##VIDEO ID:CN6e4wctD3Q## Manchester by the C Board of selectman order Kathy here here jeffan Brian solcy and Harrison is here John just walked in 8 o' is just more more of a concept for just about all of us um the one issue on our I guess we could start by asking for public comment on articles not on the agenda you can sure yeah okay hearing none um I think we will going over the list of to do items and more one item on our agenda um I think we have all looked at theor um is there any discussion at the I just would have I guess one question on the storm water on the first one yeah the key line really permit Authority the Department of Public Works that's really what the discussion was last time we met that preceding the responsibility of adhering to whatever the the the changes in the in the statute are to uh the Department of Public Public public works so we've already done that in in the current bylaw the the real key change here is that instead of enumerating all those standards right from EPA we delegate that authority to the gpw to promate through you through a public hearing so instead of instead of having all those standards in the bylaw itself we're saying that in the future BPW will draft those present them to you at a public hearing and then you approve them after your public hearing rather than having those standards codified in the bylaw meaning it'll be much easier to to amend them going down you know in the future as those standards might change from from the fs okay the the discussion earlier was that standards are in addition to everything else long and complicated yeah and expecting um the town meeting to be able to um understand and approve intelligently approve them is is asking a lot 23 Pages worth of it 23 Pages worth of stuff and and it's very technical and um so we we are taking the responsibility for making sure that the DBW does its job correctly to us rather than to the yep okay um is there any othering okay is there a motion there's a motion okay you move to approve move to approve the warrant provided I it's early further discussion further public comment Kathy yes Jeff yes Ryan yes and says yes says yes okay um other items that were we were unable to foresee no no is there a motion um before before you adjourn yes are are you ready to talk about movers seconders and speakers okay uh we should probably also vote to endorse the that's the other thing to have done right so we do need you to um you just recommend approval recommend not approval or that you'll give you a recommendation at the floor on the floor time meeting um of each of the Articles the okay um so article one is the article for CP C funding for the land conservation project um so-called dormy lands up around C I move that we the select board endorse article one recommend approval of Kathy yes Jeff yes Ryan no okay thank you and say Yes answer say yes okay thank you for writing this down um the second yeah article two is the storm water bylaw Amendment approve okay discussion Kathy yes uh yes ran answer is yes yes okay three is the pass bill that we from last fiscal year that we need to appropriate funds in this this is uh this is this wonderful nine10 vote right discussion Kathy yes je yes ran yes answerers yes John yes okay and then lastly you have the the zoning amendments to comply with 3A to recommend approv second Kathy yes yes Brian yes yes John yes um movers and seconders um I suggest for the um zoning article that we ask the fing board to move and I will second it's likely to be s s I believe yes um paying old debts Kathy would you like to move to pay the old debt okay happy to I'll second okay um the dormandy land John okay I will uh wait and and I will comment on um typically you've had youry chair oh that's right do the do the recommendation because it's their money yeah okay so this this case of Steve gang wanting to I think he's going to speak and and the jack is not so Steve should probably be the Mover okay okay so have Steve be the water Brian sure why not put on the spot okay sure a second thank you how come you don't step up he's a new kid on the board he doesn't I'm just learning you guys supposed to teach me looking and Brian would you want do you want to speak on the storm water yeah briefly very briefly yeah we can Chuck certainly will be available I'll say with Chuck get have a sense of what the narrative should be he can answer detailed questions Kath do you want to do you want to speak on the appropriation sure okay unless unless Sarah was going to do that would Sarah melish be she might be the one um should she do the motion actually now I'm thinking of that is that because it was the finance committee or because paperwork lost in her file I think it could go either way yeah you're right it was her bill yeah let her let her dig herself out honestly I I think Sarah would be the best person to speak on it if you'd still like me to make the motion I could but I I do think it's more appropriate that being fincom for them to do it good morning sorry from interrupting no worry this is I guess my new office is back here so so are you guys okay with that I'm sorry I couldn't quite follow I think that makes sense okay and an do you want to speak on zoning I'm sorry back on the Allan I'm sorry um so is Sarah gonna move it I'm happy to Second it if you need a second okay is is that okay yeah yeah okay sorry go so you going to move the what the um she that this is the over yes um I I will speak very briefly on the zoning but major right okay anything else alen on your end nothing on my end I think we're planning a um pre- time meeting on the Saturday 4 yes nine o'clock on Zoom what's the date on that Saturday the 16th the 16th yeah just just so you know I'm um asking people to give me give to me and the town clerk any handouts they want to distribute at the meeting no later than November 12th okay are you accepting handouts from from um groups in opposition I I don't know of any yet but but if we do yes okay the question has come up and and I had me to ask you and now I now can we I think we're good unless unless our one audience member has the other oh well there's mer there's Ms here yeah um okay here's one signed do you need another no one's sign soon Kathy you will come in at some point and yeah I have a contractor coming in today and soon as they show up and um I get them on their way then I'll come in okay thank you I move we adjourn second Kathy yes yes Jeff Ryan Yes John yes and yes thank you on three break one two three break thanks everyone see you later yeah thank you thank you