##VIDEO ID:S8SPR1mVXiE## good evening I'd like to call this meeting to order this is Independent School District 8:32 it's a regular school meeting of the mtoi school district on Monday August 26 7 o'clock pm uh please join me for the Pledge of Allegiance i al to the flag of the United States of America thank you roll call of attendance done okay approval of the agenda do I have a motion move move by director doen second second by director Peterson any discussion all those in favor say I I those opposed motion carries approval of the consent agenda oh move by director Peterson second seconded by director Donna any discussion all those in favor please say I I those opposed motion carries no presentations no report so superintendent report thank you and I will make this uh pretty quick so today we were back back to school our staff was here and we had a great kickoff we got to hear from Ryan Collins our teacher of the year and um now our all of our teachers are in their classrooms working hard to get ready for our students to be to be back with us and we do have some orientations going on this week which will be fun to have some students students in our buildings as well um road construction continues and so I just want to encourage everyone to look and see what we we've sent out recently about the updates on road construction and how you can access our campus I I've said this so many times before but I will not stop saying it we need do it I really want to encourage you if you drive your children to school at the middle school or high school I really want to encourage you to all all families to use the um St Andrews parking lot we have on the lower lot you can drop off your children there and they can walk through the Upp lot and access the middle school and high school and it will just save you a ton of time not having to go through that line and uh but using the bus is a great option as well and probably you're go for the first choice or walking or riding I know that Jenny might want to put in a plug for that too so um just anything you can do though to help us in this situation no one's happy no one's happy about what's happening and um it's going to take a little while and we're all going to need to be patient and work together so anything that people can do did you want to put in a plug for the lower level of St Andrews great option I do use the lower level and I love it because uh then my children have to walk for about 10 minutes or maybe eight minutes but just enough to wake them up and then they're ready for school when they get to school so I love it all right well thank you another plug for that lot I just would really encourage everyone to use it um the only other thing I really wanted to use use my time for is that I wanted to call um Tim Ericson up this isn't on our agenda but it's something we wanted to get you thinking about it's something that we've talked a little bit about with our uh refunding so our refinancing but I'm going to let you Tim talk a little bit about that yeah re refunding is kind of the technical term but i' I'd rather use refinancing you'll see the refunding and all the all the legal documents that we have to do but um as you remember you recall we've been talking about refinancing uh one of our one of our higher highest higher interest our highest interest rate bond issues uh we've got about 20 a little over $22 million left uh in payments on that bond issue and those rates are at 5% um if you've been you know if you're kind of a a nerd and you're listening to Market things and you're listening to economy that type of thing you know that the Federal Reserve had come out last week they had their big Summit in Jackson Hall Wyoming and uh Federal chairman Powell indicated a little stronger indication that they will probably lower possibly lower those rates even more so um what we're looking at right now I think I believe when we came to you last time we're looking at about 1.4 million in savings and I would just want to point out this is taxpayer savings I mean this will be passed along directly to our taxpayers so this is a this is a great thing be able will allow us to lower our o overall Debt Service Levy now today we got some updated numbers based on uh the rates have started to dip again and we're at about a mil 642 in savings um so we want to try to go after that and we have different Windows of time and I won't get into all of that uh we'll get into that a little bit more in the next meeting um but uh what we'd like to do is is um to take advantage of that savings and try and maximize or have at least a minimum threshold of savings that we would do prior to going out to refinance um is to have this we talk a little bit about a parameters resolution that the board would issue they'd issue uh an intent to issue bonds along with parameters that would give the administration some flexibility so as we watch those rates on a regular basis and if we see any any clouds on the horizon that might bring rates up or brings them bring them down it kind of gives us a lot more flexibility um a parameters resolution uh is not uncommon um I did it in my previous district and it it it works out well for us we can just uh strike a little faster so uh we'll bring back uh the intent is to bring back on the ninth uh the parameters resolution uh a couple of different a couple couple more uh different scenarios to look at as far as how that savings can get distributed over time um and anything else that you'd like to see so if there if you have any questions or anything that you'd like to see for that next meeting um certainly let me know if you have anything now mam chair um I think Tim we've talked in the past about so this would be essentially replacing the old debt just with lower interest rates keeping the the term of the existing bonds the same correct correct yeah and is one of the scenarios at least I'd like to see and I think some others would be interested too a scenario in which um we ex basically extend the debt right and create capacity for um other budgetary items in the future so if we could that's one scenario that at least I'd like to see okay I think we we've talked about it in the past yeah absolutely so I just so we wanted to bring this up because Tim had just received that news about um the potential even greater savings than we were anticipating and so we want to make sure that we gave this back to you you've heard it before but we wanted you to hear it again before we talk about it um and hopefully potent well not even potentially take action on it depending on what we're hearing at that point right yeah we'd like to do you know if we can get the resolution as early as possible which would be the September 9th meeting not the end of the world if you are not comfortable at that point but we then we'd shoot for the 20 meeting on the 23rd thanks thank you oh but before we move on I did want to add to so Paul and I were there this morning and I stayed for the speeches and I just want to give a lot of uh kudos to you for your speech I think um I want I really hope everyone can see uh what Barb shared this morning it was really it was all tied to the Strategic plan and there was video done by Alice and it was just so it was just they just captured some really great things going on in the district so I think we're going to find a way for everyone to see it and then of course um the teachers who spoke were fantastic too and we'll be seeing more of U Mr Collins so but it was great I thought it was a really great back to school event and yes great job on sharing really really what's happening directly tied to our strategic plan and it was and again Alice really put a lot of effort into putting those videos together for us but they also just really highlighted the hard work of our staff so wasn't wasn't hard to to find stories I will say yeah it was great okay so next board member count oh yes director Peterson are you still here any chance last year we did that if you parked at St Andrews you got a little snack on your way to school would you want to do that was that a flop okay all right but that doesn't mean it can't be so again we love it when people use that lot whether there are snacks or not it is a great option thank you okay thank you um okay then we are now on to to board member calendar under discussion items uh one thing I do want to point out that we need to change and we oh this says discussion but I think we're voting on these I thought we were moving oh right you probably you'll want to talk about it and then move it to action item okay okay so board member calendar uh well first of all everyone can take a look at it and see if you have anything to point out the the main thing I want to note is that on Monday September 9th we were planning to do a board retreat we don't really need that time that early in September now so we're going to turn that into a study session SLS special meeting and the time will be at 5:30 okay yes director Donna Madam chair Qui clarification on Tuesday September 3rd virtual meeting C conversation is that the msba msba so if you look at an updated version it says msba now thank you and there was another one in there that's been changed as well uh any other okay so we do I think need to vote on this because we changed that meeting and you can just take action on it okay okay your agenda so you can okay so let's go ahead uh can I get a motion to approve this calendar uh move by director doen do I have a second second second by director Donna discussion yes director Peterson yes but I probably just need to reach out to the PTO we meet once a month it's on there twice two weeks in a row one at 9: in the morning what is that we I'll talk to them okay good and you can if you can't make one of those you can always ask one of us okay thanks okay so any other discussion he all those in favor uh of the board calendar of events as amended please say I I I those opposed motion carries okay next this Schoolboard goals okay so these were um put into the uh you all have a hard cop it and you also have a hard copy so these as you know we discussed at our study session two weeks ago I'll just walk through them and if you want to call out anything or have questions uh just uh get my attention uh so we talked about fostering increased Community awareness around District needs uh so this will include uh more Community meetings with for our parents and community members and local leaders uh we'll have focused District dessert and dialogue and confy and conversations events allying to the Strategic plan uh we'll participate or present a community organizations such as Lions Club Ma and rotary so we can be more engaged in those uh group with those groups we'll leverage our parent community business and legislative Partnerships and uh we will continue to support a proactive operating and capital budget process that addresses the district's strategic plan and priorities does that capture everything we talked about great uh the second one is augment understanding of strategic plan implementation and so these are ways that we can see our strategic plan uh taking place throughout uh the buildings so we'll have board learning walks throughout the district and increased participation at school building visits District events and classroom presentations so that we'll work with uh Barb and administration to make sure we're aware of more of those opportunities and then third increase board visibility and efficiency so uh that's this is where I put uh we disc discussed at length the uh idea of establishing a board rep for each member municipality so we can do that um in this this year and then we can just designate who that will be um hold training with our board attorney it's been several years since we've done that and then uh obviously we want to have robust committee work study sessions and board meeting prep to ensure that um we are being efficient with our time and making the most of our uh how we're serving the district any yes um so I have a question about the last one on the um the board rep for each member municipality that one I I really loved when we had that conversation about it what I struggle with is exactly what that means so that's I think yes and we can Define that I think whenever we designate how we whenever we set it up but what I took away from it was that we definitely want somebody engaging with each of Our member um municipalities that are part of our district and then we need to really explore ways to find partnership so that we're supporting the work that Barb's doing through our increased participation and I would agree with that what I struggle with is what that doesn't mean is attending every one of their meetings and okay no no yeah so I could add a little bit to that after you had talked about wanting to do that I guess one of my thoughts was that um we have our city leaders meeting excuse me where we could um once you've determined what that would look like be able to kind of talk about it at that City's leaders meeting and just suggest what we think would would be a good way to engage and they can give us feedback on that as well okay so uh I think that's everything so if we're ready uh could I get a motion to approve this move by director Donna we we're moving things even under discussion right now so this discussion item is an action item now yes second seconded by director Peterson who who made the motion Donna and any discussion ready all those in favor say I I those opposed motion carries and now for our superintendent goals okay so these goals um we talked a little bit about not everyone was able to make it to our our last meeting so if you have questions let me know but you'll notice that they continue to be tied to our strategic plan the the first area is agency the second trust and partnership the third Excellence the four fourth inclusive and Equitable and so you will see a number of these as um a continuation of what we worked on last year and some of them are new but also taken out of our strategic plan that we adopted I'll just offer that um under trust and partnership something that was not written into our strategic plan had to do with our budget and we've agreed that that's something that we need to communicate about and and talk about more and so I do have goals that are under our budget and Facilities as well so that one's a a new one but in the spirit of trust and partnership and being very transparent about finances and our fa facilities project I thought that fit under there so I don't know if you have any other questions about it since last we talk okay I think I I I feel like we covered all of this so thank you uh I think they look really good any other comments okay we're ready and so we're also taking action on this uh can I get a motion to approve the superintendent gos move by director doen seconded by director Regan any discussion all those in favor say I I I those oppos motion carries okay and now for the superintendent evaluation summary so this is a requirement that uh our summary uh is read aloud at the following board meeting after we've um decided as a board and I'm happy to do that so I will just be reading this um and then this will uh be the uh the summary that goes into the all the with all the paperwork uh at the August 12 2024 School Board study session the board discussed the superintendent end your review survey results the board shared in conversation and in the board survey that superintendent duffen has successfully implemented the 2023 2024 goals with respect to agency trust and partnership and Excellence one of the identified 2023 2024 goals was regarding Agency for students including the development of systems supporting a strong academic foundation and a multi-year literacy Improvement plan with Avid College and Career Readiness strategies embedded in the middle school and the high school superintendent deff's ongoing implementation of the rigorous early literacy professional learning is exceptional the board is pleased with the career Readiness progress at the middle school and would like to see additional opport opportunities in the area of CTE and internships for high school students as it aligns to the Strategic plan Additionally the work on defining agency and grade band expectations is impressive the board is confident that super superintendent defran will provide consistent understanding to her team teachers and the community in order to have integration across the district in the goal area of trust and partnership superintendent defren is successfully providing Clarity and transparency around learning and curriculum at each grade level with a districtwide curriculum grid Additionally the superintendent has effectively led her teams in communication practices with a standardized approach when addressing parents or Guardians and continues to demonstrate parent input is welcome and encouraged the building signs successfully captured the student spirit for each grade level while remaining consistent with the message that all students belong and are zephs in the final goal area of Excellence the superintendent has made very good progress in defining School and District success metrics the board hopes to see more context with the identification of areas needing Improvement and plans for progress in those areas the board is excited about the learner profile work and the finalization of the portrait of a graduate superintendent defren has met all the goals for the 2023 2024 school year and the board has confidence in her continued leadership and advancement of the goals aligned to the Strategic plan the board appreciates her strong work ethic her dedication availability responsiveness and willing willingness to have Frank discussions on any topic her leadership has been instrumental in enhancing student opportunities and academic growth her leadership is highly valued and appreciated well thank you I appr that was very nice I hadn't read that but I do want to as you reading it I will say I was making meaningful eye contact with uh my team in here because um a lot of you know what you're reading there is the work of a a really great team that I have so I will give I hope we all recognize that as well yes you have a great team but they have a great leader and I appreciate that but just so thank you all too okay okay so that's um thank you thank you for that thank you okay now we're moving to our official action items uh approval of donations and grants for July 2024 toing $1,599 76 can I get a motion move by director Doman second seconded by director Peterson any discussion all donations and grants are greatly appreciated the use of these funds will be to further the mission of the school district and are used towards the wishes of the donor all right all those in favor please say I I those opposed motion carries okay okay of cost share and access agreement thanks so we have talked about this once before and I asked to hold on it just in case there are any updates again and there haven't been so um I am asking for approval on this cost share and access agreement just for some background we do have um a Perpetual easement agreement dated September 11th 2001 with with St Andrews to be able to access our campus through their through their campus and uh previously before they did all their construction our traffic would go um through the upper lot and into the high school back and forth but when they did their construction that got blocked off and then they paved the way for us to access our our um campus right off of Hilton which is a lot safer way for for people to travel and so this um cost share agreement both recognizes that change in where we access our campus through St Andrews and also acknowledges that we are a good portion of the traffic that comes through the light where they are being assessed for the road improvements and so this is an acknowledgement that we have we have part in this and so um we are we're asking you to approve this to share the share the cost of those improvements I will say we have an amazing U partnership with St Andrews we're very fortunate for the way that we maintain that space together and and um whoever gets their first plows it's it's just a a great partnership so we want to maintain that and so I'm asking for approval of this cost share and access agreement oh moved okay moved by director Peterson can I get a second second second by director Donna any other discussion yes director reg um so I just have I guess a question and I think I know the answer but I just feel like I have to ask it so when I saw this on the agenda uh obviously knowing we're in a tough spot right now with the construction and the roads and all of that knowing this isn't isn't long term but obviously this is going to be the a hard month is there an opportunity at all to I know it says and it's stated with signs to not come in off of is that East and whatever it is that at all possibility to access that just for a couple of weeks until it's really difficult as we all know getting around all the way whether you go down the dirt road all the way to Jamaica or whatever is that even been a conversation I know it's not totally pertaining to this but this is what made me think of that just short term well I will say um it's a really good option to drop your kids off at the lower level of St Andrews so the other part of this though is but if they drive yeah but here's yeah so so the thing is is that we have a lot of kids that are walking and biking through that lot and it just really isn't safe so this is really about safety safety of our kids and um if that's open we have a lot of kids just drive and actually and parents driving really quickly through there and so this this is really to keep kids safe now I don't know if they will have other times of day but um that that people will be able to pass through that's I guess that's not my responsibility um but during the school day it's just it's just not safe for our kids and so that's why why it continues to be that way it is they are going to allow us though to bring our buses that are from the Northwest part of town to come in in the morning and bring the kids in and drop them at the top of the hill by the middle school and high school and that's to keep so that kids don't have to get up super early and have to go all the way around the detour but so they are doing that for us and allowing buses in and and um Kate is mouthing some things in the back was there something you want to okay and then walk in well I suppose I suppose they could they're likely not going to but if we could make it so that there are fewer cars driving there then our students would be able to drive to the lot yeah and I know my question was not ideal I just feel like in the meantime we're in a pretty not ideal situation we and again we're we're making I mean we're sticking with this because it really is for the safety of kids so it I I knew my answer I just thought I better ask it y so we' had okay all those in favor say I hi those osed motion carries moving along approval of the YMCA pool agreement um okay so this is our it's a two-year agreement we our swim team uses the YMCA pool in White Bear and also uh I'm looking to you because I the north okay thanks a couple different places where our swim team will practice and have meets and so this is our agreement for the next two years and so we're asking for your approval by director doen I'll second it seconded by director Stout question this is paid out of the lease Levy correct probably good and this is the same as it's been for the last two years it it is somewhat the same these are pools we've used um I mean the schedule might be different so I would you say the same I'm not the same locations okay any other discussion he all those in favor please say I I I those opposed motion carries okay on to school board committee reports um um so director Payne is not with us so however I was at the amsd meeting so I will just say briefly that there were election or nominated a slate of officers for amsd and um but the main um the main attraction was a presentation by loose Payne and Amy Jones on the role of the board and superintendent in mental health in schools so they did they shared some um they shared some research with us and then also took us through an activity where we thought a little bit about decisions that we make and how they might affect mental health so we had different topics and then from the decision what are the what are the effects of that decision and to a point where it we could identify um an area that we might need to consider for support for our staff and students and families based on that initial decision so um so it was a good good conversation and and lots of Engagement M director Regan ma last met on Monday August 5th um quickly the summary for ma is that um they started off the meeting talking about their ma marketing and rebranding and that um rebranding their materials and their marketing materials around their new strategic plan which then also aligns with supporting the school strategic plan um they also talked about um um the Wildwood artist series and that um they're evolving away from the concert series of that um with that being said though they do have some concerts on the books for this school year um to mark your calendars if you're interested um September 22nd at 4M is Shan Johnson and the big band experience October 27th at 3 pm is the music faculty concert and January 25th at 700 p.m. is the simple gifts music with Billy mlin if I'm saying Billy's last name right um they're moving more towards the supporting the the artists in the schools and there's going to be an artist in residency I believe at both Wildwood and O this year do I have that right I think I I don't recall where the potentially but that just that idea though that they are moving towards really supporting the artist and residency is going to be their focus um you're going to see May out a lot in the community they're back too school events they have volunteers at open house um homecoming uh lots of things going on one thing to mark your calendar for is the second zepher get together on September 19th that was at pine tree apple orchard last year is going to be there again this year on September 19th that's 4:30 to seven um that's for families that is for families and a really fun event um I know I attended that last year and it was really great to see a lot of people out even though the W the weather that last year was really weird that day it was like there's food trucks there's all sorts of things there's apples and food trucks and games and and pumpkins and things so really fun um they are also considering a new ex official position for either a retired or a current teacher so they had discussion about that that they would be a non- voting member to ma but they're talking about bringing in the teacher voice to that group um and lastly I feel like I had one more thing um oh and I they supported the District breakfast this morning as well so that is it that's all I have for May from August 5th msba director Peterson the coffee and conversations that is coming up last week the interesting topic was profile of a graduate and if you haven't done a coffee and conversation yet with them it's a zoom from 8 to 9 every other Tuesday or two Tuesdays a month you can say as much as you want and ask as many questions or you can just sit there quietly and listen to other people share how their district is doing or questions they have I I love it um [Music] then what else oh Schoolboard recog nition month is now September not February and change that that is the hot news from msba okay thank you all right thank you uh now for 9916 we don't have uh director Payne with us but we she did she always sends the update so I think we're updated on that okay any other board reports director Donna chair just a question if I can go back to um superintendent Dar you mentioned that director pay made a presentation just curious was was that on behalf of our school board or her profession uh that's a good question I um I think it's because now I'll have to double check how she it's not on behalf of our school board I believe she's um in her she's involved in um I'm going to have to get back to curious yeah it was not on it was not highlighting the work of our district um it was I think I truthfully I think it was the um the former School Board member that was presenting is involved in a Statewide organization and um so they together are doing it in part because of um director Payne's facilitation of that that process as well and she may also be on that um Statewide committee but I'm afraid I don't remember thank you any other board reports basic been improvements oerson new carpet new window replacement and then a new playground surface and then some work do from the football field can I add one thing just they got uh onethird of the classrooms are painted so just as we're saying new windows and carpet and paint just know they're working on it over brakes and it'll be done during the school year so if you say well that's not new paint it's coming great okay I think that's everything mov by director Peterson second second by director Regan all those in favor say I hi hi