##VIDEO ID:grEwmMA3A3M## of the United States of America to the stands na indivisible liy and justice for all good evening and welcome the October 22nd 2024 meeting of Jackson Township Council will now come to order councilman berelli here councilman Bernstein here councilman Chism Council vice president Sergeant president and council president K here as cler of this meeting I hearby publicly announced that in compliance with the provisions of the open public meetings act adequate notice that of this meeting has been advertised in the manner prescribed by law at this time we will move to announcements I believe there's a full cleanup highlight yes ma'am thank you so as you can see we had another fall successful fall cleanup with our DPW uh supervisor Shan balinsky uh he sent me a little letter just to let U I always ask for an update I just want to let Jackson cleanup Community hosted a very successful volunteer cleanup efforts on Sunday October 13th below you will find an overview of the event details we had aund of we had a total of 374 participants 32 local jackson-based uh School groups and nonprofit organizations additionally we had nine members of the public works department and we had them assist all day and coordinate safety and bag cleanup our volunteers collected 238 bags of garbage GB 68 bags of recycled items four discarded tires and 4 hours of time just cleaning approximately 30 miles of the roadway throughout Jackson Township this group was offered $500 minimal grant for their participation and this goes through a lot of the sporting uh programs I know I did it earlier in the year with um one of the baseball teams so the total Grant was $16,000 in grant money dispersed thank you so much for all of you guys did for the community we greatly appreciate it and thank you Sean for running such a great program thank You' thank you we'll continue with opening comments from Township Council council president C oh me again thank you so much so I kind of wanted to get into I don't really have any traffic safety unfortunately reports um as you know our department is dwindling and it just dwindled a little bit more where we lost a sergeant so now uh today our last uh officer was on the road at 2:30 so I'm just letting you know we have nobody in traffic safety that's out there on the roads nobody on the weekends and we're lucky to have anybody there Monday through Thursday fulltime from morning to night so just want to make sure that all the residents are well aware of that um as you guys are driving around and and I see everybody on Facebook complaining about all of this stuff we don't have the Manpower uh we are trying I know director candido is trying he's interviewing he's been allocated uh class one class twos if there's any officers that would like to relocate to Jackson and be an officer with our fine men and women of the Jackson Police Department we'd love to have you but we need to hire um we are just dwindling so I just want to make sure that everybody that's right of uh everybody just kind of keeps that in mind when you're screaming and yelling about you know somebody you know traffic concerns and stuff like that if you could please use the traffic safety email which is traffic safety at Jackson New Jersey um Jackson Township new jersey. net send your complaints it goes out to seven people and it can help you know an officer that's there maybe the next day they're not going to get back to it 24 hours I know that Sergeant hempa I have to say Got Back right away um within definitely within 24 hours now I've noticed that the return time is going 72 hours if it's even getting returned and it's not due to our officers it's that they're just not enough manpower so I do try to respond so that you know that you're Hur you're it is not falling on deaf ears and I do try to um forward it to the proper department head but just know it it's just a minimum of Manpower also want to uh talk about a project that we finalized at Jackson Memorial High School which was the concession stands in the Fieldhouse that project has been completed we put the last partitions in last week and out of the money collected um I you know I'm not going to read the names again we will be reading it at another time but there's left $ 5563 that money was taken out of the ja um what is it Jackson education fund and put back to the Board of Education in their fund um I did ask that the Liberty uh band get a grill I'm hoping that they got that girl because if not I would like you to get those kids the girl we raise the money we should be able to say as a committee where that money goes and I did ask that it go to the um Greg mlan which is the uh Athletics director and you know the Board of Ed will not let me speak with him but I do hope that there is something that can be done that should go to uniforms for our sports for all of our athletes out there whatever athlete whether you're Liberty Memorial any any any kids programs that's where that money was that's what it was raised for so I'd like to see it go there and then lastly I'm going to be a little selfish and use my platform too talk about my trunk Retreat so I'm doing my fifth annual trunk Retreat it's tomorrow from 4 to 7 uh I've been doing again five years we have all of the um we have DPW is coming we have Recreation is coming our Jackson Police our fire department is coming our EMS is coming um we have local businesses I believe we have almost 20 businesses that are setting up trunk Retreats we have Oliver's uh funeral home and we give out tons and tons of candy and lots of activities for all of the kids and we block it off so that they're safe again it's in Romeo's Plaza from 4 to 7 thank you for coming and have a safe night thank you Council vice president Sergeant there we go good evening um not this past Saturday but the Saturday before that on noll's drive there was there were four reportedly four men with black ski masks that um damaged mailbox broke into cars and um possibly other things the only reason we know that they were black ski masks is because some of the neighbors had ring cameras I would inour all all residents to beware at this point um to just try to make their own neighborhood safe and and just just watch and if you see anybody call the police call them right away um because this kind of thing we can't have in Jackson I'm going to wave the rest of my comments for this evening thank you thank you councilman burelli uh thank you clerk Moss uh first thank you to thank you so much to the volunteers and Public Works uh Department who helped uh clean our streets recently um secondly if Council agrees we're hopefully amending a portion of our Township rank Control Ordinance tonight regarding apartments and mobile home parks as a result of getting out there in our town and listening and meeting and speaking with residents uh residents expressed the concern that rents are or could be charged for the first seven years of initial occupancy of a unit and felt that was successful uh I'm sorry excessive and that two years was a reasonable time for the landowner to be able to recoup any expenses for having to revamp an existing lot I agreed and looked into it and quickly made the change in the ordinance so now the law will be changed where a landlord or a land owner can only raise rents the first two years of initial occupancy of a new or existing unit also I want to assure Jackson residence your Township council is committed to continuing to work with the administration and cracking down on illegal rentals in her town it's become a public safety problem that we will not tolerate as it affects the quality of life for fellow residents we support using the full powers of her code enforcement staff and police department to end illegal rentals in Jackson councilman chis routinely speaks about how liberal policies that come down from the state and federal levels negatively impact us and this is a perfect example of it in our own town it's got to stop Jackson will not become a sanctuary town thank you and have a good evening thank you councilman Bernstein so thank you Miss Moss um also I as on my notes about the council president stole it but I'll just I'll just really thank her for taking the lead on the Memorial High School um concession stand in and locker room I had the chance of opportunity and seeing it in the beginning of the project and seeing the pictures after it's a whole different room so thank you council president and thank you to all the volunteers who put their time and energy into that I I also want to take a moment and just thank Mr Bob Ry and the entire jcpnl leadership team that when an issue was brought to their attention last week they right away sprung into action to help out all the residents in Jackson thank you Mr wall and his administrative team for reaching out and making sure that the residents were able to have their concerns heard it's great to know that we have a wonderful working relationship with our utility companies that we can try our best we don't always get the results but we could try our best to communicate when we have concerns thank you and have a good night thank you calman Chisum even everybody on there we go so let me start with a quick Public Service Announcement some of you already know that I am an arborist we are currently in the driest October in the history of New Jersey it is a severe drought that does not just mean fire danger which we have actually a record high currently according to the fire service yeah your lawn will be browning out and that's okay because it will just go dormant but your trees will die without water how long can you hold yours without water okay so next year if you have the opportunity if you like your trees go out there and water them so aside from that we are currently in the midst of the most insane election period in the history of this country you've heard me talk about it councilman Burly just referred to some of my commentary in my 50 years or 55 plus years of life on this planet I have never seen an Administration I thought Obama's was bad that holds us in such contempt and this candidate that is running they are a slap in the face of every Patriot that has ever worn the uniform and everybody that has ever grown up loving this country they are a disgrace she just recently disrespected God I can only imagine what is going to happen to her when she meets him face to face it is a disgrace this particular election is not just about policies or personalities it should be policies it should be actually what do you run on what do you stand for if you're only voting because you think you want to vote for somebody of a specific gender that's fine in Danny but the Democrat Party doesn't know what a gender is they think there's 36 of them they think it's Basin Robbins that is not the case there are men and women if you cannot Define what a woman is if you think that men should compete against women in sports and degrade all that they fought for for 506 years again how do you vote for that do we value phony Harmony or our rich Freedom Traditions capitalism or socialism it's pretty clear it's never been more clear do we value life or infanticide gender sanity or Insanity what's it going to be equal opportunity or forced Equity Free Speech or censorship free thought political correctness don't matter just pick any actual topic not just how you sound not just because you don't like orange man you don't like his hair I don't care he's a known quantity we know what he stands for we know where the man has been at least it's an American value we were told for the last few years we did not have billion doll to support the wall why because the wall was too expensive that wall has not been finished and now more people those of you in New Jersey should recognize this more people have illegally crossed into America than live in New York City one of the largest cities in our country there are more illegal aliens than our actual residents of New York City that have come in just in these four years meanwhile that 5 billion wasn't enough we couldn't spend that we couldn't spend three to five billion depending on Whose estimates to help homeless veterans but we could spend 170 billion fighting a war in Ukraine okay you could find money for that go go ahead and figure that out we left 83 billion worth of military equipment to our enemies in Afghanistan but we can't find five billion why is that because we want to have this invasion of people continuing to cross our border legally so we can put them up because all representation at the state level and our federal level goes based on population so if you allow 8 million people and guess what that's how many more Democrat votes is that how many of those people in those cities are going to vote Democrat it's all just it's just a map it's just a map she's currently restricting drilling she wants to propose the highest death tax in the world you work for it who are we going to give it to you've seen the state of our schools it doesn't just happen in a vacuum it's not just at the state and federal level we just talked about it councilman BR just mentioned it right so what do our schools look like who's coming here so these things do affect this and our local elections are going to be the same way so who's going to restrict those people moving in again you can't right you can't restrict anybody from moving in but are they disrupting our schools or our taxes going to go up again these policies that happen at the national level if you're not restricting them there it's going to trickle down here who's going to enforce our land rights who's going to enforce other laws our codes what what's going to happen you know going forward who's going to actually build Ro I'm going to be standing on the other side of that day in a few months and I'll be talking about it because hot dog I mean that's not democrat or republican thing it's a park it's a freaking Park people this should not be an obstructionist it should not be a political football but here we are so do your research do your due diligence people ask me and I've been quiet why didn't I run well I was going to run I was going to run for a second term because I believe in term limits I was going to self-term myself out two terms that's all I was going to do I will just say that something happened in the back room you can ask me about it later but just figure out that the most conservative person in all of Jackson the most Republican person did not get the endorsement of the Republican party and that should worry you have a good night God bless America get out and vote vote early vote often thank you I need a motion to approve executive session meeting minutes of October 8th 2024 motion second councilman barelli yes councilman Bernstein yes councilman Chisum yes Council vice president Sergeant yes and council president Q yes thank you we move on to consideration of ordinances public hearing and final consideration council president I believe ordinance 33-24 is being removed yes ordinance 33-24 is being removed in order for the planning board to review for compliance with the master plan thank you thank you we move on to ordinance 34-24 this is the second reading of ordinance 34-24 entitled in ordinance of the township Council of the township Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey amending chapter 204 of the Township Code with respect to residential fire smoke and carbon monoxide inspections this ordinance was introduced on October 88th 2024 I need a motion to open the public hearing so Mo second all in favor I I if any member of the public has any comments to make please address the council at the microphone state your name and address clearly for the record you will have five minutes and may only speak once seeing no one come forward and make a motion to close public comment second all in favor I this is the third reading of ordinance 34-24 entitled an ordinance of the township Council of the township of Jackson County of ocean state of New Jersey amending chapter 204 of the Township Code with respect to residential fire smoke and carbon monoxide inspections I need a motion to adopt on third and final reading and advertise according to law motion second councilman burelli yes councilman Bernstein yes councilman Chisum yes Council vice president Sergeant yes and council president C yes thank you ordinances first reading council president are there any comments regarding ordinance 35-24 I going to let councilman Burley read this one as he introduces this ordinance thank you council president c um under the Township's current rent Control Ordinance any new construction of rental units or the placing of a new rental unit on the market for the first time which would otherwise be subject to the ordinance Provisions is exempt from the rank control provisions of the ordinance for a period of seven years so if adopted this ordinance 35-24 would reduce the period of exemption from seven years to two years thank you thank you thank you ordinance 35-24 entitled an ordinance of the township Council of the township of Jackson County of oan state of New Jersey amending chapter of the Township Code with respect to exemption from the provisions of chapter 344 I need a motion to approve ordinance 35-24 on first reading and to authorize the notice of approval and public hearing to be held on November 12th 2024 motion second councilman burelli yes councilman Bernstein yes and just want to thank councilman burelli the minute he got this desk he worked in his vigorously I know he has some other things that he's working on also so thank you councilman BR I vote yes thank you councilman Chisum yes Council vice president Sergeant yes and council president ke I also want to second that thank you councilman Bry for working on this this is great I know that you did a meet and greet at a community and they brought this concern to your attention and you ran with with it so thank you very much I vote yes thank you we move on to bills and claims I need a motion to approve or hold the bills and claims motion second councilman burelli uh have to abstain on vendor number e01 ezp 01 njs 04 r04 and R14 yes to the rest on there thanks thank you councilman Bernstein yes councilman Chisum stand on rut4 and R14 yes to the rest Council vice president Sergeant yes and council president C I'm going to from RC s02 yes to the rest thank you we move on to the consent agenda for this evening R 37-24 is being removed this evening correct yes that was a late entry uh the council men did not get a full chance to review that resolution therefore we're going to remove it we are going to revisit at the next meeting but just to give the council enough time to review we'd like to uh take that off and reevaluate it thank you thank you consent agenda I need a motion to approve the list of resolutions under consent agenda motion second councilman burelli yes councilman Bernstein yes councilman Chisum yes Council vice president Sergeant yes and council president C yes we move on to the public comments on any topic I need a motion to open the public portion of the meeting for all comments so move second all in favor I I at this time if any member of the public has any comments to make please address the council at the microphone state your name and address clearly for the record you will have five minutes and may only speak once uh hello I am uh Joseph Sullivan I live at 31 Cathy Court here in Jackson I'm also the executive director of the manufactured Homeowners Association of New Jersey and the vice president of the national manufactured homeowners association I want to thank the council and espe councilman berelli uh who came out to talk to residents of manufactured housing to understand the issues they face and came up with uh This brilliant piece of of legislation to lower the um decol from seven years to two years for new homes being installed in Parks um this will help many people who can't afford to buy a stick and mortar home but may be able to afford to buy a manufactured home no that within two years they will be under the protection of Jackson Township's excellent rent Control Ordinance and it would not have been accomplished without the hard work of councilman burelli and and councilman Bernstein was there as well and uh all of you for voting for it and and and studying the issues uh I really do appreciate it I was asked by many residents who unfortunately couldn't be here tonight um some due to covid believe it or not it's still around uh asked me to come here and to thank you personally I've had residents from Fountain Head oak tree uh mapel Glenn Jackson Acres all of them saying they wish they could have been here tonight A lot of them didn't realize that this was going to be coming up as quickly as it did thanks to uh Council M brell's quick work on this uh but believe me they all support this and they support you in your decision and we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts thank I hope those residents feel better soon thanks hello Donnie Adelman 206 Willow Point Drive Jackson um I want to say thank you Mr wall uh after a little bit of communication uh tag we've uh been able to set an appointment to go oversee some of the issues at the Justice complex as far as signage and what's going on over there with what some of the officers may be doing I would invite anybody on this board to come meet with us tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. at the Justice complex so you can see what's going on due to a personal Vendetta and the fact that the Jackson Police are trying to create what's known as a prior restraint against my constitutional protective activity you can no longer visit the East I guess it's the East uh baseball field because you can't access it legally and nor could you access to Town's 911 memorial because it's illegal they put up a sign saying you can't go there so if anybody wants to go see that you know I sent out an email saying hey there's a problem over there there's an ADA issue as far as accessibility but there's a problem with what the police are doing and like I said I got uh retribution uh president KY said that officer candido did not get my email because I did type it in wrong but somebody forwarded it to him because he had four off officers show at my house the very next day to issue citations for when they weren't there um as is I would like to know did the police run this town or does the mayor and the council run this town because I could prove that the police department's kind of running Ruck shot doing whatever they want and no one seems to want to hold them accountable all I could do is well write tickets to the officers I see breaking the law but that doesn't solve the problem there's unequal application of the law as it is right now things that they've cited me for I see 60 kids a day going to the park doing the exact same thing but you know not that I really expect the police to write every you know all those kids a ticket every single day but I expect them not to make an exception for me because they don't like me being there as it is right now um the other thing is what's happened with Mr card now up at know from the last meeting that ain't cool they approved x amount of houses I don't know the exact numbers but to go back on it now for political reasons it's established that Jackson needs more housing we need more Apartments we need more tow houses and things like that we don't need as many single family homes we need places for younger people starter people um people that don't necessarily want their own house to be able to live and to limit it you know Jackson 21 was supposed to be this whole complex it has yet to M materialize and to artificially limit now the amount of houses that were approved however many years ago is kind of silly I understand that there's reasons why you're doing it I don't agree with them and I that's not for me to argue about I guess the voters will deal with that but it is kind of you know shameful what's going on here and again I don't believe that you guys are in control of this town or the mayor or anyone I think the police are like I said allowing to do whatever they want they're I've proven they don't understand the basic laws that they're trying to enforce and all people accountable for because well again you don't send six cops to deliver a summons that could have been mailed to sit there wait for me for 53 minutes then argue with me on this you know on my sidewalk trying to justify why their lawbreaking is acceptable that's outlandish behavior for anyone let alone police officers and we need to stop letting them get by with just doing whatever they want and thinking that oh well they police no big deal they need to be held to a higher standard not be allowed to bend and break certain rules that's it everyone have a good night thank you sir thank you hi uh good evening I hope you all enjoyed this most beautiful day today yes sir had a record record beautiful day all right so um can you sir can you just I'm sorry my name is Paul Rivier I live at one7 West commor Boulevard thank you sir okay and I do have a couple questions on 3324 there's a lot of talk about this and um I believe and then I I really don't know but I I believe that that's been tabled sir excuse me that's been tabled that that has been removed from the agenda we are no longer hearing that right now okay okay but I do have a question on it oh okay okay okay um and this this is good for you to know because you know it's absolutely it's feedback um there the uh the the the ordinance would address uh uh Adventure Crossing would affect Adventure Crossing which already has a uh I think a final uh uh site plan and uh people are asking will this ordinance uh and and there is there's talk like there's 350 units already approved or 450 units already approved and uh I guess there's talk that this would actually increase the amount of units uh that the uh Adventure Crossing would be allowed so I think it's be important just as communication to talk about numbers in terms of this particular site and um the traffic there is is like Mad Max movie uh I've seen it where on on holiday evenings uh the traffic goes on the opposite lane and um it's really a nightmare so what I'm I'm going to I a lot of towns are asking or starting to hire their own Traffic Engineers rather than relying on the applicant's Traffic Engineers and unscrupulous applicant could hire somebody who would minimize the traffic so they don't have to uh do uh Road improvements that's that could be very costly so if if if if you guys hire your own traffic engineer and his job would be to protect Jackson Township from ridiculous traffic all right I'm just saying all right so the next subject is a subject what do I got two minutes okay the next subject is about the um the proposed uh 6 am. 6 PM industrial uh excavation uh and uh maintenance facility that's being uh proposed right in the middle of an R3 residential and a very small Highway commercial section okay there is there is it it it requires a class D because it's not in the zoning and in my view it'll never be approved because it doesn't enhance the zoning the master plan and it it does damage the the houses around it uh now I in other towns I was on uh chairman of a planning board and uh also served on the the zoning board and one thing I have to say about this application is that I got the impression that Jackson Township is encouraging this applicant and let me tell you why they've had uh private technical reviews none of the neighbors were invited uh the first red flag was the applicant submitted both a a final and preliminary application for approval and the uh the zoning board engineer and the applicants uh people talked about having de permit in the making so I it was very confusing I I I called up New Jersey D I wrote to them to get it in writing and they said the applicant had never talked to them okay that's a major problem having your zoning board engineer and your other professionals uh talk like the applicant had been working on a New Jersey D permit I'm sorry sir your time is up thank you so much though and I do want to say it's really important to hire your own traffic engineer thank you sir okay thank you I'll pass that along good evening my name is marce Saar I live at 2 to be Edmond court at metal Brook Village in Jackson I have a question what is Phil stenton's affiliation to the township and is his contract still active also um I want to also add then ask about his how does that apply to his news site and his social media replies is that all your questions man yes thank thank you for them so I can say that um Council does have a contract and he's an independent contractor thank you seeing no one come forward make a motion to close public comment second all in favor I I motion to close motion to close second all in favor I I I 3