can't turn I'm going to steal my Jesus short chair FR Fred you has a short chair today I the short it's it's only funny cuz it's not me today I've been St chair before you feel better you have this right [Music] [Music] I apprciate it my workers compensation clean good evening the March 11th meeting of the miltown B Council will not now come to order will the CLE Clerk please read the open public meeting statements adequate notice of this meeting has been provided as required under chapter 231 Public Law 1975 specifying the time date location and to the extent known the agenda by posting a copy of the noce to the municipal building Municipal website providing a copy to the official newspaper of the burrow and by filing a copy in the office of the burrow clerk in accordance with a certification by the clerk which will be entered into the minutes will the clerk please call the role council president rolinski here councilman Collins councilman moo here councilman pansy councilman Potter councilman Zam Brana here mayor Murray here burrow Attorney Peter venola present burrow engineer Lanka here burrow administrator Fred Carr pres bur clerk Monica Orlando here Deputy borrow clerk Mary gy okay please join me in a moment of silence followed by the salute the flag pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all we have a presentation by m Dorian cerver for the Sustainable New Jersey Grant I Dorian it's coming up I'm just going to lower the lights a little bit it's on it's coming up how low the light it's coming up addes and aach teamy and envir commission so my presentation is about Senior Center office on unation proess the inspiration U that gave me this in mind do I had gone around town I saw no and I was included Witham and cleaning it up and and bring it back that was inst way back the Commission in addition I saw a hall being nicely done so I thought it's time to do the senior center the vegitation there is pretty minimal uh and I noticed rainstorms needs to be accomplished to address that issue we do have in town they'll help lead some of these projects with the volunteers and the public works department will be involved as well and we want to like I saidy three areas thei best choice Andy but it will help experiencing and to just create a better atmosphere overall especially since we have our school district we have events everyone sees this and I spoke to a lot of people offline to do this project and they were all for like yeah time did something at the center so my goal was to find F to create more inviting surroundings do that was apply for GR I would went on Facebook prior just to see if I got some interest and I did from several people including including the too fast okay well as you can see there's a lot of water um that's just standing water all over um we do intend is by entrance way and around the area again you can see by the fence there's a tree that tree is going to come down and we're looking to do a p there so that run off and in addition there's a tree I didn't take a picture of but it's right next to the park lot which was also included in the gr for those two trees to come down right know the first hand spot we don't want to have future this is a sign shot um this particular area is going to be handled by Home Depot on that side of the property I took a picture right by the fence because we are going to be ordering a shed which is on the diagram that was handed out um and that is going to be funding as well as in the middle of this section have way sitting have those so I did have my first meeting [Music] myself the second meeting we with coun and discussed provided and um they said goad leave so um we going too the fls in front as well as planters and V vation PL and this ways the whole presence now the grassy area by side building that's going to be more involved with ra Gardens Home Depot has secured an in service date with us manager be having a service build four FL raised beds they're going to be 3 and now and in addition they figured out Iration system so building and we'll have a stand in addition they're they don't sell the rain barrels anymore but put on [Music] put we are going to go with native plants and Native shrs down we haven't figured out quite yet where the trees will go this grant is awarded if we are awarded in April uh and we would get the funding of the funding in may we have 18 months to complete this project my goal is to do as much in the spring but plant trees in the fall it's better to plant in the D the rain you know it be better the in case it gets Dr next summer so and I did get this information from jersey. but I also have materials from when I and ass measur also estimate and be concentrating on the sign area and what else we will be putting papers down the reason we want to have the two beds closer to the so that if anyone has a walk device or wheelchair we did put that into the estimate as well and then it will cover that app so the labor will be all free I also have the scouts interested in assisting us that's more going to be the front area the Planters as well Andals hopefully grow in that area because it's been so shaded and vegetation very so my Partnerships [Music] are looking forward to F suppor us I just want to say thank you I appreciate the opportunity mayor and Council for the resolution I receiv and being able to apply to this Grant and Home Dep for their service and life Market nursery for now he's going fortive plants because that's all I pushed as well as employee uh so that's great for us in the future um and then like I the grand for $10,000 by time go the estimates to go for 20,000 20,000 there's a lot of supplies will be included some of the supplies will be included put in the close to wheel easier for them to bring out and the shed and the um Believe It or Not Theo is the Community Development lock R I pushed hard for contact County de see that would be doable and I knew the back like other things it was confirmed by the county so those F that fing is separate and be helping us the whole process we are awarded order for the vendors the schedule reach out to all people that want to participate we will get points for suain J addition suain J want do and in addition I researched for other towns the NJ grants as well as the ound they recommend strongly to be certified this is New Jersey go against because it really enhances your chances not only for those grants but for roadways too as well so just it's just sustainable jur has been around since 2014 that question thanks thanks story in because I know they've had uh three boty ball courts they're already on and off and on and off and on and off so maybe this time we'll have something that last a little longer well they want also take ra you know beds there but share that information and share the old not to restricted just goes there we're going put a push about which is fantastic if you need some Tomatoes come down if you [Music] [Music] that's why of the deed I would say thank you also for your vision and you care about the people at the senior center because you put in a lot of time I know you have and you care and it show so I appreciate your time thank you Daran I have a couple questions the pavers that I saw in there is that um how is that getting taken care of that will be coming in the front of the building side of the building okay excellent um and that was the block Grant was that the $25,000 grant that the seniors always got this yes correct okay that be either that or this if I'm not mistaken correct me if I'm wrong um councilman panski uh hasn't been um uh applied for in a couple years is that a correct statement we're I'm working with Ralph and there's there's a I think it's 55,000 and it's going to cover the the shed uh gazebo or whatever we have out there the pavers and so it's cover covering things like that but we uh we will have that money yes to work more with you okay excellent and the beds the raised beds are 3 ft High they'll be like 3 and 1/2 ft time plus we're going to do two in the back um smack against building just for [Music] [Music] flowers [Music] excellent thank you okay now is the time for public comments limited to the resolutions listed on the agenda if you wish to speak please step up to the microphone and say your name and address for the record last one okay as The Trestle correct I'm curious do you have a company in mind to do yes and how far back in time you expect to go uh to find out who owns it yeah I would imagine they're going to go back as far as they need to go well that's that's the question mark then cost wise there's no limit to the cost uh there is an we've gotten an estimate from a title company to do the work and that's what is this is authorized I expect this to go back probably 100 years at least well this this is not actually for The Trestle it's for the two lots that are between the burrow Hall and the post office right that have the train tracks on them um and we're hoping that that title search will reveal some information regarding the um who might be the rightful owner of The Trestle and I think Mr Bola when we discussed this it was we know who owns the property but the real need for the title search that might be a little bit more in depth is whether or not someone else retains any rights to the tracks themselves whether that might be uh rail or someone else yeah it's not just a question of what who owns the property it's also a question of who has rights in the property like I said I've looked at a lot of these over the years pretty familiar with it and that's why I question at what point I mean you can look back a few years like I said tax wise and stuff showing Mr Burger own household but if if you go back further you'll understand more and that's why I'm just curious where where this might end like I said how far they would go but if they only go so far I guess we can add to it too for better understanding of we're trying to figure out who has they'll do an owner search to figure out who owns it and who has interest in it so they'll go back as far as any do for that okay appreciate it thank you anybody else no seeing no more comments this portion of the meeting is closed to the public all right foll uh okay following minutes on the agenda for acceptance February 26 2024 regular meeting are there any comments concerns questions comments um yeah I have one question so am I missing something or are the minutes from the executive session not included in in here maybe maybe it's me they're not included in there is there a reason why they're not ining yet I believe they're not finished being completed so then this will be we don't have to open this up we adopt the it's considered a sec a separate meeting actually that's a they told me so we'll just adopt those at a later date sounds good thanks anything else no all right um may I have a motion to accept the minutes as type motion to accept the minutes second uh accepted by councilman Collins second it by councilman panski all in favor I I I any opposed okay um accepting and filing monthly reports all reports can be found on the website um may I have a motion so move I have a second to accept the reports second I have a motion by council president rinsky seconded by councilman Collins all in favor all right any opposed no okay thank you public hearing the following ordinance was introduced on February 26 2024 advertised in accordance with law if any member of the public wishes to comment on this ordinance they may do so after after the reading this will uh will the clerk please read ordinance 24-1 1531 by title ordinance amending chapter 23 streets and sidewalks section 23- 5.3 subsection D establishing a fine for violation of the section will Council make a motion for second I motion that ordinance number 24531 be adopted on second and final reading and published according to law I have a motion by council president rinsky seconded by councilman Collins I will now open open it up to the public hearing um ordinance 24-1 1531 no the public hearing is now closed will clerk please call the role Council PR president revolinski Hi councilman Collins hi councilman moo hi councilman pansy hi councilman and Brana I will the clerk please read ordinance 24-15 32 by title only ordinance amending chapter 7 traffic section 7-15 parking prohibited During certain hours on certain streets to impose parking restrictions on the west side of J JFK JF Kennedy Drive between Violet Harris and Nicholas Court does any Council have any questions or comments uh i' just like to add that did reach out to uh Chief Johnson this week I believe an email was circulated about this as well but um we discussed the time frame for this and instead of calling it school days um because that leaves it open to whether or not there was a half day partial day if someone knew it was a school day or school was canceled whatever um that we would just make this from September 1st through June 30th because that's a time frame in which school would be present if there is a school there okay um motion motion to accept this ordinance I move that ordinance number 24532 be adopted on first reading published according to law and that the public hearing be held at the next regularly scheduled council meeting on uh March 25th March 25th 7 m in council chambers and barow Hall second I have a motion by council president rinsky seconded by councilman Collins all in favor no aoll call vote okay council president rolinski Hi councilman Collins hi councilman moo hi councilman pansi councilman zimbrana hi will the clerk please read ordinance 24 - 1533 by title only ordinance amending chapter 14 Parks and Recreation section 6 Barrow pool subsection 6.3 fees and section 7 Recreation program sub subsection 7.2 fees does council have any questions or comments yes I have just one question so um what's the percentage that it's going up from from 24 from 23 approximately it's like 5% yes give R take yes y okay is there was there any consideration for providing any um I know I know councilman rinsky you you talked about this last year um about providing some sort of free membership to the pool for residents of the uh so I have to I have to commend our um our wreck department uh chair on this one uh she took it upon herself and uh and looked at some some of the costs The increased cost so far what we've seen are that we know of are going to be the pool chemicals are going up in costs we also have the minimum wage increase um these increases um 5% uh or not it it's winds up with the same projected badge sales as last year about another $685 in Revenue um I did ask Ralph to look into it and what he found out was uh number one well we we don't meter the water usage at the pool which is about 600,000 Gall it's 550,000 gallons to fill the pool and about another 50,000 estimated for evaporation and transpiration of uh of the water and then there are actual electric meters over there we have just never read them so unfortunately we don't know what the actual usage of electricity is but Ralph had the opportunity to discuss those with our tax collector's Department and plug in some numbers and they're estimating about $30,000 or more in Water and Electric fees um that would be the relative those estimates let me try to explain this properly those estimates are based on what our bills would be should it be any Resident or customer not the actual cost to the borrow so while we get closer to that and we're going to start metering those systems to see what our actual costs are I think this is a step in the right direction for starting to make it more fair and Balan and um you know we don't know every detail unfortunately some of the files from our previous Rec director was not able to be located as far as the costs and uh and balance in the end so I think it'd be unfair to just kind of throw numbers but we know that there are going up so that's one thing I think we need to continue to look forward to and monitor over the course of the summer is what are our actual costs then make a determination in the fall so that that would be a no that there will be no free or or well we make the determination in the fall as to what are the actual costs and how much is coming out of the Burrow's pocket and how much is being compensated for by rentals and others so so not this year maybe next year okay thanks will the clerk please call the rooll we need a motion in a second I move that order ordance number 24533 be adopted on first reading published according to law and that the public hearing be held at the next regularly scheduled council meeting on Monday March 25th 7 p.m. in council chambers in burrow Hall I'll second the motion we have a motion by council president rinsky seconded by councilman Collins will a cler please call the rooll council president revolinski councilman Collins councilman moo I councilman posnanski councilman Zen Brana I a public hearing on this ordinance will take place on March 25th 2024 at 7M council [Music] chambers authorizing payment of Municipal obligations will the clerk please read this resolution by title resolution 2024 d91 authorizing the payment of bills claims and statements against the borrow of miltown in the total amount of 9,274 4 you have heard this reading of this resolution what is your pleasure make a motion that you accept resolution 20249 one authorizing the payment of bills claim statements against the b miltown in a total amount of $139,200 will the clerk please call the rooll council president revolinski Hi councilman Collin councilman moo hi councilman pansy councilman Zam Brana hi a consent resolution has been prepared for the resolutions listed on the agenda all matters listed under the consent agenda are to be considered to be considered res routine by nature and hav't been reviewed by burrow Council and will be enacted in one motion any items may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any council members and if so removed that will be treated in a separate matter any items requiring expenditure or are supported by certification of funds if any member of the council wants any resolution acted upon individually please give me the resolution by number and it will be pulled from the consent resolution here um I like 2024 92 and 2024 103 I'm sorry which ones 2024 92 2024 well 92 is the whole consent agenda resolution which one are you looking to PLL which one's that 9 93 mean right specifically 93 sorry you got to you got to hold the resol so you just want 103 or you want Resolute 103 and 92 9 93 93 over got see I'm sorry councilman ask you said 93 and 103 93 and 103 okay can we also pull 2024 104 104 will the clerk please read the consent agenda resolution excluding 2024 d93 103 and 104 whereas pursuant to the rules of council the council May establish a consent agenda for any regular or special meetings upon certain conditions and whereas each of the resolutions to be presented before the burrow council at its March 11th 2024 regular meeting appear to have the unanimous approval of all members of the burrow Council 2024 94 through 202 24-12 now therefore be resolved by the burrow Council of the bur of miltown that each of the above listed resolution be approved and adopted by the burrow council with the same legal effect as though each was read in its entirety at the March 11th 2024 regular meeting and adopted by separate vote you have heard the reading of this consent resolution with your pleasure move that the resolution be adopted second motion made by council president rev Linsky uh seconded by councilman panski Council make a mo uh please call the roll council president revolinski I councilman Collins councilman moo I councilman pansi councilman Zam Brana I will the clerk please read resolution number 24- uh 20249 3 by title appointing members of the Relations Committee uh what is your pleasure I move that this resolution be adopted second we have a discussion discussion discuss discuss can I discuss yes okay um there's a name here that I'd like to pull and I'm going to explain giv some of the comments that this interview made in the public forum against our F Police Department I cannot vote in favor of this appointment I give you the name if you need it Monica do you need that name for the record or uh yeah we're going have to say who where we're moving yes we okay can I give the name just let me ask you identify name I I'm just curious do we need to do anything else I know like when it comes to speaking of people in the that are employees we have to WR employ not employee I'm just making sure indicate that you just fa enough just want to make sure we don't get ourselves in hot water that's should yeah the name Mr Mr Matt Murphy so should we amend this well is there any I guess we've had we have a discussion right now um currently you have a motion to did we have a motion yet we did so there's a motion to adopt it we have a discussion so uh councilman pansy's indicated his misgivings about one of the members who would be appointed um we can either have someone pull their motion back and seek to amend the resolution prior to adoption you can go forward with a vote on the resolution as it stands and and with an understanding that councilman P NY can't support it in its full constituted is there any other discussion is there any other it I'd make a motion to amend the uh well you got to pull your original motion right now so who made the motion council president I'm just asking before we do that I'm just wondering if anyone else has any comments first time I'm hearing about this councilman moo anything the idea that there is some type of litigation in town oh sorry but there's like are we if the town town is not actually having any litigation with the church I believe the the code enforcement issued something but really there's nothing it has nothing to do with that so there's really no legal guideline as I see it that would force his exclusion and this has nothing to do with the not like he has any anything other than a voice in a group right so so is is this does this have something to do with comments that this gentleman may have made on miltown for all over the weekend and I read that no so did I I just need you to talk into the microphone please I'm sorry I'm sorry yes it is and and it and it was disturbing to me I I withraw the second what do we have to do now got to wait see if you get a second you got a first Mr Mayor call for a second on can I have a second on the withdrawal of no it's a second on your motion you're going on the original motion so I I had made the motion John withdrawal say second so if there is no second then we have second then you you I'll second can't do that no right now right now M councilman Collins has withdrawn his second on the initial motion to adopt this resolution you have a motion to adopt the resolution if there is no second the motion will fail and you will need to figure out what you want to do if someone were to Second it you would then need to proceed to a vot on this resolution so Mr Mayor if you can call for a second is there a second for this resolution no okay so seeing none it sounds like this resolution is not going to proceed we can wait vote for to amend what for or against there's well there's no this this hasn't been moved so there's no you you have no motion on this resolution you can make a motion to amend this resolution if you'd like that okay now so then the mo motion would be to amend the resolution and remove Mr Matt Murphy Matt Murphy from from appointment K can we continue the discussion of it a little bit more do the microphone we have may we just continue the discussion will matter a little more yeah do we have to um vwn for all you have right now you have no motion on the floor so you can have discussion if you want to entertain it it's your meeting Mr man I'm not sure that I like the idea that again for whatever the guy said and I did read it and sure I'm not a fan I do think the town voiced their opinion and counter opinions regarding it yeah I'm just not sure that I feel like I can go I don't want you in this group ex because of what you said there it's a bad precedent it's bad optic in my I get where you're coming from I get it his negativity or his whatever his opinions are um I just see if odd that that guy's going to be on the human Relations Committee but I can't see where I can go it's not my position to go not with you know he can't be there if I say that to him he can say that to me we all say that to everybody um maybe he needs to be on the human Relations Committee maybe you can learn may all feel better councilman Zam Bron I know you worked diligently on trying to get members for the human relations committee is there anyone else that has expressed interest that represents a member of the clergy not from the not from the clergy that I'm aware of is there a rationale for distinct because because the ordinance calls for it okay so I will say that uh I read the comments um and given the current state of affairs I it doesn't sit easy with me I I appreciate councilman Pinsky bringing this up um well I understand we all get frustrated um I don't know if you're if you're going to be talking about human relations and a way to address manners civil with the public I think we need to lead by example and I think you know the way that this gentleman went about it on miltown for all does not exemplify I think what we want to have for um but but that's also that's also so you know let's be clear here there have been members of this Council that regularly post on miltown for all in the past and that was never an issue but now all of a sudden it's an issue the gentleman had an opinion did I agree with his opinion no um by voting um by adding this this gentleman to the um to the committee does that mean that we uh support him no we're just adding him to a committee that's all it is and maybe by adding him to this committee he was a member last year um and and I I would say uh I did think about it over the weekend when I saw that he was on the list and the comments came out I still say yeah know let's move forward it's hard enough to put together a committee let's let's see what we can come from there obviously if if this particular gentleman joins the committee and it becomes a problem with the committee then that's a different story but just say no counc Z BR was um you said he was on the committee last year yeah he was yeah was there any issues with his performance last year not that I'm aware of okay did did he go to a lot of meetings last year well here's the point so you know you you go through uh I want to say three quarters of the year and then you know meeting stopped happening for whatever reason life happens you know people are busy um and then you come to the end of the year and that's that um my my understanding was that he was on the committee and there were no issues at all so I I I want to thank councilman Zan BR for for clarifying those points I appreciate it I make a motion that we amend the uh ordinance resolution resolution to 4 20249 3 excluding Mr Matt Murphy from the uh from the resolution second I'm sorry who seconded so we have a uh motion by councilman Collins seconded by councilman panski um cler please call the vote council president revolinski just clarify is this if we're going to vote on this motion is May yay going to be that I am for the exclusion of this correct it's it's is adopting it as amended which would is removing him from it okay actually I think this is just the motion was to amend it to amend the resolution so it's we're not adopting anything at this point this is just step one this is just the Striking of the name and that's my point I I know we have a motion on the floor can that motion be superseded with a motion to table this uh you have to withdraw your motion say someone's going to have to withdraw a motion and then motion on the floor your second second I'll withdraw the motion been withdrawn I'd like to make a motion that we table this second okay we have a motion to table by council president brinsky second by councilman Collins can we take roll call to table the resolution okay voting this is to table this and not vote on it okay so we're all on the same we've had a lot of we've had a lot of motions on this one so if I abstain from not voting do not council president rinsky councilman Collins councilman moo I councilman posnanski councilman Zam BR I okay okay it is tabled is okay I'm I'm not comfortable voting will the clerk please read resolution 24103 by title resolution 2024-25 appointing Louise Murray to the union title of part-time principal account clerk tax collection office um what is your pleasure of the council I make a motion that this uh resolution be adopted do we have a second I second we have a motion by council president revolinsky second by councilman moo um is there any discussion sure um I have a few things I feel that I and the other councilmen are being put in it uncomfortable position damned if we do damned if we don't um I I could ask what um a few questions what are um Miss Murray's duties what is the trajectory to rise to the position from the beginning of her employment what is the top range uh this where I see the top range um how long does it typically uh take to get there um I feel that the vote either way at least for me um I feel um it could be hurt hurtful either way I vote here I I have a real question about this because it says I I just got this notice that was put on the desk about an error in here if there's an error in here shouldn't there be a union grievance I I think the information was that there was an error in the initial resolution that placed her in the position and that this is just correcting that but I will admit I'm not your labor Council so I nor do I play her on TV as I earlier this week I when they received the agenda I asked Fred who was able to clarify for me basically it seemed to me that at the Inception of the writing of her job description it was done incorrectly but you're probably much uh if you would sir could you clarify that so I could I can answer that uh in my allow me to be the labor attorney I I'll have the practice law without a license short answer is we should have done it correctly in the first time it's not a promotion this resolution was poorly written as presented to the council uh this is just correcting an error that was done back you know two basically two typos on two separate resolutions this puts it correct and her current and her and her rate of pay will be as her rate of to pay upon the passing of this resolution there's no retro or anything becomes effective today for what she should have been appointed previously uh but inadvertently was not well well then should she file grievance with the union and go back and get the pay she has that opportunity if she would like to do that so so did I can't prevent somebody from finding a grievance you know I'm saying I know a little bit about contract all but you have a contract we should just go with the contract and if they want to sit down and Ne renegotiate it then she needs to file the papers this incumbent person needs to file the papers to get through the union process to get it done so that the next incumbent in that position won't go through the same problem the councilman wasn't like that so it wasn't wasn't a result of a grievance or just a conversation and just somebody looked at the record and said this is incorrect this happened before I got here I'm just putting it together you probably all have copies of the letter from uh the union representative the email and then the two previous resolutions it was provided on your desk if you will uh and that succinctly basically says she was appointed as one position as the part-time principal clerk but she should have been uh she was appointed as a part-time account clerk but should have been the part-time principal clerk there's two separate resolutions we're trying to correct the record so wouldn't we have to correct those resolutions no that's what we're doing right now so instead of cor correcting resolution 201 from 2023 or the one in which she was hired back in 2018 we're just correcting it by issuing a new resolution now to change the title yes sir says the job title was specifically created since other Union employees were promoted in 2022 upon contract settlement yes sir and that the one in 2023 was executed in error and it read part-time principal clerk so it seems to me at least from what I'm reading from the union representative is that this is a legitimate error and this resolution is truly just correcting correct sir but we do have a contract yes sir so we're we're Neo we're renot the contract with his resolution no sir we're we're we're correcting the error that was made originally it it seem it seems that the the new Union contract finally identified the position but and correct me if I'm wrong but it identified the position but her title was not changed when that contract was adopted correct sir so therefore in order to comply with the Union agreement we need to change her title yes sir okay or could we wait till it goes back to Renewal Council chooses what the council chooses I I want to say one thing personally I I I like Louis very much but I I feel like at least for myself I feel like I'm in an uncomfortable position here because I'm not saying that she doesn't deserve the title or the money that comes with that I just think maybe this could have been put out differently and I don't want to feel like I have an enemy when I come in here that I am on councel and and Louise works here and other people work here and that's why I feel uncomfortable about this so I know I have to abstain from anything but from what Mr Carr you were just saying was there's no sour change or there's no money difference in the position correct once she gets promoted from one to the other there will be a change in her salary but there'll be no retroactive change mayor okay and essentially the title is that she'll be receiving is the title that she was supposed to receive her job description has not Chang sir so her job description is staying the same her duties does not change change nothing so it's really just the plaque so to speak on her desk okay and and I'm sorry it goes from 1750 an hour to 1785 an hour yes sir so 45 cents an hour or 35 cents an hour that's the salary ordinance is and yes sir I didn't I didn't dig that out just now I think we've wasted that much with Mr vanolo and Mr pakka's discussing this but no just just want to point that out we're talking about 35 cents an hour to correct something that was done incorrectly previously as a part-time so not to exceed 25 hours a week yes sir let me do some simple math here let's see calculator 25 * 52 * 35 $455 per year before taxes is that right I don't have my I don't have SpongeBob with me right now if you say so I say so calculator with SpongeBob calculator I don't know 35 52 25 hours $455 before taxes so Uncle Sam gets a little bit more to did you have to round no no it actually came to 455 okay all thank you so we have a motion did motion you had a second you've had discussion so if there's no further discussion is there any car's got a question I'm uncomfortable with this can I abstain you can always abstain okay will the clerk please call the RO council president rolinski I councilman Collins M danger councilman m i councilman pansy obain councilman zimbrana abstain wow Peter you going to judge on that yeah we had two eyes and three abstain three extensions um so the goes with the majority the abstentions typically follow the majority because there's not any NS so so pass so pass okay interesting sorry will the clerk please read resolution 24-104 by title authorizing hiring part-time Chief Financial [Music] Officer uh what pleasure Council I move that this resolution be adopted second I have a motion by council president rinsky seconded by councilman Collins is there any discussion yes um so I I had a discussion with Council council president R over the weekend just to go over uh you know the the details in this resolution my understanding is that we are going to be paying this gentleman who works full-time for North Brunswick $330,000 to him directly to him we're not going to be paying North Brunswick correct but yet on the next agenda we're going to be authorizing the execution of a shared services agreement with North brunwick that's Finance related so correct what's that in particular what does that have to do with that avoids the sticky situation of this person answering an email while he's on the clock at North Brunswick it allows him to be able to do things for the burrow of miltown while on the clock in North Brunswick for a set number of hours um that's the benefit of the shared service agreement so and I think is there a monetary amount in the shared services agreement there is and Mr car um if you want to Enlighten us as to what you receed from the ba over in North Brunswick in regards to that so councilman the so what was sent to the finance committee and I can send it to the full uh full Council tomorrow if the mayor is okay with that yes can't remember if I did or not but anyway a lot of things on involv so there are three functions to the CFO appointment if you will uh number one would be the appointment of a certified finance officer for the burrow will'll have to bond them and put them in payroll get them a key file computer they are part-time employees for the burrow at this rate to pay there are two separate things in a shared service agreement currently floating around with uh through the council and will be with North Brunswick uh portion a allows for the appointed CFO to flex his hours so North Brunswick allowing him to flex his hours and be flexible so that he can work on miltown items let's say he has to take a morning off or an afternoon off as long as he gets his work done in North Brunswick his hours in at North Brunswick they allow that flexibility him so let's say he has 35 hours a week and he says okay you know I come in early I leave late the time clock says I'm doing 35 hours we're good to go everybody's happy you get your time I get my time that he can now Flex his hours formally um with North Brunswick to get work done for miltown second part of that I think is a little more important for the council to understand on the monetary standpoint is that we are paying for the services of the CFO of North Brunswick uh to assist Mr Joe here mimon uh in preparing the budget doing those CFO kinds of things sort of mentoring him but more important allowing him to uh ask her questions while she's on North Brunswick's clock okay so when somebody says hey what are you doing doing all this miltown work you know in the middle of the day in North Bruns Ley you say look we're assisting miltown it's part of the shared services agreement it's all above board so we're helping you know so if we're help she has like certain hour hours a month in the in the in the contract uh to help him physically while he's working or even Flex her time to come here and help him here while he becomes the CFO you know probably take him about a year of the the of really doing it on a day-to-day basis to get a little comfortable on being a CFO he is not uh he's not doing CFO functions right now councilman he's an accounts payable clerk with considerable years experience that's clear I get that and then then he has passed the test which means that's that's a that's a pretty high bar for the CFO exam but more importantly this allows her over there to Mentor him while he's doing the job here for us so what's the monetary value of this interlocal agreement that we will be pay I think it's 1250 a month it's 1250 a month $1,250 a month we're going to be two two two North BRS starting in after just see so April May June so as starting in the 1st of July so what we're doing is that part of that shared service agreement is a payment from them to us for the use of the court for the next three months our payment to them for the use of the finance officer Services which is the same amount of money 1250 so for the next 3 months it's sort of a wash for us because they expect to be out of the court in 3 months they they expect to be out of here in 3 month months that's what the mayor of North Brunswick told our mayor and that's what the agreement says well what what do our finance committee think about that cuz if you you go by that building every day it's going to take another year there in agreement there is an agreement in the agreement if they're not out by the 1st of July then the you know the payments go from there and we have that conversation from there seeing seeing as though we've we've been like good neighbors to North Brum for the last two years right we have um the plan was uh for Miss larrison when she was here um and this would have happened sooner except the VA doesn't return phone calls and the ba doesn't return emails so other than like to try to walk down there and have a conversation as to why they needed to get out of miltown because again good neighbors for two years I have a problem paying North Brunswick anything period even if it's only 1250 a month I don't think we should pay them anything I see my previous comment on that's a council decision no I I get that get that and I get we need a CFO I we haven't started our budget last two years the budget was pretty much done by this time so I I know I get it we we need to get going but I don't know why we have to pay North Bruns anything well I I get your frustration and as I expressed to you in our conversation uh this weekend that perhaps the deal that we struck to be neighbors to North Brunswick should have been looked at sooner than after two years of waiting and not receiving any perhaps the ba from North Brunswick should like pick up the phone and and and try and you know take care of the people who are taking care of her if I'm a if I'm a North Brunswick resident I wouldn't be happy about this well I I got to say I'm thankful that our mayor reached out to the mayor in North Brunswick had the discussion and was able to help negotiate and fine-tune some of the details by which we are not paying them for the for the months or the first three months while they expect to be out of here for the courts I think that was kudos to Mayor Murray for that for having that conversation into getting that accomplished because initially their their proposal was not to uh wave any of those fees you know they're not going to be out of in three months right just saying but it can be it's going to be extended it's based upon well if they're still here those fees are still zero net I I have a question for Mr core uh give one second sir I have a right note to myself or I'll forget I've only got two working Brains Up Jes wake up over there go ahead what kind of compensation would possibly expected if using our our cord system the way they have um if if this went on what would uh like uh for a month monthly fee what would be uh standard or I would know sirry I'd have to you know you'd have to call some other courts and see what they pay other courts and see if they have rental agreements and things like that so I I could not answer that without asking a bunch of other people who borrow the people's courts what they pay for sure because I've spoken to an official over there they told me a year and a half to two years that's what I was told I know I know the mayor over there said something different but I was told something else well 1250 sounds a month sounds good to me well I think the current agreement as it stands correct me if I'm wrong Mr Carr but the current agreement is that um only quantifiable costs yes how do we how do we justify how much electricity this room uses during courts or how much the parking area out front gets deteriorated as a result of their clientele U utilizing the parking or how many rolls of toilet paper we're putting or how like we said how much extra time Charlie used I think the example I used was that if somebody were to come into the middle of the courtroom and have an accident or you know drop their drop their soup all over the floor we had to bring the carpet guy in it's easy because say hey we B the carpet guy in to clean up the chili that was 150 bucks but it's it's difficult regardless of our relationship with nor buwick all the whatever we have for me to send something over to the ba and say hi you owe me X Y and Z and here's why that's that's the challenge I've had but but not impossible no sir not impossible you're absolutely correct uh but not but not with the time that I have to put in I get you I get you yeah I think I think this is um this is a good example of us working together they've offered us a relatively nominal fee uh most of the CFO applicants that we've received that have indicated salaries wanted you know upwards of $100,000 um they're asking for 15,000 and to basic a year and basically to wash that while while they're in our courts so I think they're they're extending an olive branch 2 to be a good neighbor and who knows what else will come out of it once that uh once that ends there might be something else we're doing for them or something else they're doing for us but regardless the interlocal is not a requirement in order to pass this resolution and hire our CFO so he can begin working outside of his normal hours um will the CFO will when we appoint the CFO will he be able to log in remotely yes sir so we afford that capability to people from other towns but we don't afford that capability to our own employees is that is that what we're saying so if you remember correctly so the uh Council never changed that so we do remote I allowed remote had that conversation with of with many people uh still avable option today still agree it is until such time as the council changes that uh the conversation with M the the qpa will be mostly remote work that person will be issued a laptop with login credentials to check Edmonds remotely which is on the cloud anyway and I'll have an email address and a laptop hopefully tomorrow morning when they come in we'll issue them that piece of equipment the CFO will have both the the laptop and the opportunity to move into that CL that room across from the clerk's office where Denise was initially being where the prosecutor or the defense attorney meets people during court this allows them to sit at a desktop with a comp with a printer right next to him in case they need to print out POS and budgets and things like that if not then that individual while remoting into that specific La uh desktop they hit the print button remotely the the all the documents they want to print out there and they can call me on the phone or Monica and say hey I just printed out you know a temporary budget please you know make copies give to the council or whatever mhm so they'll have the opportunity to do both I mean they could also sit in this room with their laptop and do whatever they need to do depends on you know for instance they come on to come in work and somebody's using that office for instance during court days because it is used during court uh but you know we'll have to learn that the the scheduling he'll have to learn that scheduling of when he can't use that office once it gets organized but right now we haven't even appointed him yet so any more comments so maybe as a backup plan we could kind of figure something out for when the 3 months come up if they're still going to be here at least we could uh expedite our process at that point or walk into our conversation with them a little more informed but yeah we do need to keep business in the town moving forward so uh so councilman I so so either tonight or tomorrow morning bright and early I will send to the council mayor and councel the two shared services agreements that was sent to me today from Brunswick for review by mayor and councel and the attorney one specifically talks about financial services one talks about um Court use of the court services okay so you have the to look at those review those uh and and understand what the intent is and the you know currently we have it on the resolution we have it on the agenda for approval on the next council meeting if we don't we don't okay seeing no further discussion will the clerk please call the rooll council president rolinski councilman Collins councilman M councilman NY councilman Zan Brana [Music] no okay reports from the officials council president rinsky uh by the vote you just heard we now have a CFO in place and we will be looking forward to getting those uh those budgets worked up and uh and move forward with the 2024 budget that's all I have for this even councilman yes thank you Mr Mayor uh I have a copy of the utility report uh I'll have a highlighted one the average of 40 homes was restored a pole was replaced on South Street a tree was removed from the bonus drive an average was repaired at business on North Main Street Municipal parking lot lights were repaired a broken pole was replaced at 111 Main Street then the wire transferred was complete an outage was reported at the business on North Main Street and a burnup spce was repaired a large outage was reported on Weller Court arking Drive I think I read this already I just skip over to se uh the Water Utility monitoring of the pump station occurred a regular schedule we avue sewer lift station pump was repaired and back in service check valve or pumps 1 and three would have been installed on Church Street DP conducted by annual inspection of the water system and testing of the water system if anyone has has signed up to receive the nixel email and text messages please go to to register and that concludes my report Mr Mayor hey councilman Mana um so the library Board of trustee meeting is tomorrow so I don't have any particular updates regarding their activities other than the uh the basic schedules that I get uh Wednesday March 13th there will be some drop in play featuring puzzles Duplo and more uh but tomorrow night is the Board of Trustees meeting and it's open to the public so if anyone has time uh they certainly can come by uh Library does some great things being part of that is a very useful thing for Midtown uh on Thursday March 14th 21st and the 28th uh there are going to be movies uh after school movie and snack at the library as well the library will also be be celebrating New Jersey maker day on Saturday March 16th at 12: PM uh there'll be a craft show there and then at 1: pm there'll be a live unique creature animal show uh and so that's certainly interesting you should try that registration is required for the animal show so please call uh 732 247 2270 uh or get registered in the library website Tuesday March 19th at 9:15 there's adult yoga in the evening at 6 p.m. oh there's adult yoga yoga at 9:15 and in the evening at 600 p.m. there will be live music with hen lenlin and his vintage acoustic guitars uh the the concert theme is she did it her way Saturday uh March 23rd 11 I join Sam G for crocheting there is after school tween Craft on March 20th at 3 and Monday March 25th at 6:30 Blossom Bingo for adults and families and a scavenger hunt and uh but if you get a chance please try coming by to the trustees meeting you learn a lot and uh always good to be part of the town uh the rec department is been doing a lot of uh their standard fair and moving forward uh getting things ready for the summer they're still looking for uh for help when it comes to uh there summer programs the pool and some of their camps um Kelly did some very fine work trying to estimate what our costs will be in trying to set forward what the pool badges will be um there are some things on their website also you've seen on miltown for all uh they started posting some of their uh things there coming up but the spring programs are open Community pass if you register for it once it will help you do everything that we uh that they're going to do that they they're involved with some of the other things that are going to happen in town over the next few years uh will also be accessible through Community pass not a bad idea and it's also just a it's a good solid way for the town like to consolidate and keep the cost and the time frame of doing things a little lower so that's a good idea as well um the application for uh any of the summer employment is on the Miller the mtown B website under the recreation tab um that's really all about that uh I missed the last meeting I was sick but I know we um do have a lot of things coming and they're trying to just move forward with summer and spring so there are still a few tickets left I believe for the hockey game as well excellent thank you councilman pansy sure um I have a few reports I'm going to start with um Senior Center uh Wednesday March 13th it's 1:30 lunch and learn with Parker House Monday the 18th be a bus trip to Delicious Orchards the bus leaves the senior center at 9:30 Tuesday March 26 the bus trip to the Portuguese Fisherman the bus will leave the senior center at 11:15 and Wednesday March 27th 1:30 question and answer with our code enforcement officer Morty um I'm also I'm still working with Ralph we have uh the grants for the outside that uh that are coming along so uh hopefully we see development soon and uh I also want to I want to thank uh Bob skarzinski for being the president at the senior center he's been there for many years and uh I hope I hope he sticks around uh and I also want to thank Debbie cudy for all she for all she does she's kind of hidden over there a lot of people don't see her um I'm I'm also reading councilman Potter's report for the police department and uh fart and uh rescue okay uh statistics for the month of February the police responded to uh 1476 calls for service residential security the miltown police department are assisting residents with a home security risk assessment which is free of charge if requested one of the police officers Community Affairs officers will come to your home discuss vulnerabilities and help you come up with options to improve your home security to request a risk assessment please contact uh Lieutenant Carmen De Lorenzo um there there was talk recently about uh home break-ins and there's only been one Breakin this year there were three that were someone had brought up last week and what I've I've I've talked to um um Chris Johnson and that they were not true so there's been one one break in this year um so for the miltown fire department report for the month of February there were a total of 13 fire calls and congratulations to deputy chief uh f for securing a $75,000 State Grant through American Rescue plan firefighter grant program awarded by the governor a special thank you to Eric par for donating his time and materials and repainting of the chief's cor uh save the date for the annual flower sale located at the fire department March 28th 29th 30th from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. members are needed any candidates interested in joining the miltown fire department are encouraged to stop by the firehouse on Monday nights at 6:30 or email join miltown fired and as far as uh historic preservation we uh we had a zoom meeting and we talked to uh a man from the county and we're we're still trying to get uh Grant or grants for moving the station so um there's there's nothing to report with that uh except at least we've had a discussion with the the county I've talked to Mr ker and uh he's um he's he's positive in giving us a little little leeway let's see miltown Rescue Squad no updates uh miltown 4th of July save the date on April 20th for the 4th of July organization will be hosting annual celebrity bartender event at the miltown American Legion Post 25 and more details will follow and for the DPW and uh water and sewer um water and sewer the check valve for pumps one and three have been reinstalled in the Church Street Station rever Avenue sewer lift station pump has been repaired and it's back in service the the EP conducted biannual inspection of the water system and this is for the DPW itself street sweeping has taken place and is ongoing to meet the D regulations quarterly catch basins and and outfall pipe cleaning has taken place to meet the D storm water regulations the staff continued to address any potholes that needed to be repaired please use uh report a concern feature on the burough web page to report any new potholes clean up of bamboo down trees and vegetation at the schwendeman cabin continues and if anyone Drives By take a look because it looks great in there the root removal at bur Park and major Fields uh the spring cleanup has started at burough Park a large tree was removed on deonis the current stump list has completed with the help of North Brunswick DPW uh their people have have come and lent a hand in in uh grinding the stumps and uh what I I'd like to say again please take a look over at the old DPW uh they they come as they can as they have a little bit of time to keep chipping away over there to to to make it very presentable and and I think if you look over you'll be happy with what you see and how your tax dollars are spent and uh like I said the same for for the the schwend property and that concludes my report thank you councilman Brandon uh just a short uh report tonight uh rization committee will meet tomorrow Tuesday uh 7:30 via Zoom it's an open meeting uh to the public all are welcome thank you I have no report tonight uh reports from the F professionals no report Mr Mayor thank you and Mr Mayor just an up date on the west f Avenue improvements um to date the contractors has completed the sewer main between Albert and patain he's continuing towards South Main Street um once he gets that done which should be in about a week and a half weather permitting he's going to back up and start doing the um Sewer Lateral connections and the water services and uh that concludes my report Mr Mayor thank you uh bar cler uh I have a few things in February we issued 27 dog licenses and one cat license the $5 Le fee went into effect February 1st for any late renewals that does not count towards anybody who's registering a new pet uh please remember that the babies vaccine must be valid through October 31st of this year also letters went out a couple weeks ago to Residents who we had on file as owning dogs that have not renewed in the past 3 to four years many times it's just people who have moved or the dog has passed and they didn't notify us but you did get a letter just because we're not uh we don't have a license on record for you we're just trying to clean up our records so please get it back to us you can call us you can email us you can drop off the letter that we sent um we're just trying to clean up our records a reminder on Election Day deadlines March 25th is the deadline for primary petitions to be filed in my office by 4M which is two weeks from today making sure anybody heard that okay 400 p.m. not 4:01 but 400 p.m. 2 weeks from today uh April 10th is a deadline to file a change of party affiliation I do have a bunch of those forms in my office May 14th is a deadline to register to vote if you are not a registered voter I also have those forms available in my office May 28th is the deadline to apply for a mail and ballot also available in my office early voting will be May 29th through June 2nd once I have all those locations I'll put on the on the borrow website on the clerk's page Tuesday June 4th is primary election day poll workers are still needed yeah you get paid training you have $300 for a full day of working $150 for a half day and you get to see me all day um if you're interested in being a poll worker contacting in the clerk's office 732 828 2100 extension 1881 or you can email me m Orlando mtown I'd like to say thank you to the senior center for allowing me to come and speak to them on February 29th we had lunch we we chatted about a bunch of different things and it was a lovely time and also I want to congratulate my Deputy Mary on passing her certified municipal registar test congratulations so we did you uh council did pass the resolution appointing her as an alternate Deputy register so now she can start doing death certificates marriage licenses birth certificates so that'll be the next uh step in her training to be a fabulous Deputy Clerk and that is my report um Mr Orlando just quick question um I know you mentioned this and this had come up earlier but the polling locations um it's my understanding that the schools were looking to have elections not held at Joyce Kilmer school anymore are they moving forward then with instead of Joyce Kilmer it being held there is no change at this time uh it has to go before the county commissioner the County commissioners of election uh their meetings on March 14th so once they have their meeting I'll have more information if there is a change on the 25th thank you Mr car do you have anything I said enough thank you old business does any member of the council have any old business to bring before the council no new business does any member Council have any new business to bring before Council no open to the public the public comment portion of our meeting is to allow the public to bring to the council's attention their concerns or comments Council will respect the Public's Time by refraining from the any comments until the speaker is finished it has it should be further noted that the public comment portion of our meeting is not structured as a question and answer session please state your name and address for the record when you come to the [Music] podium well I did have a question um we always talk about Dorian Kerber 24 Rea Avenue we always tell everyone to sign up for the nixel is it possible at the next meeting we can have information about why you would sign up for civic plus which I have done and I find that more informative and uh quicker to get um just to know what departments might use Civic plus and and if it's just the police department that uses the nixel just so we have a clear understanding of why we have two communication systems to Residents who sign up so I know you can't answer it but no thank you for bringing that up that's a that's a good point in fact earlier this year uh Chief Johnson had expressed that Civic plus has so much more um options or so many more options and and capabilities than just nixel and nixel is at this time comparing the rates more expensive than those um apparently we had gotten a proposal last year from Civic plus and uh it was never acted upon so um I know he's going to be looking for that at sometime later this year so that hopefully it could be introduced and we can ease the transition to phase out and Nextel and go with Civic plus okay thank you um also we're looking to do the green Fair on April 20th 2024 at mpom Park we'll have that information at the next meeting so that we can hold it there we're looking for anyone who wants to sit up a table um and share with us and I'll get you the times um at that uh the next meeting we we did get a letter from the environmental commission that was given to everybody on Council but you guys are part of us so we don't have to give you permission to use the park okay sounds great oh and the Green Team uh we do have a meeting tomorrow night uh we are going to work on sustainable Jersey uh certification there are many Outreach materials that we want to share um lead free um also if we're going to be do lead replacement um we want to share that information get that out there so that people are not in the dark people start knocking on the doors I got to replace your main to the you know from the main to the um property whether business or house uh and uh there is uh funding available uh I did find it is okay to make a statement I hope so I did find um a FEMA map there was a big section of underserved and overburdened community so we can be uh applying for more grants in that area and I can share that with the the mayor and counsel or just send it to the clerk and she can distribute it accordingly I was doing a lot of research uh Edison I with the green team there uh pushing hard for green infrastructure pollinator Gardens and it's just growing there um but I'm working with a lot of other towns uh to do green infrastructure but also Outreach so whatever we do here you're going to see that throughout the county and we're going to make sure it's posted on tap into it so people know uh maybe our website but we'll discuss that further and prepare that um for the mayor and Council to review thank you thank you good evening Russell l b r 52 Main Street or it's Main Street to be exact actually 152a North Main Street to be more exact um here for a couple of reasons number one I want to remind people that we're trying to change some things on channel 15 and other things uh to communicate with the town we don't have an official Outlet on Facebook or any other social media in the town right now but if you don't get channel 15 at home and you would like to know what's going on and see the things that we put up on the station number one the videos are all on YouTube these days but also the Bolton board that we do all the time if you go to the miltown uh for website and you drilled on there's you know community and things like that then one of those things say miltown TV you'll see the entire presentation the Google slid presentation whatever the latest things like Robert in other room right now updating things about the library like you were talking about before um and most of the things you were talking about too councilman manica same thing with Recreation it's all input up there right now updated every time we do this and during the week it's your most reliable source of getting what's officially going on in town for events and things like that now very often you'll see me personally put things up on Facebook CU I'm asked to about committe heads and department heads of trying to help publicize it we do but said we don't have a official Outlet so unless we change that attitude or change the rules whatever that's where we're at so just if you're not aware you can see all the things that are on the slideshow on our website just drill down a little bit okay that's that's one thing the other two things are a lot more fun first of all on uh about oh two weeks from there that's wait okay wow March 23rd yeah it is feedback that's not lot of stuff somebody do something to their mic I'm not talking that loud hey I don't know if they're getting it a home or not oh they are getting in the sound now I know that um long story short May 23 March 23rd excuse me is our uh Lions Club Andel Easter egg hunt I mentioned it last month and yes we've got the 2,000 eggs and we got a whole bunch of baskets for the top five uh egg finders hopefully if you've never been there before uh you'll come and if you've been there before you know what to expect it's going to be a blast uh the other thing is coming up that counil fansi mentioned and that is on April 20th we have a Russ L bartender again and once again like I said last meeting but also I want to remind everybody that it's one of the big fundraisers of the year you don't pay for the taxes we pay for the things like this but also I want to make sure that you know that everybody in front of me all the professionals and all our counsel and even you Mr Mayor we on behalf of the Fourth of July organization you're all invited so we'd like you all to come if you can come you're more than welcome to serve uh for a while behind the bar if you'd like uh if you want to do that get in touch with me or Dave Potter or even better yet Melissa Elm if anybody you know her most of you know her she's our chair of that particular event this year so thank you very much looking forward to seeing you there and many other places and we'll talk to you later oh one more thing because I almost forgot I want to thank because Mr Mayor you may say it I not sure but I want to thank everybody that came out last week and helped support troop 33 both the businesses that support us financially and all the people that showed up and even the people that bought tickets that didn't show up go in the rain we love you all thank you for helping out Scout anybody else Jackie revolinsky 32 Elm Place I wanted to know if the council might consider putting out to bid for landscaping services that might possibly free up DPW people to do other things in town I know they're always swamped they do a great job so did the police department and our Emergency Services um with the Landscaping I don't don't know if you're permitted to put down any read applications um also I know that there's been discussion about um roading issues over by Fort Avenue do we have an ordinance on hand that says that your garbage cans have to have lids I'm not saying go to the extreme of what e spun just implemented but I've seen a lot of garbage you know not not every not every garbage that's in the can is bagged even um I thought that might help um any strip malls especially ones that have food vendors in them um if we can have more garbage cans outside um as a crossing guard that's been around different areas in town um I've seen the garbage that's just left um there was a pie a box left right in front of miltown Pharmacy that still had pizza in it but there's no garbage can by the pizzeria when I went to throw it in by Dunkin Donuts that was I told the guy I just happened to find it and I was trying to get rid of it but um that's for their garbage um recycling um I know there's a a couple of places that they keep their recycling kind of close to the curb all the time so the boxes are blowing up and down Main Street and in other parts of town like I said this is just stuff I've observed in different districts from um being placed in different areas for um crossing guard um and not everybody breaks down their their um cardboard and that's what blows around a lot it's not broken down it's not found so that's it that's all I have to say thank you for doing everything and addressing my concerns and thank you anybody else me weisenberger 99 JFK Drive uh just curious now like I said PNG is going to be coming through Paving soon and anything uncurbed with the county we had our DPW meeting the other night um we're reaching out actually we're going to basically be the microphone please thank you if we can get lapel mics that'd be beneficial um that to the bud we had our DPW meeting the other night and uh we'll be discussing and with psng and issuing some items to them about proceeding with the restoration work but the curbs did not come up at that meeting right because I'm I'm curious now Mike or yeah Mike L not mistake uh West F and easto is going to get some Paving done the other half of the road about beyond the job that's going on now right another grant for the other side another Grant came in that's correct and that's going to take place approximately maybe when well it's got to be designed so okay that's that's the point I'm getting to then you know we've had a a problem at East F and Maine for a long time the water the drainage is that going to be addressed finally it's been the one of the greatest mysteries of our time where that water's com from but um that'll be investigated as part of that project right because like you said this this that road has been paved quite a few times in the last 15 years now and uh like you said it's the same old problem so appreciate that uh I'd like to go back to a little bit to uh the title search m uh when mil 10 acquires property any kind of property or an easement they do a title search on each piece generally yes it's required so it's not required it's just it's done for say any attorney that represents a municipality will buy a piece of property without a search right due diligence so so when the drainage pipes were put in next to that rail wine behind the post office now miltown acquired that property and they acquired property next behind the speedway too some small Lots so we probably did a title search on that uh we may have I would assume we did I just you're you're talking about the L three large is it three three or two large concrete uh drainage pipes that basically go underneath I think they come down JFK and then go straight across right so they they didn't touch the train tracks but I'm curious as to no but that I'm I'm I'm getting to the point that from Main Street in fact the gas station all the way over like I said going back in time mhm that was owned by Meyers and then it went to melin my wife scene and went to alol so I'm just curious if we have any title search books or whatever of previous work done do we keep that it's records that can be accessed previous title searches on anything for the town for that matter I mean I can go upstairs and look yeah I I know we lost a lot of documents when old burrow Hall was flooded back in was it the 90s in the 90s um so what's left and what's been retained and if it's scanned in or not might be difficult to find it's probably easier and less costly to just do a new title search um but I what I was starting to allude to earlier was um when the burrow did uh Washington Avenue or uh or actually the county did Washington Avenue there used to be train tracks there so I'm sure they did a title search so I wonder if that would help us in uh identifying any potential owners or or people who have reserved rights for which aspect of Washington um the lower portion where the train tracks now between the Barrow Hall and um the mil and and the post office go yeah they go used to go behind the mill and those have since been ripped out so I would think that at some time time um the county would have done a title search maybe hopefully fingers crossed I don't know but they may have again you're going to then ask somebody to go find something for you um if expedience is what you're looking for that's probably not the best route if you have all the time in the world and we want to start pursuing other angles we can do that too so I'm just thinking if we come up empty-handed with right now understood listen if we hit a dead end then we can explore other options but I I dare say you know I'm optimistic that if we are Contracting for a tle search you know record owner search and easements that we're going to get the answers to those questions because what I'm what I'm driving at once again here like I said I believe around uh in the 80s title search was done for the property behind the rescue squad for the mil Park that exists I said we also have I don't know if anybody's looked at it yet the two searches by boray pertaining to Fort Avenue which go back but like I said due diligence I'm back to the mil Pond again where it shows we own the pond on the tax map and I'm curious if a title search or something shows that to verify that I can find no record of anything about that and I'm just tying to tie this all together so any help would be appreciated thank you anybody else Dorian Kerber 24 Rea Avenue what was up in the ceiling of the clerk's office because that came rushing down from the ceiling when the original retired now Mike denk was here something was something happened where some of the documents got lost to and damaged uh from I don't know was a water heater he didn't even know was in the ceiling or this AC unit whatever but part of that was a problem too and we didn't lose documents uh and that at the time like 13 14 or 15 somewhere around that time I remember that thank you um like to close the public P portion of the oh Charles Arc Charles David Arc 322 South Main Street miltown New Jersey um first of all as Russ said I want to thank uh everybody for their support at the Boy Scout uh troop 33 spaghetti dinner um that was awesome it was fun time good seeing everybody who came thank you uh for coming and um recently um I mean I I've lived in miltown my whole life I've been involved with our lady Lords in some way I've been involved with um United Methodist Church in some ways and I've been involved with St Paul's Church in some ways and they've all done great things for this town and I know that recently uh um a lot of people well one or two people have been upset with uh uh some activities that churches are doing and I don't think that's right and I think it's important that we support these churches that have supported the Community for well over 100 years some even before miltown was even founded um the services they provide uh the people uh they help bring people together uh through through different Community Development programs and um different organizations that they host and um they're good organizations and they shouldn't be uh vilified by by people and I think we owe it to them to show our support support and and gratefulness for all that they do I know um our lady Lord's bizarre uh their Christmas bizarre uh that can get loud and there there's uh uh you know there's traffic out there and stuff but nobody calls a police on them um uh a Methodist Church they they have their organ playing and stuff and nobody calls the cops on them um we could even extend this to the American Legion they they do their concerts outside and nobody in the mill who lives there calls the cops on them but then all of a sudden St Paul's has a couple concerts that are that are actually really quiet I walked by there when they were having them and please get called on them I don't think that's right and I think we should be supporting them more so that's all I have to say thank you Richard Ryan 6 South Main Street I thought I was going to give everybody a night off we could only be so lucky not so lucky so I don't know that uh anybody's perception that an organization is being vilified I understand that's their perception the fact that similar activities may take place in various places in town I understand um I often hear music coming from burrow uh from mayor Bradford Park when there are events there I often hear music when there are events being held at the American Legion Pavilion um where I exist they are fairly loud I hear them um the difference for me I'm on this side of town Southside so I don't know about Our Lady of Lords or anybody else or anything that that may be happening up there the difference is that more times than not these functions happening around the general vicinity of B Hall here happen during daylight hours now if there's a concert at the burrow Park pavilion or a concert or some sort of live entertainment at the American Legion that is happening after dark in all my years at 60 South Main Street I've never seen or heard of an issue where it went beyond 10:00 whether or not anybody calls the police during those events I don't have access to that information um I suspect there probably have been some phone calls though I don't know that I would um just take well I guess I would take at face value somebody offering that so there's a couple differences here and some of the dialogue generated by me has pointed out that I am fully aware and understanding of certain activities that take place near my property that are actually a benefit to the community and that Community is the burrow of miltown so to to insinuate that you know um a few people or a particular person want to vilify is just inaccurate and frankly disingenuous at best the record reflects how often the police had to be called because we as the residents who live directly nearest the church received zero cooperation with regard to some of the issues one being maybe we could try this during daylight hours absolutely enforce the noise ordinance absolutely no noise or live music after 10:00 at night they couldn't even meet that forget about the fact and the records show that police were responding for crowds that were still there on some occasions after midnight all right so if we want to discuss apples let's discuss apples not oranges now having said that I will offer that um though some were likely displeased with a violation that was received it's my understanding that it went before the prosecutor and Municipal Court Judge last week I don't have full understanding of what that outcome was um but I will stand here and thank everybody involved who understood that it's a real issue and took some steps to help I can't offer any more than that tonight thank you very much thank you Charles David Rak 322 South Main Street miltown I want to reiterate that we should support our churches and the clergy who were involved with them and show them respect and help them are in their way the way they have to thank you okay I'd like to close the public portion of the meeting Council comments yes this is to the miltown police department if there is any further anything further that anyone on Council would like to bring up at this time can we go no you're good okay this is to the miltown police department I give my unwavering support thanks and respect as I see around the country our brave and dedicated police officers men and women put their lives on the line every day as they put on their vest that may that may be needed to save their lives on any given day police officers have been demonized around the country I will not let that happen here in miltown our dedicated train and caring officers deserve our support appreciation and respect our streets and our town are safe day and night not because of me and not because of you it's our miltown police who leave their families to protect yours I feel very safe in our town and the only people that are responsible for that are our police my thanks to them is not enough but it's a start is this Council comments MH yes I just like to say that you know anybody can make comments on Facebook and you know and you have to believe what you believe on the internet but to make cly comments about a police officer's performance remember 2third of the calls we have in town are usually medical calls so that person that you're commenting on may be there next time to save your life so and i' just like to say happy St Patrick's State LA our residents thank you uh if we could go on down the line this is a public safety announcement um from your friendly council president um this weekend I was doing some work I got a little bit of a red eye here it's not pink eye uh I did get a metal shard in my eye you can take those out with a magnet believe it or not but it is extremely painful so if you thought I wasn't listening or nodding off this evening I wasn't I'm just trying to rest this uh cornea abrasion um but to all those folks out there wear your safety goggles when you're doing some work um I was wearing mine it happened to get underneath anyway but we your safety goggles thank you real quick uh I went uh to let's see I had really good pancakes on Sunday uh and met some really good people uh that was over at the uh the Masons and I was just uh one of those things that as many times as I've been by that building I literally stood in front of it going where's the entrance oh there it is there's little but uh just thought it was nice and it was mentioned to me that uh to expect some fine pancakes my daughter who is a she's really got exisit taste but she agreed too uh but really nice people and I think they're going to be um they do a lot of good stuff in town it was nice to find some of those things um also I know with Earth Day coming um I'll be doing probably some some work with the environmental uh group and they might be able to volunteer with us a lot of people the green team as well will be involved in that um it's a nice idea I don't know I don't know how the thing works with trying to get landscapers or subbing out some of that work um but I'm sure that we can get you know maybe uh in the next month month or two in Spring we can get some able bodies together on a Sunday and knock out something to help the DPW um I was like beating up a tree with or you know some type of environmental thing that needs to go with all the tools that have a the garage and I'm sure we can get some people together and I'll take a couple of steps to do that that so look for that on miltown for all we're on a text message from uh any of the people in the council who have might own a shovel or two thank you o only if you wear proper PPE safety is our upmost concern I I would just like to thank everyone that continues to come out to these meetings and and watch us on channel 15 and on YouTube uh your voice is important especially when there are things going around town that you whether you agree or not it's it's always good to have your opinion so that the council could take that into consideration and uh we'll also wish everybody a happy St Patrick's happy sa St Patrick's Day if if I can one more thing I I really appreciate [Music] these I just have a couple quick ones um I wanted to see if the finance committee can provide any updates to the South Main Street firhouse property that we wanted to look at into possibly converting or selling or what we were going to do with that is there any updates to that uh nothing as as we've mentioned further but we'll have to put our heads together with uh our borrow counsel and discuss what our liabilities are with doing so okay thank you um I would like to also congratulate the Midtown fire department on this successful Grant awarding with $75,000 for firefighter gear um this grant is enough to replace seven sets of gear that are past life expectancy so congratulations to them and I would like to also thank the miltown fire department for the invitation to the wonderful banquet that was held Saturday night at the miltown American Legion um we're going to just go over real quick for the next for the agenda session items for discussion for March 11th 20124 meeting 26 26 11 oh today's 11 so for March 26th meeting ordinance public hearing second reading for 24-1 1532 ordinance amending chapter 7 the traffic section parking prohibited during certain hours on certain streets impose parking restrictions on West Side of JFK Boulevard between Violet terce and Nicholas Court uh ordinance public hearing second reading 24-1 1533 ordinance amending chapter um part Parks and Recreation bar pool uh Recreation programs any questions or comments um just quickly can we get a uh a copy of ordinance um 1532 about parking on JFK can we get that out to the residents that live in the effect that's been initially adopted it'll so that'll go out this weekend I mean where would you where do you it'll be online with the meeting documents can we mail that out to them as well or if you want to print out a couple copies I got legs I can walk them up do you want to send it before it's adopted I'm sorry you want to send it before it's adopted oh my yeah um yes yeah so that they have opportunity to come here and uh and and come I'll make some flyers and say this is up for public hearing and we'll have I'll I'll drop them off to you to distribute to the thank you it's uh ordinance introduction 24-15 34 ordinance amending chapter 2 section 2 100 entitled fees for municipal Services Chapter 15 Section 15-30 uh 2-3 uh constru construction permits Chapter 15 Section 153 zoning permits chapter 4 section um 4- 40.7 fees chapter 6 section 6.34 uh maximum number of licenses license fees chapter 5 Section 5-17 dog license fees and general ordinance for for miltown any questions this is we reached out Fred and I reach out to all the department heads the all the fees charged by different departments apparently we're very behind on at least updating our construction permit fees um so we decided to take a look at all of the fees get input so you'll be receiving that as mayor and counsel within the next week or so so you have more time to look over that before it's presented at the next meeting there's just a lot of material to put together uh resolution authorizing execution of MD C lease to support agreement with South brunic Police Department any questions that's a computers and yeah we currently lease the the police uh lease their laptops which they use to run plates NC all that stuff through South Brunswick those laptops are aging out all right so uh as part of the contract they're amending it so that we can get new laptops with it extend the lease up to 5 years I believe it is but we're just just waiting on a copy of that and that'll also be sent out to you authorizing execution a resolution authorizing execution of Sarah ch's agreement with North Brunswick for finance office resolution appoint a member to the miltown office of emergency management okay can I have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second motion made by councilman Collins seconded by council president revolinsky all in favor say I I any opposed that's that's problematic for me so I got to go can't believe I put my ear to microphone