##VIDEO ID:APieyE0DrlI## good evening or late afternoon everybody uh I guess we'll start with our usual introductions I know we all know each other but those watching may not uh my name is Terry Harmon I'm serving as Chief negotiator for the school district to my left oh Lisa Estes assistant superintendent student Support Services Kathy parendo director of student services Mar coordinator maret County Schools Daniel Moore director of curriculum and instruction Sher Richardson director of Professional Standards and employee relations hi Jeff Raymond director of talent acquisition and HR operations Julie cessa assistant superintendent of HR Susan R MCA Alec McIntyre mcea Gary Simmons Chief negotiator for MCA from FAA Matt theal president mcea Lonnie B MCA Kimberly Love MCA thank you all for being here and I know we've created a little agenda um miss gillum's going to pass it out for us thank you Miss Gill and as it's getting passed out I'll say as I've said at prior sessions it's our all of our bargaining sessions so by passing out an agenda we're not meaning to restrict items by any stretch so um I'll just kind of start by saying I'm glad we could all be here another the hurricane um you know could could have been much worse for everybody so it's always good when we're able to get together and turn it around this quick so I hope from a personal um perspective that all you made it out okay um your property wise and it wasn't much of a significant Interruption to your lives um with that um I again we're on open items I know as the everyone at the table knows there's a separate inass proceeding but um it doesn't necessarily mean that we discontinue our good fith negotiations so that's why I put open items uh don't want to presume anything from from your perspective or ours um just really wanted to use I guess from from ours to start to just in case you were not aware make you aware of documentation that we received um from the Florida Department of Education if Trish Miss Gillum has that too wait till it's passed out and if again I'm not it's it's a pretty lengthy document so you'll probably want some time to look at it but um if you had not received it it was a Florida Department of Education uh Q&A that was um distributed to superintendence and it just kind of addressed different questions related to the former tsia salary increases and um Wanted to point out uh one of the q&as was just really as it relates to question four and it was the ability of a school district to um distribute tsia dollars um was one of the questions that was included in their frequently Asked question section and and what that requires per per the Q&A document is that the growth allocation funds cannot be distributed unless we have in our in existence a board approved and un Union ratified plan uh and that October 1 deadline I know we've talked about that in Prior sessions and how that would potentially play has passed and so that's the directive we got from the Florida Department of Education um if you've not seen it of course I'm not going to ask questions I just wanted to make sure that we we made that aware to you um and so really that's that was our primary our primary focus I think right now in terms of open items was just uh making sure that we made you aware of that issue as well so I don't know if you'd like to have any openings or any items you'd like to bring up as well um I appreciate it um yeah we discussed this in link and um in my conversations with my colleagues um I'm aware of the October 1st uh deadline try to do my best to to reach it and I'm always two for three um year in and year out of of reaching that deadline but um that's where we are so I mean can't ratify um the tsia and um still have issues that that are are going to impact so um I think that we've we've done all that we can to to um satisfy that that um October 1 deadline so just guess we we have to move diligently to resolve this this um impass procedures we don't have any other open items to to discuss and if and just so I can be clear too if I'm and since we're all here just trying to use any time that we have I know we know the issues that that are presently at impass that were on the table when the impass was declared um I think the last really on the on a Financial perspective was The Proposal that uh we had made across the table as it related to how to spend the raise pool um any alternative thought from your table's perspective as to that proposal or are you still from the meeting prior when you had gave those three options is that where you all still are today yeah I just think that the last proposal that the district made doesn't solve any of the problems for our bargaining unit members uh I don't think that our bargaining unit members could use a half a tank of gas it's not what we're we're asking for not $23 for all of our bargaining unit members we think that that money could be utilized in a better manner like we didn't even put all of the money that we could into insurance so if we didn't put the money that we could in insurance we did concessions and insurance the district can find more money why aren't we putting it to Insurance why are we putting it in in a a half a tank of gas that absolutely makes no sense to me and it doesn't solve any of our our problems so I think that we're going to stay firm on the two options that that we requested and I think that um the history behind what we're asking for and um the financial um the the financial constraints that we we um stayed in I just believe that what we're asking for options one and two is is beyond reasonable and it solves a problem the um fourth option that was provided from the district it increases the the amount that was being asked for and it doesn't solve any of the the problems we put 3.1% and across the board increases putting another tenth of a percent on that doesn't seem fiscally responsible in in our in our opinion so I I think that we're we're right there we're not asking to increase our proposals because you guys added a little bit more into the salary pool we're going to stay firm right where we're at it's like 20 what 26,000 2628 right in there mhm I think that that's a a comfortable sweep spot and it's money that the school board already allocated for raise full dollars and we're not asking for another dime we're just asking to utilize that money to fix a longstanding problem I just don't understand maybe when we discuss it or you guys present it to the arbitrator I mean yeah the magist the special magistrate i' have a better understanding I just don't I don't understand why our proposal is so hard to tentatively agree to especially when the surrounding counties are all put in 2% 2.5% into supplements we aren't putting anything to supplements that's part of of the the argument that we're going to have to present to the special magistrate what are our neighboring districts doing with respect to what we're asking for and again I said it in the last time we didn't put out Communications about being number one in the Treasure Coast the school board didn't we're just holding you accountable everybody else put money to supplements we're just asking for the school district to do the same and take baby steps 1% now let's look at it next next year see if we can increase it and in the year after that this contract says that it um goes from 2023 to 2026 only 2024 we have two years to make those those gradual improvements and I think that that's where we want that's we want to focus at and not get too far behind the other districts something real quick [Applause] behind Okay it sorry we're paper flipping over here no keep pH yeah I think so yeah which option do you want got it aside from that me what and again I'll give you an opportunity um since I just handed you the Q&A document um it understand the normal process or not normal process but the the the desire is to have the contract addressed wholly is there any appetite whatsoever to look at potential bifurcating this so we can get that tsia dollars addressed while we continue to work on the rest of it well I took a pretty good beating from my employer for doing the district a favor and I'm tired of doing favors and nobody does a favor for me so I'm not putting my employment on the line to bate the contract when the district doesn't doesn't do anything that I'm asking them to do to make things easier so n that's a unfair labor practice that's why I got chewed out for for doing it before it's an unfair Labor practice I can't continue a president of of allowing the district to commit unfair labor practices because of timelines that can easily be avoided I have two districts in the very same area that we have no problem Meeting those timelines you're saying that you you believe it's a unfair Labor practice to bate I know it's an unfair Labor practice it's not a a guess anywhere involved in it and I think I passed throughout paper work the last time I'll be more than happy to email it to you where it specifically says that bad faith negotiation is an example of bad faith negotiations is B forgiving or bargaining in peace meal so those are synonymous terms that you'll find um throughout the National Labor Relations Act as well as our Florida statute chapter 447 okay anything further from your end any of the other two issues that we've I didn't bring them up um we talked about the supplements and that raise pool fund but the other two were primarily language items um and I know we spent a lot of time sessions 10 11 12 maybe on those MH um I guess we don't have any change at this time on our end and I assume you're probably in the same position right but the the ones that you guys still have um on the table aren't mandatory subject to barg do we agree on that or do we have a disagreement um I mean it doesn't mean I can't bring those issues up to you the the Western Zone language that is proposed um goes directly to some of the language that you have proposed about which members are eligible for the Western zone so I think that needs to be clarified uh and the presidential leave is a provision of leave um so do that as you will interpret that how you may but that's fine guess we don't have any other issues on our end but didn't want to miss the opportunity to sit down and talk if there were even with respect to there being an impass if there were still um Avenues to potentially explore like w okay then I guess we've got nothing further today um I don't think that the impass questions that we have to address um that have been raised to us is not something we do here right yeah I was just making clear of that we talk about that separate yeah and and we're good on those yeah I got that Clarity just by looking at the agenda we're on the same page just by what you presenting in the agenda can have off the record conversation forward not yep okay thank you all for being here thank you thank you