##VIDEO ID:Q8RVibElpjM## it's working it was is it's like 703 right now no it's 70500 just turned 7 satellite time i' I've got that time right up there I wonder right early [Music] well I think we can call it to order at 7:00 please take Pledge of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all [Music] uh any additions or corrections to the agenda I don't have any should to approve the agenda is written second all in favor I consent agenda all right tonight's consent agenda you have the minutes from from the October 15th council meeting you have the list of payables in the uh in the budget report I was just going to point out one expense we do have a bond and bond interest payment for the 2014 project so that that went through in tonight's meeting but other than that everything else was really routine does that clean up that Bond or is that have some time on it yet uh there's a little bit left on that one okay I can give you the specifics later on Mo motion yep second all in favor by public forum do we have anybody here to speak to public forum public [Music] forum closing public for notices and Communications I do not have any Council reports parkboard met at 5:30 today went over the projects that are that are getting completed the safe routs of school and we talked about possibly uh uh we had made a policy last month that no motorized vehicles on the paths and I brought up for discussion that uh I think that was a narrow sighted and not uh not not Visionary at all I do believe that the only time that children are really on that path much is between 7 and 8:15 in the morning and maybe 3 until maybe around 4:00 in the afternoon so I don't really see any reason not to allow uh like Bill Baron's motorized uh wheelchair uh golf carts uh that type of thing I I don't see that that that this would that would be detrimental I do see an upside to it and that is to keep those elements off of the city streets I believe there's a safety factor for not only the motorists but the individuals that are driving those those carts and motorized implements so that was up for discussion and we could not make that policy decision but we have brought opened up for discussion and I want to update the board the council that that's we're looking at that possibility that will have to come to council for approval I would guess right Clinton yep secondly uh we talked about music in the park and next year Paul vus is looking at doubling the amount of performances uh for two a month rather than one and he was very pleased with how things went he's also looking at possibly expanding the uh food trucks available maybe if he has to go out out of town to have at least two and maybe three options for any performance uh Park plans for next year we've set some possible uh objectives and some ideas so we're finalizing them through the through the winter months uh Jacob lurky agreed to uh serve another term so he will be a up for appointment in January from this group lastly of the Jamesville matter group came forward and requested that maybe the park board incorporate them as part of the park board group and we had discussions about how that would be possibly look uh what the Alternatives would be and didn't come to any conclusion but simply open discussions about it we are going to research possible Alternatives uh some of the things that they asked about and uh at the next meeting we'll have a a more thorough discussion we'd like to finalize yes or no before the end of the year so that's the park board was there anything in that with the the grant through the state or about the safe routes on I didn't see anything but I can I'll keep looking again and just for history purposes here jwp requested that no motorized vehicles be on that path right by the baseball field so that's the only location of all of safe routs that that Jim is talking about here is that little area by the baseball field did they give a reason I think safety you got kids walking to school on a path they don't want but that was only that's only that hour and a half in the morning and hour and a half in the evening I yeah I don't that's the request they made so yep understood it would also coincide with Springtime games that the path is close to where the fans sit around the field it is you got something Ron yes being at the city gave the uh motorized vehicles like like four-wheelers and golf carts and stuff the authorization to drive on the city streets I don't think they they've got absolutely no business on those Pathways cuz that's they weren't designed for Motor Vehicles they were designed for people walking in the safety and I've noticed even on the pathway going to the park I've seen some four-wheelers and golf carts going down that walkway think what I felt was an excessive verye I don't think they should be allowed on that those are walkways not they've got the streets to drive up I think we should eliminate any Pathways like I say like a motorized uh wheelchair something like that yes that's not going to go 15 20 mil hour away as far as four-wheelers and and golf carts being on those paths it should absolutely be banned completely thank you thank you whoops anything else for Council reports um Pete was here what two weeks ago um we had a meeting last week our census is a little low at the nursing home and then uh I got called away to a fire so that's as far as I got in our meeting uh parkroad Plaza has met with the contractor uh we have a start date and because I'm forgetful I don't remember the exact date I think it's the 8th of November but someplace in there that first week um the contractor has been here they've agreed that they'll use the north doors on Park Road all the material will be either stored north of the Park Road building or in the basement so they'll be secured um we have met once with the uh tenants of Park Road and uh for warned them that this is a construction project that although it's well planned out they are going to be Inc convenien at times uh tentatively it'll be 6 weeks with no elevator uh the elevator may be possible to use at times but there won't be a a car it'll just be a platform so um because of safety reasons the the contractor would run it if somebody absolutely had to use that but we're going to try to avoid [Music] that as as much as we can I told the the tenants were advised to buy all the groceries they're going to need for the next 6 weeks uh get their medicines ordered up the less they have to carry up the stairs the better they're going to be and we still run into problems with uh uh meals that are ordered in uh uh some of them are getting meals from the nursing home and at this time they're not able to go and sit in the nursing home and eat them uh they have to take them to their room so that means that some of them are going to carry meals up for flights of stairs every day that uh but the other thing we stressed is uh this is not an assisted living building so as a tenant you kind of have to take care of yourself and we'll be meeting with them once more we meet on Wednesday of this week uh hopefully we'll hit the rest of the attendants that didn't attend the first meeting the only thing I have is uh we'll be covering it here coming up with the Personnel committee for the collective bar greement PE that than that that's it administrative report all right in the report tonight you have the gas balance report from last Friday you have the comparison for the golf course and if you remember at our last meeting when the townships were here they had a couple questions asked to get some information to them so we put that together and mailed that out last week so I put that in the in the report for you uh last Thursday Main Street had their Uptown Frights and delights as it was called this year it went from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. and this year the Eda actually had a table out there so a couple of us were there handing out candy we uh we ran out so I want home so how many people you think how many people actually trick or treat there you think 400 it's a lot a lot 400 500 it looked like a lot I think so the street was full for yeah you know it's interesting too two of us are handing out candy and we were each giving each kid a candy bar probably why we lasted 45 minutes so we might have to plan that a little better next year uh safe routes to school we should get the final invoice for this year soon uh they did keep 1% retainer so that we can monitor the grass in the spring um after the grass was installed and seated or whatever did obviously did not rain so it did not grow so we're going to look at that again next spring so we did hold a little money back for that um and then the only other thing I have here would be the the rest of this year the city council is going to meet on Tuesday November 12th Monday November 25th and then our final budget meeting is Monday December 9th that's all I have anybody have any questions motion approve administr rep second second all in favor hi uh nobody on for department heads yeah we didn't have anyone scheduled for tonight so do any of the department heads want to share anything with us all right they're all so excited right old business number one 2025 sewer and sanitary yes Joel is here Mr zimy he is going to go over the sanitary and storm sewer budgets tonight these budgets will be adopted in December December 9th when the rest of the city budget is is adopted so I'm just trying to get your first page here Joel yeah there we go so we're looking at the sanitary budget um overall that fund is in pretty good shape um looking at the revenue line of things things here um one thing to take note um would be this was adopted 2024 bumps to this 409 for for next year we're proposing a rate increase um to help fund some of these projects that we have coming down the pipe our CIP that I think is presented next meeting next meeting um we're looking at potential road projects in the Years 2027 and 2029 and to kind of get out ahead of that to help fund the sanitary sewer side of those projects to be able to absorb those debt payments that we will be taking on um we will recommend a a rate increase for the year 2025 and 2026 um and what that increase looks like could you bump to what page is that right here the next one the next one after that one yep that one um so right now our rates are 1250 base and a $3.50 per 1,000 gallons of water charge um so we're looking to bump the base charge 50 cents in the usage 75 cents for the year 2025 and then another base spike in 2026 of 75 um just to kind of put it in perspective this is all the surrounding communities uh even with those increases we are still the second lowest for utility fees um sewer and water um so the median is 4814 and we will be $38 yep I wanted to make sure I was reading that correctly yep um so yeah so the year 2025 we'll be looking at $13 is what we're proposing $13 base chart with a $425 per 1,000g usage charge and will that give you sufficient funds to to start pooling money for that uh for the project so here's here's the to stay above our Target balance that's why it kind of dips here then that rate increase hits and then it kind of keeps climbing even with taking on those extra projects yep yep that's how that's how we designed that just so we could stay B stay ahead of it yep very proactive Joel yep that's pretty much it on the revenue side um when would a potential rate increase probably end of the the last meeting of the year I don't know when all that gets approved I'm trying to remember when we the 25 I don't remember probably be January the same time we do uh assignments and uh uh uh rates for different things yeah yeah it would be January you're right yeah that like that Master Fee Fe schedule I think so yeah bumping over the expense side of the sanitary sewer um budget pretty much unchanged I mean salary we took on that other the third fulltime that'll be um included in that um I think we're still waiting on some insurance cost to plug into this um but otherwise pretty straight forward we're still we're still looking at improvements down at our main lift station um most likely this coming year probably a new pump um replace the last old pump that we have um and we still have some valving that we need to to replace so and that's another thing is looking ahead at the rates is down the pipe too within the next 5 years we're looking at replacing the the whole control panel structure down at the main lift as well so that' be a substantial expense um so we're trying to also get ahead to budget for that as well so I see your Professional Services at 33 almost 34,000 and you're only budgeting 15 and we're budgeted 18 uh discrepancy is what um so we have the sewer consent assessments that you guys approved um a homeowner has sewer issues Sewer Service they don't necessarily have the funds to fund the repair they came to us we provided we hire basically hired the contractor to fix their sewer then we pay that bill but then that gets bumped to their taxes at the county level so that's why that number is high so you're anticipating not such so much draw on that next year it's hard to say I I agree with that to say all right yeah but either way we'll be but yes we'll be recovering we will be recovering that we'll get it back sooner or later yes all right yep thanks I just didn't know what that was another thing I'd like to point out too as long we're in that Professional Services line is the arcgis if you look over to the right it says arcgis we are looking at updating our GIS system total reboot um with Bolton and M um new maps interactive maps that we could pull up on our phones out in the field uh add information um it's a really nice tool to have um um so that's kind of all included in that service so and that's joint with water sewer storm sewer all across those those departments and a little general yep yep so will our cost increase at all with the new uh new uh residential home lots would that would that does that impact this at all not necessarily okay no yeah you'll have a little more flow your pumps will run maybe just a little bit longer but not shouldn't be significant not like taking on a big industrial load or anything yeah okay Joel my concerns deal with uh future expansion in the community we've got two housing developments slated to get off the ground or start going and uh uh we're maybe talking about a community center I know Wasa county is uh pushing to get some commercial development going in this area uh that uh uh there's a concern about having enough capacity on the system we have so if we're talking strictly residential you know say you add 30 40 homes I don't don't see an issue our ponds our primary ponds are oversized you know they when they put those in they anticipated some growth um my concern would come in if if there was a big commercial or IND industrial load um what that looks like on our system I guess I don't know um at this time we have nobody that's looking other than W se's commercial space is all rented out so they are trying to find other places they can go and type of Industry you know that makes a big difference too um you know the mayor's not here so I can pick on him another truck wash um but um that depends on the type to but residential probably okay um but then again that everything hinges on kind of what the npca calls their average wet weather flow and a couple years there we were we were high and they were like well you're getting close Your Capacity we got to start looking at these a little closer but now we're a little low so it's just kind of trying to find a balance so there's no room for expansion out there out at the pond yes I believe there is to the South oh okay I think there that was I think I read in a plan from way back yeah that if there was ever any potential expansion they could go that way on them low on them lowers but the concern would be additional lifts stations probably yeah I mean that would probably have to get included somewhere no matter what uh whatever kind of development you're looking at where you're going to be putting in new lift stations which someone will have to recoup that cost or pay for it up front too so um yeah just more maintenance and just FYI the ponds it was a federal I think it was a Federal grant but they were put in in like ' 92 uh the primaries were like 1990 and the the old secondaries down below they had to be close to the first ones in Minnesota they were late they were early 60s mhm but older than me yeah so that's sanitary sewer any other I think we covered I guess that one sheet kind of this worksheet kind of covers those anticipated project kits that's what's in red there um that's kind of what our breakdown the sanitary sewer portion of those projects would be um and and again that kind of all with this graph you know that's kind of how we came up with those with those rate increase numbers just as long as we could keep that graph looking good no big spikes keep it kind of kind of flat so [Applause] so new storm storm again Revenue Pretty When We Built This Storm sewer fund um I think we projected out like 12 years where we virtually didn't have to have any changes for 12 years so that's why the the revenue kind of just stays the same um you know if there's a development or something that could increase a little bit obviously but um overall that just stays the same as far as expenses go um you know we got some Bond schedule that that we had to pay for that really is unchanged um Professional Services is one I'd like to touch on there you see the arc GIS part of that will come out of that fund and a lot of the driver in that account um is the ditch assessment for judicial ditch 11 the county Channel um preliminary numbers look okay for this year but they haven't been approved at the county level you know we've been getting nailed pretty good um we're talking you know 40 45,000 lately with that ditch they redetermined that ditch um preliminary numbers this year are coming back okay so hopefully they stay that way pending County board approval but um otherwise it's just maintenance um cleaning our own ditches and equipment repair so pretty much unchanged not much to report in the storm budget some reconstructs you have plan for the future do them include storm as well yep I think there should be that graph in this as well I just wasn't sure if there's been some yep some stuff already put in that could stay or if that yeah yeah the red numbers sure y so we plugged in those same thing we plugged in those numbers in the in the equations there and yeah the the fund is is is healthy so it's hitting the right direction yep yep cuz the portion of them those projects yes come out of storm as well and I think we only have the old format where it was two separate stor storm sewer districts one and two whenever a project would happen it would go to those things I think we only have couple years left one or two years left on one and then them are over with and then we'll be SL on this system so very good once again I would like to thank Andrea and Joel for putting these together they over the years here they've always worked very hard together putting these budgets together so thank you to those two makes my life a little easier it's all about you anyway no not really just trying to keep up with you man oh there you go so does that increase with with the S the does that go up with the water as well um say that you me she are they water rates I'm not sure on water rates I think they're proposing an increase um yeah I'm not going to speak for her I can't remember SC yep anything else for Joel thank you thank Jo thank you Joel old business number two Community Development Services yes so the community and economic development Associates which refer to themselves as Ceda c da has put a proposal together to have a CA staff person in Jamesville either two or three days a week and they will they will do our Eda work our housing initiatives they'll do that type of work with that they'll look at some grant funding for different things within the community um of course mainly focused with the economic development and the relationship with businesses and things like that so that's a big portion of that position that obviously is vacant right now um the Eda reviewed this proposal and they they highly recommend that the council sign this we are looking to begin on January 1st and uh initially I put bu the budget for three days but you know if the council wants to talk about two we can start with two or three that's entirely up to you it'll be about 7 $71,000 to have them here three days a week and they will they will run the Eda meetings they will do they'll do all that stuff the the Partnerships with businesses and and things like that they will that's what they focus on they're really good at that stuff there are quite a few communities in the area that do use Ceda for these types of services Ceda is also serving the uh high school here correct yes they are correct thank you for bringing that up so what would you recommend to three what do you need well three would be great what's our budget do I have budgeted three now but you know if we wanted to try two for the first it's entirely up to you early um I have no perspective so I need to go out with the FR at at that rate that's similar to having our own full-time person on staff so it's not really an increase we kind of felt too that if there's one person from this contractor that's 3 days you know 8 hours a day really not getting involved in a lot of the other things you know going on in the office we felt that they probably get I don't have I don't have an issue either way I'm just wondering what what is what what we think we need if I'm not I'm not opposed to three if you think you only need two I'm not opposed that either I'm thinking I'll go with whatever the the pros the staff thanks we need I'm assuming there's a opportunity for re renegotiating after like 6 months yes we can it's a 30-day notice on either side yep good question I forgot to so mention that sorry well I'll I'll make a motion that we go for the 3day uh plan okay three days I'll second all in favor iOS I you're voting for it I sorry that was a little confusing ah new business number one CBA with the police yes uh the collective bargaining agreement with the police expires at the end of October this month and we have in front of you a proposed two-year contract which uh Jason Moran and I visited with the Union the business agent and also with Sheila the Union steward uh we have this in front of you to look at tonight I do know the Personnel committee met and reviewed this and the the only thing I'm going to say is that really the only changes is that we have added juneth as a paid holiday cuz that's a new state law we did um identify that the night shift The Hours worked we put that in the contract here and we changed a couple some term out with uh we had probationary period reference in here and right now our Personnel policy calls it a training period so we just kind of fixed up couple words like that um that's and then yes I knew there's another item the cost of living for next year will be the 3% that the city council has already discussed with all budgets and the second year in this agreement the cost of living calls for 4% so the city council keep in mind that when we start looking at our budgets next you know June July we will be plugging in a 4% cost of living for all all departments um so this contract runs November 1 of this year through October 31 of 2026 make a motion that we accept the agreement with the Police Department I'll second it all in favor Cemetery maintenance number two in your business yeah we received two bids two sealed bids that we are going to open up tonight here uh they were due last Wednesday the 23rd so we'll open them tonight right now I do want to point out here quickly that uh the previous contract was $8,000 a year and right now we budgeted $88,500 in next year's budget just in case you know there is some increase going on so right now we have two here that Mr Alman will open uh this bid is from from M andk Enterprises Marty Erman the amount of $122,000 uh this one is from Cruz lawn Mo the amount of $10,000 Cru okay you believe y 10 what's that 10 yes 10,000 Walker crew okay we have a discussion on that so this contract will go through October 31 of 2027 I'm not familiar with u Cruz is he certified to spray the chemicals out there or hasn't that been a priority I believe that was part of this it says paragraph one in the middle it's Mowing and maintain weeds spray and parentheses See's here just roll under there uh just with the equipment has to satisfy the germs of the contract mhm I'm not really familiar with that either anything on the back Mar has on has has been I feel more comfortable with somebody that we've N9 years for this one 3 years for St John 15 years St Mary I think I'd rather go with Marty how long how long contract with Z one three years four was it four three three yeah three my thinking is that we we uh maybe want to refuse both contracts uh if you go three years and even if you got 10% increase it's uh 3,200 which would be 11,000 and 10 would be a reasonable number but I don't think we had first two years of that contract the the uh inflation was 1 2% maybe so I'm thinking that 10,000 is probably a more reasonable we wanted to go with that I think they're both a little bit High I think 9,000 would be a reasonable number but that's just one opinion yeah Ron he's got his hand up oh go ahead Ron I'd like to put in a couple words about that Cemetery out there due to the issues of this year I've been out there quite often and the I feel the lack of concern or lack of respect for whoever was taking care of that Cemetery there was flat Stones covered totally in grass clippings headstones grass pushed up against it like you know snow blowned up against I mean it was I found it very disrespectful the way the Cemetery was taken care of and I'm feeling that if it's going to cost a couple 3,000 bucks more we get somebody out there that's going to do a nice job that's well worth the money we've had no issues with spending money anywhere you just example was your 71,000 for 3 day a week person you know now you're talking maybe two or $4,000 let's let's spend extra money let's get somebody out there that's going to take care of the place I mean I I said it was I was really shocked when I see the conditions that it was left in after they mow but plus also the fact that there's veterans out there too and that to cover their gr stone with grass is very disrespectful also I don't think money should be an issue well there's nothing in the agreement that says that they need to uh remove uh trimmings from headstones maybe that should be added yeah that's in there it is it just says uh care of maintenance tire cemy pick up winter and summer flowers all and maintained weeds pick up branches turn around headstones fill in areas properly disposed doesn't say anything about about removing debris or trimming some head flowers and clippings properly displ dispose of all flower or all branches flowers and clippings I think the trimming of the headstones is what says nothing about removing stuff proper proper dispos of all branches flowers and clipping so what from what Ron's saying is that the agreement wasn't met I what didn't have proper proper disposal Marty's right here we maybe we can ask him about that absolutely ask we can uh everybody knows the first three months of ow you did you did it way more than normal I personally feel the only proper way to do it is for to get paid for time I would love to Reit on and talk to you about getting her time granted I would want some kind of guaranteed money because I have to have insurance I have to have the equipment to be able to do it but yes the last two years before this year I didn't want much this year got my ass language and when you got multiple jobs it's hard to get back and my concern to him is I I know we lost some Stones like that but were did they stay that way we came back and blew a lot of stuff off and they don't get trimmed right away we come back and trim it too well but my my def fents I found the grave site the end of May and I and I visited the grave site probably every two weeks since then and now with the gravestone out there and I've never seen where the grass has been grown off of anything that's that's your your side okay that will Locker Crews do a good job for you absolutely I'm not I'm not here to fight long good I'm just here I said the fair way to do it I believe and there's a few things in that in your what you want accomplished that could be tweaked probably better in lawn heeld and you don't want your grass M down an inch and a half and there's no way anybody M at 4 in you'd live out there you know so there's a few things there that could be tweaked in in the I'm not here you want give it to Walker walk we have any other discussion on that I mean my take is it is $2,000 cheaper so I do think that we have to be mindful of the money we spend because it is taxpayers money having someone else apparently at least one customer wasn't satisfied with what was happening and we're always open I was always open my phone never rang about anybody you know I don't know if Joe's did usually if Joe hears it I hear y well I think my my take is to take the Lesser bid due to the fact that it is uh that's why we do these sealed bids so I motion that we take the bid from Cruz Lao maybe at some point we need to relook at what Marty said and tweak some stuff and not opposed to that at all at doing things a little bit differently too at some point we have Mo sh a motion I'll second all right I'll second it Andy I you made a a good comment there yeah it's a reasonable number it's it's when I thought it to I'll I'll second that motion all in favor I I oppos all 311 see I don't I I don't dig my heels in the sand I make a comment and doesn't have to be right uh new business item number three say set donations police and right dep yes we have a total of a few donations here in tonight's resolution uh a total of $50 through the police fund and a total of $75 to the fire fund and resolution number 32 has has that information in there don't check uh in favor of accepting the donations motion toour second all in [Applause] favor at i ph deeping I got a new phone I don't know how to make it quiet uh 748