##VIDEO ID:CD_OkNSlEDY## pursuing to the open public meetings act adequate public notice has been given by the secretary of the eam Township Board of Education in the following manner posting written notice on the official bulletin board of the Board of Education Office emailing written notice to the Bron and County Times in The Courier Post and filing written notice with the m municipal clerk of e sham Township Mr Yates can we have a roll call please roll call Mr Bach here Mr Brown here Mr Demari here miss Fox is a notified absence Mrs null here Miss Lee here Mr Thompson here Mr fisicaro is a notified absence Mr Conan here we have quarum thank you Mr Yates we will now be looking for a motion to enter executive session whereas an njsa 10412 allows for a public body to go into close session during a public meeting and whereas the Board of Education of eam Township has deemed it necessary to go into close session to discuss certain matters which are Exempted from the public and whereas the regular meeting of the Board of Education will reconvene following the end of the closed session at approximately 7:30 p.m. now therefore be a resolve that the Board of Education will go into closed session for the following reasons as outlined in njsa 104-112 items 2.3 to 2.4 do we have a motion motion by Mr Brown seconded by Miss Lee Mr y's roll call please roll call on Executive session Mr Bach yes Mr Brown yes Mr demarcy yes Mrs null yes M Miss Lee yes Mr Thompson yes and Mr Compton yes the motion carries thank you we'll see you all back at approximately 7:30 p.m. for e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e what I pledge allegiance States thank you board member Mr Thompson is going to read our mission statement today the mission of the eam Township School District is to promote excellence in an environment that engages students in a meaningful learning experiences in partnership with the students dedicated staff families and Community the district provides provides a strong Educational Foundation that will Empower our students to achieve their unique potential Embrace self-directed lifelong learning develop the skills necessary for appropriate risk-taking and responsible decision making respect themselves and others problem solve individually and collaboratively become contributing members of a diverse Global Society thank you very much Mr Thompson I'll now hand the floor over to Dr Smith for our presentations tonight thank you Mr canthon and I'm going to ask our director of curriculum and instruction Daniel mulik and our curriculum supervisor Robin Collins to join me this is the annual state of the schools presentation looking back at tcore and other data from the prior year going to hand it off thank you okay um so a few different parts we're going to review tonight uh first just being generally when we talk about assessments it's never a moment in time assessment there's a variety assessments that we're always looking at so we'll kind of give some perspective on what those are uh there's certain requirements through Esa that's Federal funding that we receive so we report out on each of those different areas um we'd like to include some District assessments as well just to get again a little bit of an overall picture we're required by the state to report out on standardized testing so that's the state assessment and then most importantly is the part where we talk about so what do we do what are we looking at with kids what are our Focus areas where the places in terms of next steps so in terms of perspective we have districtwide assessments that we use and they're looking for a couple things number one most importantly growth kids come in at all different levels and we want to make sure no where no matter where they come in whether it's below level on level above level that we are teaching and challenging them and showing growth throughout the course of their their time here with us and then of course there's always achievement as well so a couple examples of those we do different benchmark assessments at different times so we might give one assessment in the fall give it again in the spring we do a midyear and an end year math assessment we have different standardized tests so it's not just based on achievement so it's not just the one njsla but there's an aptitude assessment that we give as well so that we can look at is there a disconnect between aptitude as well as achievement so it gives us a few different things to look at and we'll show those results tonight uh classroom performance so obviously everything that kids are doing on a daily basis in their classrooms with teachers is most important that they're every day they're there for you know six hours 24 minutes every day so like rubrics checklists portfolios anecdotal records quizzes tests all of those go into making student grades uh teacher observations and feedback very important report card grades um and then of course parents your observations and feedback is important to us as well in terms of Esa um so again this is connected to federal dollars so we receive that what's considered title one two three and four so the first one is title one we use that for at risk literacy achievement so in our district we deliver onetoone intervention for reading recovery um we were able to serve 93 of our lowest achieving first graders last year in our sixth elementary schools 60% of those students made accelerated progress were the national averages 41.6% uh we also deliver literacy lessons in grades 2 through five at our Title One schools and our Title One schools are beer jaggard and VanZant title two and title four are connected mostly to professional development and services so we use that for PD and Technology um just talked a little bit about what we have different teacher leaders in our building so math technology responsive classroom plc's um and these are individuals that we meet with at a district level and then they do different things at their school to help support School level goals districtwide goals and things like that uh we give a variety of different workshops we have a very robust professional development calendar uh last year we along with different building levels which aren't in that number we provid at 94 districtwide Workshop offerings uh different volunteers who come to those because we have sessions that are level one which would be like new teacher institutes things like that but then we also have just sessions that are voluntary that teachers come to after school um in terms of literacy math response classroom technology or some of the institutes and anywhere where we were um giving a rating scale four out of five on evaluations was the indicator title three is for multilanguage Learners um and basically if we're looking at last year again we had 102 kids in our program throughout the year there's in and out throughout the year but generally speaking that's what was the number for the year nine parent refusals they take an additional assessment access for L's um so you see one of the bullets down there two of the students moved um during the testing so we had 88 take that assessment and there was one was just an incomplete testing so they didn't get a score in terms of um number of students who exit through a different model that's another assessment that we can provide there are 10 so 58% of the students that tested in Access for the first time 94% of those students that took the test in a previous year actually increased their proficiency level so we're happy about that just a one more look at reading recovery real quick couple other indicators so as I said 93 students were serviced 78.5% made accelerated progress or progress so that's where that 60.2 and the 18.3 we did have the remaining either were recommended for additional service that was 4.3 and then 16.1 either had an incomplete program or they might have moved or something before the program ended we are reading recovery District so that means we actually train other districts who use this program and so we get Revenue in terms of they pay to have their teachers come here so a little less than $60,000 I don't oh one one back thank you and then this was just some numbers in terms of summer programs that we offer so we do have different summer programs we don't have something for all students it's really for students identified with a particular need so caps is incoming kindergarteners who might need a little bit more either connected to academics or social Readiness so we serviced about 50 students there uh literacy and math support we serviced 204 students those are students either who are identified as needing some additional Support over the summer and that's in kids k one two going into third grade as well learning academy is for the upper grades so they'd be incoming fourth through eighth graders metamorphosis 50 students um that is students either entering middle school so incoming six or they could be exiting their sixth grade year tier three is our gifted and talented program um so we offer an enrichment program for them in the summer and then extended school year you see there's two different version for preschool as well as K to8 and then we do some different tutoring as well that's more specialized clicker work I got okay so I'm going to elaborate a little bit more on some of the things that Danny had brought up already um so this chart indicates um the results of our Benchmark assessment this is an assessment that's given to all our first through fifth grade students um we administer it both in the fall and the spring we use it to determine um growth uh we also use it to identify areas of strength and need teachers use that information to form their guided reading groups to inform their instruction we also use that information um when kids are being considered for such things as um inrs child study team tier three things like that all right and this is another District assessment that we administer every year this is the end ofe math assessment um the results that you see here are are are typical of what we see the information that we glean from this uh assessment though teachers analyze it along with their uh math supervisor um to do things such as adjust the pacing guide um ensure that the test questions are reflective of what's being taught um and if you just notice up here I just want you to keep in mind that eighth grade scores are our general education e8th grade Stu excuse me it's our general math class it's not the students who are taking High School level math okay U Danny had mentioned this assess also this is our coat summary this is a cognitive ability test uh generally students cognitive abilities their aptitude doesn't uh change dramatically from year to year that is why we give this assessment every two years so you'll see it um for grades three grades five grade seven um it assesses verbal quantitative non-verbal and then a combination of that would be their composite uh the scores that we receive are um haven't changed dramatically over the years we are solidly in the average range we are generally in the the fifth and sixth stay nine the fifth is solidly average average and the sixth is like the higher end of average uh this information is used again for those same areas tier three CST inrs um and this is a a global view of what our um students are their aptitude is but more importantly teachers are trained in how to drill down into this data more individually so you can see exactly what students need by an individual profile so teachers are able to um not only see how their class or their building their aptitude is but individually more importantly all right so now we're going to look at um kind of a macro 30,000 foot view of um NJ SLA Ela scores um oh no clicker okay um so we're starting with Ela and we added these slides back coming out Co to still like kind of show that um longitudinal view of the year-to-year fluctuation etsd compared to New Jersey um looking at the spring 20124 scores exceeding or meeting our percentage was higher than the state in grades four and six um our percentage was lower than the state in grades 3 five seven and eight and then again now looking at the um these are the uh the raw scores themselves just a different way to look at it not translated to percentages um and these um fluctuations are consistent with what we saw on the percentages screen we were above in grade four equal in grade eight below in grades three five six and seven for math our percentages were higher than the state average across all grades as well when it comes to the raw scores those scores are out of um you can see there uh close to 800 total points um and we the way we do the graphs is you know since none of the scores are below 750 15 that's where we start at 7:15 and go up from there again all greater than the New Jersey scores then the last to round it out this is um just disaggregating for Algebra 1 so those are our eighth graders um if you're in Algebra 1 and geometry you only take the algebra 1 Test um that is uh the State graduation requirement as it happens which some students are taking grade um and as we saw in the past years um our averages here were far higher than the states for both percentage and raw score okay as I said in the beginning we do have certain requirements as it relates to the state test that um so there's a whole bunch of slides I'm not going to go through every single one individually they do recap what Dr Smith just said this is just a different way so just to kind of explain this one main one and then I'll talk about the first subgroup breakout and then certainly anyone who's interested this is going to be posted on our website as of the morning you're welcome to take a closer look if you have questions feel free to contact Rob and I are happy to talk about testing anytime um but on the far right that's the the New Jersey percentages next to that is ours so you see generally without third grade you see generally as it relates to language arts anywhere from that 51 to kind of 54 range and then what the rest of this is breaking apart is the different levels that you get with njsla so it's either level one where you're not meeting level two you're partially meeting level three you're approaching the expectations just not quite there yet four you're meeting and then five you're exceeding so again just a different breakout what we've done on this is so same information this is just grade eight though so when you look across the top there's just different information connected to Statewide underneath is the district and then everything underneath is a subgroup so we picked our biggest subgroup so you know obviously when we break out our general education students that number increases from 51.6% being proficient to 61.2% being proficient if we break out our special education subgroup um that percentage is a lot lower but think about that sometimes I might be in special education I might be a grade level below but it doesn't matter to the state we're still test getting tested on the same grade level content as their peers so that percentage is a little lower economically disadvantage is another subgroup that we have um so that one's 34.8 and then multilingual Learners is the ml at the bottom we don't have a giant percentage it has increased so there's certain numbers we're not allowed to report out on uh but you can see different percentages for the students who actually took that at those grade levels um and then if you do one more for me click so this is grade seven so same breakout you'll see it the same way on the on the slide so again state district gened being increased specialed economically disadvantaged and multi lingual Learners so we're going to do several clicks here to take you through so then there's a sixth grade A fifth grade a fourth grade a third grade and then we're going to talk about math so same layout as that General language arts one but for math so in math if we look at the two farthest on the right we see the state all the way on the right we see our what the district next to that above in all those different areas and then if we click to the next slide this one's a little trickier because again in grade eight this is algebra so it might look like oh my God what's going on the state's 39.5 and you know we are at 97.9 the difference there is this is our highest achieving math students so they should be 97.9 because we're pulling out our highest achieving students versus in the state that's a high school course they're taking in the state that's all kids taking that so again little variable there just to consider when you're looking at grade eight and same subgroups switch for me one more time so now this is just the grade eight assessment so again it might look differently the numbers are more um if you look 19.5 versus 25.6 different one more time would be seventh grade and now this is going to be back to all seventh graders and consistent with other seventh graders across the state um so again breakout state district and then those subgroups so if anyone has questions as you go through them again happy to talk through any particular grade level so we're going to go to six five four three and then science one more there we go all right so this is the results of our njsla um science it is a uh federally mandated assessment but it is only administered at grades five8 and then at 11 which is not our district um so you'll see the results that we have here um the bands that they are assessing the domains they do life science physical science um and Earth space science um the levels of proficiency differ slightly from njsla in njsla they have the five levels of proficiency um in science they have four levels of proficiency so the things are parsed out a little bit differently um in that way the assessment measures kids ability uh to understand the uh science standards and the practices um it's not a memorization test so they were given stimuli phenomenon and they are uh asked to use data and charts and the information given to to um demonstrate their proficiency towards that so they in this type of assessment they are given there's multiple choice questions Tech enhanced questions there's um uh open responses as well but they are it's not a memorization test it's based on information that they are given and they need to parse out the results from there uh and this is the results for eighth grade so we only take it in grades five and grade eight same idea and this is our D okay I can do this uh this is our l m assessment this is an alternate assessment to njsla it's administered to our most significantly cognitively delayed students um so each year at IEP meetings um criteria is reviewed to determine if it if this is an appropriate assessment um because students are given either njsla or the dlm so this is administered for language arts and math in our grades three through 8th uh just like njsla and grades five and eight for science just like njsla and this is the results of our um ml assessment this is our uh results for the ESL population they're um go back our students in the ESL program um they have entrance criteria and exit criteria um so kids are assessed to see if they um qualify for our ESL Services um and most of our kids enter into our program in the entering emerging those first two levels um and to see if they are prepared to exit uh they are given what's called an access for L that's the name of the assessment and they need to achieve a 4.5 um minimum on the access to be considered for exit plus you know other related criteria teacher input things like that um most of our kids enter into our program in the entering and emerging stages and while a student is a it's they're allowed to be in an ml program for the duration of their educational career they can be in the program for 12 years we typically have our kids in the program for about three years that's that's the the general length that our kids need before they can demonstrate proficiency and land in that expanding bridging area um this is just one other accountability measure that we do uh that the state asks us to do comparing so this actually goes back 1718 um 189 19 in the 1920 and 2021 year those were obviously covid years so there was no assessment there 2122 and then um is the last year that we have while we have individuals and we share the grade level data this is District data and we won't have the 23 24 last year's until this spring um so we did in this add 2223 um so you can see that's the overall Ela Proficiency in math so that 54.2 was up a little from the previous year the 46.1 was up a little from the previous year in math um the growth in terms of ela and math we're really looking at that 45 and 52 45 is typical growth and that's a different in terms of profession proficiency that actually is looking at growth over time based on a cohort of kids from two years data that they're compared to the one year coming off of covid growth was the only um indicator so it's a little bit higher in that 2122 year so looking in terms of that 4552 is is pretty typical growth uh from year to year and then one of the other accountability measures for us as a district is that English language proficiency that's the ml again um so that was up from the previous year to 56.5 and then one other indicator that the state looks at for us is chronic absenteeism um so that's basically up a little bit in terms of the percentage was higher which we want that percentage to be a little lower in that regard that's the number of students like an individual student who is um absent more consistently okay this was that last part of the presentation where we try to pull it all together and in in our opinion most important because this is what our Focus areas are these are what we we come up with these with our staff and then um so basically we get in terms of the data starts coming in anywhere from last spring like access for data to this summer and jsla data uh coats last spring so coming in at all different times important that our teachers are doing various different fall Baseline data so benchmarking DSi math Readiness um so that they're looking at assessment data that we have over time but also most current data which is important where they are when we start in September so we have District level data meetings where we talk to each building so the curriculum supervisors myself Dr Smith attended um and the principal's Elementary and Middle School where we talk about Trends things we're seeing strengths needs things like that um building level and then that goes right to teacher level so we just had our October inservice on the 14th um so again supervisors meet with different grade levels we do vertical articulation we look at Trends in the data we look at goal areas based on what they're seeing in their classrooms teachers develop what's called a PDP so that's a plan that there there's go goals that they're making um then schools develop from that there school level goals and then we have District level goals based on all of that um and then basically to help us as we move throughout the course of the Year teachers work on plc's to have a collaborative goal and where are they with that along the way they can make adjustments and we have those teacher leaders in every building that are helping along the way um and obviously curriculum supervisors and principles who are working as well so that all connected to goal setting and refining that so that we're ensuring again what I said in the beginning most importantly is growth it doesn't matter where you start the school year it's are you showing growth throughout the course of the school year and that's what we're looking for for every single child um and then we also in terms of PD and curriculum writing and planning we take any of that feedback Trends data things like that and then we try to every summer look at different implementation guides for math or uh revise a protocol for writing and different areas where we can always enhance because we're obviously always looking to do better every year so the focus areas for this year that we came up with uh we have them in a few different areas so first it's just everything doesn't matter whether it's related arts content that idea of strategic differentiation because again kids are come all levels and we want to make sure that we're meeting their needs and making sure there's growth the second is connected toal um so that idea of teaching kids how to persevere uh self-controls another big one the third one is connected to Clarity um so that idea of kids knowing what they're learning and why they're learning it and teachers articulating that so what's the relevance in making sure that kids want to learn the different items that they are um the next one is connected to scaffolding so we're appropriate reducing the scaffolding because if we always give you the scaffolding we don't ever pull it back you're not able to do it on your own so that idea of reducing strategically over time so that kids can demonstrate Independence the next one's connected to self-informed assessment so increasing the amount that we are doing that so we can inform instruction and then the last one is that idea of Technology tools and we want to use those authentically not just for the sake of Technology um but also integrate meaningful test prep as appropriate there so that kids are familiar when they take njsla next ring they know the test format the type the type of test questions that they have the next one is language arts so again some different galaries specific to language arts the first is text-based evidence to support reasoning both in reading and writing the next is connected to word study we revamped our word study with our revised language arts curriculum so implementing that with Fidelity across the grades and we really did try to do an increase in student accountability and then transferring the principles that they're learning about in word study which would would be spelling vocabulary and phonics into reading and writing the the next one is connected to just teacher language and that idea of strategy use and using it across text with increased Independence conferencing and the importance of that in both reading and writing the idea that we're focused on the learner and transferable strategies over time and then the last one is small group instruction and intentional planning connected to that math uh so you can see has some different Focus areas as well first one again being differentiation so that idea of Engagement incorporating Choice the next one connected to supporting content so that's geometry measurement things that come later in the school year we looked at opportunities to pull them forward uh the next one is connected to just math reasoning and the critiquing the reasoning of others in respectful ways both verbally and in written form the next one is connected to just being able to generalize and transfer knowledge into different situations and practices and then the last one in grades three to eight really an emphasis on how to sell problems electronically how do I attack a problem that I see electronically as opposed to um you know on paper almost done science uh so kind of three Focus areas there the first one shifting from that surface to deep understanding and the connections across the disciplines Robin had said there's the earth science there's life science there's physical science and the connection between them the second one is connected to both content and practices um again for that spiral spiraling across disciplines and then the last one is just really increase time and science there's never ask any teacher there is never enough time in your day um we alternate at elementary school science and social studies units and we want to make sure that we're teaching science with Fidelity and we're getting to science and it's not all social studies um different in Middle school where you have science as a separate subject and social studies and the last one Speaking of social studies uh that idea of focing on social studies practices um we want to consolidate the learning over time meaningful opportunities for that active citizenship um so we have service learning units in all of our grades and the last one the idea of considering and reflecting on varying perspectives and that in a nutshell is our state of the schools presentation thank you [Music] y thank you Miss mcul um any questions or comments from the board all right seeing none we'll move into open public comment the meeting will now be open to the public referencing agenda items only however if your questions or comments pertain to litigation student or Personnel items or negotiations we would ask that you see the superintendent after the meeting since we do not discuss these matters in public please limit your comments to three minutes per person is there anyone who would like to speak about any items of interest from the agenda today seeing none we will move forward we need a motion to approve the minutes for items 6.1 through 6.2 do we have a motion motion by Mr Brown seconded by Miss Lee any questions or comments from the board Mr Yates roll call please roll call on the approval of minutes Mr Bach yes Mr Brown yes Mr dear yes Mrs null abstain your exstension is noted Miss Lee yes Mr Thompson yes Mr conon yes the motion carries thank you Mr Yates moving mov to item number seven superintendent reports and administrative items we need a motion to approve item 7.1 through 7.8 do we have a motion motion by Mr tomson seconded by Mr Brown before we go to a vote I'll hand the floor over to Dr Smith thank you Mr canthon so October is a very full month in etsd I'd like to thank all of our staff students and families among other things for their participation in the many great events this week marking red webbon week which promotes a drug-free and healthy lifestyle and why it's important to stand together against drugs some common elements which I hope everyone's seen and been able to enjoy are theme days like crazy hair day or one day wearing red another day wearing the same color by grade all to emphasize teamwork against drugs and many other components food drives poster cont tests rib ribbon decorating and more and we continue to invite all our families to participate and partner with us in discussing this message at home October also marks visits all month from our IAM fire department if You' seen the fire truck outside with uh its fire inspector Bryce pigm I want to thank him for his great presentations for all the kids that's every elementary school every grade all month and since this is our first board meeting since our district received its formal approval of our preschool expansion application I'd like first to share that good news in this forum and thank our board for their support of that application which resulted in the largest amount awarded Statewide of all districts approved this fall 3.2 million I'd like to acknowledge the hard work and dedication over the last 3 weeks of rice principal Amanda fry assisted by curriculum supervisor Mindy Coffer and personal director Michael mongan as we've searched for the um important additional and excellent certified preschool teachers and preparation for that transition from half day to full day in January in only the 3 weeks since our application approval we've already identified and our recommend amending for approval tonight seven new Preschool teachers which is an incredible accomplishment when you consider that across the state over half of the districts are currently approved for this preschool expansion and also seeking preschool teachers so um and that ends my my comments Mr canthon thank you Dr Smith any questions or comments from the board S I was hoping Dr Smith that you can give us just a broad overview of 7.4 the district Improvement plan that's on the agenda I'd be glad to so 7.4 is the uh it's called The Dip which stands for district Improvement plan and basically what that is is um so all districts go through qac quality single accountability Continuum which is the NJ Doe's mechanism for um monitoring uh District progress across five areas um and the district needs to meet 80% in all five areas and any District that even Falls just short has to do an improvement plan for that one area so for us that was instruction and program we had 75% so just short of the 80 um and where that differential came into play was through um test course so we will um we develop a Improvement plan which um has been worked on through members of the curriculum department and teachers from the different schools which we'll implement this year um we are in uh a very large company of most districts Statewide that didn't pass for that same exact uh reason the test core data um and uh and actually right now the um a lot of those districts are working to provide recommendations to the state about how they can improve that process so yeah I I just wanted the public to know that you and curriculum are working towards and understand that there needs to be some improvement in that area and the plan lays that out so I want to thank you for your hard work on that thank you Mrs null any other questions or comments from the board seeing none Mr Yates roll call please on administrative items Mr Bach yes Mr Brown yes Mr Demar yes Mrs N yes Miss Lee yes Mr Thompson yes Mr conon yes that motion carries thank you Mr Yates moving to curriculum instruction items 8.1 through 8.8 do we have a motion motion by Mrs null seconded by Miss Lee any questions or comments from the board seeing none Mr Yates roll call please on curriculum and instruction Mr Bach yes Mr Brown yes Mr Demar yes Mrs N yes Miss Lee yes Mr Thompson yes Mr con yes that motion carries thank you we now need a motion to approve items 9.1 through 9.9 19 under finance and operations do we have a motion motion by Mr Thompson seconded by Mr dearcy any questions or comments from the board seeing none Mr Yates roll call please on finance and operations Mr Bach yes Mr Brown yes Mr demarcy yes Mrs null yes Miss Lee yes Mr Thompson yes Mr conon yes that motion carries thank you moving to item number 10 Personnel we need a motion to to approve items 10.1 through 10.10 do we have a motion motion by Miss Lee seconded by Mr Thompson any questions or comments from the board as it pertains to Personnel seeing none Mr Yates roll call please on Personnel Mr Bach yes Mr Brown yes Mr demarcy yes Mrs N yes Miss Lee yes Mr Thompson yes Mr con yes the motion carries thank you Mr Yates moving to item 11 policy of which we have no none moving to item 12 committee reports is there any committee chair who would like to share a report seeing none we will move forward to Old business of which we have none item number 14 new business we need a motion to approve the special education settlement that was discussed in executive executive session today do we have a motion motion by Mr Thompson seconded by Mr dearcy Mr Yates roll call please we had Thompson and demarcy yes thank you on new bu business item 14 special education settlement discuss in executive session Mr Bach yes Mr Brown yes Mr Demar yes Mrs NL yes Miss Lee yes Mr Thompson yes Mr compon yes that motion carries thank you Mr Yates moving to item 15 open public comment the meeting will now be open to the public referencing any items of Interest however if your questions or comments pertain to litigation student or personal items or negotiations we would ask that you see the superintendent after the meeting since we do not discuss these matters in public please let me your comments at 3 minutes per person is there anyone who would like to speak about any items of Interest seeing none we'll move past that section are there any board members who would like to share an announcement uh next month Veterans Day November 11th eam Township will be hosting a uh veteran ceremony 5:30 p.m. at the township building uh where they will present plaques to some veterans on the display on the veteran wall um so if you're able come out and support thank you Mr Brown Mr de Marcy um I believe it's this Friday is the ef's designer bag bengo um so if you have the chance to go and support that event go do that they do great work for the school district uh so yeah thank you Mr Marcy Mr Bach um early voting starts this Saturday get out and vote um Good Luck to all the people running for Board of Education and that's it just vote thank you Mr Bach any other board members like to share an announcement seeing none motion to adjourn motion by Mr Brown seconded by Mr dearcy all those in favor see you next month [Music] [Music] [Music]