##VIDEO ID:WeqX71_JMbI## e e e e e e e i al to flag un United States of America the stands na indivisible myself can I get roll call please Stan Schmidt Scott stagger here Mark bowling here Daniel malago here Maria Mills Bennett here Bobo fam Thomas Jordan all right we do have a quum in case anybody is curious yeah um can I get a motion for consideration of minutes from last meeting all in favor any opposed all right application LDC text Amendment 15E number dc-2 can I get a motion yes amazing yeah I have to do one presentation per year and I saved the last um so I had to get it in here then Merry Christmas yeah Merry Christmas so um what we have the LDC Amendment that's being proposed and basically kind of the give the point of it is it's basically geared toward removing Billboards within the city of Port Orange um in exchange for basically removal of billboards within Port Orange it would allow a billboard company to take existing Billboards along the I95 Corridor and create those into LED Message Board signs in so does two things kind of removes them from within the city but also two those Billboards that are on the city sorry one second can everybody turn their microphones on really loud do I really it's not going I'm just teasing you I mean I do talk really loud come on we can hear Maria all the way down they can probably hear me down the street it's fine hear you on sorry everybody button okay okay thank you you're welcome all right just continue then all right so just two things basically helps remove the Billboards from within the city of Port Orange which we have basically essentially four faces on Ridgewood and Nova and allow us for existing Billboards on um I 95 to basically be replaced with the LED Message Board there that helps to in terms of making a cleaner image of the Billboards on the 95 also two it allows for basically emergency services to be progressed on those Billboards in case emergencies which we have more and more every year then so that helps and a benefit that way then so um staff is recommending approval um again basically adds this as a way to remove Billboards within the city and then um go from there then and we also basically went through and um with working with the applicant created the criteria that that was digital billboard will need to conform with and making sure those comply with all federal and state requirements then um but those set aside in the LDC Amendment too so if I'm here for any questions and the applicant also here if you have any questions for them questions only question I have at the moment is um is there anything proposed beyond the the four takedown and the two uh upgrades is there any other proposed after that or just those at this point right now we just basically discussed the ones to the four faces here and the potential on I95 with the um their Billboards there then it's the only thing I can discuss that point okay Scott no I I I actually like the idea cleans up a little bit in Port Orange and I I like the idea of being able to broadcast when necessary Emergency Services issues and we're seeing this more and more cities are starting to go with this um program here then so um and I I assume that there are regulations as far as light brightness and those kind of things all that has to been put in place sure I'm good yeah Tim um there's there you say that there's four within the city that that'll eventually be phased out yeah there essentially there at the corner of Ridgewood and NOA Road there's at the bottom of the corner here is the picture of the structure there is basically this kind of one structure with four total billboard faces that is the one within the city that will most likely basically be removed all right and then we will put the new faces on to Billboards on I95 okay I was trying to figure out what four so good um do we need to hear from the applicant only you want [Laughter] I mean I should just make you come up and earn your paycheck but a holiday we didn't get pumpkin bread tonight so somebody has to suffer it's a good point I didn't bring any good shoes either so uh Hey guys Rob Merill for the record with cob Cole one Daytona Boulevard um we've represented Lamar Advertising in various jurisdictions and I think this is a great idea we've been doing in other places like Tim said it kind of cleans things up uh allows the emergency messages to be broadcast and everybody seems to like it so if you guys have any questions for us happy to answer them any question no I know you're on the time clock honestly I think it's a good idea I'm I was happy to see it no no no question all right thanks guys thank you any comments from the public seeing as there are none but aren't we missing someone yeah we are actually it was probably too cold for him to ride any check on them [Laughter] too cold for him to ride his bike tonight hope he's watching online yes um no comments from the public I we have a motion in a second can I get roll call Scott steager yes Mark Bing yes Daniel malago yes Maria Mills Bennett yes motion passes yay thank you thank you thank you happy holidays thanks Merry Christmas um commissioner comments does anybody have anything Dan nothing at this time taker no it's your first meeting you don't have like a big speech to make I could if you'd like but I know you're in a hurry I'm out I got a dinner to go so shorten that speech din Merry Christmas Scott uh been a good first year so thanks for everybody for uh tolerating my not knowing what was going on and I have enjoyed this great deal and thanks to uh all the staff for the exact same reasons tolerating my not knowing what's going on and to the IT people for continuously making it so that I can check my email every two months or so right merry Christmas Mark no got nothing uh same for me just Merry Christmas thanks to the staff you guys are amazing um you make our jobs easy even when we try to make it hard so thank you very much any staff comments happy Holidays happy holidays all right I call this meeting oh oh public comments nope now I call this meeting adjourned