##VIDEO ID:KPftWvwtIRw## good evening everyone I'd like to welcome you to the oigo city council meeting tonight is Monday October 28th Audrey can you have the record show that our City attorney city planner city engineer are present council member Dunlap is present council member Gat is absent council member D is present and council member mois is present along with our assistant City administrator and our city administrator at this time I'll ask you all to join us in Pledge of Allegiance I pledge Ali to the FL of the United States of America and to the rep for which it stands one nation God indivisible liberty and justice thank you our first item this evening is a special recognition of our 2024 photo contest winners this is the city of ay 's 8th Annual photo contest there were seven participants that submitted a total of 10 photos we had 295 votes that were cast online and 245 that happened during the Prairie Festival the city council would like to thank all the participants for the submission in showcasing the city of oo the city will now present a certificate of recognition their photo framed and $100 to this year's winner which we have two the viewers and I will invite them up um together because they happen to be sisters I believe um the viewers Choice online winner this year is Lauren burning who submitted icicles on a tractor and the viewer's choice at the Prairie Festival was Katie burning who submitted farm at Sunset so we'll come down and I will pass each of you guys a certificate and your check and then your photos framed the P can come out okay which one is yes we can go back we do this thank you so much everyone this is the photo you can see itone so here's your phrase here's your certificate check on and then Katie did her pict sunet thank you pict us all right where you like to be where would you guys like to do it's your day oh come on you're all right what's up thank you great job all right we are moving on to our open Forum this is the portion of the meeting where residents can come to the podium state your name and address and limit comments to 5 minutes or less would anyone like to speak at this time hello jeie Holland County Commissioner hello everybody hello um so first of all I want to thank Sabrina for coming uh we've had some uh cannabis meetings uh just want to share with you that the county has a new uh which which I'm sure Adam also has found out that uh the gis now has a nice way of because we're going to be doing we're going to be uh setting the setbacks which are going to be very close to uh the tobacco and then the um our projects team and GIS has a map that you can go and punch in your city and then it'll tell you uh the the dimension of where you can actually have a retail store in your city it's a very nice uh we're very proud of it proud of our team and I'm sure Sabrina will tell you that is quite uh quite impressive um and then but I think it's going to be a while before we see any kind of retail coming around for a while because the state still in influx that department of cannabis is uh still struggling so might be another year yet we don't know but anyways that's where we're at with that and then I want to tell you that we I know I talked to you guys last spring like early summer about the HOA that is in your uh city um anyways we I want to introduce roxan Rox San's the G who has uh no skin in the game she her insurance paid for her $188,600 uh roof thankfully but unfortunately many of her neighbors didn't get that opportunity she has as I told you before Set uh had a report that went out and then along with me and County attorney loots submitted to the uh attorney general in April haven't heard anything although they are inundated with a lot of HOA uh matters and um now the the Minnesota reformer magazine has interviewed um roxan and last week came out with an article and then because of that article uh we also had uh the insurance Federation CEO who also happens to be the city councilman uh for Albertville uh Aaron cocking uh put in that there is a lot of insurance fraud that he's seeing from just what he has read and if he when he reads a report he will be quite surprised that there is a lot there's there's a lot of moving pieces uh it's alarming to many people on all ends um and so yeah I gave you the the the articles that came in first came in second um we're we're happy that it's kind of now made the Forefront uh there is also a work group that sen Senator lero uh is is him and a few other Senators have brought together and roxan and I are going to be testifying at the end of November uh this is hopefully to get some legislation uh in like next year when when they go back into session session we can get some legislation because right now an HOA is basically a Sovereign Nation you can't they anybody can't I I call I talk to the Department of Commerce and there's no oversight there's no oversight uh um for on any level and he the Department of Commerce can oversee bad landlords but they can't do anything about bad HOA uh so that that would be nice to see um I would like you guys to you know if you have any input as to what you'd like to see roxan and I would love to hear what you have to say uh any kind we we do need to make changes in this Arena on the flip side I also know from a city standpoint an HOA is very nice because you know it does take care of the unruly neighbors that uh you know you we see in other cities that you know for instance last week Albertville has been dealing with somebody for 11 years for not cleaning up and going they keep having to go to court they C can't clean up their yards um so there is there is good things about HOAs but the sad thing about the HOAs is that they can be taken advantage of and this case we're seeing rampant uh um you know just the fact that and I think uh mayor stock Camp you saw when you went to the HOA that they wouldn't give their phone numbers out the board and then they were ultimately having to call the gas and management company and then therefore were charged so many of the people in there's a lot of leans in that property right now and a lot of them have not just the amount that they were originally charged for roof but they've also been charged for legal fees and that's really sad and we have one in foreclosure hoping to save him from foreclosure it's looking like the Count's going to be able to help them a little bit but it's very alarming as to how many people put their houses up for sale in that development this year and then when you look in the recorder's office they they're uh they're in they either have a lean um for the like for the roof or they're in foreclosure so it's sad because where where will they go that's their home so but yeah I'd like you to meet roxan roxan Williams um and uh she can introduce herself and thank you yes um so JD mentioned that there were you mentioned one article there were two articles posted did last week by the Minnesota reformer if anybody's interested I did print up extra copies um but so to start with and and I'll try to just hit the high points there's so much like You' mentioned there's a lot of moving Parts in there are but so when I was looking for a place to buy in 2012 so I've been there for 12 years I really wanted a single family home but ultimately I bought a townhouse and I really didn't I wasn't crazy about the idea because I thought I really like to mow Lawns I mean I would mow my mom's lawn I I like the smell of green grass and and in this case not only can't I do it I have to pay somebody else to do it but then also too uh there's the convenience side of it somebody else will take care of the snow plowing and the shoveling of the sidewalk and so that's a positive um and then I also got to think after a couple years but there's another benefit too and that is that I know being in an HOA I'm not going to have junkers in the yard next door to me so there's that positive and so I've been for 10 years and everything was really great and quite honestly I was never involved in the HOA I never went to a single meeting until all of a sudden last fall and it it to say that what has happened is appalling horrendous is an understatement it is just appalling what has happened so I'll just give you a couple highlights so for example when it was decided that all and by the way this is a new roof replacement for all 96 units when that decision was made for all 96 units to be replaced it took place that decision in one single meeting no residents were present shame on us but no residents were present the property management company was there along with the board and not only did they talk about it for the very first time but they made the decision they were already at the contract stage in one hour in one hour one meeting they voted to move forward with a contract and move forward with the roof replacement it was also appalling to see as I was investigating and I've done a heck of a lot of investigating as Jeanie mentioned I had no skin in the game but it was appalling to me so much so that I decided I want to get to the road of this so I want to find out what's going on I discovered that the contract that our president signed at that time he signed it one week be well one week after that meeting is when they originated that contract I verified the date with um docu sign so they originated it one week later and one week later is oh one week after that is when he signed it and this was before the storm actually even happened right on the contract it shows the date that was originated a week later was the supposed storm and in this contract no mention whatsoever of price he signed this contract no price whatsoever who in the who would be signing who would buy a car and agree to sign it are signed to buy it and not know what the price is it just is asinine I can't believe that this happened so then I found out in speaking with people that well they said but it's okay because the property management company said well they'll just do it for the price that the insurance company says it's valued at well I also found out when we hired them two and a half years prior the property management company they kind of put all the pieces in place they brought in their own insurance guy who li who lives in North Carolina who is now our insurance agent they also brought in I mean they kind of put all these pieces in place and it it it has just been appalling what has happened and another thing that happened too is um early on I called our property manager when this was all first kind of erupting and I said did you have any competitive bids and she said yes we had three I she come to find out she told other people no we had zero but she told me they had three well well as I was kind of processing and thinking about all of this I thought this is not making sense to me I I am not feeling good about this so I decided I'm going to start an email string at this point they had already had a notice that said by the way we're gonna have a free food truck and free pumpkins it was one year ago like today couple days before Halloween when they did this and so because there was a sign on the truck at the free food truck and the free pumpkins I now knew who the winning contractor was so I decided this is not feeling right to me I started the meet an email string and I said I now know who the winning contractor is who are the other two so she wrote back with a name parenthesis 2022 another name parentheses 2022 I thought that makes no sense this was a July 13 20203 supposed storm so I decided I'm going to investigate and call these two people so I called the first one and he said well where did you work at your HOA but we work on the porches and the decks we were asked in the spring of 2022 to a quote for roofing but it was for one unit not 96 and nothing came of it so then I called the second one and he said well yes I was asked to come out and inspect your roofs and he said I did that and I found minimal to zero damage there was nothing to provide a quote on those were the two quotes that she provided so as I did further investigation I went on to the property management company only to find out the contractor it's their own company so no bids no competitive bids their own company the price I I'll just go I'll just say one more thing about the price so I've also talked with contractors about what would you charge if you would have done this job and I I spoke with three contractors two of them gave me the identical price and you might think but how is that possible how can they give the identical price well was based on x amount $650 per square of shingles and if you don't know one square is 100 square feet so one $650 per square so that told me that is the standard going price in the industry and then one resident who is a 20-year owner of a rough roofing contractor the lives right with us he said he would have done it for even less so $650 would equate to $1,050 per unit they charge just $20,600 per unit it's just outrageous what they've done and so there are in fact people that have had tremendous impact so so JD mentioned that there's somebody that's been evicted already or foreclosed upon I believe there may be three don't quote me on that but I think there may be three another individual we're working with right now to hopefully save him another person who right now has over $20,000 on her account that probably isn't going to be able to to make that and won't be able to swing it and I also talked to for example another woman who is elderly and she said well now that she's got this big Bill she was in the hospital having surgery for a week at the time this was all unfolding and she said now not only can't I retire I have to work an extra year and I can't buy the hospital bed that I need for being comfortable it it and so this just this is not just R OA this is the industry and I'm just really hoping that somehow legislatively we can get attention on a big scale because this type of thing is well beyond our little HOA it's just outrageous what happens it's like a high-profit unregulated industry and I sure hope that something can change Roan I thank you for stepping up because I talked to you before and as you said you had no skin in the game but you were doing this for all your neighbors so thank you for all your investigative work thank you reach out to me or Senator lero if there's anything that you guys see on your level that you'd like to relate to that housing group because I think that's really important at this point so that when we hit the ground running next year at the legislature we have all the pieces so we can fight for all your citizens because like we said on this side of Ray County there's a lot of HOAs and so we want our residents protected so absolutely thank you thank you thank you yeah thanks a lot all right we are still under our open Forum would anyone else like to comment okay we we will close open forum and move to item two to consider our agenda for approval does anyone have anything that they would like to add or delete at this time Madam mayor yes I move to approve the agenda as written second motion by Ryan seconded by Jeff is there any discussion all those in favor signify by sending saying I I all those oppos same sign motion passes next item is our consent agenda motion would be in order Madame mayor I move to approve the consent agenda as written second motion by Ryan seconded by Britney is there any discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed same sign motion passes moving on to item 4.1 fire protection agreement with the city of Albert mayor and City Council in your packet uh for the meeting tonight is an amended fire protection agreement from the city of Albertville uh so I understand this was a topic of discussion at their meeting on October 21st uh staff did receive this uh redlined agreement that's in your packet last Thursday including it for discussion and review with the city council um with that um I can go into a few areas that that differ from from what the current contract outlines um so uh at its core the current contract was uh something adopted in November of 2022 by both cities uh went into implementation in January of 2023 that was the most current and recent version the city's been contracting with Albertville for many years um so that contract was Auto renewing uh the current contract um The Proposal from the city of Bill uh paragraph one outlines uh a term for the contract of January 1 2025 through December 31st of 2025 uh so that's probably the largest shift in terms of the contract terms um shifting from an annual Auto renewal to something that does have a term included so that would be something the council should discuss uh for the most part the rest of the agreement is uh some minor additions here and there some terminology uh there is an example of what the contract calculation is included in paragraph two uh so those numbers um largely being updated from when this contract was originally put in place many years ago to better reflect what those Market values tax capacities uh budgets and contract rates actually are so again that's an example in paragraph two looking further um throughout the agreement I mean for the most part uh paragraph one is the one where I would want to discuss with the Council on how You' want to proceed with that uh paragraph 8 is potentially another one where it's outlining a uh date in which Albert bill would propose the 2026 fire budget and does include um some dates for adoption of the agreement by both cities so that's another one that could be discussed uh it does mention the 2026 fire budget in that paragraph but again paragraph one only mentions service for 2025 so I can answer any questions from the council I have passed this along to the City attorney uh so City attorney Kendall has reviewed and can answer any legal questions uh from the mayor and councel as well but uh again staff is looking for and discussion of this um contract and Direction on how to proceed from that so Dave do you have any comments uh I really don't at this time mayor I think Adam summarized the changes correctly um I'd be happy to answer any questions that Council has okay I'll start it off um and I just talked to John when I John's here from Albertville and there was discussion at that meeting um specifically their mayor brought it up and saying you know can we write it in for two years I guess I would be looking for you know the first paragraph only goes through December 31st 2025 but in paragraphs 8 um it talks about that there is an option for 2026 but we know that we need protection for for sure two years so I guess that's my first talking point with that is that good that we have a further discussion on that item I think go ahead sorry no you're good I think that's because we can't change 2025 because the contract terms we can we can only affect 2026 at this point so I think that's why the contract is written that way correct the the current version of the mayor and Council it does include a 365 day termination that that is within uh the bed of the current contract so Council M Dum would be correct there right but I guess what I'm saying is that we could ask to include the two years correct if if I mean that would be a staff recommendation to at least pose the question to the city of Albertville if they'd be interested in in expanding paragraph one to account for both 2025 and 2026 what are you gonna say just on that comment I would say I would be surprised if they came back and said that they were based on my understanding of the conversation at that Albertville meeting I was there so uh but I would still recommend the city at least ask that question if it's something that can be negotiated between the two cities to change it uh paragraph one again to add service through 2026 yeah I'm for that too sure 2026 is covered Madame mayor I do have that in my notes here just to touch base on I also um just wanted to bring up obviously this this is the draft so if we go back and ask them about having two years versus the one year as far as something being finalized because this is an effect January 2025 when will that conversation be had then after this and will it come back to council as far as their decision and how they're feeling about having the contract extended for two years versus one they have City Council meetings opposite of us so their meeting would be next week so I assume if we request changes we would be they would it would be on their agenda I'm looking out to John because he's obviously a council member here present um I think we have until September of next year to decide that well but I guess why not get it in place and I mean I as I said I just spoke with John before the meeting and he both of us said why can't it be decided in the next month and a half to work between and see if that they would be open to it because at the last meeting Jillian did say you know her point was just that we should be working together and that's obviously all of our goals to to make sure that our residents are safe and protected but that we have something in place I think I guess I'm just we can ask the question and make would we then move this to I believe the first they're the first Monday in November for their council meeting so we would have this go to would we delay this to our uh second or our first meeting and was it November 12th I don't think we would delay it I think Adam said these this is the draft so we're going through like if we see that there's items that we need to be looking out for what's best for our residents or to make this contract moving forward work that's what we're here doing tonight metam may I think I would not feel comfortable again just having a motion tonight for a year that means that people will not have Services um for a year and I also think that a contract should it is a talking point it's having that conversation and no questions a dumb question it be good to just ask um and yeah I'm just this be a this is a topic of conversation so it would be nice to ask them to have the two years versus the one year yeah mayor councel just to clarify that the council could accept approve this agreement tonight if if there was a motion to do that I I do think staff uh myself and the City attorney would recommend that at least posing the question about the term of the contract and see where it goes from there okay sorry Ry sorry I was gonna say to me it doesn't make sense to not approve it because then I mean if they come back and they say well we're only comfortable with one year which like I said that seemed to be the discussion based on my when I was at that meeting so if they come back and they say no we're only interested in in really one year from now until you guys kind of figure things out would we say no to that no of course not so I think it only makes sense to approve it tonight and if they if we want to start looking at 2026 then we can certainly do that but Albertville main contention was there was they're really unclear on what 2026 and 2027 looked looks like so I think they need more data from us Adam com mayor uh myself and and chief Rouser meeting with the administrator and Fire Chief from the city of Albertville along with Sabrina uh on Wednesday so I anticipate that will'll help provide some of the information that they currently may not have Madame mayor maybe I misspoke I just want to make sure by proving this tonight that this is not set in stone and that comments were again heard that some of us have questions about paragraph one compared to paragraph eight and having that time frame being more than a year you know going for more than a year having contract that's more than a year does that make sense that I'm saying can you repeat it yes so my fears again that you know this contract is I'm not saying that I'm not I misspoke when I said that I wouldn't be approving or wouldn't be make a motion and approve vote Yes to this tonight with this contract I'm just reiterating the fact that this is a draft it does not hurt to ask and pose the question of the contract dates and it being more than one year right I mean I I think I understand what you're saying um I think staff's recommendation would be to ask about the term yes if that term remains to be unchanged or the city of Albertville wishes to keep the amendment as is the city should still adopt um this contract with them for 2025 there would be no reason to recommend not doing that yes I just would like to ask the question right and and I'm not I'm just saying it's it's a draft and we're working between two Council so obviously it was what's their Council they gave input now it's in front of us and what's our input and obviously our job is to look out to make sure that we have something in place it does give the date of September 23rd 2025 that we need to give them about 2026 but why not write it and then say we know that we need coverage in 2026 that's where I guess I'm going have it mayor I guess I would just say paragraph 8 talks about you know by September 1st 2025 Alo shall notify Albertville if it desires to enter into a contract with fire protection for 2026 sounds like there's a lot of discussion on the council that there probably would be interest so you can you know ask staff to at least explore that possibility now you you you have the option under this draft to wait until September of 25 you don't have to wait until September of 25 you could explore that earli than that if you wanted to well I guess that's where I'm going with it I mean Eric made a but the chief Lin made a comment about presenting their council with two budgets next year saying with us in or with us out and their Council you know shook their head as though they were agreeing to that but it's a benefit for them to know that we're in for that next year for planning purposes and we need the protection so I guess that's what I'm saying also other comments I think Albert Bill's concern again I'm just kind of paraphrasing because I was at the meeting is is really around let's see the fourth whereas clause and it's also in paragraph nine whereas it is understood that any future shared emergency response between the two departments will require a fire protection agreement for service do you mean the sixth whereas the fourth new one I guess but yes the sixth whereas yes and and I have a note there too and obviously as you said they're concerned about that we have staff meeting and there's still plenty of time I mean that was even brought up at their meeting that they said we need to know where we're moving forward and what that looks like they talked about is that that they need to dive deeper as what I had in my notes from that meeting last Monday night so I think there's lots of clarification and and even their Council said we just need to know where they're at with things so I didn't you might have been at a meeting before that but what I'm referring to is the meeting last week where the council seemed and they all said yes we're ready to send this forward to the city of ATO but also it was their City administrator so they were having a meeting with our city administrator at that time too and shared it with their councel so I didn't it it seemed to me that they weren't willing to close the door on the situation so if you feel differently then that's your take of the meeting no in fact I think the the mayor of Albertville said that she didn't want to leave her desire and I think the council the Albertville Council shares they're not looking to leave every anyone in the dirt I think is what she said but we're kind of talking around the issue the issue is what happens in 2027 and and Albertville is looking at it as we need to plan in 2026 for what happens because we've been told multiple times that Mutual Aid is something that we can rely on from the city of Albertville this contract makes it clear that's not going to happen but this contract also said that they need to that we need to figure out what that is and I have still need to happen outside of this contract that that would be moving forward in 2027 which which is outside of what this contract has anything to say with paragraph number nine if Albertville and oo do not enter into a fire protection agreement for the 2026 calendar year Albert Albertville shall have no obligation to provide fire protection and or Emergency Medical Services response to the oo FSA after December 31st 2025 in such event oigo shall mail a notice to every address within the a oigo FSA notifying the owners and occupants of such properties that Albertville shall no longer provide such emergency service response to those properties it is sad to me that the Albertville city council seems to care more about oo residents than the oo city council does I would disagree with that comment right me too we're trying to figure out 2026 they're telling us without a contract you are not going to get service they are not going to give us service for free no one is saying that we're asking for service for free that is what has been said from that lecturn multiple times we can no longer depend on Mutual Aid to supplement our service Albertville is making that absolutely clear and we are talking 2026 when we would even have a department we don't even have anything yet what's up one fire chief but they have no idea what happens in 2026 and Adam are you correct by saying you haven't even had a meeting it you're having it on Wednesday so and and Julian said we need to get these discussions started so we have time to do that I think this is what them saying let's get the discussion started I don't think they want to leave us in the dirt as you said and as Jillian said either I I'm saying that we need to come up with a solution but we're talking we need to get something in place and I'm saying I would like to see 2026 included in this contra cont and obviously the 2027 plan would be a different contract I I think Albertville is telling us no it wouldn't why wouldn't I that be because so the the issue that has been causing so much frustration is that we have been told multiple times that we can depend on Mutual Aid to supplement our fire service in 2027 and going forward and Albertville is telling us that can't happen without a contract because as one council member in Albertville put it there's going to be a giver and a taker in that situation we would be the taker we are not going to be able to provide Mutual Aid in that scenario it's going to be very unmutual so Albertville is telling us you need a contract what also their Chief said is what number are we talking are we talking 400 are we talking 50 I mean that's that was said at that meeting too Ryan it absolutely was and isn't that a little bit scary that we don't even know what our fire service looks like yet why is there so much why is there such a lack of clarity don't we have two years to plan or should we have planned this 10 years ago May from staff perspective I I believe the council and this has been laid out in a presentation to the council back in March what the operational aspect looks like that is not a tool that we have at our disposal in terms of staff on hand right now to actually Implement and so there is a certain level of uncertainty without having staff already hired as we're working through the station project to say for absolute certain what that model looks like until the city council gives the authority to hire emergency responders there is uncertainty in what that looks like what has been proposed does not include that certainty but since those people are not yet hired that's where that uncertainty is introduced and without those tools on board I can't have an absolute conversation with an administrator and a fire chief from another community and say this is exactly what we're going to have in terms of Staffing in terms of equipment because those things are not on staff yet those people are not here to respond to those incidents and until the council current or future gives us those tools there will be a certain level of uncertainty and that's why the communication between the two communities as we progress over over the next two years into the department becoming operational or key Ryan I have in my notes that there Jillian says specifically there's no reason that this could not be a two-year contract she points out in paragraph n she didn't like that it sounds like they would that it leaves them hanging she was referring to us being hung and it and appears like they were leaving us so that's what I wrote in my notes that's what she said I I just I I don't believe that they're going into this leaving us and they realize that we also need Fire Protection in that calendar here too and and that is not what I'm saying at all Albertville is not in the wrong here this is a completely I'm not saying that they're in the wrong here this is a completely reasonable position for them to take what I'm saying is this is them sending up a flare this is them telling us you are not going to be able to get Mutual aid for free it's going to cost you and that is a that is a good and position to take if we were in their situation ex this is not about Mutual Aid this is about them being our that them providing us protection paragraph n is about Mutual Aid right the new wez Clauses are about Mutual Aid I understand but I'm saying when we open up our fire department there will be a different contract it will look completely different than this right and that's why we don't know what 2026 or 2027 looks like we do know that what 2026 looks like we are planning to have Albertville protect the city in which they serve but we will have firefighters here in oigo we will have trucks here in Oo we will have a fire station here in ano we've never talked about being the the fire station operational with people ready to go in 2026 yep it's January 1 27 madam I think a contract should be fair so I think this is a good starting point to have a conversation and hopefully the two councils and communities can um negotiate and and again come to some sort of agreement where everyone is comfortable and residents feel or are protected um so one word can we have update on that meeting that you're going to have mayor staff will uh communicate with the city of Albertville tomorrow and follow up with that um there are clearly other changes included in the contract so I don't want to focus solely on on the one paragraph if there are other questions uh for City attorney Kendall or myself I can respond to those um but generally that was the one that I at least wanted to have the council discuss was the term so any other comments Madame mayor yes I just think that this contract really it should be a wake up call it should cause my colleagues to reconsider their position on this plan I know it won't but it should because Albertville is the first Elk River and Rogers will come next and they will tell us you're not going to get Mutual aid for free and that causes the whole plan to come into question because one station is not going to cut it we know that we know that from the study the study said we would need four fire stations to match the performance of our contract providers and so it just begs the question why are we doing this canceling the contracts and putting a station in the middle of our city makes absolutely no sense Ryan that's your interpretation of what you continue to say is the contract of of the studies it's plain language in the study the study said canceling the contracts and putting a station in the middle of City results in the poorest performance of all of the scenarios they examine and this is why because we're supposed to be able to have the contracts yes Adam mayor the the study did identify and and outline Matrix or metrics sorry metrics for different levels of response so there was 4 minute drive time which would largely mirror what a career a Duty Crew model would represent and there was also a six-minute drive time which largely would be more of a paidon call or a volunteer model and so there were different scenarios in different metrics in the study based on the number of stations based on the type of Staffing that was outlined for each of those as well so for most of the six scenarios there are station locations for a 4minute and a six-minute response time okay Madame mayor yes I would like to make a motion to approve the fire protection agreement as amended between the city of Albertville and the City of ATO second is there any discussion my discussion will be that I want a request of the change of language to add mayor I would want a clarification on motions I guess I'm asking based on the discussion I would have expected a different motion but um I just need clarification from I would have also sorry I just thought we were having the conversation and then we would staff will go back and ask them when you meet with them tomorrow or when you have that conversation about the twoyear so we can change but your motion is that you'd be accepting what's in writing right here so it the the council has two options they can approve the fire protection agreement as included in your packet amended from the city of Albertville or this Council can provide Direction on any feedback to POS questions for different verbage within the contract which would then be revised pending the city of Albertville and represented to the council for adoption okay if there's terms in what is in front of you tonight and included in your packet that you wish to have further discussions on your motion should not be to approve the contract do you want so you want specific dates then for was that best to have would you prefer just come back clean with those amendments yeah mayor I don't know I mean my understanding of the conversation up until now was there was I think consensus to direct staff to go back and continue negotiating the contract so either there's there would be no formal motion you could table this to a future date for consideration of any revisions or you could just direct staff to go back but I don't think I did not understand that member mois wanted to make a motion to approve this contract as it sits here tonight so I think this the motion would either be to table it to a future meeting for staff to go back and have future further discussions or just direct staff to do that that's what I asked earlier we should go back I'm really struggling to understand the point of that if they come back and they say no we're only going to give you a year from now until we know more we're going to tell them no I don't think we're GNA tell them no but it it we're negotiating and asking them and saying this is what we would feel comfortable with for our residents I mean Ryan you've said it many times that you just need to write the contracts better right this this is the clarity that we need this is great I love this I'm ready to approve this Albertville is absolutely in the right and I want to let them know they are in the right who are you representing in that situation should legal residence 100% I'm just asking the question because because this like I said is the wakeup call this contract is the wakeup call it should cause every council member to to reconsider their idea to cancel the contract we're not canceling the contracts we need the contracts in place I'm talking 2027 Albertville is telling us you need a contract talking 2026 right 2027 will have her own fire station and Department mayor I believe there is a motion second there a motion in a second so just so I'm clear is that motion to Da this while staff goes back for additional discussions with Albert I have to refer that to the person who made the motion yes I yes I'm my that was my request is to have a conversation and have that negotiation between Albert Phil andigo mayor so just your motion was the St what was right in the RCA is what the motion was actually made so I don't know if we need to make either a second motion or they need to vote opposing what that motion she made a motion to approve what here so the language that she wrote is not what the direction was she could resend it yeah I think at this point we just need a motion we need her withdraw that motion and then she can make a different motion pable it and let staff go back and have further discussion I put the floor to Britney she's the one who made the motion I move for the question that's on the table mayor we have a yeah a sitting motion second that need to be clarified before additional motions yeah but so there was a previous motion and a second to approve this contract as it is yes questions now been called but I think you have to vote on that my understanding is that a number of people would be against that so that the council could then direct staff to go back and have further discussions that is correct cor okay so Ryan called for the vote all those in favor signify by saying I just point of in point of clarification yes what are we voting on right now this would be approval of this contract as it sits here before you tonight with no changes with no changes all those in favor signify by saying I I all those oppose same sign I motion fails right is there a new motion or direction to staff again it is Albert Phil's draft and my request would be that staff brings this to their Council they have council members present tonight in our audience that we look to adjust and add the term 26 y yes that would be the that's what I'm looking for okay to give direction Adam that that's fine with me City attorney yeah I mean if you you could make a motion to table as to a future meeting so that staff can bring it back after that discussion okay then I will make a motion to table this uh to bring it back to a later council meeting after staff has had a chance to talk with Albert Phil staff and the council is can weigh in on our discussion second motion by Jessica seconded by Britney is there any discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I all those oppose same sign I motion passes three to one okay next item is to consider scheduling a meeting of the Economic Development Authority Adam mayor and councel uh staff would request a uh the city council schedule a meeting of the Economic Development Authority uh for November 12th at 5:30 p.m. uh the purpose of the Economic Development Authority meeting would be to review a draft Finance plan related to the lease revenue bonds being proposed for the fire and Emergency Services station project so representative Jessica Green from Northland Securities would be there to guide the Eda Commissioners uh through the conversation uh Finance plan typically includes an overview of the issuance an executive summary of the project uh some statutory Authority uh discussion on structuring the bonds uh issuance process and to review preliminary payment and Levy schedules as well so uh that would be uh what would be on the agenda uh again the finance plan for that so staff looking for direction to set up a meeting for the Eda okay Council questions or motions 12 is Mayor i' like make a motion motion to schedule a meeting of the oo Economic Development Authority on November 12th 2024 at 5:30 pm to be held at Perry Center second motion by Jeff seconded by Britney is there any discussion Madame mayor yes uh I'm going to be opposing this motion because the only reason that the Eda is meeting is to continue this problem of creating a lease Revenue bond an Eda lease Revenue bond which is going to cost the taxpayers an extra million dollars just to avoid a petition just to avoid having this issue on the ballot next week so um I don't think the Eda even needs to meet and that's why I'm going to be opposing this all right any other comments all those in favor signify by saying I I all those oppose same sign I motion passes 3 to one okay we have city council reports and updates first item is Heritage preservation commission thank you mayor uh HBC met and we had a nice little rundown um and a little PowerPoint of um the shipo conference that they have to attend every year um it was held in Redwing um this year and they had the woman the commissioner at went had a great time um learned a lot and felt that it was kind of her first time going so she was again very very excited that they offered this and she learn a lot so that was goodwi that's all I really have for them there's not a whole lot okay next park and rec commission thank you mayor uh we um discussed the it's called the multiplay um unit which is at now the friedr park uh that is installed now and people have been using it kidos have been using it um that's pretty much we we're just talking about budget you know we reviewed budget with Commissioners and wasn't a whole lot at Park and W either okay uh Planning Commission I have no updates uh Public Safety um Tina is not present but we were able to tour the right County um jail that was that was really nice we met with uh Shan daringer and we were able to um actually go into the units um Ryan was president at that also um and just talk about uh I mean we went we got to tour everything it was like we had to wait to go in during lockdown um so we got to see kitchens and uh where they where they um like their activities Center Gym area and then got to go into a unit that's not um currently housing inmates and we got to see um kind of what the structure would look like on a typical day for the person that would be responsible so um it it was a great tour um thanks to wri county for letting us come out so that was our tour we I mean it was was a long night actually I think we were there like two and a half hours yep yeah yep so it was a good night um we saw Council reports and updates does anyone have anything I'd like to add so tonight we accepted on item 3.3 under autumnwoods commercial I did get an email along with jeie Holland our right County Commissioner um from a an employee there that uh braxon wolf that wanted to share that his um boss and and um employer that he works at NCS and that he wanted to recognize the owner Sean gagan for being an outstanding veteran advocate and that he goes above and beyond in his community um he had asked for some ideas of how he could recognize that certain person and that business in our community and I think both Jeanie and I didn't have any specific Solutions but I felt that it was appropriate to share with the rest of the council that um I think it's great when we have somebody take the time to acknowledge businesses that are in our community for doing great things and so I wanted to share it with the rest of you guys so again uh it sounds like a great employer and somebody that really cares about and passionate about his community and Veterans so does anyone else have anything next is Staff reports and updates Sabrina thank you mayor no updates okay Adam mayor a reminder that city offices are closed November 11th that is Veterans Day and due to that uh the way the calendar Falls the next meeting will on a Tuesday so Tuesday November 12th is the next council meeting date due to the veteran day okay Audra thank you Mary just wanted to give a little elections update we've been very busy at City Hall with voters um we will be open uh tomorrow night Tuesday till 7 PM for extended voting hours and we'll also be open this Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 a.m to 3:00 p.m. for people that want to come and vote early otherwise elections are then Tuesday November 5th and voters will be able to go to the polls from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and if anybody has had any questions please call City Hall thank you to all of your staff for for uh running this it sounds like it's been very smooth from thank you I'll share that news yeah absolutely Dave no reports thank you mayor all right Dan mayor no update Ron thank you mayor uh 75th Street that's open and paved if you recall from a meeting or so ago but that's been completed and at the assessment hearing on uh the Street Reno we've uh contacted the three property owners and are working on rectifying those concerns so those should be taken care of and then the sprinkler systems have been addressed okay thank you yep um right County good evening evening uh the one point I wanted to touch on today which I'm assuming uh you've seen on Facebook for last weekend was the recent car car th if you haven't already so there was two nights um and I just want to start by they're both different so there was the ones on the south half of the city um on uh the 70th uh off of 101 basically areas around 101 and that that was on that one night and then there was also car thefts the next night um on the northern half and they're unrelated so um it doesn't fit the profiles of the two different uh Primal groups so one's more out of the city uh fortunately for that one which was seem to be the higher grossing damages uh uh the vehicle was identified um license plate did match and there are potential suspects um is related to other uh criminal activity throughout the state so um that's about as far as I know that um um so you have the details but has that person or group been nothing I'm aware of so it's more of an Intercounty kind of thing so oh okay some you know uh again above my payd of of where it's gonna go so it would be along the detective so I can refer back to that to the next meeting if you want see if that it's it's GNA get anywhere so okay but it should there's promise for that one the other one unfortunately since it's unrelated there's still yet to be uh some followup on that to see if we can get any more identifying uh Char characteristics continue on with that one so I just want to address that since I don't know if you can uh getting a lot of comments are concerns this past week about that so and just P AA on that for um residents keep your doors locked for your cars and your driveways uh that see was a very nice and normally safe City but fortunately people do travel through and are are up to no good so lock your doors to your cars uh keep things like purses out of uh out of them so they can't so not going be broken into and then if you do see something suspicious on your camera which is reason why we caught these people or have have such a good investigative lead as we have so far is because someone saw it immediately and then called in so don't sit and wait so feel free to just call so that's what we're here for any questions or comments questions comments thank you thank you you all right if no has anything else and a motion to adjourn would be in order moved second motion by Jeff seconded by Britney is there any discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I all those oppose same sign the meeting is ended thank you all for attending