifically what for uh at some point in time I need to REM remove some Stones can't be having Stones removed we've said we've had that discussion right you you can't beat having Stones removed but you've told me not to remove any Stones until after the u i I think Carl I I'm not trying to put words in your mouth but that's what I heard don't remove any Stones until after the Baseline study is done it doesn't mean that we'll be allowed afterwards either we we have to wait and see cuz we don't we don't know exactly what we want to do with that field if if you leave it to if you if it needs to be cut so if if we're talking about that back right field and you're talking about having it cut now by no not just the left field is I you see all the stones that are there too well again the same you can't see the ones on the right hand side most of them because there it's too high but it depends on what we end up doing with the site and that we haven't even had any discussion about what what that will be other than we we've got the input from the committee but that's that's not the that's not necessarily the answer so the vision statement that I've drafted really brief has been really from residents that have come and that's that's what they're looking for and and that's what I've been marching to if I need to march to a different tune so again we've said this the select Woods asked us to take charge of that site to be responsible for that site s for everything that's happening on that site with the CR with the bdr and with whatever's happening on the site you're you're telling me something I don't even I'm not familiar with John that we've had that conversation a number of times Paul and the selectwood have asked the Conservation Commission to manage the site yes that's all I've heard what what am I missing you're going into more detail than I am aware of of it's a problem with with the I I'm I'm not aware of the conversations going on about this land in in the between you and Paul and the select board I'm it was a public meeting it was the select board meeting I four months ago mons thank you Carl but I don't I don't have the time and and Str to go listen to all the videos and so I have not done that I depend very much on conversations with us okay and I'm I'm I'm I I don't want to be a roadblock okay I just want to be able to convey what's going on in and and expectations of of uh neighbors abutters users and I appreciate that cuz you you're there and you you get a lot of input from a lot of people you were part of the committee that was the task force and and is that being recognized 100% right yeah of what they're looking for yes yes all right but we're taking that in as a committee we have to figure out how we want to move forward with that information and we haven't had any real discussions about it other than last week was the first time we were at the site y that we uh we were able to kind of get our eyes on the site and start you know getting some ideas of what makes sense you know with Warren pole this was a a many-year project it was multi-year uh and it's still going on to get it yeah it's still going on I mean it's it was open to the public this one got open to the public much faster and that's great but you know the Warren pole it was a two years to get a driveway done which was frustrating sure quite a bit at that time but you know we're now two years past that so it's it's really no different it's the same it's the same approach and so you know we you know Paul has asked a number of times to make sure that the um on behalf of the select board that the commission takes responsibility it's open space and that's our right that's our Charter so I'm I'm guess I'm I'm confused that you are feeling like you didn't understand that or you didn't hear that before well I certainly wasn't part of that discussion like I said I mean this was a this was a uh in fact it was when Mike risbeck presented the committee's uh uh recommendations and I with you yep yeah yeah at the select board no no this was the presentation at the select board and at that meeting it was um uh it was accepted uh the presentation was accepted and then uh the the selectwood and the town manager asked the commission to take on the responsibility going forward that was and that was in I don't know may may I was away on vacation May June something like that was it was late spring you guys had already done a huge amount of stuff it was amazing well uh we did DPW did what you see is mostly hats off the DP you did a lot of Trail work and yeah yeah I mean the trails the trails look really good and they've been concentrating on yep um invasive mitigation is huge task as everybody knows yep the best way we're told from experts is to use herbicides unfortunately I agree you would not get me to touch a her a Roundup and you're not allowed on a public property you can only use it on I don't use it on my private property I I don't get near it y but I've gotten rid of vines like everybody else that youve got we're struggling with that right now in the town hand pulling is not feasible for the volume as you know yep in in Warren pole so I know it's third down the stream and I'm looking for a better solution but yeah now we so interestingly uh or a good thing last night at the town meeting there was a $75,000 I think it was appropriation by DPW for DPW for invasives management and it's really on Town property and we're talking about possibly doing Warren pole Andor kolis as um maybe some pilot projects with with some Consulting expertise and um and I think what what I don't think Christine made really clear which I think is important is these pilot projects should be done in a way that can train people in town so that they can take their knowledge and and use that in their neighborhoods or you know and in their own homes and in a because I think somebody made the point and spot on is it doesn't help if you solve your problem in your little corner and your neighbors are blowing seeds in on your own on your property you're you're losing the battle you got to make it a more holistic or it's growing there and the birds are moving it around yeah yeah 100% And nav is hiring uh people to come in and do tree work and they they chop it up and then they send it to wherever and so I'd like to move us forward here I know that there were when we talked after the last meeting you you were um you said that you meant to ask for the shed so I want to make sure that we talk about having a shed put on site secure sh shed because believe it or not some kids just stole it and it was the crime of the century it's ridiculous I want to kind of move us forward so are we if we put a shed on the site there's a couple of um there's a cement platform backs side of the the stone wall in the parking lot that so if we vote to a shed there um it it would be essentially dropped in place if we have a get rid of it portable it could be moved out y so are we okay with with with putting a shed in there yeah and that we approve a temporary shed absolutely okay motion from Chris second from Bill all in favor okay so I don't know where we'll get a shed but we you know if you need I got a shed if you got a shed if you if you uh if you see one on the side of the road is probably better than one I'm the one I'm getting because this person just wants to got a suck out to get get rid of it so a red shoe under sticking out from under it so that's number one the other thing was you're talking about brush hogging the back uh that back right corner um is that something you still want to do absolutely now now what what and then we should talk about what we want to do with that y because let take that step let's take that step let's it'd be really interesting to get that cut and see what's there but I think the immediate reason John is there's some junk Some More Junk you want to get rid of right I'm constantly coming across actually Brian lery who's the guy that takes the pictures of where a trail cam comes across it because he goes into parts that I've never been in or generally won't go in because there ticks over so yeah you know so yeah there's there's plenty yes I would I would like to cut that back and then we'll talk about what to do with it so move then that we approve brush hogging that back right corner of the cool proc is this up by the tree or is this can can we can we just back up a little bit and just brush hog the the whole right hand side half of that's already been done yeah yeah that's fine up by the tree and over in the back there's a small little section but but the uh you would just do there John so there there's some brush that I I can't get in with a lawn mow to toh cut it back yeah the key the key thing is the time of year is the there's no nesting going on now so to me right now it's that the right time to brush totally the right time to do it it so wherever it makes sense yeah motion from Chris true do the brush the right side and DPW will be doing much better job than you anybody could do a better job than me all right motion from Chris up second from a little discussion here yeah y in the meetings carolly and pulie had offered to do some brush hogging for in turn being able to Hay the field who did the initial brush org John uh on on uh the right side on the right side um Ken du all right let me talk to Henry and see i' I've talked with them they're down to two tractors yeah I know he's got one tractor down I know that and there 2240s needs a PTO clutch so so so I can't even say depending on who's doing it I'd like to do the vote that we allow it yeah we got to yeah but she had offer to do it in the meetings for the task force okay in return for hanging and stuff well that's that's a different discussion so but it was in the task force and it was on public record that you know uh but I know he's down a couple tractors right now okay all right on on an immediate basis i' if DPW and they they're probably the most overworked group in the in the the uh the the city the town um and I would just bow to anything that they could do for us okay you know it's we're talking about probably a half a day so are they going to be asked to do it they might they might be but but I need to have Carl say that to to Christine so okay so again I want to I want to finish the the motion from Chris second from bill so we're allowing brush hog hogging to be done on the site Y and then we can figure out who does it we can talk about that um independent can I ask you one I'll send a note to can I ask you one more question vote on it oh and and vote on it did I thought we did all I sorry thank you procedural um the um the buffer zone sticks the stakes that are left up Vernal yeah yeah yeah um do you really need them up yes why well actually I think we need to put a fence up there a real fence but that's part of what we need to talk about CU we need to make sure it's not getting cut I think it's they're ugly as hell if you want to know the truth and and I would rather have I I we had this discussion I would rather put Native Garden down there then you've got a soft area but I mean even before we do a Native Garden you you still have to kill the invasives that are there and and there are invasives there and then you have to would have to K the whole thing it's nothing I came up with just just not an expert in what you do inside of a Vernal pool area generally you leave it alone um you don't but we had a we had a conversation I'm not trying to stick you to it we no we can encourage native plants for sure and and discourage uh invasives but um you know that's not something we have to answer this year I mean that's no no I told you I wouldn't I I've never touched one of those things other than to pick it up after it fell you remember when we put them in that ground is hard that's like crazy hard thank you any anything else uh um two two other things just um notes that um you asked me if we can get the rules sign I got one to Joe Ericson so the concom rules for you know when it's open and all that so that should be installed one of these days then we can just point to yep and you can just say hey this you're not supposed to be here it's after dark or whatever the common rules you know yeah that that's a that's a great you see that um in the next few days that would be great Joe Joon has it and um and I I have that veral pool sign that I want to put up there somewhere we'll will get it do you think we need a directional around that uh that Island around in and out the island oh yeah that's actually not a bad idea yeah cuz in fact when we were walking out that left side you're you're right on top of that traffic coming around the corner and it's it's limited visibility I've tried to go down there and and clip the certainly the winter it'll be better but but um certainly by you know late spring summer we should do something and that could be later on but be considered okay thanks thanks John again thanks for all your help there right really appreciate it um okay uh a couple more things one is the CR for Warren pole David and I are meeting with the Town Council and Paul Cohen this week um it's um we're just the the New Town Council has some comments on the on the CR we're looking at understanding what his comments are and figuring out if we actually do want to make any changes or not so we we have that conversation Thursday um anything else on Warren pole David uh no not and the Crooked spring situation crooked spring it turns out apparently there was some parking lot vandalism a few weeks back I'm not sure I um I don't think David you heard about it until I mentioned it to you correct so um there was some vandalism in the parking lot area and on the bench and I know some volunteers cleaned it up um and I know that CPD is the police department's aware of it and they're watching the area um which tends to come and go in that in that lot unfortunately we have trouble here and there so I just wanted to make sure that gets mentioned and then finally we have um the Freeman Lake Willis drive so this is a situation where we have um we've been hearing about a uh the picture here shows a boat and a dock um on the lake and the question is if you see the star on the map our property is that bottom blue um area which is come narrowing down to almost zero and then there's a neighbors's property that's up above it in the orange and that also Narrows down to nearo zero and this dock seems to be right roughly roughly right where that is and I don't know if it's 3 ft up or 3T down or right in the middle and so um we recognize that it may be on conservation property but we have not been able to get a survey done and establish once and for all if that is our property or a neighbor's property or or what and so I just wanted to bring up and I think is is there um also call yep uh there's another issue to the right of that dock this car uh they Park cars right B on our it's definitely on our land at that point there's cars regularly parked parallel right to the lake right there so that's another issue so I I put this on the agenda because this has been brought up we're aware of it we're trying trying to get um the surveyor lined up um the surveyor is backed up with stuff and we're trying to cue this in we're actually we talked about having the surveyor doing warrant pole in kouis but I'd like to get this done because this is um if this is a encroachment we need to deal with it um if it's not an encroachment if it's not our property um but I've been there I've seen it and I don't know um it's just you know you you just can't tell you know based on looking at the gis it's very very close to our property line so um I wanted to bring that up and make sure that we keep that on our radar so I think we have someone here who wants to are you Darlene yeah I had a question previously though the okay Pine Street come on up and uh to the microphone just give us just give us your name and uh I'm darling frell I just wondered what the Pine Street project was there was no introduction and I don't know anything about it coolest the coolest yeah so that's the coolest property that the town acquired uh just a year ago uh early November 2023 and it was a the family uh offered the property to the town and it was on the order of 40 something acres of land three four parcels and it ended up being four parcels and it's been acquired for the purposes of open space so it's it's good it's a good it's a good piece of land and uh it's it's getting some good so um so you're daring so I know yeah so I know you've had concerns with this space I've spent probably seven years trying to figure out what conservation means because I'm listening to all the other property you talk about this pizza property doesn't get that respect at all it started with the bottom of 6th Avenue where a gentleman the same gentleman that owns this boat had a dock out in the water and he'd just bring it and dumping on the conservation year after year people's boats it just looks like hell and then now he has his a dock right in front of conservation sign and now he has a boat is he even if it's not conservation is it his property can you just well that's my point is when I look at the gis we have to get a surveyor cuz the the parcel you're getting into too small of an area for the gis the online I understand but if it's not on conservation is it on his property or is it just on to is is he the owner of the house on the end up on the top of the point the top because that I believe that that property in the Orange is owned by those buildings just above that if I'm not mistaken but I'm not sure that darene do you know whose boat it is it belongs to the gentleman that lives across the street the one that dragged the dock to the land he just does what he wants on I don't understand it okay Mr Co knows about the doc I've written written and written and I've written the last time I wrote I didn't have the courtesy of a reply back to me I don't understand that well um we're trying to address it now um but so is this is this dock new is this just been put there I would say the dock is maybe a year or two old I'm not quite sure I mean really the boat being there is new I don't know if it's gas powered either that's another question well I mean if if the dock is been there that short a time probably should have had some kind of a filing some kind of approval so maybe May it's been at least seven years if not more I I wanted to check the email today but I was busy at work but it's been years and years why is it not respected yeah so we have to we are working to get an uh a surveyor who can get us clear delineation of exactly where the boundaries are and who property is where where the where it starts and where it ends and we have to start there so appreciate your concern yeah how far down does this go past six sa do you know that oh I don't know there and and in fact there's a few Parcels if I'm remember um well there are four Parcels on the list to um get surveyed so I can I can bring up the uh by the way I used to live in Michigan Northern Michigan you could never do anything like this to Waterfront that's probably why it means so much to me I think I think this is it right this paral that's the parcel we're talking about right yeah yep yeah it's really narrow and um but there that's one of a number that are conservation owned so are you doing all of that with like that's the plan I I don't know because on the other end from the dock there's three or four or five cars parked there too they used to have their own driveway and they just put a nice patio in their yard now they park on the water so that does it's at both ends the parking is an issue at the top end is where the dock and the boat an issue so we've we've been down there we put signs up on the tree you've seen the signs some of them were removed we did it where we knew the land was but we couldn't go further each either direction because we weren't sure and we didn't want to go on someone's land and put there one posted where his boat is yeah we put that there but that where the boat is it's not right where the boat is I don't think so no it's it's I have a I have a picture okay but okay so I wanted to make sure you understood we were working on it it's on our radar um it's just slower than we'd like so do I just keep looking at the conservation agenda to know what's going on um connect you you can email me yeah you can email will you answer me though is the question I promise because you have not when I've written before oh I think I have most of the time but it's just okay last thing thank you very much thank you very much for uh where are we last thing so David agents report any updates um um speaking of encroachments and other fun issues um so um just updates on a couple of violations um you know still trying to get um uh an after Thea RDA filing for 35 brick Hill Road uh I thought uh in September I thought it was all set to happened for the October 88th meeting uh they didn't file um I I just called them back I you know a week or 10 days ago I called them back and said please we need that filing they said oh yes yes promise we'll do it still haven't done it so I think I got to be a little bit stronger with them um like if they don't do it they're going to be fined okay um and and anything on 59 to 61 um car Road um the property owner has been sent two letters by Town Council at this point uh requesting that he contact me to resolve this matter um nothing and nothing yet um so I probably fair to assume that uh hearing a response from him will probably be unlikely so I think that'll that'll be on the agenda for the next meeting um have you're pretty confident Town Council will be responsive here yes good yeah okay so um so I'll I'll tally plan on having council at the next meeting uh to talk about this talk about the next steps okay um just a couple of other quick things um had a pre-construction meeting today uh for 191 chelsford Street which is the proposed new car wash um so that's getting that's ramping up in terms of con construction I mean there's still a ways away from getting a building permit but uh had the meeting today talk about the requirements of the order of orders of conditions um having the same thing for 270 Bill r Road on Thursday um I think that's one where probably there will have to be an initial meeting and then uh another meeting after that probably um with uh our uh our our consultant from beta who's going to be monitoring the construction you know the the the uh the soil the the ram plan and the soil management plan uh out there so that that one's probably going to probably going to take even a little bit longer to really get up and running okay um we did have the Mac confence hand up outside out there I had a question and I wait till the very end but I just had a question go ahead come on up and ask a question we okay can fit it in right here thank you so Michelle Caputo star weather 19 on sh drive so we came in you know for the for pay we actually knew that it was on on whatever it is continued thank you that's the word I wanted um but we also had been told that the DPW and the fire department would come by to discuss that oh which I we didn't think they were coming because it was on continued that was fine but I'm just kind of asking will they be there for the next meeting because there were a lot of the neighbors that wanted to kind of hear what they had to say about this project and there may be a few people who want to ask them some questions no they won't be they will not be they were asked they declined so to whom should we address our questions in the DPW and the fire department is there do they have like their own special meeting like a to town meeting that we would go to do we just send them a note like how does that happen because there were a number of people who had questions I guess I would say they send an email to both the chief and the the uh director of the DPW Christine Clancy and okay I'll the other neighbors know that that would be the appropriate venue then anybody have a better idea I mean that there were a lot of people who had a lot of questions they don't have like public meetings like we do so probably the best way to do it and probably copy the town manager I would okay all right we all because I do know that there were a few people who were like yes we're hoping they're going to come to the meeting too but the answer is just Sor you sat through oh no actually it like what are they here for who are they they look familiar and now I'm like but we also were like you know what it would be good for us to know what's going on in the town we're already sitting here we might as well find out what's going on so well they they were asked um I should say that uh DPW did promise to send a letter uh describing describing the background to you to me okay yeah um to describe the background of this you know why why this is being requested of the property owner so um so we'll get that anyway that that's fine I just you know I I know that that's going to come up in the neighborhood conversation so just having that information so we'll send a not not to say too much but you know we said it in our previous meeting we share the same concern that are we solving problem a but creating a bigger problem B and you know from our conservation point of view we you know that was one of our questions we we're right we're with you thank you very much y um I just want to mention that we did have our MAC Conference in um at devans on Saturday Peter and I were there I happened to go to two sessions that were excellent one was on conservation Outreach and I got lots of ideas um challenges how do we make it happen I'm going to turn David into a cheerleader no uh and then a Vernal pool session speaking of vernal pools it was a really really good veral pool session um as much as I thought I already knew stuff from our stuff here it was it was really really well done and uh it was a very good session so that's always a good take um those um those conferences plus you get to connect with people um and that's a good thing um and then the open space and wreck plan um work is actually going well it's moving fast we're starting to get close to having an actual document come together and um but we're not there it's it's a lot happening um progress is happening it's um team's doing well um we're we're getting there we will I'm very confident we will have a document um that will pass muster with the state so we um approval for signatures um I don't think we have those meeting minutes is that right Vivian yeah I'm still working on them okay all right um is there a chance we can get these all three of these for our next meeting is that I I appreciate that thank you and our next meeting is November 12th and then we have one on November 26 which I think that's two days before before Thanksgiving is that sound right or is that after but in any case um we only have one meeting after that in the year so because the second meeting in December would be on Christmas Eve and I don't know about you guys but I'm not planning to be here on Christmas Eve so that wouldn't be popular with the family no that's not going to that's I'm just pointing out that we have three meetings left in the calendar year but before you know it it'll be January so can I just bring something that woman that just came up to spoke speak have you're any luck uh getting a hold of uh Rodney ell it State Rep oh on so I had I had received a letter from him just saying that he would be unable to attend it had a death in the family I haven't reached out to him again um I certainly can reach out to him again I just I I also had to fly out to California and take care of my 87y old father so you know we're all over the place right now um and I'm home right now yay so um I will see what I can do about sending him another note just letting him know and if you'd like I can invite him to another one of our meetings um I think it' be advantageous if you had him on your side okay I will certainly invite him for the next one for November 12th and let him know that that the the um the conservation committee has also extended their invitation well I'm I'm okay with that I'm totally okay with that but we don't you know if we stick to our lane yeah we can't do much okay um in terms terms of Shifting the project I'm I'm just being open with you um but having him come and here here's where the concerns are and that's really where you know that's really where why he was here last year too you can always go knock you know go get visiting hours or whatever he I'm sure he has visiting hours and you could you know get a couple people and go visit him in his office okay okay that's not a bad um possibility too okay I will I will certainly reach out to him and um and if I get anything back from him again I will certainly let you know um I just haven't I've had a lot of places to be too yep okay all right thank you so then I will take a motion to adjourn the meeting unless anyone has anything further move to um adjourn motion from Chris second second from Bill all in favor I meeting adjourn thank you CH with tele media right e for