good evening and welcome this is a regular meeting of the Princeton planning board on Thursday February 15 2024 pursuant to section 13 of the open public meetings act adequate notice of the time and place of this meeting has been given by prominently posting the resolution of regularly scheduled meetings of the planning board of Princeton for February 2024 through January 2025 a copy was filed with the clerk of Princeton on Jan January 8th 2024 legal notice on the adoption of said resolution was published in the January 12 20124 edition of the Princeton packet notice of this meeting also has been posted to the municipal website Princeton calendar notice that all regular and special meetings of the Princeton planning board will be held electronically via Zoom was transmitted to the Princeton packet and the times and was filed with the clerk of Prin on Tuesday January 17 2023 please note this meeting is being recorded during hearings on applications for development members of the public will have an opportunity to comment and ask questions questions may be asked after an applicants Witnesses have testified public comment is heard by the board after an applicant's Representatives have finished their presentations and have been questioned by board members and staff those wishing to comment orally should virtually raise your hand by clicking on the reactions button or the raise hand icon at the bottom of your Zoom screen or if participating by phone by pressing star n oral comments will be taken in the order in which hands were raised we ask with respect that members of the public express your views in three minutes or less a countdown clock will be used to help speakers keep track of time and speakers who exceed 3 minutes will be interrupted inap apprpriate public comment containing obscenity hate speech or relating to matters not before the board will be muted Carrie will you call the role Please Mr bimer miss capoli here Mr Cohen here Mr McOwen here miss Nuka here Mr ronnell here miss Pearl mutter here miss saxs Mr Taylor Miss Wilson Anderson here Mrs Wilson here we have a quorum thank you announcements I don't have any Justin do you have any announcements or do any uh no I don't have any announcements Madam chair uh except just a reminder that there's a special meeting next Thursday night uh the 22nd 7 pm on Zoom good thank you for that reminder any other uh board members or staff with announcements okay um I don't think we have any subcommittee reports correct me if I'm wrong nope no subcommittee reports minutes we have minutes from the November 9th 2023 regular meeting um and so if there are any uh comments suggestions questions Now's the Time to ask or to move the minutes I'll move them thanks moved by Mr Cohen seconded by Mr odonnell thank you all in favor please say I hi hi hi any opposing okay thank you um next up we have a resolution um this is for the trustees of Princeton University relief of condition at the health services building that was file number P 2321 d020 RC and relief of condition at the Eric and Wendy Schmidt Hall project that was file number P 2322 d235 r RC any questions any comments any motions I move to approve the resolution thank you Miss capazo moved by Julie capazo seconded by Mr Cohen um Carrie would you call the role please certainly Miss capoli yes Mr Cohen yes yes Mr Macwan yes Mr odonnell yes Miss pearlmutter yes Miss Wilson Anderson yes Mrs Wilson yes motion carried thank you and next up we have a conceptual review um again for Trustees of Princeton University this is concept plan uh plan for the quantum Institute for Quantum science and engineering at Fitz Randolph Road in Ivy Lane block 50.01 lot 18.01 this is file number p2323 d440 c Mr degia yeah Madame chair if if I may say although this is obviously just a concept review rather than a formal hearing the applicant did notice the notice was proper the board certainly has jurisdiction okay thank you for that and you know before turning to Mr gresia I should have turned to Mr Lesco because we did get um staff memo uh about this project Justin do you wanna say anything before the applicant begins certainly thank you madam chair and before I begin um well first off Jerry I think we said we're gonna swear everyone in yeah yeah so if um are you the only sta member yeah if you can raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that testimony about to give will the truth I do so want thanks and before I begin I just want to see if any members of the board have any conflicts uh with the university um and if so I can move them over to uh the attendees yes Justin I'm an employee of the University okay I'll switch you over to attendee then if you want to watch the proceeding as an attendee I mean you're not even required to do that great uh well thank you madam chair and good evening uh members of the board members of the public um I'll be very brief in my remarks just to orient us to the site um the application is before before you is from the pr is from Princeton University um for a new building to house a Quantum Institute for Quantum science and engineering and I'm sure the university is going to explain what that all means um the site is where the uh current baseball and softball stadiums are for the university um Ivy Lane uh also known as Western Way at a point is to the north of the site Fitz Randolph Road is to the East and the New Stadium Drive road is to the West um the baseball and softball fields are being moved to the new campus in West Windsor right across uh the lake um you'll see here in this image uh which is relatively new this is September 17th the esc's project to the north uh that you're probably well aware of by now under construction um the recently approved and constructed new soccer stadium is to the South as well as some uh Turf practice fields uh for athletics a little bit out of the frame uh you'll see the university uh preschool you now preschool the tiger facility the West uh or what are they calling it now the stadium d garage um as well as some residential homes uh to the north and to the east of the site um the property is not located within any local state or National Historic districts uh and the zoning is uh e1t educational of the former Township um as was stated before the environmental commission also reviewed the application and had a memo and then uh uh Dan Derek and myself have a combined memo um we could get to those comments at the end but I think the university will probably cover them uh one thing I do want to note is that what we went by were the documents that we received in the packet and and have been posted online that you've seen I understand there have also been meetings with uh neighbors um as well as a website that was put up we didn't really consult those um I'm not sure what exactly the PEC looked at um but uh you know what we saw and commented on was what was in your packet and I'm sure the university will expand upon that in their presentation uh next so uh that's all I have for now Madam chair and I'd be happy to come back to our joint comments at the end okay great um welcome Mr degia and Mr McCoy thank you see you both I'll just uh hand it over to you and you can take it away and Christopher although obviously this is a just a informal hearing nevertheless our practice is has been as you know to swear in all the witnesses so whatever Witnesses you have let's swear them in right now that'll be Ron is it just Ron is there anybody else yes this is uh Ronald Ronald McCoy University architect Ronald if you can raise your right hand do you swear or affirm the testimony about to give be the truth I do so want to affirm please St your full name and spell your last name Ron McCoy MC y thank you so for purposes I'm sorry to interrupt for purposes a um uh you know concept review do do do we need to hear Mr McCoy's credentials as as many times as we've heard them and as much as we respect them I don't think uh that would be a good use of time I don't think we have to qualify okay all right thank you they haven't [Laughter] changed um yes okay thank you um so many oh for the records Christopher degia from the law firm of fagy Drinker Biddle and wreath I'm here on behalf of the applicant Trustees of Princeton University um many of you probably heard or read of uh trustees Princeton trustees announcing its intention to establish an Institute for Quantum science and engineering and tonight we're here to share with you a concept plan and uh for the quantum institute's new home and to talk about some of the planning efforts that have gone into the design um as we've said a couple of times this is a concept plan so you're not going to see the typical details that you would see at a site plan application here it's more of an overview of the development plan and the vision that we would like to bring to this exciting project um I think at this point because we've prepared a very detailed presentation I would like to introduce Ron McCoy who has already been sworn in University architect great thanks Christopher I'm going to start by sharing my screen one sec and we've submitted this and I believe it's posted on the website um I don't know Jerry it's not a a are you marking into evidence this or or at this point or you know just for purposes the record um let's mark this and we'll mark it as A1 okay A1 great so let's let's begin I will uh read off the slide numbers as we go through uh so we're on slide one so I wish I could tell you what Quantum science is but I I cannot do that but what I can do is to tell you what kind of building Quantum science takes place and so that's that's the purpose of our meeting here tonight um let me take you back to the university the um strategic planning document which is on the website if you look at uh strategic planning framework you'll find a document was updated by the trustees in June of 2023 and it talks about the administration presenting a compelling And Timely opportunity to build upon and expand the University's research excellence in Quantum science and engineering so that was identified as one of the Strategic principles of the University going forward uh adopted in2 23 secondarily uh it's noted that it has underscored the university has underscored a case for for an historic multi-year investment in the School of Engineering and applied science that will fully realize Princeton's potential to integrate World leading study of Technology with deep humanistic understanding and insight so the project that we're going to talk about tonight is both Quantum and the School of Engineering so there are there are three buildings sometime some sometimes I think with the announcement um people thought the quantum science building was everything but there are three buildings the total of three buildings that were submitted for the concept design is 467,000 square fet um being concept design those numbers are toggling up and down a little bit um what we're going to show you tonight which is uh pretty much aligned with what we submitted in the in the to uh to town is um the quantum science building is is is is a little bit bigger in these drawings than where it's headed um but it's around 225,000 square feet just let me reiterate what Christopher said this is a concept design so I think we have and we've we've been very careful to um align the amount of information in this presentation with what we typically present at a concept design so you know you can imagine we have a history of different concept design presentations we wanted to bring this up to the standard of all those concept design presentations nevertheless at this stage what we have is uh a kind of generic in general idea of where the building goes how big the buildings are uh how they comply with uh zoning how they respect the neighborhood uh principles of landscape principles of sustainability principles of circulation uh so broadly stated we have a we we have a good handle on where we're going uh but we are at concept design which is really what this whole process is designed to do is to bring a project to the planning board early and to get comment from the board and from the community that we can then take back and incorporate as we move from concept design and further develop the design so uh this is the agenda we're going to walk through talk a little bit about how this was envisioned in the 2026 campus plan a little bit about the project overbo sustainability talk about the GE exchange system which will be the first uh site plan application and the general sequencing of the process so this is the 2026 uh campus plan framework and uh to remind you everything that was shown in a more solid salmon color was anticipated to be a building that we thought we would begin construction on within a 10-year period uh this plan was the site the 2026 plan campus plan was produced and published at the end of 2017 those areas that were in the kind of yellow mask we said were candidates for future development within a 30 year time frame and so you'll see that this area that we're talking about in this application the area uh east of Stadium Drive and south of Ivy Lane is an area that was uh colored in that yellow mask so we we knew this is a great example I think of the benefit of a framework framework provides opportunities as the university progresses and grows and advances its Strategic Mission when we did the campus plan in 2016 2017 Quantum was not on on our radar but we knew at that time that the neighborhoods of engineering and and applied sciences and Natural Sciences needed to grow and that we needed to provide uh uh opportunity sites for that growth and so we identified that that land that I just pointed to as an opportunity site now I'll talk a little bit more about the camp 2026 campus plan this diagram uh whereas the the the diagram I just showed was about a kind of framework for opportunities this diagram focuses on what we call the eastwest connector and a north south connector these are more uh physical planning strategies that are designed to uh ensure that the campus would grow in a way that is coherent integrated and well connected uh you've you know you know that we've been very active on that East West Connector uh we're showing here the what we called back then the lake campus now we're calling it The Meadows neighborhood and this the campus plane showed a a pedestrian and bicycle bridge over at Carnegie um the bridge is not happening right now but Meadow neighborhood is taking shape and we're also uh working to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety up and down Washington Road to connect uh The Meadows neighborhood to the existing campus and then this is yet another drawing from the 2026 campus plan this is a detail of that uh framework plan that I showed you showing the area east of the stadium east of what was called East Stadium Drive back then now called now called Stadium Drive uh between Fitz Randolph and Stadium Drive and south of iyane Western way so again just saying we had anticipated developing this property within a 30-year uh time frame um the buildings on the north of Ivy Lane back when this was published was a a capacity study for we wanted to ensure ourselves that the first generation of buildings for Environmental Studies and seas could fit on those sites and uh they did they do and they're under construction as a reminder as I said uh if this project is 467,000 square feet as submitted those buildings are about 670,000 square feet so this is a tad smaller as a as a complex of of buildings uh I just on the left of the slide are the the fundamental campus principles those these are principles by which we we think about the campus and all of our projects they address uh issues of providing an integrated environment for teaching living and learning uh respecting this distinctive sense of place fostering uh opportunities for positive interaction and exchange sustainability and serving the communities that extend beyond the campus edges all right so now a little bit about Quantum science as I said um I'm not going to explain the science to you but I'll explain the facility to you this is taken off of the web page from the quantum initiative and it shows uh four different areas of expertise that Princeton University has there's a description that Quantum scientists use they call it the quantum Computing stack and the stack are all the different disciplines that come together uh they're layers of the quantum system from everything from ele particles used to store and compute informations which are called the cubits to the physical and logical systems that control and manipulate the cubits all the way to Applications um different universities around the world are dancing very rapidly in this area many of those universities have expertise in one or two of these elements of the stack Princeton has unique expertise in all four elements of the stack and so this is a multidisciplinary effort that will draw from faculty and researchers across the university in particular physics electrical and Computer Engineering and computer science uh but we feel like we are uniquely poised to uh contribute uh all of our expertise to the advancement of uh Quantum science through the quantum initiative this is a statement of the value proposition we show this in all of our presentations just to share with you how we think about the project uh as its uh ability to meet the Strategic goals of the University we Define a value proposition as a promise to ourselves about what we will deliver in the project and we use this I'm sorry jar totally forgot to identify the slides we're on slide seven thank you we use this to guide the development of the project and monitor the success of the project against these elements but you'll see here some key worlds key words identified uh beginning with the Geo exchange now that doesn't relate to this particular building but it does relate to our effort to become carbon neutral by 2046 so we will we will um our plan is to use the entire site for the G exchange system it does then address uh to accommodate World leading systems for Quantum science uh about collaboration uh Camp respecting campus tradition in creating a welcoming academic home similarly we have a Val proposition here now in slide eight for Quantum for a School of Engineering and applied science which has to do with uh to accommodate uh a rapidly growing community and stateof the facilities you see keyw wordss here like interdisciplinarity flexibility uh Innovation entrepreneurship and sustainability on slide nine this is a view of the site uh very similar to the SL that slide that Mr lusco just showed um looking to the north uh East showing the the Clark Field in the foreground strubing softball field which and both these fields will move to The Meadows neighborhood and then Ivy Lane and Fitz Randolph so this is these are the boundaries of of the site uh slide 10 here shows the um General disposition of the different program elements so as I mentioned there are three fundamental program elements one is quantum the other one is ECE which is electrical and Computer Engineering and the third one is mechanical and aerospace engineering they will roughly sit in these portions of of the site slide 11 um I'm going to talk a little bit about some of the uh in the next couple slides the zoning boundaries and uh conditions that will Define the envelope within which we can we can uh design the building you'll see here in this particular the the the zoning envelope is designed is is basically determined by three factors one of them is a setback from uh property boundaries such as the the boundary between the um e1t and the r2b district uh another one is a uh height to setback ratio which is defined also at that boundary to be 3 feet to one so every three feet um every one foot of vertical elevation we have to step the building back three feet that ensures a kind of gentle transitioning of the height of the building uh within the within the um e1t District down to meet the the edges of the site and then the third condition is that overall height uh constraint which is on this land in in the and that height limit is 100 feet you'll see here uh within the site a a dashed green line with a dimension of 60 feet from the nearest curb that 60 foot setback is something that that uh is not a zoning obligation but we have embraced that as a as a setback that in that respects the traditions of other buildings that are set back on the adjacent streets so if you look North on Fitz Randolph you'll see the homes on Fitz Randolph are more or less set back about 60 feet and if you look East on Western way they are more or less setback by about 60 feet so that's a voluntary setback that we respect uh on the edges of of the site okay now on slide 12 um this is these are these are two diagrams in the upper part of the drawing and a section in the lower part the two diagrams show a hypothetical zoning envelope uh the one on the left upper left shows the 3:1 setback and the 3 to1 setback is from that property line between the r2b and the e1t Zone on the Northern side of the property what that means is that um from that from that property line we have a 3:1 ratio which is diagrammed down in the lower right that we have to respect as we move away from the site away from that property line and that that red colored area shows the extent of that that 3:1 ratio it tapers off in this uh western part of the site because we no long because the The r2b Zone ends uh and doesn't continue now on the upper right drawing is what we call an enhanced envelope we we agree that to be a kind of good neighbor on the site that that 3 to1 setback is a good zoning constraint and so we are voluntarily uh uh complying with a 3 to1 setback on the Fitz Randol side and you'll see as I go through the drawings that what that ensures is that the building as I said Terrace is down and meets meets the street in a more gentle form and a and a smaller mass and then in the lower right of this drawing is simply a diagram of that of that setback it shows um there's a 60ft setback for the ground level it's not a and then there's a um 3:1 setback for the massing as it steps away from the uh R2 uh B Zone District now um the site plan on slide 13 this is um the current conceptual design of the three uh buildings on the Eastern Eastern side of the site is the Quantum facility on the northwest corner of the site is the uh electrical and computer engineering facility and on the bottom left is mechanical and aerospace engineering some of the features to point out here you'll begin to see it as I throw show that in three dimensions you'll see some Shadow lines here as the volumes step back from Fitz Randolph and also step back from Ivy Lane that's that 3:1 setback um in in effect you'll also see here that this is setback even further from that 60ft Dimension that I showed we think that this enhanced landscape setback at this neighborhood Edge is a positive development so we want to ensure that also I would say that we are designing this project I think as the first generation of projects that are particularly mindful of the new storm water regulations the 2100e rainfall and we see storm water regulations as a form determinate so you'll see a lot of roofs colored here in green indicating there will be green roofs and then the landscape to the throughout the site will be designed to comply with uh the the the recent recently adopted zoning regulations with through with green infrastructure and on-site retention of all the water through uh rain Gardens and storm water basins moving on to slide 14 this shows the site circulation we want the buildings and the site to be a really T typically campus tradition so paracity and movement through the site for pedestrians cyclists fully ADA Compliant 100% ADA Compliant are the goals of the project you'll see some of these Pathways connecting the new esc's neighborhood on the north side of iy Lane uh you'll see The Pedestrian pathway coming Southward uh along the what we call the north south connector on the East part of the of the CBE site and then you'll see the pathways that go through the site down down through Robert Stadium connect to the Stadium Drive parking garage that Mr alesco referred to and also also at the southern edge of the site that will then connect to a pathway that goes through the between the football stadium and Weaver track and connects over to physics that pathway is actually an important pathway because the home for physics is just here on the uh western side of Princeton stadium and there'll be strong connections between the physics department and the quantum Institute so we W have a strong connection across the southern part of the site in a pedestrian friendly way uh to the uh Quantum building as well as to ECE so we're really trying to knit this together into the campus we're using landscape and campus traditions of Pathways uh to make all those connections I will point out here in this diagram you'll see I'll show it when we get to the vehicular slide you'll see the major loading dock here is at the southwest corner so we're keeping the loading dock away from the neighborhood there is a a minor smaller loading dock um that is at the southwest corner of the quantum building that'll be be a secondary loader do for for particularly Quantum deliveries but that'll be at a at a kind of culdesac that it's not a through Street slide 15 here shows the bike paths which pretty much follow a lot of those pedestrian paths so there'll be a bicycle friendly connections throughout the site uh we'll have bicycle facilities we don't have details on how we're how and where we're going to park the bikes that's that's not something we develop at concept design I know the PEC memo asks us to talk about that I would say that's a work in progress but that's something to be something to be developed as the design progresses a slide 16 here shows the vehicular circulation as I said the primary loading dock uh for all three buildings will be at the southwest corner connecting to ma below ground all of these buildings will be connected by a service network of of corridors I also say that this the entire site slopes from the high side at the North to the South side I think there was a question from the staff report asking begins to show how how the buildings would fit into the natural slope of the building it's about a single story difference between the upper and lower level and the building steps down the hill to take advantage of that so that it's in it's Ed offgrade and accessible entrances on the south and it's intered on grade at Ivy Lane from the north inaccessible entrances this also shows a restricted access drive from Stadium Drive that connects to that secondary uh uh more lightweight loading area at the Southwest corner of uh Quantum this would this would be for us very similar to what we do at the art museum Art Museum traffic comes off of el Drive which goes through the center of campus and goes in front of some academic buildings some dorm buildings and then comes to a simple loading dock and then and then reverses back to the main driveway so that's how this will be handled slide 17 um these are some uh elevations and sections that give you um some Clues to the height and stepping back and the massing of the building so if we look at the top drawing we're looking at an elevation looking U south from Ivy Lane Southward you'll see on the Fitz Randolph Road side that 3:1 setback ratio you'll see how the building sits within that 3 to1 setback um you'll see also then the overall 100 foot height limit that's a part of the Zoning for this neighborhood and you'll see that the building for the most part is well below that 100 foot height limit this dark gray box in the background here is one of the mechanical shafts and these uh sort of truncated forms in the foreground in front of that are light Wells that bring Skylight into the main lecture hall on level three you'll see that most of the building is a three-story Mass so some pieces of it will pop a little bit higher than that but that three-story Mass steps down consistently around its perimeter to bring the scale down to the neighboring context you'll also see the tradition of Campus portals and connection so there'll be the entire complex will be joined as I said below ground by a service Corridor but also at levels two and three so at grade one can go in any one of the buildings level two and level three one can go throughout the entire complex so it's fully connected on levels of two and three with these uh Bridge connections the middle drawing shows the East West Section uh so this is just pretty much a section through that same elevation that I showed uh you're looking here you're seeing the 3 to1 setback and now you're seeing the full uh basement full full below grade level which as I said Terrace is down it connects pretty much a little bit lower than grade at the southern part of the southern part of the site um and then the bottom drawing here is a section looking East along Ivy Lane so you'll see the existing massing of the environmental status and seas building here for comparison you'll see the 3 to1 setback from Ivy uh at the Eastern end of the site you'll see the those light Wells bringing skylights down into the sort of main Atrium and Electra Hall area of the building the lower level the the grade differential and the overall height uh restriction of 100 feet and again the building sitting well below that all right now slide 18 I'm going to show a few slides here that talk about some of the principles of of landscape um this is an area at the campus that has some beautiful Treeline streets and we will preserve and restore any trees that we need to so that we maintain that that Treeline Street Edge so that'll be along along Ivy Lane and Fitz androl that'll really unite the building into the neighborhood so that's one of the the landscape goals for the project is to respect that tradition of the Treeline streets um there's also a uh a native Woodland not far from here it's a little bit discontinuous uh but we want to we want to respect that native Woodland that happens along the northern edge of Lake Carnegie uh enhance the habitat uh enhance more settings for wildlife and so that enhanced landscape buffer that I showed you at the Eastern edge of the site we think can serve some of these some of these Ambitions on slide 20 uh we will the we'll have our normal pallet of native seasonal plants as we always do we're again working with James Corner field operations on this project as we do on all of our projects and we're very familiar with the conversations and the goals of the municipality around landscape strategies in slide 21 just shows some examples of Courtyards and quads which are essential features of the Princeton campus and you'll see this building is organized as a contemporary version of a quad complex so the three buildings will surround a central quad corridors and Gardens will occupy those quads they'll be places for reflection for relaxing for socialization throughout those quads and uh I'd say a rich landscape pet will be in those quads slide 22 um shows some of our recent examples of of green roof strategies on the left is the an linger green roofs and on the right are the green roofs at Lewis Center for the Arts uh as I mentioned the storm water strategy for this project will demand uh intensive green roofs for part for some of the green roofs to help manage storm water we're very interested in in integrating those green roofs with solar panels so the building will be both solar ready and green roof to anticipate uh our F our continuing growth of our on-site Renewables and then slide 23 um reiterates some of the things I've already talked about in terms of Designing for storm water management new new regulations to 20 including the 2100 rainfalls so I'd say you know this simply describes the pallet of strategies we use we use green roofs bio retention in Rain Gardens forest and peral Pavements uh the strategy for the the kind of composition of those location of those is to be determined as we move forward you'll also see opportunities for Courtyard s and social spaces throughout throughout the project slide 24 this is a good representation at this stage of the project of of a conceptual massing we're looking from the Northeast toward the Southwest toward Princeton Stadium uh you'll see Iain going through the middle of the site here and you see the new esnc project north of iy Lane this gives you a good sense of that enhanced setback from Fitz Randolph the gentle step with that 3 to1 terracing from Fitz Randolf and also from Ivy Lane you'll see the bridge connections and the kind of connectivity of the complex at levels two and three once you come into the central quad all of the entrances to the buildings will be off that Central quad you see the north south connector continuing through the site which will connect to the Seas neighborhood north of it uh and then there'll be a pathway through to the Eastern uh end of the site uh Quantum is number one one ECE is number two and Mee is number three 25 turning around looking back the other way this is a good view to focus on the the loading dock which I said will be off of uh Stadium Drive at the southwest corner of the site maybe a bit better sense of the courtyards and the kind of massing throughout the courtyards now the next few slides are some uh early conceptual renderings at street level at I level as we look around around the complex I think you'll see the same characteristics on all of these views which are I'd say you'll see the landscape principles beginning to take shape the treein edges the enhanced setbacks of storm water Landscapes Meadows and things like that you'll see the more gentle massing of the building stepping away from these edges this is looking on Ivy Lane uh toward the west we will continue if you recall we have a uh these advisory shoulders on the side on the sides of U Ivy Lane we want to make Ivy Lane a very uh quiet uh slow moving safe multi um shared street so we will continue the that shared Street strategy to all the way to Fitz Randolph along Ivory Lane so it becomes a complete Street slide 27 we're in in the courtyard here looking toward the uh East this little red diagram here shows you where we're looking so we're looking through the quad of the central quad of the project uh I wouldn't say we've designed this landscape other than this just simply says that there will there will be a central landscape you'll see the site sloping from the northern portal where Ivy Lane is down to the southern portal so this shows you how the building begins to nit knit into the site and all the all those Pathways inside that quad will be fully accessible as well all of the entrances into the buildings slide 28 uh this is looking uh really at the northwest corner of the site looking down Stadium Drive the stadium is just kind of shadowed here on the right and the same strategy the the treelined edges this the enhanced landscape buffers and the gentle terracing of the building with that 3:1 setback 29 is um looking North along Fitz Randolph so we're on the sidewalk here of the of Fitz Randolph with that enhanced setback that I talked about you'll see the lower Southern portion of beginning to reveal itself at the southeast corner of the site and the low massing stepping back to the higher massing which is sort of Behind These trees here as the as the building steps away from Fitz Randolph all right now the next couple slides just we'll talk about again sustainability goals uh At Con concept design we established the goals for the project um we have lots of experience uh implementing these goals so we have a we have a good road map about how we will do it but at this point we've just simply identified the goals and you'll see the the wide array of some of the primary objectives and our our our goal is to integrate each of these things so they work together I'll point to a couple of these just to reiterate them the energy one is very important because it reinforces the Geo exchange system that will underlay the site and part of our goal to be carbon neutral by 2046 carbon is both reflected in operational carbon through that GE exchange system but also in our aspirations to make to low and bited carbon materials particularly in the structure Mass Timber and concrete um healthy habitat is uh something I've talked about through the landscape strategy uh stormwater management is obviously very very important in terms of the in terms of regulations and the health of the site and you'll see uh other other issues here uh diversity Equity inclusion is something that we are really focusing a lot on in this generation of projects we are actually have recently commissioned maybe a team of behavioral scientists and building scientists to conduct post-occupancy evaluations our projects and to give us tools and methods for evaluating the success of creating these welcoming environments in our academic buildings that'll then inform each generation of new buildings slide 31 begins to just um there's a lot of text here we we'll you'll have a chance to review this as you as you get as we as you get a chance to review this presentation but it talks about uh Ambitions aspirations for Water waste side habitate habitat energy and carbon I'm not going to go through the details but if we have questions we can talk about them and slide 32 continues uh those uh topics of sustainability goals in terms of health and wellness materials benchmarking the building will be designed to achieve lead gold and then the uh Dei aspirations now the last slide here slide 33 talks about the GE exchange system uh our goal actually we have one more slide but this this slide describes the GE exchange system uh again it Con concept design our our strategy is that the entire site will be used for GE exchange we have not laid out the actual grid of the GE exchange Wells there will be some sensitivity to vibration relative to some of the quantum labs and things like that but uh we you know for all intents and purposes the entire site will be utilized to help achieve our carbon neutrality goal and then finally slide 34 this is simply just the sequencing of of the project uh we're here tonight with a concept hearing we will follow this with a site plan number one which will be for the excavation and GE exchange system that allows us to move ahead with that part which requires separate engineering and implementation that'll be followed by a site plan application number two for the quantum Institute Building and then the the sub subsequent buildings electrical and Computer Engineering and mechanical and aerospace engineering will follow the quantum Institute Building we have not established the final schedule for those uh so site plan one and two are uh we're working working on those those are our highest priority the second phases will will follow second and third phases will follow that that is what we wanted to share um I will stop sharing and I can go back to any one of these slides to answer questions and we welcome the discussion because as I said this is concept design and we use input to help our guide ourselves as we move forward thank you thank you Mr McCoy that was fascinating um and I'm very relieved that you did not try to explain uh Quantum science um good Mr Cohen yeah just to get things started um I know that um well this sounds like it could be very computer intensive and I know that um that can be very energy intensive um and I'm curious whether you've looked at you know from this idea of carbon neutrality and and um whether whether there are any special measures that are required for this building either on site or off to balance the energy usage for the special uses of this building as opposed to to the regular energy use around Heating and Cooling and so forth um we have experience with this at an linger Center for Energy environment which has a very large clean room and the the conundrum of a building like that is that it enables worldclass research to solve the energy problem but as you note it takes a massive amount of energy to solve energies the world's energy problems I would also say so we're we're aware of uh our experience of how to solve that or how to deal with it we don't we don't you know the the goal would be to actually take waste heat out of the out of the systems of the building and reuse that to preheat uh air or or systems in the building so that's a strategy that we have as our kind of uh goal that we're exploring that's the most specific example I could give to you but also um we we look at the campus as a whole system and uh including this building our goal is still to be carbon neutral operationally by 2446 through the Geo exchange system and through the growing uh uh electrical Renewables we have on campus and uh through the renewal through the green uh Greening of the uh grid so I hope that helps a little bit explain that we're aware of it we have experience at at andlinger uh waste heat is a great opportunity but we haven't developed specific strategies yeah that helps some um I'll let Owen Owen go go ahead Owen thank you very much uh Mr McCoy you mentioned that uh these buildings were not originally part of the 2017 plan um you know this is a a another giant building do you have any idea how many uh people are going to be working in the building and is this Stadium garage going to be able to accommodate parking for for these Stadium garage was was designed and sized for this growth so we did not know that it was quantum that was going to be the growth but we knew the campus was going to grow so The Stadium Drive was designed and sized for this growth the project will require that parking and Transit traffic uh analysis and we'll submit a parking and traffic report with the site plan application to verify our assumptions uh so that that's how we're handling uh that that issue of traffic we um it's important to say that um Quantum me and ECE exist already on the campus so these are all not new buildings this is vacating the EAD uh but there is there is growth I would say that uh day one when the building is occupied uh there will be about 760 occupants and then when the and and we plan we planned this for a 2042 Horizon so the project is designed to accommodate growth to 2042 and in 2042 there'll be an addition plus 4 420 people in the building so that's a that's a gradual growth between I mean that growth is from today because these departments are on campus today they will continue to grow as they get ready to open the building and then it will grow to 2042 and so um that's that's the that's what we know about the growth of the building okay thank you uh other other questions from board members Mr come back can I can I just come back and say that oh sure again again again um uh maybe in more detail just to clarify that the the planning framework identified this as a growth opportunity so we knew we were going to be building on the site and we knew it was going to be for for something related to engineering and Natural Sciences we just didn't know the discipline so just to F make sure that I'm clear about that thank you Mr Cohen and then miss capoli yeah I I Wonder on if you could go into a little bit more detail about the accessibility especially in that Center Courtyard I noticed that the path that's between the building and Fitz Randolph seems to meander a bit you know which gives you the capability to transition vertically uh at a at a shallow slope but the the path through the middle of the courtyard does not switch back at all and so just to comment I know you said it's about a floor drop across the site but you know what kind of um do you imagine that that pathway through that Central Courtyard can just be a 2% slope and accomplish what it needs to or would there be some steps down and other you know ramps that would go in that just aren't shown yet um it's a little bit of both we we want it we want want to keep all of our ramps under 5% which means that they don't have to have um railings or or things like that um we want also the main system to be the accessible pathway we don't want to have a kind of set of set of stairs for able-bodied people and a and a secondary P accessible pathway for disabled so I would say that the goal will be a design that makes a 5% pathway through the site for all users and and we have a a mantra that all users go through the front door and so all users also use the main Pathways that's our Mantra in terms of accessibility we haven't designed it yet early on the the level of conversations we've had so far is that we looked at should we have a terrist landscape in there and we we just said no we don't want a Terrace Landscapes because that inevitably requires stepping and steps between one level of Terrace and the other so all I would say is that it was is be continuous and fluid I would say also on the Eastern L the the pathway on the Eastern side is probably more robust curvature than it needs to be it's a kind of it's a kind of so don't use that as a measuring stick that's a picturesque landscape that is probably uh has more Meandering than it than it needs to have but it also has a sidewalk next to the street in case you don't want to meander but we hope people will Meander and enjoy the Landscapes it thanks uh Julie I just want to say I really appreciate all of the um stepping of the massing I feel like it's probably the most successful um concept I've seen so far when the of these big buildings and that I hope um you know you keep that in your final presentation because it's I I feel like this works even better than the buildings we've reviewed before I appreciate that yeah we we uh this is a very special site and I think that's very important to our goal so we will we will definitely keep pursuing that I'm pretty I'm confident we can achieve it um Mr Lesco thank you madam chair I just wanted to follow up uh on two of the comments that Mr McCoy made um with questions uh the first you mentioned that uh if I'm getting this right there'll be 760 occupants of the building and then an additional 424 by 2042 um do you know or have a kind of ballpark number right now of how many of those uh those occupants will be you know undergraduate students versus faculty and staff uh versus even graduate students um you know and the reason why I'm asking is obviously because of Housing and transportation so those numbers are the individuals who have an office space and a seat in the building so that would be faculty faculty research groups postdocs graduate students and staff it does not include the undergraduates which will be coming which are we consider transient population for classrooms there will these will all have classrooms in them um um but these These are and there there this is all dovetailed with the uh the current University student body population of of undergraduate so this is not triggering a growth of the student body however uh research uh brings the best faculty in the world they bring the best postto in the world and so their the the graduate student population does grow as as new facilities in science and research are added to the campus and that's that's that's where the growth comes from uh quick followup then how far is this site from the butler tract and you don't have to answer you don't have to answer that closer than most understood uh my second actual question was uh going to be uh you mentioned a parking study and that'll come later um and I guess this isn't as much of a question but just um when you're doing that I'm curious to see you know there's a real mix of uses in this area now uh where soccer games might be nights and weekends football games might be you know six Saturdays a year or whatever it is um and I'd be curious to see how those uses are uh reflected in those numbers you know perhaps differently than than we often see with you know residential or just working okay yeah we will we will do that it is a um it's an advantage because they they trade off against each other right during the daytime it's occupied by faculty and staff nighttime and weekends is occupied by events so it's a good shared parking model we've we've had experience with that so we will definitely U uh demonstrate all of that great it's very close to the graduate housing if only you had a bridge across the lake if only okay stay tuned for a long time uh oh o donnald thank you um we want to talk about storm water for a minute uh when we heard the presentation on the soccer practice fields I recall that there was quite a sophisticated storm water drainage system that was being put in is this going to take advantage of that being so close and I I assume most of the storm water will drain towards Lake Carnegie um interesting you should ask that question that system does not serve under the new regulations as a legitimate storm water retention system for the storm water now so we built it the water will come but we can't count it as part of as part of our meeting our storm water regulations so this this this project will have to stand alone um that that stormw system that we built at excess capacity for under soccer still has a beneficial uh it benefits the overall environment but this project will have to meet all of its stormw manag regulations on site without tapping into that system okay thank you which is really well I mean no I I I I would not I I I feel differently about it I mean it'll be really interesting to see how you do it um especially with the year 2100 rainfall projections and you know for other board members who maybe aren't on the flood and storm Water Commission um the DP and the town are requiring um applicants plan for rainfall projected for the year 2100 which is a lot a lot and it's a it's a high standard and um so I commend you for for committing to meeting it and um it'll be really interesting to see you know how that happens I think it will be very interesting but we as I said in my comments we started this project by by telling ourselves that we have to start with the storm weer management that's the F that this project needs to be designed from that point uh that needs to be the determinant Factor so that's we've kind of flipped the switch there rather than design a building and accommodate storm waterer we're starting with storm water and then making the building work for that strategy yeah that's that's terrific um just as Julie um complemented the stepup which I agree very much with I I noticed lots and lots of glass lots and lots of um uh natural light in the building and I hope that survives the the design process as well because um just seems like you know not only attractive but very good for people who are inside um and and bird safe I must say it'll be good great thank you um I um can you bring up slide 24 I'm G to ask a question which I realize you might not write now be in a position to answer but um when we were looking at the ESN C's project there was that area to the southeast of that site which is to the north of this site it was open and remains open in slide 24 and I just wondered whether you are in a position to um sharing any information right now about whether you expect that to stay open because it seems like a nice break uh or whether that's uh going to be you know something else in the future that is definitely going to be a future building site um I think in some of our studies when we when we presented the Environmental Studies and and C's project we had shown a footprint there and said future building so that will be part that would part of the School of Engineering and applied science will occupy that site okay good to know we don't we don't have the timing on it but it but that will occupy that site all right um I just had one other thought um or just an expression of Interest I was really interested to see in your graphic the attention to um Dei diversity equity and inclusion in your design process and interior and exterior presumably and I be really interested to know down the line um what that looks like and whether you're and what you learn from that I mean without going into a ton of you know yeah I think it's a really interesting thing to be looking at in the design process and I'd love to have more insight when the time comes we'd be happy to share in a few months we will have the product of the the work that we've been doing with our behavioral scientists and our building scientists as they have they've engaged in a sort of multifaceted survey observation focus group um uh popup with students to ask questions about you know what makes a space do you have what what gives a sense a space a sense of belonging um or do you feel do you feel welcome and then they're also emerging in design Fields a greater attention to neurodiversity and um issues of Acoustics daylight settings that settings that uh respond or um are more comfortable for people on a neurodiverse spectrum so we're paying more attention to those as we as we design facilities so we'll have to find some way to share that with you yeah really interesting thank you you can stop sharing your screen now okay uh Mr Cohen yeah I just actually wanted to second that feeling Louise I I would love to hear more more about this initiative and you know similar to what what you did for us maybe a year ago where you did present your campus-wide strategies for you know sustainability and for storm water and stuff like that this and parking this seems to me to be um equally deserving of a a special presentation to the board if if you're willing and we can find a date I'd like too I'm I hope I hope to share it with other professional colleagues in different conferences as well because I think I think it's Cutting Edge I don't think anyone in this country has done it frankly what we're doing that's great add that to the list things that Princeton does first um okay any other before we go to um invite questions and comments um thoughts from the public are there any other questions from board members or or you know what I saw Mr Bridger that you turned your camera on so maybe you have something and Mr Mueller you look like you do too so Derek I was just gonna suggest where you were going which was giving our professionals an opportunity to ask questions Madam chair but Derek if you could raise your right hand oh right right yeah and um is Dan here as well Dan can you you'll get sworn in at the same time so you can raise your right hand okay um do you swear or affirm the testimony about to give would be the truth yes I do soir thank you so I see the staggered site plan um which we'll have like I guess two buildings initially and then at the end you you're you're saying four buildings but just so we're all on the same page zoning wise we consider it one building at the end of the day um so I just want to make sure it looks like you're well under the 100 foot height limitation but it's based on the the worst case of average or grade based on existing or proposed so um we just want to make sure that I'm sure that's your your your highight so but good that's it's a good reminder yes we we we're designing that way and we'll keep that in mind for sure sure great thanks thank you Derek uh Dan Weisman anything to ask or add the only thing that I would uh piggy back on top of that is essentially the same thing runs with storm water management um if it is divided up into three separate locations it is a common plan of development so uh it would all encapsulate on one under one major project um so just something to keep in mind as as you're developing your storm water plant correct and Justin Lesco yes thank you madam chair and I think most of the comments from our report were covered but I do want to uh discuss a few of them um the first uh uh question is there any intention to continue the kind of perimeter Pathways uh that are wider um right now by the soccer field and I believe from the football stadium to the edge of this site will be wider uh as a result of the esc's uh you know it seems like right now it kind of goes from a four foot path to maybe a a eight or 10 uh maybe even bigger um around the perimeter on Fitz Randolph all the way to faculty um obviously you know the idea about Meandering if you're going to the building is great but for those passing through uh is there any intention to to kind of match those Pathways around the block um we're not there yet um but we and we want to I think work from the fact that we have the complete Street on Ivy Lane and we have cheros on Fitz Randall we then want to supplement that with responding to primary desire lines with Pathways that are the appropriate width so I think and and then and then knit that to get the to the existing Pathways I would say that the pathway that leads up to um uh soccer is extra wide because it's also a fire lane so I wouldn't take that as a as a standard um but uh I hear your point I mean if if the point is to make sure that these pathways are wide enough to achieve shared use standards where pedestrians and cyclists can share them if they if it's designed for pedestrians and cyclist we will do that okay understood um and let's see uh is there any intention to put any sort of public art or or statues like by the football field or anything like that within we have a um campus-wide uh public art campus art program um we have not not looked we're busy trying to focus on the current generation of projects so I would say that that's a to be determined okay got it and one note I want to make for the board uh in Mr McCoy's presentation if you're wondering why he was showing the property lines as kind of going across the street which is different than than we often see um both the streets uh Fitz Randolph and Ivy Lane are private roads so the you know the actual property line is across rather than what we normally see uh to the edge of a road or or even measured to the middle of a line at times um so with that being said my my last question uh if you could just give any more information I know you mentioned the geothermal bore holes and and wanting to put them throughout the site um I know by this point uh Princeton University and other universities I saw in that New York Times article recently have some experience erience in attenuating the sound and and uh you know making for a better kind of construction experience um are there any you know kind of things that the university would intend to do uh based on you know now having done this in a few places and a few jurisdictions even yes um this will be we consider this our third generation of uh two exchange of Wells so the first the first generation of drilling were was primarily that was the soccer field and the parking garage we're now engaged in our second generation of drilling at po field which is in the center of the campus and on the in The Meadows neighborhood and then this will be the next Generation as each generation uh of drilling uh occurs we're we're adopting and and implementing more and more sound atten attenuation systems so right now um we are fully wrapping the engine of the drill rigs with with in a kind of a a kind of perimeter of s sound blankets and then we are um we will be developing a system at the perimeter of the site that adds another layer of sound of sound blanketing around the perimeter of the site so so I think and I think that is uh state-of-the-art that's as much as one can do and I think that we will expect to see some um very beneficial results from this next generation of sound attenuation better than we've been able to achieve on any of our other projects thank you thank you very much for those questions Justin um David Cohen yeah I just wanted to also follow up with one of the questions actually from PEC you know they had made recommendations about choosing building materials that were lower environmental impact like the mass Timber and so forth have have you given any thought yet um Ron to what the the construction of the building is likely to be yes um we have and um we imagine it to be what you see with the Environmental Studies and seas buildings going up where you have a steel frame for the vibration sensitive labs and then the mass timber for the offices and everything else so that's exciting when you when you see that project under construction which is the largest Dow laminated Timber structure in North America uh that's that's exciting to see so we uh will use the same strategy here we have extremely vibration sensitive Labs that have to go on bedrock in the lowest level of the building and then less vibration sensitive Labs but still sensitive because they're Labs both be in steel frame above and then the aspiration would be everything else would be uh Mass Timber great thanks um other questions from board members or staff anything you want to add Jerry before we go to public comment no okay so um we have 26 people um in the attendees room uh right now if you're there and would like to address uh the board or pose questions to the applicant um now is your opportunity to do so you just click on raise hand uh at the bottom of your Zo Zoom screen and um you'll be brought over and you'll have up to three minutes I'm not seeing any hands go up um you know half of the members of the public are employees of the University yes I'm I'm picking up on that but not every last one which maybe speaks to the value of your um meetings with neighbors I'm not seeing any hands go up so I'm going to close public comment but I would like um Mr McCoy to hear about the meetings you've had with neighbors and uh if you could talk a little bit about that sure we had uh two open house sessions uh in Robertson Hall and uh in each case we had um some of the drawings that we showed you through tonight we had the axonometric in that case we had the one that looked from the loading dock side uh toward the neighborhood and we had you know plans and SE s um we had um we outnumbered our neighbors with our staff so we had lots of people answering answering questions as we typically do I would say that um there was um understanding and respect for the design as been has been noted here today the kind of sensitivity the design has to the edges I think all the issues come down to the construction process the excavation the sound uh blasting to the extent it's going to be required um assurances that uh we will we will do the same kind of protocols we did for esc's to work with the neighbors on those on those strategies um access for construction it's really about the disruption of the actual construction process that I think uh was the primary takeaway we we had lots of conversation with different Neighbors about that we had lots of uh lots of good experience I think how to how to manage that and what is the time Horizon that you expect is this over three years four years the construction period um will be a three-year construction period but you know the first year well I'd say four years if you well let's say let's say three years to build the building and in advance of that as much time as we can get to do drilling before we can before we start construction that's that would be for Quantum then then each building would have a kind of similar schedule of of period per period of drilling say 6 to 9 months a period of construction for 30 months 36 months oh so you won't do Drilling sitewide and then build buildings you're going to do them in three stages each yes we will we will the we we will phase the the the uh the drilling okay because we can't we can't drill unless we know the foundations for the [Music] building complicated um okay any other any other questions from oh there is one one member of the public even though I closed public comment I'm going to reopen we have one member of the public who has um their hand up that is Kirk gastinger if you could bring that person over um if you could Mr gastinger um there you go I was going to say activate your camera you were a step ahead of me um Mr Mueller will swear you in so we'll need you to raise your right hand can never see you before you speak so go ahead Mr Mueller he's got his hand raised you swear or affirm the testimony about to give be the truth yes so SW airm please State your full name and spell your last name KK gastinger g s t i n g r thank you go right ahead uh very briefly I'm uh a member of the environmental commission and so we had an opportunity to review some of the earlier presentations and all I I want to say is uh two things one is uh this is the most unbelievable and comprehensive design product project I think it's just uh going to be a fantastic opportunity for the University and the town uh as one of the members of the commission we feel that there should be a really larger emphasis as Mr uh I think Mr Cohen had asked about the production of energy and uh the commitment to being able to produce energy through solar is is uh very uh possible on this particular site because it's so wide open so we uh really hope that there would be a larger commitment to balancing the energy uh consumption of the building as well as being able to make energy thank you thank you for that um so I'm not seeing any other other members of the public put their hands up I'll just give it one more shot if you would like to speak Now's the Time to raise your hand seeing none I will again close public uh comment portion of the meeting any last thoughts from board members or staff seeing none thank you Mr degia thank you Mr McCoy really really interesting project and uh look forward to seeing it unfold in the coming years thank you very much we appreciate the comments and the feedback means a lot very help good good I'm glad thank you so with uh no further business Mr Cohen I move that we adjourn is there a second thank you Mr odonnell all in favor please say I all right well um next week special meeting um and uh so see you then thanks everybody good night interesting conversation have a good night yep yes