##VIDEO ID:8trs6wiEZHc## um good evening patteron good evening to my Council Cali um on behalf of the municipal Council I welcome you to the workshop section this November uh November 7 at 6:30 p.m. the meeting is now called to order Madame clerk please call the road yes council president roll call for the workshop session of November 7th 2024 630 p.m. councilman abdelaziz councilwoman cotton councilwoman Dava present councilman Jackson here councilman khik here councilwoman Ms councilman Udin I'm here M cler councilman valz council president president mad clerk thank you thank you mad clerk please read the statement of compliance statement of compliance with the open public meetings law 2024-25 meeting date November 7 2024 6:30 p.m. adequate notice of this meeting was compiled and disseminated in accordance with the open public meetings law in the following manner the annual notice of regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council was compiled for the year 20124 2025 on or about July 1st 2024 a schedule of of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2024 2025 was duly transmitted on or about July 1st 2024 20 2024 to the north Jersey Herold news the record the Arabic voice the Italian voice the B County pulse the Dominicana news Laisa International L espeel the Patterson press the city post news tap into Patterson the weekly Bank Patria in addition to any other publication duly requesting such notices the schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2024 2025 was prominently posted in the lobby of City Hall first floor in the place reserved for the announcements of this type the schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2024 2025 was duly filed with the municipal clerk a copy of the schedule of regular meetings of the Municipal Council was mailed to any person who requested and paid the fee authorized by the open public records act council president I'll thank you m clerk M clerk before we start this meeting is it is a blessing for us to have Reverend Albert steel from the pastor Seminary Baptist Church who going to put this event in the hands of God so uh let's welcome Reverend Steele thank you very much Mr President to the governor body can I invite you to stand those those who can uh we thank God today for Life health and strength father God we are grateful that it's in you that we live move and have our beings we thank you oh God for this cant body who come day in and day out to make sacrifice for service thank you for this city we thank you for the pray that you will give them wisdom knowledge and understanding continue to bless them both with health and strength we thank you for their faith we thank you for their family we thank you God for their prosperous future this we humbly ask with Thanksgiving amen amen amen God bless you continue to serve my sisters and brothers thank you Reverend steel thank you so very much for putting this great meeting in the hands of God you are a blessing for the Senor Pon and for the entire P County may God continue blessing you with long life and health and you look great by the way yeah um thank you Council K before we start with payment of Bill councilman Jackson has a presentation the flag salute council president it's it's even even though it's a workshop and it's televis I will allow to councilman Forin from councilman Forin to uh do the flat salute for this meeting the United States of America the rep for it stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all thank you councilman uh thank you uh Reverend for your time and for leading the pr uh again I appreciate your time thank thank you we want to see you more often come to the city council thank you thanks have a wonderful night thank you now we have a quick presentation thank you uh Council me council president and council members um so many um many of I don't know which okay I guess there many many of the community no I'm not not not now that's not now many of the community may or may not know I I had uh injured myself and I had to have surgery so um although I never I did not miss a council meeting I wasn't able to attend uh an outing that we had in the city and I was for Hispanic Heritage Month Mr ol valis can I can you help me out please so um in my place I haded in my place I had uh my trusted Aid controversial trusted Aid uh stand in for me but I wanted to make sure I not allowed as moment to go unserved um I did have an opportunity to watch it I was extremely disappointed as uh I was number five on the list to be um to be heard it was held to the very end and the family um of Young Angel was not able to stay and for those who may not know Angel was a young man who was struck by a vehicle um while riding a motorcycle and he lost his life unfortunately so I do have his father here with us this evening and I wanted to make sure that because I was was able to attend it I personally had an opportunity to present this to the family because um you know was it was an emotional day for them and because they was uh uh forced to wait through the entire event while there was a lot of celebrating going on and I do understand is a is a very celebratory moment um but there was dancing and things of that nature and their family just wasn't up for that at that moment so they chose to leave but I I do wanted to uh speak to allow his father to come up to be able to present this plaque to him and his family in recognition of their son's death and because of his father's um he does not speak English I will allow Mr olivaris to um translate to the the Spanish speaking public as well as to the um to uh the father of Angel thank you coun for [Music] p Council Bill Council um council president if I may um it it it really disheartens me uh to hear um and understanding councilman Jackson not being there uh as as we all had a an honor um but I as a Latina female all right he did not really translate what you stated okay and so I feel offended Def TR [Music] okay thank thank you um thank you no no no thank you very much let us not extend because this is going to become this is going to become a bigger issue I think I spoke for all of us all right you didn't speak for me no no no I asked for the floor no you don't have the floor you don't have the floor coun continue with the payal billc Jackson what I'm saying is what you stated right I understood everything you said are inappropriate and to to specifically say Dominicans let's not do that we continue to divide each other you have the floor to do a payment of bill there's no other discussion in this chamber other payment of Bill to start with this agenda spoke about was what she just spoke about just allowed her to go on and on and on speaking another language to speak in a public session speaking about B so council members thank you very much um everyone has the payment of bills the summary in front of you and that amount is 28,954 se1 86 that was a payroll week and that payroll was 5,433 44334 this payment of bills has a big payment to County taxes of 15, 615,000 M48 to, 2852 the payroll once again 5,433 44334 making that a total of 28,954 7186 second motion to move by councila second by Council pay roll call Mad clerk on payment of Bill I'm I'm sorry I just also want to make there also is a Pake Valley storage fee for $3,657 th000 thank you very much thank you there's some Mo on the floor by councilwoman DAV and second by councilman Lis V roll call M clerk on payment of bills roll call for the payment of bills and the amount of 28,954 7186 councilman councilwoman cotton uh Madame clerk um I'm going to um rescue myself from this payment of bills thank you thank you councilwoman councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk I have a few items to uh those speakers are hidden over here that's why Ralph I think you have to move that speak and move it forward further to the left I believe so hey go there you go okay that will help thank you amazing how everyone is a professional in other people's Fields but yet we're failing the community here because his son's name was neglected to be mentioned is the reason why today's uh occurrence needed to take place I allowed Mr olivaris who stood in my place who essentially was very disrespected as a council person I have the right to have my my representative there to represent me as if I was there he was placed in the back I watched the the event he was placed in the back then he was placed at the re of the agenda he was not treated the way I would have been treated if I was there there was a a moment on the agenda where I was supposed to speak he should have been allowed to speak on my behalf he was not he was removed so again I'm not a puppeteer I'm not here to put words in in people's mouths I did not ask him to interpret I asked him to present to the gentleman what was there he was the one who attended the event he knows exactly the sentiment the feelings and however someone chooses to to represent what took place they have every right to do so and you have just like you have every right to contest it but what we just did now is again undermined the most important element that's here he was my representative because his life was taken carelessly and callously and as we continue to lose lives in our community and we push that to the side where everybody's cutting ribbons and having celebrations and dancing I know you guys want to dance but just like my cousin Mary who was murdered and we have no answers for that this gentleman lost his son's life and that is what's important so whatever Mr olivaris has to express he has the right to express himself as you have the right to challenge it but it doesn't change the facts the facts was I was disrespected and his Ames was disrespected and the young man whose life was lost was not taken into consider consideration now relative to the payment of bills as members of the public can see there's an item on the on the on the Marquee here which I'll be spotlighting for the next couple of weeks it's a newspaper article from 1988 All rights super Block City Council supports developers request for a $3 million council president um are we in payment of bills or we in a presentation um councilman Jacks uh council member we are in payment of Bill even though Rafael does don't there's no presentation on a power point but nevertheless let's continue payment of bill please let's continue payment of Bill first of all I'm a council person if I want to request for something to be displayed I have the right to do so it's not a presentation I'm speaking on the payment of bills and I know some people here are not necessarily um astute to the process and they feel as if they can uh derail the process just like people making certain suggestions that we're going to write legislation stop people from coming to the microphone and speaking up speaking on their own behalf you know I mean the the uh the ignorance that exists here is very is very critical but anyway back to the public if you can go to the next page please go to the next page uh council president appoint no point of order Council point of order Rafael that that's not going to take place we're going to shut that uh TV down we under the payment of bill so if any councilman if any councilman wants to request a presentation the same way Council M Jackson called the clerk to ask for a presentation in the beginning of the meeting and I grant the presentation that's the same venue that any Council Cali need to use to use the monitor to have a presentation now we are on payment of bill so yet again this is not a presentation this is a matter of fact and and if you you can place the other just the council president appoint an order please the council meeting up there counc president appoint an order we are payment of bills you stated request a proper way we you we're in payment of bills so we're waiting for Council my Council call to vote a payment of Bill that way we could continue the meeting that's what we're doing and I'm voting and there's not TV the TV is not going to be used for that purpose at all I didn't ask for the TV to be used for that purpose I want to see myself as it normally is on the television so I could see what's actually being broadcast to the public this is doesn't mean it's not being broadcast it's not live it is it's live it is you mean but but the point of pres remember all the workshop are live and all the the regular meetings are live sir I don't understand why you continue to interrupt me I have the floor do I not have the floor can you please place the the council what we what you normally have on the TV he doesn't want to allow this to be placed there so what normally there which is the cameras from in here can that be placed there please council president point of order we are in a vote for payment of bills so are if my colleague councilman Jackson needs a presentation he go ask the floor after this well understood that's not going to be used he could pass if he wants to okay that's all he wants he wants there you go the monitor not passing why would I pass well just I passed for many years I got paid to pass I was a professional I got paid to do that now don't pass okay so rafhael if you can please vote zoom in to this please for me right here please very good zoom into this right here this just very closely just zoom in cannot say what what what I want to have the camera on like I have a right to vote and he doesn't want a presentation but I have this right here he's not he's not going to do a present members of the public that's so like this is the idiocracy that we deal with here is an artist from 1988 which the illustrious the very intelligent uh councilman Rooney was was one of nine voters who said here very clearly the visal developers which council president Thomas Rooney was who said he he opposed the the uh abatement for financial uh uh fairness he said that patteron will become known as a py town to developers and the city will be flooded with development looking for abatements if you look at what we're experiencing now this is in 1988 and how it's not relevant we just approve a measure on the uh for the bills list you know that's again without any reporting without any responsible reporting this counil 's job is not to be here to have celebrations to cut ribbons it's to be financially responsible and if you're telling me that this is an example of being financially responsible here's an example of when it wasn't these same projects that's been getting talked about since 1988 that was approved and still that that pilot required for them to pay $3 million a year which is never paid the stadium has paid to to this community Z we have made Z do on the stadium this Council specifically this council president who had opposed most everything that that this Administration has done who is now the lap dog and as you can see his blatant attempt to keep me silent on these issues is is a clear indicator on how the city's being driven in the wrong direction now I have an item on the agenda tonight that's going to hold developers accountable to the residents while council president is busy presenting items that will give concessions to the developers a few weeks ago after I left after the council president had a derogatory statement about me how I was irresponsible I was one day out of surgery I had surgery the day before and I was responsible I was still here today was short quarum he didn't mention councilwoman Dava who wasn't wasn't feeling well she left early he gave her pray he said she was wasn't feeling well I was just not even 24 hours from under uh anesthesia and he had derogatory statements about how responsible I was not because I left early and then what he did was he went back to item number eight put it back on the agenda where they voted in the affirmative to allow developers to forego the responsibility of paying connection fees before their issue but this is the kind of responsible Council while you have another one at the end who was was the sponsor of that legislation who saying point of order point of order because I'm trying to show the public how irresponsible this Council has been but again without do I'll continue to be like the the uh the uh formidable councilman Rooney and Be the One Solo to standing against a lot of this uh this corrupt nonsense uh Madam clerk my vote is no thank you councilman councilman colleague thank you Madame clerk I didn't want to respond but I will respond councilman Jackson mentioned about abatement um he's the one who be who be uh one of the uh aat men he was he was the one who Champion for it he tried to give them 60 or 120 years of uh Pilots so I don't I don't know what side is he on since I've been I mentioned that before since I've been a councilman for eight years or so in the city council probably we voted on like four Pilots or so and most of them fa in city council so we are not the city council we are not responsible for abatement most of the abatement or Pilot if they come for Renewal then we vote on it he Champion for somebody to give them a abatement for I think 60 or 90 years so what side is he on that's that's my question also he mentioned about um waving the fee for sewer connection which is wrong I think he need to read that ordinance again usually he does not read the agenda comes in front of the council when he comes to the council meeting he just zoom through it through it and talk out of he know how to talk he not he know how to make it he he he know how you know how to I'm speaking now you I'm speaking have the floor I have the public will have the time to speak the public question please somebody need to fact check what I'm saying so you probably commissioner you probably need to fact check what I'm saying fact check it then then let me know if I'm wrong or I'm right is not this fee s connection fee is not getting waved is not getting waved so read the ordinance thank you and um I didn't want to get off the truck but this nonsense made me go off the truck we're voting on um payment of payment of Bill my vote is yes once again is I uh um second reading item number six we are now waving the fee thank you thank you councilman um councilman nudin my vote is yes to uh the payment of Bill thank you councilman councilman Val Madam cler thank you uh first of all I want to apologize to the audience I came in a little bit late was tied up in traffic in patteron um you know first of all I want to take this opportunity I don't want to I don't want to remove myself from what I'm doing now voting but I had to do it now because I want to move the agenda forward um Mr Jose Mr Jose is the resident gra Mr Jose is a resident of the fifth W is a shame it's a shame it's a shame and I got to say it's a shame that they have to take the soul of this young man into politics into politics and everybody that knows what I went through with the loss of a son in a motor vehicle accident knows what I mean I will not allow no one to disrespect a family that's still mourning a family that's still mourning in Dominican Republic I was with the family and I made it everything possible to collect money to take that body to Dominican Republic and I'm saying it now because Mr Jose is here and the fact family expressed their self that it was not suitable that was not the moment that they will not come to the event the Latino Hispanic Heritage Month celebration because it was too soon for their family because they were mourning but they was pushed because there's political agenda behind everything and it's sad that this gentleman had to listen to this kind of statement and the soul of this kid the family is still mourning is a disrespectful yes is it disrespectful for anybody to use this family for the political point or agenda when they lost their son they lost their son we pray for the family we're going to continue praying for the family and I going to continue helping the family like I'm been doing but it's a shame that they doing this with this family it's a shame and let me say [Music] sayano last not Le last but not least rest the soul of our former councilman Tom Rooney he just passed this past week another issue instead of praying for the family doing politics with it thank you for his service saying that payment and bills are here in front of us we had to be responsible fiscal responsible to pay our bills because the service was rented my vote is yes thank you councilman council president um thank you mad clerk um just before my two minute or minute and a half that I'm going to use Council C we're going to go straight into the agenda we have 61 item we're not going to have any other discussion other than what we have on the agenda let's let's get the business of the city done today but before my vote uh seor Jose um let me just speak in English I feel I feel embarrassing right now I feel embarrassing right now what happened now here is a disgrace how councilman Jackson and his Council a I don't even want to mention his name use the pain of a family the death of a young man for political purpose it's disturbing it's disgusting and I want the people to see it and look at it and I want the community to go back and look the Hispanic heritage B celebration when Mr lado went there he used the mic for six seven minutes I don't know how long and he didn't even address the situation that happened with that young man a phenomenal young kid Dominican that came into this country and and it was a hardworking young man he was a role model for our community he lost his life tragedy in an accident and he used the time he used the time on the mic just to talk about politic and to put the city down and talk about the trash and talk about all he used it for political purpose and I never interrupt that my Council colleag that are here they're weakness we allow him to finish his time and comeing here and use the life of that young man for political purposes to casting election was coming if you are a great candidate you have a great platform I invite you to go out there but don't use this uh D don't use this channel to come in with you low class politic I'm speaking I'm speaking and and officer if they interrupt me they'll be out I'm speaking the the the the public portion public portion will be open soon and they're going to have the three minutes to speak so with that being said with that being said Patterson I will invite the community to look at that meeting and it's disgusting and distur disturbing that they used in the life that young man I was there with you Mr Jose I was in front of the supermarket we pray for you we cry right there on the scene and you was there you your mother was there your wife was there and I was there with the whole family I was there with you own of the supermarket we all was there with you feeling the same pain I have three children and the three children those are the three kids those that's my life my children are my life and I feel you your pain I cried that night with your family with you because I can't imagine the pain that will go through a father that lose his child in a such an early stage and I still feel the pain when I see you when I see the family this is very personal to metime you have to know when to stop in politic politics is one thing but when you play with people emotion when you play with people's life I lose all respect for anybody that do that and that's what they do it right now just walk away and stay far away from those people in [Music] super with that being said to correct my vot is yes thank you councilor president the votes are five in favor one against one recused and two absent um the payment of bills is hereby adopted councilwoman so we have the public safety fire department 58 item 58 so item 58 resolution authorizing additional appropriation for the cont with custom abandon of a specializ firefight equipment and service for the fire department so so thank you council president and um my my vice chair Public Safety actually my member sorry I'm a little sick still um uh this item uh councilwoman uh was sent to us in an email it was one of the last items um it is very well needed it's to um it's for a contract with bandag right uh 100,000 uh for tires for our uh police vehicles I'm not police fire vehicles for for the ambulances okay um he's here if you have any questions um our chief could not be here today so he's here as he is you know right hand to the chief so council members president Council M Jackson Chief what's up brother how are you how many uh tires are we purchasing for 100 grand approximately speak to the I think Chief turn the M you might have to turn it on is it the green light on he didn't give me an actual number of tires just with the amount would be for the tires okay so uh so we don't we don't have quantity or a uh up huh it's an up to up no no no so it's about it's not the total I believe it's an up two okay so so so this came through you you were in committee when this came to the just to like an estimate there's six tires on the ambulances and they get changed roughly probably twice a year back up Bel M they get change probably twice a year for the seven ambulance that we have in service you know I understand but I mean just from a point of being financially responsible not trust me I'm not in in um indifference of what you're presenting and and I I I'm totally support what the fire department is in need of but I'm just I'm saying from a financially responsible perspective this Council we have a a responsibility here and obviously you know other council members don't quite understand that so I mean if we're going to make a purchase we should know like 100 grand should get us x amount of tires that way when the when the bills us comes back through and and the um the invoices come back through I can look at that and I can say we got what we um you know because you as a chief and putting out fires you're not changing tires you're not going to take take inventory on how many tires are brought in and obviously there's no responsible you know measure from the cfo's officeil we have to make sure that you know the the uh we're we're getting what we what we pay for understood CC yes so I just wanted to just quickly um and I know that this is your first time Chief so you know I I he came up to no no no all same time so this ma'am I'm Council councilwoman I'll see next councilwoman okay so let me go back and explain that the actual item is actually an amendment to badag okay it's an amendment after carefully the chief it says he's recommending uh that there be an amendment because there was a need for an additional 100,000 from the original contract so um it says amending current resel to increase amount not to exceed 100,000 for the purchase of tires for fire department so what you're asking for is not on the reso which is the amount right of how many more so I think we'll need to get that before we vote on it we're not voting on this today all right so that can be to all the council members right that's correct I'm looking at the notes you gave me it went from one number to the second number to get more so yeah it wasn't actually a number on the amount of tires that was needed so council president if I mayc Jackson so for a point of clarity Chief and I and and I understand we you and I have longstanding relationship you understand exactly how I'm what I'm expressing I know you're here on behalf of tonight so you weren't in the committee meeting necessarily understanding this what what we've been doing as a municipality we've been getting taken advantage of we'll pay an amount nothing to do with the fire department just across the board we pay an amount and we don't get the services or the products that we're paying for uh contrary to what councilman shahan click just talked about I don't read anything councilwoman Dava was actually in the committee meeting and she had to go back and reference it so I don't know counc you heard what I said councilman Jackson I said that this no he just said I was in the committee meeting and I said that the chief this was left out let the councilman finish I'll open the floor for you councilman let him finish wasn't a meeting I a finished so listen I'm I'm here to do my take responsibility in my my job requirement and being financially responsible so if you can convey to the uh uh the fire department for a a a uh exact number okay for an inventory on what we received in the previous bid and obviously this is a change or of some sort and now what are we getting in addition to I would like to know exactly what are we getting from the vendor how many items in quantity um as you know you see me do you know all the time when I'm I'm pointing out how we're paying astronomical numbers for certain things I don't want to be paying $5,000 for per tire and you know we get a short number of tires and and you guys are short and we need more tires and we don't have it within the budget to to do it again so we can you know at least before the vote um please make sure I get that that information thank president I'm sorry councilwoman C thank you council president um see see what what they fail to understand is that um we ain't taking 50 cars at one time it's taken in stages like this week it could be five cars and any tires the following week it could be 20 cars that need time because I'm not quite sure how many pieces of of uh how many cars you have how many vehicles you're talking about fir trucks you're talking about ambulance you're talking about just the ambulances this ERS for ambulance but it's not all done at one time and it's up two so this week you might need only two ambulance done then the following week it might go through three weeks then you need another uh amulance done so that's how it's not all done at one time it's it's spread out during the year and then again it may not be the 100,000 it might be less than that because we may not need that because every time you need a tire you can't keep coming back to the city council uh for us to vote on a tire that's correct that's correct we you can't do that you know that would be just too hard so it spread out over some time for over a year because everything is not breaking down all at one time thank you deputy chief Michael Paul councilman um col thank you um council president I don't want to respond but it's pretty clear on the resolution is a Amendment we're putting in another $100,000 and it is a state contract it is checked by the DCA and the price original contract of the price of par Tire or one the city council already approved it I don't recall exact price but we already approved the original contract of pricing how much is Part tires which is done already we're just amending putting more money in the account because the fire department need more than what we uh approved the price that we approve they need more we just amending putting another $100,000 for them that's all thank you I do read my resolution and ordinances thank thank you coun uh so that will be on consent thank you counc mavila uh so the chief if you could provide all the additional information before the next meeting and that's what we're going to take from action we appreciate it thank very much thank you regular okay so M cler let the rec reflect that um the item it will be on regular item 59 un regular so item number 13 council member is um authorizing application for the bloom philanthropy 2025 concent regular which one item 13 consent can you go back this yes consent is thank you item number 14 council member resolution approving camera equipment non agreement between the city of patter and the state New Jersey I would I would put that in consent that's just an agreement thank you with the city and the state thank you councilor woman wait a minute wait a minute is this what no no no it says resolution approving the camera equipment loan agreement it's a loan agreement regular 14 regular council president I could provide some information that this was included in m madame you have some additional information about a 14 just to to answer the question yes this is an addition to the the cameras this is um this item was in your take-home packet it's an agreement between the city and uh njd in particular um there are three cameras that are being loaned to the city and they are also paying for a um kind of protection plan that the details were included there that includes training uh there is a gold service plan that we will get for six months that includes a very detailed kind of uh installation and training and then there are is a further six months of their standard contract all of this is being paid for by D by the okay by the same amount of money that we spoke about right I'm sorry the million dollars no this is separate this is separate literally the the state is paying for all of this this is just an agreement to accept this AC okay oh to accept okay good I'm s council president uh consent consent I'm sorry Madame ba just for a point of clarity so you're saying that we're this is not a payment request we're just accepting so why does it read loan um because it is not a it is not a they're not giving to us for eternity they are loaning it to us as you can see in the third whereas it says the state through the njd has offered to loan camera equipment to the city for a period of 12 months with potential extensions as part of a collaborative effort to deter and enforce against illegal dumping very good M consent consent all right Council memb item 15 resolution authoriz application only and Department consent thank council members item number 16 Council molu authorizing participation and a safe and secure Community consent administr I would go consent as well thank you Council um council member item 17 City cler resolution authorizing an award contract to lope reporter for CER it number ISC regular members there's item number 20 to 25 it's um item number 20 to4 by Council coun council president I'm sorry I know we rushing pass it and says it was taken off the workshop so can we get more details outside of just saying it's unregular for item number 19 item number 19 thank you thank you council president so uh councilman Texon as you ask questions um this item was uh in the uh meeting about month and a half ago was presented requested by uh BLS life matter Patterson Healing Collective and St Joseph uh Hospital uh they received a grant fund from uh seab Brook Washington bill which is a pilot program to receive all the phone calls uh regarding mental health issues they can cooperate with Patterson Police Department and uh in response to those calls um so last time they they were here um and and they wanted to CU since they have the grant funding so if we approve that they can start an operation and this is a pilot program and they want to see how how it goes if it continues then they will continue receiving funds uh grants money uh to cooperate Pon Police Department understood thank you um so so council members council president item number 20 did not go through committee I'd like this item removed I'm not saying I'm not in support but we haven't had any discussion and here before us uh so I'd like this item removed I I I agree um so let's it will be removed then we'll be treated on the meeting on the committee meeting it's not Comm and then we can so item 21 resolution celebrating winter on Wonderland um so um so which one is remov removed so 21 to 2 can go on consent and 25 can go on regular thank you council member so so I council president so I want just a minute Council just a minute so item Madam clerk item 20 to 24 it's been a sponsored spor by uh coun no 20 21 sorry 21 to 24 21 to 24 is being sponsored by the councilwoman Davila councilwoman MIM and councilwoman Ruby Carton and also Council so it's going to be a consent but the it will be sponsored by then on the title of the resolution and move by then okay so I'm sorry Council M so regarding uh item number 20 and all the street renaming um so I want to bring it to the attention of the council uh the the committee chair uh Cal aiz that I want to make sure that I am also part of the committee before any Street renaming comes we need to have detailed discussion because there's a joke is on the street right now that we renaming Street more than we are cleaning streets so we have to we have to focus on that more we are renaming too many streets just know this so we have to have details in depth discussion before you move forward because I know this is very political all the street ring trying to make people Happ happy but we are not providing street services that cleaning collecting trust that should be the concentration not the renaming all the street we are actually losing the real street names these days thank so thank you thank you councilman so so item 25 coun president regular councilman Jackson so not withstanding that I uh agree but the job of the council is not to clean the streets it's not to pave the streets it's not to make sure the garbage picked up it's not to do any of the such in fact if you look at what the responsibilities and the what what Falls within the purview of council naming streets is one of those things but holding the administration accountable that's a whole another thing so you don't just get the blanket statement and say oh we're Paving or we're re renaming more streets than we're Paving because what we've done this has been a ongoing issue you have people I mean Cil is a Grammy nominated artist and now you have other artists that have that have uh that have received these recognitions and people feel as if you know they should be included as well I know um neither of the sponsors are here to talk about it but I still and it's not my item I mean I'm not a street I don't write uh Street namings uh per se but I still want to be fair and assessing the situation when we we can't make a statement such as this but then when it comes time to holding the administration accountable that means voting responsibly on the bills list then you are just a easy yes vote but then we talk about where naming streets more than we're Paving them I mean it's a matter of the council being fiscally responsible holding the administration accountable for reports which they never have given us on the spending anyway I'm I I digress I'll let it rest there thank you Council P um so councilman D I just wanted to just quickly say that um the reason I requested for it to be removed it's because it wasn't discussed in the committee so I need more information all right and I am not the only the chair is not here I am the vice chair councilman um Woodin is also a member of the committee and I don't I don't have the sheet in front of me but it's four of us there's been no discussion of it all right so that is the reason why I requested it to thank you Council woman council members um we have um item number 20 Council no no it's something else so council members we have a director of Health and Human Service director Jo R um director R has item 32 through 36 um uh I know the item was better through the committee council members uh 25 is just I have the director council member just a minute okay 25 is regular councilman coun um director item 36 Human Service from 32 through 36 yes I have 32 to 36 what did you say for 26 um no no no I have not I haven't moved to I haven't moved to 26 I have the director of Health and Human Service item 32 through 36 council members my apologies I'm the vice chair no no problem at all Council woman uh director item 32 resolution authorizing the city of patteron to enter a public health share Services agreement with the municipality of St and Bingham off yes item 32 is part of our child lead poisoning prevention program uh funded by the New Jersey Department of Health um it is $657,000 and this is part of the requirements of the grant we must enter into to agreement with townships in the counties of Pake Bergen and mors thank you council member just a minute council members just a minute Council Council D councils thank you council president uh director um any change amount of fees in the shair agreement for this um municipality County that we doing there can be no fee we are required to offer them the nurse Services as part of the grant the state is giving us the money we have to provide provide the services coun no no okay so director do we have uh statistical data on previous terms when we utilize this grant uh which municipalities we actually service how many people we service from those municipalities and um um yes we have data because we have to report it to the state they pay us to service those municipalities no I understand they pay us to service them but how many how many uh occurrences do we actually incur I mean I'm considering that some from Bergen and Morris may not be as um frequent as the ones from Pik so correct can I get a an email please with the we can get to the data we'll pull from the system yes no problem thank you okay to go to consent consent 32 item 33 director resolution authorizing War contract to let a bment contract yes this is required by the grant this was done through purch purching these are the companies that responded and that were qualified through the purchasing department consent consent thank you coun item 34 resolution authorizing a contract to Laboratory Corporation America holding for laping again this was done through is is this a for employees or is this a no no no this is for the clinics that we have we do have to have um a lab of record to service the clinics uh for years now it's been lab cor this goes through purchasing and then we we make the recommendation consent council members I'm okay with they're going on consent U council president Council uh CT uh let me just say to the director and for the record for because I had to send some people to the lab because they had to get TV test they had to get covid test so that's what our uh Health Department does for people say who don't have health benefits who who are are uninsured they have to um sometimes even trying to apply for a job they have to get tested for TV they got to get tested for Co so this is what that is for okay thank you thank you okay with it going consent thank you item 35 director resolution authorizing the war contract to Shi for software service yes yes this is a program that we have to purchase as part of uh and I know we've left the mayor and the administration know as well as some council members we are pursuing accreditation in New Jersey there are only seven Health departments currently accredited by a national accrediting body uh we are pursuing accreditation as part of grant that we received uh we would be the only only the second in the county of Pake once we complete this we need this software program to assist us with the accreditation this is covered under the $17 million grant that we got from the public health Officers Association thank you uh consent um last panelist director 36 resolution authorizing the world contract to S Joseph University of American center for the HIV that's conscent that's a regular business from the health department thank you director thank you have a great night um public works so very quick council members I know that very we got Public Work item number 37 resolution authorizing the war contract for the park improvment at Vera M Community Park Council C the director there director okay I what this is well that's what he's G that's why the engineer here no no council members W ver west side is tomor ver was last week so 37 director ver the one that's open no yeah he's passing out the uh the one that's going to be open tomorrow for she yeah no but that's for wests side that's for wests side right thank to the thank you Council woman so so going back council members to the agenda so 37 Veterans Park director um so council members so um should we 37 should go to regular consent this is the war Contra for Park Improvement at Varan Community Park just gave regular thank you I don't sorry councilwoman um Jackson councilman Jackson we have a am for ver 4.3 three bids came back the low is 4.3 right what yeah um so direct council members so item so we moving to item 38 resolution authorizing the war for the Westside Park renovation um that's the one that opens tomorrow tomor okay so you can't really say much discussion of because the B will work tomorrow is opening tomorrow but at least the engineer had met with DPW he wanted to just make sure that at least there was a thank you so that we go on regular council members thank you item 38 we go on regular for next week so item 39 council members resolution authorizing the war of Contra for a r p Ro resurfacing consent uh just for C clarification um Council Council uh director and James did not wanted to put on the agenda we we forced them to put on the agenda just to move it forward so said we are not going to discuss much we are just going to inform people that the BD is going to be open the uh after the meeting date which is tomorrow so if we want to keep it we I I think I recommend you keep it for regular for next uh regular meeting and let it move forward like this good good choice um I'm following your step B Council council member so item 39 so we'll be on regular so council members item number 40 resolution council president councilman Jackson what's the bid amount for item number 30 39 39 it's in your packet 7975 98 yeah it is it's it's in here about 10 pages back yeah that's fine that's fine okay so council members item number four um Regular so item 41 can is there anyone in disagreement I mean it went through the whole procurement process I'm just asking because if all these are going to go on regular right we have the engineer here and we have director I I think it's it's good to go for consent there so I don't number 40 on consent council members um if if if one council member Council KH decide to pass one item regular the re is the reason is um I I don't have no problem putting consent or regular but I will recommend to put in regular into I don't see the draft resolution drafted uh I know that we agreed it's here okay regular good I I know yeah but the reason I put it in regular is because we want to see the draft of it okay so we good but the draft will will summarize everything no problem we're working on thank just a PR list of the fifth word uh all the street that that covers yeah that's going to cover counceling valz no worries all right all right thank you Council Khali uh council members item 41 resolution authorizing the world contract for ARP Road number two Road resurfacing council members any question to the engineer or the director of public work that's 42 41 that's 41 consent it's good put regular on regular yes oh my God you're making all of regular yeah because once again repeat myself because we don't have the graft of the resolution no it just missing here but it was here okay it's there it's done we discussing the details yeah I don't have it we don't have it look it's all there this this is not the resolution is not in no that's what he's what he's saying is get a resolution be that's what he's saying he's saying he's saying there's no draft here that's what he's saying okay so council members so we'll keep it we leave it on regular make yeah make sure you provide any additional information because then on the next meeting we will be taking from action president uh you can put it in consent all right he's good at consent Council consent that's consent consent consent all right so council members item 41 go on councilman Jackson director 41 you have an amount uh 1 million ,000 1,89 89,000 1,89 75796 huh yeah okay talks about how long we can um so Council council members item 42 um resolution authorizing the war contract for the sewer separation project at um West Rail Avenue for the engine division of the Department of Public Work any question for the engineer on item 42 consent consent yes um thank you council members and for the public I mean item 39 uh 41 the road resurfacing legislation that this is very key for us to vote on the next meeting um make sure director there's any question about the resurfacing about those item provide all the information that my Council K need because we got to move forward with that looking for forward for us to fix those Road okay so so this is just council member just a minute councilman Jackson right after that council member Le very good um can you outline briefly for me what exactly are we doing on item number 42 this Ro uh the sewer suppression system sewer separation City can you grab sorry so uh a lot of what we have in Patterson is called combined sewer CSO so our sewer and our storm go in the same pipe I don't have to explain that to you so what these projects are is they're mandated by the New Jersey D and this is actually being funded by the I bank so no money out of Patterson's pocket um in order to do it but essentially they're going to dig up the road build a new sewer and so they're and they're going to reroute everything so the storm runoff goes into one and the sewer goes into another and it's a stretch of a stretch stretch of West Railway and a few arterial streets I don't know the names off the top of my head okay and that's going to be outlined in the uh that'll all be there in in the proper resolution yeah from how are you outlining from corner to corner or you doing in linear uh uh linear feet mileage uh I I can we have a um uh basically we have a Google map overlay and then it's just outlined where where it's going to be done no I understand that but for the specific amount of linear feet that's being covered and uh what size is the storm water uh Outlet going to be versus the uh the the the uh sewer uh it's it's in the plans and specifications we can provide this if you want oh it's it's yeah there there's a item outline right there right that's that's what we provided no I understand that but he he is the city engineer correct it's here I think so yeah yeah last time I checked so you're not you didn't um go through the effects specifically with the uh with with with the bids Ben Ben Ben de Mario handles that you this is my project I went through the plans and specs but I've gone through the plans and specs on 50 projects this year I don't have a encyclopedic knowledge and I apologize for that okay so in in general if you want to take a moment to to peruse it what's the size of the sewer that's going to be input in those streets now for sewer and storm water well it's there's a variety it all depends on where you are from 12 12 in all the way up to 56 in so I don't know exactly where the sewers are going to go throughout the street but there's a variety of different sizes including the River Street project that it all depends where you are in the street for the size of the sewer okay so if I can just get an email with that map overlay that you're talking about with the specific locations and and the uh and also the outlets that that dump off into those uh those catch basins yeah and and uh just an outline on on the size of the uh uh the the of the piping that's going to be installed would be appreciated for for the next meeting thank council member so we continue with counc I'm sorry I have I have council member Les and councilman you next so uh thank you Mr engineering for informing The Madame B I know she's well informed with your lhip as engineer I know she was going to step in to back up your statement do the best I can yes so so uh this is Railway right yeah West or rail West Railway okay between what between Wall Street uh I I don't know that off the top of my head but like I said to councilman Jackson I have the map and I can provide that okay do do you aware that I think I believe that's the one that already was paved and resurfaced correct no no this this stretch was not that's why I want to know what no I I can absolutely provide that but I know for a fact I drove it recently it has not been recently we're not doubling our efforts I know what you're trying to say yeah you know yeah want to make sure that it was res is not resurfaced then they come and dig again and then we had to pay no and a part of these projects is resurfacing so that's great but we make sure not to include these types of projects in our resurfacing so we don't double up so they got to this this amount of money will cover resurface after the work is done yeah but zero dollars out of Patterson's pocket it's coming through the I bank but yes correct will be resurfaced he um do uh Water Commission or sewer division or any any other agency involved in this uh not directly but we do uh have meetings and loop them in okay so like pic Valley has been looped into our River Street project and they'll be looped into this one as well yeah the reason I want to uh tie one with the other is because we we don't want the Final Phase of res surfing and black top and then the Water Commission comes and open every corner just to install or connect new pipes or whatever no they Loop them in because I know Council cotton had an issue with the River Street project because of the lead pipe replacement correct so we're working with PG and pic Valley to make sure that that work gets done before we resurface and the same thing is going to happen for this project can you include pcng just in case they're included as well they they will they will be included last but not least um um I want to bring this question um because we're talking about res surfing um director uh thank you for for Expediting the uh East 19 Street not East 19th Street um East 21st Street uh they started Paving from Park Avenue up to um 19 Avenue I know that's a separate bid for uh that was contract for 19 Avenue up to 20 um can you give me an update when they're going to start doing that part from 19th Avenue up to 20 because it's supposed to be from 20 all the way down to park but I I noticed they stopped in 19 Avenue they did the curve and everything but I just want to know okay that stretch from 19 Avenue up to 20 Avenue on East 21st okay okay thank you council members uh Council mut thank you um um James our engineer um there's a couple um I had sent it over to the other engineer but um um some some of those um sewer po um some of those sink holes that they have fixed like they're falling they're like sinking back in again um can I send you because I had sent it over um before of certain streets that I know that they came to fix it but then it is I guess it's settled and and and when you ride over you're dipping you know you're dipping and you should not be dipping like that when you when you us right can I send it to you uh almost every day and our and our sewer operator to get these things fixed send it over to us we'll get right because even with this one that we doing on Railroad Avenue that's a $2 million contract um so it got to be a big piece that that they're fixing but one thing I just don't want that I've seen them fix it there's one company here that I know that did Ro res servicing and I'll never vote for them because they did a harbor job uh within two months they were sinking but um can you make can I just need to make send you the list of all those sew that was fixed they're Fallen they're sinking in again so I'm going send that over back to you you still owe me a visit the fth street by the way I know I still got to no it'll be Monday or Tuesday can't be tomorrow you tell me thank you James not Monday I know but I just you know you know I say to U people um to the community if something that's not right you know something was fixed and it's and it's sinking in and it should not be sinking in after a month it's still you know I know they got to wait for it to settle but it still not should be sinking in that bad so I'll send you the stuff all right thank you engineer thank you Castle pleas brief can yeah this Workshop can you add 18 Avenue behind the gas station um you know you know 18 Avenue behind Shell gas station uh the Water Commission and pcng did some work there and that was resurface about a year and a half ago they open it and it's a mess and they you know 18 Avenue behind give you an exact address on front of 15 15 18 Avenue around that section there we heard you the first three times Council all director um before we move with item 33 we passed the the legislation for resurfacing and just for the record just going to reiterate what I mentioned before the conversation that I have with both of you about those utility company doing work in the city of pison I've been very specific I've been being reiterating this make sure that they do the job that they're supposed to do before we fix those Road we're not going to see them going back and opening the road the same thing that they do on this 42 I know they replacing a lot of Pipeline and but make sure that we work in collaboration with those utility company to make sure that once we fix a road they don't come back and just open those Road for job that they supposed to do do it before we had a meeting with paic Valley a few weeks ago I want to say and that was one of the big topics was getting in kind of getting in step with them to make sure that they don't come back and do something after a road has been done and sharing schedules so we can do a better job of making sure that they get and we got to make sure that if if they have an emergency they fix those R curve to curve this a legislation on the book that they have to fix it with the same standard of quality that we do when we do the resurfaces so we got to hold all those utility company accountable for the job that they have to do those are taxpayer dollar that we investing in our row and finally we investing millions of dollars into those rad and it's it will be very unfair for the taxpayer that they go back and just open the road and not fixing the way they supposed to fix it because they that that happened in Paris only when they go to another town I see the job that they do in another town really nice here they do bumping it's like a speed bump everywhere when they fix a road which is unacceptable it's just horrible so that's what I hope that we don't see River Street or any of those Road like e37 that we that we recently fixing we're stay on top we're going to stay on top of that and I hope that the resident of the city of Pon is stay on top of that if they see those road that they've been opening again speak up come to the council and put everybody in check so thank you council members item 43 resolution authorizing the world contract for emergencies s pling a consent director are we ready for this winter director what winter uh it's coming well it looked like summer but it's coming well you know listen the weather's great now but you better be ready because it's coming so listen why while you guys are at the beach and enjoying your summer we're preparing for the winter so beautiful I love to hear I love to hear that there patteron you hear that public work is ready for this winter uh time is arriving you know so item 44 resolution authorizing the world contct item 44 consent council members item 45 consent item 46 resolution authorizing the war contract to the black environmentals for um the waste collection operations go consent council members yes which 46 yeah 45 is consent but what about 46 council member any question consent that combine 45 is regular right Madame clerk let the record reflect that we councilman Jackson one item 45 on regular um item 46 council members consent consent item 47 46 uh council president councilman Jackson director can I get outline on 46 please say it again outline on 46 it's uh hard Hardware stuff uh no 46 46 oh I'm sorry the block this is our for our sore operator contract the block he's uh he's our sore operator we have to have a sore operator on contract if we don't have one um hired by the city and this is the block he's been our sore contractor uh for a while now so this is the uh what contract how much is how much is the contract hold on I picked up the wrong resolution hold on I got it yeah this for uh 255,000 $650 not to exceed 250k yes 255 not to exceed he's our sore operating he let us know he checks sores see if it's damaged what needs to be done with a sord what size anything um he does our reporting or to the state stuff like that yes so I'm going to call thank you Council woman regular 46 regular council members all right Madam clerk 46 regular item 47 council members resolution Au the rizing the world contract to Montana construction for the Emergency sewer consent consent council members item 48 um Larry Doby baseball field resolution authoriz award contract for mus sport lighting LC for the installation of light consent yes than counc councilman Jackson director for item number item number 48 um are we just replacing all the lights with LEDs because I I mean I've seen those lights on quite frequently I don't see any outages yeah they we're replacing it they're getting the um it's all led up L Stadium lighting uh the FI is getting redone also that'll be coming before the end of the year but this is another step which is upgrading the light systems if if those lights go out right now it'll take about 20 minutes from them to go out um come back on cuz they're the old Bulbs Plus there going to have um uh like a music system to it where if if you play a song Sun the lights could bounce to the music like to have an order Pro stadiums and color stadiums so it's going to be colored lights it's going to be nice and uh deserves it the amount the contract 427 427,000 427,000 where is it $220 how much 42720 third war four War does that in is is is it going to include any um audio vid audio systems as well or just just just lighting no it that's just the lighting and where's this money being um drawn from this is uh this is Art money art yeah just trying to find ways to use it go ahead thank you director I appreciate it okay counc members councilwoman CT I got it first I I have councilwoman CT okay um director for I got to go back regular I got to go back to 47 um Regular um contract is for next year um um did did we spend all the money from the contract for 2021 I mean 2020 January to December I would have to get back to it I don't know that answer right now right CU I see this is for this is for laterals right that's those emergency seore repairs I mean emergency lateral repairs going into the seore going going into the mainline these are this not for repair in the main line is the lateral is coming into the main the lateral coming from where yes coming from the houses yes so somebody's having a problem with their sewer and it's backing up that's when you go out there somebody has a problem with their sewer and it's uh and it's determined that it's our lateral and not the main then this contract will cover that repair okay just find out just let me know uh for the contract for January through December how much we spent so far for I believe it was the same company I'm not sure there was nine people who picked up and only two returned okay and the two that returned are the two that do sewer work so can you let me know um director thank you thank you counc woman director um thank you um I'm sorry floor Council yes council president thank you uh director this is going to go parallel with the uh renovation of the $2 million that um Benji was speaking about talking about about yesterday yeah what about it uh the to the renovation of L over yes field yeah I know we're not going to put the light first and then put the Third Field I think is going to go they're going to done at the same time same time yeah all right correct now what about the other two little fields that we have down the road uh the Middlefield is we did the fencing on there and uh little Larry Doby we're we we might have a solution to fix that but it's not quite there yet can we use meanwhile the lights that we moveing and we move it to the other side or or no or we could you mean the lights get money we the other side need lights the other two fields that okay parallel to that the little L the little L lights so it has light yeah has lights okay but can you put those lights to the whole field that could be bright like remove the canisters from that pole and bring them down there and put them on the little yeah are you going to or you going to do recycling with it not electrician but I don't think it works that way I know but that's why we had the engineering here engineering could plan what we could do with those lights right instead throw in a garbage you know we look into it you know because that's money in recycling if you're going to throw it away somebody will make money out of it so um if we could put it in another place in the park or light up or any other side of the park it would be nice we look into a coun yeah you know just a witch list and the other the last but not least director I know we talking about Parks can you schedule the opening and closing of Roberto clementin Park uh I thought you said you were going to handle that councilman councilman I'm the councilman of the city of Patterson yes I did a pilot test how it was going to work police was assisting but that's a responsibility of DPW to close the park and open it but that's not you told me in my office when we gave you the key you said that you be lock in no coun you the same way that Eide Park get closed by DPW yes DPW to arrange I did it for a week to Pilot how we going to manage with police to clear the park and it was easy for me and I'm the councilman so what I'm saying is responsibility to find oh let me talk to the ba later on sideb bar Madam ba because this this this is the responsible DPW the same way they close other Parks I will have the same treatment to close Roberto CL yes you can have it but I'm just letting you know what you told me in my office you said you would close the park just like G aot as a pilot I did it for one week that was never the title was never discussed but we'll do it we'll handle it okay okay for now on no we'll handle it we'll handle it thank you I appreciate so simple all right thank you thank you Council M yeah you guys Direct you definitely you will handle that yes on outside the sidebar I think we move forward no we doing the sidebar we'll handle we'll close the part beautiful no problem all right you do do you I just want to say thank you for closing East Side park it's been perfect 9:00 I see Public Work the police closing East Side park is beautiful it's nice and it's under control yes finally all right so council members item 49 here a resolution to ument um this is for the port portable bathroom uh the total amount 50,000 council members consent yes which council members it don't 59 uh but the director I have a question with I don't 59 I know the is not to exceed or 49 my apology 49 item 49 not to exceed 50,000 I know that should go conent but they need to do better maintenance on those part of a bathroom it's it's almost impossible to get into one to use it when we're in a park I don't know how frequen is the maintenance so we got to look at the maintenance that they doing about so okay okay so please pay attention to that we have our children and a family join consent counc M we move the two council president yes so since we are done with the public works all the items uh thank you director thank you James uh council president I to bring to your attention that I know that you don't want to entertain the second reading items today however the item number six About Storage connection fees uh this item was not discussed in the DBW uh before it's the first reading so after the first reading we had in-depth discussion in the DPW committee uh director was there uh uh James mcro was there and they sent the memorandum to all the council members regarding the confusion and and uh that can uh create uh if we uh have sarage connection fee after or during the uh when they uh the builders are going for Co we it is correct that man uh colleague mentioned that we are not actually decreasing we're not removing the storage connection fee we are just changing the timing timing which is instead of collecting storage connection fee in the beginning we are collecting storage connection during the uh Co that's only different however we we going to have a we going to have a complete discussion the reason let the council finish please yes councilor pres the reason I want to just bring it to the uh attention that if you have any question uh you would definitely I I think the council members may have question to have clear idea that what we are going to vote for James is here if you want to ask question I think we should ask question we should make educate decision next week when we'll vote for it no no they're going to be here don't worry so this the only request to you but again if council members comfortable moving forward like this okay um I'm so coun so councilman thank you coun I requested James to come over here thank you councilman ding we we finished with public Now 50 is consent yeah 4950 consent but just a minute just a minute councilwoman councilwoman so I she was talking about I don't on second reading council member so so Council Cali what we're going to do is you know what and you council member don't speak too close to the mic because it's hard for me to understand that and and and members of the public the reason why I respectfully asked to just be a little quiet because it's hard for us to hear if this room is too closed we're not in the council chamber and some time when when a public speaking I don't even I don't hear what the councilman is saying and councilman count is impossible for her and and and Dava so we all have to like be like silent in order for us to try to do business you know to the best of our ability now I'm going to open the public portion we finish with the director and then after that we finish the agenda we and we go back to Second reading president um so during the uh before I called the first Speaker Jackson so and and I don't know if the director had plan on leaving but councilman nuden makes complete sense if there's an item that a letter from the direct with under the director he's not leaving he's not leaving so we're going to have the discussion on the second all the second reading because we have multiple Idol director you to stay with us hang out with us I know Miss wah Muhammad say is 8:00 I want to open the public portion for her now the reason why council members we have a special meeting 8:00 we only have nine speaker let's let's get the nce speaker out late and then we come back to the second read I just had the floor you well just okay just you have the floor just finish just make sure what's going to take place we're gonna have our discussion later on that so yet again see this is very critical and this is why people like Miss wah Muhammad as you tried to run that that fake out move it's very important for people for her to be well informed that's why it's important to have the critical decis discussions when members of the public are here and it's part of the strategy to strategically pick which items are going to get spoken on while the Public's here and then have these discussions just like he did the last time this was the very last item they voted on there was a letter very controversial letter written to every single council person now I'm assuming that the item was discussed in committee it should be a overwhelming that in fact should have been one of the items that we discussed first because you guys in a dead of night cast a five nothing vote in favor of uh of this uh uh sewer collection fee and nobody talked about it being uh dismissed what I said specifically was to derail the process for the permitting process when people are going to acquire a permit which was outlined in the letter that was written by the engineering department that it then becomes almost impossible to collect on these fees now a perfect example of that is the Art Factory who has written a number of different uh uh summonses over a 100 close to 200 and now they're no longer in business and we the city has never collected on those fees so it's prudent and responsible to the public to make sure that before we allow some somebody to put up a monstrosity in our community that they pay all the fees first so I want to clearly outline this this is not about we talking about oh no what this is about is certain council members are moving the agenda for developers in this community so it could be so things could be easier for them and yet the items in which are important to the public they try to scarf past them and then they want to have these discussions when you guys are not here no have it within the the the scrutiny of the public that's my point councilman raises a perfect uh uh you know point and here we are allowing giving the uh director some allowances director wants to go home to his family now you're going to make him wait because you're trying to hide more information from the public if if the councilman brought it up the director came back to the microphone we should have had an in-depth discussion there's no other time where they'll stop a discussion and and pause how many times they have you wait here till 11:00 when it's the things that they want that's important for the administration as the council president continues to carry the water for the mayor water boy is is is what it the term that is called but all right so so members of the public what I mentioned in the beginning I don't take nothing that com from that side it's all about the respect what I mentioned at the beginning the director Cay this is part of his job he's the director of public work in the city of but the public doesn't need to stay until 9 10:00 those that wish to stay definit they definitely could stay I see children on the audium I want to open the public portion way back a few months ago I mentioned in multiple meeting that I would like to do the public portion at 8:00 we have a special meeting today so I'm going to before the special meeting before that discussion I'm going to open the public portion to allow the public to address the coun to address Administration they don't need to wait for night 10:00 here the director could wait because that's his job all the director they could stay here until 1:00 if they need to stay they're getting paid for that so with that being said let's call the first Speaker M clerk first speaker is Mr Cory Teague what's her name Cory Cory Teague good evening Patterson city council I just wanted to come down to uh thank the patteron community um for bringing me back to the school board with a resounding vote [Applause] um you know I saw the the article that Joe wrote he say was a lowbudget campaign yeah I didn't have any money I'm not even embarrassed to say that um the people were with me I didn't have any of that you know the the public came out and I'm GNA be honest with you I was not expecting that type of a turnout even though it's a presidential election for me per se I wasn't expecting people to do that but um that just tells me I have a lot of work to do cu a lot of put a lot of people put their faith in me uh what 10,000 I think it was so more than 10,000 so I have a lot of work to do now a lot of people have decided that um they want me back so I appreciate it I'm humble by it and um I'm GNA give you everything I got while I'm still here thank you cler cler next speaker is congratulations next speaker M clerk the next speaker is Miss Leah Mor good evening good evening coun honorable council members I'm speaking tonight because I Community because our community faces a faces a critical I'm speaking tonight because our community faces a critical issue lack of accountability among our leaders this affects my family neighbors and me directly the noise pollution in the area that also stems from smoke shops and liquor stores disrupts our sleep causing my mother to miss vital doctor's appointments and sports clinics existing laws are ignored suggesting that it is acceptable to break them I've witnessed officers socializing instead of enforcing regulations dispatchers seem uninterested in doing their jobs a disturbing issue affects a six-year-old near Hamilton in Rosa Parks he picks up discarded vape pens and liquor bottles smoking a drinking leftovers his mother corrects him but shutting down these businesses near residential and school areas is NE necessary they bring no benefits Place smoke shops in commercial or industrial zones I have witnessed councilman Jack Mike Jackson generally cares to take action to get down to the core of the issue where it stems from we need more leaders like him to expose corruption Patterson lacks law enforcement causing Division and Chaos as my mother says without order there is chaos I urge you to understand the struggle of the struggles of parisians face we need Leaders with true and sincere Moral Moral compasses thank you thank you next speaker M [Applause] cler next speaker is Miss viy MOA Dear honorable council members I'd like to address the problem I'm having with the with constant noise I have called the police several times the police has done nothing I called once for noise next to my house I witnessed the officer in his car look at the crowd and back up and drive the other direction I have already witnessed six shootings waking me up in my sleep and scaring me I can never get a good amount of rest I've had to stay up until 6:00 in the morning because the people refused to leave a week ago the officer hung up on me while I was telling him about the noise that about the noise that is unacceptable these officers really need to do their job if they are tired they should just quit they got in to Serve and Protect but that is not what they're doing they are just wasting time these officers have the worst attitude I hope this encourages them to do their job thank you for your time thank you next speaker M cler next speaker is Mr Eddie oliv irus good evening all um tonight I want to talk about something as is usually the case something that is said in the uh previous uh uh meeting when I come to this microphone and it has to do with the the ba the last time that I was here at this mic was talking about the the race that was approved by you uh by this body uh over a $6,000 rate of which uh uh councilman Jackson is is not getting he voted no but he's not receiving it he has refused it and I mentioned that um Alex Mendes voted no for the major but he is taking the $6,000 and so I called that dual morality um I just want to make it clear uh it means that uh in my view uh you know Mr Mendes is IM more uh as is always the case uh Kathleen long at the at the at the end of the meeting mentioned that uh councilman Jackson also voted no for his Aid uh but I am his Aid and so you equaled me uh this is a way of saying that my morality is as questionable as is but I have a proposal for you um and and I also question morality and so I have a proposal for you if you want to prove that you are as moral as I am that your moral fabric is as as it's the same at least the same as mine and so as uh you know I'll expend this I tell you what I will give up the $25,000 that I am receiving for S say in exchange you give up the $50,000 raise you gave yourself the council members give up the $6,000 that they're paying uh that they gave themselves refuse the $25,000 that they're getting for their age and so we all do something for the city we take all of that money and we use it for something that is really useful you want to prove to me that you are as moral as I am I'm willing to give up my $25,000 why don't you give up your $50,000 and so that goes for the rest of you guys and so I want to close with this um I want to ask um Mr valz to stop stop daydreaming stop daydreaming as asking the the City attorney to write letters to prevent me from coming over here and talking and calling you guys fools it will not never happen and and and and Alex These Fine officers they're not here to follow your orders you have a Goble this is not a court just in case you haven't noticed your time is up next thank you 25,000 the drain next speaker is L Gomez L lose Gomez noome next figure is ho Valencia they left they left next figure is cameo black she's here just take your time she's a little bit hurt a council president me while she comes um Robert R older says that anybody directing to anybody had to ask it through the chair if she they go to direct the ba had to say through the chair and they and he engaged any other counil member we had the right to respond he engaged me in that conversation all right good evening I'm here for a couple of reasons one I wasn't even coming tonight I was going to stay in my bed and watch it but the circus that I seen going on it's crazy these babies come down here they speak and they seeing the same thing that I'm seeing nobody can never conduct their self as adults y'all run the city it's ridiculous Marissa I don't know how you going to feel about this but I'm starting to see you starting to throw your weight around you a bully and it's like when the rest of them say something you don't like it you sit there you pout and it's ridiculous enough is enough the racism is out of control we here we together as we supposed to be as one American we stand you we're not we're divided something El that bothers me the Les Emma riton Phil that has s been missing almost three years now one time have I seen y stand with that family light a candle for that family or raise a flag for that family but when that man said when he said that one little comment about Puerto Rico being dirty y'all got together and y'all had a whole flag Raisor in front of City Hall why can't phix mother get that same treatment why ji mother why we why as the council people why don't y'all never stand like y'all stood like that this is the stuff that we need all the time not when somebody somebody make a comment about y' Puerto Rican land being dirty like I said to you I got Puerto Rican family and my family in my family I'm I'm not a racist at all I love everybody y'all need to stop it y'all need to get it together when kids start coming down here speaking up it's serious it's real they can't sleep or nothing when are we going to get it together everybody putting up they mad that Trump one we got stress here in our own City we got to get it together enough is enough I've been hurt for how long y'all see I'm hurt I got one support that's it that's taking me to a physical therapy and everything else I appreciate that person y'all know I bust my behind and I feel some type of way nobody ain't reach out to me but that goes to show it's because of this if it was somebody else y'all stand 10 toes down stop the bull craap and get it together Kathleen you disgust me the way you always sat right there when everybody was here talking what's funny that you getting the raises everybody else struggling that's the funny thing to you like he said put that money out there help these kids you won't you're not willing to do that do you do how much trash you pick up in the city how many times you help these kids out none you get paid to do absolutely nothing enough is enough and that's all I got to say get it together for these kids next speaker Madam clerk the next speaker is Mr Sebastian Maha Sebastian Maha Mahia sorry Council good evening council president Patterson city of Patterson um I just want to give uh some time to thank to thank um all of the residents of the of the city of patters for engaging in their civic duty going out and vote this week and early voting we need to keep that consistency up throughout all elections Council Schoolboard moving forward not just coming out strongly in the presidential elections I want to give um my thanks also to Billy pree and our whole team our canvases our phone Bankers all of our volunteers for allowing me the opportunity to be a part of a Congressional Campaign for the first time in my life um and be informed on what goes on on campaigns on a federal level I definitely gained a wealth of knowledge and and experience that otherwise I would have never have gotten and I look forward to bringing that knowledge and experience here on the local level helping out future candidates that align with my principles and values and to possibly flip some of these seats on a local level in the city of Patterson in the county of Pake um I look forward to being more involved as time progresses and that Segways into my second um part of this speech tonight I want to give um congratulations to the school board candidates um Hector's is was here I don't know if he's still here Mr Kenneth as well and last but not least my brother my dear friend My Mentor uh Mr Cory leis Teague day in and day out throughout the years I I have seen this man fight for the city of Patterson behind closed doors I've seen people ridicule him why cuz he didn't have the money for the campaign but one thing that I have learned in politics is that your your name holds weight what you do your reputation who you help and the time you put in can out can beat out a machine can beat out a a large campaign with strong economic backing so that's I I want to give that shout out to Corey t for being consistent and not disappearing when it when it's no longer an election season Corey was here when people didn't want to stand next to certain groups next to certain families Corey was here in the middle the night when parents called I'm having issues with the IEP my child is getting getting bullied when teachers were having issues with their contracts Corey was on the front line picketing and standing with our community and I have learned so much from him and I have the greatest respect in the world for him and he has motivated me in these past 10 years that I've been involved in politics in the city of Patterson and he continues to do so thank you so much and uh thank you to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ s of King thank you SAS next speaker man next speaker is Miss wah m with gu's name good evening good evening and I want to say to all of those people that pulled that level for Cory teas you looked out for your child and I thank you the other thing I want to say the last time I was at this mic I came here because I'd heard that finally Freedom Village was going to get some justice last Friday we all received this letter and right now I want to curse somebody we all receiv received this letter because now because of whatever the city did or didn't do our rent is not only going up $90 they want $200 from me where the hell am I getting $200 to give Penrose are you serious every time I turn around and think that we are finally going to get something in this city it turns out to be nothing absolutely nothing the other thing when I think about how it is that these developers get to come in here and do any damn thing they want and nothing happens how many times have Dave gilm gave you information about what's going on and nobody says nothing and even when this man was being threatened bodily I didn't hear not one person other than Jackson say something about that man being threatened you said nothing and to listen to our children and I know what she's talking about with these smoke shops that's why you won't find what heat up be on Rosen parks in Hamilton because yes they are shooting like it's a a shooting range whenever they get ready and those smoke shops mean nothing we brag about where we don't have as many liquor stores well you might as well cuz those smoke shops do the same damn thing they are not only selling drugs they're selling liquor and anything else in there they didn't want to do because they know nothing is going to happen to them and Patterson and I heard you pay tribute to Tom Ruby what was Tom Rooney's favorite quote anything goes in Patterson sick of it up to my heels I'm sick of this foolishness and then we have to really stop and look at these director as far as these pavings and repaving and whatever you're doing why is that we were told that on Governor street you were going to go all the way to the end they stopped at the light nothing is being done on the other end of Governor Street it's a mess and from what I've been told that part has never been paved what's the problem we sit back and you spending all these thousands and millions of dollars and we see nothing nothing but raises and the last thing I want to say is I'm so tired of here in DPW being responsible for every damn thing except a raise never are you talking about a raise for them but every time you turn around you want them to do something else if they gave you the key valz use the damn key and stop expecting DPW to go close your part you I'm sure you said you would do it but now you don't want to do it so now it's no you were doing a pallet well you should have done pallet before then it should be you don't do nothing else so you should do something thank you m next speaker M clear next speaker is Mr Dave Gilmore I see Dave where oh he came in right tonight celebrating good evening uh Dave Gore my father's oldest son I stand here to represent and or stand still standing on the shoulders of those that have come before me I am here to to unequivocally State I am the director of code enforcement for the city of Patterson every day here is particularly I'm representing my office and or the the uh uh constituents that I work for I don't work for the mayor okay I'm not a Cabinet member I'm civil service I don't work for the mayor I work for the people in the city of Patterson and I want you to know that this hairbrain and not to insult you but I'm just letting you know this waving of the wand to for the for the uh basement and attics that's not that's not the process we have a process people have to apply and come in and go through a process in order to incorporate turning an illegal unit or a potential unit into a tax revenue generating safe unit unit for dwelling we have that already so I don't understand what this mandate is to tell the corporation counsil create legislation that's it's it's a pipe dream the other thing is I want to I want to link that to what was done with the uh the sewage and and connection fees all of a sudden where's the list where's the report of all these people that are going to benefit from that who are they these mystery benefactors of doing this where's the list we're still waiting for the reports there's no data there's no metrics there's no analytical analysis of who is the beneficiaries and or why you owe the money pay it it's just that simple when they take out their loans for soft and or hard cost they want to defer the soft cost into the hard cost and that's why they're not paying and we got plenty of them we closed a couple of big ones this week okay so we got to be more diligent in and getting the information and passing the information forward to uh the public at large so that we know who's the who the beneficiaries are and why we're taking care of them before we take care of the people that's a problem so let's do that and as far as my comments last week and my my uh references to the the uh disparate treatment and or discrimin atory practices I stand by what I said I just got sered papers for calling somebody a racist well I'm sticking by what I said because at the end of the day the discriminatory practices continue we have economic gentrification and we have racial gentrification somebody's got to stand up and say something about it it's too it's we're too passive when it comes to the discriminatory practices thank you thank make a big Dave next speaker mad clerk we have no more speakers motion to close move by counc D second by councilman roll call Mad clerk to close the public portion roll call to close the public portion councilwoman cotton thank you madam clerk I just want to make a few comments um um some of the speakers um um the Moran family over there on Gan Avenue I'm not going to say um your complete name but um there's not a night they don't go past that I don't send something to the police department or to the captain or to the chief um I got many calls for governor Street Governor Street was like a war zone they couldn't even you couldn't even come outside and I sent it to the Chief and I sent it to the captain that you have to have to do more Patrol you got to go through there um so for and I had spoken to you a couple times but um our Police Department knows about I get a call from 92 cow almost every night uh and I have to send someone there so they they actually know what's happening and I believe that they're trying to do their best our Police Department I mean you may not you know what when I go home now at night and I catch it on the camera people walking in my yard trying to open up my door when I go home if I have a late counsel meeting I have to make sure I wake up one of my kids so they can hear or I'll just blow the horn so it's like it's everywhere but they are aware and we and we're going to continue to we're going to continue we're going to continue and you know he would love to have a meeting with you he would love to have a meeting because to know what is going on um Governor Street has gotten a little better but they said them houses on Governor Street some of them in the backyard they got everything you you don't know it's just everything back there so we are you may shake your head but I know and you know people see the police they say they're not doing nothing they're sayfe I can't say that I'm just want to say that I'm going to have a meeting with you with the police chief or the captain no we're going to get a new Chief but with the captain so let him hear your concerns because it is your kids got to go to school they can't stay up all night long you know and then the other problem that I have is that you have families where the adult kids are hanging out all night and they live in a house with these adult kids and can't go to bed and go to bed at 6:00 in the morning and then they got to go to school at 7:00 so it's it's a thing and it's about we got to try to do our best and we're going to work together and work what we need to do and I hear your concerns and I hear and other people here so we here and we're going to work on it and I want to have a meeting and I'm going to set that up soon I just want to say to Cory T thank you congratulations hey look Corby T I've been out here for the last 35 years I know what it is to get off of work at 6:00 morning and be on the bus at 7:30 to go down to Trent to fight I've done it many for many many years and that's what we have to get our parents to understand you have to fight for your kids too it just not can't be the board members it just can't be the Principal it just can't be the teacher parents you have to fight too for your children and if you got to I always say people and you hear and people always say you know what it's my time long as you got kids you ain't got no time your time is to take care of your child I don't care how grown they get your kids still need to whether they 30 40 years old if you're here to help them and show them Direction and right way that's what you're supposed to do so Corey I look forward to working with you because I know what you've done for special needs kids I don't say special there're special needs and they're all special needs children that need something that needs guidance and the parents sometimes need help to be able to figure out how they can handle with some of the things I just want to say also that we uh when we had the black history um hispania heritage month I did not know about councilman Jackson uh honory until that night when I got there I did not know so I want to say he's not here but I want to get the family my deepest concerns because I to lose a child you know we're like um I always go you know I be in Bragg's fun home seem like every other day if it ain't brag if it's uh re gar various if but you know we have to um and I hear what he said to be be more passionate and we are some you know with families and uh but sometimes everybody don't throw everything I'm not a Facebook person to put everything I do what I do for people because nobody need to know that I help you why does somebody need to know I help you this just just to what to get accolades to say okay I did this I no it's not necessary whatever you can do to do that's what you do I want to say to um and I said to my uh Cameo I know how rough it is I know you know to be out there you see stuff let me tell you something you have to be very careful because right now I'm telling you you got to be very careful because you don't know who's watching you don't know who's watching you don't know who's telling on you you don't know who's who's telling people where you live you don't know so I want to say to you Cel be very careful because we need to and you know people need need to be um know that someone care and you know and people do care I think sometimes they show it in a different uh different way and um but I just want to say to wah I did not know about no letter uh to you that but I'm going to make a point uh our Corporation Council Ben um there's a lady that's in in the lawyers in the in the Law Department that handles that situation with pen rolls please oh you took it to them but Ben I want you to make sure that you let the lady who's in who's been helping them with that to make sure that um that she gets that letter I don't know what they did they lost I don't know how you going to send a letter you know what I find Community if you ain't getting a letter from a judge man stop it you can't put me out if a judge ain't say you are evicted you cannot be put out I got people out here right now that are sending letters landlords are sending letters law of law firms are sending letters you cannot be evicted don't let them think that they can throw you out the only one that can put you out of your apartment is a judge that can say that so people are um Corporation Council is really running rapid with with what they're sending to tenants now and and people living in houses is really going so I just want to say um it was requested Miss mam about Governor Street anything pass straight sheet down it was requested several times so I just want you to know that it was requested to David Gilmore you are the director of code enforcement and that's what only thing I have and I want to put it on record that house over there on East 19th Street that they was trying to build a he was trying to build a a family room on top of his garage oh they yeah so I go there it's 5 o'clock at night and and I see them building and but the only thing um our Corporation counsel and uh Kathleen um you get quite a few complaints with people building on if they was able to to tell that man to take that down they should be able to tell everybody else to take their down that's right because there's a couple more building that I'm going send to you that are being built I know with no permit so when they told I went over there and I could not believe this man is building a room on top of a garage with no paperwork and you can see it's a room because they got windows and you're saying so David I got some more that I need for you to look into it I will send it through like I normally do I always see see you so I just want to say that there are the people are really doing what they they can they should not be um uh they think that they can just nobody's watching and my next thing I think that the city needs to do Kathleen and um ba and uh you got to light this city up this city is entirely too dark when you're driving at night you can't see nobody so one of the project to my engineer and to director Public Works figure out how we can light this city up these lights that we got now led that's what we need I don't know what lights we need but the city is entirely too dark and you can't see anything at night driving so I just want to put that out there and so with that being said I want to say congratulation again to all the ones the winners uh Hector NZ and um Hector Rosado but with that being said why we gonna take care of that David I'm gonna send you some more information and then the the young lady over here we going to talk to the police department because there's not a day that don't go by a night that I don't send Texas Texas Texas Texas all night long thank you um I'm surprised nobody say like be quiet Ruby well anyhow but those are important things that are really you know I just want to say that they were important stuff so you know and I know how people feel like you know you know you know I nosy neighbors you know why nosy neighbors take care of your house as long as I ain't doing nothing illegal you can watch my house cuz I ain't doing nothing illegal too many legal people doing illegal stuff out here that's why they don't want you to know who they are because they doing illegal stuff so Madam clerk with that being said my vot is yes thank you councilwoman councilwoman Dava councilwoman we know you're very passionate and you address every um um speaker I won't be doing the same thing uh but I will address the the young ladies the mom um at one point there was an area where I lived in the First Ward and let me tell you I will never forget walking into my apartment with my son very young and a shootout right cars got hit left right I was just coming in my son was in front of me um that is very sad it's sad what's going on you know to listen to the two young ladies the MOM stand by their side you know it's really disheartening and you know anything that I can do I know that councilwoman and stated that she's going to set up a meeting as a public safety chair and we're members you know I will definitely be there to do and assist as as I can and also you live in the First Ward we will work with councilman Jackson as well fourth I'm sorry I thought it was first okay my apologies for that um to miss black you know I'm sorry that you think um that I'm a bully it's unfortunate I'm not I'm for the people I'm from here you know someone said to me you know what it is Marissa sometimes people may think that because you know from Patterson we just have like this sometimes this this way of how we approach things so um I know that you're very passionate I know that you love our city you've been through a lot and listen I am a phone call away that I can tell you um to address and make comments about my colleague you know there's this saying even in the best families we fight right we argue there's certain stances that you know my colleagues may take that I don't agree with right um I like to do it behind closed doors unfortunately when it happens in front you know you find yourself having to defend yourself and you know some have said to me ignore but sometimes it's difficult so my apologies if you think that way to anyone here um yeah talking about elections I believe in democracy and democracy has spoken they spoke loud and clear on Tuesday November 5th so I want to congratulate every individual that that one from the president all the way down to the US Senate to the first congresswoman Latina born and raised in the city of Patterson Grand Street the projects and today she is serving as as she's still an elected official but as a congressman congresswoman elect you know po I want to continue on with Sheriff Adam uh Sheriff elect Ado congratulations to you uh getting over 990,000 votes in our County uh when the county went red that says a lot the people spoke who they wanted for president and who they wanted for their Sheriff in addition to the County Commissioners and to the newest member commissioner Rodney D'Or as I work the street stre knocked down doors worked the polls my message to people were every election is important vote for who you think will represent you but I stated specifics that local politics are very important and that our children were important and that Schoolboard is very important and so I want to congratulate the three individuals who who won um I'm going to start with Corey Teague he was three on the ballot and um I have to say because he's been in positions of being elected not elected elected not elected and elected again all right so it is not always about the money the money helps for you to reach a bigger audience right what was great is that there's a presidential people coming out ballot positioning is very important as well 3D you've been active and constant for years so when people came there they saw your name and yes Mr Sebastian Mahia name recognition is very important as well especially when you're involved good bad and different when you're involved your name is out there so to take it back you know to Mr Kenny Kenneth Rosado all right many made statements about who is this person Johnny come lately you know it's unfortunate I always say like why don't you look up the individual look at what they do what schools they went to if they're a husband if they are a father are they a businessman why do they care why do they get involved look at all those things just don't take you know the the the messages out there of you know they're coming to take control and all I don't believe in none of that um you know so I want to congratulate Kenny Rosado um for for running a clean race because I believe that every person that that won and everyone that ran on that school board I believe that they ran a clean race so I want to congratulate everyone to Hector neas uh my aid for four years someone who um I'm sorry Hector Nas Jr uh someone that I've known for years who has been active and again sadly people you know say who is this person and I saw so many negative comments and things that people are so hurtful you know when you have to attack someone on their physical or but you there's no there's no uh um what's the word I'm looking for I'm a little the word just the the word just went away but the the young man is someone that has been involved for years in politics but he was always a worker he's always a worker just out there so everyone always called him oh help with this help with that help with this and you know once he became my Aid then you know I was at no no you can't help all those other people you're you're mine now right and if anybody knows Hector knows me very well he knows I'm not a bully I could be you know a queen a queen bee sometimes because I'm very passionate about you know what I what I do who I love and who I serve so you know Hector you became a father um and I congratulating you because you said I now want to serve I now want to serve at a different capacity you've been serving for years so I want to congratulate all of you on a great win Rosado nvz Jr and Corey Teague congratulations the people have spoken uh council president you know I had to do this all right um you know Miss waha Muhammad I'd like to see a copy of that letter okay because there's been issues with Freedom Village for quite some time and you know it's sad that we find out when someone comes here instead of us getting the information as soon as it happens so with that said um to everyone else thank you for coming out and uh voicing your opinions and your views and your concerns uh my vote is yes to close uh the public portion thank you councilor mava councilman Jackson my vote is yes Mr Co thank you councilman Jackson please thank you uh thank you um Madam clerk so Miss Muhammad what is a absolutely uh hysterical is that we sit here and act like it's new that our seniors have been getting abused by these facilities for so long you know I think there's some truth to what some of the uh Council people talk about this is this is acting class up here people act like you haven't been coming here and complaining about it for how many years they act like they didn't know you supposed to know it's our job to know Council woman all due respect I didn't say one word when you talk why are you talking my talking in my ear I thought they took I thought they took care while our while our residents are being abused and you you know leadership speaks to Quality all the time right you know Madame ba you know and I get it cuz sometimes there are cultural and you know um you know uh uh uh depending upon where you grew up but like there's such a factious attitude that you carry council president again these are like kind of personal attacks it's not part of closing public portion it's really unnecessary well see I some people have this this this m Mis mistaken Authority as if they could crack a whip on someone's back and it stop you from talking about facts or truth and I'm people have have to come to to terms with like I'm not a I'm not a tamed uh uh anyway again talking about your fous attitude when members of the public come here when Miss Cameo black comes to the podium she is entitled to her her her opinion when Mr Eddie olivarez comes here they're entitled to your opinion see leadership speaks volumes when you can take criticism right see the first few years she sat there and she gave a a a an example of sharing a beach house and I criticized that it's been sour ever since she wrote a letter about me in the paper I wrote a letter back in the response she knew not to do that again but then we were in a we were in a a committee meeting and she tried to belittle a director and treat her as if she was the help I had to stand up at that moment and I told her she would not do that now well I'm here and Leadership speaks volumes people the when when the public comes to the podium their perspectives are what matters most whether they come here to criticize me or tell me anything I have to sit here and take and and withstand that that is what I'm here for I have people every day telling me Oh you know I need to do this I need to do that listen it's your responsibility to sit here and absorb that not make comments and make noises and Laugh Smile in their faces the factious attitude that the leadership has it speaks volumes right so just for a point of clarity uh councilwoman Cott I think you should you should still continue to do it I had already put together a long put together meeting with Mrs MOA where her two daughters came there with the chief of police with the second in command Chief har uh uh uh the deputy chief as well as Captain Murray who is now standing in for the chief they promised to address her issues and she still calls she calls me and texts me 3: 4 in the morning and at the best that I can I answer all the time I try to answer all the time right and it's not because I'm trying to prove anything different people do that all the time they call me all the time for those at these times in these matters right but if the council's not going to stand collectively and holding the administration accountable the other day I had there was a gentlemen in the middle of the street naked running around naked and you know you know what I tell you what M ba let's let's let's make a deal I'll make a deal with you right first Mr olivaris he also put up a proposal I will pull him off as my paid Aid he'll still do the work he's been doing the work forever if you're willing and and if you you guys are willing to take back the raises that you receive but more importantly I will never ever speak negatively or my my perspective about you at all I will grant you that if you could just name the kid that was shot on 11th a after that Halloween ISS incident you're the highest ranking Authority in the city you're the signing Authority go to the mic now don't wait for somebody to text you his name tell me what his name is because she don't know she doesn't even know when a young person is shot in our community the highest ranking Authority should know who was shot if you care about the conditions when it matters to you if Felix H uh Felix uh uh his family continues to come here and they're crying on on death ears and council president callously talked about how I try to utilize this this this young man's death when Mike Taylor comes here repeatedly asking for justice for his daughter you telling the police to put him out of here so it's not me I'm not calling these families are are are injured they're hurt and they want to they want to understand that their City officials care about them see at that at that Hispanic Heritage Month it would have been my perspective that it was a day of different indifference right we put all our IND our differences aside and we look at what we were doing I didn't utilize the platform as a political stance the young man lost his life callously he is a representative of the the Latino Community I thought it thought it not harm to choose him as my Honore I would have thought that the council members would have then come together put their differences aside sat with Mr olivaris and said hey hey you know what this is something that's that's honorable to be acknowledged but no that's not what happened that's not what happened he was treated the same way you know with indifference the same the same as he normally is now let's talk about further business normally and and Miss Muhammad with your many years of coming here you understand this brother Gilmore various people that are here uh uh uh both our newly elected brother Sebastian in past years it's always been a practice that when we do our budget hearings they're broken up in segments because it's very important and it's the council's job like all this other stuff that's going on with the council is not our job our priority is what's going on with our budget so we break it up in segments we may take three departments in one day and it's normally televised because you want the public to understand what decisions are being made this year we just made an enormous change the the the pay increases to the police department I mean they're going to be so impactful the CFO acknowledged here that night there were there was no projections done no fiveyear projections I called all the former CFOs and they said they've never had seen it happen that way before no no projections no 10y year no fiveyear projections we have a budget that's going to be impacted greatly the budget hearings was done in one day for the entire city the entire city all departments done in one day and it wasn't it wasn't televised we don't even know what was discussed there was no projections on how the impact that the the PD's new contract agreement contractual agreement was going to impact the budget or anything it's just okay no no no no problem Madam ba no problem and and this the kind of stuff that really gets under my skin like the council's here to be financially responsible and we're just watching it all go away still no reports from hens Stadium you know and this this mis this level of mistreatment is all it's across the board it's not just in Freedom Village it's at Sandy's court it's at Fifth Avenue where where these developers are making a great deal of money and then they're still taxing on Miss Miss Muhammad um item number 58 first of all it is a law already but I want to see how council members are going to uh line up and support this I'm I'm glad we have Ben David here because he's very very thorough in in the code this item you have developers that's been charging people for parking for decades and it's illegal should not be happening so we'll find out right Miss MO let me let me just say this first of all I salute you I take my hat off to you I uh applaud you your um your daughter's display of their ability to articulate themselves to read a a a preformulated thought to come here in the council and I'm going just say this to my counsel colleagues you can try to project your perspective IV and opinions but what matters to me most is when I have young people who have such a high uh perspective of me to be able to come here and talk about that I I truly appreciate it it does not go unnoticed but I truly take my hat off to you Miss Mar for the way you're educating your children I know you homeschool them and you know it is it it really it really is shining very brightly they they are fantastic um Scholars and they're going to to be bright leaders hopefully it's in this community hopefully they don't choose to abandon um you know this Broken City because while we're continuously here celebrating you just got all you have to do is go right outside the size of the rats the size of the rats the rats have never been this bad this Administration is the by far the worst and she doesn't want to accept the criticism of how poorly a poor of a job she's doing the rats the feces the urine someone had to utilize the stairs they couldn't exit the building because somebody's sleeping in a cardboard box while they go to Mexico City and and celebrate the fantastic job that they're doing so maybe it's me maybe I'm in the Twilight Zone maybe you're maybe they're right but repeatedly it's not just the young ladies people are coming to the podium and they're talking about the stances that I'm taking and I stand firmly on that I stand proud on that and I appreciate and respect the acknowledgement and it doesn't go lightly it doesn't go lightly I I truly um uh understand what we're going through um lastly um here's another example I just saw happen to see on Ben uh assemblyman wimbley's page the acknowledgement of the bulld dogs and the Eagles their flag team again Patterson is so loaded with talent that our teams go across the country they come back champions they come back winners and they come back here to nothing they come back to nothing they you know these same children that are that are excelling at a flag level by the time they're 15 16 we we've done nothing to to to cultivate this the talent what we're doing is we're focusing on how we could pay other develop how we could pay outside people while we cut the library budget instead of doing things for our children and then we're celebrating how much we're you know how many I just saw another advertisement on the mayor's page the purple par you know when you have such a disconnect with the community you don't even understand like you go read the comments like okay great on Parks but what about the community what about this what about that while these young ladies have to be up at 4 in the morning grav would have been out there himself he would have been out there they get the phone call 3:4 in the morning he would have been out there but you know people thinking they doing fantastic jobs and we just keep on celebrating talking about how great things are going and we're going down the same freaking toilet Madam um clerk I appreciate your patience my vote is yes thank you councilman Council let you know counc I didn't know that man thank you thank you Madame Madame clerk we are doing best we could do but there more to get done I did not know that uh everybody admit that there is criticism and there is personal attack there are two different thing anybody could come here criticize me if I'm doing something wrong but when someone comes personally attack someone over and over same thing since I I've been here for last four five years since his administration came in same thing over and over every night I'm tired of it do something and make correction on it instead of just complaining criticizing budget hearing there's no changes in the budget this year is going to that for the Hing is going to stay it is as it is there no only thing each department could do is they could ask for the wish list and they will the the administration will um provide it to us and the budget hearing never was uh um televised so this misinformation um I mean I don't want to go back and forth um I mean we are we live in the community some of us make think we not in the some of the council member we are not in the community represent second world I'm out there every day I know my constituent I know what's going in the second world if I have any issue director is right there he get my phone call text message every day 8 in the morning when I'm dropping my kids off don't you director every day so whenever I see something in the going on in the second word I make the necessary phone calls where you need to be called I think that's what we need to do Ed director is there when I have a issue I call her she knows that every director you could ask I don't need to come here and go after them over same thing over and over and over well um I want to con congratulate brother te for winning getting back to the um to the board also Hector Nez and uh Mr Rosado local election matters um is very important I mean National level you know people came out you know people decided congratulation to all of them County and local matters matter the most so I want to thank everyone who participate in this participated in this election and my vote is yes to close the um public portion Madam thank you councilman councilman Udin thank you madam Clark good evening Patterson those who are here watching um here in the council chamber those are watching us live uh thank you for joining us and uh make your voice hard uh so many of you spoke again thank you well before I start speaking I want to congratulate all the row a candidates that uh made the last election and uh also our local uh Commissioners from Patterson Board of Education uh so great jobs and I say are looking forward to work together so let's come to the uh point that both uh Mora Vicki and Leah great jobs it's a nice speech I would say um and I I I can see that you are going to be the future leader of city of Patterson absolutely it's it's amazing job um Linda MOA as as you have texted me multiple times 3:00 in the morning just know this as I promise if you if you text me call me 4:00 in the morning you're going to response you're going to get response from me and I do that every time you you I got call from you 2:00 in the morning too I I try to send police as as soon as possible I called the department to 3:00 in the morning for for your uh you know concerns I I tried my level best that's all I can tell you I always tell this C Patterson that if you call me at uh 3:00 in the morning you'll find me available for you and I I did that but again the issues that that that you were sending me is the same thing repe repeatedly happening in your neighborhood what else I can do I don't know but one thing I can mention here that your daughter spoke about the smoke shops liquor stores next to these schools residents and our Corporation Council I abush is not here I sent an email to him regarding some of the smoke shops no newly built newly uh just just started the business and I brought to him his uh attention that what we can do and as of now there is no ordinance that says they cannot have business next to the schools there's nothing like that I I requested for the change I did and two things I requested to him as well which is one thing about Bay products that in our children's hand we do not have licensing as of now we do not know who's selling and who's buying in the city of Patterson I coordinating with a group of schols from Monclair State University they created a resolu uh ordinance it says details that if we have that ordinance in place the licensing fees and everything even after paying all the employes that is is involved to uh you know enforce the code we still make uh about $300,000 a year after paying all the employees the ordinance was 100% ready I am again this is a continued issue in our school system in our children this is our children so Madame be and Madam Clark I want to see this ordinance back in the next Workshop session which is which was ready about licensing uh for licensing fees for the bay products in our city and this this was very comparatively with the neighbor towns and cities and and I I feel this is very important because we need to know who is selling these products regarding this smoke shop and and Corporation councel as he stated that according to him that he already created the ordinance which is blending both Bay products and smoke shops together but it's sleeping somewhere in the committee so uh I I this is my promise that right after this council meeting I'll send an email to him that which committee he sent over and I want to see this back because this new smoke shop is a profitable business absolutely and they are growing everywhere there's a new one built as councilman colleague is second world councilman right next to school number five it just started the business two months ago Union Avenue had only one smoke shop now there are three or four smoke shops it's just I'm talking about the neighborhood that there was no smoke shop before we adding lot of smoke shops and other other parts of the city definitely everyone is growing but we have to think about the future of our children they're getting used to with the smokes and smells at a point they are not going to understand that this is something that they cannot take it's it's turning to a point that it's like chocolate it's like regular candy shop now they can just walk in and out nobody's who's regulating it if we just say that oh we know that what they are selling or not that's not true absolutely not because we don't have enough inspectors to inspect all the businesses in our city so that's definitely a a problem that we need to address we don't need to fight over everything this is we are talking about our future our children we can f we cannot fight on every single things but this is the future of the city of patteron so I think these type of items should be taken seriously so Madame ba I'm EXP in that the items that was uh that was presented in the council chamber chamber and and I you say this this is ready to go I think we need to bring that back and we need to have a ordinance amended for smoke shop it cannot grow anywhere they want to build uh you know go and Bay product should be also controlled and there should be licensing fee I I want to again um uh morea this is not just your issue only that the the problems that you address regularly we make we get phone calls that the issue that you are you are experiencing so I'm feeling bad for you because I made phone calls for you even this week I made phone calls for you about two times last night around 2:00 in the morning I did that for you so you know this is this is this is a regular issue we need to do better definitely um um I don't I don't think I can it's up on CC president CC all right so regarding another things about uh s connection fees um I I don't want to fight on this stuff but just know this that just as of now we have so many so many uh buildings houses operating without Co now if you ask me how do I know it's happening in our city it's happening the people are adding doing uh construction without permission is is happening in our city we cannot just ignore this but enforcement we don't again we don't have enough employees or or inspectors to enforce them or sometimes we are we not able to address all these situation that we are going through now if we have storage connection fee to be collected at the end you know what's going to happen let's say the building is built everything is ready they're waiting for Co and they have to pay the connection fees they'll operate their Business Without Even Co that's what we have to expect this is why I I requested James mro the engineer of the city to be here and share the voice now if we if council members wanted to support that's totally their personal view but I want to make sure that this is walking backward this is not helping the city at all it's not it's our job to help our city and help our people not that that's all I that's all my stand so this is why I want James to speak on this and again if you want to support I am not supporting I am not supporting I can't support council members we Clos in the public portion regarding the budget hearing one thing one one thing I mentioned one thing I mentioned council members can we be respectful we closing the public portion please so Council council members councilman Jackson spoke for a 30 minute nobody interrupt him but now he feel free to to interrupt councilman Udin yeah but that's that council members of order of order point of order point of order yeah you point of order you have no right listen point of order no that's council members council members can we allow council members coun coun and and you know why counc let me open the floor for you but you know what I want the public to understand and look that how each council member conduct thes themselves how disrespectful they are Council Jackson spoke for 30 minutes nobody interrupt him but now counciling tried to close the public portion and he jump over because he feel that he got the right to I the public to analyze that please finish wrap it up I I never lie about my I never lie by my vote I never I never lie by my vote I want to I want to know I want public to know yeah absolutely right councilman did I say I did not vote in favor did I say that did I say that come on councilman council members all right SOC P patteron just know counc P I want to mention that I I know that Patterson cannot hear or see that other council members are uh you know talking about that I supported I voted in favor in the first reading I did however I always had question that what is it about I sat down I bought I bought director and engineer in the committee meeting to have the details understanding that what it is about what's going to happen how it is effect and I requested him to come to the council chamber today you did not I did the reason I did it because I want clear understanding of the of the public councilman I do I never disrespect anybody I never disrespect any council members but if you want me to I am not going to wait you are going to look I Rafa let's take five minute break since C I'm not the person that you're going to speak keep on speaking and I'm going listen down to allow the coun course this is totally wrong this is totally wrong I'm not entertaining here I brought these people I sit down in the committee meeting I did in depth details discussion and committee members know that this is why I requested James to come here yeah we are not vote we are not vot voting today that was first reading the meeting discussion was after the first reading councilman it did not appear to the I as I mentioned earlier it did not come to the BP committee meeting before the first reading when we vote in the first reading I said I'm going to bring them and have the details discussion and this is what happened I don't know what's the point of getting extra attention to it patteron I want to make sure that we make educated decision on the second reading I'm not I'm not as smart as you are councilman I do respect you but don't cross the border thank V vote coun v no no no I can't I can't vote like this someone's going to keep on speaking and I'm going to accept that come on do V in of people yes for what yes coun are we voting today you cannot take five minute break you're in a Ral call no no it was just I said hey what do you need I'm sending the police that that's how I respond to the people but again I want to make sure that we are whatever decision we are making in support of the people I'm not here to getting attention from the people the council members I never disrespect anyone I don't want disrespect from anybody but if you disrespect I have to I have no other option other than disrespect you and and and and response to you Patterson we need to work together and move the city forward that's all I believe in I again I said um another thing I need to mention about I I was talking about budget hearing I mentioned that in the budget hearing session the council members who was fighting here he was even absent on the budget hearing unfortunately in the budget hearing I mentioned that to the council uh to the Madame Clark that Madame ba that I understand that this is a this is a budget which is not changing because of the um the the uh transitional Aid is not confirmed yet right Madame ba however I wanted to see that what are the proposals came from every Department I I I I mentioned that to you why would we as a council members have should have the opportunity to see all the demands from the every single department and we should have opportunity to evaluate all the requests came from the directors of each department at least we can because we know the demands of the people demands of the city of Patterson at least we can cooperate with the directors and say hey out of your this wish list about 20 items I think these 10 items can be waited for the next next year let's focus on these 10 items I mentioned that to be Madame be and I I expect that she's going to provide the uh wish list of every single uh department so that we the council members can also evaluate which are the items are um necessary to address at this point which of the items we can wait for the future um that's all I can I can tell you thank you Madame um Madame Clark again um I think I'm turning to one of the uh uh that's that that's a great job I'm getting my enery back thank you everyone um thank you for joining here thank you uh James I I I I I thank you for your time and I want you to just elaborate the process so that the second reading we can make the right decision my vote is always clear nobody vote hiddenly is vote is clear nobody nobody can lie about the votes who voted in favor or not first reading I voted in favor but I at that point we never had discussion in the committee meeting after the first reading we had committee discussion and I believe that you know I should not support it that's all I said and this my stand with having said my vote is yes to close the public person thank you Council councilman Valas minutes no I just want to clear the wave first before I speak um councilman um I just go to say focus in what the public portion uh came forward um the item is going to be in discussion moving forward um I just want to I just want to clear the record here there's a gentleman that came that is a is a aid for the city of patteron for councilman Jackson [Music] and this gentleman stated about and and education is education right and process in politics and process in administration and process what we do here this gentleman stated that he will give up his $25,000 that he received by taxpayers money okay and change that Madame ba gave back her $50,000 a raise of whatever she got I don't even know but she got a raise uh I just want to clear the record that the salary of directors and administration cabinet are set by ordinance salary ordinance of the city of Patterson to be able to take that back or she give it back there's two things that she does it voluntary and the other thing is or we resent the ordinance and that's not going to happen because when that's not going to happen because before we did the the race uh the scale of salary we did a comparison and councilwoman um Davila Co tested tested on this we did a comparison of other City salaries of their directors and we level to be able to have the best of the best in the city of Patterson that Administration could work with now I don't play with the rice and beans of any director any employees of the city of patteron it is what it is there's contractual and there's administrative decision that is goes through this goverment body and it is what it is so that should put to rest there's other issues in the city that we should focus focus on to work together to move it forward now one thing is this Council has the ability to say we want to eliminate all the AIDS in the city of patteron because let me say this my AIDS you don't see them here attacking and slandering no council no Administration no individual that work for the city because they know their duties they know their duties so the level of disrespect that this gentleman have is is is is well he's toxic I could say that he is real toxic um election Resorts election was Tuesday I always says after the election listen the nation had to move forward the city had to move forward the County had to move forward that's when everybody had to come together if you love America if you love United States of America you love this County you love the city that's when everybody had to work together to make sure that anything that is done in the city or in the nation reflect the needs of the nation and reflect the needs of the set the residents of this County and the city of Patterson and the border ed um councilman khag uh uh not councilman KH councilman Udin spoke about the smoke shop uh just to give a a h up of what's going on the state is the one that honors that type of license to operate in any City the state give the tobacco license to them uh sir you have to go to the state and get a license to sell tobacco any product of tobacco any product of tobacco any product of tobacco sir is smoke shop is product of tobacco sir you need to learn a little bit man come on so so so the state honors a license a a state honors a license to operate a type of business a smoke shop you know smoke shop is the title of the business operation but the state honors the license to of tobacco right product of tobacco sales of product of tobaccos and they PID the taxes to the state too now the problem here is is that the city have to amend the ordinance of mixed use and Commercial a lot of our property are mixed use commercial in the bottom residential in the top we need to bring forward and amend the ordinance that this type of of buit be on operated on only on Commercial Zone that means that downtown will benefit um to this type of business and especially set the rules in zoning how many feet they have to be from the school how many feet they have to be from from churches Etc but that's a a conversation we could have with economic development and Zoning to see how we can mend it and and bring uh a little bit of of a clarification and and how they could open whatever but somebody have a storefront and it's is deem as mixed use you could open a grocery store you could open a uh a multiservice uh agency you could open a smoke shop because it the category of it is beus so but it we restrict or or Zone the smoke shop in a commercial area Zone then they cooperate only in commercial Zone only and eliminate from the mix use as status um but there's a lot of work we had to do and um I think the input of the community is really important you know I I was having a conversation with that the little girl that came up here and spoke and I was telling them I was talking to her about the smoke shop and also the enfor enforcement and I offer her a data that patteron police enforce arrest and confiscate in those smoke shops I have seen it my col has seen it those that knows that the operation Public Safety uh they discuss that a lot there's a data uh narcotics uh ABC are involved PD are involved in those type of operations you know not because you see an officer talking to a individual in front of smoke shop means that he's ignoring his presence community policing ETA Etc but other department do the Undercover part and that's when they do a lot of rest in the fifth War they have closed a lot of them and uh took their product everything inside and they get ticket and in a date in court and they get arrested too so there's a data there the police is doing their job and um I I'm I'm witness on that okay but regulate it we could do that we could sit down with the property committee and draft something to in zoning to see we could put a a zoning status on it on using a commercial commercial area only uh Zone um I'm not going to discuss what is in the agenda in this closing the public portion I know what was spoken in committee and I could to State what they said in committee when we got discussing uh the item itself uh saying that Madam clerk council president live vot is yes to close the public portion and you could call the five minute when you want thank you councilman council president thank you Madame clerk um um council members I definitely will use at least maybe two minutes to address some of the members of some of the comment U from the public but I I just want to start saying by by you know pison it's definitely not perfect we're facing so many challenges um but but I'm very sure that there's always we always could do more we always could do more to make our city better uh director Bill Rodriguez is a witness that early in the morning he get those call people are dumping garbage in the city left and right our DPW department they need we have to congratulate our DPW workers they doing a phenomenal job up there they cleaning the city um we have a million dollars of a ground to get those camera on those places but until then I've been calling our DPW department they going out in the morning in the afternoon keeping the city at least the third war clean I'm doing my work we always could do more we always could do better um the third world Eide Park was like it was really it was a really bad shape now you go to Eide Park it's Clos in the morning and I mentioned that in the beginning public organiz 9:00 they closing East Side park they opened that in the morning we renovate uh the uh playground we have a state of playground that accommodate children uh with a special uh with a special need we did the ground opening yesterday on Monday we did the ground opening for the Raleigh ring at Eide Park the tennis court is renovated we continue doing what we have in the city on this agenda we have item 39 item 41 we have multiple road that will be done we're going to resurface and multiple of a lot of those Road in the SE war in the third war in the first war if you if you want to say that I'm carrying the word of the administration because I'm supporting those project so be I don't mind but I'm going to tell you one thing I want to make sure that when I leave this Council when I leave this city I want people to I want people to talk about the job that I did in this city I could sit here and criticize Administration and try to destroy everything but if I'm blocking this type of project I'm blocking the resident of the city of pison they are the one the fighting to get the street repaid they are the one that deserve Park they are the one that deserve to live in a clean City and that's our job here uh I don't bring politic into this chamber I don't bring politic I could run against any person after the election we champ the subject we have to work together and get things done and that's the reason why when I see a good project I don't care if it's the mayor I don't care who bring it in on board I'm ready to support it because I'm I'm I'm part of the person that I'm making that happen when the playground was closed at Eide Park I was criticized on the last election look at the park it's destroyed it's closed our children they cannot enjoy that park at inside well go now we have a brand new state-ofthe-art playground at inside Park let's talk about that now so people like to talk and criticize people and Destroy but I'm always say it's easy to destroy but it's hard to build in order for you to build you need to sit down with people and collaborate and go over items and go at the committee meeting and do the word to get the result here I don't vow you I'm not responsible for any council member action I just want the resident of the great city of patteron to to look the way each person could look thems in this chamber it's really sad what I see I definitely don't support that at all at all but look the item that we approving here when we talk about items on the agenda I'm excited let's have the discussion that's the reason why we're here but when you constantly try to attack and Destroy other people I would never support that we're not here for that in my case I want to make sure that people remember me as a person that collaborate with everybody to get things done in the city of P we're not going to be here forever my friend we're not going to be here forever we're just going to be here for a minute we don't know what's going to happen tomorrow the best thing and the least that we can do is respect you Council Khali respect the different opinion you don't have to judge me for what I vote I just have one vote I vote the way I wanted let the let the resident of the great city of Patterson judge me let the people that elect me judge me not you and I take this it really hurt me when you have all the council Khali disrespecting in a such of horrible such a horrible way other the council Cali we're not here for that you got one vote make sure that that vote represent your idea and let the other person vote the way they want that's democracy and that that's what we should be doing a lot of people mention Patterson look how horrible is Patterson but you know why they say that it's because the way we conduct oursel we look like children here that we cannot even have a civil meeting we cannot even get along in a meeting we have 61 item the agenda phenomenal item we're going to have a special meeting to spend $2.9 million on the Vista Park project right here let's talk about let's talk about that if you really love patteron and I want the be the pison the resident to just go over this agenda and if you really love it you will pay attention to the item that we have here not disrespecting people not calling people's name and I was very offended with Mr oliv when he came here and I think I I was very emotional at the beginning of the meeting because I have three children you could criticize me I don't mind I'm good I'm fine I could do this for free all all day long when I came to the city of P so I came with nothing just me and my wife I have three beautiful children College out of college they doing doing great I could put foot on the table with my business I'm doing great thank God but when you use a child for political purpose I take that personal and I want to invite the resident to look the Hispanic Heritage Month that person that I lost all the respect all all the respect for him he used the tragedy of that family to go to the Hispanic celebration to to to bash the city of pison or the homeless the garbage the we we know we live in the city of par we know the situation that we have the city is filthy yes we know that do we need to talk about that no do something to get it done do something to fix it talk to the administration when I have a problem I get on top of the director sometime we get head to heav if he doesn't listen to me I call him 20 times if I have to call him the engineer I was really upset with the engineer because I went to the engineer department and they treated a person resing like a second class Citizen and I call him directly I told him listen that is going to have a personal problem with me because they work for they work for the resident and I called the I called the engineer I didn't came to here to attack that person I call the engineer he's the one in charge when I have a problem on public work I call the director I use his chamber to get the job done and to try to bring the community together that's all I want it's not difficult it's not impossible last but not least congratulations to all the elected official people that got reelected in the city of pis inate County I feel very excited with the result we have our new congresswoman Nellie po she's on the way to go to Congress a pison uh Latina that will be representing everybody I feel excited with Thomas adamu he spent his life serving the community now he's our new sheriff very excited with the ronning theor a racing star in the city of Patterson who's our new commissioner sand lar and John Barley they're going to continue serving and uh the school School Board Cory T I know he left but we got to be honest Cory T he's always involved in the community it does commissioner T congratulation we have we could have differences uh we could agree and disagree but I have to I have to say this you always been involved in the community you always been fighting for parent that have no voice at the school board you've been fighting for special need attention to school and that's the reason why people elect you that's the reason why people elect you when you come here you advocate for your children you fight for the community and that's the reason why you was elected with resources without resources the people they put you back in office because of your job uh Kenny Rosado and the director Neves congratulation uh there's a lot of work to be done I hope you know that you guys come together after the swear ring on januari and start working in collaboration with the city we have to work together to move the city forward between the school board and the city we have more than $1 billion $780 million plus from the school board almost 800 million and 300 plus million from Patterson we got to do better we got to do more with that God bless the city of P my vote is yes mad clerk thank you thank you C mad cler make CL Madam clerk before you call the vote I want to reconsider my vote please I don't care what you spoke about the process is the process thank you madam clerk so Mrs Moore before you go I just want to share very proud moment I apologize I just got this text last week I had the privilege of being able to travel with my daughter where she was chosen among 70,000 students to Columbia University where she we did a walk through and she um was being uh acknowledged as one of the uh uh ex accept these I just got a text I mean the list of schools that she's gotten um uh uh approvals from acceptance letters from is it's extensive Cambridge SE and Hall has just committed uh $98,000 scholarship you know uh academic scholarship to her so you know um with schools like uh St John's um Columbia you know these these These are this is some you know product that's coming right out of patteron and you continue to do what you're doing and as I'm having a very proud dad moment because I don't normally talk about my children that that way but my daughters came to the podium this speak on behalf of the community as well um and uh it's a very proud moment now just for a point of clarity Madam uh um Miss Muhammad notice there was an item on the agenda tonight that for Street naming it wasn't something important it wasn't something that was going to have a financial ramification on the city it was a simple Street naming that someone said it had not gone to committee I want it removed this item that councilman uden is talking about who he acknowledged had not been through committee had I read the letter on the the record that came from the engineering department that talked about how bad this item was for the city it had not gone through committee he still voted yes for it go to the it did not go to the committee at that point he's saying now it he's acknowledging that now it went to committee it did not the the the director of the director of Economic Development and the director of DPW came right here sat the in front of council president and said this item did not get discussed in committee this is not my item he removed it from the agenda and then after I left he put it back on and he voted yes for it so what this is not this is not being this is not criticizing this is pointing out the facts that's detrimental to the community and if you can't State the be clear with the with the and be honest to the community then I will be here and call you out that right there is a blatant lie to say oh I can't I'm not supporting this now because after I went to committee when I took with the directors came here and said we did not discuss this the council president kept it on the agenda why because it's favorable for for uh for the developers and now he's saying oh all these good items these wonderful items yeah the wonderful items that has done done one thing to make this community money save this community money make it safer make it cleaner nothing anyway Madam clerk my vote is no it's no yes M mad clerk so so now council members before the special meeting we're gonna uh yes mon cler please uh yes mon cler okay thank you the votes are six in favor one no two absent uh the public portion is hereby closed thank you m clerk now so we're going to have a discussion about item number six so with that being said uh I don't like to rebattle things but but but there's I mean there's so much light and Bs that people put on this now the reason why that it don't I was on the agenda and I didn't took action was because Corporation Council wasn't there I would never move any Idol without Corporation Council approved I have to go over the legal department if you want to be responsible we have a legal department that would never allow us to vote on something that is illegal and that will hurt the city I'm speaking I mean you don't you don't you don't respect that you don't respect anybody but please please you should be shame of on of the all right so I have the floor now members of the public so that was the reason why the item was uh on the agenda I haven't um the discussion with legal did legal draft and approv that legislation I keep it it was on it went on on first reading so now we're in the second reading we're going to have a discussion and next week on the next meeting it will be on second reading you're going to have the time to speak again on this and also we're going to have a public hearing on that and after that we'll be voting that's the process Patterson resident that way you could understand we're not doing anything behind the scene you should pay more attention you should not leave the meeting whatever you want so let's have a discussion about item number six where's the direct president M uh councilman so um so councilman Udin is correct the item did not go to DPW it went to finance I spoke to Madame ba spoke to legal and I spoke to director Delaney and I told her about it spoke to the chair of Economic Development so it did not go to DPW it is only at the meeting that then the engineer sends this letter and I and then we had a committee meeting with DPW and I told the engineer and everyone in that meeting that it is the council's perview we are the the legislators we can do any amendments as long as it's done correctly and legally so when someone says this is illegal I take offense to that because I go through the process the engineer let us know well you know we didn't have the discussion but when we were having the discussion then and director uh of of DPW they had their meetings and they realized okay no one is taking away that they developers with an S because they're asking about a list this is for any developer anyone that wants to do any work with the city of Patterson now we'll go through a process of and and and this is not to throw anyone under the bus right yes there were some monies that have not been collected and in that meeting I said who fault is that we had the discussion right but I'm going to bring it back everyone has to pay sore connection F everyone so it's the the process is just changing it from when all right and I stated it's go you don't you will not get your Co if you're not paid up Point Blank we had meeting we had a meeting we discussed it the director even today he says listen it is in the council's perview okay if you want to make the amendment you can do that that is in the council's perview to do that thank you so council members I know Council M being asked for the floor jacks just allow me to just for the just for a point of clarification to our pis res to review this resolution ordinance and B Patterson call section 40731 addressing sewer connection fees to move the time of payment from pre permit to precertification and of Co of occupancy what this mean is that if I'm building a two family house a four Family House the connection fees the sewer connection fees per apartment is $1,877 12 what this means is that if you have if I'm building an apartment um before um with the construction I have to come out with a total amount whether it's one apartment 5 10 apartment I have toay pay $1,877 to $12 to apartment just for a point of clarification now what this legislation says that don't pay at the beginning of the project pay at the end before the CEO certification we're not get we're not taking money away we're not adding money away that's simple that's that's what it is you pay at the beginning or you pay at the end now the problem that I have with this legislation is that it's been it's been missing it's it's been mixed with with with another topic that is very very problematic for me now in my in my business if you have somebody in charge of any department and your responsibility is to charge a specific fee for service and you don't do it you will have a problem you in trouble now I always say that we have to run P like a private company like a private entity we losing million we're living millions of dollars on the table now if there's developer own fees and and that's not my count that's not my problem as a counsilman now the problem that I have with this is H who is the person responsible to collect us fee what that person is doing why we're not holding that and I don't know who is a person by the way I don't know now why we're not holding that person accountable for not collecting those fees back in the day we have an es account for developers an escore account nobody follow up on that escore account that is the problem that we have that's not the city council problem this is a legislation like any other legislation of course this legislation will help so developer if they don't have enough money to build a project they could use the money to build it and they could pay an at the end before the CEO that's the way I see it I see as a as I see as a simple legislation now we're not changing the number we're going to collect the same $1,877 12 for every apartment 20 apartment multiply that amount by 20 that's simp simple as that whether you pay in the beginning if you pay the end definitely you will help those people to build the project faster but they're going to have to to pay now in closing in one of my property on any of my property that I own in the city of Paris if I don't pay the sewer if I don't pay the mortgage everybody knows what happened if I don't pay the taxes on the sewer everybody knows what happened there will be a lean on my property and the city will collect the money anyway so I don't know why what exactly are we talking about here so the conversation that we need to have is that who who is responsible for collecting those fees why those fees are not collect that's my problem and we should hold that person accountable not this legislation this for me is simple as any other project now you don't pay you build your project there will be a lean there's people that they looking to buy those lean and and and just take possession of those property simple as that and the city will collect the money anyway so somebody dropping the ball but it's not for us and it's not because of this legislation Council thank you council president so I don't want to talk about what's the legislation about as council president already clarified that what he stated is all about timing of collecting the fees that's all about it what I want to State here is that it went to the finance committee and then come to the first reading the letter that councilman Jackson is mentioning that it came with the statement that how it is not going to be effective it came after we discussed in the DPW committee that's all I want to State here it came to the DPW committee and we requested the engineer to send an email to all the council members with your stand and after this it came to you and all of us that's all I want to clarify here it did not just come before the first reading it came after the first reading after the DPW committee meeting that's what I want to keep on the record now again as I want to mention that is it something effective to collect s connection fee after uh or just before the uh uh what it called certificate certificate of occupancy or it should be collected as of now or who be who will be uh you know who should collect them or how the uh coordination would be between DPW and Community Improvement Department that's all is a stand now it's a it's a decision on the council members but my stand is that the letter that you are mentioning that was request from myself and the committee members npw committee and then he received it that's that's what I want to confirm and it came after the first reading not before the first reading that's all thank you council president um councilman Jackson thank you council president and here's the one thing that's critical when you lie you got to be able to keep up with your lies you have to be able to keep up with your lies the dude is saying that the letter came after the vote I read it the night that right before the vote what is he talking about I read the letter that the engineer wrote that was written weeks before and sent to every council person before he casted that vote I read the letter on the record if you all you have to do is go back and look at the meeting I read word for word in case anybody was incapable of understanding standing and reading it for themselves I read it onto the record now here's the other thing here's the other thing to the members of the public because I cannot continue to b battle back and forth with the with the members that's sitting here they've already shown you their hand it's like playing Spades with with a 10-year-old he's showing you all his cards they're already letting you know where they stand oh we're going to support this regardless just making excuses what is the financial ramifications of this because this fee is not a fee that goes into the city cence this fee is not something that impacts our budget where we could defer down the line when you have a major development that's going up with 200 units and they defer the payment the Pake Valley Sewer Commission is not going to allow us to defer payment to them we we've given somebody the authority to move on building a a facility and guess what if they don't pay it or if they have complications and they go out of business or or they have to file for bankruptcy that just means the city's not going to collect the money there nobody's going to force them to take the building down you don't allow somebody to come into your community and build these astronomical projects and then allow them to pay the fees that you're going to be on the hook for down the line it doesn't work that way no other municipality does this nobody else so when you're looking at these scenarios and you're talking about you know people are making these claims how patteron is bad and we know because it's the the decisions that we're making here these are foolish decisions and then for somebody to make it claim that they didn't know let me clarify the reason the directors came here is because councilwoman Dava saying it did go to committee it went to finance well let me tell you who finance is finance is the administration meaning the ba and selective council members who's already carrying the water right but the but the legislation didn't have their their names it had economic development on the legislation so how is it being voted on and it never went to Ed committee but you're saying it did go to committee it went to finance yeah because they're pushing it and they wanted it they said they want to go to finance because they probably had a private meeting like these things happen all the time that's why I don't have these conversations in committee any longer because they'll say something and they lie they come right out here and they'll change their position change their vote if somebody's going to say that this is a favor vote for the taxpayers to allow developments to to take place it's not making us any money it's not making the community any money this is costing us money because when they defer payment and they and they don't pay we're going to be on the hook for it the city's going to have to pay for it and I mean it's listen you have the person who actually spotlighted it here we're having a discussion why not call the director of community improvements to the to the to the microphone let them let them uh cosign your your your claim of this being favorable to the community it's it's under e e Economic Development which then the engineer who has to do the evaluation their Department already wrote the letter that says this is not good for the community but then you hear council president saying oh I'm going to take the advice of the City attorney he don't live here he doesn't live here the ramifications he's getting a check guarantee the decisions that he's make that he makes to pose a favorable view for items that's going to negatively impact the city it's clear so I mean listen it's going to happen either way but I mean council president by by all means you got the director he's the one who who pointed out the millions of dollars of uncollected fees and he maybe he could shed light on who is the person you asked the question who is responsible maybe he could shed that light so the public can understand if we're being transparent and we're being forthcoming with the public then let the director speak come on you got you got the courage we waiting for you to finish okay I'm done bring to the thank you appreciate it thank you finished I know councilman councilman K gas and then you go after councilman Davila and then we go with that and then Madame I know you you raise your hand Mr CFO Madame um I mean I mentioned that previously as well where are we with this connect collecting of the connection fees uh we read an article previously about some of the money not being collected where do we stand on those collecting those S collection connection fees that'll be a president thank you um and yes uh councilman click we are in the process of collecting those fees um we have um let me take one step back I think that as as has been said throughout the night there were multiple points of failure in this process and there the fees should have been collected the way as our as Things are Written now they should have been collected so the way that the ordinance is written in the city code as it stands now did not protect us from what everyone is afraid of if we make a change the problem really lies in how we were tracking all of this the communication between different divisions and that is where the focus is going to be so while we have begun to collect and we will continue to collect we are also starting to track this process so that the engineering team all of this will be through technology which it isn't right now the engineering team will have access to those same applications and they will be following the process and be following the payments so they can do a better job of making sure that we do not allow fees to go uncollected we are also be going to be utilizing temporary cosos which is the proper process that you give even if if a if a Construction office has um allowed it the for the health and safety of the development if all of their boxes are checked you can give a temporary Co if prior approvals are still outstanding but it's time limited and we haven't been doing that that you can do it for 60 to 90 days and then it gets revoked if you do not cure any outstanding fees anything else so from the administration's perspective when we had this conversation with the council that is why we are trying so hard to fix the process to make sure that whenever the ORD whatever the ordinance says whether it says at a time of permit or if it says before the CEO that the fees are collected that everybody knows about it that it's tracked properly via technology so that is where the focus should be so and the attention should be and and just to correct something that councilman Jackson said these are not fees that go to Pake Valley sewage not at all these are City fees we know that there is actually a line in the it goes to the Sewer utility there is a line in the sewer utility budget that says SE connection fees right so I I have no idea where that is coming from so it's just approximately how much there is left to be collected uh from uh previous uh years I would say and it's more than just sewer connection fees there are some other fees that are still outstanding as well because again the whole process was broken I know by approximately how I think I you know I I don't know exactly where it stands right now I don't know the most recent payments but I think it's somewhere in the $700,000 range okay so it's coming down from from what was reporting the newspaper we have been receiving payments and we're doing the followup for the other payments and um one other item of note in the Construction office as the council knows um we have uh members from the the state DCA codes and standards who are now approving every permit that comes in and out every part of this process cannot be released without everything being proper um they are the ones who are also helping us set up the technology and again making sure that everything and they have said to us we don't care what the ordinance says in terms of the time it is our job to make sure whenever it is said in you know that the council whatever that Council action is that we make sure that we follow it and that the process is correct okay thank you um Al also we I keep hearing about committee committee see it is an economic development committee I'm the chairperson of the committee more than once we discuss I discussed it with uh a director right there we did not discuss it microphone you come here come here I I I need to listen to this yes email by Corporation counsel as an FYI so when I saw it I shared it with my colleagues so that they were aware what was going to happen so the fact that the ordinance was introduced you're amending an ordinance that was initially introduced by DPW which is where the sewer connection fees all reside so the fact that it was introduced under economic development is incorrect it's an ordinance that belongs I feel like there's some misconnection right here Council president's attention and asked that it be withdrawn that evening when it appeared first on the workshop we asked I was here as well as director Rodriguez to request that it be pulled no no I just I just I just want to clarify who do you clarify I'm I'm let me speak man let me speak I have the microphone let me speak more than once twice you even had the print out I didn't I did not Reed the copy of the ordinance until that Friday before it hit the workshop agend some some there's some misconnection so Economic Development just finance and okay I was in the meeting I seen the paper on the table we ready we were like okay go ahead go talk to Corporation Council right copy in advance but no no no not Advance it came from your packet same packet not copy my packet not copying I did not until the Friday before it appeared on the workshop attenda so there oh I I feel like am I lying here yeah that's that's not how you know man how how you know you call how you know I'm not calling her I'm not I know I'm not a liar you telling her that she saw no no no no she s here telling her she coun I have don't try to bully me don't try you always trying to the EM sent to me it was sent to me the Friday before it appeared on the workshop is is I seen it more than once on the packet while we had the discussion on the other items as well that's what I'm saying and and and other council member were on the meeting too usually me and Council it's only you and council meeting right soc no I just want know if councilman is done so and there was only one coun councilman Dava was the only one there because that was the day we discussed the Vista Park that was appearing on the workshop right so I know what was on the agenda and what sh let let me let me just for for those out there that are watching the economic development committee has four members of which most of the time three three of us show up okay others may not for whatever reason work or whatever the case is same committee members are in finance all right half in DPW okay I'm not going to call any council member out who doesn't come who who does who doesn't the point here is this the council has the right to make amendments to ordinance that's it we can go ahead and support or not support we can make recommendations that is the council's purview as I said it to the engineer in DPW and others if the council and I say councel because we're a body and we'll take action five votes we're a body okay uh the engineer expressed his concerns the letter that he sent okay the letter that Council Jackson read at the uh the meeting yes that is true he read it on record okay then we got a copy of it we got it in our packets okay I had the discussion with Corporation counsel and I said is because when someone comes up to me and says this is illegal I have a problem because I don't do illegal things I go through a process that's why there's committees in committees is where you have the discussion from there items come out and they come to the workshop for the rest of the council members to have the discussion and yes that's what workshops are for to have the discussions we can agree to disagree but it is in the council's purview if you want to make an amendment to an existing or ordinance we can do that if it's Economic Development DPW Finance it went through a process through um uh legal it was drafted it came on director Delaney and Rodriguez both came and say hey hey hey what I don't like is the word that was used that this is illegal okay because it is not illegal to do that the monies are going to be collected there's going to be a process now a trackable process which unfortunately you know the ball has been dropped but we're fixing it that's what we're supposed to do and make those recommendations and I'm looking forward and I'm sure the engineering department and DPW they're going to be happy that now and you know uh um Community improvements you guys are going to have a trackable process sometimes I get crazy when I hear that still people are doing things with paper I'm like there's a a new system in place we have to do this so um I'm not going to go back and forth that it went that didn't this is where we are right now the amendment is in place it's for a second reading next week there's going to be a public hearing and there's going to be a vote every council member will be able to go ahead and just like stated today in Workshop they can say yes or no to it and we will continue then to move on a yes it's a yes if it's a no it's a no council thank you very much council president thank you coun president you know first of all let me go back to my notes here um Madame ba through the chair Madame B uh can a CFO uh tell me an amount of millions that have already being collected then let's not talk about the one that is not being collected can you tell me how many millions we have collected so far as as today for SE connection fees for sewer connection fees in 2023 we collected um about 1.7 million in 2022 we collected 2.5 million um I would have to look back before that uh what's those fees are used for after you collect it uh they go to support the sewer utility and uh that fee goes to General government um line item at the SE utility it goes to support s uity do we have no you're saying go to support the fee collected it goes to General government no it goes to sewer utility so we have a we have a line item that goes there yes okay a separate um let me so going by the statement of of the director I don't I don't sit [Music] on economy development as a councilwoman also stated I don't sit in that committee okay I take offensive real offensive the memo or memorandum with a letter head that that has a Andre SE for mayor division engineering the director name and everything and I take real fend the principal engineering Aid we're not talking about an engineering talking about an aid that state in this letter that a developer spoke to him and says quote we know he said we know the developer plenty said that there's nothing that anyone can do about this changes because I have eight out of nine council members guaranteed to be voting yes in order in other words he understand who was the power to make changes in the city and this Aid of the engineer Department stated specific councilwoman dava Council woman men and Council woman councilman blet why am bringing that the director stated that she spoke to council member director stated that no via email as a FIY right so councilman stated that was discuss it yeah director come to the mic please director for the record please counil sent me an email as an FYI here's the ordinance that we amended for you to review it was an FYI as in we did this without your consent Point correct you didn't have no conversation I wasn't even aware that this was even discussed so that's why I'm trying to make a point you had a conversation with me no good that's why I am bringing this statement that the the engineering Aid stay and affirm in this memo that I was going to vote on favor or and no well in this case he's saying I Marissa and other councilman Already Done Deal who wrote that uh the engineering the Mr uh what's his name in this uh memo I guess you guys didn't read it completely Carlos Ed Rodriguez principal engineering yes so the other thing is no look if you read the email you're not going to get confused sir you know who confusing all this you and I'll tell you why I wasn't here in the last council meeting I was in Dominican Republic but I watched the council meeting yes you did and I you know what I was doing laughing you know why I was laughing because when you in committee they say one thing and when they come out here they say other things and I was laughing I was in here and this councilman Jackson did a video saying that I approve it when I was not even here no no I'm talking to the audience sir not to you now and you know if I going to speak to you I could to bring it you the mic now I'm still reading the email here okay first of all at of out of this ordinance that I see here 95% of this ordinance belongs to economy development this ordinance was created in 2018 by this Municipal Council not only that you know I didn't spoke to councilman uh councilwoman Dava when they brought this up and after I read it and went to the Statue that's here but the thing is that they don't read statues they put statues but they don't read it I read the statue I compare what's here and a lot of stuff here I align with a statue okay align with a statue njsa so is aligned and the amendment is also aligned with the statute so in other case we are not doing nothing wrong I went to the committee meeting and that committee meeting was the chairman was myself and I believe councilwoman DAV was there right councilwoman D last committee meeting at DPW and also was councilwoman uh um um Ken and the first question that we asked it was about this email the letter of the aid and the director of DPW that was sitting in front of me okay and you were sitting next to him and Steve how was sitting this side he was sitting next to me no he was sitting the other side and when I asked the question if there's any problem the director stated in the meeting that he went over with the administration that they agreed to move forward okay the only thing that they will not the only thing that make them agree what we doing is that we don't start giving Co into all the F the the fees are collected now I don't know if this engineer knows but I was reading the email and he started saying that people are going to start occupying buildings multi-dwelling buildings without permits and without without CEOs what do you think the fire department is not have to inspect that building before they occupy they have to get a certification from the fire department that is safe and they it could occupy that building I don't care director I'm talking so the fire department works with any inspection they they have to do in the city pass before they open some place so do you cannot say that the fire department don't care because they care about the safety and Welfare of any occupants in any building any house any single family house for safety and they do their own inspection before they open a place now to say that they have a vote from me I haven't vote I'm giving my opinion that I see that this is not only going to benefit developers it's going to benefit even Jackson when he does a house without permit is going to benefit him if it's going to benefit any councilman that's going to construct a one family house a new one family house is going to benefit any any small constituents that we have in the city of passing they want to construct from single family house up to development now to say in the letter that there's no way to collect the fee after they are occupy we have taken people to court to get their salary back when they break the law and we have been successful don't you know that the de the city of pison put leans on property only because they don't clean the the the the backyard or the the loan or they have to or they have to uh uh board up a house they put a lean and then that house cannot be sell because it has a lean and they don't pay the lean and you going to tell me there's no way to collect fees Madame ba stated that is their responsibility to create a method and communication to collect all those fees and what we doing this here is putting the house in order for many years or since 2018 she attested that it was not collected properly but yet have been collecting some kind of money the CFO stated 1 point something million now that is some Loop host it was some Loop host but now we're going to give the chance the opportunity to the administration to correct that loopo with this ordinance with this ordinance and um and I haven't made my decision is next Tuesday but I got to bring more more facts to the table because as the statue of the state speaks a lot and if we go to apply everything that the statute say in this ordinance it will give more benefit to anybody that is going to invest in the city of patteron but it's it and I want an apology in an email from this Aid to assume that the the engineer Aid or the engineer Aid that your department have right Carlos Rodriguez no no I'm not saying that you have to apologize you didn't wrote the email but you're the engineer in the city of Patterson right I don't think I my you know what he assumed here that we sat down with developers and we made agreement with them now he had to prove me no if I want he had to prove me who developer he spoke to that involved me involved Marissa and involved whoever involved he cannot just write assuming it was sent to you and nobody else it was sent to the council that was it it wasn't sent to anybody else what the the letter yeah oh it was sent to you guys so don't you think that the a supposed to say you know what let me sit down first with the head engineering the one that has the license and go over this letter do you went over the letter we did yes you went over the letter counc Council right no hold on yeah drop finish please no no because it's assuming sir you just told me over there that you have you don't you're not responsible of his whatever he wrote you just told me over there that's absolutely not true and who resp responsible then I'm responsible for everything that comes out of my office okay so you responsible of the worrying that he did in that letter I'm responsible for everything that comes out of the director to oversee that letter before he send it the director Billy Rodriguez no he's the director of the department he's the director of the department I don't know what you're trying to get at councilman but the engineering the engineering belongs what is a different department the engineer is in charge of his division he's the engineer is the corre don't you as a director you don't overseas I sign off on stuff yeah I do sign off operations but on the whole Department of Public Works yes yes do you as a director if if a if a if a engineering or somebody from your division want to write a letter to the council if something comes out if something comes out of the engineer the engineer is responsible for supervisor of them he's the director I I said it twice already if it comes out of the engineer's office the engineer is responsible for it um who's a respons who responsible the engineers responsible coming out Engineers office and it's go in a letter head that has your name yeah and it goes a letter has the mayor thing yeah and it has a letter of listen we we spoke about we spoke about this internally we spoke about this internally um um we are we understand that it's the council's prerogative to make this happen Okay we understand that we feel like we we feel like we got we feel like we got safeguards you beat the dead horse we feel like we got safeguards in place now I said beating a dead horse everybody's saying the same thing no no no nobody saying the same thing because I saying the same thing that they say I'm just talking about the letter that was directed to me or the council but nobody has spoken about the letter conversation in plain blank floor after it's the third week they were talking about it no I wasn't here sir all right so I read the letter and keep on reading the letter and the letter have no it's sub for me it was subordination for me I don't know if you're going to take it like that but for me but his opinion as a you know what if he is an engineering in charge a engineering department don't you think that letter should comes from him why he then saw the letter and he approved because it's an opinion of of an aid he had concerns and he expressed them to the council nobody else so that concern should be no not don't don't you super you don't supervise him I supervise everyone in my division so don't you supposed to sit down and say with him and say listen uh before you send that letter let me go through the letter let me see yeah oh oh he wasn't he wasn't reporting that letter to the news he wasn't sending it to anybody else he was sending it to you guys as a concern so how' that letter got leaked to the to the news anyway that's that has no nothing to do with me I didn't leak anything it was sent from our office to you guys no okay we we we can we can we can discuss that that's fine but I don't think for example no no hold on hold on let me let me let me let me fin sir I don't know but for example we are I don't know sometime when I want to do um ordinance or amend something I sit down with the committee I say what do you think guys U this is going to work oh let's move forward don't you think that something critical like this uh talking about and writing about something that he don't like against an ordinance that we could amend should be beted through director you and theba he has he has nothing to do with this this is completely so anybody could write a paper and send it no I reviewed it I reviewed it with him and his freedom of speech and his concerns are his own freedom freedom of speech freedom of speech is okay let ahead okay but again it was it was internal and again a public meting I don't think it's so so I I I got to rest here you know um I got to rest here but I think um I think this will benefit from the smaller to the big and um that's what I going to say thank you thank I got ccent I got councilman but not least hold on last but not least we we we do ordinance we amend ordinance is responsibility Administration to enforce and make it work absolutely thank you so you agree on that council president I totally agree thank you council president um just give me a minute council member just a minute I think I believe that let me just say this the last three okay councilman Jackson please council president yes just a minute no no yes I have councilman DAV waiting councilman can ask first that everybody else and then you councilwoman you asked for the floor right I the with you speaking councilwoman can you me councilwoman when you when you speak I'm assuming that you asking for the floor councilwoman DAV is waiting for okay okay now now Council before I I give you the floor I just want to say one thing to to the um to the engineers um that letter using a letter to I send a letter to this governing body and mention name adding council members is very very disrespectful that's not professional at all he should that's not professional at all I've been in the private sector for many all my life in the private sector and I'm just an elected official I never work for government but I know that in the private sector that will never be tolerated we could have a discussion your point of view it might be this is not good for the city my point of view would say I don't see any different it it gave the opportunity to those people that are starting into the development business to have a little bit more money to finish a project I will look at as a legislator when we start this dialogue this conversation I like okay you know what the amount doesn't change it just shift the payment to the end to allow those developers to give to have a little bit more money to finish the project there's so many ways that we could collect that money it's a it's it's unacceptable that we say oh the Administration has no way to collect the money that's not true and we both know that's not true but I just going to speak on the letter and the reason why I'm going to concentrate the letter is because in government I do believe that we have to respect each other and we got to be very respectful when we start disrespecting that's when things start falling apart as a professional I have to respect you but I have to listen your point of view as a legislator as an elected official you have to listen to me you have to listen my point of view you might say you might I might disagree with you now the reason why this is on the agenda is because in the beginning when the director um Lane and director um Billy addressed me Corporation question wasn't there and you know what really CAU my attention that somebody said oh that's illegal and and that a lot of people oh that's illegal I said you know what let me talk to Corporation Council because if he allow me to put something illegal on the floor then he's responsible and he putting us on the hook so with that being said I don't have nothing more that that night I'm just saying that night when me and director Delaney approached the uh the the um excuse me me both of you guys yet no we said it has the possibility of being illegal never that it was illegal okay so than said that that we said it was illegal understand no but you got to say the whole phrase what we said because words me no no I understand that and because of that director I hold people accountable here you know why they did that because of that say we moving forward with this I spoke with the as soon as Corporation Council sit on that chair I called her and said I need to speak with you about this so you're telling me that as a Corporation Council you put a legislation on the floor that might be illegal that might have a conflict of interest he told me he said absolutely no council president you could move forward all the way with legislation we covering all the C we have all the legality and automatically say that go on first reading now we're in the second reading and we have this debate which is good the only thing that we have to take out about this debate is that calling name and my name is not there because that's not professional it doesn't help nobody so with that being said I think directors are Council if you ask for the floor otherwise we could move forward with second councilman jackon I I I I want I want to thank director Billy for um making the correction all right um we're over that I don't need to rehash all right the engineer and I spoke as well in the meeting you know he said his concerns there I said mine the committee spoke the chairman had his statements um then it was clarified no it is not illegal it is in the council's purview to do so I like the fact that now there's going to be a trackable process and you know listen everyone's going to do what they need to do in terms of their job we have one side of what we do we don't do the enforcement I know you guys are going to do a great job thank you very much thank you councilman Jackson thank you council president well there's something very clear here reading is fundamental but comprehension is Paramount right because a whole bunch of falsehoods been stated here and I just want to clear it up because I know that councilman valz and councilman Mendes may be accustomed to or their thoughts are something different this is not a dictatorship this is not a dictatorship you don't just get the Mandate oh you work here you got to oh he clearly he didn't write the letter on behalf of the engineering department as a city resident and a longtime employee and a person who is involved in the process of collecting the fees whether it is's an assessment that's done right he wrote a letter stating his concerns rather States very clearly I would like to express the engineers Department's frustration further it goes goes down by saying uh the name again see the ignorance is bliss does it of course it's the city letter ahead if I work for if I work for a place but I put my name on it when I put my name on it that's my concerns he doesn't this ain't it's not a a dictatorship where you just oh you don't have the right to say no you have the right to express even as a city resident the same way you guys tried to muffle uh director Gilmore when he came to the podium exposing the thing oh no we're not going to let you speak you don't get to do that you don't get to do that it's not how how things work so further it goes on to say because it never it never uh made any direct accusations and I want to I don't want to paraphrase I don't want to do the same councilman Jackson are you saying that it's okay on a personal to use City letterhead to write a personal statement Council no no no no cuz you made that statement I I want you to clarify from understand if if there's an employee of the city and he has concerns and he wants to express that to whomever because what you're saying is you don't care what the director's perspectives are as her as her her name and her Department was placed on this legislation with her clearly stating she didn't even have any knowledge of it but you're saying we don't care cuz it's the council's purview is we going the council we can do whatever we want that's basically what you said no no you did say you said it don't matter in three commit perview they always confus Council counil Jackson Council I need to council president all I'm going to say is you cannot I cannot I for p County College I cannot use that letterhead for anything that is personal even if I have concerns about something happening in the college I could do it on my personal and but I cannot do it on the letter head but secondly secondly I'm not saying that I don't care what any director I I do care that's why I sit in these committees that's why I come to meetings I do extra meetings when when needed phone calls whatever it is I said so don't the fact that I no no no but I sit in that Economic Development I sit in finance I sit in DPW I sit in public when it is your when it is your job and your responsibility and the onus is then going to fall back on you you as an employee you have the right to express your concern when the responsibility is going to come back on you if the council's making a detrimental decision that an employee feels is going to be a detriment to his position he has the right to express that without without being threatened because what's happening right here is people in a in a legislative position threatening and questioning whether or not an employee has the right to his First Amendment right to express his opinion brother he's doing op nobody I don't know who's threatening not any Council Council M council members let's wait and we move forward forward City letter and the opinion was through the city not his personal opinion not his speech he represented in engineering department sir I don't know what you understand it's like going to Jacksonville and do Advance there you don't understand he don't understand this guy don't understand thank you council members thank you council members this guy don't he don't understand even his charges he don't understand yeah we we right into I would ask the city council if they knew the procedure for project review prior to this decision that's a legitimate concern he has the project review so he's trying to bring it to the council's attention then further down the line it says uh okay as we know there were no meetings with the director so that's that's a fact we would totally affect the engineering department we know the developer Okay no Okay goad read read read yeah through our conversations with the administration we know the developer plainly said this is this is a this is here's somebody has the right to say what they have been told he's not making an accusation he's not saying what he's saying through conversation this is what's being said okay I'm not done council president now further further for those who were insulted for those who were insulted by their names being honest thing and then councilman VZ making a false accusation that I went on a live video and made a false claim about his voting on behalf of it no I did not I said you were the sponsor on the legislation it had your name as the sponsor and if you're stating that you didn't know anything about it you councilwoman Dava and councilwoman Mims it didn't have the names it did not have the names Cil was list when it first came on it just said economic deel when came on the agenda the thing he had to get up his seat and listen not when it first appeared all right further uh let let me let me try to wrap up m m ba if I may please I have a question it up so man can you shut the heck I mean the the level us my fre spe high and people wonder why our community is this is I'm using my fre of speech matter ba so the fee schedule the 18800 or whatever the fee schedule is who determined that schedule are you talking about the sewer connection fees the sewer connection fee which we're talking about here yes there's a fee schedule that is set up there's a formula if you have 10 Apartments as council members have talked about who has determined that fee so that fee is actually decided it was originally proposed by the finance department because it takes into account all the debt for Capital Improvements to the sewer system and it spreads it out and it creates this calculation so that's per state law okay and so it's not a fee that comes from toake Valley sewage okay per state law now in the past because I've done it going through this process through the permitting process say prior to getting a permit you had to go sit with a representative from Pake Valley Sewer Commission they have since eliminated that but the fee that they assess or assigned to it is set by them they had the formula I think we're talking about two different fees this the sewer connection fees are again not connected I'm not talking about two different fees I've paid this fee when a laundry mat wants to do an expansion there's a formula you want to do a laundry mat you want to set up a restaurant how many chairs are you going to add based on this formula there's a formula that Pake Valley Sewer Commission has now that fee is then turned around and assigned to the city back through our sewer connect because now we we run things through the sewer connection the sewer charge I'm go ahead Mr Ben David if you would like to answer certainly seems like you're jumbling to unrelated things I mean this the the the basically the state state the state Administrative Code gives a formula for calculating edu we have to plug in our numbers and we use it now before getting a CEO I there are prior approvals from the Sewer Commission but it's not about this Mr Ben David I am not I am not confusing it prior the Pake Valley Sewer Commission you would be for because that's what happened if you went to Zoning for a permit they send you to the P there used to be a representative in from Pake Valley Sewer Commission Who had who took office in the building department that's proper yes and they no longer do that because this is the fee that they're assessing it's the same sewer connection fee no we us I was involved in the original version of this ordinance um we were working with the DCA originally we had a sewer connection fee that was very very very low not in not following the state formulas uh per the DCA we adopted sewer connection of you that follow the state formulas now there is such a thing as getting prior approvals from the Sewer Commission before the co it's not about this okay so all right so moving forward as we talked about you said before in the past Madam B that if if if in the event we allow this process to to to continue and we will issue a temporary Co right which would now you're going to put time frames on it 60 to 90 days as per your um previous uh uh mentioning right and what happens then after they don't pay are we going to evict those 200 plus residents they have councilwoman if they issue a temporary Co that allows you to move forward and have the building then occupied if with the temporary Co you can occupy the space so if they then are incapable of paying what's going to be the ramifications are we going to move forward with forcing them to make make these evictions Madame ba well that would actually be a question more appropriate for uh the folks at uh the Construction office but I will Co I will pull up the information that they had shared to me about the temporary cosos when they instructed that this would be the proper way to deal with it and I can forward that onto the council right now I'm going to get P disputing the capacity or the count or the the the constructions office capabilities and issuing the temporary o That's obviously feasible it's done all the time but my question is as a municipality what's going to be our practice once we allow these buildings to be erected and they're now issued a temporary Co and they begun occupying the space which they've already done some of these spaces that haven't paid have occupied or have been partially occupied what is going to be the city's position we're going to force them to evict these tenants well I at this point in time it's it's really and again the time frames are put on by the Construction office and they put it on based on and and put regulations around it so that they couldn't move in people and they couldn't do certain things based on it again this is not my area of expertise but that that is exactly what they said would be the procedure so if you want to if you want to talk with them for I mean you're you're intentionally looking for I'm not intentionally whether you believe I'm okay go ahead I allow you to finish I apologize go ahead if the the the whole point of issuing a temporary Co is for what why would we issue a temporary Co if the temporary Co for 60 to 90 days is not going to then allow them to to have tenants taking residency what's going to be the point of giving them a temporary Co I'm going to pull up the regulations the same while she's pulling that up just for a point of clarity the same temporary Co that was issued to the Art Factory that allowed them to continue to do business that allowed them to illegally have tenants residing in the building that allow them you know uh council members and mayor to have parties there temporary cosos function just like a CO so it's going to allow them to take tency they're going to be able to put ten there and then what is the city's position going to be if they if they don't pay so you know okay well so I will I will forward this for the council to review and that would be part of you know the there is this idea of um it says in this bulletin Department of community fairs is providing Direction on the issuance of a TCO by designating two categories un of Unfinished work or unmet prior approvals so this could be something that the Council reviews and again that it is that level of expertise that you can read and make a decision for yourself I'm not going to answer that question but it is something that you can get further clarification from the codes and standards folks over who are working in the Construction office all right I'll just say this in closing as the as the signing Authority the SEC the realistically highest Authority in the city that's not this is not my job to understand the construction official has sole authority over this office in that work and reports directly to codes and standards at DCA every single office in the city as they Implement policies and practices that impact the residents of the city see what we're doing now is making a provision for developers but in the end of the day when these processes don't play out who's going to pay the ultimate price who's going to be at the tail end of this thing and be victimized it's going to be residents residents that then move into a building there is no way no way we're going to allow a 100 plus unit building to be built let it be occupied there's not going to be we're not going to do evictions it's not the case the fee is just not going to be paid and that same sewer fee that they're claiming is doesn't function that way that year that following year when our bill comes due to the Sewer Commission they're going to be expecting that payment that we failed to collect on again that is incorrect it is not factual that's that's right they are not connected they're not the attorney has said it true we have said it you see in Bill we don't get a bill from the Sewer Commission and that is not paid for by the that is not a sewer connection fee they are not looking at what sewer connection fees should have been charged and billing us connected to somehow a sewer connection fee we are build based on our rates and the the structure of our you know the the treatment that is done through the Sewer Commission they are not connected and please stop Miss stop spreading misinformation to the public council president please please go ahead yes council president may I please uh before the engineer say something I want toay I want to I want to I want to revisit on no no before his engineer I'm going to ask you for the floor the same way they be waiting let engineer he's going to councilman Jacks finish you you have your last your say if C woman wants to speak and then we then we can move forward okay go go ahead go ahead all I wanted to do is to connect a couple dots for you Council and Jackson and Javier kathen you can correct me if I'm wrong all the sewer fees that we're discussing that we collect go into the sewer utility for the city for infrastructure we get a separate bill from pic Valley that's paid from whatever fund but from that fee no that fee goes to the SE sewer utility no from that sewer the sewer utility pays that the sewer utility pays for the infrastructure in the city from what I understand and a separate fee or a separate fund pays the paic valley fee it's all it's all in the utility but the yeah the sewer bill the sewer bills pay for the sewer the P County sew commission fee no yes so just a minute C just let him F please I'm finished okay thanks so we need to so we have a special meeting CC okay so I just want I just so so um thanks God that is clarified that the sewer fee is totally different of the sewer or the fee that the develop a page directly to the Water Commission total different thanks God but but Madam Madame ba Madame ba the the New Jersey statue regarding sewer um and connection fee sorry it's clear says you could eliminate that temporary Co from the process you could eliminate that temporary Co from the process okay now also say NJ NJ the New Jersey statute 48 column 268 D12 says Rate Rentals connection fees or other chargers as lean on Real Property disc continuous of service and it says here in the law says that you could give 30 days to pay those even that before giving a CO and also oh this is the thing you guys have an ordinance but I concentrate what the New York start to say what I'm saying is what I'm saying is that the city has the tools the city has the tool by New Jersey statue to collect the fee in 30 days okay before even giving a CO permanent Co we're not talking about temporary Co we could eliminate the temporary Co and go to straight Co you collect the fee you want a CO you had to pay everything before that se not temporary and that will save life nobody have to fill buildings before a general Co and this is going to work the thing is that the administration had to put it to work the other people giving their opinion in the letter head they don't want us to work with the people that bringing the investment and the money that balance a budget with all the money that they bring here in the city of pison let's be on board of it that's it be on board thank you now councilman if that engineering has an opinion how to bring revenues in the city of P tell them to put it in a letter head I will probably accept it too thank you thank you councelor K we have a very good very sensive discussion um so now at this moment I need a motion to suspend the workshop and start our special meeting move by councilman colleag second by Council roll call Mad clerk to suspend the uh workshop and start a special meeting just only a few item the special meeting council members so let's stay tuned um Okay C council president uh point of order can we have a roll call we already started mad cler special meeting and and and and and council members council member just just I just want to say that please let's come down for a minute and I just want to say that I do agree with you Council Dava councilman Council Bless and and and it'll be you have to be so naive to believe that you could use a letter her of a municipality for you to express your opinion that's something that's something you got to be so naive it's totally against the law is an appropriate when you have to express if you have to express your opinion get you get a piece of paper and you sit down with kitchen table and you write a letter you send it when you use the letter here you're using you utilizing your position in the city so Ro to suspend the workshop thank you council president for acknowledging that roll call to suspend the workshop councilwoman cotton um councilman I just want to say to my Deputy clerk Phyllis Ry to my um secretary Crystal this been some long nights and I I keep saying that um no I want to apologize for the the whole night of what you ladies have to sit through the whole night it's not easy sitting there it really isn't I know it's not they don't have to be 11 o' we should have been out of here by 9 o' all right Madam clerk I just want to apologize that Crystal I just want to apologize it's not easy I know it's not madam cler my vote is yes thank you councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson yes councilman khik yes C Council gz my son is a cop in Orlando my son give and I work for Public Safety in Orlando and my cop give my son give five1 ticket tickets I'm on do supervisor you think I could have told my son to not give tickets that D ptis you can't have have any members working the same division same Department etc etc that's why we are where we at and I hope I get my my street cleaning all tickets or whatever oh what say yes council president council president uh my vot is yes to suspend the workshop and to start this s meeting Rafael we don't need to we don't need to close we just continue we've been live on night so um so now let me so good evening everyone on behalf of the Paris Municipal Council I welcome you to the special meeting of November 7 2024 at 800 p.m the meeting is now called to order but clerk please call the rooll roll call for the special meeting of um what November 8th 2024 um councilwoman cin councilwoman Davin yes councilman Jackson to open the special meeting yes I me roll call for this yes Madam cler yes thank you councilman bis yes council president my V CH M clerk thank you so mad clerk um please read the 48 hour notice mad clerk meeting covered by 48 hour notice notice of the time date location and agenda of this meeting was transmitted to the north Jersey Herold news the record the Arabic voice Italian voice the County PO Dominico news Lisa International L espel the Patterson press the city post news tap into Patterson the weekly bangala Patria in addition to any other publication duly requesting such notices at her about 11: a.m. on October 28th 2024 such notices who are posted on the bulletin board in the offices of the city clerk at City Hall council president I'll thank you madam clerk um so members of the public uh now we have a special meeting we only have four item and is my understand uh CFO the item number four is being removed out of the special meeting so we only have three item M cler let's call the first item on the special meeting payment bills Oh no I got a payment bills in my packet I know um yes M clerk um it number one on first reading number Council president I'm sorry um is it possible for us to uh take um item two since the director is here the administration is going to be here to to the end is it possible so that way we can take the items number two which is economic development Westside Park so we got west side park I want to counc woman they they like it is I don't care he's an employed City about it let's take you're not going to threat me council member Let's Take Em number two you're not going to threaten me you're not going to threaten me no you say you came over here no no my wife worked for the Department I'm not her supervisor I'm not her supervisor WR I'm not this wrong not netism brother I'm not her supervisor I'm not her supervisor director I'm not her supervisor director brother okay go ahead what are you gonna do you get his attitude now director no no no it's naan you're the director and he worked for you yes yes please um C council members please it item number two item number two this very much thank you item number two cler on a special meeting please please resolution authoriz just item number two yeah go ahead on the special meeting Council councilman colle you want one first no we switch it to number two based on your request item number two M clerk it's only two item item number two resolution authorizing of the award of contractor Doo Brothers Construction for the Vista State Park improvements project for the historic preservation of the Department of Economic Development bid number 243 Economic Development resolution number 24654 move counc president councilwoman Davila and second by councilman B clerc president why you got to move stuff you sign it you sign as Council presid I moved it let the record reflect that Council move and council president Mendes and second by coun let's go and coun roll call cler roll call on item number two councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Dava I want everyone to know that um I got all of whatever questions I had we had committee um I want to thank um [Music] um oh my God I just I just hold up a minute I want to put on record I want to put on record that the director has been working for five years on this and we're finally going to get it approved he's over there don't you say John Franco so I'm just saying to John Franco thank you very much to director Delaney to everyone that was involved my support full support is a yes for this item number two thank you I like see your Frank you got all my explan all my questions answered go ahead your vote thank you councilwoman councilman Jackson is he still here oh no thanks God he's gone okay councilman khle I want to keep it moving okay my vote is yes thank you yes thank you councilman valz okay um okay council president thank you madam cler me members of the public so what we voting in is a $2.9 million project on Vista Park on the historic section and the highest section of the city of patteron this is an amazing project and I know when when this project get done the whole city will take advantage of this project if they they calling me they saying that I'm carrying the I'm carrying the water for administration because I'm pushing this type of project I will continue carrying the water for administration if they want that because I've been pushing for the right project I've been pushing for a renovation of Park I'm pushing for all those great project that helping the city so that's what I'm here for to get the city on the right track my vote is yes mad clerk thank you council president the votes are five in favor four absent item number two is adopted thank you item number one M clerk item number one resolution approving the agreement with the New Jersey Community Development Corporation to fund improvements at Westside Park Administration resolution number 24653 formal action will be taken so more second move by councilman khik and second by councilwoman Davila roll call M clerk on item number one roll call on item number one councilwoman cotton discussion discussion councilwoman Jackson on item number one number one okay number one oh uh councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson yes yes Council councilman colleague yes councilman valz there's a typo here on this uh in the first where ass it say $500 what a grant to you we have to use and CDC to use $500 500,000 that's what I'm saying it's a typo it says 500 no 500,000 so just let the record reflect that it's a typ is supposed to say 500,000 not $500 that's why I'm trying because after it passed they had to correct that typo okay legal okay so in the first we're at on ITA number one it says $500 to fund Improvement in Westside Park the last zero is missing yeah yeah yeah a couple said what's missing yes okay hello it's a whereas Clauses don't change whatk you I just I just want to make sure that is is is fixed uh before I vote uh make sure second whereas it spells out $500,000 the first whereas is missing a zero okay yeah all right thank you okay saying that this is going to get done this is a park for everyone thank you councilman khik for your um diligence and pushing this forward um and working together with the administration not even carrying the water but you always work with them my my vote is yes thank you councilman council president council president thank you my vote is definitely absolutely yes very thank you mad thank you very much the votes are six in favor three absent um resolution number one is has been it's amended right okay it's passed uh on Amendment thank you m clerk item number three on the special meeting item number three resolution to amend Cy 2024 budget which has been approved but not yet adopted Finance item resolution number 24655 formal action will be taken so move move by Council by Council I have to read it into the record please read into the record Sila and right after that we'll take from before we take the vote okay um General revenues Surplus um from zero to 1,844 10327 Total General revenues from 284 mil 597 8823 to 286 million $441,500 sewer utility current sewer Chargers from 17,200 to 16,100 Prior year sewer charges from 2 million 2,205 23792 to 3,35 23792 deficit from 0 to 2,16 8, 23727 total sewer utility revenues 20, 50055 23792 to 22,7 72347 519 uh General Appropriations operations without caps division of data processing from 59956 to 473 456 division of accounts control from 247 282 to 187 282 division of Corporation Council from 1,259 853 to 1,179 853 division of fire 43,500 th000 to 43 million division of police 47 million to 46,500 th000 Office of the director from 900,000 to 865,000 division of traffic and lightning from 5 70,000 to 470,000 division of streets 2,900,000 to 2,625 division of Park Shades and trees from 1,750 to 1,625 public building sections from 1,650 to 1,500 division of recycling 1,410 to 1,300 division of Planning and Zoning 855,000 to 850 ,000 Division of Community improvements from 700 to 625 division of Health from a, 850 to a mil7 715 solid waste removal from 13 million to 12, 500,000 um s deficit from sewer operations from 0 to 2,168 23727 overe expend from 0 to 2,535 866 total operations within caps from 241 million 37,2 18074 to 243 m608 18401 um operations excluded from caps maintenance of the free public library salary and wages from 2,214 7720 to a million 914 720 um maintenance of free public libraries OE from 595 283 to 895 283 total General Appropriations from 284 milon 597 88203 to 286 milon 441 4595 Appropriations from sewer utility deficit in operations from 0 to a million 99955 727 overe expenditures from 0 to 16868 Total sewer utility revenues from 20 m555 23792 to 22 m723 4759 um thank you uh CFO councilman Jackson Mr CFO can you please um once again can you repeat the num toal General Appropriations for the two portion so total General Appropriations um for from the front to two you want what it changed no from the uh the one you just all right so for the total budget it went from 284 million 597 882 to 286 million 4414 5915 I'm sorry the reason I asked for that is what I have is it went from 284 597 88203 to 284 88315 no then you don't have an updated one I have the most current yeah a 28641 okay thank um um roll call clerk on item number three roll call on item number three um councilman Jackson U so and I apologize for the division of police there's a reduction in their budget is this not reflecting the uh contract that was just approved it is reflecting the contract that was approved it is reflecting budget went down by what what we had their budget went up so last year's budget was I want to say 42,500 the budget we had um in the introduced budget was 47 million it's going to 46,500 so last year's budget was 42 off the top of my head I believe it was like 42,500 correct R yeah and and the the impact um the contract that was agreed upon was there is there requirement for retro there's a requirement for retro only from 712 24 okay so this is reflective of retro this budget is reflective of every this um on number three um just a second C that's that's not what uh part of it is yes yes well the library we're just switching money from salary and wages to Oe so you see the OE went up and the soline Wes went down it went same amount you okay I see it now all right okay I see it thank you it's it's the solid waste budget line it includes filco it includes transfer station it includes all the recycling we pay all the other vendors that we pay um no the contract with FCO is 4 something million the contract we have with um the transfer station is about 5.8 million and again these are numbers of top of my head but it's somewhere 50 milon and the the total contract of the old contract over five years was $50 million the new filal contract and this is all over the top of my head over five years is probably somewhere around $25 million so that's over five years we're just talking about one year this is the budget year for one year okay thank you council members R call clerk on item number three roll call on item number three for adoption Council motton yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson councilman Jackson your vote Yes councilman colle yes madame cler councilman B yes okay council president my vot is yes mad clerk thank you the votes are six in favor three absent item number three is hereby adopted thank you mad clerk item number five on the special meeting which one number five is a resolution authoriz the world contract for creso industry in full limited interior and exterior reabilitation for the for the memorial for the library thank you our director resolution authorizing an award of contract to cpro Industries Inc for limited interior and exterior Rehabilitation for the Danforth Memorial Library phe to bid number 2324 statutary agency resolution number 246 move by Council second by councilman I just got a roll call cler sorry call on item number five for adoption Council mccon uh councilman um a discussion Council I'm looking at thank you madam clerk last last meeting we spoke up scopal work and um the the word the word limited uh limited it's limited but it's going to resolve the problem is is it says Administration service for The Limited exterior and interior relation of Dand Memorial Library phase two it's limited but it's going to resolve the problem you're not going to come back saying yes so that part limited where applies that where it does apply in the outside or in the inside okay hello okay good evening it's limited to this specific um construction project so when it say limited exterior okay and interior re Rehabilitation m not talking about okay is limited to that part of the roof is limited to the basement no it's limited to certain parts of the building specific to the roof the east west north side and East part of the wind of of the roof we're doing some uh some it will fix the problem so yeah for this specific project yes okay so you could probably come back for the other three quarter of the roof to no no the roof itself is for this specific part of the the project the roof the children's space that's what that that's why we always ask for scop of work yeah okay thank you thank you councilman roll cler on N number five which is the last item council members of this Su special meeting I know I got a question for him I'm sorry president is the elevator fixed yet what the elevator we had some issues with the elevator it's about 95% done but there's some some issues with um with um uh some electrical work so so still not R things out huh it's still not running it's still not up and running yet okay we got to get that elevated done yeah we're working on it I get UPS it's something I can't control I know you everything in my power to make sure we get it up and running no I know you can't we waitting for I'm aggressive with it too exactly director thank you you're welome thank you Council motton uh roll call M clerk on item number five roll call on item number five for adoption councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson yes councilman khle yes councilman valz yes yes council president I'll thank you m clerk director you're doing an outstanding job I understand that you constantly looking for additional funding to provide service to the community and we have to speak about the good thing that mobile Library the job that you did in the Su was phenomenal was fantastic I mention I make a comment I make a request Madame ba I make a formal request and Council K if you could if you could help me on this when we were when we were discussing the filing fil uh um fees I I make a request to reallocate those which is not a lot of money 40 50 $60,000 from filming directly to the library to help the director with those additional program if there's the need to be a a resolation a resolution to be drafted legal through Corporation Council if we could have the discussion and I would like for my colleague to join me down to that down the line to that discussion but that's important I think that little bit of money that we get it from filming it should go directly into the library to support those additional project and program that you have with that being said my vote is yes B cler thank you Council presid thank all right thank you have a good night council president the votes are six in favor three absent item number five is hereby adop you need to open the public Mo yes yes the council member public portion for the special meeting um soone move to close there's no members of the public that wants to speak on the public portion motion to close by councilwoman Davila and second by councilman roll callman clerk on the U um closing of this special meeting on the public portion my apologies thank you roll call to Clos the public portion Council M cotton yes councilwoman Davin yes councilman Jackson councilman khle yes councilman um uh before closing the public U any revenues Madam ba it goes to General budget what I will request because I know we cannot do is is a is a good intention but what I request is that to look deeply anything that you could do with the budget to sustain the needs of that Library that's that's the only thing I could request because I know that probably that resolution is not going to fly nowhere but the one to look at to your budget and make sure that they get the the necessary budget that they request and wish list that they need my vote is yes thank you councilman council president my V CH thank you the votes are six in favor three absent the public portion is hereby closed thank you mad clerk motion to special meeting Move Motion to close by Council mavila second by councilman colleague Mo roll call cler to close our special meeting of the N Roll Call to close the special meeting of November 7 2024 councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson yes councilman colleague yes yes councilman valz council president uh my vot is yes B thank you the votes are six in favor three absent the special meeting is hereby closed thank you thank you my Council KH for this special meeting now we're going back president can we please cover the economic development that's where we going that's where we going counc um okay um so so let's uh Economic Development from 53 through 55 we have by director here item 53 which is resolution in of support for the application of 468 toal on LLC to the New Jersey housing and mortgage Finance Agency council members um if there's any question consent consent okay all right so item 55 which is A4 a 54 council member which is resolution of the city of Patterson County of P new jerse authorizing the direction and planning board to conduct a preliminary investigation to determine whether certain property located on 63 that yeah that it's is a little complex a regular 54 council member um we're going to we still have time no can I can I can can you get a discussion now yes exactly director on item 54 can you just elaborate and give us a it's good for the city sure um so council president before director speaks um uh I know the councilman uh khle is the chair of economic development in addition uh it is the second ward all right um but I do want to put on record that we had a meeting and um the we had um the planning board um the planner which I thought he was going to be here today um because we did have some discussion there and um um part of this which will be explained uh is to determine I know it's not going to go on consent because I know councilman K uh has some concerns it's I um you finish all right thank you thank you we did have a discussion in the committee and I honestly I didn't want to bring it to move it forward at the same time I don't want to be the person who blocking something in the committee so I brought it to the in front of the workshop in front of every council member this is a Redevelopment study on two block numbers two block two two or three blocks on the R2 R3 Zone on Den forth Avenue which is a residential area I don't think it's necessary is you will not find any property is not occupied that the specific Lots they have shop shipping company or something there's small rooms I they have the parking lot which is running fine I don't see a Redevelopment plan to me is some blank area where um is s or something if anything in that section I think whole MC Pride Corridor should be um studied for R development from Global Street to Liv hope MCB not that section is is middle of a residential area uh what is there to Redevelopment I don't see it uh and uh council member you could Google it and look at this property like two or three lot together somebody owns it what is what is the intention it's good what is the intention to revelop revelop that area I don't think we should even send it to planning board my members open the floor to the director and then after that we'll come back to councilman Jackson any the council col I want to speak about yes so I can provide some context so the resolution that you have before you is a resolution to move forward to do a study so the study is a preliminary step that is taken to identify whether or not that location um the two lots there there's actually I'm sorry it's it's it's two properties um one is on Danforth one is on Nagel this is an opportunity to do correct a preliminary study to determine if they are considered to be blighted so I put it in air quotes because it's the wrong term but it's a planner's term so that's how they identify an area that's in need of redeveloping so the preliminary study will you know be conducted the planning board will hire a consultant to do the study the study will determine whether or not it meets all of the criteria to be part of an area in need of Redevelopment if it doesn't then nothing moves forward it goes back before this body which at that point can determine you know we're not going to move forward with it you know the other path will need to be pursued by the applicant but if the preliminary study comes back that it is an area in need of Redevelopment the developer can then move forward um to develop those two lots president just a minute I have councilman Jackson so the app correct is the owner of those two lots of the properties so the applicant is looking at the Redevelopment plan for the area and is you know considering enlarging the Redevelopment area to incorporate these two lots so that's what the applicant is looking to do correct it is yeah he's on R2 R R2 even R1 like one and two family houses correct um it's not it's not even is soon as you get off 80 Glover then Denver it's not even by the highway either one one one block from the highway and they have some kind of shipping company there and you will not find any abundant property in the whole section of the city only one two families here and there you'll find three family houses in the whole section of Stony Hill Road section right so once the properties have been incorporated into this area in need of Redevelopment what they are proposing is a property is a five-story building with 40 units um and two Lev parking garage with 59 spaces so you'll have more than one to one Park more than one to one parking um and you'll have roughly about 40 units in a five-story building right at that corner so that'll take place during the preliminary study that will right they absolutely must notice all residents within 200 ft of that property will be notified to come to a public hearing will they will be given a presentation about the project about what's needed in that area correct correct the study is the initial step well council president so this request would allow the planning board to then initiate the the the prelim preliminary study and part of that they must notify the public that the study is being conducted for their input so the public will be engaged throughout this process yes president council president so so that the the area is zoned already are we trying to reone it too no no no so they're looking at you know so correct it's in an R2 Zone currently what they are proposing does not meet the merits of an R2 Zone yes yes it's council member it's in the R2 Zone whole block is full of two and one family houses and right there we have we have sections there R2 and R1 Zone area so in M right but and and but this is middle of R two one family two family houses it's not even in a corner lad or anything like that so this correct no counc woman but this is an opportunity to generate more tax revenue for the city these are 40 units three out of middle of uh R1 R2 houses um so my suggestion is not even move forward for the study so council members you you side what you want to do um Council thank Council colle Council M okay um you stated that the uses of that place is what now um it's a it's an industrial um building it may be for shipping I can't recall the exact use but it is indust okay so so council president yes yes two stor yeah I I I just I just Google it and I I saw the property nice beautiful land section yeah and I saw the surrounding of the house I just want to go first of all is industrial area in that section no just that property so just that property that's what I'm saying it's industrial correct in that section surrounded R2 correct okay so the study is going to benefit the city to move forward or not to see if it's suitable to turn the area residential correct nice and that's what we want because right now the place is not even being used and there's no benefit to use it as industrial that's right okay now the the city is in need of residential we always say that we have to think out of the box we cannot be build s ways we had to go up okay I have seen that because when I took the the fifth W it was 200 plus abandoned property and you could go through the fifth W and and you see a lot of Redevelopment because it's in the Redevelopment zone so people have to understand the Redevelopment Zone law so I believe that we should move forward to uh to do the study give the opportunity uh the professional to give the opinion probably the the when they do the study they come back and say well uh four story building don't fit it fit a two Lev building with Apartments you never know so the study is meant for that the needs are pursuing the needs that the city is facing right now because right now let me let speak honest we don't have the funding HUD to construct housing we don't have the the budget that cash sustain housing so we welcome anybody that want to do studies and they see that that they see let me consult the professional to see if this fit here let me consult the professional and look at the and study the area correct and that's all they're doing and that's what that's what we here for let's give the opportunity to the professional and say listen city council they proposing this but we the professional are recommending this and then we move forward and then and we could not be a roadblock I understand the councilman preserving I'm not saying that he's a road block um yeah I don't want people thinking that we are go to put road block on this so I I think it should be it should be in regular councilman colleague you put in regular andoun down you know she she told us what's the what's the plan no what's the study hold on hold on no no but let me let me clarify my say I just heard the witch the Witch Is that they want to do that but the study will tell him your Witch is beautiful but don't fit so let let the study do what they have to do let's let's hear C mik before we continue it's going to be a regular anyway but I would like to hear there's the second one we would like to hear you take on this yeah but if you're going to put regular move forward move director just a quick question but my whole thing is when we do when we do the studies of the development it's talk about eyes or abundant properties this whole section of the city you will not find one abundant property or one unrented property in the whole section so so so this uh and then the study may come back as that but director quick director quick question we just doing we doing the study based on this piece of property correct not on the entire area is that correct correct we're looking at those lots specifically just AE area council member just a minute director so just elaborate on that before we continue to move on so the St beening so it's looking at those lots specifically within the area within the area correct okay so with that being said director I I think that I'm going to keep it on regular so once we once we finish with the static council memb is going to come back to us and we're going to decide whether we move forward or now okay okay so thank you director we appreciate you uh so item 55 on consent council members or all right thank you item 54 Madame clerk on regular item 55 it will go on consent item 56 Council memberes consent consent item 57 consent no city council resolution up so Madame director very quickly on this item I want to make sure that we give uh Mr Ben David an opportunity this uh item 57 is very relevant because it obviously after we discussing 57 57 something that something I drafted something I something that I drafted but basically there's there's um Provisions that fall under the purview of your department um and it basically uh 500 what no I drafted ital well this is why I'm I'm telling him I sent it IL legal and normally like everything else I DFT so once again what is it it's uh the language is very clear resolution to compel the administration to enforce zoning code 57.1 section g 500 uh 7.1 section g rental or leasing of parking spaces in residential districts the rental El leasing of accessory parking spaces and rear of the residential zones lot is permitted provided that brother Ben David and this is on part of the uh the municipal um zoning code I don't think it could proceed exactly as you're doing you could try to what you're if you're saying to compel enforcement of a certain law that's kind of analogous to a resolution to compel a judg as to deide a case a certain way there are separation of powers I mean you're not gagged you could have a resolution to comment to State the council's opinion on the matter but you couldn't compel enforcement any more than you could compel a judge to decide a case a certain way so Mr Ben David basically we on the books yeah that is not being enforced that the residents are now paying a fee that is not permitted then the council can certainly voice an opinion about that the council is can comment on anything in the universe but as far as compelling that would be a little problem with separation of powers separation of powers okay so so so all right I'll find I'll find better language okay but the fact of the matter is which I think you're we're not focusing on is right now residents throughout the entire city are being charged rent for parking which the ordinance States very clearly is not allowed that's a fair fair fair matter to speak about so this this resolution it's right here it's on the city code but but it's it's it's written within there and it has the code attached here it is well this is on I mean I can send you the link okay so Madame director I want to make sure because even if the council does not approve this this order this resolution of requesting support or requesting for the administration to because this code is actually written or approved by the council this code has been something that's put in place by the council and it's not not only is it not being supported but now it's going to put us in a position where residents can then take legal action because this is something that's illegal for to be uh uh for for residents to be allowed to be charged because it states clearly residentially zones uh uh lot is permitted provided that one it is found by the planning board that such rental or leasing parking spaces is essential to the Public's interest and evidence by serious need of off street parking so meaning the first of all the planning board has to then give the the applicant special permission correct two the spaces are in addition to those already provided to meet the off street parking requirements so if a project is stated to say is being required 100 spaces and then they're given a variance to be reduced this just say argument say 90 90 is still what's required and it states clearly in this in this um uh uh zoning ordinance that the rent to or leasing spaces shall equal more than 25% of the required parking spaces so they cannot rent or lease those what's been required by for to provide and this is what's cusing such upti or challenges Citywide with parking because residents are opting not to pay because they're being charged in excess of $2 $300 additional for parking for their rent okay so I'm not you know I'm not familiar with the code this section g so I would like an opportunity to look at it I don't disagree with you absolutely um and so if I need to you know work with legal on this you know I defer to The Corporation Council yeah well well we got a few different matters Twisted together here one was the technical thing that had discussed with the councilman about compelling enforcement of law the other is the council certainly free to speak about anything in the universe and um I'm guessing you might be able to inform that this discussion so seems like to be actually a useful thing for it to go to the uh economic development committee not necessar regardless of specific requirements would seem to make sense so you have a better chance to look at it and have some yeah it gives us an opportunity to review it mentions the planning board it may need their involvement as well I don't know I I would have to look at the ordinance I don't know it right now well I mean at this point it would only requires zoning and planning and zoning so officers within the Planning and Zoning um position doesn't these these I mean already approved applications when you go through and look at appr you'll see clearly whether or not Mee requ planning approval if not they got to submit another application and in the meantime they've been charging people illegally for the past however many years and if if the necessity is to change the word compel to encourage or whatever the case might be but still these laws are they they've been ratified adopted by the council and residents should not be paying additional parking in fact when you think about it right here we are we're giving you permission to build we're giving you the authorization to build a 25 uh uh apartment unit and part of your requirement that we're giving you permission for is you're required to provide paring providing doesn't mean making additional Revenue off of charging because there now when the residents are are you know uh green or don't want to pay fee they're pushing them to off street parking which is then impacting the neighborhood the way this code was trying to protect the neighborhood from being impacted yeah no I appreciate I'll send you the link yeah I yeah if you can send me the link also I need a copy of the resolution that was prepared because that yeah I don't have it yeah in front of me here I'll give council president council president just a minute just a minute councilman because definitely have the item uh Corporation Council um if you could work with this it's not going to be on the next meeting we're not moving forward is but legal have to have to counc President also just let make a note uh this is not a resolution this is amending a code okay and it's a ordinance now the other thing is the other thing is uh council president one thing is amending a code of operation and amending code of zoning uh planning and and I believe you guys uh sorry sorry guys your your zoning board or your planning board have to take action of whatever is and then present it to us to to adopt correct so any Amendment any Amendment to the zoning ORD no no I just saw I just I just saying C president I just say my statement because if you imagine I you know here says a title it's supposed to say at least ordinance U and at least give the benefit of Doubt to the legal to uh look into see what I one my wishes are right according to the law because right now I'm being in those meetings it says it will have uh parking for tenants it will not says that is going to be free or is going to be charged it says it will provide parking and the zoning and the planning requires parking it's not saying I require parking pay I require parking free they're just I cannot get involved as a legislator in an operation of your business okay that's your business okay counc president um you cannot you cannot Rush past this if you give me a moment please council president um Council Jackson then right after Council no no I I just want to mention that it's already in our code so we we just should discuss it to make sure it get enforced understand I think I think that's what councilman Jackson looking for and if we need to amend if there's the ordinance or I think is a great idea but we should look into it I believe the code is there already okay and we are not you need to get enforced I think that's so director and the council the reason why and and and and director has it she would look Rie and also Corporation Council to look into because it's a legal document that we're going to receive so now with that being said it's not going to be on the next meeting but you're going to have the opportunity to review it and legal as well and you guys going to work with to see why can we get we get a final docum so council president if I director I made very quickly first of all this is not an amendment to an to a zoning ordinance the the in in order to amend the code there's a much different process this code has to go before the planning board the planning board and has to approv then it comes for the council this is not an amendment it's not a request it's a simple resolution the same way we write a resolution in support of something we write a resolution in support of a hero or whatever the case might be it's a resolution that's basically stating the the the the municipal code as well as the state stat St you and it says clearly in the in the uh code that such rental or leasing it points it out directly so I don't understand this this item doesn't need to get pulled maybe the language might need some clarity and which we've you know there's plenty of items that I drafted the whole thing the work is already done pulling it to the next Workshop a month away doesn't really make sense because guess what starting tomorrow I'm going to be on the dor when she reviews the the the uh the the code enforcement is supposed to start right away there will be people that that that should be uh submitting she should they the department should be submitting either uh violations to or cease and desist letters because these things are required just like C in certain instances where trash compaction is required based on their zoning approval if they went to planning planning zoning and they went to the planning board and or the board of adjustments and in their application it showed that we're we're going to provide uh garbage shoots we're going to provide trash compaction and then they don't provide it there has to be a measure of enforcement this is what this is it's not making any amendments to the code it's not changing anything it's basically pointing out the fact that because yes initially my intent was I was going to write this so we can approve that we can no longer charge people Asing doing my research and doing the due diligence I found that it already exists so you know Mr Ben David I know that you normally have to get Authority from Amen in order to work on anything that I've sent you otherwise I've sent it to you sooner but I sent it to him it was sent to him uh it should have been reviewed already it doesn't take a week for um legal to review this matter again it's a simple resolution supporting the existing code that's all let me let me ask a question Council M coton um cuz I know that there are developments that do not charge for um parking with with uh one unit one car per unit now um you have apartment listing councilman Jackson that are charging people for each parking you have a list of those buildings well well because I'm the reason why I say that because I know some developers I don't know them personally but um I'll say to them um do you have a parking for one car for in the building that you live in and they would say yeah they would have parking that's what I'm saying you talking about residence now okay right so because I know my mom lived in the tow in 2010 20 no 2015 2016 I paid $2 a month to park because I needed to come visit my mom at 1 2 o'clock in the morning because I was getting off of work so you paid as a nonresident yes because I needed to visit my mother and so I paid but but but then my cousin was there that was an extra spot so he had the spot so for me to get an extra spot I had to pay that's what I'm saying to you is that for buildings that already allow one residents to have one car if you want a second or third car you pay extra you pay that's what I'm saying do you have a do you know but see here here's here's the caveat okay councilwoman the code States clearly that you cannot sell or rent or lease spaces unless you have in your inventory right 125% of the required spaces for your facility okay if I have an apartment you and I got five cars my kids are living with me it doesn't matter he only want to give me one spot correct okay he can if if they decide to only give you one spot right then that may be within their purview but again based on the formula right some apartments are required it's a two- bedroom they require 1.3 spaces per room I see what you're saying right yeah so he essentially they're supposed to have those spaces for that apartment the apartment is two-bedroom so now what's happening is you you stay at the towers right right notice school 28 in front of school 28 there's all cars parking in now right because they're charging the park in the towers yeah but they already get one spot they're getting one spot it doesn't matter if they give you one spot or not they're not eligible to charge how do you give a half a spot to somebody how do you make a half a spot it's not about giving a half a spot you say if you got a two bedroom you supposed to have a a part a spot one and a half listen Council woman the parking lots are empty yeah because the parking lots are empty so they have they have the spaces but the parking lots are empty so again the the code doesn't say that you per apartment I I could give you one space and I could charge you for the second the code says clearly you're not eligible the charge for parking unless you possess 25% more spaces and you receive permission from the planning board and there's two other C two other items as well so councilman yeah so allow me an opportunity to review the code and review the legislation at a minimum and then get back yes definitely so so we moving forward so that's going to be in the review legal if I may respectfully suggest every single resolution we do the norm it's not for but it's always on the form that when the Law Department signs off as to law it's always relying on facts from a witness usually the council isn't its own witness we have an outside witness such as a director so I would respectfully suggest that the director have time to like say go through it and make sure that we can get get the facts right so we get the facts so well a committee a brief visit to a committee thank you Corporation Council council members item 58 already went over consent item 59 um Council member2 52 is that go Ahad and consent um 52 is the uh the award of contract for the installation that M to let's just finish the this page and then we then we and then we go back to that so 59 is resolution authorizing expansion of the PO qualified Law Firm for the city of patteron for virus legal service consent consent thank you C Dava city council resolution honor assembly Benji wimbley for the 60 birthday celebration sponsored by councilwoman Ruby she want regular she want the council woman one regular uh let the record reflect M Council M so we'll put as a co-sponsor council um item number 61 resolution celebrating the 30th anniversary of the New Jersey Development Corporation Ng gcdc she wanted un regular and she's going to add me as a sponsor as well okay so um I'm regular 61 clerk who do we want to add cons me as Council alar Mara Dava as a spor as a as a co-sponsor sponsor as as spons go ahead come Council just just just bother your little council member so 52 consent give me give me a second Council memb going back so we almost finished this workshop and I really really so um so 2 SE Finance we have the consent 20 the only one on the page let's go down let's go 20 SE on finance councilman Jackson you got issue consent 27 consent 28 consent consent 29 consent 30 consent consent um 31 CC member resolution a knowledging 31 is a hearing reir be regular resolution okay so 31 regular council members and 31 regular 31 regular which is a resolution acknowledging the municipal Council received the uh complete C year 2 24 best practice checklist so we did that that will be a regular 31 regular mad clerk um council president did you say 30 was regular no yeah 30 and 31 but they both on regular clerk yes um uh thank you so uh item 52 resolution authoriz war contract consent Council me that's the installation and maintenance of the cameras the soft city which cameras from theology I know you know what I was going to ask you I thought we voted on this already because I read something very similar okay coun right all the second second read there's one item that be to that need to be out of the agenda I'm sorry uh and it's uh the agenda okay she said we already voted out that we vot so an item so and also item 51 let's remove item 51 which is um a renaming of the street by sponsored by m by by counc president come to committee let's let's have the committee meeting to meet and and take care both renaming of the three so let's use the proper process council members will finish with this agenda can I ask a question council president sure councilwoman uh K as everybody know that I've always been involved with schools and and um I have my good friend he's retiring and I want to put that on the agenda for next week council president u u Mr McCullum Andre McCullum he retired from Esau High School oh yes his reti at the same time and they have a total of 63 years working in the Patterson School District so you want to drop the resolution C may have it for the next meeting uh can I it'll go in our pockets then okay so so so we add another resolution right um you know honoring his years of of service and regular he has 30 years and his wife has 33 63 in total 63 total is Andre McCullum he's a principal not Esau high school and his wife I believe works at school 20 i a I think that they've been together um teaching together 63 years total in the city of Patterson that's to me um he's been at several different schools so we need to recognize him from the pass Bo Edge thank you may I have a motion to close this Workshop so move move by Council DAV second by Council valz roll call Clark to close the workshop section on this special Thursday after the election seriously a special we want win the director win look at that he's Happ I never seen him so happy I never seen his smileing even look at that first time I see his tea like he was mad now he should be happy he work hard that director who work hard we work hard I work hard for him I knock on doors every day and I love it call to close the special meeting of November 7 2024 councilwoman cotton councilwoman roll call to close I'm sorry session everyone thank you for watching us tonight everyone have a good night uh our feel in for Corporation counsel Ben our CF uh CFO of here mam ba Kleen to uh Madam clerk phers thank you thank you to Crystal thank you Crystal um you all have have a good night um and I just want to say congratulations to all the winners um for the election that just we had on Tuesday night with that being said um everyone out there have a good night God bless you all my vote is yes thank you councilwoman councilwoman daver thank you thank you Patterson thank you uh to our Deputy clerk I know Madame clerk um I just found out she's under the weather um so I wish her a speedy recovery um Crystal I know this is your first first meeting alone all right with with the deputy clerk um I know sometimes it could be rough for the future and I if you guys do not see her uh crystal is doing her Masters and unfortunately certain classes are offered on Tuesday so this is why she's able to be with us today on a Thursday just a little um little note to you to eat before you come to to the meetings or bring something with you okay uh but to everyone thank you so much uh I look forward to next week's meeting which again will be on Thursday not Tuesday November 14th with that said Thank You Patterson my vote is yes to close thank you councilwoman councilman Jackson yes thank you councilman K yes councilman valz election are [Music] over Alexis are over you have 30 days to remove your political signs please a per per councilman khik on the second word you still have it oh um I have signs in private property but not in the city property um but that's for name recognition Madam Madam David cler thank you Crystal thank you m ation uh Ben thank you thank you you did a great job today for real um C council president is over the part is over the the part is over up to 12 noon is closed already no my vote is yes thank you council president thank you um council members I just want to say thank you Council Cali I just want to say let me take this moment to say thank you on a special meeting we approved a very important project to the members of the community thank you for the resident of the city of p and the third war that went to the um recording of the playground East Side park and yesterday I was there and I was so excited to see so many children playing uh at the park on a playground definitely if we work together we could make our city much better we're facing a lot of challenges that we have to work hard to overcome those obstacle that we're facing but let's pray for our city and let's do the right thing I'm looking forward to see Vista Park built and once again the Public Work Director thank you for closing East Side park at 9:00 we have zero tolerance at East Side park after 9:00 you should not be in the park we have our Police Department that I want to say thank you to our patteron Police Department for patrolling the park for patrolling East Side area I see a lot of poli police presence on the east side area and you not allowed to be in the park after 9:00 when we close the park so so with that being said my budy just thank you council president the votes are six in favor three absent the workshop session of November 7th 2024 is hereby adjourned than