##VIDEO ID:0TYumQjhzIs## e she coming in about good job thank you coming or no feach hello s hello how are you leaving the dream who's I don't know where's my meeting okay what's the number e e [Music] this is only CU we have this on but I mean this one will approve it right we have not those you don't have those we did we have five meetings for that you do three already this yours the only one is this one 658 like today you guys what how many years let's go let's go hello yeah [Laughter] good evening and welcome to the regular meeting for the LA City Council today is Tuesday November November 19 20124 pursuing to chapter 20 of the act of 2022 this meeting will be high allow participation both in person at the city council chambers and remotly anybody that request this the zoom meeting to participate on this on this uh Zoom I did it's it's there uh the link was uh forward to this uh to anybody that requested uh through the L U City collect office this meeting is also been transmitted live through the L city council uh Facebook page as well as the L city council YouTube page roll call Mad cler councelor Levy pres councelor llant present councelor Lan present councel Santiago present Council Del Rosario sorry present Council ml is noted as absent Council Rees no council Marl is here for the beginning stages of this meeting my apologies councelor council mamal is noted as present councilor Rees present Council vice president infon present council president Rodriguez present please join me for a moment of silence uh remembers of the allance high school teacher m Maria Teresa Montero she served the City of Lawrence for over 30 years uh on our schools now join me for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of United States of America and the repic which stands one nation on the inivisible withy and justice for all thank you all for the moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance um pursuing with our meeting we have minute uh to be approved councilors we have a set of minutes from October 15 2024 can I get a motion to approve those minutes there is a motion to approve the minutes can you hear a second second proper prop properly second any discussion on the meetings Madame CLA please call the role councilor Rees yes councilor marmel yes Council Santiago yes councel Del Rosario yes coun Council Lon yes councel lant yes councelor Levy yes Council vice president infon yes council president Rodriguez uh yes now we're going to Pursuit uh with public participation and um we have a list available for anybody that would like to speak for two and a half minutes regarding any topic of the city of lawence the rules are the rues for the public participation are as follow please refer to this Council as a whole not to any individ counselors you're going to have two and a half minutes to speak we're going to uh clct your time at the 2 minute uh Mark you going to have a u bip sound or a a a sign indicating that you still have 30 seconds to speak uh and we're going to call everybody please uh provide your name and address for the record the first person that we have um on the list is H Malik name and address for the record please Mal 53 Chester Street in this important Thanksgiving mon we are grateful to have the best police department serving and protecting Laurentian Lawrence Police with the impactable leadership by honorable Chief Bonia doing excellent job to protect our citizen we are proud to support Lawrence Police Union and Superior officers Union Lawrence Police thank you for excellent job million thanks to our DPW employees and Leadership we deserve the best pay raise and compensation we are proud of you we support our great Inspection Department employees and their Union we must hire more inspector Lawrence Public School with the impactable leadership by honorable RAF gerera moving forward Lawrence teachers you are number one we support your great Union Lawrence Public School with a budget of 260 million must pay the best compensation to our teachers pro professional employees and cafeteria po please help our homeless population in this important Thanksgiving season Lawrence always a strong Lawrence always unite we demand the best contract for our awesome firefighters we are united in support of Lawrence police officers Union we pray for the safety of all first responder and police officers in the nation Lawrence Police thank you for excellent job we wish the best Thanksgiving for all first responder Lawrence police officers and the all the city workers and the union thank you the next person that we have is uh Rich Rosell councelor Rosell name and address for the record please good evening councilors Richard Russell 34 cross street what I have to start with off with tonight will probably not be well received by some and will be considered racist by others and rude crude and socially unacceptable by still some more I have never been one to hold my tongue on issues of fairness regarding the FastTrack agenda wrm 540-2421 feierstein 96 Al Baran 81 the inventor of the quarter pounda Ferdinand Waldo deera age 61 the great impostor Rex r KS I hope I'm pronouncing it right a rapper uh Lawrence a abocom cromi a Navy Admiral triple cross winner Sully ner lead singer of God smack Robbie Merrill guitar player for God Smack Joe Perry guitar player for Aros Smith and last but not least and most famous 77-year-old Ernest Thea he was the author of Casey At The Bat what do they have in common with the exception of Adam Fein they were all born in Lawrence uh are they worthy of street corners in their honor I don't know with no disrespect any individuals pushing for the dedication for the aquilus espanosa con Conor I would like to point out his wake took place the night before night prior to when this agenda item was placed at the last Council agenda as a late file item after running my mouth about the above mentioned items I don't suppose that this is the right time to inquire about the replacement plaques on the mendous the Stockton and the Tumi monuments if I'm not mistaken money to redo these plaques was supposed to be coming out of the fy2 budget has there any been any progress on redoing these PLS uh where the honor names are bigger than some of the political officials as I close I want to hope that the bird the Thanksgiving bird is with you in 8 days as always thank you for the time to address these important issues at least to me it is thank you the next person that we have is josua oper chines name and address for the record please good evening Joshua opener 35 KN Street um my name is Joshua obam I live at 35 KNX Street um I'm here to support item 54024 the dedication to aches knowledge Espinosa I would like to begin by thanking the city council for your dedication to the city I witness firsthand the hard work commitment each of you bring to our community to make it a better place your efforts true truly make a difference and I am grateful for all that you guys do I stand here before for you guys to request the approval of dedication of a special tribute to an individual that embodied everything that makes Len such a remarkable City through his hard work dedication and positive spirit Achilles has become a living example of the values we all strive for Unity Family and Community Support over the years I've had the privilege of watching all of you work tirelessly to help change The Narrative of our city each of you have contributed in your own way to the growth the transformation that we all see today and I truly believe Achilles represents that very essence of what lawren stands for Achilles was more than just a person he was a Beacon of Hope a source of strength a true leader in our community he used his platform to bring people together to uplift us and to inspire each and every one of us his message was always one of positivity and growth pushing us to be better to learn and to succeed if achillus was here today I know he would say um he would tell me I am capable of more even as I speak these words he would remind me that no matter how much progress I've made there is always more to achieve more to push through and more to become Achilles didn't settle for anything less than his very best it was his Unstoppable drive to always improve to always reach Beyond his grasp and if he was here today with us now he would push us to all do the same as a father I want my son to grow up with r models who show him the power of kindness hard work and dedication to this community my son is 8 years old and when he looks at um the Beautiful Life of Achilles I want him to see someone who led with love who brought people together who left a legacy of positive change and achilles is exactly the kind of person I want him to admire and Immaculate that's why I'm asking for your approval today by dedicating this tribute to Achilles we are honoring the values he stood for the positive influence he had on our lives Liv and the impact he continues to have on our community it's a reminder to us all that we can make a difference just as aches did thank you for your time and consideration I truly believe that his dedication will serve as a lasting Testament to the spirit of unity and positivity that L [Applause] defines please hold your applause for the end of the public participation we are going to appreciate that thank you the next person that we have is um the milisha name and address for the record please hello my name is tamicia tahada I live on 7 wellow Street and I'm here to support item 542 54024 the dedication for aulus knowledge Espinosa knowledge was truly one of the most profound influences in my life and in the lives of many others in the City of Lawrence as a young creative he inspired me to dream bigger to reach higher and to adopt a mindset Without Limits coming from Lawrence he could have easily stayed within the comfort of what he knew but instead he chose to push Beyond The Familiar always humble always returning to uplift his community no matter how far he went his absence leaves a deep void knowledge touched the hearts of people of all ages with his music his voice and his genuine spirit leaving a lasting impact on our city his Drive ambition and Relentless dedication to inspire others has not only elevated me but countless others within our age group in ways that are difficult to put into words let's take a moment to look Beyond his collaborations with some of the biggest names in the industry let's focus on the hearts of knowledge's work his sincere intention to uplift others not to seek fame or attention he was always about the people about creating something that would not only resonate with the older crowd but with our uh with our City's youth I believe knowledge deserves more than just recognition he deserves a memorial service a tribute from a city that has nurtured so many driven talented individuals just like him people who despite their ambition and focus sometimes face the temptation to strape From the Path because of the challenges tired from what we were raised upon knowledge's Legacy will live on in all of us he used to call me his little Prodigy and it pains me to know I won't hear him say that again but in his honor I stand here today expressing what I believe is right once again my name is tamicia zala and that's all I have for today all right thank you the next person that we have is Jose Spinosa May man address for the record please the name is Jose Espinosa I was the father of Ailes Espinosa knowledge I live at 40 Trenton Street I've been there for 40 plus years I was in the United States Marine Corps now Aila loved who he was and what he was and he knew who he was he knew that Lawrence made him he couldn't have made it without Lawrence the youth the adults whoever the case may be and not because he was my son but this kid had a lot of talent had a lot of talent he would ride a bicycle when he was 10 years old from here to Salsbury beach with me okay with his dad Lawrence made him and Lawrence deserves to know the youth the people of Lawrence deserve to know just like he deserves to be remembered for allowing him to make it we need for him to be remembered because he made it because of the people of Lawrence thank you that's all I have to say thank you the next person that we have is um Patrick havit Patrick 11 Bridge Street I'm here to support item 54-24 dedication of ailis knowledge espanosa so 482 482 is a number of people who showed up to his wake majority of them wasn't family or friends they were the community and just like everyone standing behind me and I'm sure if you open the doors you'll see a whole line on the street as well majority of them are not friends they're not family they are the community you have people that speak that spoken like Isha that was 10 years younger than me you have people that spoke that's 10 years older than me that just shows that not only did knowledge have an impact on the community but he exceeded three generations so when when I was growing up in Lawrence the only thing that I used to see that symbolized our community were negative stereotypes like drugs and violence the youth had nobody to look up to but then there comes knowledge the epitomy of hard work hope that determination and dedication he worked hand to hand with us all pushing us to our full potential and making sure we never give up on ourselves and especially our goals so we're not here asking for a street sign because it's a trend we're asking for a street sign that not only is going to honor this young man but it's Al going to symbolize the growth of our community if you didn't have the honor of meeting him then I truly feel unfortunate for you guys because if you did you would honestly be standing next to me right now asking for the same thing cuz knowledge was the heart of Lawrence I resan thank you the next person that we have is Julia silo councelor syia good evening counselors that's a a tough act to follow I guess um with the uh presentations be before you for uh Ailes Espinosa um the purpose for my visit tonight is twofold um my name is Julia Silverio I live at 617 haal street so sorry um want to express my gratitude to to the honorable counselors mayor Brian depena Chief of Staff Santiago Matias and all the individuals involved in approving and developing the project named Julia Silo Park on Canal Street this past October 30th my family and I appreciate this Monumental recognition we hope this recognition will encourage our young people in future generations to pursue their dreams and to work together for the betterment of our society as I I guess we have seen here tonight the other purpose why I am here is to support um the the item 539-2446 to grow and attract new blood into our city the creation of a casino at the mall in Salem New Hampshire does not benefit the poor communities around it there's are several items that are involved it affects education and our young people's growth it affects housing we currently have an issue with housing where many of our tenants seek assistance to be able toay pay their rent imagine what will happen if instead of paying their rent they choose to go to the casino with hopes of increasing their income and end up losing their weekly salaries it affects Property Owners while a tenant is unable to pay his or her rent the property owner still has an obligation to pay the property taxes Insurance mortgage and upkeep of the property therefore this is a threat to our the current housing crisis that we are facing in in our city it affects bankruptcy when people become addicted to gambling just like any other type of addiction it affects the their ability to pay their mortgages and take care of other Financial situations that they might face it affects families it creates divorce and family disruptions thank you counc increase in domestic violence and separation economic effects to our businesses when a casino opens just give me one more minute the business is tougher and we have gone a long way to make Essex Street and the city bring on all of these uh new businesses to our city so please take that into consideration when you're considering that resolution 539 d24 thank you so much the next person that we have is Les Bernard name just for the record please good evening uh my name is Les Bernell I reside at 257 Mount Vernon Street here in the city I've been here for almost 30 years um in my professional life I'm the national director for stop predatory gambling which is a national nonprofit organization which are involved in all 50 states and um I'm going to stay for the document itself so I'll answer more questions about the work we do and why it matters so much um just have two quick things I'm going to add here one I just want to recognize uh the incredible leadership experience I've had working with vice president uh city of the city council Stephanie and fonte for her leadership on this filing this resolution against the casino projects want to acknowledge that work uh I also want to carry a message Pastor malro grian who is the executive director of aadal which is a network of 120 churches here in Lawrence and in great Lawrence of Evangelical pastors she who's supposed to be here tonight to speak in support of the resolution she had a last minute conflict but she wanted me to convey to you that aadal is in supportive of passing this resolution and lastly um a quick note about the woman who spoke before me I've been in public life for almost 35 years um I can honestly tell you there's no one I admire as much who I've met in the in in this country and then Julio saario the kind of person she is her character and selflessness to serve other people and her willingness to speak tonight her presence here tonight I think is more powerful than anything I'll deliver to to you tonight in terms of facts but um I'm honored that she's here and lend her incredible credibility uh on this important fight in our in our city and our country so thanks for the work you do thank you the next person is uh Davido May good evening councilman um my name is David Paro they call me Med poo um I live on 65 kendle Street I've been part of this community my whole life uh I was born in Wayne New Jersey but I came here in ' 81 and I've been here ever since I have been blessed to uh be a part of the music industry worldwide I've also been blessed to be part of the community and work with atrisk youth in the community and I've seen the impact that this young man has had um I personally started in the first generation like the gentleman spoke earlier we're three generations in and his music Still impacts us I currently work with a population that's probably from 16 to 22 and I see that the impact that his music still has to them so to me what this this means is that we're going to acknowledge someone that is a great representation of our community I myself have been running around for years trying to tell everybody and I say it proudly I'm from Lawrence don't judge a book by its cover we are educated we don't all do things that you think like we all want to strive and do better for our family in our community and if I have to say who stands and who represents what we are it's knowledge um I've been in rooms uh in California and LA with big people and when I tell them I'm from Lawrence Massachusetts the first name that comes up is knowledge he's made an impact in music and he's also made an impact in community the communities of surrounding which is LEL Lawrence havil all the way to New York all you can name any state and he has a fan based and I think one of the most important things that we can do as a community is highlight that um support that and acknowledge what he meant to us as a community and what he can mean to us as a community going forward cuz one of the most important things that we can leave is a legacy not everyone has a chance to leave a Legacy and I think that this young man has left a legacy and I think that we should um as a community really really really embrace it and we should give him and his family and everyone who supports everything that he's ever stood for uh a longlasting name in what we call this beautiful City of Lawrence Massachusetts thank you thank you the next person that we have is lening Roa School Committee Member [Music] Raa Lenin Roa is 36 Columbus Aven in Lawrence Massachusetts um had the opportunity to uh lately indulge myself in the in the music uh of Mr Spinosa and uh going through people who have known him and people who care for him um and the way they they speak um it's remarkable um the things that he did things that I able to read and things that I'm able to look for are things that um are admirable and I um I'm in support of 54-24 and uh it's uh it would be greatly appreciated by a lot of people that I had the time to uh to speak with uh on behalf of of of myself to get educated enough to know that uh the gentleman did uh did great things and and he's he was from Lawrence and uh he meant a lot to a lot of people um having said that um I uh I I urge you to to please uh pass this resolution for him and for his family his friends and anybody that he touched he touched in his life thank you thank you uh we have nobody on the zoom that would like to speak with that said I going to submit all these names for the record thank you everybody for participate um in Especial opinion on public participation uh we going to proceed with uh the agenda going on top of the agenda yeah give me a minute no public hearings um communication from the mayor that is none and committee report we're going to allow the city the vice president of the city council Stephanie Fant thank you council president through you I would like to make a motion to take out of order item 4 540 d24 the dedication of Corner in honor of of achiles knowledge espanosa second a motion to take item 540 out of order properly second discussion on the on the matter just just to take it out of order then we're going to we're going to entertain the the the report all M CLA please call the RO this is to take the document out of order um councilor Levy yes Council plant yes Council Lon yes Council Del Rosario yes councilor Santiago yes Council marmal yes councelor Reyes yes Council vice president infon yes council president Rodriguez I vote Yes at this point I'm going to um allow um the chair for the ordinance committee to provide us with a report on item 5424 Council of plan ordinance committee met on this document uh and sent up to the full council with a 3 to1 recommendation to uh to adopt uh the intersection of and to make that in the form of a motion there is a motion on the table to accept to adopt uh the corner of um with no recommendation so it's a committee report all right that is a motion to present it as a committee report I believe favorable favorable recommendation right hear yeah yeah so it was favorable so it's a motion to approve the corner the corner in honor of ail no Espinosa Council council president I'm going to um my my fault um we did have a discussion on it and and the council vice president is 100% correct the motion is to send this up at as a committee report was three to one vote so my apologies I resend the other one and make it as a committee report that's the motion we have a motion to accept this item as a committee report properly second discussion on the committee report discussion uh on the committee report all right Madame Clair please call the RO councelor Reyes yes councel marmel yes councelor Santiago yes counil Del Rosario yes counil Lon yes Council plant yes Council Levy yes Council vice president fonte yes council president Rodriguez i v yes uh now I going to entertain a motion uh for this item motion to approve and wait the 30 days a motion on motion to approve and wave the 30 days uh properly second by councelor at large Selena Rees uh discussion Council vice president Infante before before we go into the discussion I would like to uh just read the item for the record and for everybody that is here is the dedication of the corner in honor of ailles knowledge Espinosa the corner of Trenton and park stre and this item was uh sponsored by councelor vice president Infante councelor District B Wendy Lon councilor District C uh Gregory Rosario and also the mayor of the City of Lawrence um Madame vice president infant you have the floor thank you through you council president I just I want to repeat something that I said um at the ordinance committee meeting because one of the the sponsors of this item is not part of that that committee and I and I want to make sure that councelor lzone knows um my appreciation for her to to jump on this item and sponsor it with myself councelor De Rosario and um mayor depena when I originally put this on the city council agenda I thought I'm I'm still getting to know some of the the streets and the district but I thought this this corner was in councelor the rosarios uh District uh the next morning he he called me and said no we made a mistake it's actually in Council luzon's District when I called Council lzone she did not hesitate to represent this item um for her District she in fact said to me it is about time we recognize someone from your from your generation for our community um she said to me I may not know his music cuz unfortunately I'm not she's like I'm not from that generation but uh but uh I see she she said to me I see the outpour on social media and she said to me in fact my own son shared um his passing on his story so councilor lazon I want to thank you for that um because and and I'm highlighting this because during during the ordinance committee meeting there was there was comments being said or a healthy debate we were having a healthy debate and and I I made an I I made a a point to say that unless you you are part of the music Community or you're part of the radio Community you really don't know or the youth Community um you really don't know the the the actual direct impact that knowledge had on our community uh myself as a city councelor and I'm going to use uh former counselor c as an example I had to educate myself on how she impacted our community um and ultimately to support the dedication we did for her so just because you may not you personally just because you may not know of someone or may not know that part of our culture does not mean that it's not worthy of a recognition does not mean that they're not part of our community and I and I'm thankful for everyone who filled the city council chamber today because you made it known that the youth we also the US city council also recognize the youth and I and I I'm going to stop there thank you Vice person in anybody else that would like to speak Cel Rosario thank you to you and and and that's how I felt I I got the call the day after the funeral and I was actually watching the videos and see how many people came out to support I didn't know knowledge I didn't listen to his music nothing but I saw the impact on that night of how many people were out there quietly just singing and and and and using his music and I didn't hesitate when I got the call so next day that's when I realized that it's not in my district but I I was all into it to support it that I didn't think one time to say no and I told I called Cel infant they said you got to call cons lzone and make sure that she's okay with it and I guess she got the same answer that I got I mean he's not for my I mean My Generation I never listen to his music but why not support it when the community is out there asking showing us that he was from us that he's from here that he needed to be recognized so that's why I'm all full in support of this and and and any Young Generation that cause an impact even if I don't follow you or or I don't know you or I don't listen I mean I support people that that died what 40 140 years 200 years ago with without no hesitation so why not support somebody that is for a generation like like Stephanie infant so I'm all in support of this and I hope all my colleagues are thank you coun Rosario anybody else c counc l thank you uh council president thank you councelor laan my colleague thank you h i just going to add um in in to what counselor infant in and counselor De Rosario mention I'm not familiar with his music I could be a mother to many of you but I have two I have a son a daughter that grew up in Lawrence um they not one is not here but when I reach out they just Echo what some of you just said here uh and they mention mom we grew up listening to his music and he's part of the Lawrence culture and they are uh very proud uh and basically what you just share with us it it was the same uh that I received from from my son and daughter so uh I'm honor uh and I'm in support of this item and I hope that his legacy stays with the community and and the new generation can also learn about him the same thing uh we are fortunately to have councelor silia with us but it's nice to pass by a monument a corner and see a name uh a name that is part of our community uh and yes a Latin name last name uh with that we can teach the new generation that we impacted this community and that we are here to stay and we also want to be part of the future and we want the Next Generation to learn that so it's an honor for me uh to support this item thank you councelor thank you very much council president thank you council president so um I'm going to be offering a difference of opinion this evening um I want to say that there's nothing that I've heard tonight that I disagree with I think everybody here especially the family has spoken from their heart what they meant and truly believes that Mr Espinosa qualifies and is the kind of a light that should be honored and remembered in our city and I'm not going to disagree with that at all but first I want to actually through you council president extend my condolences to the family Mr espanosa who was here this evening that was must have been very difficult to do your son passed away less than two weeks ago and here you are at the podium speaking on his behalf and how powerful is that with the rest of the family that's here with well extremely powerful and I I just I just want to send you my sympathies through your council president uh for all that you've had to go through in the last few weeks and what you will probably deal with in the next time as well the reason why I will not be supporting it this evening is the following within the last two years we have done eight different park or eight different dedications Four Square three Parks one Fountain we have not done that many namings until 1945 and 1946 when we had eight squares name for people who fought for our country and came back to this country didn't come back to this country fought and died in World War II I think I can you know the count I wasn't going to do this but but I'm just going to mention the last names because we mentioned last names here and how important they are to the community I'm about to mention names that are important to our community as well Carter parmelo fraa fargnoli Boro Lee Perry these are all young men who died overseas so that our country is free today and I think they're part of our community as well but the reason why I'm going to be making a motion shortly is because I'm going to be making a motion in a second and this is I don't know if we ever done this before but in our rules our rule 16 we can actually do this we can make a motion to to postpone for a definite time so essentially a chance to table I told Mr Espinosa the dad before the vote this evening what my intentions were and I mentioned to him that that I think that I have nothing against his son and what the impact that we all heard from from from the testimony this evening I want some time I want some time to let to for another year to go by so that we can do this again and I think that the the power if I think this is correct it's powerful now and it'll be more powerful then and it'll be something I can support my concern is that we're going through so many parks squares naming things right now that we need to have a bit of a pause just a bit of a pause doesn't mean I'm not going to support it down the road CU I'm listening to the stuff and it's very moving it's very compelling council president it really is so I want to support it so that's where I'm coming from right now people can defer difference of opinion again this is a democracy we're deliberative body we can have differences of opinion and that's okay but that's where I stand on this I'm going to make a motion right now that we postpone this question to the first city council meeting in December of 2025 that's my motion president that give me one second give me one second guys uh we we will entertain the motion it is in order it's properly second and with that in mind we are going to open that motion for discussion uh as is appropriate any discussion on the motion before we take a roll or vote any discussion on that specific motion uh that councel plan just proposed discussion councelor Santiago I think I think it's too soon just past two weeks ago every the family is in in painful right now and anything we can do it for them is really it is hard they the pain is too big for the parents I am I am mother and I don't really ER try to understand your your H feeling right now but we need to separate the feeling with the law ER that's why we want to H I second the motion because I want to wait ER more time I think it's h too fast to make the decisions all right anybody else that would like to speak on the motion that was just proposed any other the counselors at this point uh Madame CLA please call the RO for the motion that councelor plan propos not for the online motion let's explain a little bit uh we have two motions one that is to uh postpone this item until next year and we are about to take a vote on that the on if that one pass that will take place if that one doesn't pass and then we going back to the underlying motion which is to approve so we're going to entertain this motion uh Madame CLA please call the RO councelor Levy yes Council plant yes Council lann councelor Del Rosario no councelor Santiago yes councelor marmal no okay counil Selena Rees no Council vice president infon no council president Rodriguez uh no motion fails now we going back to the underlying motion which is to approve councelor marmal will you have the floor uh good evening council members and um the public um I wanted to speak on behalf of this item um I thought it was super important for me to be present uh via virtually um to make it very aware that I am approve like I approve for this uh to go through um I want to make sure that we um as council members are taking into consideration when we are approving things um or when we're not approving of things that when it comes to Mr Espinosa's um Legacy and the contribution that he has provided to our community because we have not person personally met um him as an artist because we're not familiar with his music and the profound impact and cultural impact let's just say in our in our community um I could also say that I have been fortunate enough to experience um his uh the commitment and his Artistry um in the City of Lawrence um and it's going to be forever an experience of an era that I will never forget um and just because we're not familiar with his work does not take away the fact that he is not deserving of this I also want to State um I'm hearing comments in regards to the fact that um potentially wanting to table this or it's too soon um I want to remind everyone that there is no criteria or requirements um through ordinance that has been created when it comes to naming um part s or you know um uh city-owned properties which I do agree that we need to have something to establish that and that would avoid having these type of discussions but considering that we don't have anything in place then the fact that we're stating that it is too soon to to um have this um Corner named after knowledge um just doesn't seem to make sense to me um lastly I want to state that um often times we don't have the opportunity and the platform to acknowledge and recognize those um that have created an impact and I see too often that we're quick to recognize former politicians and we're quick to recognize veterans um and it is not to take away um the work and the commitment and the impact that they have made in our community um but I think that considering that we do have the platform to uplift the youth um and seeing the work that he has done should not take away from the ability for us to recognize and give people their flowers um it's sad that we have to wait for someone to pass away it's sad that we have to wait for someone to grow old um in order for us to do that and I think that this is an opportunity to change things around um and that is all I have to say thank you councelor m any other counselors any other counselor that wishes to speak all right um i w i was part of the the week I went over uh I definitely enjoy it uh I definitely enjoy the music of knowledge uh 2K5 and my son 11 years old he also appreciate all that everything that he did uh for the community and everything that he have done for the music industry CL real quick Council thank you Council I'll just quickly because we we did a moment of silence to today for another Community member that passed away but I want the public to know that the first city council meeting that we had after his passing the council president did um recognize his name and and honored him through a moment of silence um for our meeting so I just want to make sure that you guys know that yep thank you madam vice president to make that noticeable all right Madame CLA please call the role councilor the motion is to uh Madame CL please repeat the the it's a motion to approve the dedication and to wave the 30 days for the the corner of Trenton and Park Street and the m and the memor of and the owner of ailles new knowledge Espinosa right thank right um Council Rees yes councilor marmel yes Council Santiago I vote present Council Del Rosario yes Council Lon yes Council lant no council Levy yes Council vice president infon yes council president Rodriguez I vote Yes motion carries motion [Music] [Applause] pass can I get a moment motion five minute Rec recess yes M please the [Applause] RO Council levy on a motion to recess motion to recess councelor yes Council lant no I think we're set now Council Lan yes councilor delario yes councilor Santiago no councilor Mamu yes yes Council Reyes yes Council vice president yes council president I vote Yes carries e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e we're going on top of that councilors going on top of the agenda we have um no committee report from um Finance motion to take an item out of order council president if I may through you yes what is the what is the item item 539 -24 resolution against the proposed rocking hul casino to protect Lawrence residents and businesses presented by city council president stepan infant and vice president thank you Council infant and Lee Bernal executive director there is a motion on the table can hear a second properly second any discussion all please say hi hi hi any n the it uh let's go back to committee report and to the ordinance committee Mr chair Council PL for the ordinance committee please present us the report document uh 53924 this is a resolution against the proposed Rockingham M Casino to protect Lawrence residents and businesses this is send up to the full council with a favor favorable recommendation and then make that in the form of a motion second there a motion on the table properly second discussion on this item discussion so I'm going to make one small amendment to this I am going to uh remove uh as the title just the title uh to protect Lawrence residents and businesses so the title of the document should be resolutions against the proposed Rockingham Mall casino that's that's what I'm going to add to this motion there is a motion uh to change the title to the resolution properly second on any discussion are here none all and please say I I guys have it now we're going back to the resolution no she's not in so no Ro calls she's not anymore um ccel what the what's the the motion there's a motion to Second properly second any discussion on the motion to approve uh let's extend that opportunity to the auto out to the uh people that is working on this on this resolution uh to explain to us as of why this is important just name an address for the record please um my name is Les Bernell I live at 257 Mount Vernon Street in Lawrence and I'm the in my professional life I'm the national director of stop predatory gambling and just very quickly three or four key points to understand about this resolution and and a really footnote of the facts in in the resolution this project is isn't being targeted for Southern New Hampshire that this this is a massive National Casino company coming in with a project in their own traffic study that they presented the S New Hampshire planning board 77% of the visitors are going to come from the south okay and that's and particularly if in you know when they said the South they're building it for the Lawrence residents and and metha residents that's the demographic they're targeting with this and those of you who've been following the regional political scene at the federal level the New Hampshire governor's race and the the last cycle the primary messaging was and it w for them don't Mass it up that was the message is is and they were referencing cities like Lawrence and LOL and blaming our cities for the problems that New Hampshire experiences well now they're going to put a project on our border on our doorstep of Lawrence targeting our own residents that that is based on uh addiction our own Massachusetts gambling commission and a study in the state showed that 90% of the revenue coming into Massachusetts casinos our own PA for by the mass scambling commission okay from their own study 90% of the revenue was coming from citizens who were addicted or at risk for addiction okay that's the kind of business they're going to put right on Lawrence's doorstep so there's a huge difference from having to drive from here down to Encore you know which is you know 30 minutes away now what you're doing is this is with this kind of business model is Citizens going five to six times a week okay on one of the most financially disadvantages communities in our state you know uh and so that's that's why this matters so much is why I'm so passionate about this what whatever people Do privately for gambling this is might when not people gamble this is a people say like hey why should we how's this business different than anybody else this is the last key Point these guys are exempt from truth and advertising regulations okay they're not legally liable for the harm they cause if you go to a nightclub in Lawrence and they over serve you for alcohol and and you it causes damage in your life or someone else's life you can sue that nightclub you cannot Sue casinos for the harm they cause to your family or your community because they partner with the state they're exempt from from from from uh having a legal duty of care that every other business has to has to experience has has to abide by so it's open season on our on our citizens and the last thing is from an economic standpoint Lawrence restaurants and nightclubs they're again Massachusetts gambling commission study show that 46 to 80% of the revenue that's being lost at the Massachusetts casinos by citizens is money that would have been spent much of it in restaurants and bars in in our state okay so if you're a restaurant owner like you're going to pay the price for this you know because they subsidize the alcohol when you when you serve a you know an a panada there's no promise that you're going to pay your rent at the end of the month right so you go to a casino you're going there out of a lot of times out of financial desperation hoping you're going to hit a big big win to solve your financial woses and even though it's designed to get you to lose like you don't you can't compete with that so that's what makes this business different than any other business and this is why we refer to this as America's most neglected major problem so I'm grateful for the opportunity to speak and and uh happy to take any questions I know C SAR wants to add anything to what I and I again grateful for our presence here tonight is there anything you want to add to that commentary yeah yeah okay sorry sorry counselors well I came prepare for a public hearing this is why um it took me a little bit longer sorry uh council president that I went over but as I was saying I I think we can all go back and some of the uh threats to our community um the the uh bankruptcies the divorce and families uh disruptions but the economic effects to our businesses when a casino opens the business Community suffers why because casinos are created to always keep people inside their premises to purchase Goods food drinks entertainment and anything that they provide so people don't have a need to go outside of their premises and spend money in their communities there's also an increase in crime robberies money laundering drugs prostitution among other other things all these issues that I have highlighted as you heard uh Les explained earlier were um were documented from sources where casinos have sprung up in various cities and towns it's one thing to have casinos far from the daily reach of our citizens however it is another to haveit within 10 minutes of our city while passing this resolution might be symbolic since we don't have a vote on what goes on in Salem New Hampshire we need to let our voices heard and let our citizens in Lawrence and the surrounding communities understand our concerns for their well-being I want to thank you for your time and I ask you to vote favorably on passing this resolution to keep predatory gambling as far away from our citizens and our youngsters as possible remember we all have an obligation to leave this world a better place than the way we found it so thank you so much for giving me this opportunity to finalize my thoughts Mr President thank thank you council president CC C Rosario thank you through you council president as much I'm in favor with this uh Mr Bernard it was disturbing for me to come across uh some recording I I don't know where were you expressing this if if it was in New Hampshire M or somewhere and and what I heard it it it actually as much as I as I support this it it wasn't it was what should I do tonight after I hear this according to what I heard which I have it in my phone and I can anytime you want to listen I can let you listen to you were scaring the people from New Hampshire or whatever you were telling them that they call us drug headed delinquents and all that stuff and those were the people that were going to go to that casino to me to me that is telling them that this is the kind of people that we are and we're going to go to that casino to play that means to me that's how I felt if if if it's something different that's okay but that's how I felt when I heard your voice telling them that you call people from lawence this and that and this but those are the people that coming into this casino that you're going to build um to me they don't have to agree with me to me that was agreeing with the people from New Hampshire the way of the name they called us and you would try and scare them cuz we were going to go if they build that casino there and I'm and I'm open to show you and let you listen to what you were saying um you might don't think that that was the way it sound but to me when I listen to it you would maybe try to defend the people from Lawrence but at the end of the day you did not defend us you agreed to the people or whever you were New Hampshire or whatever that they call us all kinds of name people from Lawrence and those were the people that were going to use that casino so in in in a way I'm I'm I'm feeling hurt for what I heard and again I I share with you at any time that you want to listen to it and if you want to eventually explain to me what are you trying to say it would be great cuz once you call me I was all on board but then I got this message with your voice your presentation and I'm assuming that it was in New Hampshire because you were telling them that they call us all kinds of name people here from Lawrence but thus were the people that were going to play in that casino and that's is very discouraged for me all right any other counselors that wish us to speak uh council president c c uh and I'm not familiar with what counil Rosario the recording he's referring to but when I met we Mr Bernal um I got a totally different perspective uh that the what the conversation we had was about protecting or or creating awareness let's put it this way creating awareness in our community about the dangers of gambling and why this community that uh doesn't like us not everyone some of them that don't they don't like a Lawrence resident so much we're creating this space for us to go and spend our money so uh his concern was valid concern was also about families about businesses about nightclubs restaurants uh about that negative impact that something a casino so near Lawrence um could create and I speak also as a business owner a restaurant business owner no knowing how difficult the economy is right now and having something so near will impact negative our uh businesses I also in that conversation that I had with Mr Bernal I learned about the damage that this type of business casin casino near Lawrence will uh create uh for families uh and I'm going to Echo councelor Silverio when she spoke at the beginning about how this can destroy families I maybe it it is a misunderstanding I'm not familiar with what celor Rosario mentioned uh but my and what I got from this convers from the conversation with Mr beral was a positive and also uh the conversation created awareness for a mother a business owner a Christian woman like me I also want to take this opportunity Cil president triu to um mention amdal it's a coalition of churches that we are very familiar we know most of the pastors that are part of the amidal we respect their work we know that they are an important part of this community and he also met with uh Pastor Milagro gron and we know Milagros gron we know that she's not a um she's very tough and after their conversation she agreed and other pastors to support this um idon and she they also mentioned they quoted him he quoted him in the beginning so what we have in front of us is an intention of uh damaging our community an intention of having our people go there and spending money but also creating other type of issues that we all know we are all aware uh that this could create a a negative impact in our economy in our families and in our community so I encourage my colleagues to support this resolution and like councelor CIA mentioned we don't have a saying we cannot change anything in new Hamp but at least we can uh send a message that we are against it and that we're not going to uh stay silent and we're not in favor of this type of business that is targeting our residents and the entire Community thank you council president thank you any other councilors all right um sure Mr ber well Council D Ro I just want to say if if that was the concept I have I have to watch it I do a lot of speaking around the country on this issue and I have to admit my my wife will acknowledge this like I'm one of the most intense guys you are going to meet I'm a very passionate guy and I'm very passionate on this issue so I I'm trying to think of the context of of what those what what your referencing but what I remember saying up there was just two things very quickly is I told him that I was I for for seven years I was a chairman of the planning board in this city back starting in the mid 1990s and I sat right with the council president is now and year after year we would have projects that came into this community that no other that no developer would ever bring in to a community and and and so I told them that you they're not bringing this project into Windham or to ainson you know they're bringing into the Salem you know all the problems that come with casinos and then I added you know it was the context of that don't Mass it up campaign that was happening in New Hampshire which every time I hear a New Hampshire politician talk about our cities like Lawrence and LOL and and blame New Hampshire blame our our communities for all the the problems it infuriates me so the context for that comment is was you know that in St L Hampshire is a GOP Community it's a heavily Republican Community all it is is a planning board vote up there to try to to push this thing through and so if I remember the context was they ran a whole campaign blaming Lawrence and LOL for all their problems this is a product this is a business that brings in human sex trafficking because of money laundering and so on and now you approv this project you're bringing all these problems right into so that was the context and that was the so if I didn't enunciate it well I I totally I totally believe and I apologize for any any um offense you took to that but that was the context for it and I will definitely uh improve on trying to articulate that message but I I'm sorry for any offense I took on that that passionate message and I hope hope you'll forgive me on that you're welcome to see anything else on I speak on on on behalf of this issue around the country you'll see kind of where that comes from but anyways I appreciate that feedback and I will take it internalize it I take it very seriously so thank you for sharing that thank you any other counselors at this time counselors I'll call the questions um all please say I hi any names motion carries unanimously uh let's go on top of the agenda Mr shair from the ordinance committee uh please provide it with a report for item 27821 please this item was a oneway street on East table Street and this is sent to the full council with the recommendation to withdraw and to make that in the form of a motion motion to withdraw properly second any discussion uh at this time I call the question so please say I hi any n no the I have uh Rock please and a motion to withdraw motion to withdraw for item 27821 my vote is not okay Madame CL please call the RO councilor Rees yes councelor um m is noted as absent Council Santiago no council Del Rosario yes Council Lon you mind beeting the the the the motion is to withdraw item 27821 21 yes Council plant yes Council Levy yes Council vice president in fonte yes council president Rodriguez I vote Yes motion carries item U 2223 Mr shair from the ordinance committee ordinance committee sent us up with a favorable recommendation for a one-way conversion on Winter Street northbound from mess Street to L street to make that in the form of a motion for a public hearing second to order public hearing there's a motion the table properly second any discussion I please say hi hi any haveit five document 5 1924 this is a city Grant criteria this was sent to up to the full council with a recommendation to withdraw I make that in the form of a motion second a motion to withdraw item 5924 properly second any discussion I hear none all fa please say I hi guys have it itan 52224 Mr chair from the ordinance committee ordance committee met on this document which is the approval of a grant of utility utility easement to last house construction project this was sent up to the full council with a favorable recommendation and make that in the form of a motion second is a motion on the table properly second any discussion on that on the utility eement uh discussion quickly um I'm be not by the way um I want to thank my colleague from District C for uh putting a seed in my head about going to visit Lazarus house and the comper house most specifically to look at their uh to look at what they're doing over there I know that Miguel is here today and and I had a a wonderful tour of the facility learned an awful lot I think that there are certain U establishments in our city some nonprofit establishments that are um are Legacy establishment they've been around for some time and it's done a lot of fantastic work now I'm saying a lot of good things I'm going to be voting against this but I just want you to know that this is a good organization so your question is why am I voting against it I'm voting against it not because of their mission not because of the success that they do on Myrtle Court which is really really good um but as I explained uh to them during the tour um my concern as I've talked many many times has been about the increase of housing in our city um and this is it's it's hard to pick and choose I like this one don't like that one uh until we get our housing situation straight it's hard for me to support not impossible hard for me to support and we need ISD to step up their game as well so that's the reason why I'm doing it thank you council president yes it's a it's a utility eement is the people from the project here yes just uh is is are you from the project or from the organization I'm from the organization just just explain to us a little more you know take this opportunity take this platform to promote lazar's house for anybody that don't know anything about it please lazar's health ministries uh serves the community in so many different ways um housing is one of our biggest um things that we do um we have a regular shelter that supports families um and single women and now uh we also have a transitional housing which also supports families um with low income so they pay low income rent and they are able to who stay there for 2 years um and while they're there for two years they're doing all these programmingsoftware [Music] [Music] have right now on 30 mytle Court which is called capernum place um and again laus is in the community um to support um you know families who are in need um you're looking for volenteers right we're looking for an easement for for the property so we can uh continue with he didn't get it I I didn't um I hear that you're looking for volenteers right we're we're always looking for valers I apologize I apologize so we're always looking for volunteers um in so many different capacities we have more than uh one building we H we have more than one thing going on in each building we have a soup kitchen we have a thrift store we have a food pantry uh which serves about 19900 people every Wednesday 1,00 families coming through our doors president C thank you through you and it's it's good to recognize this is not not a new construction this is not a new construction this is not adding housing uh to to the Lawrence this house was there and they remodeling the house and make it a transitional housing that is working for them so colleagues this is not a new construction this is not adding housing that house was there they are remodeling that house to make a transitional housing which some of you already have been there and know that that program actually worked I think lazaros house is the only institution that I know that is actually working to am homeless is the only one that I know at this time that is helping the homeless to be out homelessness with a transitional yes why because I've been there I saw the transitional of the family for two years and family getting out of that program buying house buying houses and also renting apartment somewhere else it's not just your regular house in day it's not just your regular shelter you go one day asleep and then Sil sends you loss and then you come back again two days later so again and I encourage those that hasn't been there to go and go through the program and see what actually they do and again they not adding housing this house was there already and they acquired this house and they are preparing this house and it's just an Eastman for them to to get the utilities just to touch city property that's that's all they looking for temporary Eastman sir any other questions counc council president Council ice president inant thank you um to piggy back off of council dear I believe councilor one of those tours I was with you and the mayor I believe it was last last year we went on on a tour and um I I saw both you have there's there's two housing one is is very nicely put together very well-kept and the one that that you guys are trying to get this this um approved for it needs some work but what I was most impressed by um uh adding to what council derario said was the individuals that you guys are helping you have a requirement they must work a certain amount of hours if they can find or you help them find a a temp job or was some something along those lines it's been a while but I think you know you're nodding your head so I think you know what I can explain a little more so we actually do help uh families with so we have case managers that work with the families from the day they walk in to the day they leave and even beyond that as well too so we have uh case managers that are doing job search with them they're doing budget buddies in uh financial planning uh so they're doing a lot of programming it's a lot of life skills that they're uh re re um giving back to the family so they're they're reintroducing those things back to the families so they can support themselves we'll do parenting classes we'll do a little bit of everything to make sure that the family is ready to go on um if they're not ready to go on we do have supports as well too uh we do have extensions and we do also just continue working with the family and helping them to go to where they want to be and if it's not LA and Lawrence housing and it's somewhere else we will help them with that and I can tell you from testimonies that we've gotten calls back from people who have been through uh the cerum place for uh left many many years ago and are calling back just to let us know how they're doing that is an an amazing program that that works I say it works I can I I can say I left very impressed it was the first time I had a a tour of of your facilities and and learned more about what you guys Lazarus you hear it all the time um I I I left there I left there saying it was unfortunate it took me that that long to actually educate myself on what you guys truly do so thank you for that thank you for what you do thank you thank you council president can we up three you cons president can we ask uh McCarthy Mr McCarthy to explain for the people that are watching what is a temporary Eastman so we don't get confused with housing and all other stuff so yes it's um this is a little more than just a con a temporary construction easement it is a permanent easement the it's permanent it's a permanent EAS okay thank you so so they can install Utilities in the building um the the properties that are that are there the the building the physical building which is more than 150 years old is only 2 feet off the property line from the backyard of the old General uh Donovan school so there they're re doing the entire home putting uh hundreds of thousands of dollars to rehab this from donations and from raising funds in other manners and part of that is they're putting new heating and air conditioning systems that are mounted outside the building and they have to go on a on a piece of concrete slab that has to meet a certain dimensional standards and they're they're 10 in short from me for meeting that standard so the city uh I went down there with the city Eng engineer um people from the mayor's office the DPW and reviewed this and looked at this it's not going to affect the city property in any adverse manner the the easement itself is going to be 67 Square F feet it's going to be a 1ot wide easement 67 ft long along the borderline it's a very minor easement somebody out there wouldn't even know it was a different property and like I said it will be permanent and it will be a fixture there the easement languages has it that we we're going to be held immune from liability from any damage that's caused by the utilities or anything like that the city's protected it's a it's a great thing because these families will now be living in upgraded Homes and Apartments um that they didn't have before so we think this is a a wonderful project for the city thank you thank you for the explanation uh and and thank you lass's house for what that you do but just for the record they are not the only one uh working hard to fight homelessness they do an amazing job I have the opportunity to work with that program closely for the past 24 years they also shelter domestic violence victims and sometimes they are the the only one we space available but we also need to mention the YWCA uh in the South we have uh St Patrick Church providing hot meals uh for the homeless and all the others organization in the city that work closely with lasos house so thank you for what that you do uh we appreciate your work and as mcarthy mentioned uh it's not a lot so for a organization that's been doing so much for the city helping them with this little is not all lot so I'm in support of this item and I hope my colleag uh also can support uh this item thank you so much thank you Mr conson just to clarify a few things that uh it may be in the air from constituents and from other people uh the intent of this this item is not to approve the project instead is just to approve that uh the utilities that are going to the project to serve the project yes that is correct the project have been approved roof U Already yes they have all the by conru zoning zoning right they didn't have to go to zoning did right u i i i I'd like to reiterate the comments made by Council Del Rosario this is a 150 year old building it was a 5unit apartment house before they took on this work they're just improving the conditions of these five units and making it a better place for families to live um as again the the easement is only for a piece of concrete on our property got you and the intent also is not to extend the project towards the towards the school that is right next to it right that's correct uh because that's what I'm being hearing from the community pered uh and uh by the way what is your name and address for the record so we can have in the minutes sure my name is Miguel Cruz I live in plasto New Hampshire though but I was born and raised here in Lawrence Mass all right thank you anything else counselors before I call the question um at this point I call the questions all Us in fav please say I I no I mean uh you have anything like okay all right councelor uh the motion carries now let's go oh there a no oh sorry Roco please councilor Levy yes Council llant no council Lon yes um councelor Del Rosario yes councel Santiago yes councel marmel is noted as absent councelor Reyes yes Council vice president Inon yes council president Rodriguez I vote Yes uh I on 5272 24 um Mr chair from the ordinance committee this is a remove the handicap Park and sign of 53 Willow Street that was sent up to the full council with the recommendation to order a public hearing that in the form of a motion say there's a motion on table properly second discussion this all fa please say I I any N I have it uh just because I want to get McCarthy out of here um I'd like to take document number 42924 out of uh tabled matters um that's my MO motion motion to take it on U 524 yeah he have another item we have two other items9 529 I believe yeah we going we going right away we're going right there so we have one item 521 which is on the old business so no personal committee uh no Public Safety Committee ittee and then no Committee of the whole reports so we're going straight to all business we have uh itam um 5212 24 it Madame Madame Madame Vice Madame vice president Infante we have a report from U well hold on one second uh I councelors we need a motion to pull those items out of committee if there is no objection we can do it all together as a package uh if it's not we do one by man what's the choice one by one okay we do item 5212 24 U Can I get a motion to uh pull it from committee suspending the rules and um and discuss it at this level motion to suspend the council rule I think rule Mo motion to suspend rule six uh to pull five 21-24 approved tax in increment approved Tiff agreement between as veranza Academy Nunes LLC and the City of Lawrence out of the budget and finance committee second discussion uh there is a motion on the table properly second disc so I just want to say this once I could say twice more but I'm not going to so there's a couple more items coming up we have a committee process council president yes and when a committee does not meet to actually have a disc discussion on something we should not be taking something that quote unquote is coming out of the committee because what that does it reduces the need to go to a committee it's a lot faster and a lot more comfortable if we just deal with everything right at this level and not sitting down to the committee so my concern is we start moving things through out of the without the committee actually meeting that's a that is a potentially a problem and that's the reason why I wanted to have a vote on this because it concerns me not because of the Tiff that may be a good idea I maybe supporting that uh I'd like to hear a little bit more about it of course but we don't we haven't really flushed it out so that's a concern that I have um I'll stop there thank you all right thank you so much any other questions council president Council vice president infant thank you I I will through you council president I would like to answer I respond to councelor Le plant as the chair of the budget and finance committee um I I had to cancel that meeting and the reason why we had to pull this we're pulling this now is because this item was put on the agenda last minute uh the state is is meeting in two weeks and it's something that I did mention via email uh to the to the sponsor of this item that knowing that the city having the the the date of the state meeting uh we should be more aware well aware that at times committee meetings aren't guaranteed and this should have been put on the city council agenda with the appropriate timing I did I did voice that all right any other counselors all right at this point I call the question so all in favor please say I any names no roll call please we need we need six starting with you H councilor Rees yes councel Amal is noted as absent Council Santiago yes Council Del Rosario yes councelor Luzon yes Council no um Council Levy yes Council vice president fonte yes council president Rodriguez of course I vote Yes all right let's entertain this Mo this item item 55124 do you got a do you have a presentation you just going to do it with the paper so all Yeah by all means take the floor so good evening council is Daniel mcy uh planning director action planning director um here uh on behalf of the city uh putting forth a tax incentive excuse me your mic my mic is it green it lights up it lights up can you hear me now yes okay I can hear now like so good evening so this is um a tax increment financing agreement that the city has entered into uh worked out using the executive office of Economic Development and uh and the school known as the esparanza academy and the property owner of that Pro of that project uh this project has been in the works for uh more than a year now it's gone through the permitting process they've gone to zoning conservation planning and this is one of the final pieces in the financing Pro part of this project uh they're looking for a tax incurrent finance agreement to help them uh uh with their investment um and on the cost side I have the design team here with me I have the school members here with me to answer any questions that you might have about the development of the project um uh again I've provided you with uh I said I think some of the documents that were meant to be shown as as uh placards as boards at the uh at the committee and uh and again I I'm here to answer any questions that you might have uh councelors we have an item which is a a 15 years teac Gman uh to be able to collaborate and contribute to the uh to the building coming up for esperansa academy uh I would like to send an opportunity to uh the people from esperans Academy to explain to us a little more about the project and uh and to allow the public to understand us of why we are um discussing this potential Tiff agreement with the organization okay thank you thank you Dan thank you um City Council Members um uh for the opportunity to talk to you about esperansa and the project that we had ahead of us my name is uh J elaris I'm the head of school at esperansa I've been the head of school for 7 years and I'm originally from Lawrence Massachusetts um I many of you some of you I know some of you I have not met before I've seen you at esperansa events um I'll be brief about who we are and I'll spend a little bit more time on the actual building and what's ahead for the school and really for the city esped is a tuition free Independent School in Lawrence it's only three criteria for students to go you identify as a girl you live in Lawrence and you qualify for free and reduce lunch we are a middle school with a 12-year commitment to our kids so they come in in fifth grade graduate in eth and then we have an office that helps match them in high schools and supports them through our high school and college we have a 100% High School graduation rate and a 77% college enrollment rate mainly because of the work that we do in the Middle School space but also because of the way that we continue to support students and families all the way through most of our kids will be first generation college students and first generation Americans that support and helping them understand the culture navigation of high school and college is really critical there's a lot of research that will suggest that that is what's needed three things that set esperans apart from a lot of other places we are a restorative justice school we do not practice punitive discipline we try to understand the root cause of behavior so that we can support students and families the best that we can we have a music Therapy Program our music therapy program helps students unpack Early Childhood trauma but also navigate the complex realities of what it means to grow up in the world today our music therapy program is really effective it's so effective that at the moment Berkeley school of music is actually partnering with esparanza to help understand how music therapy can be implied in school settings and nonprofit settings I say that because I think it's a point of Pride for espanta also the city Berkeley is an institution that's recognized globally and is coming to the city to work with us on this wellsly college is Center for Women's research is what talking to us right now about research on thinking about the model of esperans Academy because we're providing a different model of education for black and brown girls in particular there's talks right now by doing research on our model which is restorative justice music therapy the 12year commitment and most importantly cultural cultural acceptance influency we always say at our school our girls will not check their culture at the door we do not want academic success to come at the cost of self-love we do not want academic success to come at the cost of knowing one's Heritage celebrating one's Heritage and celebrating where one is from the last three or four years every eighth grader has got into the Top Choice high school with the stats that I've showed you it is remarkable compared to local National stats for the same demographic of what we're seeing what we love to believe at espan is that it comes with a strong sense of self the project that we have at hand is that we are building a new school starting in kindergarten when the school is built we will be the first K througha tuition-free independent school for black and brown girls in the United States this project is for our students and it's for our families but it is for Lawrence what we want is that there is a school in Lawrence this building is if You' seen the the material that that has been sent to you it's an inspiring building that will be in the heart of Lawrence and Canal Street we want to show people that in a community like Lawrence with folks like that we have you can have the most Innovative and inspiring building and that when our students walk into the building that they see something that reflects the way that we see them which is brilliant that when our parents drop off their kids they see something that reflects the way they see their children children which is with the utmost potential there are things that are happening in the building under the lens of design Justice our Architects are here who could talk about that as well but we are designing the space to make sure that it reflects our love for the community this will be the first school in the United States that has a fully operating Bodega in the middle of it and I named that intentionally because when we were designing the space we said what's our Mark what's our grand piano what's the thing that people walk in and say this is Lawrence there are few things as um symbolic in the latinx community as the bodega and so the bodega for us is a way to support our families who are in need with staple goods for free to continue our mission but it is also a way to remind our students and everybody who visits that the place that we love the place that we represent is at the heart of the school our Alumni Center will have in it um hair salon stalls as an all girl school we want our girls to know that that is a critical part of how we see them and as they process their experience they could do it in a way that is natural for them and it's doing their hair here that is about equity and it's about Justice and it's about designing a space in a school for our kids and no one else we have raised $30 million in three years to build this school a little over 29 we are a tuition free school we don't get any city state or federal funding that is almost $30 million that we have brought to this project all outside of Lawrence it has cost no one here anything and we are still fundraising we have to raise $3 million every single year to keep the doors open we've been doing that since 2016 since 2006 one of the things that doesn't get talked about with esperansa that's important to name is that there are so many folks who work at the school who are either from Lawrence or grew up in communities like like Lawrence like myself Boys and Girls Club kid here back in the early days Delia Duran Clark our principal Patty Fernandez our chief development officer who is here vivana Cordo who runs our alumni Center grew up in Queens very similar experience to our girls our children are seeing people in front of them who reflect them at all times we had a federal judge who came to the school yesterday and spend the morning with them a woman of color who reminded them that they can do this and the kids were incredibly amped about that opportunity espar is providing a high quality education for our kids and we can see that through the stats but it is also providing a space where our kids see themselves and see their future selves at all times this building will be a marker of what's possible in our communities and I think that community unities all across the country will be able to take a lesson from what it means to invest in our kids in in a way with true integrity and I think that's it any questions uh before before we open up for questioning I would like you to speak a little more when it comes to uh the increase that you're going to have on tuitions um the we have 26 full-time employees at to school right now um we will retain those folks when we build our school we will add 14 full-time employment positions and two part-time positions um we will yes we add those positions let me look over to my team real quick anything am I missing anything on that can you ask the question again so what is I mean U just I mean a lot a lot of time when we have this type of stuff a lot of people qu question the amount of job that you create on this case it is more important to talk about to talk about the amount of students that you're going to receive more so we're going to increase from 60 students to 155 students and from 240 current alumni to about 360 alumni okay and so we're adding um because we're adding a lower school our student body population is increasing by 155% um we won't increase beyond that that because we are a tuition free school and because we have to fund raise for every single dollar it makes it really hard to be a school with 300 400 500 kids because that operating budget just becomes unmanageable um so increasing the student population by 2030 by 155% and increasing the alumni population by 2030 by 55% and the alumni population um different than most schools is really important to us because it is part of our mission to make sure that we're supporting them all along the way so that's the increase in the student body and adding 14 full-time positions in a and two part-time positions to the the faculty and staff will also be a part of it councelors any questions on regard to the Tiff council president council president Infante thank you question about your student population how do you guys Rec recruit of for admission admissions yeah it's it's essentially Word of Mouth um I mean we we do a lot of recruitment where we're pussing FES in different places you know we've had folks on the radio before um but really our parents talk to other parents and that's how that's where we see the most traction so there's whether it's lcw or groundwork we partner with so many of the nonprofits and Lawrence elevated thought ground work um ydo YMCA and all of those folks know when we have an open house we have a huge sign outside the school right now but what we see is that a lot of folks come through because of word of mouth because they heard from a past parent um because their neighbor um that's that's what gets the most traction at the school having a marketing background profession myself I understand what mouth is the strongest marketing uh tactic there is but uh I I wish I would have heard more of um Community Partnerships like we have so many families that go for example to the law to the Lawrence Public Library like that would be a great place to to advertise or recruit um and maybe now in the future now that I'm mentioning who knows yeah know I appreciate that vice president fante you know I think the challenge is that we're accepting 15 students a year right for the fifth grade and so what happens is like right now if 5050 kids apply you know that's 35 families that we're saying no to so if we get 100 people who apply that's 85 families that we're saying no to and I've always said to our board I I don't want to be a school that is defined by who doesn't get in I don't want to have this CRA you know and when you call families and they've got into esperansa it means the world to them right and and the the opposite is true too the families if we say I'm sorry we didn't get a shot like it's heartbreaking and so making 80 of those calls you know wouldn't want to put me and my team through that and so and I think it will be a challenge right in the new building once you start in kindergarten the kids are there all the way through eighth grade um but it that's just a reality of kind of the game that we're in right now thank you and I appreciate the honesty I do appreciate that my last comment is uh if you would ever ever like for me to come in and speak AB I am proud to say that I am the first person of color to represent my district and um that would be great to share with with your students so we'll connect on that if you if you guys are interested you are absolutely welcome I got a team back there that is already going to wait for you when we get when we get done here absolutely thank you for that any other councelors councelor councelor I'm sorry councelor plant thank you so I've got I wasn't going to ask this question but you brought up a couple times and then councel the vice president just mentioned it as well so you talked about um a school that's really dedicated to black and brown students in the city so I'm wondering if you're not black and brown but you want to go to school there are you automatically not going to be accepted into the school that's it's not right no okay so please clarify that sure so it's black it's 100% of students are black and brown now but it's a lottery based program that's what it is at any point it can change so anybody who resides in Lawrence I said when I started the three criteria are identifies as a girl live in Lawrence and qualify for free and reduced lunch so that is just um that's the criteria and at any point it can change based on who the population is that's applying I appreciate the explanation now back really what we're talking about here is numbers right the Tiff so I've been I looked at the numbers here I and and and maybe it's not you but maybe someone else but obviously I understand what the Tiff is you're the first time that I've ever that I can remember having a school come for a tiff usually they're businesses and they're coming in with the mill and they're they're looking for tax incentives and they're looking to purchase equipment for example um and that's what they're looking to get the tiffs on so they can get a reduction we're the city's not losing any money in this particular case because it's education based what is it that that you're looking for the relief from to not pay for the first was it 20 years 15 years thank you 15 years and maybe that's a question for someone else but maybe it's a question for you so through you yeah know I think the challenge is that as a 501c3 status that we would usually get tax exemption because the land is privately owned we don't get that as a tuition free school I just said the numbers to everybody it would be around over $400,000 a year that we have to pay um for property tax if we didn't get the Tiff and that's over $400,000 that are not going into the girls that we educating in Lawrence so help so this is really different and I'm so sorry so I'm going to you're someone's going to have to educate me just a little bit more on this so you're required as I understand it with the Tiff and if there's somebody from the assessor's office or Mr McCarthy maybe maybe or maybe you're comfortable talking about it my understanding is that there's a base that you're going to continue to pay every year now first of all you're a nonprofit y yeah but you're going to pay property tax but as I understand it there were different rates so if you're nonprofit you pay a reduced rate as opposed for a for-profit company which is a higher rate so you're paying at a reduced rate so you're paying property tax and then you're also going to be and this is where I'm confused I guess where I need some clarification are you adding more things into your school building that that is what you're going to be looking for the reductions in taxes on or for the Tiff on what how is the Tiff working so and then you want through you Mr President I'm I'm more I'm more in um cognizant of the the the manufacturing model than I the education so this is why I'm going to need some help on on this so the the building property is still going to be owned by the current owner and they're going to be leasing the property so there will be taxes paid on it there's a base tax paid on the value of this property so the city's not going to lose a dime in Cent taxes the improvements that are going to be placed on this rather than going into some taxes they're going to use that money to increase the uh improvements to the school and go into the general fund to make the school um a gem I think architecturally and provide the the modern amenities that these these young ladies really need uh the state looks at these projects and as you mentioned before most of these are for businesses and to relate to jobs we talked about 14 J new full-time jobs and two part-time jobs but I think the state also looks at this as an economic model of what occurs in a city like Lawrence is that we have these young ladies who get educated go to college and in in in in general improve the economy of the underlying City by coming back with educations and and bringing jobs and Foundation to the city to improve the economy overall I think jobs are great if they but what we also want is we want the our our young children to improve in their economic situation in general and in society and bring that money back to the city so in that that form this is more than just a general job cre a one more question and this will help me I think this will cement it can you give me an example of what the Tiff is going to be on is it desks is it books is it computers what is it that we're not going to tax because because what you're looking at or is it the NH vacis I mean what is it what is give me an examp it's going to be all that it's going to be the property it's going to be the the increase in value from this building the value of this building on top of the property now it'll go in so the first few few years um I think it's F first five years there'll be no tax on that then there'll be an incremental tax on the value of that multi that million dollar building will startop paying taxes on it and down the road at some point the I think the goal the I think the wish is that the school will own this property in the future and at that point as a as a nonprofit shable nonprofit they won't be paying any taxes on it but until that point comes they will still always be paying taxes on the underlying land uh until that point in the future so plan the total amount that they looking to improve uh and where the tip is going to be about is about $15 million out of that five years is going for the first 5 years 100% is going to be upsem for the three years after the after that 95% is going to be absent and then 3 years after that 90% is going to be absent and then one year years after that 85% and then the following year 80% the following year after that 75% and the last year the number 15 is going to be 70% of that $15 million the city will contribute perhaps or reduce when it comes to taxes the total amount of 3,966 and 7 uh $7 and 50 I just be careful I wouldn't use the word contribute the city is not contributing anything contributing we're going to be assessing and then receiving money which is correct right money though be realize that can go into this project and improve this project yeah 2041 fully on the tax roles that's cor got it um that's the whole intent any any Cel uh not question just comment uh I want to say thank you to the whole team to spans Academy and be a part the the spans a couple years ago yeah really appreciate everything you do with our family because sometime it very hard to have the direction to find out the best high school but not only the high school you continue to support to every step when they go to college in after college you continue to send email asking what happened what is now what you doing so I really preacher as a m to be h a part I SP Academy couple of years ago because my little one now is in college and you continue to follow so I want to say thank you because our community need our organization to support what we need what they need what is the next step what we can do to find out the mo opportunity for our children so thank you so much all right any any other counselors council president um thank you uh no Mr Mar I would like to ask to the president of the the school uh so right now that the school is only for G yeah are you sinking in the future to be mix no no it always be no girl school okay no no no that's is okay so I just grow it's part of the mission of the school and like part of how the SCH was created it's like a fundamental principle of the school and so we'll always honor that no I just grew in a school that that was only for for girl but for the last couple of year now after a couple of years it's now mixed that's what I say I I yeah at the moment that's what we're going to do I think if there's a time in which the school is going to the Board of Trustees and the leadership team will look at um what does our admissions policy look like and how does it need to respond to to changing definitions then we're going to do that um but I think that's coming with like a little bit more of like strategic conversations around the direction of the school but you know as we know now it's an all girl school but this is great so you know I'm so glad to hear that for now it's going to be just only for the girl and thank you for the words so all of you for the work that you guys are doing I'm being there and or so I just went to one of the graduation and you know and I spend a very good time than thank you so much thank you all right Council Lan wow the only thing thank you council president yes keep it keep it for women I'm a feminist and I approve that I the only thing that I I you approved this message yes yes consel president through you so I am we are blessed to have esperansa Academy in District B I'm familiar with the work that they do they have an amazing team um and thank you on behalf of the lawence community thank you for all that you do uh it's amazing uh if and if you have the opportunity to go to the school and speak to to the students you're going to learn so much from them and it's going to enrich your life and you want to go back again and speak the next year and next year so please add councelor Infante to your list for next year cuz it's a blessing but thank you so much for doing that and and just remember for the people that are watching they don't we don't help esperans Academy they don't receive anything from us besides thank you and thank you so this is an opportunity to help a great institution that is doing an amazing job in District B but also in the City of Florence uh and I encourage my colleages to support this the only thing that I don't like uh Mr um JY I was going to call you mister but not I'm not there yet is that they going to move to another part of the city yeah they're going to move to Canal Street they're moving from District B that's that's your yeah that's your your District okay that should cor yeah okay so that's the only thing that I that I don't does this does this D D D I hope it's not they moving to your District H thank you through you conso president that's the only thing that I really don't like but you have to lose uh uh sometimes you have to lose but thank you so much for doing what you do thank you for and also for before I I finish most of the students that grad that they graduate from college they come back to them are doing great things creating organizations looking for the loop uh and doing something to get back to the City of Florence so that's a plus and I encourage my colleagues to vote in favor of esperansa Academy this is an opportunity for us to do something for a great organization and yes councelor lean you're welcome to join us and voting yes any other the counselors all right uh I thank you uh Yadi for for coming and and and providing providing us uh provide the public with such a great information when when we when it comes to tips uh tax incentive uh to business we always look for particular things uh I remember that we approved a t for 5 years that we we were looking for people that were not as high educated so we they can provide job for people from L and now we looking for an organization that is going to provide that education so we can provide eventually down this down the road if we provide other tip that's going to be for people that are highly educated and you are providing that that education so thank you uh thank you so much yeah and thank you for the opportunity and we'll always remember that the most important years we were in District B council president I just want to remind rule four council president about offering opinions from the chair we want to get out of here tonight so thank you actually because those are votes that we took in the past those are not my opinion those are fats and I am tired to it all right uh at this point I'll call the questions all Us in fav please say I a motion motion to approve wait wait a minute motion it came out of committee it was committee so the motion that was made oh that was a motion to put pull the front committee yeah I'll call the questions at this time uh all those in favor please say I to to pull the front committee I we we didn't make a motion to approve all right I I will entertain a motion to approve motion to approve uh there is a motion to approve properly second discussion there is none uh I'll call the questions all F please say I hi any nam I have it congratulations all right uh that is old business we have item 51524 the expand of the 90 days appointment of AA Pimentel as the Director of Planning and Development councilors I will entertain a motion to suspend the rules to discuss this at this point motion to suspend rule six committee there is a motion to suspend the rules to entertain item 51524 can hear a second second properly second uh discussion uh at this time at this time I'll call the questions all in FA please say I I any n the I have it um councelor vice president infant and the chair of the personal committee I would like to make a motion to approve second okay there's a motion to approve properly second discussion discussion ccil plan when does the 90 days expire um as of yet they haven't expired but what is do you have that data Council Council vice president if I may uh councel the pl I worked with uh city clerk uh Bernal to to go through every items but both in the personel in the budget and finance to see what could wait and for the next committee meeting and what couldn't um the 90day was was La the 90th day was last week so yeah so we are we need to move on this and any counselors are you interested to hear from AA pel she's online in case anybody have a question I think she she's been waiting she just council president my understanding is that she's going to be sent down as a full nomination so I think for me anyway that's when I'll be asking her the question so I don't need I don't need to speak with her tonight all right this is a an extension of 90 extra days U any other questions councelors this time I call the questions please say hi hi any guys have it uh item uh 51724 authorization to spend 10,728 51 uh this is in regard to project number two for that up kiosk at the library um I'll entertain a motion to suspend rule six to be able to discuss this at this level motion to to suspend rule six and pull it out of uh committee there's a motion on the table second any discussion council president I don't see the need to have this pulled out of the committee it's there is there is there is some information that we can provide council president uh do you have that this is this is for 51724 right the tellah health kosk okay give us one second please have send an email yeah go ahead the council president the council president shared Council of the plant's concern at the time that this was declared an emergency we did reach out to the library um and ask them if this could wait and they did say no that it the Grant had some timelines on it um that they really believed that this needed to be voted on at this time so um and I maybe I didn't but I thought I printed that email I apolog I don't have that email printed in your packages but I do have an email from the library that says that due to Grant Financial um fiscal time frames for the grant that this grant did require a vote tonight did they through you council president did they provide a date as to when this the deadline is of this is not the first time we've heard something like this and what we come to find out is that yeah there's a deadline but it's a month away so we're coming up to it we went over that and then they we definitely um it extend that opportunity for them to explain and that and it was a need for it that's why we decided to bring just those two items that were on an emergency monitor when it comes to that okay so we don't have a date so we're just going to because they say there's a need we're going to votee for this tonight but there's no date unless you found a date which would be helpful clerk I just read you regarding the PCD Grant there is a specific deadline for the expending of the funds which is why it was placed on the November 7th agenda meeting the deadline is critical to ensuring the grant success sucessful successful execution and compliance with its terms um they did not give us a timeline they just said it was um meeting the deadline was critical to ensuring the grant successful execution in compliance with its terms so it didn't give us a right any other questions any other questions in regard to this item this time I'll call the questions to suspend the rules and be able to discuss it at this level all say I any n no no uh roll please councelor Reyes yes councelor um is noted as absent councelor Santiago no councelor Del Rosario yes councelor llant I mean Council L I apologize yes ma'am no council l plant yes Council Levy yes Council vice president fonte yes council president Rodriguez i v yes was the count six you're 6 62 one abent motion carries uh councelors what the motion motion to approve there's a motion to approve prop second discussion councel I don't have information maybe I'm missing the information on my package why we don't have uh no one from the library here to explain this item um council president uh the was they sent they sent information uh the on the package that is there and they it's also an email in regard to that those two items and the the the the director of the library she was here today she have to leave to to a personal situation Cil president thank you for the clarification that still uh thank you for the clarification so you said that she came and left due to an emergency due to a situation that we it's unknown situation okay but she was I don't want to say that it's an emergency okay but it was something that um because they usually that's my con they usually he any other questions in regard to this item all right at this point I'll call the question so please say I I any n guys have it U item 51824 M cler do you have information about that about about that specific item again in that same email they did say that they felt that this was urgent and time sensitive um it just says it's crucial to address these promptly to avoid the possibility of the invoices going into collections rectifying these ensures we stay on track with our current and future purchases without complication so uh this is in regard to an Amazon W account this could be this could be the the account for the library could be locked up if we don't if we don't um if we don't act upon ccors I entertain any type of motion and I and regard to item 51824 the first item if we first motion should be if we going to discuss it at this level to suspend rules number six to be able to discuss it at this level what is the desires of the council motion to suspend rule six and pull out of committee there is a motion to suspend rule six uh to pull out of committee item five 5824 properly second any discussion discussion council plan I I heard what the clerk read I failed to see the emergency this happens unfortunately the collection agency is not going to go after the library for a WB Mason bill it it's just not they we give too much money to them and other places um there's really all um that's that's my sense I think we should just deal with it in the normal way and not do anything I I voted for the other one because it was kind of nebulous it wasn't really sure but I give the benefit of the doubt that it was coming up soon but this one I'm not as convinced that this needs problem councel Point well taken uh any other councelors councelor president coun I'm going to have to agree with councelor Le plan this could wait it's an invoice and we have to be careful with pulling things out of PR uh regular procedure this could wait understood any other any other councelors want to discuss about this council president councelor presant I I want to make I I want to make a comment just in general about what's going on here um I chair four committees half of them because my my colleagues with all due respect did not want to step up to the plate to chair these committees and I rarely miss any meetings don't take it on yourself hold on hold on hold on don't take your I know and I know but I I just want to make the statement and every other week I'm chasing members to see to get to to get an answer whether or not I'm going to have Quorum for my for my committees um so when I hear comments oh why are we pulling this why are we pulling that I had one week where where I couldn't where I couldn't um keep my my responsibilities but we we all understand I mean don't take it yourself please but here's the done a lot you guys know this but I already know that the public and on social media this what what's being said is is going to be taken out of out of out of context so I wanted to make sure that I provided some detail not just not for us cuz I know you guys understand but for the public that I owe answers to because of certain comments and I I don't disagree at all with the vice president she has done a lot of work for this Council um and and has done things um and has been as trying to be as helpful as possible I would just if it's not too late council president I mean we run different ships um the when Modesto Maldonado was the council president and I was sitting here at that time we made a rule to allow the council president to serve um on the and any committee ex offici if there needs to be a person to show up there and when I was sitting where near sitting that was I did not put myself on any committees so that it'd be at least one more chance to make sure the Committees met so what counselor and font vice president fonte wouldn't necessarily it'd be one it' be less problematic I didn't want to show every meeting but I did only to make sure that the the Motions of the government work on time can I finish can I finish can I finish my you making me look bad like I wasn't available that's not Cas finish you are no you are wrong you're you're wrong so so that's so that's the reason council president you have people who only serve on one committee for example and I'm sure they might they would rather serve on to I haven't said at all for how many months now 11 but this is the first time this has come up and I just wanted to say that thank you thank you so much but you absolutely wrong council president give me one minute no no no wait give me one second give me one second guys the case on this situation the meeting was councel for any particular reason and at any particular moment meeting has been celled and nobody have questioned it the question here it was not whether or not there was a quarum issue that was not the question me and Cel pres infant we always communicate when it comes to any type of meetings and this was not about quarum so you saying that make people believe that I wasn't available either this is not about availability canol a plant and all you always come up with this this little things like that to make people look bad look at yourself first don't do that that's wrong that's unprofessional and une etical you don't know the intakes as of what happened everybody have missed meetings and at this time I'll call the motion if councelor decide to vote on this or not that's on on the council all those in favor say yes or or say not I I roll call please coun L yes Council plant no council Luzan no council Del Rosario yes Council Santiago no council maml is noted as absent Council Reyes yes Council Infante Council vice president Pon yes council president Rodriguez I vote Yes motion carries six we have five we have one absent and we have three voting no so that's only five versus five all right motion motion uh motion fails uh we going to table matters any councelors would like to take any table matters out of the agenda document I would doing this earlier document 49 42924 this is the uh new ordinance liance with the mgl 4A otherwise known as the mbaa communities act like they take that out of table matters the last item councelors there is a motion to remove this item from the table matters uh this is the items the new ordinance in compliance with the m General law uh 4 48 section 3A along with multifamilies as of right uh the MBTA communities act uh this was St and now uh there is a motion to remove from table matters can hear a second second properly second discussion um no discussion on that all please say hi any n the eyes have it uh Mr McCarthy you have the floor and please uh update us when it comes to the uh to these specific plans that we have yes good evening the uh the city's been working in compliance with the state's um Department of housing and marry ma Valley Planning Commission to come up with a project to satisfy the requirements of the NBTA communities the MBTA Community is statute is New Orleans that requires uh communities that are serviced by any type of public uh Transportation uh service including the NBTA rail line that they are to uh increase permitting opportunities within their Community um by a certain number that was designated by the state um um House of Representatives in the case of the City of Lawrence that number is 4,500 uh cities that have a active uh Transportation Hub within their City are required to be in in compliance with that by the beginning of uh 2025 the calendar year 25 which is uh this this January uh other communities have another year to come into compliance with for this the city is actually in uh receipt of a grant to design a new overlay around our Transportation uh Hub which is the mcgaven train station on marry MAAC Street and we'll be working on that beginning in December we're going to have our kickoff and be working on that through uh the final part of fiscal uh fiscal year 25 hoping to have this uh um approved by the end of the summer but the interim the city is required to be in compliance by the state if we're not in compliance we we lose certain benefits and we risk the the chance of having the state uh file a uh a a lawsuit against us as theyve recently did with the city town of Milton um so those are the the the parameters the mpta communities is requirements is states that um we have to build we a perming process uh within a half mile of this Transportation Hub that allows U multif family housing to be constructed by right uh on the perspective um I have Ian Burns here from the marac valley Planning Commission to speak a little more more about the details of that program and what the city is um offering but I will point out that the the the ordinance that we've designed is what what I would call the bare minimum to satisfy the uh requirements of the State uh it wasn't done um I think for the favorability of of of improving the city we're going to be doing that next year that's what the overlay is going to be this is just to check a box and make sure that the city's in compliance um so I'd like to have um Mr Burns come up he does have a PowerPoint presentation that I know people in the commit saw I don't know if you want to hear that or whether we can just do this verbally I can skip through briefly okay I'll bear thank you all so my name is Ian burns with the Mary Mac Valley Planning Commission uh for those that aren't familiar with our agency we are a public agency that supports the 15 cities and towns of the mar MAAC Valley region so everywhere from here in Lawrence to Newburyport in the coast we're helping all those cities in towns with compliance with this new state law um so I'm here today to talk a little bit about what it is and how you're in compliance the Committees uh that this ordinance went through have already seen this presentation so I've abbreviated it here tonight just to give an overview for counselors that may be less familiar save the best for last on the agenda right here we are um and we'll try and get through it uh because I know that it is late um can you all see the slides yet or no okay you have to can you Pro can you project it here I I am plugged into the cord here I don't know if I need to do anything on another end if not I'm happy to speak without the slides too I'm gotten used to it it is yeah oh here we that might be something there we go it's coming up now yep all righty so you all can see the slides now all good all right so just as a a quick background um Mr McCarthy was speaking to this earlier but just to give you an idea of what exactly this law is it's also known as section 3A or the MBTA communities act the law itself says that you have to have a zoning District of quote reasonable size that allows multif family housing by right we'll come back to that reasonable size quote in a few minutes here um but essentially what it is is that you have to have a zoning District that allows multif family housing by right that's a key piece of this and what we've outlined and read there on the slide is that the law require zoning to be in place it does not require actual housing units to be constructed or to be in existence so everything we're talking about here tonight it does not matter what currently exists for housing units or will be built or could be built in the future what matters is that you have zoning in place that would allow for housing to be developed should a development uh or developer come forward communities that do not comply with this act uh face potential litigation from the attorney general and also lose access to certain State Grant programs many of those Grant programs that the city has accessed in past years and would lose access to going forward Lawrence's deadline as was mentioned earlier is December 31st of this year so once again why does Lawrence need to act right now there is no compliant zoning District in the city so you have to either create a new zoning District or amend your current zoning ordinance in order to comply with the law so what we are doing here today is proposing a new zoning District that would be in compliance with the wall the law since the city does not currently have one as part of the law you have to have at least 40% of your zoning District within a half mile radius of the commuter rail station so this map I know it's a little small on the screen but that orange circle is a half mile radius around your Commuter Rail station so you can see the river right through the middle of the picture South Lawrence um on the bottom half and and North Lawrence on the top so that radius at the McGovern state is where we have to concentrate the majority of the zoning District in order to be in compliance with the law as I mentioned earlier the state law says you have to have a zoning District of reasonable size that reasonable size criteria is then defined by the State Office of Housing and livable communities and they uh promulgated regulations to Define what reasonable size is in Lawrence's case we have to prove mathematically that the zoning District given the dimensional standards and the parameters of the zoning District could theoretically accommodate up to 4,500 units and what's really important there is that we're not saying that 4,500 units are automatically going to be built there tomorrow it's saying that if there was a clean slate on the property and a developer came forward given the height restrictions and the setback requirements if they were to max out the site Is it feasible to put that many given the zoning we do not mean that 4,500 units will be built on the site you have to have a minimum acreage of 39 acres here in Lawrence and you also have to show that there's the potential for a density of 15 units per acre in Lawrence that's not abnormal to have a density of that high of housing units I mentioned there's grants at risk with non-compliance this is the full list happy to answer questions on this if there are questions but what I want to highlight is over the past few years Lawrence has received over $5 million in these Grant funds and so this is what you um potentially lose access to should you not have a zoning District in compliance by the end of this year as uh Mr McCarthy was mentioning earlier the approach here in Lawrence the city is going to going to be undertaking a project a larger project to look at a Transit oriented development zoning District in the area of the commuter rail station over the next year however that would be too late to comply with this act so in the meantime we're trying to pass a zoning District in a smaller area of the city in order to get you to compliance and check that box what could happen after the next year when the city does the larger District you could essentially replace the smaller one we're voting on here tonight with this larger area they're discussing but we need something um in effect by December 31st to keep View and compliance that district is outlined in green here and is the district that you're voting on tonight that green area is primarily the Riverwalk area that's uh marac Street and uh all the way over to the duck bridge and uh New Balance on the left side of that image and 495 is all the way on the right so this is primarily the Riverwalk District plus New Balance the reason this was chosen after discussions with the planning department and as we went to the the Committees here at the council was because there's already significant development at the site so the potential for there actually to be additional units put there is probably slim you see new balance as a part of the zoning nothing has to change on the New Balance site it's just adding an additional option if New Balance didn't exist there tomorrow you could build housing there but we're not saying that new housing has to be there instead so this is an additional use because it's an overlay District to allow multif family housing so that the the city can comply with the law the dimensional standards for the actual District we looked uh pretty CL closely at what the current um buildout is in that area of the city right now and what past zoning districts have had for dimensional standards in the city so the maximum Building height is six stories or 75 ft you can't build anything higher than six stories or 75 ft maximum lot coverage is 80% you must have a minimum open space of 20% there's a ponds and River setback which is pretty standard throughout the city of 25 ft and the parking we have to require a minimum of one space per unit developers can build more parking than that but that's the base minimum that's required of them in that area I'm going to stop there happy to answer questions of the counselors I know it's a confusing topic and happy to break it down before you vote if I can answer any of that thank you councelors any questions in regard to this before we we uh we continue that is important to recognize the Motions that we have we have an underline motion which is motion to approve and right after that we got a motion to table at that point we table it now we remove it from table the underline motion is in place which is a motion to approve that motion was uh uh by uh Council plant and it was second by um Council Rosario point of parliamentary I just want to let the commit members know that was the vote of the ordinance committee not necessarily my vote no it was I'm talking about the motion the underline motion the underline motion was done by by you the chair of the of the committee and that um C Rosario was the second um any questions in regard to the presentation counselors any questions in regard to the MBTA communities counselors any questions in regard to the map C all right uh before we move the questions um council president sure can you remind me or maybe the city clerk why was this tabled or does it okay it was just okay thank you Cel M we have we have a question for you Dan I I don't mean to put you on the spot and I apologize I just um as we're creating a new zoning ordinance is this requiring a public hearing or am I oh you on the zoning well creating a new zoning ordinance yep so do I need to order public hearing on this end or does that happen through the zoning board like I just want it doesn't we it's it actually already went to the planning board we had a public hearing at planning board okay and they sent up a favorable recommendation to the committee okay the committee had that they should be a copy of the of that report okay I just want if I needed to order public hearing I didn't want to skip that step so we don't think I don't believe a public hearing is necessary okay thank you sorry uh during the presentation you mentioned that uh the current requirement for parking is now one parking what was it before so it's varies throughout the city but we had originally looked at doing one space per one bedroom and Studio style units and then 1.5 spaces required for two bedrooms and then a little bit higher for three bedroom units the challenge there was that we had to make the math work where we could like I referenced earlier show that you could theoretically fit 4500 units on this land area and because surface parking takes up so much space when we were requiring that much parking we couldn't prove mathematically to the state that you would be in compliance and reach that unit requirement because parking takes up so much space so if we reduced that parking to one space per unit we could be in compliance with the law because you have less parking required developers can build more um in one space per unit we've seen has been a pretty strong standard across the state near Transit centers like a Commuter Rail station and bus hub councelors all right I'll call the question Sol please say I any Nam uh roll please councelor Levy yes counil Le no counil LAN yes Council Del Rosario yes Council Santiago yes councilor mammal is noted as absent Council Reyes yes Council vice president Infante yes council president Rodriguez uh motion carries thank you all right councilors any other uh T matters going to new business um item uh 54124 uh item 54124 expend the 908 the 90 days appointment for Ida Sana Deputy DPW director this is going to the personal committee item uh 54224 spend the 90 days appointment for the for rosan Rosario the deputy DPW director this is going to the person AR meeting sure um those two items the you had asked previously when the 90 days expire those 90 days are going to expire before your next meeting just want make sure you're aware of that you repeat that I'm sorry the 90 days on both of those items is going to expire before your next meeting so you can give an implied extension by sending them to committee or you could vote them tonight you have already reviewed both of those candidates and both of those candidates um it's this you've already extended it do you know what I mean um there was actually because they were going to make those appointments permanent um they hadn't put it on the agenda they had put it on the agenda uh attorney hooton believed they were going to make the appointment appointments permanent so it didn't need to be on the agenda but with the um status of the current Personnel director rather than make them permanent they wanted to just keep them within additional 90-day extension so it was kind of a gray situation so I do want to make sure people know that that is going to um expire so when the they I don't have the exact date I don't know if Mr ielo does but it's coming up expires November 20th both of them expired November 20th which is tomorrow okay M your desire uh what is uh I think that we have reviewed both of the uh both of the both both of the candidates uh nothing have changed uh the process when it comes to I mean uh the service that they provide haven't changed the duties haven't changed uh ex all right no problem um it just a matter of just uh extending the the time in office any objection to that all right at this point counselors we need to suspend the rules to be able to discuss this item and not be able to send it to committee um make a motion to suspend rule six for item 54124 extend 90day appointment for Ida Santana Deputy DPW director second there is a motion on the table properly second any discussion on the suspension of the rule at this point I'll call the questions all us and F please say I any n guys have it um item 54124 councelors was thetion to approve there's a motion to approve second properly second discussion have to declare this an emergency if we're going to approve it the same night it's on your agenda so you don't have to you're suspending your rules not sending it to committee yeah because it it was posted for it was po for 48 for 48 hours yes and we met the open meeting law requirement so it's not doesn't have to be an emergency an emergency is because we need to add it to the agenda because it didn't um comply with the 48 Hours uh but at this point these items comply with the 40 hours u u requirement yes yeah on the on the that's on the next item councel Lev I'm sorry just par Parliament if you look at rule if you look at rule 12 a no measure I'm going to read it again no measure shall be adopted by the city council on the date it is introduced motion to go past 10 motion to go past 10 there's a motion on the day second discussion please say hi hi any n nice have it so continuing on to rule 12 of paragraph a no measure shall be adopted by the city council on the date that is introduced Ed that's tonight except in the case of a special emergency involving the peace health wealthy or convenience of the public and the property except as otherwise provided by the charter every measure approved by the council shall be effective on the third on the expiration of 30th day Etc but the per the first portion is that because we're adopting it tonight right that's what we're trying to do it was not introduced tonight it was on the on the agenda for 48 more than 48 hours I mean it's it's you can't do it we're not going to call meeting when the mayor sends something down that day and and expect all of us to show up in two hours yeah and that's when we declare an emergency so this is a this iend my motion to to declare this as an emergency and to suspend rule six to send this to committee all right for that um with suspending the rule and declar is an emergency I don't believe it's needed but I mean this just for the sake of the discussion um all please say I any n guys have it item 14121 uh for motion to approve motion to approve second properly second discussion on the item I hear none all those in favor please say I I any n motion carries item uh 54224 extension of the 90 days appointment of rosan Del Rosario Deputy uh deputy director of the DPW motion to can I get a motion to suspend rule six and declare this an emergency motion to suspend rule six and declare an emergency second any any questions on these question counc Lan um just a quick question council president uh why do they wait to the 19 to all so they send it before they didn't yeah oh CL please clarify they actually sent this um on I'm going to say the wrong day they sent this on October 31st so that was substantial time ago what happened was I had gotten a conversation with the attorney who told me to take it off the agenda because they were going to be made permanent appointments so I did that but then they was told no they're not doing that because of the situation with the Personnel director they're going to wait to make any major appointments like that till that situation is resolved so to please do do the 90-day extension so this was actually T filed quite timely by the department it is not the Department's fault that this is in the situation that it's in that's why thank you mean uh thank you for the clarification Madame clerk for the for the records um this is a motion to declares an emergency suspend rule six any questions on this I hear know so at this point I call the question so and Fa please say I I any name motion carries uh councelors entertain a motion to approve item 54224 it's been made by councelor Infante secondly by councelor Rees um any discussions on the and the appointment it is important to recognize that Council the Rosario have his have recruit himself from this item due to a potential conflict of interest um any questions in regard to the appointments I hear no discussions all Us in fav please say I I any n motion carries going back to new business item item uh 5432 24 personal director hirings update this is going to the personal committee item 54424 authorization to pay priy as invoice of $1,231 43 council president this is going to uh budet and finance committee can I make I just want to can I I would like to make a motion to send correspondence to Mr ianello to ensure that he's present for the next Personnel uh meeting for item 543 that's already it's already did late um a motion to send correspondence to the um to the kaf the uh current U the personal director as well to for him to be here next meeting can I get a there is a motion on the table can hear a second properly second discussion I hear none all say hi hi guys have it ID 54 54524 the authorization to spend $130,000 M Trail uh Grant from aoea uh for spa River uh Greenway Bridge renovation this is going to the B finance committee Idan 54624 the authorization to spend 22,7 60 formula grant uh from Executive Office of the early Affairs this is going to the bana Finance Comm Idan 54724 authorization to spend $115,000 title three Grant from the executive office of the otherly affair this is going to the B finance committee item 54824 the decision to pay prior years's invoice for the amount of 15,218 88 cents capital W services this is going to the B finance committee and uh $150 to roombo news this is going to the V finance committee ion 4 549 to 29 24 authorization to spend 1, 28,9 4243 Mass Municipal Public Safety Staffing this is going to the Bo and finance committee item 55024 renewal of all gold dealer license brother Jewel list this is going to the ordinance committee um item uh 55124 propos anti camping ordinance prohibition authorized unauthorized camping in public space this is going to the ordinance committee item 55124 re uh re uh REM removal of the handicap parking of 3335 M Street this is going to the ordinance committee item 55324 oneway Beacon off from Beacon Street to Andover Street uh West and Northeast and Northwest Direction um this is going to the ordinance committee item 55424 fourway stop sign in the section of uh Green Street and Madison Street this is going to the ordinance committee item 55524 stop sign at the intersection of Carvin Street and M and marac Street this is going to the ordinance committee item 5562 24 forway stop sign and the de s of mner Street and mner circle and and Speaker Drive this is going Sparkle drive this is going to the ordinance committee item 55724 stop sign at the decis of amher Street and Andover Street this is going to the uh ordinance committee item 55582 24 propos ordinance to regulate commercial parking in residential areas uh this is going to the ordinance committee item 55924 is G zoned on H Street and street during the school year and school hours this is going to the ordinance committee item 56024 no parking on 37 um chat Street between 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the mass at the ma Department of Environmental Protection office location this is going to the ordinance committee item 56 56124 no parking Sunday only at 29 Water Street uh this is going to the ordinance committee item 5622 24 handicap parking at 120 High uh High Street this is going to the ordinance committee item 56324 oneway uh herodan Street uh this is going to the ordinance committee 56424 removal of handicap parking uh 26 oon Street ordinance committee Idan 56524 15 minutes parking 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. 292 to 294 laen Street uh this is going to the ordinance committee 566 24 installed underground conduit Under the exas Street near Newber Street this is going to ordinance committee item 56 5672 24 installed underground conduit on their lows low through near Hampshire Street this is going to the ordinance committee committees committee dat ordinance committee Tuesday 7 o'cl Tuesday uh Finance Monday at 7:00 um personal Monday at 6 o' um safety no safety no safety um housing Thursday Thursday at at what time Thanksgiving oh that's Thanksgiving and when when I mean I won't be able to make any Wednesdays so no no meeting on I mean I'm not going to be able to make any Wednesdays um Tuesday Tuesday we have Tuesday and Monday Tuesday 6 Tuesday at 6 Tuesday at 6 okay there anything new on the housing the only thing that's on the housing agenda is the um the prev as the Adu we're waiting for the planning department to give its opinion and that won't be until December 4th or something like that so it's going to be tabled so I don't know why we want to meet anyway uh well if if the ordinance I mean if the uh housing committee have an opinion it will be all together with the uh with the next uh for the next meeting so yes they have an item um economic development that is no no items on that um what all committee we missing we good all right if anything all right a motion to tojin Second all right there motion to adjin properly second all those in fav please say I I decied toay pleas e