##VIDEO ID:dsXTw-uHZqY## you're [Music] on ready please tear off all cell phones the agenda of the pumpt leags board of adjustment October 22nd 2024 the following is the agenda of for the regular minutes H excuse me the regular meeting of the pumpkin Lake Zoning Board of adjustments the meeting is to be held in the Municipal Building 25 Lennox Avenue on Tuesday October 22nd beginning at uh 8:00 p.m. a written advance notice to as required by njs S semic 4-1 etset has been provided of this meeting at least 48 hours in advance of today given the time date and location and the extent known at the time of the agenda of this meeting such note is stated that the formal action may or may not be taken this meeting will be video recorded and will be broadcast for later viewing for the public the notice was posted on the Bon board out outside the offices of a municipal Clark for this and similar other similar announcements provided to the Suburban Trends the newspaper designated by the council and planning board to receive such notices and filed with the bur clerk can everybody please stand for [Music] legations to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands Nation God indivisible liy and justice for all we have nothing for off of office can I please have a roll call sure Mr Hunt here Mr aate here miss Curran here Mr C here miss bernstock here Mr Rowan absent Mr V here Mr luani will be absent Mr F Fula here sorry and Mr Deon y okay we have uh Sarah's not here councilman Cruz and Mr Andy Brewer and the engineers will not be here tonight all right uh minutes regular minutes for the September 24th 24 everybody had an opportunity to read those minutes anybody have any corrections to those minutes if not can I please get a motion to accept the minute some mov second roll call please sorry it a second I was looking down okay Mr Hunt yes Mr aate yes Miss Curran yes Mr C yes Miss bernstock yes Mr Big yes uh Mr fagula yes Mr Devon yes okay we got over that correspondents we have none conceptual we have none application boa 24-6 rich and Linda gowski I hope I spelled that right please come forward please stand for a second raise your hand state your name and spell your last rich glowy g r o h o WS k i do you swear or affirm the testimony you'll give this evening before this board will be the truth the whole for nothing but the TR to help you got yes please have a seat yep okay Rich um if you can just briefly describe your project to the board and why you're looking to get a variance um from us okay so um yes I applied uh to have a porch a front porch um put on my the front of my house and uh it at first it was denied and I had to get the variance and uh that's that's pretty much it okay so um I did do an on-site inspection today I met some of our other board members there um and uh we did do a walk through so basically where your Landing is on your porch currently your outside your door the porch is going to come to that um extent and then across to the edge of the house correct and then your stairs will be five steps down on onto the sidewalk as it is it stand as it stands onto the sidewalk um now the property uh to your if you're looking at your house to your left um is there any other uh structure that's been uh built on that that would be equal to where you're uh no no right um so um So based on what I saw um I I really don't have any other questions for the applicant other than what I just stated um anybody else on the board like to question the applicant no anyone no pretty straightforward um we have letters from the uh municipality and the barel p Police Department uh reviewing the application and they really haven't had any uh objections to the U to the um applicant um rich is there anything else that you like to address the board on to bring anything up about the applicant just I could put a p in front of my house I can enjoy it okay uh you are on a corner lock correct correct okay so you do have too far front door check box okay any else from the board no can we open it up to the public to um have any questions regarding the testimony that was given by Rich and there is no one coming forward so I will close that session can I get a motion to accept or deny the application as umed motion to approve second second all in favor a roll call please who would that be okay roll call please yes Mr Hunt yes Mr Abate yes M Curran yes Mr C yes Miss bernstock yes Mr Rowan yes Mr Big yes Mr Fula yes and Mr devanti yes okay would you like to explain to Rich what is up next for him sure um you the vote that you got approves it um it theoretically someone could go to court and Challenge and say this is a proper one of those members of the public that had something to say but you just saw on so that's a possibility um and so the way that's handled is 30 days from now there'll be a written resolution that they will approve and that that will get put in the paper 45 days after that nothing happen no one can sue it can never get overturned after that at all but if you are confident that that it's not going to get challenged you could go to the building department and sign a waiver that essentially says I understand that someone may Sue and try and overturn this I'll take that risk but I want my permits I want to start building now and I'll take the rest though you can either wait to the end of that 45 days or go sign a wait I'll wait okay I waited this long s okay the newspaper uh new the newspaper did put the wrong information in back in September and I had to redo I had to do everything all over again on the right path now we're on beyond that okay so go Lu with your project and you're all set okay thank you all my wife will be very happy all right good luck luck good luck bye you're welcome see you okay um next we have uh application Bo 24-7 Israel Silva 70 Barber drive please come on up pleasey stand raise your right hand state your name SP your last state your name by your last Justin AE a Victor i s h a y Israel Silva my last name is s i l you swear or affirm the testimony you'll give the evening before this board will be the truth of the whole hold through nothing but the truth to help you out I please have a seat thank you you're welcome he Mr Silva if you would please um go ahead and explain to the board your project I is to raise a pool my property uh this for my kid P I said like I had the can I read it what I what I said for what I said for leg notice just just explain it's okay it's just raise in the backyard okay and basically that uh you have the the paperwor just okay it's it's a small small above ground pool okay for the kids to play okay so the pool is going to be uh 24x 15x 54 in high right yeah that's the size of the pool with a 48 in water level 4 so you're only going to 48 in yeah the the decking has it's decking so no one can if someone's tall enough no one can lean over okay [Music] okay so we also have some issues with regards to setbacks um as um permitted as stated in the um the denial letter can you talk about that yeah we wanted to put in another side first at the beginning and then uh it was nearby the the deck that we had in the front of the pool so we tried to put it in the other side okay and then there's also some concern regarding the closeness of the pool to the adversary and our principal building 12 ft so what's the what's the um what's the um the measurement from the pool to the house from theol to the house you know the uh yeah yeah I have I have some the uh the house to the neighbor or the house to no the house to the edge of your pool no it's over 12 ft it is over 12 ft yes so that's in the right on the side it's on the seven no it's no we're not talking about I'm talking about to the house to the house from the edge of the pool it says no pool shall be closer than 12 ft to any adversary or principal building so you're saying it's yeah it's over were the plans that were submitted to the building department to Mr poy at least what he saw seemed to be indicate that it was uh at the beginning with the the first one the i w i i had a nearby the the house uh when I submitted the first time and they got the denial uh because it was by the so there is a a deck that you can see in the in the survey and it was next to the survey so I didn't put the and I didn't plan it over there then but now it's it's faring out from the house like kind of more so we don't so we don't have a the lineage of from the back of the house to the edge of the pool not 186 18 it's on the draw it's on the what is what is that structure second to last p hold on hold on where second to last page yes let's finish one thing at a time please thank you okay so it's submitted okay thank you for the clarification go ahead what's your all right my question is you're saying 18 ft but what am I seeing that's off of the house it's a small um addition I can't read what it is I don't have that copy in front of me next to no the house this line is going all the way to the frame Welling but there's something right behind it a wood you point to this measurement appears to be coming from the back of the dwelling and this is extending approximately 4 ft that's a cover for the bco doors [Music] other drawing says wood tie there is this is where your basement are right no no that one is used to be that was a good piece that was a good piece I get rid of that it was a good piece they the all the all like the the oil owners they had a wood piece with like uh I think they raised plants over there over there but that was so and I got rid of that where's the basement that basement not any this is not there yeah do you have a photo I don't I don't have a photo do you have your cameras do your cameras show the angle the house yeah uh maybe uh give me a [Music] sec is it is they plant they were plant with like yeah they they they had like know there's no way but now they had like a little chat over there like you guys see the door open okay see so so if I if I may Isel what he's saying is there used to be a plant fetting there like like a raised plant fetting and he says he took it out and now he put a small plastic sh uh shed that goes over there and this is uh active footage of today's and you can see that there was a door open you can see the doors open to the plastic shed there is no there's nothing like now this isn't this isn't part of the building so right so that those are the ones that are on the the ma as you enter into the backyard that's sh that's what you're talking about now it's like a plastic shed plastic shed those little small pits and the bill Cod doors I was mistaken they're on the right of that right at the corner and is this shed that's showing on this survey still there this this the one that's in front of the pool going towards the house on the the survey shows shed it's a plastic shed it's not it's still there it's still there it just changed it just changed from the materials that it was made out of it was made out of wood whatever the previous owners had there he removed and he placed a plastic shed there and there there's three plastic sheds as we came in the driveway correct yeah and then you have a enclosed uh what do you call Gazebo over the over the the deck over the deck no I is that on the application or that need to be no it's not over here the over here it's over the deck because it's right on the property line I'm just curious if that was oh the shed the one that it was to be used to be a Sho oh that one is that that's a mobile one that actually uh I bu from lows like for I want to say like 25 they have it in discount but I I removed the old shed that they had over there but that one you can move it that easily so it's not a permanent it's not no it's not like permanent it's not that that's something that you can move it's a the name is a s House s house that's what it is s house or something like that so that's what it is I bu like with the soul house is that something that you get the on okay okay you you were the gentleman that were there today yes okay sorry cuz I I have the some have security camera so you can see it yeah yeah we call we called that's fine just we don't have photos of the property at the moment when I arrived it was a little bit too dark actually and you can tell that there is no more that the sture that he told me there is a Gazo there are some sun place but and now on the other side is just a CH there there's no more the wood thing over there correct no wood yeah there's no wood they're nonpermanent structures no they're not no those not permanent they is that on on the drawing here it says shed as like a separate building all the way to the left that's you're saying it's plastic yeah the actually both of them the plastic one can I show you okay I do want to be clear we did take uh the opportunity to come in in in backyard and look at the project you've been denied the letter for it to install but obviously when we went in the backyard it's been installed correct yes okay so can I go please so you as the the denial was on June 3rd mhm you the take you would had you built anything at that point uh what day did you build the what day what day did those contractors come and build that put is that before June 3rd or what was the denial like the the denial is dated June 3rd but that was last year NO2 2022 no because I got a denial I'm pretty sure that I got the denial I don't remember when was the pool constructed uh before I that um is there a date not sure I I can get that because uh so I got the sumon after that because of the train rail I was uh like I put over there the I wanted I wanted to put the pr actually you can tell in the what I put in the leg in the legal notice I want to put the the deck so how I was doing that I wanted to put the de and then the the train people they told me not you boot it and they they call S so the so they I I was talking to Sal then after when when was that uh I had to I had to see I had to go by see but I want to say like it was somewhere in J because I was in Colombia okay I know I know from my my communication with Israel that he called me saying he got to deny a letter okay and there was so at theol was there that's what I remember that the pool was there already he says I need help I got a denied and I pool I just don't know which day that was exactly I'm just trying to figure out if they God denial then built it anyway no no no no it was but that's why I'm asking when it was right so I I I was called in to help Israel with with his situation that he's in because I went and I checked everything that the the person that he hired took a little bit of advantage of him and told him some false information when and we went in and we fixed what was built there because it wasn't built the code so he told me that after like a week of us fixing it he says I need help I got a letter from from the depart saying that I got a denial what do I do now so when you say it wasn't built to code has anybody from pumpt Lakes been out there to confirm that it is built to code I'm not sure yet no I think the only gentlemen from pton Lakes were you two gentlemen that came in we we we were told to wait until we figure out what situation there is and then we can go get it inspected so what what he mean is like we don't come on the front of you to tell you what so so basically the application to instruct to construct the pool where you put it and in the proximity of where you put it and then this the decking structure that's not been uh applied for to the building department and prior to it being built that's the question based on what I saw and what I I experienced was I saw someone take advantage of my friend and they built something that was a little bit strange to me as I'm in building and over 10 years building so I went in and fixed it and when he told me he got a letter saying he was denied I asked him hey did you even pull permit what's going on I said the original contractor said it was not necessary so he was misled a little bit I wasn't there for all of his conversations between the previous person but what I was there for was I said to I would I would call the town we'll figure this out one one day at a time we'll figure out what's going on to get this legal because in my opinion and I think in the law you just can't build a pool without the city knowing so there's some rules to that uh I went in and I checked the deck out everything looked to be from my experience up to code after some small repairs and based on where it is in its location from my understand understanding of the law and the the city ordinances it's in the proper location of where it could be based on the property and the property line and the situation of property how the house is built and where the land it's I if you notice when we were back there it has like a little Marsh there's like a low spot in the grass and stuff like that so logistically they pick the right location for where the pool is from there I know Israel wouldn't go and be told well let me ask the question how can you say that when the required setback is 10 ft and we're looking at something that shows a drawing of 4T for and then on top of that we noticed the uh pool equipment is actually right on the line so can you explain what you mean by everything was to the the requirements the structure of the pool I think this 4T I took measurements when I was there and from the property line we were we were just under 10 probably by about few inches that took measurements this 46 seems to me there's is the edge of the decking itself and not the pool itself it's the edging of the of the the railings well there's the pool and there's the deck and and so you have they're still all being items that are being built and they're all require the setback of 10 ft pool or deck okay the accessory to the pool so well the accessory to the pool where where is that one that you're talking about down at the bottom there where is this 12 ft no or you're talking oh I see I got you yeah [Music] okay and then and then the back side of the deck is right pretty much right up against the fence correct yeah I mean and there's no other structure behind that behind the fence be behind the deck there's no there's no building structur no that's where the railroad is Right which which the railroad has I don't know certain amount of feet to the3 plent trees back theread person came and they M the SP where uh uh but uh from what he from what I see when he was marking the the spot it was good was like so inches uh because he told me that he need like 13 30 ft from the railroad to the house um uh it went a little bit inside the the the the the fence there's another kind of fence there a metal fence over there mhm but it was literally wasn't getting the whole the structure okay okay can I sure by all means obviously few board has to concern some things but right now we got to figure out exactly what is being requested so the only Reas the only reason you'd be here is because single family homes are exempt from site plan RW unless you need variances you need variances he got denied and at least part of what you said is that what salv originally saw I don't know if he saw the pool or plan yeah please okay he that the pool was Zero ft from what was closer than 12T to the acccessory building so he saw plans on June 3rd of this year that said the pool was closer to than 12T and what you're showing on what's been built is 18 ft so that was different than what s saw okay so even if they consider it I got to know what are the variances so maybe not 12 ft from the pool but there's some other ones said the coverage 29 is requested you're only allowed to have impervious coverage of 25% and you were over that yes you're going to have to tell the board what exactly you're asking for is it still 29 or what percentage of coverage is there that's one question the minimum sidey yard it proposed the plans that Mr poy saw said um the deck was Zero feet this right on the side yard I don't know what your plans I don't know what was actually built and what you're seeking so yeah you're going to have to clarify at one point s said it was zero right on the property line I'm not sure you have to clarify what that is and then in the side yard no part of a private swimming pool or Associated structures shall be closer to the property line than the side yard set back for the accessory so has to be 10 and the plans that he saw so part of the the accessory structures of the pool being 7 ft I don't know what it is but you're going to have to before this board could ever think about it you have to make clear exactly the the specifics of what was put in I guess anyway that's I wanted to at least make the board clear there's a little bit of confusion about the difference between what s saw and what you're seeing and you kind of have to clarify what's what's there could we also make sure that it's up to code like what that's that's that would that would necessarily be a condition I don't know if you're if it's going to be approved if it was that would have to be a condition and then some of the things in the backyard would have to be removed to get it down to the 25% they have to say what they want first they have to they have to figure out what is there on what the coverage is exactly the distance of all these structures are on the side and the property B based on what um I'm sorry I willly hunt it's okay what was it Willie hunt Mr Hunt and Fran a b Fran a b uh based on what you have seen and where it is I don't know what Saul was referring to when he says the Z where the the pool or the deck itself was on the property line maybe he's referring to to the end uh to the property based on what Andrew had mentioned is that I believe and I don't know what he saw or what what plans were submitted when s reviewed but I'm thinking on the side of the pool where you right now you have 4.6 4 foot6 on the side of the pool to the side of the the property line fence that must have been right up against the fence at some point because that's where he's saying it was Zero okay so I'm thinking that something needs to be change not cut you off that because that that spacing is there and there is a significant amount of space between the edge of the pool and fence there now but there's no the lineage of what that is so we don't know what that is that's the problem so what was given to S compared to what we have now where it's nothing is marked out as to the dimensions you're asking us to approve something that we don't know what it actually is MHM one one thing I might want to point out is that for example I mean the pump and the heater that is a heater right yeah uh that is an ex a part of your swimming pool and that's not showing here and that's directly on the line kind that one is moov to it's not necessar to get there yeah but then that shouldn't that show on your plane because you're we saw it there and if you if we were to approve without making any comments on that then that's where it is and that's right next to your neighbor right on their progress okay we can make that suggestion what what we what we are asking is BAS based on what you gentlemen have seen over there and based on as well as your experience from other projects that you've seen that had been in relation towards um what other violations would have been I think I if I can speak for you Israel that Israel would like to keep the pool and the deck in its location if we get the proper measurements we can propose them and then we can make any necessary modifications to bring it up to uh code and we can most most definitely get it inspected and in accordance to the pool filter and the the heater kit that he has we can put that into relation into another location where we can see that where it's we see it fit so this way we can get it off of the fence lock or because I think whoever put that there put it there for outsight and because they put it closest to what was the existing electrical that was already there right um which we can most definitely you know pull a permit and move everything over which I think it should go under the deck under the deck on the side on here I would I would make a recommendations since there are okay additional information that maybe you want to what what I would recommend is that we um postpone this um application go back and get all your information that you need to really pick apart that drawing to make sure that you come back and you have everything uh marked off and understand what it is that you're asking us for a variance for um I think that might be in your best interest but that's totally up to you yeah if I may before I arrived here I took a measurement from the edge of the pool to the fence line and then I calculated for what fence the property line is which is 3 in U for this fence here which is from what I saw with the the stakes on the other side of the fence I calculated it to be around 97 in from the PO property line from the edge of this pool to the property mhm um I cannot attest for this distance this 46 because uh it was just too dark and I couldn't see but but I would say that maybe you want to just go back and get all your measurements and and tested the what they are um and then and then understand Also regarding the uh required setbacks and the lock coverage and what is it that you're actually asking for um because um there seems to be uh some confusion as to what that is um so yeah so I would I would cons consider make a recommendation on that telling you what to do you may want to contact Mr poy South um to figure out why his original denial said that your deck was zert from the line if there were plans if you know sometimes the way we as L people look at things are not measured on how it written in the ordinance and how not so the pool equipment is part of the pool we don't always think of that yeah he his review of whatever you gave him and I don't know if you said Hey My My pool's already already up come see it or if you gave him some plans I don't know what s saw what s looked at and wrote down here is that that deck was Zero feet from the line and and I think you have to figure out why s thought that to make it clear what exactly you're asking because if he measured something that not taking into account and you ask and they gave you a 4' 6 in variance s is going to say no because it's zero because this piece of wood is there so understand exactly why he thought it was Zero I apologize for repeating myself but you ought to figure that one out any other questions uh yeah I have one other question is and respect to the measurements that are here who is the one that actually put those measurements in the measurements that you have on this survey yes the 18.6 to 4.6 who's whose's hand writing and who who's the one that wrote that I had an architect an architect an architect friend I have so he'd have to be yeah he would need to be here can I know I can come and take measurements and I can verify everything and I can put it on a set of 3D PLS I have a set of small plans that we took we know what's there right they're going to be at the risk of s not being happen yet right again that's the biggest thing this is this is what I have we would suggest and we're not going to tell you that's what you have to do but I would get with s and just say okay what is it actually that we need to get this together so that we can go before the board and ask for the correct variances understood in in respect to the applicants looking for Direction I mean I think the one area that um I'd say that I don't see a huge issue with is the fact of the rear setback uh not meeting the 10 ft because it's right there on the Rail Road Track I mean I don't think there's any objection to that area I I think the left side though is is really clearly what you need to address especially the equipment that's sitting right on the neighbors uh yeah and on your um submitted plans where you have 18 six and and change there you need to really find out what s saw that he wrote there at 12 ft so I again I would just really dissect this and suggest that you know you talk this out and get to Total understanding so that we know exactly what it is that you're coming to ask for VAR for you have to excuse my my inability to understand that this was a variance me I was under the impression that this is just a hearing based on the violation that took place I didn't know understood no you are applying for you are apply for based on the letter that he received it looked like it was it says a hearing to explain what was built and that's that's why I'm here so I can come back and I can I can take I can take exact measurements of where this is we can calculate the impervious coverage of what we can do there's no question in my mind I personally don't even like the equipment on the fence line I just think it should go in a much more accessible area further closer to the back side I think that should mean um I thought uh that the distance between the pool and the fence was suitable based on your approval of the understanding of where we have it on the land and how he's got a couple dips on if on this part of the area on the right hand side on the survey you see on this part of the land when you take a walk it's a very uneven ground level so I understand why the previous contractor put the pool in the location that they did um I don't think they should have built it the way they they did the deck we ended up doing some you know the parti sprad up to the 2034 Cod uh my crew and I so other than that I'll take measurements I'll come back this so we'll get the approve we'll get approv and you can get it insed too beforehand if you'd like I I have no idea if s will inspect it or not if it's not it hasn't been approved here I don't know if you will because you you don't have in order to get inspected you actually have to have a valid permission to build it you don't have valid permission to build it where it's been built so my guess is that they won't because that would be conceding that it's okay there I guesses they're not going to that that would be a condition but it's a good thing to get on the phone and I'm repeating myself with s figure out why he took these measurements and that's a good starting Place understood yes sir and just for my own Clarity in terms of the pool installation was that did you hire a pool company to install that no you you installed yourself uh some friend contractors and some friends and just assembled the kit I think okay so this meet so this hearing is going to be continued they're always on the fourth Tuesday of the month correct be the fourth Tuesday in November it'll be November 26th yep it'll start at 8:00 you'll be back here you need to supply over what submit all the drawings prior so you guys can yeah any changes any drawing subm days before to yeah okay I I have some photo documents of so the repairs we did from there so okay we saw somebody I saw somebody take advantage of my friend he didn't realize that we build decks and additions all day long I do a lot of kitchens and bathrooms and remodels and stuff like that so um when he asked me to come take a look at see if it was okay you know we're just trying to make it right for him so you know his kids and now my kids are be playing so we would just make sure it's right can I also just suggest on the next drawing that you do that you get a larger print of the actual property okay instead of a condensed uh 4x6 area just okay all right so we going to move this to next one yes now we are open to the public for a testimony that was given by the applicant Michael 41 W I'm a little familiar with this whole situation I have some people who know people that are involved with this I think there's a lot of miscommunication here about when they put this in I think on his part and also on the Builder part that maybe they weren't honest on both things um I think what you did is explaining to him what he needs uh and I think the conversation has to start with s and if s says those measurements are right I think they have just what Frank was saying I think they have a good shot at if they move things around but those measurements have to be right I think there's just knowing some of the parties there was some miscommunication and and person who's doing the work maybe completely honest right if I if I may indulge in that there was by whatsoever no Mal intent to defy the city um I just know there's definitely a lack of communication and it's a little bit hard to understand Israel sometimes because there's a there's a communication varing between languages and understanding laws and codes and stuff like that that's why he consulted with me to come and help him uh pursue and and fix the situation that we're in okay so with that we're going to close the public session and uh okay so we're going to move this until next month thank you okay that's it for tonight thank you so much okay we'll see you next time thank you see open it right now should be thank you you're welcome okay the next application boa2 24-10 126 lenux Avenue uh Mr chairman um this will officially open this application this application is open uh I was contacted by the attorney for the applicant uh unfor actually by his office he had to go to the emergency room so he wasn't able to make it ask if it could be carried so it can only be carried if we open the application and then move it this is exactly what's going to be done this will be U moved to the November meeting the same way um with no further notice to the public I think one member somebody in public did call C and let them know that will already be November but that is that's status here the attorney was had a medical emergency so moved take this one we have to correct okay uh so now we are going to move on to the resolution for boa 24-5 Kurt and Lise Decker everybody had the opportunity to read the resolution yes any comments or Corrections on the resolution none can I get a motion to accept so move second second m c and down there ster it's my turn new unfinished business at or no oh yes that's a good idea call Mr Hunt yes Mr bit yes Miss cin yes Mr C yes Miss bernstock yes Mr Rowan yes Mr Bag yes uh Mr uh fabula yes Mr Devon that okay new unfinished business we normally have Jared speak on anything that's going on with open uh space uh I see the mayor is here so it's councilman Cruz so would any of you like to comment on anything that's going on there's going to be some projects coming forward from the open space going back to Littlefield they're going to do some improvements there going going to the council uh you guys are aware that we're redoing herfield Park in three phases first phase is going to be a new house you know meeting room area down there that look like um from upstate New York kind with the large Rock will'll be two stories of new bathrooms handicap accessible all in the same footprint that'll be the first thing we're hoping to do that by this spring the second phase would be all new playground equipment um with some exercise equipment Pathways for seniors and then the third phase would be redoing the pathways another reason we're waiting on the pathways I know they're bad got wait till the bridges put in kind is going to be replacing that page so that's going to be coming to the council shortly that was discussed do we have any idea when they going to do the bridge what's that when they're going to do the bridge they're going to do uh that one first could be this spring okay a one piece bridge to building it now there'll be no substanti on the bottom so everything will flow much better underneath there it'll be dropped on submit pads on both ends awesome it'll be much nicer looking and you know the arches in the bridge it'll look ni then the Western L next okay awesome um anybody else no okay um open to the public to speak on anything they would like to at this time hi hi hi if you're inviting me to speak that's the reason why I'm here okay I um I'm sorry get I'm L I had an unexpected uh she need I didn't yeah can you can you come on out please and identify yourself SN my name is ing snow I live on 203 lenx Avenue and I would like to speak on behalf of I don't know how to pronounce his name but m m sh mus yes he has taken every morning I open up everything and what I do is I look outside I see the beautiful trees if the snow I see the snow if it's raining I see how the puddle doing there and I have now the privilege of looking diagonally across at the corner of lenx and roma to the house that he um he beautified he took a dumpy house that was falling apart shingles were falling apart it was everything around the the base of it and he made that to so he modif that and made it absolutely beautiful and I know here you people um and we all want to have beautii P tonights we're trying with downtown we're trying to build up things well he has really beautified that that house and if you if you want to go ahead and show how Pompton laks has changed and and how beautiful things are that is the that is the place with one minute what property is she talking about the one that just uh is she's talking about about the one with the one on the corner that just6 Linux so if you're thinking about telling everybody just one second 126 Linx that that is not their attorney was Ill he's in the hospital today so it got moved to next month oh well I just want I'll D it but truth is you know to give I don't know what the technicalities are but if we want to go ahead and show how beautiful Compton Lakes is getting and there's many homes that have been uh re renovated and fixed up I can tell you just very close to where I live I can point out houses I don't know that the address said that is a perfect example and that would be a picture that you would want to take and put on uh where it would be uh you know where how pton Lakes has I'm nervous and I also just came running here and I thought I was going to be late but I just have to say it's just a shame that when somebody who really tries and he this is not the only home that I've seen at the end of my house then there's a middle house then there was a house and then there's then there's Lakeside School that house was falling apart and he took that house and of course he doesn't take it you know he buys it and he renovated that to and and redid the entire outside the the the roof just like he did this other one the roof and everything and guess what the geman that owns the diner finally we have a diner that's actually staying he's renting it from him so he does so much good I just hate to have him be um I don't know what the technicality is or what's what's wrong but I hate to have him CH to you know to quote that and so you know I I'm coming here to speak about on his behalf I didn't know he was going to be here I I think I have to tell you I was really even speeding so I'll said that I am not you're not your HB your husband was here earlier and I explained to him that it was carried over to next month so he was here earlier but I don't know where I'm going to be next month but I just know that just to keep that in mind sometimes you know I don't know so if it's a little bit higher he's not doing anything when you look at that fence how he made that in conjunction with the colors of the house it really is attractive has anybody gone by and seen it what number were you at What number has I am I'm the one that has the black picket yes on the corner it's an unusual house and when I'm ready to move I'm going to offer this house to him because not that I have that the outside is no good but you know the ins what he does is he know how to fix things and improve it and I just hate to have somebody have a hard time when all they're trying to do is help beautify Pon so I don't know where it where I'm where I'm going to be but you people know what I'm saying so now so now that you brought us up you'll be in our minutes for the meeting for next month and uh everyone will have an opportunity to uh understand where you're coming from so it'll be in the so me to Dole this next month you don't need to it'll be there oh oh it's on record that's right it's on record oh good so you're good to go just in case I can't be there but seriously I just I just feel I don't know this gentleman he's not a friend of mine but I know what he does and what he did and H and how genuine he is to try to fix something up so God by see it and you just say it just I I know what the minor technicality is oring understood your point of view thank you for that look because I don't know what the you know what the rules are but I just know what aesthetic I know what that is okay thank you thank you than you thank you I was actually at a breath when I started talking so I'm not exactly so nervousing I can keep going right thank you so much but like you know I'm not nervous any that's awesome okay night that's what it's all about no problem have a good night good night you all okay I'll make a to close a public session can I have a motion for that second can I get a motion for adjournment wa yes you never took a vote we never did that before you did it first and second I apologize like wait this something new all in favor I I opposed that now can I have a motion to adjourn the meeting we'll make a motion we adjourn the meeting I'll second all in favor as h none thank you all do you want to take this or do you want me to hold it over