##VIDEO ID:1jskG1uZ5J8## e e e e e e e e e e my wife and I are so old good afternoon welcome to the city of lesburg Planning and Zoning commission it is June 20 I did that last time August 22nd uh 2024 please stand for the pledge of the flag and invocation or invocation in pledge dear Lord we ask that you be be with us today as we undertake the business of the city of lebur we pray that the decisions made today will be pleasing in your sight we pray this now most holy name amen amen I pledge Ali to the flag of the United States of America to theic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you always takes me a minute to warm up all right you want to go ahead and uh minutes no swh in the uh oh yeah I like to do that for C's cover I'm sorry swearing in get everybody swear in short all right uh any City staff and anybody else present today who wishes to provide any testimony or information if you would please stand and raise your right hand so we can get everybody sworn in you need to you need to do this if you're going to speak it looks like we got the whole room all right do you swear or affirm that all testimony you'll give today will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do all right thank you all thank you everybody all right going be year thank you Mr chairman I'd like to welcome everyone to the August 22 2024 city of leeburg Planning Commission meeting my name is Dan Miller planning and zoning director for the city of leeburg Staff present today includes deputy director candy Harper senior planners Christine Rock and Diane yle and planner Melissa Mets City attorney Grant Watson is present as well uh today's agenda and a speaker's registry is available on the table by the exit door if you would like to speak on a case we ask that you would please sign this speaker's registry and turn it in to Candy who is Seated on my left under the rules of participation the meeting will be conducted under the following process the chairman will announce each case the staff will then present exhibits for the record including Maps photos and text as shown on the screens staff will then read a recommendation into the record and the applicant will have an opportunity to speak on the case the chairman will allow time for public comment and the applicant will have an opportunity for rebuttal at that point the chairman will close the case to the public the commission will discuss the case and the commission will take a vote on the case case and then move on to the next case the Planning Commission is a citizen board which is appointed by the City commissioners this board this excuse me this commission is charged with two major responsibilities one is final decisions on cases such as variances and conditional use permits the second which takes up all of today's cases are recommendations for issues to be heard by the city commission there are seven cases on today's agenda uh two of those we have a request for a postponement till next month all of these cases will be heard by the city commission so today is simply recommendations you will find tentative dates for the city commission hearings which are listed in bold on the agenda please be advised that these dates of City commission hearings are subject to be changed so please check with our office at planning and zoning or the city clerk's office regarding any final hearing dates finally on behalf of the planning staff and the leberg Planning Commission we'd like to thank you for your participation in today's public hearing process thank you Mr chairman thank you very much okay commission you've had an opportunity to see the minutes uh there any additions Corrections deletions if not I'll accept the motion to approve Mr chairman I'd like to make a motion to approve the July 18 minut okay is there a second I'll second that motion Mr chairman all in favor say I I not vo I wasn't here okay thank you all opposed great thank you very much all right we'll go move on to the uh first new business on Public public hearing case number sscp 24 216 Blue Ridge storage small scale comprehensive plan map Amendment and I'm going to go ahead and read the other one into it uh we'll do these together because all the evidence is the same as the first two cases um and'll be the same as the next case too um public hearing case number PUD 24 217 Blue Ridge storage plan unit development thank you thank you Mr chairman under the overall proposal for this case is to Annex conference plan and reone 10 02 plus or minus acres to be used for many warehouse and storage uses property is generally located on the west side of US Highway 27 and just north of El Presidente Boulevard near the Spanish village neighborhood on South 27 under the first case this is a small scale comp comprehensive plan map Amendment and the request is to change the future land use designation from Lake County Urban low density to City of leeburg General commercial and on the second case case which is the rezoning of the of the property the request is to amend the current zoning from Lake County PUD deep which is plan unit development to City of leeburg plan unit development Christine Rock senior planner with the office will present the maps and photo exhibits including the aerial zoning future and surrounding land use Wetlands flood zone maps and CRA Maps thank you all right this map shows the general location of the property it is located north of the Spanish village neighborhood and on the west side of US Highway 27 this shows the more immediate area surrounding the subject property so it's just a zoom in of some of the smaller streets the the property is currently located within unincorporated Lake County so there is no City lebur Zoning right now but it is south and west of leeburg PUD [Music] so the property is currently zoned Lake County PUD and is adjacent to Lake County PUD as well as rmrp zoning is across the street from Lake County rmrp and agriculture zoning the proposed zoning is Steve leberg planed unit [Music] development so the property is not in leberg so there is no leberg future langes category on it but it is south of leeburg General commercial and north of leberg State residential so it is currently zoned I'm so sorry it is currently has a Lake County future land use of urban low density which is also to the north south and west and to the east is Lake County Rural transition future land use the proposed future land use is General commercial there is Flood Zone located on the western portion of the property there are also Wetlands located on the western side of the property it is not currently within a leberg city commission District because it is in Lake County but it is in close proximity to commission District number three so we did post this property so this is a close-up of the sign the second photo is looking into the property from US Highway 27 and these two photos are looking North and South along US Highway 27 this is looking across US Highway [Music] 27 and that is all I have thank you Christine and uh Mr chairman I failed to mention that there is um special event happening this weekend so we're going to be hearing them warmup all through this meeting I was going to tell them we're doing a special new thing we background music okay um emphasis moving on to the departmental review summary the project was sent out to All City departments Plus Lake County government and the school board uh the city Department responses were minimal out it the electric Department noted that it is outside of the city of leeburg electric service area otherwise we did not receive any comments from the city departments uh when that happens as we've stated before that is an indication that each of the Departments is stating that they have the capacity to serve the proposal um of course the school board uh because it's a commercial project has no interest or concern in it and uh Lake County Public Works had no comments under the public responses per the Florida statute and city of lebur code of ordinances notice requirements the project was legally advertised posted and letters were sent out to the surrounding Property Owners we did not receive any of any letters or comments back as of today in regard to that um as stated as Christine stated earlier this is a planned unit development um under the requirements of that PUD zoning the permitted uses are indoor self storage and outdoor Self Storage plus one apartment for management SL security use um we're not governed by this PUD it's going to use the C3 Highway commercial zoning District requirements which is pretty standard along a highway the obviously Highway commercial in the Pud they're required to have the dark sky lighting which as we've described is focusing the light so it's not interrupting the neighbors it's shielding the light there are significant setbacks required uh the way the way the site plan was designed they were able to have front setbacks and rear setbacks of 50 ft minimum plus 20 ft on the Sid which they easily accomplished as you can see in the site plan uh 35% of the property has to be in open space there's a landscape buffer and fence requirement um adjacent to property Zone residential there is a I believe it's a three floor maximum on the height there are architectural standards required and if you look at exhibit D in your packet you'll see that this proposal does meet the architectural standards site excess is shown on the site plan which is on us27 under roadway improvements Lake County did not indicate that any road improvements would be necessary for this project so it should be the standard um XEL D Cel Lane and that's probably it um other plan unit development requirements include using the drought tolerant grasses that we're requiring and that'll soon be in the code of Bea and vermuda and zoa versus using St Augustine and of course all this any development here has to be on City Water and Wastewater so there's no well or septic systems on the C on the U property um i' like to go ahead and read the recommendations here for the comp plan Project Blue Ridge storage small scale comp plan Amendment from Lake County Urban low density to City General commercial for sscp the case number sscp 24216 the planning and zoning department is recommending approval of the request for the following reasons one the project meets the requirements of chapter 163 3187 Florida statutes for small scale comp plan amendments two the proposed future land use designation of General commercial is compatible with the adjacent future land use designations of Lake County Urban low and Rural transition and city of leeburg EST State residential and three the proposed request is compatible with the proposed zoning of PUD plan unit development for self storage facilities indoor and outdoor storage and four the proposed future land use designation for the site is consistent with the city's growth management plan future land use element goal one objective 1.6 the action requested is vote to approve the smallscale comprehensive plan Amendment from Lake County Urban low density and city of leeburg General from Lake County Urban low density to City of leeburg General commercial and forward this recommendation to the city commission for their consideration under the zoning recommendation for the planned unit development from Lake County PUD to City of leeburg PUD under case number PUD 24-27 the planning and zoning department is recommending approval of the request for the following reasons one the proposed request for a PUD zoning is compatible with the current surrounding zoning districts including Lake County PUD rmrp which is mobile home rental Park and City of leeburg PUD the proposed request for the future land use designation of General commercial is compatible with the proposed zoning of PUD and three the proposed request as condition does not appear to create a detriment to the surrounding properties based on the location proximity to compatible development and indoor industrial uses the action requested is vote to approve the proposed resoning from Lake County PUD to City of leeburg PUD and forward this recommendation to the city commission for consideration um Mr chairman prior to closing off we did have some conversations back and forth with the attorney Mr JB Bickel Meer who is here tonight who had some uh two minor requests on the Pud which staff agreed with and wanted to present to the commission um under section four development standards the maximum height in this PUD is three stories or 35 ft the applicant wanted to have clarified that this would allow for the parapets in the design and uh that those parapets are going to be part of uh covering up the AC equipment and you know a visual buffer to that equipment so staff wanted to State on the record that this would be acceptable to us from a height standpoint and we could either state it on the record or increase the height to allow the parapets doesn't matter to staff either way which would visually help cover the AC units the elevator shaft those kind of things which we were not taking into account um when we wrote the recommendation so that's the first one the second one is under Section N9 open space there's a request to allow the fencing which currently exists on the property to be chain link as there are significant spatial buffers of somewhere around 250 ft to the residential areas into the roadway to the South and staff had no objection to that because there's a wetland in between there and the residential and some tree uh those two changes were and unless there was anything else that was requested um those two changes we had agreed on after looking at it and uh beyond that um Mr JB Brook is the attorney here to represent the case um he's out of wintergarten and uh Mr chairman staff is recommending approval for both these cases thank you any questions to staff before we continue okay nothing he covered okay have questions any questions of the Mr brim no okay is there anybody from uh the audience that's here to speak for or against all right we'll close to uh the public and render decision discussion what's your pleasure Mr chairman on public hearing case sscp 24216 Blue Ridge storage small scale pump plan map amendment I recommend approval okay we have a motion is there a second any discussion roll [Music] call that's you is candy here that was worth that was worth coming for too busy taking chairman Senate yes C yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Marshall yes commissioner Sanders yes commission barid yes commission Carter yes thank you um okay on the public he case number P UD 24 217 blue rid storage plan unit development um I think the route we ought to go is limit the limit the the building to three stories but to allow for the parit yeah yes sir it's like having living living space and non-living space yes sir so if whoever makes the Motions in agreement with that uh don't forget to add that so it would remain at 35 ft with an allowance for the par perits yep okay that's my suggestion Mr chairman on public hearing case PUD 24217 with the 35 ft maximum with allowing of the parit and B and and the fence and the fence oh yes is it leave allowing the existing chain link allowing the existing chain link thank you I forgot that one with those amendments I recommend approval a second motion thank you there's been a motion and second any discussion roll call commissioner K yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Marshall yes commissioner Sanders yes commission bariso yes commissioner Carter yes chairman Senate yes ma'am thank you very much okay under new business number three public hearing case number sscp 24221 blunt Birch Meer leberg LLC small scale comprehensive plan Amendment they have asked to postpone to September 19th um if that is the will of the commission I'll accept a motion to do so a motion for that to be moved move to the September 19th thank you and Mr chairman just to clarify that that will occur uh at 4:30 p.m. in commission Chambers here on that date as well thank you yes sir is there a reason for I don't know guess it doesn't matter no not May any discussion do we need to State a reason why it's being postponed oh thank you um I'm sleeping like candy I guess she's going to hit me um staff reviewed the two cases and we are meeting with the applicant Upon Our review of their proposed site plan there were a number of items that we thought should be revised and upgraded before it was presented to you so and that that is the reason it's being held it's it's at staff's request not the thank you sir all right uh Roo I gu commissioner Kelly yes commission Marshall yes commissioner Sanders yes commission baras yes commission Carter yes chairman Senate yes ma'am commission C all right new business number four public hearing case number PUD 24222 blunt ber Meer leberg LLC PL unit development uh same thing it's it's the uh sister case of the last one do I have a motion to uh to postpone to the 19th yes I make that motion September thank you at 4:30 thank you you in the commission Chambers Bell's on is there a second all right it's been second any discussion roll call commissioner Marshall yes commissioner Sanders yes commiss barid yes commission Carter yes chairman Senate yes ma'am commissioner Klan yes commissioner Kelly yes thank you very much all right new business number five public hearing case number LSC P 24233 Lake brigh Brig Hurst large scale comprehensive plan Amendment thank you Mr chairman this under the overall proposal I'm going to go ahead and introduce the other one too oh I apologize yes I well I almost let you go okay I'm going to the next Cas is goes with it so I open it to introduce it yeah I got yeah the purpose of this is it one have one computer all right Public public hearing case number P2 24 234 Lake brigh brur plan unit development thank you yes thank you Mr chairman the overall proposal for this project this is an annexation large scale comp plan and resoning on 208 plus or minus Acres on South County 33 to allow for future development of new neighborhoods which would consist of 518 detached single family units the property is generally located as seen on the aerial um on the east and west sides of County Road 33 and north of Bridges Road on the first case which is a large scale comprehensive plan map Amendment the request is to change the future land use designation from Lake County Rural to City of leeburg estate on the second case the rezoning the request is to amend the current zoning from Lake County a agriculture to City of leeburg PUD planned unit development Miss Diane yekel senior planner will present the maps and photo exhibits including the aerial zoning future land use surrounding land use Wetlands flood zone maps and CRA Maps thank you Mr Miller the subject property is located north of Austin Merritt Road and to the east and west of County Road 33 and uh a closer aerial shows the immediate area surrounding the property the property is located in the leberg [Music] isba and the property is currently unincorporated in Lake County the subject property is zoned Lake County Agriculture and is adjacent to agriculture on all four sides barely here the proposed zoning is planned unit development and the property is once again in unincorporated in Lake County the property has a Lake County future land use of Rural and is adjacent to rural future land use on all four sides the proposed future land use is a state residential [Music] and for the surrounding land use to the North and South we have residential and pasture to the east we have government pasture and non-agricultural acreage and to the West we have residential and non-agricultural acreage and for the flood zone there is some flood zone in the central part of the property on the west side of 33 and wetlands are also present in the Cent central part of the property on the west side of 33 and the subject property is close to commission District [Music] three and there were three signs posted the top photo shows a closeup of the sign on the property from County Road 33 and the bottom is looking North along 33 then we have looking East under the property from County Road 33 and looking South along County Road 33 we have looking West along Desert Lane from County Road 33 try to speak up if you can and a close up of the sign on the property from County Road 33 looking North along County Road 33 and looking East from the property across County Ro Road 33 looking South along County Road 33 and the bottom picture is looking West into the subject property from County Road 33 the top photo is a close-up of the sign on the property from Lake Bright Street and the bottom photo is looking North across Lake brigh Street and the top photo is looking East along Lake Bright Street and the bottom photo is looking South into the subject property from Lake Bright Street and the final photo is looking West along Lake Bright Street and that is all I have Mr Miller thank you thank you Diane moving to the departmental review summary the project was sent out to All City departments Plus Lake County government and School Board under City responses the elector Department again noted that it was outside of their service area electric service area otherwise we receive no specific comments from the Departments the school board will note that the project will be subject to school concurrency review and that means that there would have to be a mitigation agreement between the developer and the school board which amounts to a essentially a cash payment to the school board to create the student stations adequate student stations within the school system and those the number of students in the system changes and goes up and down every year so um those but once a mitigation agreement is locked in then that payment is locked in and is paid by phase in the plat if all this comes to fruition Lake County under continue under the department reviews Lake County Public Works provided a significant number of comments here that I wanted to go over with you in some summary of those comments and requirements are adding turn Lanes on County Road 33 at all access points including left turn lanes for entry and Exel Dell Lanes for exiting on onto Highway 33 they will require additional RightWay along County Road 33 um then they want a an area for a trail to be developed along the County Road 33 Road Frontage a full traffic impact analysis is required that's underway that's required by the city but I wanted to note that the county also wants to see that there is interconnectivity for pedestrians and bicyclists within the design of the subdivision and then in review to storm in regard to storm water management uh the county noted that they also wanted to look at the storm water management plan to protect the road roadways and adjacent properties the city will look at the same thing as well as St John's River Water Management District um and we'll be looking at the design and outfalls to ensure that there are no negative effects on surrounding properties and roadways um under public responses and when I'm talking about public responses I'm talking about what we received in the office um per Florida statute and city of lebur code of ordinances the project was uh legally advertised posted in letter sent out to to the surrounding Property Owners we did receive one response from Neighbors uh letter from the Robertsons who I believe have provided you with some information um at your computers um some page that looks like this yes sir and um they noted that they would be against the development subject to the requirement of a concrete wall along the south side of the brick Hurst property as the Robertson own some cattle and had some concerns about liability under the Pud requirements The Proposal would consist of 518 detached single family residential units which works out on this 218 Acres 200 acres plus or minus to a density of 2.48 units per acre no other uses would be permitted the lock sizes proposed are 50 and 60t widths with 6,00 7200 square ft sizes the setbacks are standards 25 in the front 18 in the rear 7 and a half on this I think it's five on the sides 7 and a half or it can be five if you have gutters uh the house sizes are, 166 1,700 for each respective lot size minimum of twocc car garage and a two floor maximum height there are design and Architectural standards required again 35% of the property has to be in open space and dark sky lighting would be required two trees in each yard 25- ft landscape buffer is required along the entirety of the property boundaries a fence is required along the entirety of the County Road 33 Frontage um not note that that can be a split rail or an opaque fence opaque being what you can't see through and fencing is required along the remaining areas of the development as well Side Access is shown on the site plan along County Road 33 um that would be subject of course to Lake County requirements for adding turn Lanes Axel and Dell Lanes Etc these access points will have to be Boulevard type roadways which means a landscape median of at least 8 ft in width and enough Lane area to allow emergency access vehicles to maneuver again we require the use of Bea or Remuda grass instead of St August um recreational requirements for this development include a minimum of 103 square 103,000 square ft which is about 2.4 acres and that' be divided on each side of County Road 33 because this encompasses both sides uh the wetlands are protected in the Pud there is a requirement for establishing trails around the larger Retention Ponds which is seen on the site plan and Exhibit C and Fin finally as in all our puds there is a phasing or expiration Clause this is been changed over the last several months um which requires that a development move forward within with what we would call substantial commencement pulling a building permit getting site plans approved and so forth within four years 48 months of the date of approval if it is approved by City commission if they do not do that within four years the property has an automatic reversion to the re1 zoning District the re1 zoning district is one acre per unit so to have a house you got to have an acre um again all the any development would have to be on City Water and Wastewater i' like to go ahead with the recommendations um for the large scale comp plan project Lake write Brig Hurst County Road 33 to amend the comprehensive plan from Lake County Rural to City of leeburg estate residential to allow for single family development under case number lscp 24-23 3 planning and zoning department is recommending approval of this request for the following reasons one the project meets the requirements of chapter 163 3184 Florida statutes for large scale comp plan amendments two the proposed request is compatible with the adjacent future land use designations of Lake County Rural conservation and city of leeburg neighborhood mixed use as conditioned and three the proposed request is compatible with the proposed zoning of PUD and adjacent zoning districts of Lake County Agricultural agricultural residential ranchette district and city of leeburg PUD for the proposed future land use designation for the site is consistent with the city's growth management plan including future land use element goal one objective 1.6 and goal one objective 1.2 policy 1.2.4 the action requested would be to approve the proposed large scale comprehensive plan map Amendment from Lake County Rural to City of leeburg estate residential and forward this recommendation to the city commission for their consideration for the recommendation for the zoning on this in this case for project Lake bright R Hurst County Road 33 which is resoning from Lake County Agriculture to City of leeburg PUD to allow for single family development under case number PUD 24234 the planning and zoning department is recommending approval of the request for the following reasons one the proposed request for a PUD zoning as conditioned is compatible with the current surrounding zoning districts including Lake County agriculture agriculture residential ranchette district and city of leeburg plan unit development two the proposed request for future land use designation of a state residential is compatible with thecurrent surrounding future land use designations including Lake County Rural conservation and city of lebur neighborhood mixed use three the site is located along County Road 33 a developing City Corridor and near future city developments of similar character and intensity four the proposed request does not appear to create a detriment to surrounding properties as condition based on the location and proximity to compatible development the action requested is vote to approve the proposed resoning from Lake County a agriculture to City PUD plan unit development and forward this recommendation to the city commission for their consideration um Mr chairman Mr Andrew McCowan of gii and Mr Ben Snyder of Hanover homes are here to answer any questions you may have and staff is recommending approval thank you sir any questions of Staff before we move forward yes um Mr Miller yes sir on the Lake County Public Works yes sir under half half of the page where it says Lake Thomas [Music] Ro is um they're going to make sure this stay as a public right away cuz I see here it say the road is not in the county road maintenance limit I'm sorry Lake Thomas Road it appears to be a public right away but it's not maintained by county that that is what the county is saying is that it's not their Road and that any vacation petition to vacate that road would have to come through the city however if there were people living off that road gaining access from that road it would have that access would have to be honored okay so they would have to make sure that that access remained thanks anything else [Music] okay good afternoon Andrew Macau with gai consultants in Orlando uh here on behalf of hand Overland company who Ben Snider as Dan said is also here today to answer questions so we're going to do it old school to uh because uh it apparently uh would could not determine that my PowerPoint was not a virus uh but so I'll make sure to next time get that to the city a little bit earlier uh but we do have copies for everyone here I uh appreciate staff for making a couple extras uh while we were uh waiting so I'll wait for that to get passed out then we can [Music] start okay so uh first slide is just um a picture that you've seen before of the surrounding area you can see the the roadways that are in the vicinity including uh County Road 33 which is the road that we have access from Florida Turnpike US 27 to the East and then the uh the crossroad just to the south of of the project is Bridges Road on the next slide primarily what I wanted to show is that between the two halves the left and the the west and the East um side the breakdown of acreages on the East you've got about 81 acres and then on the west you've got about 121 Acres so next slide um as staff said the site is in unincorporated Lake County uh but is in the leeburg isba uh 208 Acres total and we uh the uh existing future land use category is rural and the existing zoning is agriculture next slide our requests are to Annex into the city of leeburg uh conduct a future land use map amendment to estate residential at Ford per acre Max and rezone to PUD according to the plan uh that we provided so on the next sheet um we'll start with the fun stuff talking about the concept plan um the gross density uh take into consideration the actual units on the plan uh even though the max density was four the proposed density pencils out at 2.48 duus per acre uh result resulting in a maximum of 518 units they are all single family detached homes a mixture of 50 foot lots and 60t lots and you can see the breakdown is 405 maximum 50 foot lots and then uh 113 minimum 60 fot lots and uh the plan that you see has 95.4 Acres of open space uh including uh 9.4 Acres of active amenities and that is 47% of the site next page um you can see the west side of the project in a little bit more detail uh the west side has 281 units and would be expected to develop in about two phases and the breakdown on the West Side between the two lot sizes are 23 50t lots and 68 60t lots and there is a central amenity you'll see there's actually a central amenity on each side of uh 33 so that um You Don't Have To Cross uh 33 to get to the uh amenity areas and as I said before these are all single family detached homes wow there is a uh doesn't specify on here but there is a minimum 25t uh landscape buffer around the project uh and to the north uh you see we have positioned uh many of the larger 60ft Lots along the northern boundary to buffer the adjacent uses uh from the slightly smaller 50ft Lots U that are towards the South and the interior of the site uh as Dan mentioned that the large Wetland and the ponds in the center of the site will have a uh a walking trail feature around them that will incorporate the the nature and uh uh provide additional access to the amenity area for the residents there are two planned entrances with a possibility of a third entrance based on the interaction with with Lake County uh regarding the roadway uh one up at the one at the North will actually be collocated with the entrance to the project on the east side of 33 and then the one on the far south um so there is a good separation there the uh the entrance in the is uh as the the plan shows it is an optional third um but that is to be determined on the next sheet you'll see a closeup of the east side of 33 a similar situation where there is a central amenity uh for the residents on the east side so they don't have to cross to the West Side uh there are 237 units also in two phases uh with 192 50ft lots and 45 60t Lots um as in the west side of the project we have positioned the larger Lots along the northern boundary uh and these are all single family detached houses on the next page you'll see the breakdown of the open space plan with all of the wetlands comprising 30 Acres of the site um in the dark green the ponds are in blue even though they won't necessarily be wet ponds people associate blue with with ponds so uh that's 27.6 acres and then the 9.4 Acres of parks and then there's about 27 uh 208 Acres of other open areas buffers um just spaces in between for for the total of 95.4 acres and then the next several slides are renderings of some of the typicals including the amenity Center and then after that are the typical home elevations for the 50s and the 60 foot lots and you can flip through those uh we have a a a traffic placeholder slide which I apologize didn't make it into the prints it was in the electronic version uh but we do have the the traffic uh engineer here who can come up and and give a quick description of of the traffic study that was conducted so disregard the traffic [Music] placeholder state your name and address yes sure uh Im Sorry Iman Sidi traffic uh Mobility Consultants 3101 Maguire Boulevard Orlando so um as Dan mentioned earlier we are in the process of doing the full traffic study for the development which goes into the details of turn lanes and intersections so at this point we only uh did the high level traffic analysis which looks just at a a high level analysis of the roads does not look into the intersections and access yet but as far as the road goes for County Road 33 we did look at uh three other developments that were uh completed or sorry approved recently along the same Corridor close to the to this proposed development and we looked at the traffic from available capacity on the road we added the project traffic from the other approved projects along the corridor plus the traffic generated from this development and with all four projects there was um about 15 to 20% available capacity on the road with with the existing plus all the four projects that's all we have for now but as I said the next step will be the the more detailed uh will you have that at the county or at the uh commission meeting City commission uh yes yes all right thank you any questions any questions thanks when do you propose the final traffic study to be done it should be done be in uh within a month or so so hope Yul by the next by the commission City commiss by the city commission I just until that's fully completed right yeah okay any other questions thank you so the uh the last slide I believe yes the last slide is um about some proposed changes to the ordinance that Dan showed today they are fairly minor changes um the uh the in fact there are just two so the lot depth in the ordinance for both the 50s and the 60 says 120 foot and we are proposing that that depth be changed to 115 for some reason it says 11 on there I'm not sure why it says 11 but it would be 115 instead of 120 the uh minimum house size would not change uh and then also for the rear setback in the ordinance currently it says 18 ft and we would propose that that be reduced to 15t rear setback those are the two changes that we are proposing and with that that is the end of my presentation we are available for any questions you have is the front set back far enough to park cars in the driveway without blocking sidewalks yes there was 25 always my pet PE any other questions of the applicant what what's the star prices of these homes Ben Snider hover Land Company 605 Commonwealth Avenue Orlando the price point has not been established yet it is years down the road by the time we get through you know um market price yes I mean the market prices um it is Market housing based on market demand it's not active adult it's not ENT it's not subsidized houses I mean they're standard primary homes consistent with the other standard primary homes being built in the city so I mean I can do a market analysis and bring it um but you know they'll be consistent with the homes that we're building and Eagle Tail and the other projects that we've gotten recently approved through the city thank you any other questions um yes I I don't like these small lot size so and I understand you're trying to get as much property I mean much homes on the land that you can but um the last time that we I think the last time that hand over BR something I believe um we mentioned that to them and we still getting these small Lots SI well we had talked about the 40ft lots and understood those were too small and uh we had two projects that we did 40ft lots and we heard from City staff and pnz and commission that you didn't want any more 40 foot lights um but then the 50 Foot lights you know are the kind of bread and butter that allow more people to afford to buy a home the larger you push the lot the more expensive the homes get and the bigger they are we're trying to match the market um and and keep houses reasonably you know affordable where normal people can buy the houses and that 50ft lot allows us to build from 1,700 ft up to 3,200 ft so it really hits a big segment of the market and we find it really well received by people trying to live in lesburg we don't want to push people out of lesburg cuz we get so such Big Lots they can't afford them you know any other questions okay thank you yes sir all right thank you sir we're going to open this up to the public um you'll be limited to 3 minutes uh per and please try not to be repetitive if somebody before you brings up C subject matter uh don't go please try not to go over the same thing I know it's emotional but uh this way we stay on course here all right uh William [Music] Robertson please state your name and your address please hello there William Robertson 23404 County Road 33 we are on the south side of phase three I believe is where we are uh over as you can look up there we've got 33 Acres out there we've lived there for uh for 36 years and uh raise cattle and yes and you have the pictures in front of you the front page is our Gate entrance way um it shows uh about a th000 foot driveway that goes up to our home second page is a picture of our home I'll try and Scoot these through these pretty quickly um the U third picture is uh going up our driveway and you can see the fence line there we have a 66t wide driveway uh which is a DED access that goes in and so these homes the back of these homes are going to be now it was 18 now 15 feet from the fence sounds like to me uh which is pretty close um and uh understand that the city requires only split rail or possibly poly fence which is not going to really work uh if you go back a little further um for privacy for us and for the people uh the next page uh go through the here number five is the same driveway area just a look coming down headed to the West coming down the other way you can look city lebur has poly fences on picture number five here show what some of them look like um what they get to looking like um and uh number uh uh number six here shows Once Again poly fence area under there for animals to go underneath sort of thing and come over interfere with our cattle operation um dogs come across kind of thing like that people have kids come across they want to go cow tipping anybody ever done that um here's another one in the city of leeburg right there on West Main Street showing all the space underneath and how crooked they are and everything like that they look terrible what we're proposing is concrete wall is what we like to have along there um if you go to the next picture down there just write down 33 and it will be city of mascot down there rer Trails is about A4 Mile North of Highway 50 they've got concrete fence all the way around they're similar sized 50 foot by like about 120 depth Lots in same same type homes two story Little Homes uh next picture is on the other side of 33 about a tenth a mile North of Highway 50 Woodbury uh it's got concrete walls so concrete wall is not out of the question as far as these small neighborhoods and we'd like for the city of leeburg to pass this and uh and approve it based on requiring something like that that's what we'd like for you to do um we feel like that will preserve our our uh quality and also we've got neighbors around us and they feel the same way about about their quality I mean we'll drive up our driveway and be looking in the back window of somebody washing dishes you know in their home right there so we're not real real crazy about it um that's time I'm sorry time time yeah okay all right thank you thank you very much time FES okay Karen Robertson did you want to also state your name for the and address again for the um Karen Robertson my address is 2344 count 33 and could you bring that mic down a little bit so okay thanks okay and um I don't know if you can see it up there but on the plan the whole entire south end of that of that property on the right is our property and our driveway is only 66 feet oh I can see a pointer um I don't know how to use it oh you hold it okay this is our driveway coming in right here from here to here and this is our property right here so we are only 66 ft across every time we drive in we're going to see it and and you're wanting to back it up even closer right on our property line Burns and I went to an attorney a real estate attorney and she was telling us about you know it's going to damage the the value of our property um it's also not um secure because we don't want dogs coming under come after our calves kill our calves people climbing over and and really the only way that to preserve our property and ensure that no one gets hurt on our property and and she also said it's not fair to push liability on to us and so you know we don't want anyone to get hurt you know and also we we've we've owned it 36 years this is our Homestead and and we don't want the value of it to be depreciated and these very small lot size and if you notice they put the smallest ones on our side right there that whole side is our side so as I drive in this only 66 ft wide I'm going to be looking at the back of these 22 little bitty itty bitty lots and I'm not even adding that back there because we're up on a hill and so some of the pictures are going up to Hill some of the pictures are coming down the hill we're right there on the line and said the attorney told us the only way to preserve it is to require them to build a wall okay thank you appreciate [Music] it that was under three minutes CU I forgot to set the [Laughter] timer okay Bentley Robertson I see it them here uh hi hello my name is is brenley Robertson I live at uh 2344 countyroad 33 same as my parents um so this this this development uh I think I think it's it's good to compare it to down off of American way over there towards the the Groveland entrance to the turnpike that's a very very good development that has come up recently for uh with a Kroger uh Niagara Bottling um I'm a I'm a a junior chemical engineering student at USF and over there Niagara botling is is hiring right now for for for uh graduates in my major so I would say that's a very very responsible development over there off of American way with that nice uh very successful industrial park but over here uh roping in surrounding Property Owners to this liability it's just kind of kind of irresponsible so far and uh these itty bitty Lots where all these people are so close and uh this this cow tipping thing right well well there there is this real possibility of of of children coming up and I've been charged by a bull before and they're they're they're very fast and uh these these families of these children would be forced to to sue uh possibly I mean so far these houses are are being marketed towards uh this this normal person or these people who who are unable to afford these these more expensive homes so uh I think it makes sense that the uh what is it [Music] the so so so so the these people would would possibly be forced to sue to and and then thus creating this liability due to them already being at a lower lower uh lower economic state right so so that's what this whole marketing scheme is for these these lower plot sizes so yeah just just hopefully this can be a very responsible development with this with a probably 6 foot concrete wall at least and I think that's it so thank you very much thank you [Music] [Music] Gerald Robinson my name is Gerald Robinson I live at 3520 Desert Lane my property is the dark green square just to the to the right of phase one there where it says phase one that's it right there when we moved out there 30 plus years ago it was burnt Orange Grove had been somewhat cleared um my wife and I have been out there we've got it got trees growing uh I planted most of those trees myself um when I go to bush hog my front field first I have to walk along the border of 33 and pick up the drive shafts that's fell off cars the VOD C bottles beer bottles anything that can puncture a tractor tire or get thrown on with the bush offw the problem that I have with this is you see all those houses bordering the back of my property and the adjacent ones to the left that's my property right there all those houses along there if I'm not mistaken is the Big Lot is the larger Lots right yeah those are going to be two story houses to get the square footage they want those even with an 8ft fence and a buffer zone are going to look right in my backyard my house is approximately 150 ft from my back fence so we have a swimming pool we've got grandkids and great grandkids and that's all we need we had the same problem with the fire tower um we would be out there in our pool and we would see the fire tower guy with binoculars watching us in the pool that's not cool I had one of these laser pointers and one day I caught him up there and I shined a laser pointer on it and we never had that problem no more so so what I would like if this goes on and continues is a block wall all the way down number one for liability uh my wife and I are talking about getting some livestock we have dogs we had rabbits at one point and I've seen stray dogs and such coming up on our property uh there was someone that lived back up in this area somewhere their hunting dog come down to my property and was trying to get into the rabbit yeah I was just I called them up and they said oh well that's my sister's dog you can do whatever you want with it I don't want that to happen I started to take care of the problem and I thought you know what this isn't my problem this is theirs so I put them put the dog back to them I'm against this the entrance on 33 it takes I had to change my work hours to get out of my drive driveway when construction was going on I counted 17 dump trucks going by before I could even get out to work I had to move my time of work a full half hour early just to get out of desert land thank you very much Donna Robinson hi my name's Donna Robinson I live at 3520 Desert Lane Groveland Florida and I wanted to stay Groveland Florida I don't want to be brought into the city of leeburg I don't want my taxes raised I don't want this traffic on that road he can say all day what he wants to say about that traffic you don't live there I sit on my back patio and I hear that traffic and I've even got trees where the big semis go through it's constant you go down to okah humka where the villages has come in where you all sold that out to them that intersection down there you have to sit there three lights to get through there you explain to me how you're going to get all them people in those houses and be able to go down that road it's going to have to be a four-lane highway before it's all over with it's right on the top of a hill there's going to be so many accidents it's not going to even be funny I mean I understand you guys what you're wanting to do but you're taking away from people that have gave and gave and gave and now it's time time to pull back a little bit do not do not think I'm mad or anything I just don't see the roadway I'm an EMT or I was you don't understand that Hill they taught that hill going wide open I don't even understand the one down on the corner of uh uh 460 whatever with the little yellow light where they're putting that big thing there on the corner there's going to be so many accidents because even the people coming out from Plantation on their side road they pull out in front of people so you know you better have your fire department your police department and the hospitals ready because the more people coming the more traffic coming the more pollution coming so you know appreciate you giving me your time thank you and just for your information that whether this goes through or not you will not be in the city it don't matter still I know I was just letting you know I I know that but it's still traffic and Ro cannot hold it telling you I've lived there for 30 years years right I was just letting you know so you don't think you have to pay city taxes no I ain't I ain't going to okay I was just trying to be friendly didn't work James reels can I see you a minute everybody's getting in the a it be a lot better oh here it is out work rent that thing out okay my name JS I live at 3430 Desert Lane I got ajining piece of property to where I live at and right there if I can do it I live right there right there I got roughly about a, foot offence find that joins up where it says phase one right there okay I have lived there since 1991 what's that 33 34 years I was the first one there there was one tree sticking up nowhere as far as the I can see my family homesteaded the USDA right there before it become the USDA my family's lived on that dirt region for 111 years in that area okay and where the neighbor was talking at right about there there's a hill and it's a blind Hill if you come out end of Desert Lane and you look back south you roughly got about maybe 6 700 ft the heel bowls off and what happens when you pull out a desert Lane right there where it says phase one out I live on the west side of 33 there what happens is you can't see and some of that traffic comes over that Hill 60 and 70 M hour and if you go north in the okahumpka roughly after 7:00 in the morning the traffic is backed up from the red light in okah humka at the stores back this way all the way to what's that 48 it goes towards Center Hill backed up that that's because the villages is done took over 470 so now you got the impact of another two or 300,000 homes in The Villages and now the impact of this intersecting into one little Junction I Lally have to go through okahoma just to bypass it but anyway back to my fence line there these homes are going to probably be between three and $400,000 homes in reality okay what's going to happen I got a th000 foot of fence line I got hog pins I raise Hogs chickens and cows on my property I got hog pin around my back fence what's going to happen they going to build them homes there and people's going to see that hog pin their houses are not going to sell so what's going to happen is going to be some kind of litigation because I'm zong dag I'm grandfathered in for 30 something years okay so I'm recommending on my back fence for the sake of them selling their homes to put up a block wall at least 8 10 ft High just like the villages just like y'all prove The Villages okay and that way from the line of sight they won't see me kosha onosha some of us don't live as fancy as the homes they're going to build and I don't see them selling them homes with me a th000 foot of fence line right there hindering them time you see what I mean cuz they go I ain't going to live there don't stinky old hog pin there chicken running around in yard you see what just mean so thank you so something need to do with the wall and one more thing it ain't going to drive up our tax value time okay I appreciate it thank you I appreciate it Keith Thompson good evening state your name and your address please yes Keith Thompson 3205 Desert Lane and uh I just have a few um questions just to clarify um I think you've already answered one of them which is the zoning effect it's going to have on the residential area around and I think I heard you say it's not going to affect our zoning correct you you're you'll stay in the county I'll stay in the county yeah okay and as far as the tax impact uh I don't have control over that but I would it I mean this is not going to because it's going to raise the value of the the the properties in the area so that's my concern yeah is my taxes is already high and so um that's a big concern that this is going to increase my property taxes even more so that's that's one um the second is uh the impact based on the number of homes is the traffic uh situation probably for I've been living here for probably 18 to 20 years almost every year there's a major accident right there on 33 in Bridges Road you I'm sure you guys might be aware of it because it happens all the time so with this many houses and and and and and the population increase I can only ex anticipate that the traffic is going to just increase and as Mr Rebel said right there at Desert Lane where the the the road crowns over those those cars coming going north speed you know you got trucks cars um flying over that hill and when we're coming out of our out of Desert Lane to turn it's very dangerous as it is right now so so I I know I I think I heard there's a traffic study that's being done so those are some of the concerns that I have as far as the the the traffic um is there any plans or I guess it's probably too early to tell whether the road is going to be widened um on the roads because they we work with Lake County and we send these all these applications to Lake County and what I mentioned in the early part of my part of the presentation was Lake County responded with a full page of requirements widening the road that has to come out of their property um and turn lanes and you know acceleration and deceleration Lanes there was a number of things um that Lake County will will require and when that happens the city of leeburg fully supports what Lake county is requesting through the through the Pud process okay um I I did not get a letter my neighbors did um and so um I only saw the signs that were posted that's time yeah no it time's up oh sorry thank you very much thank you I appreciate it okay that's all the uh notices I got to speak does the applicant have anything to follow up Andrew MCC the G consultant 618 East South Street Orlando uh the one thing that I wanted to respond I'm sure Ben also wants to respond to some of the things was that there will be no lots that back directly into the the project boundary so all the project boundaries unless there's a storm water Pond or a wetland or something like that will have the minimum 25 foot landscape buffer and then the lot starts so it'll be the 25 foot plus the setback of the home that's the distance between the nearest property the the nearest adjacent property and the nearest home so it'll be the buffer plus the setback not just the setback of the home so I hope that clears up okay I have a question up Ben Snider here to answer any questions that the Commissioners have um and also just to clarify we won't be building all twostory houses of either lot size we have a nice mix of single and twostory and both the 50 and 60 foot uh Lots it's a nice variation and happy yes sir fence let's talk fence what do y'all propose on Fen uh in the Pud it has a um split rail fence down County Road 33 and a split rail fence anywhere there's not an opaque buffer now in addition to a a split rail or a privacy fence in addition to the required 25 ft landscape buffer that uh is standard in all the projects how about long the Robinson's uh pastures where they have bulls and CS yes sir it's the same there I think the Robertson's barbwire fence should be sufficient to keep their cows in now and in the future we've had that discussion with other residents that we've built adjacent to and they've certainly said you know it's their responsibility to keep their animals on their property and their barbwire fences should do that doesn't keep dogs and things like that from coming through and chasing the cows and the CES no and trespassing laws don't change when we get a project proof I mean it's not okay for people's dogs to go on other people's property it's not okay for other people to go on other people's property so none of this changes the laws that exist to protect them from other people encroaching into their property would you consider a more permanent fence along those property lines we have seen uh and heard from people that don't want to be surrounded by concrete wall they feel like it's a like almost prison you know well there's a hog pin on the other side en change their mind real quick they might and they might not choose to live there you know and that's their prerogative for sure um but we've seen um when we've surrounded subdivisions with concrete walls that people kind of feel boxed in they'd rather have the vegetative buffer the split rail fence the kind of more natural and Rural feel you'd have the bu the landscape buffer and then the fence correct yes sir and we we think that and have heard from residents buying in our projects that that's not the direction that they prefer to have projects go in and that they prefer to back up to well I've had cows and I've had problems with dogs coming and chasing my cows and and I think these folks have been there for several years you need to respect their concern concern about their safety of their animals and I would like to see you come up with some sort of permanent fence uh that would resolve that problem okay we will note that concern thanks any other questions Dan um when that traffic study is done that's public information right so they are allowed we can put it on the city website anyone can look at it so they could see what the impact would be on that yes ma'am and then the current um zoning is can you repeat what that current zoning is now agriculture agriculture okay so that would be one one unit per acre in the county it's usually one per five on my Christine is that correct one unit per five acres one per five acre okay so that would be more in accordance to what's going on around there what's currently around there well look actually yes yes okay anything else thank you very much yes sir all right we'll close to the public [Music] and open to for discussion and uh any kind of decision and uh this let me specify which case in case uh number five public hearing case number lscp 24233 Lake bright briger large scale comprehensive plan Amendment my concern is if you close it to the public yes okay uh is again what I mentioned defense and the security of of the people that have been there for years uh growth is going to happen uh we're not going to be able we seem to stop that we try and slow it down the best we can but it's in uh it's going to happen yes uh but if there's a motion on this and I'm all I'm going to ask if possible that we include some sort of protection of a permanent fence that be in the next case correct that's true very true very true so what we're um motioning on currently is clarify that for me it's the comprehensive plan right the L SC it's um right LP 24 2-33 that's allowing the use so to speak right that's allowing the use for the residential the future land use map change only the if I may clarify the Amendments that commissioner Bowersox is referencing would then come on the next case which would be the zoning case which has all of the zoning conditions in it okay rul approving it to be used for residential essentially yes residential only okay Mr chair I'd like to make a motion to approve public hearing case number lp24 2-33 the lake Bri tur large scale comprehensive plan and Amendment thank you sir work is there a second doesn't sound like it Mr chairman no second all dies in the lack of a second don't need to worry about the fence right now do I well we still have to bring it up yeah I mean since it's been brought to us yeah in regards to that that is the project is just too detrimental to the surrounding area that's just my my feeling on it and listening to the residents and knowing that area it is totally going to change the Topography of that and I don't feel like we have to sell out to the every developer that comes along that wants to develop you it's not fair to um we don't have to growth is coming but we can be responsible in it and so that was why I had the question in regards to to what is currently there there is nothing wrong with the developer coming back with something that is more complacent to the area and if you're going to build homes and you're building them for the money then larger Lots so be it so if it's a million dooll home that's what that's what we get everybody around it has to get used to taxes are you can put anything on there it's going to go up period so if that's what's going to go there then that's what needs go there to keep it to the what it looks like we don't have to stick 500 homes everywhere all over Lake County it can stay the way it is and we can still have responsible beautiful growth and I don't like all these homes coming and them just paying off the school system for schools on I say it every time and I hope eventually a developer will listen bring your home project bring a charter school bring something along to help educate the kids that you want to bring in the community and stop burdening the taxpayers every dime that's it thank [Music] you all right public hearing case number PUD 24234 Lake brigh Brig Hurst plan unit development is there a motion on that case the first we know the second I know Mr chair case number lp24 d233 Lake brigh um brigh Hurst large scale comprehensive plan amendment I vote to deny okay motion is deny I believe he said 233 it's it's the second one thank um I'm sorry um PUD 24234 like um Lake Bri Bri herd unit vote to deny okay the motion is to deny uh is there a second I'll second that any discussion don't need to mention the fence roll call commission B yes for denial Comm Carter yes for denial chairman Senate yes commission Kap yes commission Kelly yes commiss Mar yes commission Sanders no okay thank you very much I do want to remind you that this still goes to the city commission so they can you know ours is just a recommendation yes sir and Mr chairman on on that point back to um case number five there the L lscp 24- 233 um there was a motion that did not receive a second and just to revisit that um perhaps if nothing else for purposes of moving it along to City commission um don't know if anybody would have any consideration to make a negative motion on that one and see if that gains attra just to toss that out again so we can procedurally make sure everything moves along properly okay thank you I'd like to make a motion that we deny s CP 24-2 33 I second it any discussion roll call um commissioner Sanders no bar yes M Carter [Music] yes chairman Senate yes commission K yes commission Kell yes commissioner Mark yes okay thank you very much um question y now if if that would have di for a lack of traction it would have went forward to the city it's unclear uh what would have happened at that point so having a clear motion and decision makes it a lot more clear I think they could seemingly have brought the same application back and asked the same thing again until we ultimately got some kind of decision but City commission has to get some kind of recommendation up or down for it to continue to move forward procedurally so without an up or down vote it's just kind of waffling in limbo we could hear it again next month and because there's not been a denial so they haven't been turned down so they can just keep coming back and asking and asking and asking so uh this allows it procedurally to still move forward through the process um and City commission will hear hear it but because there was a down vote from Planning and Zoning it will require a vote of the entire city commission versus um a vote where some of the Commissioners may not be present so um by denying it every commissioner will have to be present to make a vote on this particular matter and not just part of them you made more than $25 a meet and just actually well depending on what the retainer works out too yes sir Mr Watson just clarification again in case I don't think if it was heard ma' we are we are not responsible nor did we make the final decision on what goes on at that property that's 100% correct yes thank you yes ma'am your your recommendation for future land use and for zoning cases is a recommendation only special exceptions and I think variances maybe a couple of things you have final say on this is not one of those that's correct okay thank you very much Mr chairman um this case is scheduled to go to the city Commission on September 23rd right from here so I would like to ask if anyone plans to attend that meeting please feel free to contact my office so we can verify that it will go on the 23rd sometimes things change we have to shift things back and I don't want you to have to show up at a meeting hoping to speak and then don't want you to waste your time if it's not going to be on there um but we would like to make that announcement so pleas please feel free to call my officer stop by across the street and we will give you the latest information that we have on the schedule please thank you Mr chairman I'm gonna move forward because we still have to do the comp plan thank you very much um you're feel free to leave I'm uh I'll give you about five minutes to to vacate before we start the other [Music] [Laughter] well some sometimes there's dozens of people a lot more on hey this you said here sometimes and people are caught for half hour all I can say is a micro system everything around it is there's a lot in there all right take care yeah the 23rd as of right now but sure just uh make sure you check in cuz like I said the developer May postpone it to another he may come back he could come back just yeah take care man to change we're going to start back up in a couple minutes so if you got a big discussion Take It Outside it's the reason for the five minutes [Music] that's right we appreciate you yes we're all on the same make the same please make your way out of the room please if you're speaking CU we are starting back we got we got a comp plan comp plan we got be that's why I was trying to keep every from chitchatting we're going to be here for hour and a half two hours I'm starting on time so if you got to go you better go pay attention yeah recommendation oh watch out good rock and roll I love it I love it saw some of those that was up in Jessup Georgia really this last weekend I saw a bunch of socks like that that in David's M store my parents got fromand what are they e e e [Music] calling back to order public hearing case number cpta 24230 2045 city of leeburg comprehensive Plan update and water supply facilities work plan update comprehensive plan text Amendment that's a heck of a title yeah that's a title isn't it thank you Mr chairman go ahead wait we got a we got a couple of John o' Kelly he should I check on him no I check on he good oh he's all right he may fall down the stairs I've started the meeting please know I'm not you know people drag their feet I'm not I'm timely 10 years all the cities and counties in the State of Florida are required to write or update a comprehensive plan let me start that over cuz didn't hear it every 10 years every city and county in the state of Florida is required to write or update their comprehensive plan for the city what you have today is a massive packet that's on your thumb drive there I think it came out to a thousand Pages Melissa something like that um and it contains a several versions of the same document okay so we want to clarify that we have one in the legisl this is the actual comp plan that is being uh that we've been working on for the past 18 months or so give or take um there's one in legislative format which is the strike and underlying version so you see where how it goes from old to new then there's the planning and zoning department brand version which is the pretty one the one that's going to we want to end up being public document being a public document that is the one for publication and the one that you'll see and then the third is one is it's on text on Plain paper and candy can get more into detail on these if you need to but we want you to see all the iterations and complexities of creating such a document because the the comp plan manages and directs the future growth and development of the city it's our uh forgive the phrase but it's sort of our Bible for what we do in the planning department and how a city runs under its operations under the 14 elements now this comprehensive plan is tentatively scheduled to be heard by City commission for its first reading September 9 we we're pushing that date because it has to be transmitted to the Florida Department of Commerce which is the old Deo the old DCA every new governor gets a new name for this particular department but it's right now called Department of Commerce that's the state agency that will review the data and the analysis the proposed language in each of the 14 elements as a reminder an element is like a chapter in a book uh it's a topic at or an area and I'm I'm trying to uh stall a bit while we get our our passwords back up but an element is a subject area kind of like a chapter in a book or a textbook or something and there are 14 elements in these comp plans the state agencies will take the data the analysis the background all the work that's been done that all that work which is turned into goals objectives and policies the same ones that we use when we are looking at a case that we are bringing to you for your recommendation so that that review with the state will take about 60 days that's all under chapter 1 163 um Florida Statutes from there that would hit the Second City commission reading on or about December 9th we're hoping to maintain that schedule so within the city's comprehensive plan is the water supply plan the water supply plan is basically four elements and we'll get into that more in a moment there's basically four elements of the comprehensive plan that help help us know what is our demand for water how much water we need where that water is coming from and so forth if there's no water there's no development there's no nothing you know so so we have to every city has to be very clear and precise about where and how it's getting its water and how much it is allowed to take from the aquifer uh from its own Wells and that involves St John's FD every every many state agencies and uh organizations so forth okay once the December 9 meeting has occurred and as long as the state doesn't blow up over our comp plan and we've hired people to make sure that that doesn't happen but um then the comp plan the new comp plan would be official 30 days after December 9 because there is in in all these ordinances that we work on there's generally a 30day challenge period and I've got the City attorney here to jump in if I mess any of this up but a 30-day challenge period so if someone wants to challenge it and Sue um they can do that at that point that 30 days which would be can do that I'm sorry literally anyone can do that um but at that point then it would be official and and you couldn't really challenge it so we're looking at January 2025 for the drop dead date where everything's done December 9 of this year where City commission has approved it I wanted to talk a bit about the comp plan because it's a massive document because you get it and you can't go through a thousand pages and we respect it and and understand that um is that it set next to Candy you can hold it up well it's two versions there's two in here there's a template version and there's a straight through an underline there's a third one too I'll pass down the pretty version no no no you can keep it right there um and basically everyone on our staff worked on it in some fashion whether they were AC actively working with our Consultants on writing the wording or reviewing the wording or they were filling in for someone who was so it's very important to acknowledge what the staff did on this because you're in charge of carrying it and I well I'm in charge of sitting here and talking but my staff did a wonderful job and we think our Consultants did a wonderful job as well but I wanted to talk about um go over a few items so that and then present present our consultant to answer any questions um the question comes up and I know you're the Planning Commission but I wanted to kind of go back to basics because it's in order for you to make your best decision we need you to have as much information as possible so if you ask if someone ask you what is a comprehensive plan you know I'm hoping that you'll say it's a blueprint for the vision or growth and development of a city for the future just like if you're going to build a building you need to set of blueprints same thing um it's called the growth management plan which you've heard it's called the comprehensive plan the comp plan it's all the same thing different cities call it different things but the comp plan is the answer is asking and answering the question where do we want to be how do we get there okay and it will guide our development actions for the next usually a 20 to 30e period in this case we have chosen a 20-year planning Horizon so this will be the 2045 comprehensive plan and if I can get C if you can hold that just for a second so you can see the the window of time is 2020 years from now from 2025 to 2045 um and thank you Vanna um so it's upd it's updated every 10 years and that generally coincides with after the US Census which happens every 10 years a comprehensive plan holds the full force and effect of Florida law so we can't violate our comp plan we can work on the zoning we can use our puds we can put in conditions we can do things which you saw twice tonight in different puds what we can't do is violate that comp plan we have to be very careful with that the purpose of a comp plan then is providing the principles the guidelines the standards for the orderly and balanced growth economically um physically environmentally that's what it's doing it's our guide it's our basis and that comes out of that's paraphrased out of chapter 163 of Florida statute there are 14 State mandated elements again just think of those as chapters uh going down the list you have future land use that's the one we deal with here the most but then there's also Transportation housing sanitary sewer portable water drainage Solid Waste Aqua for recharge conservation Recreation and open space intergovernmental coordination Capital Improvements Aviation and property rights so there's 14 ele in total and we those are written in a manner that you're you can make decisions off of that plan off of that off of what's written in that plan that is safe legally if I may say that um it gives us our guide so we coordinate the comp plan with all kinds of local Regional and state agencies all the city of leeburg different departments see the comp plan um Lake County Planning Public Works Lake County School Board the lake Sumpter Metropolitan planning organization the East Central Florida Regional Planning Commission the Florida Department of Commerce which is the land planning Agency for Florida again formerly DCA formerly Deo uh the Florida Department of Transportation Department of Environmental Protection um did I say do fa FAA St John's US Navy because there are some facilities in this area so it's a ton of coordination that goes on with this behind the scenes um what you see in a zoning case has has been through depending on the type of case many or all of these agencies um we use it as our guiding document for development in the city we recommend as a staff action to you based on the comprehensive plan whether it's an amendment to a zoning a rezoning um anything pretty much anything we do is going to somehow involve the comprehensive plan um some of the revisions that we're doing for the 2045 comp plan have to do with the future land use element we have added remember the Sunnyside case I think no one can forget that one right um we have created a new Sunnyside future land use category um it's called Sunnyside Estates it has three levels of density Bank hands that matches it up to the old 2004 Sunnyside study that was part of the big argument between uh City and County residents and led to the recent lawsuit that was been settled since April or so um we've added in there The Villages future land use uh called um AG restricted development which is the future land use category and Zoning category that's used for our area of the villages we've added and you've seen all of these changes over the years since our last comp plan but they're being officially added into the printed document um orange Bend which uh some of you were on in 2017 or was it I think it was 2017 when we brought that one in which is north on County Road 44 that's a future land use category and then of course the bug spring impact overlay that has to do with with the Navy and the facilities out there um there's some changes in the aviation element uh one of those being that we reference the airport master plan that was recently adopted by the city commission we referenced that to add it into our comp plan and it was revised to conform with uh chapter 333 of the Florida Statutes and then in the transportation element um we noted one of the important things things that we felt and Candy drove was other jurisdictional rights of way in other words roads that are not city of leberg responsibility which in terms of the development that or the zonings which zoning is different from development but the zonings that we are experiencing many of those are feeding out onto um roads that are in the county but they're major roadways dealt with that today yes we dealt with that today exactly exactly and then we're also working on some wording that will seek a rational Nexus between the collection of Transportation impact fees and the expenditure of those funds where the development is located and the county is working with us and they're doing that but we want to have that cemented in our comp plan and finally my favorite element is the property rights element because it's one page I think we had to make it we had to make it double space half page but it's required by Florida Statutes and it has to be added to all comprehensive plans and we adopted that and you all saw this back in uh 2021 in the summer our goals for this comp plan on this go round was to simplify okay when you get a bunch of planners together you get a whole bunch of people yep yep yep yep talking in planner speak and using know I I we we getting a PUD and the C2 district for Lup you know and then it just goes on and on and people get confused so we wanted it to be readable by the a citizen who does not work in these areas you have the benefit of being on this commission and understanding those terms which is great and we as a staff appreciate that but a lot of the folks that were here tonight do not and we want them to be able to look at our comp plan and understand it um not necessarily to the that all of us do but to a good level that they're comfortable and they understand what's required so we want to create a allow these direct clear application of the goals objectives and policies and create a practical document that's usable and implements an overall vision for the day-to-day uh Community Development activities I want to bring out one more thing about the big difference between comprehensive plan and Zoning a comprehensive plan is the blueprint for the future growth it divides a community into different future land use categories via the future land use map and you know those generally break down into residential commercial industrial and Recreation open space or Farmland those kind of things there's not that many broad land use categories that everything can't fill into all development has to be consistent with the comprehensive plan and chapter 163 is how we build that comprensive plan the requirements for that under zoning zoning is how you implement the comprehensive plan so when you see the zoning case that has the Pud or the C2 C1 C2 C3 all those zoning categories what that is doing is taking those comprehensive plan goals objectives and policies and turning it into feed on the street so to speak so that we can Implement those requirements the setbacks the height requirements all the different things that a comprehensive plan says you need to do this says how to do it on a day-to-day basis it's the legal Authority the zoning again legal Authority that separates incompatible land uses I.E apartments from industrial land uses which is um really important and Zoning has to be consistent with the comprehensive plan and the future land use map and our guiding document on that is chapter 25 which is the zoning code essentially the the Land Development regulations um in the adoption of this what we're asking you to look at tonight there is the water supply plan which will be adopted and the water supply plan consists of portable water conservation Capital Improvements and intergovernmental coordination and so that ensures consistency by adopting that plan we're ensuring consistency with regional jurisdiction uh Regional agencies that have jurisdiction such as St John's River Water Management District how we're going to get our water where it's coming from how much on average you know the average household uses whatever 250 gallons per person per day or whatever the number happens to be um the so that's a part of the comprehensive plan and th those all 14 elements are then combined into the document that you see here that will go forward to City commission so in 2023 we got a contract with Calvin gordano and Associates um and through 202 23 and 24 they compiled data they worked with us they met with all the different city departments they recommended options in 2024 we worked together to host some public workshops to receive citizen feedback there was one held down at Venetian Center and one held down at the resource center on 468 that um and then we reviewed the existing 2012 comp plan and updated the goals objectives and policies when I say we we're talking about the consultant and staff the consultant doing a major portion of that load but um and and we we took all that data that was gathered and looked at the goals objectives and policies and said how do we amend this to meet these to help this data become feed on the street so to speak um so and then in 2024 we got together and wanted to create a document that's um usable we don't need a fancy high brow type of document I know a lot of cities want that we want something that we can use be and and we feel like that that has been accomplished so we reviewed the existing comp plan gathered data reviewed changes it's being presented to you being presented to the city commission uh it will go and be transmitted to the Florida commerce department or like they like to be known as is Florida commerce um that'll take 60 days it'll get its second reading in December and then be retransmitted with the 30 days candy correct me if I'm wrong in 60-day and so we should get it all um done early in 2025 officially legally okay so um in 2023 the city did hire Calvin gordano and Associates and and today we have with us uh Mr Lewis Cerna who has been the team leader on this project and Miss Alyssa Livingstone who has been working very hard on this project as well and they were here for our um our shetes that were held at uh the two shetes earlier this spring and they have been involved in reviewing revising coordinating guiding and pushing this document to this moment um with the most able assistance of my project manager candy Harper deputy director of Planning and Zoning who I'm very proud to say has done a great job on this um so I would like to just give you the opportunity look at these documents ask any questions you want Mr Cerna and Miss Livingstone are here to answer any questions you may have thank you Mr chairman do they have any presentation they're going to do um we can say that questions till after that if they we we we do not at this time but they are good at what they do they can answer any questions I believe that I'm just trying to get it done in an orderly manner um any questions well you know on page 932 I had a question is that you misspelled yeah yeah I didn't understand page one yeah the introduction are you looking for a motion on this now or well yes sir um basically we wanted to be sure that if you had any questions um what we've done let me let me go through this real quick and then we'll we'll be done um max in our office has done a tremendous job of putting together what it looks like and like I said and I don't want to cheat anybody in our on our staff because everybody's had something to do with as well as Alyssa and Louise everybody's had a big part in it um we took just as a cover we took city hall and then we have a map an aerial map of the city kind of brown or grayed out there that and then you start with there there'll be a table of contents and credits and things like that we're not done with that yet but what we wanted you to see each element starts off with a color and an icon the title and then I don't want to call this an executive summary but um sort of a summary of what the element is about and then a picture okay and as you go through this element which in this case is number one future land use it's always going to be green and it's always going to have this map over the top um this is what I mean by keeping it simple and keeping it useful um and then there's the the the other thing we've done my three minutes up you laugh I was going to set the timer when you talking earlier I was I was that close I said I better keep my the way we set the document up this time around was to put the goals objectives and policies up front now I mentioned data and Analysis we put that in the back because in the appendix because that way we can amend the data and Analysis portion without having to go through a full uh review but if we want to change the goals objectives and policies which is what the important part is we have to come back we have to present that to you we have to present that to City commission that's proper I don't want to bring to you uh come back to you and say well we've had a population change of 500 people yeah you know we that's the purpose of doing it that way but what you'll see is each element with a title page and a color theme future land use land green okay um transportation same idea with an a summary it's kind of that smog gray smog gray because roads are gray Transportation all but smog yes um and you go through the you go through it and it's this the same way housing well on a zoning map housing is often a yellowish color residential and and the the photos of things may change those minor things may change we don't know yet 100% but you get a a color you get an icon with a map or this in this case the houses and um as you go through the document what you see sanitary sewer I'll leave that alone we'll leave that one alone water is blue right but you know we have a faucet here for the water so when so you can literally uh see where where you are at any given time that's very attractive and we think we think that um our staff and and I include everyone on my staff in this um it's not it's definitely not an emoji chocolate it looks like it looks like a cross section of a pipe okay yeah trying to get y all done good yeah that's what they go engineer and we go through all of these every all the way back to uh intergovernmental coordination and Capital Improvements of course Capital Improvements being projects being money being green so um but we feel as a staff you know as as the Director I feel like my staff and and I include every single one of them in this whether they work directly on it or were filling in for someone who work that made they made a difference and I also feel that uh uh Mr Cerna and Miss Livingstone did a fantastic job and at the beginning of the project you know there was some changes that had to be made or that were made that you know none of us could control and and I think we overcame that and did a great job um so thank you both very much for that anyway Mr chairman thank you for letting me ramble on this is a milestone project um for any planner when you get a a new plan I know people will will glaze over and U won't get it but planners love to read this kind of stuff and work on it so any questions if if I would have had it sooner I would have read the whole thing I yes sir and I do believe that because I know I am semi boring Saidi not this is strictly dealing with water though we're dealing with right here now actually no sir this is the whole plan what I wanted to bring out was that that the water supply plan is invested or a part of the comprehensive plan of course yeah so um this is dealing with the entire comp plan and each one of these elements being a subject area and each one of those subject areas branching out into different things that the city does doesn't cover every single thing the city does but it could covers a ton of things particularly in the areas land use public works now do you do you have a power electrical plan in there no sir no I'm glad I got a question yes sir over what is breathing over um a question stood out it says something about reduce excessive travel demands or whatever do we have to know the population or whatever do we know the population and what is projected oh yes sir and uh that's that is that will be in the plan um I can tell you the population the latest we got last year was right at 30,000 slightly over 30,000 and that's the number that comes from the University of Florida Bureau of Economic and Business research known as Bieber and how long ago was the last one within how many years well the 2020 I think from the and I can't remember exactly C's looking for some info I want to say the 2020 census was something around 27 28,000 the one we got last year from Bieber now there's two different organizations counting so they can be slightly different was just over 30,000 since that number since that 30,000 number came in 2,300 houses were built in The Villages in The Villages you get 1.96 I believe persons per household so I am anticipating that when we get our next number from Bieber is going to be about 35 36,000 so that's a pretty good jump from the last number the last Bieber number didn't include the villages this next one we anti ipate will if it doesn't we'll be calling Bieber and talking to them to be sure and that's not including on that we approved already that does that include that is strictly people live here people that live here that is correct and that's a very good question because of the number of one of the things that are tough about population estimates is that you have um 900 give or take people a day moving into Florida some of those go to the north some to the South some to the central Etc um and those numbers are very difficult they're they're difficult to count you have to do as as like the census does April one I think and I think Bieber uses April 1 and they count they they do everything from count electrical bills to building permits they count all kinds of things they use Aerials they they do everything they can to try to count accurately um it's very difficult to get an accurate count and um in this environment particularly in in today's environment when you have a lot of a high number of lots that are approved which we do um that are approved but not built there's a big difference between zoning and future land use and actual development we change we can change the color of the map all day from one thing to a to a residential or whatever and that allows for residential development to occur but until that vertical that excuse me that vertical development comes in with the houses not horizontal not not the colors on the map but when that vertical development comes in with the houses and the housing units whether that's yes it it has to be occupied for it to be to account a plus a 55 plus is going to run you about two people give or take per unit but usually two Villages uses 1.96 which I think is actually very accurate um but in a in the rest of of the city you're looking at probably 3.2 3.3 persons per unit or per household so a 500 unit subdivision would probably give you about 1500 people give or take 16,700 whatever the math is I don't do fractions in my head but um so determining population is a is a tough one I would say if the current trends can continue that in 15 years the population here could double easily yeah we're at where we are now is what oala was when I was a kid y they were 32 and I'm being and I and respectfully I'm being conservative between 8 and 12 if if the development continues it will go higher problem is we're doing about at right now we're doing about 25 houses a month The Villages did a couple of hundred a month for a year and a half and then boom they got 32 houses they're different animal they have a different system they they but as a city we're doing give or take 25 houses a month so that's looking at between 75 and 100 people a month which is about 1,200 people a year right now that could change at any time and if interest rates go down as as the rumors are if it drops two or three times by the end of the year then there could be some housing some increase in housing construction that number you said did it include the part of the Villages that are in the city of lebur the 30,000 number no no the permits per month 20 you said 20 no sir the 25 houses a month thank you for asking that the 25 houses per month is inside the city of leeburg excluding The Villages okayer the The Villages were running about 200 200 to 300 homes a month um for several for a number of months over a year year and a half or so that's not just the parts that's in city of lebur that's just the part that was in the city of leeburg oh really yes sir I've got the numbers to back it up in my office Perth per month plus whatever else they're doing out the city of lebur no well most of what they're building is in the city of lebur now well what all I'm all I'm talking about on the villages side is just what's in the city limit of lebur in The Villages that was 200 on the other side of 470 the other side of the turnpike that's that's outside the city that's outside the city we're not counting those okay so so we we're doing 25 give or take houses a month within the city outside of the villages in The Villages at their Peak they were doing 250 to 300 a month um now it's back down to 4568 because they've pretty much finished that area it's going to pick up again when they go to secret promise which is right again other side of the road 2700 yes sir and that's still in lebur that's still in lesburg right and so the population just based on the villages is going to change significantly if we throw in our population outside of the villages it's going to change significantly um state law is greatly in favor of development in my opinion okay I want to be careful about opinions here but I believe state law in Florida is is greatly in in favor of real estate development good or bad that's just an opinion I'm you know and I don't have an opinion on that um so we do see folks come in and want to build subdivisions on these lot sizes we get those all the time all I can do is recommend based on my my staff and I all we can do is recommend based on what the comp plan says and what the zoning code says your recommendation moves forward to City commission they make the final decision why we move forward and if there's anything new that's need to be covered under that good to go are we are we going to be voting on this just a recommendation you know you you pass it and then you find out what's in it well that's my whole question is I I have not a clue what's other than General and it's it's it's a lot of the but a lot of the same but we have updated the language um and updated some of the goals objectives and policies and you're welcome to ask me or Mr Cerna and miss living Stone in regard to that um but basically as we said we wanted to take it out of what it was using the data and Analysis that we had 12 years ago and bring that data analysis up to the the the latest uh data available and then adjust those goals objectives and policies to make it work dayto day for lesburg for a working plan not a rainbows and unicorns plan so and and the history of planning will show you a few rainbows and unicorns so we don't want to do that we want it to be a plan that works for the citizens right what motion do we need to well first of all let's find out if there's any other more any more questions before we go into nope that was going to be my question can I make a motion why don't you go ahead and you can second it since she started I'll second it oh all right Mr chairman I'd like to make a motion on cpta 24230 the city of leeburg comp plan update and water supply facility work plan I move for approval did you say the 22045 in there he did cpta 24230 okay I didn't hear that yes 230 oh oh cool okay just making sure everything's record I second thank you any discussion R commiss Carter yes chairman sen yes commiss cther yes commission Kelly yes commission Marshall yes Comm sand yes and commission barison yes cool thank you anything else for the good of the order one more thing Mr chairman too late man get very informative meeting we have had some issues sending out packets um this is really upsetting because this month we had problems and this was a big deal for us and we wanted you to get this information and I know that some of you did not because we had problems with their emails if you do not receive your package by Friday afternoon in the future please feel free to call me or anyone on the staff our normal goal is Friday get the packet to you the small packet to you so you know what's coming the Friday before the Thursday the Friday before the Thursday meeting yes sir and um we have had problems in the past I remember Stuart we had some problems on his computer Mr Senate our chairman had some problems this month that is not acceptable to staff we're working on trying to figure out what the problem is I'm getting with HR about this okay but um if you do if you don't receive it please let me know because our normal goal is Friday sometimes we have to go into Mondays but we want it to be right for you thank you Mr chairman thank you all right um we're adjourn there you go have a good weekend