##VIDEO ID:DgBGuB-yZoA## this conference will now be recorded all right call the city of nland council meeting for August 28th to order roll call everyone is here do the pledge of allegiance to FL of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and does anybody have any yeah I got a couple additions for new business number five a technology purchase request number six a last sale for home stake subdivision and number seven approve Eda grants all under your business y please motion to approve the agenda additions SE all in favor all right consent agend items anybody have any questions I I'll that so do we get a okay all in favor all right public comment do we have anybody that would like to speak for public comment otherwise we're going to move on all right request and presentations hydrology study Joe Lewis yes thank you everybody nice to be on talking about the work that we've done to look at the city's flooding problem um I have think about 10 minutes of just kind of a high level overview of the work that we've done uh you know we can take some questions afterwards or I'm okay with d that works for you right don't here yeah I'd like to keep the questions to the council um because we do want to put together a public meeting um so I'd like to keep the questions to the council at this time then we'll put together a public meeting for the public at that time we'll share that information public okay thank you so uh you go to the next slide you so we are well kind of St in the obvious here that you know there's a blooding problem here in the city if you've been here for more than a couple years you you've seen that happen I don't know three four five times in the past 20 years there's been when high water maybe more and there's really not expectation that that's going to go away on its own there's you know whatever you think of the kind of changing climatic um projections you know there's sign significant blood events happening uh more often than there used to be I think that's that's from observe data and you know the purpose of our of our study here is to you know first can quantify from the technical perspective what is that flood risk how high does it get how often and based on based on technical procedures and then we we are using the tool put together to quantify existing flood wrist and looking at different projects or Alternatives of projects to see how effective they are at reducing that flood risk at different locations through the city and you one thing one way to put this into perspective is that for the existing flood risk we look at what is the capacity how much water can move through the system in its current state so we know the the system which consists of the open Channel ditch that's been the a long time and then the Culver Crossings uh if you look at just the ditch itself you can fit about 400 to 600 KB feet per second that's a a flow rate so how much volume every second that moves through that channel given the the shape and the slope of the channel so the coverts are you know they're more variable just give them the different sizes but they're in that same range of 4 to 600 CFS and you look at a 100-year flood event that is has a 1% chance of happening every year that has a flow rate of 1,200 to 1300 CFS so that is double to Triple the amount of water that's you're entering the city beyond what the system can move through so once you exceed that capacity of the system you water just comes out of the channel and you start having those impacts so those lowline areas so you know our purpose here is to you identify what are the next steps for the city to to look at to create a permanent solution U we also just mention that you know the system that's there that's in place it's been there a long time um its intent was to serve an agricultural dange purpose uh and and that's not to have no flood R during a h 100 a large H 100 flood or greater or even smaller units I've got a question okay 1200 cubic feet how many gallons is that so there's 7.48 gallons in a cubic foot so 10,000 gallons per minute something like that it's a lot yeah the Upstream area The Watershed that drains into the city is around 10 square miles so there's dur 100 year flood event and for this part of Minnesota There's 7 and a half 7 and 3/4 in of rainfall over a 24-hour period so that's what we would design a project for so not all of that leaves you know some of it it's going to soak in depending on how dry the ground is when it starts raining but you're going to get 60 to 80% of that generated as runoff that's going to go somewhere it's going to go Downstream do you remember how much inches in 24hour period was that big flood was 11 and you just said when seven and 2/3 I think okay so almost twice Yeah well yeah okay and then the other thing I'll mention is you know so this city is not enrolled in the National Club insurance program so that's that's FEMA that's program's been around for 40 50 years I think it was started in the 70s or 70s uh so what that means is you if you were enrolled in that program you would be required to do a couple things one is to have a a local flood plane ordinance and enforce it that would restrict some things with inside of a designated flood plane you would also have a designated flood plane and properties with inside that flood plane would have that had a government back mortgage would be required to carry flood insurance so that that would be a a requirement and I bring that up you know I don't know any any history with why the city is or isn't an enrolled community in that program but there is you know since they do this across the country they have pretty well- defined approaches from a technical perspective of how situations like this are analyzed so we have followed that here you know we've looked at things kind from an initial standpoint a preliminary standpoint but we are consistent with but generally how they require flood planes to be mapped and analyzed and if we were designing a project in a regulatory flood plane and you wanted those uh residents to not have to carry flood insurance you know the project would have to meet FEMA's design criteria as well so that's another reason for doing this following their procedures and it sets up for you know some some funding later because if you're looking for money um they're going to look for projects to be analyzed a certain way and designed a certain way okay so that's my introduction existing conditions I touched on and then Alternatives and then I'll I'll talk a little bit more about that funding and then next steps here so the the Watership area here the centered kind of light green that is joint County ditch six Watershed and then County ditch 47 from from the south converge there in in the center of town I think you guys are probably you know very familiar with how this is laid out so like I said approximately 10 square miles the blue lines are ditches the red lines are are tile as part of the public drainage system there' be other other tile out there but that would be privately managed you can go to the next slide and I jumped ahead and covered this already but this is how we've know generally described the capacity of the existing system let me just make sure there's nothing else I want to mention about that yes so we've we've Quantified that existing flood risk and now we're ready to kind step into looking at different types of Alternatives and I think that's going to be a segue after this slide so this this is a lot of area that is shown as flooding I think we are um slightly high on this you know areas to the north there there's been from the recent flood events you know that's that's wetter than we've seen so there's some some approximation going north of there but um on these side of town and South you I think we we're closer to the mark there for that seven and 2/3 inch uh event and this is something that you know we we need to show both to evaluate the effectiveness of Alternatives but also to demonstrate to the people that have some potentially some funding that you know there is a real real flood risk here and yeah you've seen the real flood risk yourself but this is kind of a technical backed um process okay on the next slide we have we have a couple Alternatives I think my heading there is is wrong but we're looking at the different types of Alternatives so we looked at increasing the conveyance of you go back to that previous one so the title there I I say current conditions but that should say Alternatives or Al types of Alternatives so we looked at just making the capacity higher through the city so enlarging the channel and putting in bigger culprits so the idea is that you know we're able to carry more water at a lower elevation lower water elevation to reduce that flood risk and you know there's some there's some restrictions or limitations with that you know if you go deeper or wider you you're going to impact those structures that are currently close to the to the channel I think our channel is currently 50 to 60 feet wide at the top and we'd be looking at you know 20 to 30 feet maybe outwards from either side and anything within that area is is going to be challenging to widen the channel or deepen the channel pel uh without removing those structures and then you know beyond that constructed Channel widen the constructed Channel there you'll be some some setback too that would come into play with a just analyzing the geotechnical work you know what's the stability of that's still and is there some risk to to failure to those sides slow presume that if you go with that you're going to have to do the whole thing the same width same depth correct yeah you would look for or it's going to vary depending on how deep the channel is at different locations along the length of it but yeah you'd be looking at a pretty consistent width you'd always have to otherwise it get back up somewhere correct y okay uh diversions so that has the the benefit of you're able to you know control how much water you're diverting away from the city before it gets into the city so you don't that you don't have those same space restrictions you are requiring space but it's not through the the center of the city and we looked at two different types so two different Alternatives one is on the the east side of the city east of the highway to take it around to the North and then the other alternative is to to divert the tile from cd47 to go West South of Highway 30 and enter the channel to the east to the west of town so you're both both of those have benefit the northern conversion is easier to take a to take around the north side of the city just because of the the topography on the South Side you know it's a pretty steep uh Hill you know 30 or 40 feet of cut on on the at the most at the deepest okay and then you know property buyouts we didn't we didn't look at this one super closely but you know anything that's mapped and they're currently in the current year would be subject to a potential property buyout that would be that would be expensive with that map that's shown on there a few slides ago lots of properties we didn't look at individual properties we just mapped the flood elevations and do that on the aerial and you know it is what it is so there's there's probably some fine- tuning that happens you know with that plan but like I said we didn't put a lot of detail into that um the last thing we looked at was structural protection so that would be a levy and or a flood wall so Levy being an earn embankment constructed alongside the channel uh so there again you know you're going to have you're going to have impacts along the channel things that currently you in a 30 to 50 foot setback from the levy or that's where you need to construct a levy at certain locations it wouldn't be probably the full length of of the channel on both sides through the entirety of of town but for a good mon uh and that height of the levy would be dictated by what what are your flood levels when we come back to a FEMA standard that standard is to construct a ly 3 feet higher 3T above your flood elevation under your flood elevation so that you're not just you're not just getting by when you have a flood a flood wall being a a structural um wall a concrete wall that may be a foot a foot and a half thick and as high as you need it again 3 feet above the thg plane and that's going to be you know constructed for below the surface to to have that necessary structural support support so we did not take these very far we put some concept things on a map and and left it out there and we have a couple sides here showing the effectiveness of these Alternatives so this one is the the covert Replacements so we left the channel alone we changed the coverts and you see the the Orange is the area that's removed from that mapped 100 dear flood plane and the biggest difference is between the railroad and Highway 13 on the east side the the railroad embankment has culs that are not that different in size compared to the upstream and downstream ones but it has a higher so you once it's once it's blowing full it has nothing to do but but sit behind it until I can you know slowly drain down okay so you know I'm proba saying some things here that you guys you guys already know you've seen it you lived it so I was kind of a priority the railroad would be the most impact most impactful cover for replacement next slide looks at a scenario with Replacements and child widening so there we it's a different Orange area slightly different Orange area we do see a incremental Improvement by doing the channel widening uh and then that that strip down the middle over the existing ditch is just a a buffered buffered additional width you on the existing channel to show how close you're getting to some of those existing structures next slide and now this one is again pretty effective um a larger orange are sh a bigger reduction and you know the the line up there in purple is made a potential alignment we did not uh you know give a lot of thought to we just looked at you know would this type of project be effective and the benefit of this is you can size it to do it need needs to do take as much water as you need where those options through the city you're ConEd by by the area and you we could have keep going deeper or wider with that channel larger culs and gotten the same outcome but you're you're making a big Channel through town and you're impacting a lot of the structures that you're attempting to protect so uh that's where we stopped with this one and now this one is the diversion so the the difference here is we don't have an orange here I don't know why that is but I think it's because we have a very limited impact so cd47 that tile that comes in from the south it's a smaller portion of the Upstream Watershed that fees into the city so we see a smaller impact coming from the East side on that JD J cd6 channel we're dealing with a bigger area more water that we can divert away from the town and you know like like I said on other Alternatives you know this could be this could be fine-tuned you to be better performing put in a bigger diversion channel uh to take water more water from the system but you know this is this is that initial look at it next slide so that's a recap of the effectiveness of the Alternatives that we considered now I wanted to just you touch on funding so the Minnesota DNR administers a what has mitigation program that has been around for well since 1987 and they've distributed 590 million since that time and you there's no dedicated funding source it's appropriated from the legislature year to year sometimes they fund it sometimes they don't and the process to to pursue that money is to develop an application submit it to the DNR uh looking at their prior prioritization criteria so that's they have that out there that's defined and you would put in as strong an application as you can and then you're assigned a high medium or low priority so I think just knowing your flood risk you're not going to be low um you're going to be at medium or high so you you're taken you've taken steps to get to a point where you have a strong application uh because some of the things that they look for are you know what is the what is the capability of of the community to actually carry out a project like this so you know you've taken a step here to to do it already by having some technical work done um they also look at um you how much of a plan do you have right so if you have something that's pretty well detailed out out you're going to you're going to have a higher application have a higher ranking I should say a higher priority and there's there's a number of different things that are on there but I think you like I said would be in the high category the other interesting thing there and and this is not a a statute or a rule of this funding program but it is uh with each annual appropriation that they do they have at least since 2009 maybe further they have limited the local contribution to a flood project to 2% of the median household income for the community times the number of households so um and that's US Census based so from the 2020 census the the D gave us a number roughly it was 450,000 based on those metrics so if you have a$3 million project or $4 million project you have the same uh contribution so but again that's it's not set in stone but it's been that way for a while next slide so next steps you know I just put some things on here um I see I see some additional detail of being helpful to strengthen that application for funding to you know both you button up some things with existing flood risk verifying that that's an accurate map fine tuning that map and then additional um analysis for those Alternatives they zero in on you know what is what is the best alternative and and once that's you know selected you know what are some more details about that you know what's going where not 100% design but maybe a 10 30% design so you have some some more confidence or more certainty with what the Project's going to look like and then there is the PC a Minnesota Pollution Control agency has a planning Grant that's available um for applications right now until the middle of November um I think this project would be a good candidate for that and likely to to receive funding and that also has a match but that is a 10% match from the community so that would be a way to you advance that Advance the next phase of planning and preliminary design and then you know we we've planned for some public engagement as part of this too so you we've not made any definite plans but we've discussed it and what what contents presented and how that's how that's formatted is guess up for up for discussion still so I think that's my last slide Tony okay anybody have any questions yeah I have a question I I was looking at the cost estimates on the Northern diversion and you had land acquisition 25 Acres it's $6,200 an acre I don't know where you're buying that land unless you're buying it up north in the bogs if you looked at Farmland lately what is going well that's a good comment I think we did look at a u ofm you know sales report you know which may be fla and maybe out out of date so that that's a good comment I think any anybody here would probably say it's probably out of date I know in the cities I wouldn't know right it's wor yeah yeah I see that it's about 1011 good but I did I cover a lot there quickly I tried to not blow by too much but hopefully you understand what we did and kind of what why the approach was taken that we did I can't remember did you recommend one of these Alternatives or diversions what is the top I feel like you did yeah I think it's it's not a hard recommendation but the Northern diversion looks to be the most effective you know both from a blood reduction standpoint and from a cost standpoint a good value I think there's some maybe some Chris not to to put you throw you in the spot too but I think there's some potential I think the county I think is interested in potentially diverting the the southern ditch at the same time potentially as part of maybe some work together on this project as well well I think that this is a great opportunity for us to look at all of the Alternatives because and we'll get to it but if you look at all three of the Alternatives that Houston has provided not one of those Alternatives at this time protects every structure within the city and so more than likely it's going to have to be a combination of more than one alternative to achieve what we're after and what county dit 47 on the south side of town um you know looming in the near future there's some significant repairs that we're going be faced with dealing with um and so you know now will be the opportune time to research doing some of those repairs possibly in conjunction with a you know an alternative or a reroute diversion project um but you know with a little bit more technical work from Houston's perview you know hopefully we can narrow up a few of the questions that are out there yet and you know we're we're not ready to start digging dirt you know it's the important thing to you know for you as a council to understand is that out of this not one measure will solve the problem so you know we'll have to wave through you know what we're going to kind of take all apart from everything to you know to achieve a value and the desire outome my plan is to I'm working on the grand piece of that to continue to work on this plan to to go forward and I know that the county has also pledged some money to help with going forward on this as well so um but I think the The council's Next Step should be some sort of public sharing session with a more detailed presentation for the rest of the community where we can put it in the big room with some big maps and kind of share more detail information everybody and have some Houston people here to to be able to answer some more in-depth questions for those people that was my question have Houston here well I think before that I think we should take what he said and see what we can get as a final product of any of the three of those things combined with what the county may want to do in the judicial ditch on the southide of town you know at least have a plan there to say that do you guys agree with us that this works up to you I think having a meeting is the best R to see what the community that's not here to talk um so that they have a time to ask their questions so it might come up with something that we might not have thought of um or just to come up with ideas so that everybody's kind of more informed with everything so do you need a mo just a direct you to set up that meeting or no I can if if that's what you want to do yeah you can make a motion for me to work with Joel and set up a time that works for CU we do have it's going to take a little bit to set it up because we have a lot of community meetings and and public hearings coming up in the next couple weeks so it's gonna we're goingon to have to find a time so but yeah we can definitely find a time that works but I think it makes sense now to to to get this the the reason that I think we can't push it off is the study has been a long time coming and we need to share the information now so we need to his comment though is get me m because not to say I assume that we were only going to go with one plan no but we had three Alternatives and you kind of sort of say well if this is an alternative we're going to take it oh no so if he has something that we could all get together and say like I said if you take something out of three three of the Alternatives and get with one plan well then it's a good deal and bring it to the community say what do you guys like you know same thing but I think that combination of everything maybe are better in profic just my thought yeah are saying comining I'm not understanding talking no he's just he's just saying that he he was wondering if it makes more sense to the council that have a shared vision of what the final product is before you go to a community meeting yeah like we try to put a design together what would be the best option in of we really giving them one option we're not giving them sh this might be just like our street project it might be one meeting maybe combined hey these are all the options and then after that have a meeting to narrow down too I I don't think the next meeting is going to be this is the plan no but the thing that sticks in my mind is he said that we took option or the northern bypass if we combine that with doing something with the southern area of town that would be one alternative not just the alternative of making a northern bypass yeah and I think this is something adding more cause to it if you start adding well granted but we got to fix the problem and I think that this is this is something that that staff and Joe can keep communicating on together while we waiting for this as long as you have that in the back of your mind we may come to that solution before that hearing takes place okay what is the deadline for the grid end of November is it end okay they're pretty close toward so then when do you usually find out um information I think typically two months yeah I want to say it was a January award or something January February March word somewhere in that and there's typically a you know some paperwork to do so it's another month or two before you actually to goad do we need to have a specific plan no CU it's going to be it's going to be that was my question it'll be is what's the deadline to get the Ed the money for you know typically two or three years two or years don't you think it would be see where what we get get that results back first then present this is what we were given as a grant this will be our cost afterwards estimate so that when we're presenting all these Alternatives they can see well this is what we're going to get covered and this is the grants will be written for technical work to to continue work on the project so that that it's not necessarily dependent on any specific program or anything it'll just need to continue come it'll just be the the cost continue the technical work on the grant so two separate we are to the yes for if we're thinking about maybe combined oh yeah no sorry no I'm we're talking about the mpca has a grant for the for the technical portion of it to cover the Joe's thinking it's going to be you know in the 20 to 30,000 to buckle up the the portion to to submit the grand documents to the Minnesota DNR for the bank the baker so that's the little grant that we're applying for for the big Grant out of either one of those grants if your somewhat plan that you put forward saying we want this money for this plan if that plan kind of sort of changes after you get the grant are they okay with that I I think yeah there's always going to be project modifications yeah but you they're looking for the community with a plan and you know being confident that that Community is going to be able to you navigate to finding that best final product and if if it's Justified as a change and it gets and they're looking for the end product of the resiliency of of the final details for this okay good yeah thank you thank you thank you Jo all right tip the resolution for now okay Department reports uh Care Center um the report uh I've got good news better y Tony loves it Tony I'm going to start with the better news the Auditors have already started the process sweet the question is when will they be done when will they be done tell me that can you see the crystal bow March next year if they're done in March I will give you big H okay it's on um the uh the only bad thing about them starting right now they kind of uh as they come in and they make adjustments from throughout the year they kind of messed up my September numbers so I don't have real concrete numbers so we're going to just ring it um but our average census in uh the month of September went down from August we had almost 41 and we got about 38 in the month of September still a pretty good month and the reason I say that is because we had a lot of turnover of residents meaning we had a lot of Medicare residents rehab people and manage care residents so the revenue on those res those patients is higher than the long-term care people um we did have 24 referrals in the month of September we accepted 12 admitted four of the 12 uh many of them chose to go somewhere else or go home and I think one may have passed away in the hospital uh we did decline 12 of them uh due to mostly in the month of September due to uh lack of pay sorcery insurance so that was a difficult month and some young longer people that didn't fit in our community um whether or not they had behaviors or addiction of some sort and we discharge seven to home and assisted LS uh projects that we've been working on that we finally completed the lining to our sewer pipe is finally down and you know what the neat thing about that they put this Nifty little lining in there just fills up inside the pipe and about a week later we started having a toilet issue and of course Paul was gone so we call him hurricane Paul because every time he leaves there's a water problem uh and I I went in there that night and I plunged and I plunged and I plunged I couldn't get that water to it out for nothing he comes back and I says you don't suppose that line just go straight out no no no goes through the center of the building he say it's got to go through the main line it's got to plumber it's got to go through the main line it's got to sure enough went right outside the building because in the new part of the building and it hooks onto the sewer line and they capped it up it was one of those that you so they had to come back cut that out sand it off and fix it he thought it was a storm now we know what it's for now those there was one more I think there was two only found one so far when you're plunging the next one you know where where it's going so that was out of service for a while um the air conditioning in the kitchen is finally complete I know it's fall Winter's coming but we never turn the heat on in the kitchen ever it's always hot in the kitchen F fact in the winter we have the air conditioning running in the kitchen and it's still hot in the kitchen so now we actually have good air conditioning it's going to cool off no more drips in the ceiling no more broken ceiling TOS it's going to be great I think the kitchen staff enjoyed as well the flag pole installation is complete our new pole is up flag is flying it's wonderful thank you to the legions in was and um the exterior sidewalks uh John holer is going to start working on them soon give or take see what happens with the weather and the rest of his 40 some projects they had going on this summer um and I'm looking to do some updates to the staff Lounge uh the flooring that we have in there is probably original so 1987 I think that up uh we'll be replacing the flooring doing some painting taking some of that rumage sail Furniture that's in there and throwing it out putting something more comfortable in there try to create a nonwork Zone so they can go in there and relax and the last one don't throw anything at the speaker here this is I'm working on some ideas on expanding our nursing home one of the things that we can foresee in the future and every single person in this room has some sort of insight into this how many of us want a roommate that we don't know when we get stuck in the nursing home I certainly do not and I can guarantee they don't want me because I snore so we're looking at creating private rooms so expanding the size of our building to create private rooms and make a big CBE out of it uh and I'm also on the Southeast corner to be able to create uh a better activity area you know activities really doesn't make us any money but it sure sells people on a nursing home if you right now in that nursing home you cannot find a place to go sit in the Sun by a window unless you have a south facing window in your room so I would love to create a wall of windows so people could go sit and look outside or just sit in the Sun and enjoy themselves do matter what time of a year it is it' be a beautiful area so those are a couple of things I'm look at um and then the potential for building independent patios on the south property that would be wonderful I think we could sell in like HC case going to do some research into that uh or pull that pull back the research that they've already done and try to see what's new um in the in the realm of quality uh our quality committee has been looking at what we call a qip quality improvement initiative and that will relate to fall reduction not that our Falls are terrible we we went a very long time didn't have any fall but we are trying to improve that the qip actually has State money attached to it so when we succeed we will get an increase per resident per day through Medicare and Medicaid so is helpful to us to succeed uh not to mention it keeps our residents and better uh the pit programs we got two of them one is quality of life that we've been working on trying to get people more engaged in our community trying to get people out and uh whether it's an activities dining um visiting in the hallways with their neighbors those type of things being a more homelong community and then the other pip we have to do a fall reduction as well because we're doing the Q now in the financial realm this is where the Auditors kind of mess things up um I am going to safely say we will make a positive 20,000 possibly $30,000 in the month of September so once we get those numbers figured out we we can report that a little more firmly um Staffing always looking for nurse AIDS nurses uh let's see other stuff uh working with Nationwide uh after Tony mentioned it to offer staff pre-tax option to save even more money uh there's a minimum of $25 to begin a savings plan per month so I think that that could open up a lot to staff members being able to get them interested in that I think is a good thing very difficult for the younger generation I know I remember I don't need that I'm GNA work till I die I want well I want to get younger people interested in it to be able to say you know what if you don't buy one monster per week one monster per week that's 25 bucks and you can put that in your savings and then it just continues to build from there that's the kind of that key that's the that's the catch so right now they're working on me as the guinea pig trying to get our payroll system and their system married up together and make it work uh and today we have healthc Care open enrollment I think we got just about everybody all of the full-time staff uh with in the building either signed up or denied the insurance which is fine so and I would like to mention that we have Halloween trick- or treat Thursday night 5: to 7 at the nursing you don't get anything else get there any questions and a Long window no it's all right okay thank you motion to approve the Care Center St boort second all in favor thank you B thankk all right right I don't have a whole lot for the month of September um we had all of our city and the l plant fire extinguishers done that was good um there was a major loose wire bag Connection in the control panel in my office the big board um wory came and fixed all that there still is a problem between the generator and it shuts when the generator comes on it shuts off all my chemical feeds and we still don't know why yet so for right now if the generator runs I just go reset everything till we get it figured out Minnesota pump was here we had some major issues with some pumps the Napa pump pump two had a broken fin in it so it wasn't spinning and I had it on off because it it wasn't right so I had shut it off so it's a good thing so it saved the impeller all it just needs is that part so otherwise it would have wrecked the whole shaft Elm it was like Green carpet wrapped completely around the pump the elm lift station um didn't wreck the pump luckily I had shut it off cuz it wasn't running and um yeah it was like Green carpet like you know when you pull a carpet you know that's what it was big hpet so got that out of there and now it runs just fine the main lift at the plant the number two the shaft the keyway everything just like detonated in the things so um and I think you got the quotes on that I know it's pretty offly it's awful but um that's a big don't know why it happens I mean I think those are put in in 2011 so we're getting some good life out of them because we're taking care of them so um yeah bio solids um me and Taylor land applied on the 3 took us four hours it was slick as ever we uh 68,4 gallons so that was our our fastest time yet done yeah it was fast not one drop spilled so that was a good thing and then I got one more thing done off of my big list you know that I showed you guys I got one more big thing off there so just a few left so yeah then I'll start a new list hoping to have it completed by the end of the year list well I would like to it's almost done that was a big list so yeah any questions yeah there's the maintenance dollar spent so you said this pump broke and you gave a quote is that something that no we're yeah I'm G try to get another one it seems high yeah it's pretty it's pretty steep but something that needs to get like fixed immediately yeah I have four pumps out at the waste treatment plan I two 10 horse and two 20 horse so the 20 horses you don't use them unless it's flooding and then we have to use them um the tens they they switch off so one will go then the other than the other to say to save on them but number two hasn't worked gosh it's probably been at least a month and a half emercy yeah now if it was the during the flooding we had the other two so we still got two 20s they just pump real fast so it drains it really really fast and then the rest of the plant will suffer but it could it would be doable if I had to do it you're getting a couple other quotes to make sure we can see who comes in better yeah it's pretty steep isn't it yeah so yeah or 10 pretty expensive Well normally they they're yeah we have the fives or you know five and a half open that one and I closed it yeah I did too actually I was like do we really need it but you yeah out there the way winner I don't mind but now number one pump is running nonstop yeah so it doesn't it doesn't get tap we'll we'll have more than that for the next meeting yeah how long does a pump usually last you said it we've got we got these in 2011 so it's I mean is it toward end of life like are you it could l i mean depends on the pump but yeah you if no rocks go through it no sticks you know I'm lucky I didn't have sticks um and you take care of it and get inspected every year and change the oil in them yeah they'll probably last you most time it's that impeller in there the fin will bust off a cast on it but you can get them to take care of them and watch what comes in your sewer like Green carpet and rock stuff like that it's hard on them you know they'd be like throwing a piece of carpet string in your in your fan of your car and see if you can or Garbage keep going yeah it's like it doesn't work so that's Community Education where more things have to get sent out to make them aware that you know this part is $115,000 but we had some stuff that came through that you totally destroyed it so it's just education yeah so I will be sending out more education so on it all right any questions otherwise okay thank you thank you move to accept the people's service report all in favor allic hi everyone M's also going to be somewhat short um wasn't here for most of the month thank you uh yeah we had 13 blue cards this year or this this month uh thank you heather she's been doing a wonderful job keeping those down we probably used to 30 13 13 12 13 every month um we started clean some branches around stop signs and any anything that had sign sign interference um Matt um at the bank helped out on the weekends and we cleaned up helped out clean up those uh the sweeper uh sweeper is ready to go I think we're going to start Thursday um we're just going to get started we'll have to go back out and redo them all again once leaves are done yes once leaves are all done uh we flush hard last week we had a little bit of uh we had some calls um we had some calls about dirty water um and uh coming out of the water plant everything was clear uh coming out of the water tower everything was clear um we went to uh we went to hydrants flushed all those everything was clear so um I think it's just the lateral coming into people's houses that was building some crud cuz we ended up raising the water tower so it's probably a little bit more pressure and um that's what we're hoping is what what's going on because it's clear coming out of our system so the one that you called me about did that one get resolved like yeah was it clear it was clear it was I don't want to name name no I know that's why I'm not saying two inine 2 in line okay and um and he said oh my water's really dirty and can't believe it cuz I went there and I'm like this is very very dirty well they had only used 400 gallons this month so it wasn't enough to to clean clean it out so and there's been a couple other other ones too so if anyone comes up to you says anything don't call the city hall and we'll go down in the basement and flush their lines that's usually the best quickest cleanest way to do it yeah um would running there while wide open for a few minutes abely 20 minutes absolutely okay won take especially especially if they don't use water on a regular basis um opening up all your the bibs and everything is a great way to clean that line out yeah it is uh the windows got fixed and painted at the library and uh must have been one that was gone looks wonderful I don't know if anyone's W by it there um and then last Friday we uh cleaned the carpet in the library and um it needed it it was probably something we should be writing down for every couple years um and maybe got a little behind but we'll keep on top of it though that's all I've got any questions getting ready for winter I'm guessing yes I don't want to but you got future projects here three hydrants I do have that on the bottom uh when we were flesh and hydrants we had three that W they they' shut off but they W they W drains down so we pumped them out uh today and U it's probably better that we um having serviced so might be Parts instead of a whole what's that it be Parts probably instead of a whole oh absolutely absolutely yes absolutely so water salesman is shut off now for the year is that right mhm yes okay what did you say water I call it water for the sorry we it did freeze and once that once that starts yeah all right thank you anybody have anything else move to accept the maintenance report I'll second that all in favor thanks thank you all right unfinished business planning and zoning report so there wasn't a quorum um but there the people that were there um recommends the council approve and P public hearing on the St so just need a motion to accept the Z report so M that all in favor okay um 2025 Street Improvement project yep so obviously we discussed bringing in third and fourth um so this is just an updated document from Corey explaining the information about bringing the third and fourth and Y um with the pr um anybody have any questions I don't with doing that like having projects like with the pump coming into play do we is that going to affect our budget for the sewer fund no so so basically well so I'll run through the project so basically um just not knowing what that cost yeah so adding the project brought it from 2.6 to 3.1 so mhm um long story short it added basically added $500 to the project which makes sense I talked to Corey after the fact and I know you had concerns about why we didn't bring those and goes into off Robert and mentioned why didn't we do that in the first place too and and we Cory and I talked for like an hour after that last council meeting and and I got thinking to myself and I'm like this bad feeling that after we get this done we're going to be standing Fourth Street and digging into a brand new street trying to replace something that we you know didn't we do it when we should have yeah so we looked at it and then I had Shannon Sweeney pull the numbers um on the project and so if you go into the numbers on Shannon Sweeney information here and you look on the bonding schedule and I'll actually ask you to look at the 20year bonding schedule because I think that makes sense made more sense um the 20-year bonding schedule so the actual Debt Service levy on the 20 b 20-y year bonding schedule is actually going to only add $74,000 to our our our debt service so if you remember correctly we have 130,000 dropping off of our debt service Levy so this would actually only add 74,000 back to that Debt Service Levy well I went and looked at the The Columns that had the assess amount for different um amounts for whatever people have for house prices yes that that made me yeah and that's and that's and that's that's that's that's kind of okay but but that really doesn't take into account your normal taxes too that's just kind of you know whatever um which still I thought that was decent Y and then like under $200 increase tax so if you get so if you go into here and you look through the storm Levy the operating revenues pay for at a $5 rate so if we residential customers build at the $5 which we've talked about in the past on the Storm sewer fund it covers the storm debt payment for this project throughout the whole entire Debt Service so they wouldn't have to add any debt to the storm sewer service at all um the water projections the same based on the debt service through Shannon's projections this sanitary debt so this this sanitary the storm so one of the things I did also discover is that when we added the $3 charge for Capital sewer Capital Improvement fund for the sewers service when Sarah put that in on the utility thing it's actually been adding it to the capital fund for water that's why that's so much higher so our sewer fund's been underfunded but it's because the 18,000 that's been supposed to be going into the capital fund for sewer has been going into the water fund so that's taken care of those yes that's so that's shann and I talked about that so that's why you'll see in this Water Production you'll see that there's a transfer of $100,000 this year going into the sewer fund and then 70,000 for the next couple years going into the sewer fund to pay back the sewer fund for the capital money that's been going into the water fund that should have been going into the sewer fund so that'll balance those two funds out eventually um to make those payments okay so and then the PFA loan for the sewer fund drops off in 2031 so that Deb will be gone as well excuse me so there's your fourth there's your Fourth Street Edition as projected in the pr and there's your Third Street addition in the pr and doing a call to set correct because not so it's easier to maneuver for maintenance and it's not a there's no no addition going on in there so that street will be decreased by 8 feet the Third Street Street will be decreased by 8 feet oh it would save us maintenance in the future as well because right now it's what this one stay the same as it is 40 40 That's yeah it's 40 right now Third Street is 40 okay it's 40 right now it'll be decreased 8 feet because it's not it's the only people that use the street are the people that live on that street so and then the reason we went to call theck is because it it gives you basically a way to drive down and turn around and then come back instead of trying to do a three-point there's no extension here there's there will never be anything built out this direction so that's why the cuac was put into that area and then obviously you know we we talked we talked today with some concerned residents on Broadway and I think there's some definite concerns with people concerned about speed and stuff on Broadway and I think that we definitely need to talk about signage and some things like that as far as the project was as far as speed and I think that I would even maybe make a recommendation to the H all streets to 30 m hour yeah but I think that there's some significant issues with speed on Broadway mean they're going faster I think that I think there maybe even maybe some maybe wouldn't even hurt to talk about putting in some sort of radar controlled speed sign on self Broadway they fly down that's yeah soot traffic that's you have a lot lot of traffic with brush D being down there so so if you're if you guys are all okay with that then I guess what we need is um to go back to the two resolutions 2421 and 2422 2421 is the resolution ordering that report on Improvement and 2422 is the calling on the report and hearing on Improvement and it's basically doing the exact same thing as the previous one it's the same same hearing date it's the same every everything stays the same it's the same hearing date it's just updating it to this this report including the third and fourth anybody waitting for you I move that we adopt resolution 24-21 ordering preparation report on second all in faor I move to adop 24-22 resolution feasibility report calling for a hearing second all in favor I okay um okay new business eventually back on Old business we ever going to come back around to the meeting going down one meeting and all that stuff I know you can't add it tonight but maybe have it for next time you want me to bring back up I will I kind thought it was a dead horse so it was supposed to be brought up a couple meetings ago and then kind of forgot about it to the next okay new business September 2024 check registered did anybody have any questions I knew there was one in there and I forgot it but I didn't see the they stuck out you invested pretty that little been editing my PF PDFs and put not a little know help but there was one or two but they weren't much I just treso provider solutions that is uh it has to do with ambulance building some be that we get charged for ambulance building okay I would we accept the September check register second all in favor right 2024 financials September with to accept September 2024 financials all second all in favor I all right City administrator contact you guys ask put us on the agenda to talkable insurance we don't need to go into the closed meeting for that dude no I don't want to um got the rates today they 13% increase uh at that information putting the rates in it's still $2500 less than I had put in for the planned increase for all of us you have how many that right now that three if you include me three so but after I put the increase rates in for Eric Heather and myself has dropped the budget $2,500 because the increase wasn't as much as I anticipated you can handle this now or you can wait until you December when you want do the final budget or you can do what you whatever you want to do anything change between now and then can it can anything change the rates for insurance will not change no the rates we got today are the rates for I move that we started now but we're going to have to look at you know the budget as a whole have to do a little bit of whittling well this this would not take effect till January 1 right what right we're talking about the budget for next year yeah we almost have to kind of do something to proove for him to be able to do open enrollment time frame so because when is open enrollment for sat here nov right now ends in November doesn't it yeah I move to accept the amendment to the employment agreement between the city and New Richland and City administrator Anthony Martens I'll second all in favor thank you all right mot sidewalk Improvement project this next informational piece is more just informational piece jod asked to be put on there because people are getting information regarding the sidewalk Improvement project that mindat is doing um so the city is aware that mot is doing a sidewalk Improvement product project along Highway 30 this is part of their Americans with Disabilities Act upgrades the Minnesota Department of Transportation is upgrading all of the sidewalk from one end of town to the other end of town along Highway 30 uh including all of the approaches signage everything at no cost of the city of New Richland um but they are making the sidewalks bigger um there are some people who are not happy with what's going on because the sidewalks are relatively good shape but did not that it is part of their project and they're doing it they're going to be ripping up the whole sidewalk they're ripping everything up and putting all brand new sidewalk down one the no because they're going big right now I think we have four foot sidewalks they're putting five foot sidewalks in all the way down all the way from one end to the other that's Ada standard now 5 foot right well they gave us a choice of five foot or six foot they asked us they asked us specifically what we wanted to do and because we have so many trees and so many other things that are in the way we we told them five because otherwise we be cutting down all kinds of trees to try to get them in there so and that would be at our expense correct um we didn't really get that far okay but um and then we have some water shut ups that are in the way so it was just but there are they are going it sounded like they're actually doing Crossings to Dollar General and stuff in in as part of this project and be nice I don't know if they're actually doing crosses or Crossings or just signage but it sounded like they were doing that and they're actually extending um all the way to the end on Highway 30 to the West so as part of the project but it is no cost to us and it's part of their Ada to the top of the hill yeah what when is the time frame that they're going to do this we're at we're at the the okay I didn't know if it was 2025 it's 2025 so but we're at the at their disposal of what time frame is so but just so if anybody asks that's what's going on it's it's not us that's doing the project it's the do it's it's the Ada it's their baby and it's not our community it's not just our community they are doing it districtwide it is the ad project about the garden Garden Club thing to rip all that up well the only thing that we have to worry about is that little piece that comes the corner so we'll we'll watch when they come to town dot is usually pretty good about meeting with us when they come new stuff in town so hopefully they they'll continue to do that remember 30 they ripped up the okay well we'll just so everybody knows that that's just that's what's going on just so everybody knows thank you yeah now what What complaints are you getting uh there's just some people that just it's a new the sidewalks in good shape you know new sidew the plan I got was a waste of money the money could be spent on something else but I think but I think I and the person that I talked to I think that I think maybe some of the people thought we were doing the repairs that maybe it was one that we were not spending so makes sense yeah all right technology um okay so obviously we have some some pretty major stuff going on some pretty big public hearings that we're going to have substantial amount of people probably come and talk to you guys um about some stuff and we're not going to be able to use this room right we're going to have to use this the the other room so um I would like to pass one down I would like to ask the council to approve um up to $1,000 to purchase um technology for the other room so that I can have the same sort of presentation materials available to the people who come to those meetings um as well so that we can record meetings present meetings just like we do in here um5 be a 75 in TV on a cart and then another recording device and and and things so that we can record and televis our meetings as well everything's under thousand it's yeah everything together is under $1,000 doll but this way we'd be able to present just like we do here without having to try to unplug everything move everything take everything back and forth and the nice thing about that also too is it gives the fire department police department everybody else another training P fa how if somebody rents the hall we if this if the council chooses to allow that as an opportunity y that we could do that as well y so yeah but the but my My ultimate goal right away is just to be able to keep our transparency with everybody else's that we're still able to to provide that stuff to them and I would I would anticipate taking it out of operating expensive and some of our ordinance money that's budgeted because there's still some money left in those two accounts so I move to approve what is it 9937 call it up to Second all in favor okay lot yeah the Eda approved moved um sale of lot in home stake subdivision to Richard and Sandra vs um lot six block two so if I can between Chris Lake and reer re okay so if I can get Council approval on that I'm move to approve they say that they were going to build in there I mean know I walked right into that one we have a motion and a second so all in favor I want to look at this okay the other one was the grants grants so there's a grant from uh for a new awning and a grant for from the um um Event Center yes the seel Event Center to fix some doors both were approved by the ed8 today I move we approve both grants second all in favor I don't look at me that'll be nice for the on yeah one that's the old church First Congregational Church okay got I figured you need to see that's one they want to make it ons aren't cheap all right 2025 budget um if you want to talk SP on then we can otherwise I'll have the Enterprise hits at the next meeting and we can talk about some other stuffless you have something specific you'd like to address in can we come up with any more solid numbers on ambulance that that we had I'm still waiting for numbers from Sarah on other service charges okay so now would that back up would the budget in the future change upon remember we were talking about you didn't like the billing place we weren't getting as much back as we were before well it would only just change our revenues not much no probably would well it would just mean that our projected revenues would probably more accurately reflect our revenues that big amount or not well right now we're projecting our revenues at 170 or we're usually bringing in between 70 and 80 so it is a fair amount but wouldn't we but if we went to another provider we'd probably close more closely bring in 150 okay so now will you have information like that yeah I I'm going to make a recommendation to switch providers at the first of the year so you're working with one right now see what numbers would be I'm trying to trying to figure out who to go to the problem is the the provider that so right now we're paying per report and the provider that everybody's switching to is is charging 5% so it's not really an Apples to Apples comparison so it's kind of sort of hard to try to figure out what that would would be because you might be able to forecast it but whatever well the hard part is you can we can we can I can I can kind of easily tell you what we build and what what their charges would be however I don't know what's a Medicare billing and what's not so I can't take off what Medicare so I couldn't give you a real right real solid comparison you could probably I could give you a guesstimate but it would be you say it's probably worth it it would well I mean if if they're getting us 25% more 5% is nothing you know so it just all the I don't have anything to add for Budget to I don't right misscellaneous uh the only thing that I want to remind everybody is that your next meeting is Tuesday night not Monday night because it's day administrator report um property and casually renewal policy was completed um just an item of note um when I was going through the renewal of the Property and Casualty Insurance I noticed that there is a spot for um a historical protected building and the the adils building was never listed as a historically protected building so I did renew it as a historically protected building so well I did submit it that way and ask the league to provide me an explanation of what the difference between that would be and what the cost would that be because um with the extra money that we are always spending on tuck pointing and making sure that that building is being fixed according to do it so my thought process is if that building never gets damaged and we have to maintain its historical accuracy right so if we need if we have to insure that way we should ensure it that way right so so I did change that um okay um continue to work on general fund Enterprise budgets um finish some conversations with use engineering finished some 2025 Street fun stuff worked on sewer fund um can we back up yep remember I had some questions for him I didn't want to ask I've ordered them all to him oh yeah okay just g a little bit because they were detailed questions I don't want to bring them up here yeah okay cool yeah I did forward them to him I said Jason has questions about these I'll probably ask them to you no I just didn't want to get the weaves um work through THC ordinance stuff I pushed everything to American legal publishing they have everything now I think we're third on the list um for our ordinance reification um Shannon Sweeney and I worked through the financials on that 2025 Street project and then uh worked on that home stake lot application documents and then uh Ariel Arnold it's the only employee aniversary for six years don't have any else I just thought of something we had to put some pictures of that new house once is put in here advertising so maybe more people come in buy um we Sue abot on the Eda um we are talking about potten she wants she would like us to put um some home stake free lot signs on nice new signs out on the edges of town so now that we have space available we might uh revisit that so play yeah if the homeowner is willing to let us do that maybe we should Facebook page just say hey look what we got not a bad idea move to accept the City ad Minister's report I'll sign all in favor mayor and Council comments anybody got anything y all right jury second all in favor come