##VIDEO ID:6UQrHlwYzXw## e e e e e e you invalid but should the zone change so what we're asking is to preserve that uh by requesting an extension of time of those protections of those protections which as Mr Viola pointed out as part of the municipal land use law when you have a final approval you get two years of those protections automatically and then you're permitted to ask for three one-year extensions uh it's one of the rare instances in in uh legal rules where you can ask for the extension well after um the the time has passed and the board is permitted to grant them retroactively so that's what we're asking for this is one section of the entire shared properties development that was out on Apple gor in Route 33 and your applicant has a small piece of it where they're proposing nine Town Homes which was approved by this board uh and that applicant participated in the uh intersection improvements uh the lighted intersection that's out there with Joan Warren way and Apple gor um obviously dealt with post-pandemic issues has chased down Outside Agency approvals and it's comfortable that if the board should grant that uh extension through 2025 uh we'd have sufficient time to to get a map filed and what date in 2025 are we looking at the entire year or we go from the resolution date so it would be August F August 31st the extension would be granted through do we have to do anything legal if anybody has any questions check any board members have any questions with respect to this request look for a motion okay we're going to need a motion to approve this request do we have a motion I'll make a motion to approve the applica uh application for the extension through 2025 thank you do we have a second second thank you Madam Secretary roll call please miss Carrie yes Mr Lupo yes yes Mr Masters yes Mr busman yes M katori yes Mr tany yes chairman LF yes thank you very much have a wonderful evening thank you okay next application ba-52 39-23 NJ cars LLC good evening Mr chairman and members of the board Walter Toto on behalf of New Jersey cars LLC uh and Monroe Monroe 568 LLC uh nice to see everyone uh Mr chairman since the board has jurisdiction by the way uh because of the August 27th hearing our initial hearing on this application Mr chairman uh since that uh that meeting uh we've taken uh the board's comments uh and certainly the residents comments uh to heed and we have revised the plans but not yet submitted them to the planning and zoning office uh we just had a very productive meeting with nine of the residents uh in the immediate area and part of our discussion and and I believe we're all on the same page which is really uh encouraging uh and of course we'll continue to fine-tune with the residents uh but we are ready to submit very quickly submit revised plans and part of that has to do with part of the revisions have to do with uh moving the sea containers away from Sarah Lane from those residents lowering the height uh to two stack in the center maintaining the three stack all the way away from uh from Sarah Lane um and then of course we are also talking about uh birming and increasing the size of the fence to 10 ft uh another thing that came up uh with the residents was a storm order management issue and when we get to site plan we need to do some hard work to help the residents who are suffering with some flooding in that area historically it's been flooding so we just had that discussion uh as well um we think with all of these changes we can do a really substantial and significant job to Shield uh from their view uh what they find uh offensive and what they've been finding offensive uh but I do need a little bit more time uh Mr chairman and members of the board I think we can get submitted probably within 30 days I don't want to speak for share and hopefully uh the board would hear us uh in January but like I said we would continue to have an open dialogue with the residents I was really encouraged by the meeting tonight uh I mean everything that they're asking for I think we're we're going to accommodate I know we're going to accommodate uh and part of that is because they're very reasonable and I think that the applicant wants and needs to do his best to make the residents happy and the board happy and of course still maintain a viable business and I think we're going to achieve that but again Mr chairman I do need a little bit more time and I uh ask for the board's Indulgence in that regard Okay so today's letter date October 29th that was received late today the December 3rd date is not going to hold cuz I don't think we'll be able to take this at the 25 okay uh Sharie we have to make that happen December 3rd December 3rd is going to be your target we'll make it happen yes absolutely so that's agreeable yep and that that would be a trior dismiss date that's you're going to have to move the application that date or the board's going to take action on it fair enough Peter given the fact that this how this came about so understood and I know last Hearing in August you said if I didn't if I had to go beyond October I needed to Ren notice I'm happy to do that if if that's the board's pleasure I'm going to I'm going to open that to the board if someone's going to request that or if they have that wish um you have to keep in mind that the residents are out here again with the anticipation we were going to be moving forward with the application which we are but they I'm assuming they thought it was going to be tonight so it's another time that they're being delayed and there's another month in between sure so any board members do you have anyone have any objections if if not reposting or someone wants them to repost please speak your mind seeing there's none um is the board okay I'll ask the question is the board okay moving forward without reposting yes I believe that the most of the residents from the original hearing are here so I think that they know what's going on um if I didn't see the residents here then I'd be more concern okay from a legal perspective Mr B no issue with that we we would just make the announcement at the time it's carried so that they know the new date okay so board members we're going to put this to a request however it's not going to be a need for reposting to do further work okay is that good do we have to do we have to vote yeah I would just just indicate that everyone in favor of carrying so is everyone in favor of the December 3rd date do they agree say I please I are there any Nays seeing there's no nays I'm going to say December 3rd is going to be okay so anyone here for this application which is ba 5239 d23 NJ cars LLC and Monroe 568 LLC uh for property at 564 Englishtown road that application is going to be heard at the board's December 3rd 2024 Mee at 6:30 p.m. in this room and no further notice is going to be required and that Mr Toto is a tri or dismiss date understood thank you thank you Mr chairman members of the board and uh go Yankees I guess that's a long shot now now we go back that's itk did everyone understand that yes I just have a question they us a lot the meeting it just come up for a minute I mean we we already approved it but we're more than happy to to listen Qui question prior all the stuff that they told us prior to him coming in here are we going to get something in writing that we can review cuz they may change the terms here's the here's the well you're going to be here when you hear everything okay so as long as you're here on December 3rd you're going to have the opportunity to hear everything we as a board cannot get involved in any individual stuff just but but just for the record so the applicant is going to have to have revised plans into the municipality at least 10 days before the hearing so any time 10 days prior you can have the ability to stop in to and and look at the revised plans okay thank you very but I would recommend you also be here December 3rd oh I definitely okay thank you I since since you're here you might want to ask the attorney that may perhaps he can send your group a copy of what he sends the board I'm sure he might it's the board can't require that but you can ask him things are said but until I see it in writing should okay all right thank you thank you very much where you want to go okay board members we need to memorialize application ba-52 48-24 C7 shared commercial LLC and D7 shared commercial LLC do I have an approval motion to approve do I have a second second second Madam Secretary Rollo please M Carrie yes Mr lopo yes Mr Masters yes Mr busman yes Miss kator yes Mr tany yes chairman yes anyone in the public wishing to be heard no good what are we doing with this no so um I believe in your packets one of one of the other items that was for consideration tonight was the um Concordia MZ LLC uh application which has been withdrawn that was ba 5242 d23 from a housekeeping perspective what you need to do is Adopt a resolution acknowledging that withdrawal and dismissing the application without prejudice I believe that resolution was in your packet I would ask that the board uh consider that an act on it tonight this the McDonald's yep that is McDonald's okay this was the former McDonald's application in the Concordia in that parot where stoping shop is okay so we're going to need a motion do we have one I'll make the motion to remove it yes second second second secretary roll call please miss Carrie Mr Lop yes Mr Masters yes Mr busman yes M caror yes Mr tany yes chairman LF yes okay so just for the record we want to make it we want to put on the record that the McDonald's application for that location has officially been withdrawn and it's no longer on the docket yeah just for the record that was application number ba52 42-23 and the applicant was Concordia mzl LLC uh care of kpr centers LLC yeah I got one more housekeeping item uh so typically in connection with uh applications for extensions like the one we heard from shared crackerjack tonight I will uh prepare the the resolution in advance of the meeting cuz typically they're title to the extension and the extension gets granted that was also in your packet if I could ask you to just move that resolution as well it'll save you from you know meeting and needing to meet and adopt that if for some reason that was the only thing on for your December meeting if something else fell off although I don't think that's going to happen this time so so do we have an approval to for our attorney to prepare that resolution to just adopt it's already prepared I'll move for adoption of the resolution to extend the time to 2025 I'll second car yes Mr L yes Mr yes Mr bman yes M teror yes Mr py yes CH yes okay now we're at the public portion we made it anyone in the public wishing to be heard come on forward please prakash PAB uh 3 3 dve Monro Township respected chairman and members of zoning board I'm here to speak about current zoning and planning on Route 33 and its surrounding in Monroe Township Highway development in mro Township Route 33 has become Highway and its surrounding destruction in Highway development you should not have residential Warehouse and Commercial mixed together with a destruction and bad planning Highway development needs to be planned like Route 130 development by Cranbury Township and Plainsboro where warehouses are in separate zoning far away from residential builders are taking advantage of this highway development definition defined by different townships by building high density housing commercial and warehouses next to state roots and destroying townships and overall New Jersey this has to be stopped we are losing farmlands weight LS and Open Spaces in townships in New Jersey warehouses in or near residential will impact safety of the residents who are using sidewalk children standing for school buses traffic jam air and sound pollution so forth it goes on where the drugs trucks will be parked when when the warehouses are closed with loss of farm and open lands impact flooding to residential when it continues to rain nowadays it is happening because of the climate change 3 in per hour for several hours flooding ERS and example is Rossmore unexpected so all these factors needs to be consider what we request humbly is separate Zoning for warehouses on route 3 we need Parks playgrounds and recreation centers South part of our Township the builders with their influence in Trenton I'll tell you will widen the Route 33 intersection of appleg and buer road so that application for warehouse can be granted that is not acceptable to Residents in that area and here myself and overall majority we request amend master plan and have separate Zoning for warehouses on Route 33 thank you very much thank you everything you indicated will be taken under advisement anyone else in the public please come forward my name is we're going to need your name yes your first last name and your address please yeah my name is Anil saram uh 18 lenmore Court mandro Township how do you expl your last name please sir uh s a r s m Ms in Mary thanks K hi my name is Anil saram and I have been a resident of mandro for the past 10 years mandro residents appreciate the growth that bring jobs and tax revenue to benefit our community but such development must align with our needs prioritize safety and quality of life I commend the board for denying the application of the warehouse recently at the same time I question the role of the township planning and the leaders of our Township there seems to be a lack of foresight and vision in their approach of managing monrose growth the overdevelopment of residential areas has already created overcrowded schools negatively impacting the quality of education for the past 8 years now we are facing yet similar situations where it will affect the the long-term quality of life of our residents with the latest technology and expertise available it is reasonable to ask this board to revisit and update the master plan to reflect the current situations and requirements uh in action is not an option uh I am confident that we can all work together to find suitable location for the warehouses as Monro has ample land for development thank you for the opportunity to express my concerns thank you anyone else in the public wishing to be heard please come forward ma'am you're going to state your name please first last and your address climac 25 Wisteria court you spell your last name please KL i m c z a k please continue so I actually have a few questions on process am I allowed to ask that you can ask I'm not going to say we can answer but you can okay so um to the to the two gentlemen's point about you know asking for zoning um specific areas for warehouses how does that process get started this I may I'm going to turn that over the right place or is it another committee this is the Zoning Board of adjustments so the the zoning board has no bearing on the master plan the planning board is is in charge of the master plan so to speak um and then the ordinances are adopted by the council okay so so this board essentially is a board of uh limited jurisdiction it hears applications before it and a couple other types of things but the master plan is not one of those things okay so the residents can go to the council meeting the residents can I mean well how do I'm just trying to figure out how do we invoke that I I guess I would start by going to the administration and asking the question I mean I this is this board doesn't necessarily also give advice on how to begin that process okay so that's fine that's what we're just trying to figure out where's the right place to go um to just ask as residents as the gentleman said to get our own DED to get Monroe to have dedicated space for commercial versus mixing it in with residential so I mean presently they do there's there's multiple zones but some of them have that that Dual Purpose within them so okay and then if there's a property that is currently not have an open application and we want to put in a request for resoning that's also the master plan or like if you're targeting a specific area well I mean that could be spots I mean certainly you can discuss with the administration what your request would be but I you know again I don't even know what the process is in Monroe to begin that if you guys have any experience you know it would I think it would start in Planning and Zoning to reach out to Planning and Zoning director and and Kevin you know there is there is legal issues with you can't spot Zone okay you can't just pick one property and say I want to change the Zone okay but you know I'm not an attorney I'm an engineer but um you know you could I think you'd start downstairs with and let them know what your concerns are and your intentions and uh you go from there okay perfect thanks I'll be calling you thank you anyone else in the public wishing to be heard please come forward seeing there's none I make a motion to close the public portion do I have a motion so made second second all in favor thank you any new correspondences I need a motion to adjourn the meeting do I have a motion no second we have a second on adjourning or you want to stay here second oh there we go good okay all in favor thank you Happy Thanksgiving every