##VIDEO ID:1LUEywAuSEk## all right this is uh December the 5th is the second of our budget Workshop this evening so with that we'll continue on where we left off on Tuesday night so thanks for coming a roll call course here councelor Phillips here councel Richards here councelor penr here counselor spring we do know he's going to be late coming in just said that yesterday so we're um starting off with Department 42200 which is the fire department fund so get the spreadsheet up there e see that real good you had a squint and tilt your head just slightly look like a lost Building Safety okay so um like we did on PO I guess we'll just start off discussions line by line so just kind of like we went through salaries there's nothing in there right now we did just get the payment stuff kind of going through so that'll change here shortly once those get paid out um because again this was through the end of November I do know their salaries were a little bit higher this year for fire was a little bit higher it was First Responders that was more like three 4 thousand more right fire was only a couple hundred so that one is fairly close to what that is um I'd like to make a comment too about that one on the fire uh one thing is they do have training sessions that there are that they didn't have before so some of those are whether the increase will be there also they're attending more meetings by doing stuff so also we had our call volume is down we had 12 this year so far versus 28 last year so that number is we're over at 12 calls so if we have more we will be over is whether you want to budget for that or you want to see the overage well my concern is how many do we actually need for staff members because as far as I know we haven't gotten a number for that in the past years um so that's something I think needs to be determined is how many actual staff do we need as a city we have 24 fire the city code States we can have up to 30 I understand that I know what it states up to but it's how many do we need because that's where we're getting into if we don't need 32 firefighters we don't need 32 firefighters have 32 firefighters 24 I understand I'm just saying if we don't need the numbers we don't need the numbers so I don't get that state that what if we don't if we don't we don't have the call volume numbers if we are overstaffing ourselves and end up costing more I think the number of Staff needs to be evaluated as to how many the city actually needs well you know one way or the other it needs to be evaluated to how many they actually need what I'm just saying too is a lot of times if a fire breaks out during a day and people are working there's only certain number of people that are going to be able to be that way for a volunteer fire to be able to do it and to respond to it where you know it be if it was a regular job it'd be a little bit different off of that stuff understand which is also why there's Mutual Aid we get response from other departments as well what what's been the a said it was big big last year 12 this year but there's got to be an average in there somewhere usually upper 20s yeah I mean one to two a month maybe yeah at least 25 anyway probably be a fair number for how many calls in per year so maybe we could base some of our numbers off 25 so you have 24 now no I'm saying Bas it off 25 calls calls not people not not staff I just to confirm the 24 number you have 24 right now correct yes so at the beginning of the year you had close to 30 28 with your retirees no are replenish soon no I get cocky when we start getting low 20s and then I get people that leave and I had a couple and then I get up and I go so I'm usually 20 to 25 so this is the highest that we've been for a long time which is a great problem I have it's basically a float people are in and out and know you have rotation I do know that you it's only thing I'm looking at Jason I mean if it's my house on fire I understand I'd love to sure have people that are going to be there to show up to put it out okay I understand that you know those are I also need to look at the totality of everything and all the calls cuz it's not just fire calls we respond to but I'm also curious I'd like to see a breakdown of every call for service we've had how many people have re responded was it necessary to have everybody responding because if we're overpaying people to go to Medical calls that were it's just a lift assist that's a problem so there's a lot more to that that goes into it than just buyers I think that they do have all that information available yeah Ian you so it's all there I mean they track all that stuff that would be great if it was communicated with me there nothing reached out so so that's something that's the information you need them if that's what's needed we'll be glad I've tried to work on budgets with them and so this is where we're at is this cuz I have gotten no communication back so well I I know from my understanding was the last when we were doing the preliminary behind it you called them in and I think they had an hour before the last meeting that there was be pull all this stuff together and that's cuz that's when they responded I tried reaching out plenty of time before that so that's where we got the numbers that seems to be a descrip from what they were I've got the emails the back up so I'm glad to keep it on I'm not here to argue about it I'm here this is where we're at sounds like it it does yeah so that didn't change payroll didn't change the Fire Relief contribution there was a double one in there that one comes out still the uh 2% for retirement there one so that's that's an interesting one because that's an In-N-Out that shouldn't be you know a part of what there is so they give you the money and and then we turn around and and take care of it so that's an In-N-Out charge that's not where it's it's directly on their on their budget is having it in our budget inflates the size of our budget that's why we took it out previous but that you have to have a balanced budget in and out just like with payroll with the water sewer it's in and out well it's coming out of the payroll it's coming out of the salaries for each department go where does it go into the fire department that's what I want to know so if it's going out the revenue side but but the revenue does doesn't show it as an In-N-Out it shows it as a straight expense for the fire department which isn't true so it goes into the it goes into the City and comes out of the fire that's not right I don't understand what you're you're saying it's an In-N-Out in the expense side you can't have an In-N-Out in the expense side it would come in on the revenue side and go out on the expense side no it comes in on the revenue under the general fund and it goes out on their fund but it doesn't show that they've got that coming in on their part for the revenue side all it does is shows an expense going out so if it's in and out it should not be there as as an expense that goes against them so I don't quite understand the B process because the revenue comes from the state to the city fire departments with the Department within the city so there's the expense so the revenue comes in and it goes you receive that right so resolution the 2% money is collected by the state based on people's insurance policies this it gets deposited to the city's electronic then you tell us that you received it we as a relief Association not the fire department give you a essentially a bill say hey please give me this whatever the money is then you give it to us we take it we put in a relief Association special fund for retirement so it's kind of an In-N-Out but it comes to the city and goes to the relief yeah and we've got a revenue side for it here fire state aid $16,200 comes in and then comes out from the fire department $16,200 for retirement there's in and out it's balancing the budget right there I'm wondering why it changed from last year why we removed it and now we're adding it back in yeah because this is looking at it as an expense and it shouldn't be an expense off of because this is from our finance person Mike bubani who put this helped me put this together this is what needs to be here because we are it is an expense for the fire department I don't understand why this is a hard concept it is an expense for the fire department so it goes into their budget it doesn't go into shops it doesn't go into anywhere else it goes into their budget I would say make a different fund and have it go somewhere else because it's not for the fire department it's for the Fire Relief so you can't transfer from fire department with internal then what it's doing R is it's inflating our budget makes like makes look like our budget is another $16,000 we can't do anything with that money because it's not ours from a fire department but it is it goes to the retirement for the firefighters so it is for the fire fighters I yes yeah I just think that's misallocated I think that that that's kind of a faal of what's really showing of what's going on for them I don't I disagree with that so so let's let's take um I will talk with Mike m about let's talk Mike confirm with the understanding that it does come from the state we identified as Revenue it's a it's a Fire Relief expenditure for it's a fire rela account that holds it for expenditures at a later time for pensions what's line five let's take that off the table right now and uh we'll get back with emails or something before the council meeting with a clarification there follow up with Mike babani okay I guess whoever takes that to Mike bubani I guess I'd ask him why it changed from last year where we did not have it in our budget and why it has to be this year I would meas it's an oversight well I don't know I'm just I'm just asking I'm not assuming anything I'm just asking I'm just commenting I don't know nobody knows Medical Services 33,000 that didn't change operating supplies 3500 that didn't change through are you saying from last year to this year yeah I'm the amended from the preliminary to the amended oh preliminary to the Y and then I'm looking at year-to date EXP from this is zoomed in so it's really tough to hold on I can't pay attention to both these things here year-to date expenses of 2024 1661 yeah we're half of that even still well this one first one is 2600 and the other one is 1661 so what number you on there number seven number seven turnout gear that is still set at 9,000 from the preliminary that was set so I do have something for you guys have a hand out um we track our we track our turnout GE we track um when they expire when they're when they're manufactured and they expire 10 years should they be in good working order no holes punctures rips tears um Burns this is our curent set of gear for our 24 firefighters and you can see that five of them are need because they are over 10 years old can I ask why this wasn't given to me before they're not ask for okay but you had it you knew it was there need to be done this was from September we could have discussed this well beforehand Just for future please make sure this gets to me sooner Jason I would have gotten sooner if we would have had meetings I'm not going to argue this stuff I'm just asking please get it to me sooner so looking at that for uh normal turnout gear on on that that's about what 4500 per person that there is for turn out that's what it was estimated yeah estimated 4500 helmet to Boots and of January it's going up 3% so that we're a little bit behind on that if we've got to replace five and we're only budgeted for two so that 4500 is that a quoted is that just a typical cost that's I mean I can get you the exact quote but that's what that's what it comes out to to you know boots are 500 helmets 400 turnout coats uh 2900 two sets of gloves another 200 two hoods another 300 oh 4,500 so 6% you said 3% sorry 3% so that brings it 4635 so that brings us up to 23,000 175 I do my math correct in the five there okay 23575 23 175 so that be for five sets to turn on here yeah we've been talking about turnout gear for a couple years take it y yeah that was on the budget it was discussed last year too we're taking ining we're doing it in waves when we have to replace it in 10 years it's not all at once that's fine we'll put that adjust that I don't have a problem adjusting that so is this something that's certified because the ones that 2011 expired in 2021 right three years ago four years ago so is that just a lack of planning from your perspective of getting it finally that we respond to some of it is probably OSHA being right now there's a lot of Buzz around OSHA being a fine driven and this 10 years being a little stronger I think we're probably not the only Department that was probably pushing the limit on if the gear is fine it looks good it doesn't have one tears why are we replacing it but now right now oosha is going through a whole new change and so we're trying to be ahead of it of buying boots buying helmets by here really probably before it's War but we don't want to be that case where somebody gets hurt something happens and they look and oh you have 11y old gear you know with the flood we got a whole bunch of gear replaced I had a grant replaced but that was over 10 years ago so we're kind of wrapped over okay you know in the future we were talking about we need to be stronger on gear rotation truck rotation equipment like seba rotation kind of planning for these big expenses so they're not hitting us and we're having to pay five near this year and five next year right and I I know we asked we asked you guys to do that over the the past number of years we did some last year did some this year we do some more next year get caught up and then that kicks the can down so then we can start again yeah eight nine years so they said that's 23175 yes hi Daniel snuck in snuck in we saw does that include that 20 2943 left over then Jason say what does that include that 2943 left over in that in that 23 175 they had 2943 left over from last year so no we're looking strictly at next year's bud right but we got left over money we're going to we're we're going to use it for I know one more set of gear to buy this year we still got to get through the end of the year I'm not going to use this year's money on them to try and offset next year's so it's one of those that's why we try to budget for the year and we stay within that so like I said if he wants to buy another set he needs it he needs it they need it okay uh fees and memberships um that was reduced down down in the preliminary kept it here the amended 750 um right now there's $150 used to that as of the used end of November um let's see here next one training 10,000 reimburse M year to date we've had 9,000 um we budget 12 last year dropped it again down to 10,000 we'll stay pretty close to that and with it being reimbursed able you know it's one of those ones where it's it's there to use but it gets reimbursed should be reimbursed so so last year we were able to get reimburse $4,800 something like that and then this this coming year 2025 will'll be able to six just a little over six just a little over six we have to pay it and then we get it back um uh from a fire perspective you know our budget perspective we would really like to see that Revenue come back we don't know haven't seen any of that come back in we're being aware that it's coming back what you talking about hoping that's coming back what are you talking about and it doesn't come back but it's more of that we we asked emper to get it back and they do what are you talking I don't know what you're talking about when you said reimbursable so we do get it a lot of it is reimbursable it's just again it' be nice to see that we are getting it reimbursed that would you'd see that in the change as it goes month to month as it goes through in here you would see that it would say okay okay you know there would be well this is going to go down but you'd see the reimbursables come in on the revenue side of where that is does that make sense yeah but yeah we just don't see the revenue side so that's probably the that's the question yeah okay are you also tracking all this yourselves no but I can look at the I can I can share with you the website you can go look and see you know the re no are you tracking your spending yes for the trainings and stuff okay so you would be aware as to what's what's there and what's coming in and then as far as I know when we do the council reports the revenue stuff is in there so it's usually there and if you need questions about that call us we'll get the year to date for the revenue for so okay um we move property Auto and workers Insurance like I said earlier all under Finance Administration stuff so for every one of those you're going to see those blank telephone expense kept 2,000 lowered it a little bit from last year's um still year to date is under uh I just think that those expenses are going down a little bit um same with electricity heating gas and oil um looking at those expenditures year-to date from what was budgeted and to kind of where we're at now um those were reduced from the preliminary to the amended just because again you're looking at sorry I'm trying to catch up here electricity we're at just under 5 ,000 year to date the uh heating I know we're coming into cold months and every year is a little bit different but we've used less than a th000 for our heating so took 600 off from last year's um and then for the gas oil miscellaneous that one again was reduced down because we've only utilized less than 3,000 of that sorry uh repair meance building that was kept at 12,000 from the preliminary um about on par with that for right now um equipment 6,000 was kept same with aair me for vehicles of 10,000 um we go General equipment that one was kept at 40,000 that on that one I'd like that have that one be come out of the CIP funds instead of being directly out of the F funds because that's for Capital Equipment on the truck okay and that's what we have that's that's what CIP should be for instead of being directly you know against them at the advice of our financial advisor the CIP is supposed to be limited use to none because of the Wastewater Plant pulling out 37 to $38,000 a year for the fire truck out of our safety net for the wastewater treatment facility isn't feasible I agree maybe in a couple years that could be amended but right now I think it needs to come out of here until we can get the wastewater treatment plan on square footing and you're saying the CIP fund is only for the wire at Waste Water treatment plan no I'm saying that at the advice of our financial adviser we were told to limit usage of that so that way it can help cover the cost of that as for the next couple years we also turn around and use the CIP funds to pay for you know computer program that there was for you okay so I think that this is very important to have it and I maybe we shouldn't be putting in 150 this year we should cut that one down for the CIP to make the difference off of it because that 40 I think that should become out of capital Improvement is the fire truck is a capital Improvement expense is the first you know we talked about the cash flow analysis and we've talked about that for several years that that was all part of our financial plannner perspective of a conservative new homes being built 10 per year that before but the idea that was that was the approach we took with our CIP three or four years ago that was the approach going into so the fir truck comes along and we need to keep mindful of what we need to do to support the the operation of the Waste Water treatment system in we know we brought 17 homes in this last year by what we did with River Bend Okay so we've got 17 new homes that have come in I understand that you'll see on this spreadsheet I also included all the 425 expenses which is the CIP account that have been allocated from the fire department every time they submit an invoice for the year now some of these are reimbursable but total year to date out of the CIP they've spent $154,000 now again like I said some of that is reimbursable but there's about at least 70 to 80,000 that is not something that's reimbursable or grants or things like that that is come out of the CIP already this year that's been overspent outside of what council would initially approved with the fir truck and that is just for engine two so again putting that into there is taking more money from our reserves which is not a good idea well those funds that the fire department took out the out of that 425 fund for that number had to do with uh update updating the the equipment on the trucks and stuff too so it's that figure is is incorrect um when we purchased the truck we purchased it for $300,000 right we asked we had asked the council to give us $330,000 to fix it right couple things we need to fix we also asked for another $50,000 to outfit it right axes pagans other stuff the um Fire Relief pitched in $50,000 and purchased us brand new extrication tools at no cost to the taxpayers if you look and I can send it I can send you all the invoices and everything from fire safety because that's who's been doing our work on our truck we are $31,000 over for bringing that truck up to being able to be used not 150 31 and change so the discrepancy there's a difference in the number of course we can what a bit of a difference different you're 150,000 over Yan I said you spent 150,000 out of that account that's the difference so I'm not here to argue that and I've got the facts so I'm not really sure why that $150,000 should really shock us well it should because even as you said $30,000 over that's still $30,000 better better than 150 I guess my question is what about budget surplus do we know what budget surplus is so because we're looking at this 4 of the year end I know but do we do we have an estimate no I don't have the staff to do that yet so clarification on the maybe we should approve this I the numbers that have come through that's what I can do and that's what I put forward in here so I I think that 40 should still come out of CIP I don't think that should go as an expense I like to I do like the idea that what's been suggested is that we we evaluated year by year there's no doubt we're going to pay for the the lease for the truck the 38,000 the um with the idea that as we get into our Wastewater system after year three four that request requirement from the CIP is going to drain off and then we can consider the uh the yearly lease for that for the firetruck engine too I think there's got to be a compromise because we just can't right you're saying the lease was 38,000 on that Ryland 35 something like that why we got 40,000 pegged on it it's General equipment they're going to have other expenses well it's you got if you get an exact amount for something why do you get why they round it up taking our amount that in the general if you think about it in the general equipment no this this is this is specific truck lease payments and other traditional traditional expenses that's the 15 that's the difference between the two $1,500 right and right now in in 2024 we have $4,500 so we're actually being cut by $3,000 and now we have a truck payment that is in our budget using so I think that 40,000 should be under Capital Improvement that's where I I think I spent 12 years in law enforcement and every vehicle that was ever purchased came out of the Department's budget so I have to disagree with that one and like I said I'm going to I'm going to leave it in there done December if you guys want to remove it that can be a council vote but I think that that's the fitting place for it and is going to be the best for saving taxpayers like to try to get through this wastewater treatment facility the city building so like I said we got 17 homes that came in off of that one I understand but maybe we don't need to put that much into CIP this year because of what's going on with this stuff so I still don't think that should be in there donation expense that's left at zero that's been zero per while um look at community outreach reduce that down by 300 year to date they've about $500 spent total um I know there's been some other ones we're going through right now there was some other expenditures but 1200 is more reasonable the apparel down to, 1500 again year to date we're at 3 $350 sorry mine says 2500 we have did that get changed between yeah dropped it down to 1500 what line is that you for Appel yep okay so let's just say that we would like to outfit our fire department members with Duty shirts which is something that we require not require but request them to wear when we go on calls we like to be identifiable not just joeo off the off the street same with our fire same with our First Responders we want to be identifiable you should be I think so look Prof to look professional you should be y if if we say it's $25 per shirt and I want to give them two shirts a year because they get torn ratty they get smelly smell fire it's hard to get out M so let's say $50 per person times 24 well bucks so that's that's no nobody else saying hey I just wreck my shirt that doesn't include anybody that's coming new you know right 1500 that do you know we're not we're not getting new jackets or anything for the fire department currently that's on that's on the members themselves to pay for jackets yes on a jacket they are to pay for it themselves they are okay that's understandable our baseball hats too which are nice to have thank for all that you know so I can see I think apparel is appropriate what I have a problem with is that we buy 35 to or 2500 whatever the number is previous years we really shirts every year for everybody I can see new shirts for new people but I can't see yearly apparel for the same number of for the ones that have been there one two three four five that's that's customary they're going to go understand that they'll go through those shirts two shirts is a year is reasonable that's fine we 4600 remember these were new items that we had for line items we have they're not they're not everyday wees because they're you know it's not like said not fulltime volunteer but they're still going to go through those I'm sure they're rough on them during their calls is it just happens so um social Gathering kept that the same a little bit over this that amount this year um conference uh reduced that down in half U year-to date nothing's been taken or used out of that one well that one normally off of that and again this is a new line item if you look at it where we don't have a history behind it uh we were trying to turn around and at least have um one person or whatever go to maybe a National Conference that there is behind it if you look at that uh air travel or whatever just to go to a hotel for a couple days um that's going to be pretty tough off of it I think you said there was one National Conference in Florida isn't that right in Indianapolis Indianapolis which is is I don't believe anybody from our department has ever gone it' be would would that be the main one that you like to at least to send one person there to at least know and see what's going on we with that send one even better to send two why why was there nothing to spent on this year why it was because it hadn't come up yet so do an annual conference so can we bring that 2,000 forward off that last year's budget well there was 4,000 last so it was it was new for calendar year 2024 we just didn't didn't send anybody but it was a new ad and we agreed that maybe a little more in that to be able to send two people need more more fitting just airfare is expensive hotel is expensive you know you have to pay to go to the conference you know if you can get me a breakdown of the exact cost for that we can look at amending that I'd want the exact cost of airfare hotel what the cost is for the conference for DM rates all that stuff we probably get you the air would definitely be variable yeah but you can get an idea and like I said you mute with me sit down I've already got equations for conferences that I put together for my stuff so just get a hold of me and let me know we can sit down and look at that see two people or one two two that's fine two is fine we're adjusting that one we leaving it at two no it's to it's going to stay at two for now once we talk to them it'll we'll see where we're at and what the cost and stuff is going to be yeah you're not going to be able to do it for two grand no that's I'm thinking you're not be able to do that for two grand can we go back up to General equipment um if we have the truck payment in there for 385 that only gives us $1,500 for General over the top of that last year we or this current year 2024 we were budgeted what um $4500 so that's getting cut um we're over this year like we have in other years and that's why we bumped it up so why the cut why the cut because no communication and trying to save the city on in the budget so that's why they cut at the same time we're trying to protect our firefighters I understand that but when I don't have communication I don't know what's going on that's why the cut same time work together yeah so so if you want to bring me numbers of stuff what you're expecting for next year for General equipment we can look at that and try to amend that but I need to know numbers of what you're looking at for General equipment not just a oh well we went 6,000 this year let's put it at seven well what are we going to use that for the people want to know what all our expenses are going for so I think it's reasonable ask you want to know every time I buy a hood I think it's reasonable to ask for what it's going to be used for that's what it's going to be used for SP two weeks ago at city council at why we're talking or renewing a c contract when we haven't seen what has been put for the for what's been going on this year there's $32,000 right there and we're talking about the fire department right now so I would like to see that type of money going to the fire department because I know what the fire department is doing for our town and the First Responders well right now we're talking about the fire department we'll get to when we get the C great okay thank you so Yan like I said if you want to put something together and show it present it to me we can talk about it fine with that should we put that at 415 for right now they are going to be using gloves and stuff throughout the year that way they get 3,000 to work with anyway I'm GNA wait till I know what number he's got and put it in adjust it and have it for December for the meeting can you get that in in time for that you think it is it's variable right but we can to our best about it at least you know so you the the intention and Jason is to uh go through this entire budget at the S December 17th meeting to Page by Page line by line no the intention is for me to adjust everything that we've talked about and present it so I yeah okay uh you'll see in the SCBA stuff took all the amended where we mooved reduced from preliminary to amended and dropped that into there um so there's an extra $5,800 that was actually added back to that um I reached out and I talked with a company clar yep I spoke with Jay Clary today um about pack stuff um there's a few different options that he told me about so right now we're renting the packs for 120 at a base rate per pack for an unlimited time it's a short-term thing that per month no that's just a a base rate per pack because it's you know was to get us through the next few months um as a favor the local you know local business helping out a local community which is great I'm happy for that really excited for that um looking at the packs that we be renting um they've got five years left on them roughly uh talking with Jay was curious if we would be able to rent those packs out for the remainder of their term which would allow us five years to start setting aside money for the fire department to then purchase all new packs and gear and stuff like that so when you're looking at that the breakdown he said he again sell them about 2,400 a piece you're looking at $36,000 we' need to have um for those packs or um I did ask him about doing a rental price per year breaking it down per year you're looking at $480 a pack times 15 packs puts us at $7,200 renting them per year which is a much easier pill to swallow for the city um cost-wise than hundred plus thousand doll to get all new packs this next year um with that I do know there's a fiveyear time frame window with the standards um so we would evaluate that as we get closer to the five years because we want to purchase the packs within that fiveyear window um whether it's back toback we do like a seven and eight you know seven one year eight another year um but this way we purchas them so all the equipment lines up and we're not potentially facing problems like other fire departments where we're now into a new fiveyear cycle and parts may have changed so that's something that uh like I said with that that rent rental gear for the year the 5800 we need to would need to come up with a couple thousand more to help cover the cost for renting those those packs out uh as a solution while we continue to save up each year um and build the future budget for the fire department to make sure that they've got those expenses ready to go when it's time to purchase those so a couple comments on that we have 22,000 and change I think in our current budget for 24 that we have not used um then those were for Scott SCBA air packs was it multi the Regal grant that we that we tried to go for so that was going to be our 10% of the scvas and a brand new full compressor system that brand new full compressor was a b compressor for $80,000 how much 80,000 we only needed to have the compressor for this one so seven for about 20 yeah okay which is um because there's three pieces to a compressor system so we did not get the grant but we have 22,000 23,000 change sitting in our current budget that we could use that we could use if we purchased these and actually I spoke with Jay after um Jason called him and Jay was a little concerned that um our city administrator said that the fire department government hasn't been doing a good job of maintaining their packs and maintaining their I did not say that that is false said please stop lying Yan I did not say that what J told me and I did not say that to him i' like to keep this focused on the budget this is not allegation no it's allegations that are false I'm not going to take it no personal telephone call I can tell you exactly what I said to him it's not it was not on us because unfortunately honey well the ones that we have our packs went and got uncertified so they're not an nios compliant and now which was completely news to us and they aren't maintaining them and they're not you can't get parks for so honey well is not yeah that was honey well so Scott is 3M so hopefully they don't go under it um so if we would if we would take our $23,000 and put it towards that maybe we could budget some money to purchase the rest of them I mean we could have we could pay the bill in maybe parts or whatever um so we would have 15 packs 30 bottles 26 28 um masks and actually they're good for more than five years the bottles are good for 10 so that gives us 10 years now if we purchase them now to build up our fire department C for purchasing large Yan you would need the the other parts of that though are those still the same life expenditures or are they going to expire sooner no they'll be there the same as B so if you're looking at that we spend the the 22 that's there and originally you were looking at 14,000 so need about 177,000 then is that what I'm I'm figuring out to be able to turn around and then we would we would have those and those would be good for for five years but the bottles would be good for 10 we need about 7,000 so we use the rest of this year's budget to start purchasing them and then use the remainder 5800 for next year's budget if you calculate that in there we're looking at $7,650 we'd have to make up to get the full purchase and then it would be done for the next five years at least and I think that that might be a good way to do it and then we've got 10 years on the bottles well we for sure got five if we can start getting them whenever the cycle is I don't want to play around and end up with two cycles and have that problem I agree Jason definitely you want to stay on the same cycle like I don't know if you understand that so they're the parts are on a fiveyear cycle per the standards for the national whatever um so every five years something it's updated I think this year Rochester kind of got hosed they've got 90 packs that don't match up with with the newer standard so they can't just one part and they're made they're different now so it's kind of one of those things I don't want you know luckily we don't have the numbers they have so we don't have to not like cars where they force them to make parts for 20 years after so if we can get them within that window of that fiveyear get them all within that you know hopefully not purchase them at the same time but at least get them within that fiveyear window we can you know maintain those for quite a while and not have issues but I think the the fiveyear plan trying to talk with them for those five years of getting the the packs at that that price that we were using is going to be the most well the big the big question the big question I have about that is who says in five years they not going to change program all over again and and here and here we are laying back in the same position we don't know but again Scott is well known has never had a we had Scott before we had span everybody almost all of our neighbors have Scott you know people that don't have Scott are buying or have Scott today are buying you know new Scott so roster fire we just got the OD ducks to start we had it heyfield heeld fire had it um couple other departments had it chadfield had it just honey didn't want to be in the business anymore so they got out so do we need to make a motion to add that money into it or how do we do that this is a budget work no motion no decision you going to try to try to f council's okay with that we can sit down and we can try to figure out a contract we got to make sure that the the company's willing to do that and work with us on this and you know if they if we can break up the payments and and do that then that's something that we can do but there's a lot more moving Parts behind it that we got to make sure get lined up but we can try to find that money that's $ 7600 that out of the the truck is going out of this account used so the last csil I think it was I thought we were discussing the 22,0 549 to be used to buy a compressor you told us no so we with the relief ordered the compressor and we're going to pay for it okay so the compressor is done you know we're taking care of the compressor but the money that was there for the compressor SL packs is still there so that's why we're suggesting that could be used to purchase these used packs to get us down the road where then we can save money to then buy kind of new packs um you're going to try and work out something package proposal for the 17th then we've got unused lines in here should be cover answer your question yeah we'll figure that out major communication equipment that one stay the same 165 that's up from last year 3000 yeah we were actually just you know that one we uh we reduced it down last year for what they wanted but I think that that three and then you're working on some grants too yeah you know that will help off of that to try to to get that up us yeah the pagers I mean pagers are expensive but but the pagers are something that is needed for these guys okay yeah it's not like a simple pager used to get you know these are the ones that with the different frequencies are yeah so I know I noticed that you have some some staff that are either spousal staff or same home staff do they both need pagers if they're not going to be able to respond their spouses they one they have one to share okay so that can that's that's factored into your estimate okay that's good yeah we have we well two Department that don't 15 I don't know I do I do have the numbers here yeah so we're we're trying to get everybody up AER we don't and then we're trying to refresh the radio so yeah thank you and then their auditing Services 2000 put that in there as well um you guys did we talk wild here that didn't just so auditing Services just to make sure again is a reminder of this so the city has to audit the relief Association and so there's a fee to that and I think every two years it's a full audit every other year it's like a simple audit and so we agreed at the fire department to carry that line item for the audit that the city pays for auditing the relief so we pay audit our relief Association funds and then the city pays somebody to audit because that helps you with your bond rating so this happened a couple years ago it's kind of a I carry it but you guys are paying for it I know it's yeah government I'm talking what's your question y um wild and gear or other types of gear um right now we don't have we don't have Wilding gear or a little bit of it um and we one thing we don't have is like Swift water rescue we have cold water rescue you know like what happened in uh Iota the other day like we would be able to respond to something like that because we have the gear for that um we don't have it for Swift water so one of the things that the officers were talking about you know ding around was it'd be great if we had wor sets of you know um with water rescue here because we do have rivers that run through our town that comes out to $7,000 for four sets a gear our original ask last year was to try and get Wildland gear jacket and pants and that got cut and we didn't spend any money this year because we you know of the gear just you know how do I pick who to buy gear for so that's why we were thinking maybe alternatively that item and how much time want to take for Rochester to get up here um if if it was a swift water rescue type situation our first call yep so time wise what would what would that be for I you're talking 10 15 minutes probably they would be at Lake zro oh where they would be over the dam and heading down past that by then you'd be called Thea you you said five five of those gears is 7,000 four four four sets Okay so are these those are specific to a person so you're going to have to decide who to no no they're actually not okay small medium large exra so it's not something we're put names at the back of either I mean I look at this with the remaining money if you to use it for the wildin gear why not talk about using this year's to purchase three sets of the try to do that like what I was looking if they just come in a set of four like they don't offer you one set they said offer you a set of four so that's why I said seven but I can see what I can do yeah I mean that would be definitely let's let's talk about it okay um and uh yeah because I think there's some I mean if you're not using that for that we can let's talk about that so I think that'd be a good use of that I mean it's it's gear close you're just going from your Wildland to your Swift water stuff land gear to water gear you had three set three and three it probably be about right anyway wouldn't it there's no there's not very big chance of the whole Department's getting in the water water two or yeah well if you're yeah you're put yeah I've done rescues with when I was in law enforcement and helped with that in the winter time and yeah four is a reasonable number for that so I don't want any less by any means so talk about that one all right Department First Responders respond next one okay um again 15,000 um we were waiting for the numbers at this one as well I know this one came over there's a lot of extra trainings as well I don't know what calls are at for this year Yan we are at we are one above last year the date so to the end of November so we are at 156 calls to the end of November so that's up one so far from last year last year it was 172 mil percentage wise from Township uh 83% Township and rest of us so that didn't get amend didn't didn't get touched from the ponary we left that at 15,000 um which keeps your payroll taxes the same as well um Medical Services was left the the blank was unused from this year we've got office supplies at 400 um that was budgeted for last year I think make sure we're watching that we're a little bit over that this year but within reason operating supplies of 4500 that was from last year this year to date is 3,000 so relatively close um I feel comfortable leaving that there dues and memberships 2000 um down from last year but year to date there's nothing under the dues and memberships um so still keeping that at 2,000 I think is reasonable training 8,000 to help cover the cost I know we're up as of end of November was closer to 10,000 just under 300 under 10,000 um with your training for that is that is that internal house training or is that no it's it's external and internal but that that was because we had a huge bup of new people and we've Capp we've actually stopped recruiting so that should be a lot better next year you've stopped recruiting First Responders yeah we how many on First Responders 2 26 um auto insurance and workers comp insurance again that was moved and covered under the finance Administration all all insurances were telephone expense 550 that was the iPad yeah left it's yeah we're under that we're about 450 right now um next one the electricity 450 uh year to dat doesn't have anything I don't know why it's probably just a putting it through it's supposed to be a split between departments so yeah it's a there's a like a 6% split or something weird like that so weird whatever I don't yeah 6% I don't know why no idea we were going over that today I no idea how that 6% came they don't get to park inside residual heat of the building so um heating again left at 300 that's up a little bit from last year just help covered never know what winter is going to do gas and oil 1100 we're about that about a th000 this year um you know if calls are going up we need that for gas and stuff like that so that's where we're at with that the uh repairing um r&m equipment 1 1200 um this year we're 2,000 I don't know what so that was a oxygen tank thing you were talking about so so previous years we got our oxygen tanks refilled by me clinic and they don't do it anymore so this last this year was the first year of us renting and we think we have too many bottles that were renting so we're going to drop that down so we think we'll be calendar 25 will be a lot better or Mississippi or we do Lindy over by the fairgrounds okay yep so we were comfortable keeping that 12200 hopefully get that down so maintenance vehicles um again 2000 that was left there the general equipment 6,000 um oh at 2200 this year I I don't know if you want to move some of that over to the fire department side of things but um you know that's still it was 6,000 last year and only using a quarter of that although I do know that there was expenses from the 425 but I think that had to do with the truck purchase so um pens are G to be coming due okay so unfortunately fortunately unfortunately we keep everything up to date do they pass that off kind of required to no we don't build any patients so we have to buy an epan if we never use it it goes to waste but it's the cost of business so we try to keep one for Peds one for adults same thing other meds we try to be very Fugal of not having a lot of extra next one was the miscellaneous gener generator maintenance was listed on here for 500 i' I've always asked that that's not in our should not it should only be under EOC so we shouldn't have anything generator in any other budget okay well I'm still okay with the file for miscellaneous we can just it was it was in we have it under the general U generator contract don't we that generators we went as a blanket this is just for the for them I don't know if that was for my time yeah Kan would know yeah think I think we've got one that's there so that that should be covered and that's fine like I said it was just something that was left in there I think that's why I as it because I was like I I don't it got added I asked I don't you're right it shows a th used so with with that um how often you run that generator out there so it runs every Thursday it exercises every Thursday okay so how about the diesel that's in there do you have to Natural Gas okay it's a GM car motor so that's why each year it's serviced like kind of like a car and I actually tried to shop it around to see if I could do something better than the 5600 they charge us and they're like okay you know go somewhere else and then if it you need it and you're kind of out of luck so we're like okay you talking the same generator yeah the one that's on the side of the hall on the west side of the hall theall okay I thought Ziggler was on servicing it it used to be Pine Island then it got bought by somebody else so but again I think that that one was under our contract that we had for all the generators now at the time we only had the one now we have multiple Generations okay yeah uh cital that was left blank been like that for a while it looks like um first responder Outreach 1500 about half of that so far this year um I don't know if you want to reduce that if you're not recruiting as heavily with the Outreach stuff or comfortable keeping that about yeah the outre is different than than recruitment but um we put on CPR classes for the you know community and I think they do a really really good job you know off of that stuff and for grades and everything else that way that goes along with it and also for t-ball what they do that they're out there supporting that so I think that so same with the recruitment was 1,200 that was in touched looks like that go down that can go down yeah we're not GNA that somewhere else okay you like to reallocate that into fire somewhere okay how much you thinking sorry question about the apparel then is that something you can still use by it this year keep 1500 less y well I wouldn't take that out I I'd leave it in there but let's see what they can do I mean they went into an ND call I guess week ago or whatever else and the minute you do that you're going to throw those shirts away you're not going to go and wear budy shirts and say there's blood all over I everywhere you know so I mean that's you almost have to to have those guys looking good if they go into a medical call could they buy some this year I laugh because some of our small towns I've seen guys I've seen show like flannel like Christmas pajamas before small town it is what it is sometimes I get it but shirts away they don't have don't have a you know no I mean if if you turn around and if you're in a bloody situation that way I don't think understand that you're you're going to change shirts before you go next next no no but I don't think you really want to go home and wor those you know I understand that but we have this what's it called textile care services they clean all the hospital stuff I don't know if we that those are made those are made a little differently to go through that sterilization process versus a t-shirt that I don't know if you're getting locally or ordering them online or what understand that something better I think it's better to keep that in there especially the number of calls that they're doing yeah guys are doing a lot of calls recruitment where do you want to what do you thinking for number let's let's just zero it out for recruitment because necessary where do you want it in fire then I'm all for that half an airack hey we're making progress here the middle or sideways uh retention part we kept that at 1500 we've used 1337 yeah just $200 you recently had people leave is it is it just a department re i' say I retirement we have one retired and one moved Mona and then one guy moved Island so this year we've lost a few organic just lost but what is it got mute we can mute him too can we I maybe I don't know I can move this mouse if you click on you can do a mute all move your m you go are you anticipating spending that 13 for um retention this year say again are you anticipating spending that 13 that you have remaining not all of no I'm just wondering if that's something just wondering if that's something that you could preemptively use this 13 this year part of next year and move a chunk of that 15 up to your other half of your if you're buying if you're buying cups and water bottles anyway use it buy it this year and I could we can we could we could this year we could use it up this year and then they can put that next year then hold off on that stuff till the next the next you going to take that out then the renion for next year are you guys keeping that at that or you want reduced oh hang on next year 2025 what I'm saying 500 is that you want it down to 500 cor yeah these were new that we added last year so we could have accountability of how we're spending it so obviously we didn't spend what we were thinking so that's good it's good problem so you want that move to SCBA as well I love that yeah yeah absolutely yeah anywhere what we don't spend the next couple weeks 2 well this year's budget we can't can't move that stuff shffle next year's yeah anticipation over this but so what on3 all right um continuing at same thing we'll do the same thing we'll we'll get you this started at the end of 23 where we're going to send two people to a conference a medical conference in Florida and we got denied just because again cost so we'll get you an of an EMS conference to things so are you are you changing these as we go along Jason so we get I'm documenting them so I can go in and change them because so we're not going to see the end of the night what's actually happened no because we don't we won't have final numbers there's still got to be calculations that got to be done we got to get estimates we got to get all this Stu we could we could have a good idea where we're at so we could have I understand that but I I think you should be doing that as we go that's what we did last year it worked out really well than I can work on getting this done and try to put together and sent out before as much I can but that would be help fire department come back with work out a proposal I understand that we have a lot of items that were changing here we would see a big difference at the end at the end of on the end instead of coming back and and you getting upset because you were embarrassed last year because in here so we know to move this money back yeah next year for recruitment for the education same thing for fire and you're going to come back with okay and then communication equipment that would be same 165 that was left um like nothing used this year from the 135 I'm guessing that'll be used a little bit this year it yeah the paperwork's on on here right here okay yeah I figured it was going to get used so yep yeah and I talk about it okay so you have stuff coming for that it's already came we just haven't paid the bill you know I no my com go all right uh Emergency Operations is the next one [Music] here um really nothing nothing Chang here there our only little expense this year was when we had some of that flooding that we got some sand yeah filler bag fillers see here's your here's your standby generator right yeah so that's always been I've always wanted it here because I always thought it was more eish so where's this other generator at in the last one like I said I don't know why that one got added at some point so that line should be zero on that other page Jim was saying that that was we already had we got a contract for that for all the generators do we have two do we have two generators at the fire department I I don't know there's a generator in the back of your [Music] equipment that notation was left in there from the previous year's budget that's why I had those Asters next to it because I didn't know where where was because I know this was also in here so that was part of that miscellaneous expenses to help cover that but I'd like to get rid of it out of the other budgets anything it says generator yeah I will remove yeah that's that's fine it was just it was left and there as a comment from add at some point yeah actually I actually wouldn't mind putting that 800 up into um up into F responders for our um this 800 yeah that's for that's for maintenance that generate each year uh we got that we got that covered we did it three year you got it covered for this year you maintain it 2025 threeyear contract threee contract with yeah I I wouldn't mind mov General equipment or something of General equipment for the First Responders because we've got be coming du that be our biggest expense um we just refreshed our albuterol um mean like training that we didn't use no $550 or up to 570 depending on which they send us and sometimes they don't send me um it it expires within a time frame and I've researched and you can use it up to N9 months past the expiration date safely but um it's uh sometimes the supply send me like new expired stocks maybe within a couple months and they have to send me supplies from their stock they can't you know they have to get rid of their supplies too and then it kind of screws us over depending on what so I try to find all the med that expire later I don't want an extra charge for we'll have EP coming due and a pads are expiring in 2026 and all of our AED machines are expiring in 2029 so we have things that we have to like plan for are we going to work on grants for the ads defitely yeah sometimes he Fire House Sub does great grants I know we got half a dozen of them for our Police Department a few years back there's there's a lot of Grants out there for ads and stuff like that closer y what's life SP in the a well we just ordered some they expire in the ones that we ordered I don't know do you remember are the AED is I'm not sure they exp I don't know when we got those you those expire in 2029 but our pads expire in 2026 Y and we have pet pads and adult pads $200 per set ridiculous expir I just reuse again well the only the only reason them aeds are sort expensive it's in case they fail it's the insurance oh what the we'll check the contract and see how that's worded whatever that generator um work with Kane I'm sure he's got some of that information Kane if you're on here I hope you're listening to that um he's on vacation but he was listening there um we'll find that generator he can unmute himself too I think so we'll figure that out then um but you said underwear for fire or for First Responders just a general or general equipment or operating supplies either one put either one it's number nine you number nine on that one yeah all right Supply that's what you're changing it to yeah potentially we got verify with the contract first I don't want to move it I want to make sure the contracts in place and everything's good to go with that because I don't want us to get caught with having expenses for it and we remove the budget for it so all right anything else on that one you know you got here I think body prob track all right um next section we're going to start going into public work stuff again hopefully Kane's on if he wants to pipe in anytime he can unmute himself pipe in uh we have projected for this still says five this should say four so we guys projected for thanks guys app an additional person there after talking with Kane decided we were going to remove that additional person for the year um that lowers it down by $90,000 with all the salaries payrolls benefits um from 49 $491,000 to $411,000 keeps them at four full-time employees again I know this say five that was also with the red of 25 hours of overtime per employee to get down to that number my question is off of this stuff when we turned around and and we wanted the four full-time employees that there were it was for a rotation that was going to take place out of water and sewer and so it was going to be three time employees and the one employee was going to be out at the plant it has not happened and and so we really don't need to have it especially during this time like right now during the the winter time you know it's trying to keep all those people you know working I I don't think we need that much I think you can get by with with the three that we have right now and and maybe one uh part-time coming in in the spring and look at it that way and save that money I again strongly disagree because as we continue to grow and move forward we're going to need that fourth position and again the intention is still there there's been the conflict with people Services about wanting to trade train and have somebody there we're not the only city that people Services has been doing this to I agree with that it's been a struggle across the board and I'm not happy with people Services um but it's still the intention to have that person to get time on they need to have hold on I'm not done yet because they need to have those hours on scene with the person getting the training I mean they have to get get the time there yeah I I still think it's it's a waste of money on that extra body that there is you know for part-time I can see it um you know have the three three full-time that we're dealing with right now which is handling things and uh last year that we had we were doing the hookups that there was with the water and sewer which took a little bit more of the time that was going on that's now been accomplished and so that's not going to be the same amount that that's going to be going on there I think that that we can save a lot by doing that and then cutting down actually off off a two that way um and uh especially for this year and give it a run and see how it works this year and see what we can do I'm going to be leaving them in if you want to remove it it can be removed at the council meeting because I disagree because we've got four people covering parks and trails um covering sewer water streets roads all that stuff it is a heavy workload um that will EV and flow with time with everything going on but as we look to continue we're going to need them in there instead of trying to hire a part-time employee coming in in the middle of the Year having that person staffed and and using them wisely during the as you say slower times we can do that but trying to say no we don't need that and going part-time I don't think is ideal or proper for the city so well one of the questions one of the questions I really raised is uh we spend an awful lot of time mowing that Township ditch up here from gas and go to the to the to 100 Street that's got to be about six or seven acres that we're mowing right right down in tight like we do The Lawns why why are we Furnishing a person to mow Township ditches I know it's the I know it's the gateway to our town and it makes it look makes it look really pretty when you're when you're spending some paying somebody 20 $22 an hour it' be you run up down that ditch with the mower it's probably taking better part of six or seven hours to mow that ditch with a six foot with a six foot mower I question what we're doing there I really have a big question on that and how much other and how much other stuff are we mowing that we probably don't need to be mowing I I understand we want to keep some of the some of the trails open down in the down in the park for foot Trails but do they need to be molded every week get down like the lawn okay my have I think the four that thing proposed I think that was a serious discussion that Kane had with Jason and I respect that conversation I think in light of our budget at overall budget being so high this is probably a 80 $85,000 expense that we can get by without this year and help the budget by just keeping it for our people our current staff what we have I would have be I would be opposed to adding a new one right now under under the simp no I mean because we haven't we haven't had anyone go out to the to the plant so yeah yeah I I just you know that was what we were trying to do when we put the other one on was was for that particular purpose you know I think maybe it's it's we can take a look and and if we were going to do something maybe turn around and and find a an employee that's that's got you know some uh uh classes that are already in in the you know Wastewater because I know one that there's a b operator that's floating around here that it would be great if we had a b operator that was you know on that staff to be able to do it that way we could turn around and pull people's when that comes in a couple years and be able to just have an A operator if you got an A and A B and they can sign off and be able to do it that way and I think that that might make sense so well fine for that we got to keep that position though it's not filled right now yeah no I'm just I'm trying to say but I know that there is one that that's available to be able to do that which would be fantastic you know I'd like to even see if we can't pull peoples out early if it might be possible to do that well if we if we pH a be operator you we' cancel peoples anyway and that would cover that expense well more than cover that expense that's that's so off of that one that's not that's that's not even part of discussion have three with the spots we have four spots yeah but right now during the winter you don't need to have four you know those I disagree with that statement so but that's for another well I mean it's that's but if you want to have a working manager or or or not so you know so I mean the three that are there anyway I think it should be down I think keeping it at the four is what's reasonable for the city and if we want to f that fourth person as a certified operator that's fine I don't care how who we put in there but I think having that fourth person is plan is not to hire seasonal people and yes we need to post for this fourth person um maybe just hold the posting off until February with a one April Start or something like that or or even you know April and start a little bit later than that even I'll for what there is because I mean if you know that way save some money but you know that that makes sense cuz during the winter you don't you don't need that extra person that there is that's that's just a waste of money to me that's a conversation that Kan and J Jason has to have about that fourth person January February yeah I think it also T to come back to the council too so that's true but I respect that conversation that they're having versus us sitting around the table thinking what we need nice um that's a contract that was approved earlier this year budget for that again we don't know what we're going to get this year um for snow yeah yes the one thing that really kind of got me on this one and looking and and I know we've already signed that contract yeah okay so that's done with what we have but I was looking at at the 2023 even this year 2024 U 23 was was about that so we really we had some extra money that was left in there what happened to that extra money that we had for that 37,000 actually 52,000 52,000 from I have no idea that was before my time I well 2024 still exists he's talking about 23 was was the 64 but I'm just saying we had such warm weather in 2024 now we didn't have any I do know that unused from this year Kane is Kan and I have been talking with when it comes to snow and ice I know there's a a need for us to have equipment for the city that we don't have um and so we've been talking about looking at going okay the unused budget for snow and ice removal if we can allocate that into purchasing equipment for our city so they can start taking over and doing these things um I think is going to be beneficial you know we've the there's Vehicles out there that are snow plows that go on auction for $49 $50,000 you know and at some point if that's something that we can take over as a city to be able to operate and run know utilizing this yes we're under a contract but if we can get out from under that contract by having our own equipment would be beneficial to the city do we have anybody on staff that can operate has a B license or a c CDL I don't know what you need first no plow to be honest what CDL somewh have CDL oper over 26,000 pound hey everybody hi kane hey how's it going uh you do not need a CDL to run an emergency vehicle so a snow plow is considered emergency but yes getting CDLs would be a priority well the argu the argument over the years has been we didn't want anybody to be operating operating snow equipment we keep keep Bing it out all these years so I guess what's what's the Swit which are I think the 52,000 we have there left over and this year should get added into 2025 budget and we'll add We'll add 12,000 to it and we'll have it covered at 64,000 level so the contract we signed was a three-year contract right yeah three contract for snow three them is this would this be a reasonable uh seed money for some kind of CIP fund for for either equipment like that or absolutely future needed equipment AB yeah I would kind of like to hear Mark is as well and that's that was kind of the thought came I started talking about and I got a magazine and saw that they were selling used vehicles at auction from you know state tost state sales at you know $49 $50,000 for a vehicle like that so it's a reasonable thing that we can start getting budgeted be ConEd we just have to have a place to put it when we keep getting this stuff so that's also another issue that's there so you also have to consider the amount of overtime to schedule that too to operate it absolutely there yeah that's that's going to be an in depth T night it's it is it's but it's you got to start the conversation yeah but I I just that's just the start of the conversation where it should be I look at that you know we employ them someplace else anyway let's go continue on then are we on uh lighting okay on on that do we find out about uh what was going on with the township on that street light that was we talked about that that kind of bounce back and forth I don't know if we ever a resolve that I'm trying to get from people services from from PE Co-op we had like a list of lights but it's not like they're not addressed right so we're trying to get the address to line up and get like I want a map of where each one of these lights is at okay cuz that should be I think counting off of what that one was yeah but this is so this got rolled into streets and Roads electricity there's not going to be anything in that one the street lighting um that gets rolled over into streets and Roads has it been going up or been pretty stable for so what did we end up by on the street on the snow remove for number it's it's already we already did that so I want to know where it ended up at well we've already got the contract so the contract would be that it's the other part that we didn't oh the contract for 756 yeah so that one we signed and we did that what was it three months ago we do that months ago yeah so that's your street yeah that got that's put into the uh the next one streets and Roads you'll see the electricity down there 24,000 um year today it's about seven but there's trying to figure out the right one that's going to change a little bit so keeping it at that but there's only two items in here there's the street and talking with Kane um you know agreed to cut down this this does need to increase over years um cut it down to 50 from the 70,000 that was initially done um but again talking with Kane realistically the streets are in such bad need that it's going to end up costing Millions to repair these and so there's going to have to be a different route that's taken um we're not going to be able to catch up in our Street Maintenance budget um to be able to properly maintain them as they are in need in the next few years so that'll have to be something that'll be addressed um down the road by Council as we start going into major repairs for the roads there are some that are terrible yeah so but again I think it's something that needs to be increased and should continually be increased um you know because last year's 24,000 again we want to be able to do more repairative maintenance as the to repair roads we want to be be able to if there's something that pops up be able to fix them right away and so we need to have that buildup of money in that account eventually um for what it should be so getting dropped it down 20,000 to 50,000 for this year um Daniels the the street I say People's Energy property if they own the PO and the meters we just pay the use of the power okay for the for the light and there LEDs on everything that there is we're saving whatever we can after of that so and that would be the same moving forward if they were we were to ask him to install more if crossw they need a Transformer that's $600 payment to the city okay or if they can string a line from a Transformer that's already there that's just a a minor cost in some labor soad yeah we put some new ones that there were up at Tilly that they wanted but four of them I think that we over there this last year I know there was somebody talking about a flashing sign at a crosswalk for the DG market and I didn't know logistically how that would you would probably do that off solar pel I'm trying to think of what sign is there isn't one there there isn't one there talking about the speed the speed limit one that flashes no no no they like to so you can hit a button and lights go off say hey somebody's crossing the street but I think those would be solar panels off of that and done that way because that way you wouldn't have to worry about it or put any power that there is to it I think it's they done a great job um see here trees 25,000 for Tree Care canes talked about there's a lot of tree care that needs to be done in our Parks um they''re kind of falling behind I agree there's a lot of stuff that needs to be maintained with those um need contract I was just going to ask a question when we had the flood that there was through there uh we took out some of those trees did all that stuff get paid for for that stuff did we ever get reimbursed off of that or well we we paid the invoice but we're waiting out for the state funding Fe be reimbursed was that invoice we talking about something different here no no no I was just going to say FEMA denied the FEMA because we didn't hit the the county H the total number needed now it's going to the state to figure out what that is HSN yeah so specific I don't know what the invoice might we there but we don't have a rough estimate of what we submitted for it was in back of sometime back back in July or August yeah okay shop [Music] shop uh you'll see salaries wages payrolls all that got moved under the one section everything that was Public Works related where their pay stuff was under got moved under into one umbrella again it's simplify things um schols equipment supplies 14,000 um you get 12,000 for this year we're at about 10 I'm got some more expenditures coming through has asked for a slight increase in his tool supplies just to help cover again these cover a wide range of things um across the city so up that 2,000 there that didn't change the auto insurance all the insurances again those were removed and put under the um Finance Administration position under that section telephone expenses 900 as about budgeted that last year about that this year I'm sure we got telephone expenses coming through again so it's about on par uh the electricity same thing maybe look at reducing that um I would wouldn't go anything under 15,000 to 1500 um in that area same with the heating however the the gas and stuff that covers their vehicle the mowers the weed eater everything they use with gas oil and misscellaneous let's go back to uh number 11 electricity okay okay uh we've got quite a bit that's unused for that year to date we've only had 66 663 um why are we budgeting it that much higher to go to to 2000 and then use 1337 because I I I haven't talked with gotten a chance to go with Kane so like I said we could reduce that down I think that needs to come down that 15 I I think that uh uh heating should be able to go down too yep like I just said okay uh we look at what we're we're dealing with on gas and and oil where price of gas is coming down so going to keep that in mind that's vehicle gas correct I think so gasil so what do we want to go back what do we want to drop it to the electricity I would I would drop the electricity down to gosh a thousand yeah I would caution that guys just because there has been some discrepancies with the billing from people's Co-op I would caution dropping that uh think about your own electricity bill at home per month you know 100 bucks it's questioning that too yeah it's it's pretty odd that we've only spent 300 and some dollars in in 11 months so I would just caution that let's just drop it to 1500 not a thousand yeah so yeah I what do you mean um 2 like I get parks and I get fire shop cover what what is Department doing covers just the tools that yeah kind of the the catch all for the rest of the stuff that they do with Public Works Parks everything it's because they work out of the shop okay and then you know some of the other expenses get to buy it up but a lot of the stuff just comes from their their basic expenses that's why it's not a whole lot of different mine items okay it's kind of just the basic stuff did I explain that right yeah you did I think uh the shop supports all departments it uh Parks streets facilities even Water and Sewer so consider that uh driving out to the treatment plant doing Water and Sewer work quarters yeah all that stuff some general maintenance almost yeah and catch all yeah okay it doesn't specifically fall into one of these other categories okay lost were electricity can the heating stuff we talked about that a little bit I know I didn't get it marked in here but the uh 3,000 were just under a th000 reduction on that I know winter is just kind of around the corner and trying to figure out what's going to happen cuz I keep hearing it's a rough winner this year but who knows yeah I would caution that too just because last year was so mild uh I would caution dropping that but we are setting the thermostats we're we're turning him down at night turning him down on the weekend so we're trying to reduce where we can i' leave all these things I I with that miscellanous expense too yeah I just leave everything way it is off the sh okay all right any other miscellaneous your miscellaneous [Music] expenses traps you know I've never the bug man for that yeah yeah I've never used that miscellaneous expense I think it's just there for a a what if scenario I guess WD40 uh that would be gas oil miscellaneous actually we don't need two miscellaneous lines right that's what I'm thinking if you haven't used it in a while which one line 17 and the sh Stu he's got miscellaneous up underneath 13 you would need an extra $600 for miscellaneous on line 17 good oh I see gas oil and miscellaneous okay that out can you catch all that yep I caught all that uh just know with the the sewer utility we are putting more miles on vehicles and more wear and tear so I wouldn't cut that miscellaneous I'd just add it to the gas oil miscellaneous if that'd be possible look like hav't used it you haven't used it well I you know with the gas L miscellaneous year to date it's already over what was yeah gas is going down it's not going up so which is good this year well I mean that can change in an instant you get a bad hurricane down in the Gulf or you get and that's such a volatile thing a lot better than what it was a couple years ago we were putting 20% in there trying to figure out what with that at all keep it where it's at okay so what are we saying are we moving the 600 up I'm just going to move it up into the miscellaneous you got do plus 600 then there um parks and wreck go through this again P roll moved over um supplies supplies is at 2,000 for the year there's a lot of stuff with that I know there's um Kane can kind of chat on that too with the usage for parks that was amended and brought up to 2000 uh from the preliminary um K did you have anything to add on that one I think in the past uh items got coded to r&m grounds on r&m maintenance and I think we could just better code supplies actual items uh to this supplies account so that's why you see the increase there and you're you're going to see reductions across this department so there is a slight increase here um but there'll be deductions elsewhere that'll make up for that subcontracted services looking at 2023 on that for the supplies that was pretty close at 5449 actual but U yeah okay just comparing the 2023 to 2024 um the subcontracted services we did use some of those this year I can you remember what those ones were was that some think of it right now Jason be under we reduced it down to zero this year um Ken and I talked about it so they're fine with that so property insurance again that got moved over so that's down to zero Park insurance as well that gets covered under our insurance umbrella there um electricity again reduce that I don't know how much more we want to go down we're at about 1,500 probably be a little bit more than that we're doing bills right now so what's electricity at the par what what's that involved a couple Grand ear SE like lot electricity for pardon what considering what's the 2000 considered for the electricity at the parks I mean so that that would be oral Park River Park Community Center The Message Board signs um so this is a separate electricity other than right this isn't a a street light it's not a a facility it's not the fire hall it's not the shop it's just the partk it's just all metered different okay um water sewer garbage dropped that from the almost 10,000 last year down to 8,000 we're about 6,000 this year um I think that reasonable and keep watching it as we go try and find that level out price um it's up from 2023 as well this year and I think a lot that has to do with you know just what's being used across the parks how much they're being used um so we'll keep an eye on that continuously um gas oil and miscellaneous there's a increase in that of $300 from the preliminary one just because we're at about $5,300 this year already so trying to keep it kind of on par with where we're at um we up quite a bit from 2023 after that yep there's a lot of works the parks being done um repair and maintenance of building uh that's up 2500 from the preliminary we're already over 5,000 I know the there's been Kan do you want to talk about some of the building work that's done and I think there's going to have to be some major repairs coming to in the near future as well that we'll have to start budgeting for so this is for buildings at the parks right yes yes so hooking up uh oroa Park bathrooms to the uh grinder station you know instead of having a a vault style toilet we would have Plumbing hard pipe to the grinder station so there are some bigger expenses coming down the pike uh that being one of them that makes sense I know some of the the building out there the bathroom facility is in Tire need of repair and that's a lot this has been going to yeah when you put that hook that up and get out of the septic it's going to make a big difference off of that well just the facility itself the infrastructure of the building itself in dire need of repair so that I mean that whole facility may end up getting a big renovation at some point as well too but that's what a lot of this is going for is upkeeping those you know is that required to hook it the septic cuz I'm just thinking about winter is if we have it open in Winter right now it can be used it's not open in the winter it's not open turn the so that would be the same there's no heat no water over there but is it required to the SC is it required it's hooked up it's hooked up up to the city sewer system there's a grinder installed and it is that okay just to have it that way in the future because you don't want to have that septic that's out there is there's also the the thought of you know it's the park there's some camping stuff down there used to be camping that's been closed down if that is something that is the city decides hey maybe we'll bring this back to utilize having that facility updated with the stuff if it can bring Reven in yeah that makes sense and what we'll do with fut expand I mean it it just made sense as we were doing the sewer to go ahead and put that in and to be a part of it we did that so put that one grinder in there uh repair maintenance equipment kept that about 2,000 still on there for that this here um the repair maintenance grounds mower I reduceed that down from the preliminary from 39,000 to 30,000 again this was part of K's rotation system of getting these budgeted for rotating mowers out and having that in there Kan did you want to talk a little bit about that wait on those uh we we did cut some out of there Jason and I discussed it and we did cut some out of there uh yeah I guess I mean run those mowers a little bit longer than that instead of having every year rotation it do it like every other year well well it's last year uh one of our Public Works employees pretty much worked on a mower all summer long so uh but why is that if if they're that new I I I think a lot of it is uh is the people operating them uh there are rough grounds that we take care of um a combination of those two things uh I guess I wish I had a better answer for you but I I think it's just a combination of operators and uh the rough grounds and the amount of ground we take care of I mean has some of the Rocks been cleared up in that because you were still doing the sewer stuff last year that was going through and we I know we had a big rock issue that there was and and I think too if if we're if we're mowing that much Township I think we need to we need to look at that because you think about it that that's a lot of acreage there a lot of rocks how many acres is it would we say seven that's got to be close to Seven Acres at ditch upter you know what it it is a lot of Mowing and we do keep it up for appearances uh we can and I am all for it reducing the amount of mowing we do in the city uh right of ways certain Parks uh drain fields I am all for having the conversation to reduce the amount of mowing uh there's a bunch of empty lots downtown uh absolutely if we want to have that conversation where we can cut back I'm ready so uh who owns the empty lots downtown the city does these ones here two lots three lots there I mean I think we have to mold our property but we don't need to do Township and maybe there's some stuff that we don't do I mean my ditches don't get mowed unless I mow is there a reason we were mowing up between the 100 Street and city limit there uh we were just keeping up with appearances trying to make the entrance to town look good good that's easy we stop that let's have the discussion before mowing season starts yeah I'm just trying to see if we couldn't save some money off the mowing on that 39 even it's a 30,000 yeah that's still a big chunk of money when we turn around and we we got a new mower that we bought this year you know and the mower is what 16 19 something that no that was the discussion when we yeah I'm just saying you're not seeing that in here so but I'd like to try to cut that back on General equipment and and the mower off of that stuff it here because rep and maintenance of GRS and mow no I'm talking about the purchase of the new mow you're not seeing that in here year to date we're not no no I'm talking about ,000 each year yeah I'm just I'm just talking about the one purchase of a new mower you I know what you're saying equipment the next one never right so so that 30,000 doesn't include the replacing that M cane no yeah that would be the intention I'd like to stay with the threeyear rotation I'm asking what I'm asking is ises that 30,000 include the replacement of the mower yes it will my P an answer yeah it it will Paul 30,000 would cover Yep this this is part of that that more is in this 30,000 correct okay so we got unused mower at $2,455 this year yeah no no that's repair and maintenance and replacement of that mower we this is we haven't had the the the new purchase mower come bill hasn't come for those bill right yeah Kan whatever the purchase of the mow is that'll be coming out of this there's there's a $117,000 in invoice for the new mower that we just purchased that is not deducted from that 25,000 number make sense4 that makes sense for 2024 in 2025 there is also included in that the purchase of a new mower cor yep we have three mowers that are rotating through so you'll buy a new mower this year three years later replace it everyone is on a three-year rotation correct is it correct is it correct is it correct that the 6944 figure year to date for 2024 still has to have the 17,000 added to it yes that's 23 correct correct Ryland that three rotation out further or at least 100% yeah cu the hours aren't that much on them right hours on a commercial machine in 2025 then why don't we just work towards having less mowing to see how many hours we do put on the mows and then look at a different rotation well I don't yeah I still like I mean that's that's a lot of money that's looking at because go with lesser hours mowing less we get more retail resale for it too possibly too or go to a longer um year like we're talking about and that's also why I talked about larger mower you you can mow some of these lots a lot quicker with with less staff and you and the Moors and backwing Moors they're highly sought out by golf courses for doing rough stuff and because they don't like they don't like the private golf courses don't like buying new equipment either and spend that kind of money for them andess on them the thing that I think about is look at what what did we pay for it and three years later what did we get for it you know what what do we PID did you say 19 yeah so we paid 17 and we and we got seven $10,000 in three years that's a lot of excuse me excuse me that's that's $10,000 a year year you got three mowers well yeah you could look at it that way yes I'm just looking at a mower right but that's each year each mower is depreciating $10,000 you only got three 10,000 not, I buy commercial mower and I've got that's what s that's I mean are we are we taking appreciations I don't know how our city taxes work if we can take depreciation on equipment like that but um that's a chunk of change 630 you know if you're looking at a depreciation about 3300 we get we sell it after three years we purchase it for 177,000 we get 7,000 back for it even if you say you want a fiveyear lifespan you're still at the depreciation value so you're not I'm wondering what what set what what it what we get back for it when it has 1,700 hours on it like you know I mean yeah like that's that's more of my concern is like cheaper Mower and run it into the ground just fighting no I don't want to that causes more problems guys than anything at the same time with the lower hours we keep it in warranty too somewhat maybe not the whole three years but a good share that it's under warranty too so what else you one when Kane's talking about careless staff doing damage to mowers that's not covered by warranty that comes that's not every year no no p is talking about the the expense on them MERS the big the biggest part of the expense on that mower that sat down broke down all the time was operator error so the the other part that's part of the reason why we're not hiring seasonal people too have our own staff a little more responsibility on understand hopefully those people can work a little bit as well the other thing I'll say is um RO with that repair maintenance of grounds again this is for parks and wrecks so I look at repair maintenance of the grounds you know we're on the river we're susceptible to floods as we saw this year there's extensive damage that can happen in the Parks playground equipment is not cheap you know that we do have playground equipment at a variety of parks as well as the ball field and other stuff there's there's a lot of and that's not something that's really budgeted for in in our city budget is as a line item is those kind of expenses where we've got to take into consideration of you know I know parks and trails has talked about doing some stuff at the the by the t-ball field there's been talk about wanting to put in a a volleyball court or volleyball basketball court because that's what the community has been asking for so I think you know the repair maintenance grounds that $330,000 is still going to be able to be utilized for those kind of expenses because we don't have have you know we have recreational activities which is usually used for t-ball and stuff like that this will help repair those grounds if if there's damage there for the floods or any other kind of stuff that's my thought on that is that that line 17 that's number 16 17 what's the general equipment um that's been and K can speak to this I know there's been upgrades and things needed for uh the park benches that's the picnic tables those kind of things um we're trying to upgrade those to a more resistant year round material than just the wood so they're not deteriorating as fast looking those up Kane what kind of benches are those uh they're all weather maintenance free the metal ones that are covered in the plastic I mean no I just I was just wondering with with the frames which is you know the expensive part of it and you've got the wood top and and what you sit on can you turn around and get the other wood that there is that's resist all weather resistant like you use for your your decking and that and just drill holes and replace that instead of buying the whole frame those are expensive too I me and we've we've done that Jim we've uh replaced boards in the past with green treated and brown treated boards and they do last but they do break down over time as well so I was thinking about the new other stuff like I'm trying to think like the composite yeah the composite stuff like um tracks or what what what what's the word that they use wor though you know if you use tracks that would be you know what would hold up a lot longer that would be cheaper than buying new ones and that because you once you got the frame you got the frame PCS don't work for that you're talking you're talking about the decking you're not just going to replace a board here or a board there with wood you're enti thing right and I mean I've looked through the parks magazines when we get them they're still looking at at four to five grand for those kind of benches they're not cheap cheap at all so you know it's it's one of those things where it's to upgrade this stuff and to get it where it's a more longterm solution for these benches that are going to serve the community longer is going to cost a little bit of money now it's not a we're going to buy them all at once this is a we' been working on that for number years that's why I'm wondering to try to find a way to do it to cut it back a little bit off that for 18 ,000 and just not do as many this coming year yeah I mean did a lot can look at some Grant dollars too there's a lot of Grant programs for the Parks and Recreation okay we can take a look at and we started the program two years ago to do 10 tables a year so we've done to get it get those wood ones replaced with the new metal ones so they all it the like and uniformity so how many do we have did you say that earlier r how many do we have I thought it was 10 a year oh how many we have total for what picnic tables would have to ask uh 30 32 uh it's always floated around that 30 Mark uh some years we've uh dismantled and got rid of a few just because they're in poor shape uh but yeah ryland's right we've been trying to do 10 a year one year we did six one year we did 10 uh we're just trying to get everything the same up to the same standard I know when we had budgeted in 2023 25,000 we only spent what 833 I thought we bought more that year in 2023 we we did Jim the invoice didn't get paid until 2024 uh that was a timing issue there uh those funds should have came out of 2023 but they did come out of 20 24 that's why you see we're over uh this year yeah I remember we did make that for just so recreational and I left at 3000 um miscellaneous expenses brought that up to 4,000 um Kane you can want to talk about that we're we're at 18,000 year to date for miscellaneous expenses when it comes to parks and again I think some of that had to do with some of the damage um but so hopefully we'll get covered on the other end of that but Kane you're miscellaneous there correct I think some of those uh charges were from the damages the flooding this year I know we had budgeted 2023 3,000 and we spent 169 we budgeted 3600 we just went up by the normal 10% last year actually was 20 huh actually it was 20 20% so would that make sense to move that miscellaneous up to the other miscellaneous as well 13 and 19 or would you want them separated and actually give miscellaneous a repair repairs I mean we could rename we could rename it too from miscellaneous to something else I think it would be better to have an actual name to it than just throw a miscellaneous tab on there if you got 4,000 and miscellaneous sounds kind of high that should be in some other category especially you have another miscellaneous got 55300 on it so if we want to throw it under it seems like storm damage or something repair or something P any thoughts on what you want to reclassify miscellaneous expenses I think you could split it up with the repair and maintenance categories buildings grounds equipment um you know that could cover Park shelters playground equipment tennis soccer baseball t-ball equipment uh it could be spread out okay Kane and I will sit down and figure out where where to redisperse that and we will come up with a different category we'll leave it blank for this year but the miscellaneous will move it down to zero and redisperse it um and we will come up with a new name so that way for future budgets um so for now are we going to put it up with that line 13 or what um he's going to either redistribute it amongst multiple different lines or come up with okay so zero travel expenses I don't know why this was the mile reimbursement I don't know why this zero they've gone to trainings this year um oh it's because the the the company vehicles have been taken so that comes would be and W almost zero that off for travel expense and then training $4,500 Forks you know why I think that was there oh it's it's pesticide trainings and Kane what other trainings related to the parks and W pesticide training uh tree inspector training uh I know that both I had two employees go to pesticide training and tree inspector training this year so I don't know why those total are not reflecting that have to look to see where they yeah yeah because otherwise I like to drop those things down that's we're not having that many people that there are that were ret training again so s them there and that covers I mean that that training is they're all inclusive like said the hotel the food the expense for the the actual training itself so why don't we just drop it to the instead of because we raised at 15 why don't we just leave it at three yeah I think it do that 3,000 can thoughts on that uh I know the pesticide training was well over, 1500 per person and then of course you got it right is it annual or is it a lifetime thing or do you need it's annual recurring there's hours that need to get completed every year so I guess with this open position we have you know there's uh twoth thirds of it is going to be for this open position so that leaves $1,000 for three other employees I just it's cutting it close let's just leave where it's at work comp again that one's moved over else on Community Center again salaries wages benefits all that stuff um put into taken out of here um because that was part of the chunks that was divided up is to whoever was working putting in time here doing stuff got rid of that so those were zeroed out um supplies were at 4600 for the year uh so mended that up to 2,000 to 4,000 um the work Cru cane did that not cost anything or we no we only had a $120 on that one I think for the bringing those people in for Gold Rush correct we split that cost the city and gold rush for the three days we had them so we uh we zeroed that one out this year why why the city pay the cost on that it's a gold rush expense we we shared we shared STS crws Paul uh they helped us do some City work as well as some Gold Rush work yes yes thank you okay um can we go up one other one where the supplies are okay that increase doubling the the supplies mhm okay um I'm looking at where we were at in 2023 we were at $652 okay all of a sudden we we budgeted 2400 but was this other part of Gold Rush that there was to come up with that 4662 what what was in there I know I'd have to go back and look would you please check that because I mean that's that's that's pretty that's a huge jump okay what's going on I think that that should be closer to the 2,000 instead of the 4,000 okay uh boiler Insurance property insurance that got moved under or Insurance stuff it went to 2000 or when you said okay does that mean you're that means I'm going to look at it and figure out what it is and have to adjust it accordingly extra I just wanted to when you said that I just didn't know what you were saying by that sorry so curious what's what what well what are the supplies toilet paper as there is it's a lot of you know there's yeah there's toilet paper cleaning supplies things like that we get chairs fall into it or what I don't know could be a variety of things anything that chairs desk file cabinets uh all sorts of stuff we added a lot this year with the file cabinet room downstairs so well does all of our equipment is all of our equipment numbered like inventory so we know what so we know what we're discard what we purchase new and do we do we have do we have fin know we should have an inventory list of something so we actually know what the city owns y we had a finance person that' be a great job for them to do so oil insurance and property insurance for finance yeah admin assistant not a finance person you think a finance person would cover their money and cover that stuff I think they would be I don't think I think that's a waste of money anyway telephone expenses y telephone expenses um I think they got moved under Finance Administration stuff there we've 2500 year to date um they kind of help cover the equipment here electricity bumped up we're at 50 almost 6 grand this year for electricity um keeping it at 50 500 uh heating reduced that down we've significantly used less this year but at 86 last year um we're at about three grand brought it down to 5'7 again not knowing what the weather is going to do or how old this building is with stuff I know these windows do not retain heat at all my office is freezing our offices are freezing already so um the new boiler did help out that that it does heat up but it's still the window say think that it's [Music] gonna yeah windows so that's we're on the buildings right r&m what we're on line 13 correct no we're on he we around 13 about he reduced it down 2,000 so um theck key roofs yeah so repair maintenance buildings um this one was left at 36 there's been some stuff we've been looking at trying to fix but I've been holding off because I'm trying to figure out where our budgets at for the year overall as a city and I'm not going to whole bunch of money but I mean we've got when we have rainstorms we got leaking roofs that come in here and cause damage we've got I mean there's a ton of stuff that could be repaired in here and I'd like to see get repaired um and 36 is a drop in the Hat know we got we got 23,000 left over and we still have a leaky roof and no body's addressed it I'm having a difficult time with that to see we have that number nobody's addressed the Leaky rough and in 2023 we had 30,000 there too we only used 3,000 so that was a total of like 53,000 I can blow through 23,000 by the end of the month don't you worry I mean I'll repair stuff around here I'm not asking you to just to blow Money To Blow money no I it's not blow money it's to my point is my point is you and I stood out here this year and sit watch watch that roof leak and nobody's even gone up to look see what's leaking Paul i' I've been on the roof I had King go up and how did we address it is it still well that rainstorm was kind of an oddity it blew into the KOA up above uh now that KOA needs some major repairs uh right now I spoke with Jason and we're just trying to figure out where the city is at year to date and then coming up with a plan of where we want to spend our money at the community center uh that's always been a topic of of not putting money into the building versus building a new building and uh a lot of big decisions where we want to go with this building uh like I said it was an odd storm the rain was coming sideways uh my roof at home leaked uh very rare occurrence that storm but several years ago when we did the drop ceiling in that room upstairs we also looking at Windows those are all single pane windows and so we were looking at replacing those windows too but we decided not to so there's there's plenty of times and things you can see windows need to repl up there the blinds need to repl up there let me ask so we're talking about leaky roof was that a onetime occurrence or does it still leak I think that was a one time occurrence like Kane was saying because the way the wind was blowing it in through sideways through that think you could go up you go up there and look at the ceiling and that's not a onetime occurrence it's happened several times over the years why would not disagree with that but this year this was a onetime occurrence with rain because the way the storm was blowing it yeah was and I know it'll blow in because I've got them on my shop yeah could it blow in before to somewhere but I would be concerned if if the roof is still leak and we've got money in our budget no I Haven weeks of anything since at least from the roof perspective of that so what are we doing with that we're saying we're leaving it until I would like to be able to yeah I think if we've got stuff we need to do I think it makes sense to keep it could be an iceberg you're going comment yeah it could be I mean you know I going to comment on 16 um so okay so like pop expense that's zero I don't even know where that's from to be honest like the miscellaneous yeah yeah there we go miscellaneous was kind of the catch all for stuff we haven't really used a whole lot of it this year like I said it was one of those where if we had more damage and repair and maintenance was going to be needed that's where it was going to be coming from was utilizing that but we ped off with stuff you got quite a bit here it would be reasonable to look at insulated blinds for your offices and the workers to get something in here that might help reduce the heating as well 11,000 was my last quote for not insulated just basic blind there in just my in well no I think it was my office those and then these so what was that it was like a 11,000 something for blinds to replace in my office the office down here and then these ones those those were regular those were just regular blinds so I did have a quote and I was like that's a lot I can't spend that so we're waiting 1400 I want yeah the blinds are I thought blinds would be cheaper than they were give them away no okay so are we saying this 11 is stain we haven't got there yet oh we just finished I thought that's what you were 88 miscellaneous left it's not going to cover it so basically you got 47,000 or we don't know what we're going to spend it on 21 well I mean like I said we could there's there's things within here you know I mean you could look at miscellaneous too was also one of those ones where it was okay if there was security cameras were part of the community center would have be divided up there and there was a whole lot of different thought process yes so um which I think was initially was part of that thought process previous years which is why it was budgeted almost 11,000 I don't I don't know that wasn't here for last year's budget so I'm I'm okay doing whatever with that miscellaneous I would at least like it earmarked is something other than miscellaneous or reduce it to 5,000 right we can move two bag to somewhere else but your mark it for something else or move it down or I would drop it to five i' oh thank you yep all right okay I'm fine with that all right next up so line 16 y all right so we'll Boogie through I am not scroll scrolling years um grounds and maintenance move to Parks and Rec years so we can move past that one seasonal and not higher 2025 um for the Seas ground is people move past that one and [Music] Eda so again salaries and wages um that was part of our stuff from the city Side removed all that put that into where it should appropriately go with the people's wages um so you'll see that reduced down to zero we've got our Eva contract for $32,000 Rea has been patiently waiting here I thank you for your patiently waiting want to talk about what you do what you offer what you bring all that fun stuff and what you've done so far for the city and we continue to do um yeah um I guess for this year we will be having an annual report we'll have our annual report for everybody every year we just wait for the year end to to take place first um we were contracted this year for 384 hours so approximately 52 days worth of work um we were able to do our community engagement um project that was the initial project that um we got hired and contracted on to to do um that included putting together um packets for 600 different mailers um as well as all of the data entry from that um all of the advertising um and the data analysis that we had to do for those as well as the in-person event that we did and we did a SWAT analysis for that with um the 40 people that attended that event um and then we obviously had that 102 page report that um is available online we did a press release for that so that went out to the community um and I believe everybody here got a copy as well um we were able to develop the bylaws that are required by State Statute that we had to do so we did have to draft those um and get those approved um initially in the very beginning when I was first hired on I also was helping with getting some of the city council minutes caught up to date so that was something that took away from some of those Eda hours um in the very beginning um for the community engagement I did write a grant application and we did get the entire thing paid for by comper Financial so the city didn't actually have to pay anything for that entire process including the supplies um we also were just recently received a small town grant for $10,000 for the community branding um project that was requested um we've also drawn up an RFP now from scratch that we were able to get done um we're just waiting for the go ahead on that to to get that out for for branding um been working with the city financial adviser we worked on getting that training set up for um Tiff that most of you guys did go ahead and attend as well um we've been working one-on-one having conversations with for the king commercial development um potential the Hamilton Real Estate as well as age friendly oroko who we just got done helping to submit a $75,000 grant for them for getting Park improvements that do include um benches walking paths um a couple other other items that are in there as well um so that we should be hearing about shortly um we've also been submitting all of our updates into the newsletter the quarterly newsletter um and I know that our our monthly reports are also in with your um Council packets each month as well so I guess do you guys have any questions about any of these specific ific items that we've been working on or just add one comment to that Eda uh work we also have a uh 2025 action plan identified it's a multi-page I have that here too and that be I've asked to cut that into Council packet for council's awareness December meeting so it's just multi Pages three or four pages of some of those four pages of what all we're planning to do for the whole the whole next year and then I guess also with the time that I spend I also do all of the prep um minute writing all of that so that's all taken care of through that as well um but it doesn't just include just my services as well it also includes the rest of the Ceda team um we have it's a total of 13 counties and 42 cities and about seven different organizations that we help to run so we utilize all of us together um if there's something I'm not 100% sure on I write out to my team and the team comes back with that information so we've got people with all sorts of different Specialties that we're able to provide um under underneath that one umbrella so if I look at this saying 32,000 and I understood in one of our initial uh workshops that it was 100 100 plus an hour has has it changed the hourly rate change um I know each year that they do release a um the rates so I know that they do change on occasion yeah they I think they went up like 2% I want to say oh went up cuz I I calculate this at 32,000 at 384 hours is $83 an hour I was going to say because I think it's it's definitely under 100 I know for okay because I understood it was like 126 so I mean I I look at this and this is good but I I question $32,000 um I know I see grants um and rfps but I I question if if this is something that that we need right now given where we're at as a city and the expenses what what our residents would say and is this something that that we could pause for an instance and save some money I think we're starting in the Eda we're gaining a lot of momentum I've been to their meetings they're excited they're energetic and so to cut that support out from under them Cuts our Ed cut the morale and that's the forward progress of the city I think it'd be a horrible move to do that the enthusiasm that we saw at the community engagement had everybody been there from the council would have seen the the need and the excitement created because we were asking for their input and it was very very well attended and I think we're looking at having a wrap up or another personal meeting here early next year to go back and share with the community what we have done as far as Eda so the one big thing we haven't talked about as the next line item is a small business loan and the 15,000 and that's a start of building a small business loan um every city around us of the even the ones that they made reference to the 40 some cities small business loans are very important aspect of Eda to help with the transitions with new developments we look at Linda King and her property each of those individual po potential entrepreneurs and Stores um they may come to Eda and ask for a transition loan what that transition loan is U if we the idea was a 15,000 if we add it every year you know we get it up to 45 $60,000 we start loaning out small loans basically what it's saying to the banker where they ultimately get their financing is that Eda and or noal saying this is something that's worthy of the city having and that's a transition loan to help share that information with this with the banks and financing so that's one aspect and you know we have bylaws we have our action plans um within that action plan is to to um talk to each of the current business owners that we have in the city and introduce Eda to them and what Eda can help with other businesses and and U just make them aware of the Eda have we done that no it's in our action plan to do that in 2025 we got that to be starting in the beginning of the year and we'll do one-on-one interviews and then we'll also be logging all of that information into a database so that it's information that we can hold on historically um and build upon every every year when you every every time you do a visit or somebody involves themselves in a program and then also Ryland when it comes to a revolving Loan Fund which is that start startup type uh loan he was talking about um I have already been in conversations with the state um and we are able to apply for up to $200,000 to be able to start our pot for revolving loan funds so we do have some leads already on being able to get that those funds that'll be available for the city and then reused over time then so there's I see it you know you look at you know we did this for one year and we didn't have any of this in front of us and within the one year we've list of what we've done I think is tremendous for what we've done with with the8 some dollars you take that $8 figure you take off um 30% of that is benefits to that person that seed is paying that employee and U so the balance of that is what they bring through the city and just all the experience and and you know we're we're 20 30 years behind everybody else every city around us because we've never had an id8 here's a golden opportunity if we were somewhere somewhere else look you know our proximity of Rochester is just very advantageous to us and I'm sure it's um it's definitely a feather in our hat to be so close to Rochester and I think this Eda is all part of that development that to grow and grow in a way that is beneficial to all of our residents it will help with our tax base and it's it's a win-win really hate to see us stop it and restart it and what does that tell our residents and tell us our business owners we're not interested in developing or we're not interested in helping our tax base I don't think it's I don't honestly I don't buy that because I don't think that would be telling our res said we're not interested in growing our tax Bas I really don't that's my opinion um do I think there are developers out there that want to come here yeah there definitely are but and I'm not saying Eda is a bad thing but I question is is right now the right time to be spending this kind of money um I see the things on here there there's quite a best um some of these things are things that I mean I see grants our fire department rights grants um I get that and I'm not I'm not downsizing or demoting what you have done I'm just questioning the amount of spend that we're throwing at our tax payers including myself as a taxpayer is this is something that that off that we want to do right now with the potential of how much in the coming year we're looking at over 300,000 so we brought of what grants so we brought in about $25,000 in Grants this year because of Ceda with the potential of another 300,000 being brought in that offsets the cost of having a Ceda representative right there in my eyes you're not guaranteed to Grant you're not but we're more guaranteed having the backing of CA because it's not just one person it's an entire organization that's working on it it's like a lobbyist having a lobbyist in house to help get these things and I get that but you know Jason I'm going to bring this up and I'm not stabbing you but it it really begs the question in my mind at one of our meetings you went at the fire department for writing grants and this is writing grants and I think it's great to get grants because that's that's money that is not out of our pocket but it's okay here but it's not okay at the fire department to have them do it you know what I'm saying correct you it's it's the communication of what they're writing CA communicates with me as to when they're looking at these and what they're doing I don't get that from the fire department that's the difference I would love for the fire department to write a million dollars worth of Grants go for it get out there do it but let us know so we know what's going on not a oh hey we got this here's the stuff start getting ready for it now I'm playing catchup with that's the problem I have with that you're looking at a volunteer situation that there is versus somebody that's in here one day a week if you had a fire department that was paid to be in here one day a week oh that makes a difference on communication I think I think it really does and working on the grant it's a pick up the call say hey obviously it gets talked about at some point it's a hey this is happening send out the email hey we're going to start working on this grant for this okay I agree I mean those things need to be communicated but I you know I just look at the grants um because we we do have volunteers writing grants and uh and I know bylaws are a big deal to right too um I just question the amount of our spend on this right now is it is this the time and I I know we we push we pushed this through to get it get it started and you know do we want this much of a spend right now or is is there a way to reduce this a little bit um the 15,000 I I'm not sure but saying we could get you a copy of the updated rating Sheets if you wanted to look at cutting back hours I mean not everybody some people do two days a month some people do it one day a week some people do it five days a week so it's completely customizable for you guys if you want to look at cutting back as well and and again I'm not saying this is a bad thing y absolutely I'm just looking at the overall spend because now we're adding 15,000 into it business and that was the biggest thing out talking with people before the election they're worried about the bottom line and what we're spending so we had a couple people come to come to the November meeting say not to do it to so what was that we've had a couple we had two people show up at the November meeting saying not to do it I guess I've heard I've heard both I've heard a lot of both I've heard both sides and I was just asking around do you know how what's the average small business loan that we would give out what is a $155,000 what does that that one business is that honestly sliding scale not going to do a whole lot um it was just a place to start but considering the fact that we are looking at going after that larger sum to try and get an established um loan like established Loan program um that would have the funds to be able to do it we certainly wouldn't have to do the 15,000 this year and we could look at doing that in a future year if we aren't provided that that additional one that's not required for the grand that no that wouldn't be required for it that's just a way for us we were talking about different ways to being able to starting this fund and and getting a place to start from so that was kind of where that came from but okay since we are looking at that in Minnesota investment fund rant I mean 15,000 could probably very easily just wait for another year or maybe we won't even need it okay yeah I mean me personally I I would like to see that you know at a very minimum see that weight because me we've put a lot on our taxpayers you yeah I think we really have and I know we need to grow on some of the stuff but looking too and um know what the meeting is going to be like in a couple weeks well that's where I was looking forward to seeing the numbers up there changes we play so we know where we're at yeah we don't have the could you get the rest of the final numbers Administration well I've got a week left with Renee to get trained in with stuff so I'm busy doing that um I'm still running the city we coming up for meetings I don't know so I will work on it and I will get it out as soon as I can can't give you anything more than that I kind of expected it tonight because that's what we did last year we sat run through that we changed everything as we went we knew exactly where we were when we got done the meeting well you had asked for that beforehand I didn't know what was done last year because I wasn't here so I might have been able to provide that but that part I understand we where we are so the last one here and let me just say a comment to that Jason um the thing that I worry about with that and I know we've got some constraint coming up but the thing I worry about is here we're going to be at the December council meeting to approve this and people will have not had time to absorb it and go through it and be able to give their their input on this because really this is this is coming out of their pocket and they're meaning mine as well and all of us sitting here um I I do have concern because what we we weren't around last year and it was not pleasant we it was not pleasant but you know what it needed to happen so we're in much better place right now than last year though for sure so if you look at your last page here the comparison you're going to see from the preliminary budgets on the bottom to the amended one we that was presented to you these last two days um we have seen a drop down in the general or the general Levy excuse me um a reduction in that which is reduced the total Levy uh close to $150 to $200,000 um so with that we saw the tax rate drop from 52.4 to 47.3 which is a 5.7% increase from last year and the total Levy increase from 36.5 to 23.3 I know the total Levy increases a concern for people we don't have control over the total Levy that includes everything County school districts things like that so some of that stuff is out of our hands what I'm focusing on is our city taxes that we're collecting and how we're using that so that 5.7% increase which is a minimal increase we're still the lowest in the the region the county um like we talked about in September when I presented that information you know it's we're still well under what anybody else is is under in the region we're in a 23% increase in the tax levy again I talked that's the that's out of our control that's the county that's the school districts there's more than just us in that no we no it is is 23% is our increase to that Levy it is not way it was explained to me was somebody explained it wrong because each of them have their own they have their own Levy for each of them this 23.3% is what's coming from our papers this is what we produced we produced 36.5% back in September this is the number that we're dealing with I could care less about the rest of the tax rate it means nothing the levy is what goes to the taxpayer we're at 23% and last year we had people in here screaming you could at least get it to 20 here we're at 23 and we're we're in the same boat we were last year it doesn't changed enough said that that thing's down about 12% you're not going to hear me it's been about what need to be spent what needs to be saved language please anything else I get I do have one question where where does is our Tiff in a different fund that the the Tiff that that uh we pay comes from the county but we don't show it in any of this we so we're saying we're not budgeting it right it's my understanding the Tiff is that um the county collects the taxes from the database or the center the property then they hold back that Tiff money so so what comes to our tax capacity it's not included so and they wouldn't show as an in and an out right right that's the way tips that's the way it was explained interesting if you want just one comment I would go back to the Eda if and I appreciate the 32,000 and I think you know we look at you know having a our Wastewater system in place you know that is going to draw people to us so maybe it isn't right this isn't the right year to start the 15,000 so one idea was just to hold off on that small business loan until next year it started and just deal with our SE of contract that's something Eda could talk about at our meeting I guess it's after the budget meeting but that would be something to consider you know well I think when we put that forward 30% off Eda budget yeah the board knew that that wasn't going to be a given it was just a request so I'm sure that they would understand I have that's fine with me if we're going to take the 15 loan out of it but keep our contracted City at 32,000 budgeted item because there are you know we talk about this age friendly $80,000 Grant well that's going to buy parking equipment hopefully your um grils or whatever the case may be but that's also an expenditure that we're getting grant money that's not in our city right but we don't have that we haven't been we haven't been given that Grant no we haven't so I mean that's that's like get a high in the sky okay same thing we were looking for the air packs if they were off for the fire department it didn't happen and we thought we were in good shape to get that but that didn't that's true I can't deny that but it does have by having Rebecca here she's the one that um you know age friendly is we're nonprofit now and we got that status and so but at the same time we have because we're associated with arp we there's a ton of grants that are available through ARP and he provides that service for grant writing and we're not having done no and I I appreciate that you know I I have to take a look at um what what the average ages of our community which is 36 okay and so I look at that and and you know hey I'm a retired person I understand what goes on but it's nice to have that but I think that we have to take a look at where our community is growing and where things are at you know and and so I don't think it's as as as age friendly as as what what I think that that we want to take a look at I just I see it as being a younger community and things being spent for t-ball and some of the other stuff that there is is is more of what's in line with with what this community get and I think we found that out from what we got from the report of what's really going on reports what people are looking at you know so and I and we looked at we found with with the services that there are with the age friendly stuff of it I mean there's more services available than I ever realized when we turned around and did it so I think we're we're we're in pretty good shape with with that but anyway that's just my few sents worth they have been attending the parks of recreation meetings a good number of those two because there are things that they've been wanting me to take a look at as well um for basketball court upgrades um lights for the t-ball field all that kind of stuff so there a lot of good stuff absolutely that's a very very reasonable compromis to scratch the loan and consider that moved into that contract I guess I guess one of the things I really want throughout the whole budget thing we talked about here is I just have a real difficult time with the unused funds that weren't used last year that were so quick to want us hurry up and spend it by the end of the year when we could draw those funds forward to help cover some of the expenses of of unbudgeted money could come forward to help fill the budgets of this this coming this coming year and we're reluctant to even think about it have an eye on what what is that dollar amount we've never known that for any of the years before from last year that what didn't wasn't used should be brought forward I think we should have that information to know all that stuff hard hard to approve well I think it's important bring a good point the explanation why we can't do that well I'm sure there is and I think that's maybe we should touch B with I I know somebody's going to come up with an explanation for it but I'll tell you what no matter the explanation it's going to come through some silly statute the state road and it's going to say that we can't do it because we are it's money it's already spent and I think that there's one thing that needs to be in here too that hasn't been put in here which is to go through um and and have an audit that that's done for starting out with the fire department to find out where that money was or wasn't and did it finished once at all for that forensic audit we need to decide where that's going that budget line Y jumping back to economic will take the 15,000 is that okay I would I would say let's try to reduce the hours a little B I would also C that in half we can look two days and week month or whatever it is but I I just feel like it's such a it's a great ad for the city and to pause it for a year um you know that we burn the risk of well should we continue it or not that's just starting all over again it's got we got year decided to do it now we're saying well they're not sure we want to do it I understand the reasons where you're coming from but at the same time the value in there so we're already doing one day a week one day a week like one one day every other so you have it you do four hours a week half a day at all um I mean no but I if if you're if you're looking at doing one day every other week um I mean it'd be the same thing I mean be getting the same number of hours it's hard to justify driving anywhere for four hours what I mean because I live in Rochester and it's orogo I would say yeah because it's not like I'm you know doing the my hour and a half drive out spring Gro so it's I mean it's definitely more doable all right Jason we appreciate what you can do to Sunrise done the last two nights and get that out to us it'll definit be in the packet I guess yeah I'll try to get out before that didn't think it was going to print off that small when I printed the other day oh it was and I tried to adjust it on my printer and I couldn't do anything it was like either this or well it was because it was put into that PDF and we tried doing that today to print it off I had to go back and get other formats all favor say I approved 751