accept itk no thank you um all right that's fun are on page yeah I'm on here upcoming meetings so it doesn't look like two are we 2011 here that used to be on here do you have it or no no there's all they have up right now is last months it's very slim it's emailed I there's no way I can The Tech Guy here I'll forward it to you The Tech Guy I told him my situation and he just basically was like yeah we don't are you just looking for the agenda yeah let's just go to uh yeah that's right we're on upcoming meetings but it's not listed on up upcoming meetings it should be under agendas and minutes okay and then under that on the right hand side mm there's a whole meetings and one of them should be AC oh today's meeting today's meeting always helps go go back to to Quest just oh no no don't go to the uh don't go to where just I don't know what it's called okay I guess agendas and minutes and then over to the right side you'll see meetings and then today instead of upcoming meeting on the right there oh okay all right you have it got it all right so hello Jay hello Tom is Linda Sierra Lind Smith um all right so call to order right okay so um do you do that now you're GNA call the meeting to order the roll call I apologize sorry it was 2 o'clock or it is now 2:3 PM March 13th 2024 The Village council chambers and this is the village of testers environmental advisory committee meeting coming calling to order chair nameth here Vice chair free Committee Member Redmond here Committee Member D I see him I see Brad's name yeah sorry I was trying to unmute I figured he's there he's there Committee Member W she let's give her a second I see her name Jill are you there Committee Member W I know she's on uh Committee Member Shel here okay um so we are going to have the approval of the agenda does anybody have any uh thing that they would like to add or no okay I I um for this I would like to say that I you know didn't we didn't touch base as far as the details of these specific items and rest missing the last meeting was hoping that the emails that had been sent through which I apologize I had just assumed were being included in will will be discussed so just wanted to spe ify that those were um and uh I also just wanted to briefly add and touch on items that we could be using at the future food trucks are for educational purposes because I have some information on that so we're adding future food truck it's been it's the marketing and educational not marketing educational material that we've discussed because for me something you know I I I would like to that come under Jill's section when we go to her um section on pamphlets and is that what you mean um I think that I was in I was wanting to have almost a file for future e members just to establish we don't really have anything um in place that can help uh with educational materials or have like a database that we could pull from and that sort of thing so I thought it would be nice to try to establish that and even if it's you know we've learned a lot along the way with a lot of these different topics and I think it would behoove those of us that have it to just even write a one page you know if we could summarize some of these things just to save future people so much time or at least know where we left off I think um seems to be a lot easier than having to look back into agendas and listen and watch meetings and just in my experience I would like to make it as easy as possible that is a good idea it is hard to research agend yeah and I did I brought well anyway we can do that when we get to get there so that would be if we could approve that I would would anybody like to make a motion to approve with those additional items or item yeah sure motion to approve adding the additional items Jessica mentioned second all those in favor I okay all those account I think that was all of us okay do we have any Communications from citizens we do we have Miss Linda Smith hello I'll be real brief I come kind of more to listen Linda Smith Jupiter Florida but I'm also the executive committee chair for the Sierra Club lahache group that covers Palm Beach Martin St Lucy and okachobee counties so first of all I wanted to thank the uh Village of Testa I believe Tom back here um signed the letter that a number of municipality signed on and sent off to the legislature to try to control our local fertilizer ordinances because you guys are one of the few and the proud that have a strong fertilizer uh ordinance which bands fertilizer use from June 1st to December 1st during the rainy season Tada um what I my ask if I can ask anything is to try to help pollinate some of your ideas over to the town of Jupiter which is actually where I live um well actually I live in un unincorporated Palm Beach County all these lines names but uh I have also spoken to the town of Jupiter uh commission about strong fertilizer ordinance and they're not making much Mo Motion in that direction um you know you guys have the nice magnetic sticker you've got the ordinance you've got a lot of different things that are really positives so I want to say thank you to that um I do have some information if you would like it on just some things on single-use plastic little Graphics nine reasons to reuse refuse single use Plastics there's um something from the city of West Palm there's a resolution from the City of Winter Park and you know a lot of municipalities are reducing their single use plastic I know the State of Florida preempts you from doing that on anything except your private property but when you're talking about the food trucks I heard that mentioned maybe coming up later um trying to get the food trucks not to hand out straws like you know Candy um trying to switch to water and cans or filling stations for the water bottles things like that just common sense and my last thing is can you get your agenda double-sided you guys may I ask a question do you have any updates from the uh this legislative session I do an awful lot of I don't have them by Bill and name but I know a lot of the bad actually died in committee and I think a lot of that had to do with a lot of Citizen comments I know I was getting bombarded with emails both from Sierra Club Thousand friends of Florida things like that and um you know if the citizens do their bit hopefully the legislature will do their bit so um I know that there are still some things the black bear shooting of black bear is going to the governor so we're currently trying to ask the governor you know there's no such thing as a crack bear that was a movie wasn't really real um you know if you live in an area that have black bears you ought to be a responsible land owner and put your trash in a bear proof cans so that they're not trying to get into your garage and there are already laws in place that are if you're being attacked by a black bear and you happen to be lucky enough to have a gun you're allowed to use it but you know don't go in your house go get the gun and you know chase him down the road with it and then shoot him anyway that's the sier club's point of view on the current legislation on black bears going before the governor right now and there'll probably be a the money for the budget we did get a lot of money for conservation and preservation land which is fabulous so now the trick will be to use that money effectively and Wildlife corridors conservation lands things like that um have you are you guys hooked up at all or have you spoken with is it the Locka lockal Luchi Headwater project they have up I think it's in Martin County they've started that I am not familiar with that I am constantly going to the palar uh flood control district meetings which is palm Palm Beach Mar Martin County and they have quite a bit of land out there um unfortunately it is very peac meal with a lot of private owners owning two acre lots right next to a two acre preserve lot I think Palm Beach County has purchased recently like 11 acres that doesn't sound too impressive Martin County I believe it was 256 Acres relatively recently that's a little more impressive um speaking with the Florida uh Wildlife Corridor people I'm hoping to get some information and help with the funding uh the theory is we could swap some of these individual private ownership lots to other more condensed areas so the preservation land is all over here and the private lots are all over here because what's going on now out there is a lot of ATMs uh Bud mud buggies and nobody really knows where your 2 acre lot is and the other two acre lot so they're just running around tearing up everything cutting locks uh there was a car firebombed on the side of the road um there are a lot of illegal structures permanent campers with ha no septic um and they're destroying the works of the district which are the flood levies okay well um but I don't know about the Lo if you're gonna talk about the lock well no they just had come in to speak with us uh I not sure if it was last year they gave a presentation but they're um they're raising money and they have been I believe they've purchased land back are purchasing headat the land that connects some of these Headwaters uh up in the hob Sound area close to Bridge Road if I remember correctly it's called Loxy it might uh Locka Loa Lucy you got it right Locka Lucy Headwaters head lock the Locka Lucy it doesn't come off the tummy see I have this right here sorry yes no I apologize I could look it up right here of hyp and Lucy yes okay but yeah they were um okay so well thank you very much thank you for your time thank you yes thank you uh all right let me get back over here um we have no presentations so as far as our consent agenda goes we have our minutes would anybody like to make a motion to approve the minutes I'll make a motion to approve the February 14th minutes second all those in favor say I any against okay I think that carries then uh so the regular agenda we have old business um and these are updates from uh cic members on our assigned initiatives let's see here trying to get mine open do we have these in order okay no that was just it's just the same um all right can you see them it's um lead potential ghg reduction grants research Shoreline protection and then increas recycl okay so do we want um okay hold on I don't see them I'm trying to find them I'm getting down to them here we go uh all right so Jill would you is there anything you would like to update us with um with lead or you or you well she's on she is she's on there oh she's on there yeah okay can she hear us Jill and I know you you're were you taking that I mean more okay would you like to say anything yeah see if she's on lead here no I'll just go and then if she Pops in we um so I just at this point would like to have conversations we talk about with the previous mayor of Jupiter and L Cony colony to discuss what the actual advantages were to their cities or towns and uh have a look at what what their benefits were from engaging in the time and the treasure to to go for a full City lead and just learn a little bit more there from their perspective since we've heard it from the other side do you want me to reach out to them or either I'm comfortable if you want me to reach out to them and call you and we'll try and maybe set up an appointment okay okay have we gotten Jill do we know if she's she is she can't get herself off of mute so we going to she doesn't have any feed now she offer can she hear us us okay um all right here let's see then um so Brad can you hear us can you speak I can speak hi do you have anything you want to talk about with the um with your potential greenhouse gas reduction grants and things yeah so I think as an EAC Community we need to uh come up with um I don't know three four five Target grants that we think would address ghg um most appropriately and most effectively um I mean I've highlighted a few on that long exhausted list that I put together um that I think kind of fit the bill and um I think we looked at last week uh Jeremy may have uh mentioned this that uh we need to find out what's important to EAC and make those recommendations to um our Council okay and so do you have any that you would like to make to us as far as those that you see uh either appealing grants or uh those that you think that we should be focusing on for this that you found or no just that long yeah absolutely um I could provide you uh with the links and and everything but uh well and out of all of those out of the ones that you highlighted were there I would I was just curious if there were three because I think that obviously there are a lot of issues that we could focus on but I would also think that the feasibility or the success of some of the grants and our likelihood of achieving them would play into selecting them to a certain extent or no I think it's also a time thing yeah um you know when they and Brad you can confirm that more but it's when they pop up or how far in the future are they where we actually have time to be able to act upon and also do we have you know something very similar going on you know what is going on that that may be uh being pursued by the counil you know yes exactly so I think being smart about what we're um looking for and into right no 100% um I currently do not know what if any uh grants with uh related to greenhouse gases are being explored or maybe applied to by the council or by Desta um as I think Jeremy had had very nicely uh shown in in some of our past meetings um you know there's constant grants that are are being applied to um maybe not the focus towards greenhouse gases but uh if that is the focus um I think we can come up with and I I'll uh I mean I have a few that I've highlighted they're they're actually Coastal resilience you grants not greenhouse gas but I guess it's still app to an extent um well depending on what the hell what what it was I would argue it could be because the amount of trucks that are needed for these Beach renourishment going back and forth and the exhaust I see being extoled by the you know U machines on the beach we could reduce that I would think right and I think sometimes if there's you know a an event catches everyone's attention especially if it makes makes it spiral rounds on YouTube um something that uh governments will typically you know take a closer look at so it it may uh be seen in a better light by our Council um if uh we were to kind of go down that road uh versus you know something completely different I grant that's focus on something completely different so um yeah go ahead I'm sorry I was just going to say a after today's meeting send out an email with whatever link you use to to go and search for them because I know it's such a large task for you solely to to to take on looking through all that stuff so um just I don't even know where you begin to your your your search so if you can just send an email to at least us so that if we have some spare time or free time in the evening I'll poke around there and see if anything also looks interesting but didn't you already comprise that list I did but it's always changing I mean every single month that goes by you miss out on to search yeah yeah no I yeah I can resend that Excel spreadsheet and not even the one that you broke down but just where you're looking for these to begin with I mean I guess I can Google it but wherever you're starting your search yeah I've got a few that were probably the most help but you know unfortunately or fortunately I started my search on Google Google sech so um but I did find a number that were that kind of drilled down down to Grants that were appropriate for you know municipalities and and uh counties to apply for um and it was there Jay maybe you did was there any discussion of the Green Building infrastructure at the workshop or was that maybe just something that was mentioned as an agenda or do you remember Mr Bradford I which Workshop this previous this last um Workshop last I think someone asked a question or Jeremy might have read it as something that was a suggestion I don't know that there was much interest but I do know that that having um any you know uh of the green infrastructure has been a recommendation of ours for public buildings and that sort of thing any Redevelopment um okay so anything else Mr Freeze I I know you had sent uh your emails that you had sent too those were not related um to this those had to do and you and I I liked them nonetheless no I did too I was going to say I didn't remember that we uh hadn't added those in so I wasn't sure if we could add that to when I was specifying agenda items the emails that I had been discussing that the members had emailed in uh could that be an item the email discussion so they could somewhat Pres present the emails that they had and information they had found I apologize for not cing that initially all right so yeah just very quickly on that um email uh and that that device or whatever you want to call it um sand yeah yeah the sand saber uh so can I think La it out I'm sorry I was just going to say we can present we can talk about those after we get through these items if you don't mind because I I was just mention no worries if you were you would have I was just talking to Mary I was asking if we could add that as kind of an additional item on the agenda and I had forgotten to initially so I apologize because I would love to hear I would love for you to take your time and explain that to us okay okay sounds good thank you Mr Bradford it's excuse me it's my recollection of thas Bradford 44 Chestnut Trail to Questa it's my recollection that the biggest sources of greenhouse gas intoa are number one uh the use of electricity and number two vehicular miles driven by people like all of us who have vehicles so if you're looking for potential grants um um I would focus on those things for example remember that we talked about uh grants for the the number one probably the number one consumer of electricity in taquesta is the water plant and if you can uh find grants to increase efficiency you'll reduce electrical consumption which reduces greenhouse gases if you recall we had that uh was it report or survey from I forgot their name yeah I think that's right sickly is that right yeah um so one thing would be uh the cheapest way to reduce greenhouse gases is to expand the street canopy of trees okay and there is from time to time grants from I think it's the Florida state forestry something I'm not sure but that's one place the other would be it seems so obvious to me is if taquesta got grants to do uh solar power AR raise they would kill two birds with one stone they would reduce their electricity consumption which reduces greenhouse gases and they would reduce what they need to pay to fpl every month for running buildings like this with electricity so that would be the one the other one um would be uh greenhouse gases it's escaping me at the moment what the third one was oh we don't have any public electric V EV electric vehicle charging stations intoa at all none so that it's typically is a source from either uh the what do they call EPA and then we the the other thing to to keep pertinent in your mind is that we have the infrastructure act I can't remember the full name that's got billions and billions of dollars in it for um uh I don't know what to to do um uh what's it called um infrastructure work including lots and lots of billions of dollars for uh uh grants for Energy Efficiency and greenhouse gas reduction so I would look in those those three areas is what I would suggest you ask Brad and yourselves to look at um and we've had that as a strategic recommendation or or uh one of our strategic priorities I know is the EAC um on the councils we've presented to the council in the past um so and having just found out recently I guess about this department heads looking up grants that would have been something that might have fallen I guess through the cracks Brad Brad's been working on it for probably three or four or more months well yes but I was thinking more about um like the EV charge the things that had been recommendations years ago you know that I I in other words for any redevelopments or I mean I thought we had made that recommendation previously as well but for buildings like the the any Redevelopment that they have in the future should they not include EV charging I would but I don't think we did uh recommend that specifically okay well that would obvious that would certainly be something I know that in in Jupiter that there there are even incentives to do so that they'll provide so I know that would be something we should absolutely be doing I mean yeah we we talked about I know that we had presented and and spoken about having the charging on Bridge Road uh at one point and then on I think there was something to do with having to do it on the village property was it I'm not sure the public charging station oh they wanted to do it at the rec center either on DOA Road or in the parking lot he has the infrastructure just not the cost he bought uh stuff I forgot the name of it's the biggest company that does uh electric EV charging stations in America and they have the equipment but that what what's missing is the contractor to install the electrical infrastructure that would go to the EV station so then maybe is it the Treasure Treasure Coast Regional planning council's recommendations that I was thinking of as to locations to where they could be maybe Jay I saw you not does that sound familiar sounds familiar Bridge Road was a spot that was like a potential location I know the parking along Bridge Road and um so and these I think having been here a few years these are the things that I get frustrated I'm like ah how' we let that go you know it seems that with each new Council and everybody's new priorities things like this tend to fall through well this list that you're currently working on you know you started with lead and now you're on greenhouse gases and the list goes on and on right uh the village and now Jay and Jeremy are waiting to hear you know solid recommendations from EAC about each of these items that are on that list right we just still have these previous items too the that are also so I don't identified those at the last meeting well yes to to make sure that we're still following up on those things because again there's that development next to Publix and it sounds seems like there's no re it's our fault that there's no electric vehicle charging that's not going into that it sounds like that was definitely we dropped the ball um any future Redevelopment obviously I don't know how that works in underground parking or whatever I don't over on Beach Road but you know we we know there are Redevelopment projects that are lined up well you know of 25 I think it's please don't hold me to this but I think it's something like 20 to 25% of all uh new vehicles today in America are EVs and so it would behoove a developer for example that town home project next to Publix that you're talking about why not install you know like the wall Chargers in the garages of those places or new uh commercial to have a charging station um to be something that you see that when you go traveling up that's what I was going to say it's the same thing with the lead certification we've talked about that in the past in terms of what it brings and what benefits it's like well it's just one of those shiny little stickers you get to put on that real everybody brags about and realators get to use and it's something you get to you know show how Progressive you are and how much you care about the environment and the community community and your citizens and bl you know I mean that's these days that is important people look at that and you know I do so so and it's the same thing you know incentivizing having Monarch way stations for families knowing they can get a little sign in their yard if they've followed X Y and Z by planting certain things people like those and I think that um showing them how and encouraging them you know that's that's helpful so but this uh I think we need to take the steps necessary J thank you Mr Bradford what what do you recommend we need to do to ensure that these previous agenda items or these pre previous items that we've recommended get followed through with here sure and I don't know that any of these have been really given out as formal recommendations like the charging stations right um because for instance you know I think Palm Beach Gardens has some stuff in their code I'm trying to look it up now but I think that they might even require 10% in a parking garage okay um I'm not sure if that's in their code or that's just something they kind of do but well you know I would love to have different recommendation options one that is the requirement I'm always for just require you know I think that they at this day and age should have at least one or two but I know that there are a lot of council members that would not want to potentially have the requirement there but just want to recommend so there are also um incentives out there I know for you know to do certain things and I would just be interested in seeing if we could come up with a way that you know they would feel comfortable recommending it to a developer if they're not comfortable uh you know requiring it which I think we should be obviously and I think that greater Grant discussion you guys have had with with Brad I mean he gave a huge list of stuff that kind of captured everything and I think Jeremy had said it's tough for us to kind of through that and figure out what's the best use of time but if if you guys really had a strategic meeting where you sat down and said hey let's go for these these three things and kind of point at us in the direction you want us to head in we could we could definitely do that I mean for instance there's there's some blow hanging fruit like I'm I was going to give an update on this but um we're not a tree City USA which most most places are so I'm going to I was going to mention that we're going to have an Arbor Day meet um celebration next month on Arbor Day um that's like the that's the one thing that we need to do that we have not done to become a tree City USA so we can do because I was going to apply for it when I when I started but we didn't have an Arbor Day celebration so we're have an Arbor Day celebration and then we'll be able to apply to be a tree City USA and then there's also some Urban it's the Florida Urban and community community forestry grant program you can get some money to do tree canopy tree plantings it's an easy Grant to manage that's one we can go for and so when they say like a celebration is that going to be a constitution like a full we're actually so we're we're we're working out the details now I was going to mention to you guys um because we'd love to have involvement with the AC of course um we're kicking off of the tree planting plan on to Quest the drive pretty soon I think there's going to be 36 Live Oaks and 29 sable palms planted and so Doug Doug the Public Works director is trying to find the best way to to to actually have that Arbor Day celebration during the planting of some trees so we're going to try and do it while there's there's two Live Oaks getting planted right out by the um the fountains out there so we have you know like a little celebration hopefully some Council people will show hopefully you guys will show um actually get put in the ground and we'll we'll bless them as you know we can join Tre City USA so that that's that's that that qualifies as a celebration cele yeah I mean you could do you can have five people at once because they've we've done they've given out little trees at the rec center they've done things certainly so we've talked about doing that like doing both like so having this and then also saying hey and because it's Arbor Day this celebration and you can go get trees I I'm just going to say somebody with kids that doesn't sound like a celebration they really would want to come to I don't know but I don't know like are you talking about just right here at this Fountain yeah but I didn't know if it was going to be like a you know um because it's very easy to get we have so many different resources in the community that can come and do great crafts and things I've set up birday events with my kids and you know you've got River Center and loggerhead and they all have different crafts and things that they could gear towards you know tree native trees or educational programs it would be easy to throw something together easy um but I really think rallying as long as there's a space for them these guys know what they're doing you know just providing them an opportunity to come and speak you know would be um Jonathan Dickinson just off the top of my head at the Kimble Center they have an incredible education program and their fire firest their events that they do there and the different um things that they provide there's a lot out there that we could easily utilize I even brought some for my future stuff but um I think it would be easy to partner and have people come to so Arbor Day happens the following Friday okay so if you guys want to if you think it makes sense I you get to do it more like later in the afternoon or early evening if you can think get something You' want to turn into more of like an event like that what's the actual date I think it's April 26th y That's Friday April 26 you know I mean to me I would of course love to see that become a Community event because I love our food truck celebrations you know and and having everybody come together as a community and I think that um any excuse to do that parents you know people tend to gravitate over there and it would be um very feasible in my mind to invite a band a local band to come play in the Gazebo and have some little groups set up and invite people to come by after dinner or come by before dinner you know and come learn about these local organizations and celebrate Arbor Day um I think the community would love something like that but that's just me for the future I mean yeah I mean unfortunately I feel like we're a little last minute here on this one this I mean you know of course let us know what you plan you know this is you're just are the oak trees and the Sable Pals is that part of the um tree canopies from The Village's strategic plan yes okay yes it's kicking off um in the next week or two so we're going to put Public Works is going to put some stuff out on social media you know let the commun know what's happening and then we'll we were planning to put some stuff out about the arbor but it's still like sure early yeah it sounds like I understand that a start um you know but just even the stuff with the tree canopy like trees scare people and scare communities and I've had other you know uh smaller communities reach out and say that they've looked at our ordinances for things or you know strengthening again I would love to make make these so readily available or easily accessible um it would be great if we could have some sort of uh you know a file that people could access these different things or even just see how we're planting the tree you know why we're not afraid to plant trees you know or see that we're planting what we've chosen because it just seems like um the more good examples there are out there you know the better for people so also if you guys know any school kids that would maybe want to come to that i' I've done a tree City tree planting thing on Arbor Day and we brought elementary school kids and like sheer well I mean that's again I think that again there's tons it's just if it's during what time is the event going to be you know is it during the day school day or not after okay um well you can call I have three Mrs I'll call Mrs V over at Good Shepard and see if they have an interest and have them contact you if they do yeah if they can I should say because I'm sure they would have interest but sorry to hijack things with that back to the original point I think it it would make sense to have like a strategic meeting where you guys tell us these These are the three three or four biggest things clearly Coastal resiliency seems that can of be coming up um greenhouse gases EV stations tree canopy you know I think those lowl fruit in on those yeah and the things that we are kind of lingering any of those you know so what we determined last meeting was the broad category now we're just going to hone in on the specifics okay strategies there's really I mean there's a grant for anything right if there's you want done I think is a big priority you you can typically find a grand reverse engineer yeah yep and we can't do that unless we're at a meeting right we can't have a strategic Workshop or anything we can have a special meeting to have a strategic Workshop right as long as it's a public meeting it just needs to be here so we could we could schedule a meeting so so we don't have to wait for the next month and right yes absolutely and any work that you do individually you're more than welcome to do you know but we can't talk about it discussion of it has to be a public form right are you would you like to do that or is that are you suggesting you like to do that if that's something that would help us get this done faster than waiting for another month for one of these meetings when we have to incorporate it into our agenda of each meeting to give it a specific purpose at a workshop I you know I'm always for committee meetings getting getting things done yeah well again that's why I'm saying we've got some we've got some things that have been strategic priorities for years that we've recommended to the council that we haven't gotten done what would you say the longest three are that you I mean trees have been on there for I mean quite a while and they've got what they're doing those been your six months yeah no I know I just wasn't sure if you'd seen any of the um like I know last year's we had just discussed this but uh we kind of compared to last year's strategic priorities for the council but uh trees have been on there certainly so that would be something um and yes we are doing those the EV charging stations we've been talking about for a very long time so I definitely think we need to make that recommendation to council that they that they include that in any future Redevelopment um and I don't know that we need to discuss that much more if any if everybody agrees with that in agreement yes so what about our other talk let's see where's the pardon well this is a separate thing you know would this would be would anybody like to make a motion that we recommended the council to include you know EV charging in future Redevelopment projects is that right Jay would that not be I think you want us to put it all together all the ideas yeah I think instead of one at a time yeah I think you to to have you guys have a more formal more formal sit down talk through strategic priorities like you know almost how they have their own strategic plan where you guys have your I understand in the past though we've absolutely I mean we've gotten balloon the intentional release of balloons and sky lanterns passed or we had the fertilizer and the pesticide you know those things I think uh were not part of package deals those were presented as recommendations that we were recommending to the council if they only want us to do it this way um in a package type uh that's I guess fine I was just looking at that as kind of our own individual priorities that we were working on to tell them quick thought if you guys do want to make a motion right now on the floor to recommend that they look into the EV charging station we can put in our Commercial Code that we're working on right now so we're taking it to our Planning Commission next week and any council member could bring it up and then it'll go to Council in April any council member could could recommend adding that I mean yes of of course if that's not if we don't already have any you know that that included for that commercial you know it wasn't included in there yeah I mean and I guess those you said it wasn't it's not yeah I I mean I would be happy to make that recommendation I think that we should uh and again this is the EV charging stations we talked about with Lyn BR these are things that we had been talking about as solutions to problems or things that would be coming up in the future years ago so um yeah I and and I think there are grants for it I think there are incentives to do it I think there's no reason not to it's an easy low hanging fruit one yes any future Redevelopment in vs consideration to e how could you not can you imagine moving to a new home with somebody that's got an electric vehicle and saying wait you didn't put any electric charging stations in I but yes Mr Bradford I have seen some developers uh you know they they build new homes or multif family uh less so on multif family obviously but the uh uh they're giving the home own the option to uh add the electric charging thing in their garage that would be you know great I mean yes absolutely but you know like say a a new s family home subdivision do they really want to put a public charging station in this commercial I thought or like so you have to kind of figure out you know how you want to do it yes the language find it yes and certainly I was not and I apologize I was not thinking for single family homes so to speak I was thinking more for the residential uh I would love it for everybody but if there're any of the plaza re the commercial Redevelopment or multi I mean yes multi-use I would think right as well yeah I think certainly from the commercial aspect it it makes complete sense I think in today's day and age if you go to eat lunch somewhere or you're driving through or you've just driven a long time to come you know you want you would like to be able to find that relatively easily and as of right now it's not available in our community at all so I I uh and are you saying that you don't think that should be a separate recommend Commendation no no I think it should okay you can you could you could make it on the floor now I'm looking at P Beach Gardens code because I know they're they're like kind of a more Forward Thinking community on those locally and they basically say they're allowed and they count if you provide an EV parking space it counts towards your minimum number of parking spaces but there's no requirement that you have to provide in e e parking and what about Jupiter Inlet District or town of Jupiter doesn't have anything in there so yeah I I I know that there's well I just remember when we were there was my I was involved in some of the Redevelopment unfortun unfortunately over at the inlet and um know that there was EV charging put in when that was or I guess developed not redeveloped um yeah I've worked on some of those project to and they they they try to encourage it but they're not mandated no but I'm curious what the incentives are because I think they do incentivize for it as well or offer you know I I I so um anyway okay uh would anybody would you like to talk about that Michelle I know that you were hesitant to include it without being part of the I just want to make sure that what that we don't peace meal things but in lie of this being part of coming up in a Time time frame and it's been lingering for a long time is what it is and just for a clarification from me to understand because I know you were working on this before I came on so we're proposing this to the Village as a um for new development re Redevelopment new development we have very little new development left I think right to consider as code because who my bottom line is who pays for it the developer I think the easiest way for you guys to make the recommendation is to to to make a recommendation to have the council evaluate incentivizing EV charging stations when they update their commercial zoning code and that'll give us some time to to Cho to to do some research and see what other places are doing and I mean it's a little bit kind of last minute but um we might be able to get it included in the code and if it's not put in the code in April when it's adopted it's something that we can do the next time there's you know a little tweak to the code mhm and again I think that there's a whole um part of the um we've got a huge portion of our population that drives them you know I think that they'll feel excluded and that would be one way to kind of pitch it to the council that we might be excluding a lot of people but um all right we think you would anybody like to make a motion to make that yeah sure motion to have uh Council evaluate the uh incentives for commercial Redevelopment um you know with the use of EV charging stations and would that you're saying it's too soon you think to push for it or we would be able to look we might a to yeah yeah I mean they they're able to make recommendations on the floor while the code's being adopted okay so for instance well I don't know if Mr Bradford will be sitting there I don't know what the future looks like but um but but uh a council person could on the floor say you know hey I noticed our code doesn't have anything but EV charging stations when you come back for second reading of the ordinance can you include that in there and then sure it gives us an opportunity to just put put something in there maybe it's copying kind of what Gardens has maybe we find something better elsewhere but I'll I'll start I'll start researching what we can do that would be great thank you very much I appre and if we're all comfortable with that we have a second yeah that's what I was just going to say do we have a second on that second okay all those in favor signify I know we have Brad are you unmuted over there no are you a brad no oh I was like gosh that was lucky I'm here okay hi I was just giving you a chance to unmute yourself to say yay or nay on this do you have anything you want to add okay yay um Michelle are you or B so we're ask what what's the motion again to have the Town Council evaluate incentives for commercial Redevelopment uh Andor new construction in the event that there is but more likely Redevelopment to consider you know EV charging stations okay all those in favor signify by saying I I I I okay um anyone against all right motion carries great um all right was there anything else that you wanted I know you had said there was some things you were going to update us on yeah just I just one other quick update was the The Living shorelines code or we've had to put that a little bit on the back burner because the commercial code is so big um but that will be likely coming to to the um local planning agency in April and then Council in May but I'm going to we're going to also bring it to EAC in April in kind of an ordinance format so you guys can look at it and kind of make an informal recommendation Council you know whether or not you like it whether you have some suggestions or not so it'll be kind of like what we did with remembrance Park you know where we said hey this is Park any thoughts any ideas so you'll be able to make a recommendation to them on that so that'll be for the next meeting next meeting okay okay we good there okay thank you um all right so now we um would we like to talk would moving on to the coun or uh the members updating us on emails or is it my is is it first I still I have increased recycling oh gosh yes yes sorry that is and I do have something here so we have um our increased recycling uh I this I think is going to also um play into just I think a bigger just Outreach in general but um the recycling I know that for example um the plaza is it to Questa Square North where carv is and uh the Pet Supermarket and hog Snappers is that North that's village Village Square North Village Square North um I believe that they've they've recently exchange it's been purchased within the past month was it I've heard they have new owners which Village Square North the whole Plaza and there's a new management company we don't know too much about it but yeah something yeah um so uh just I've spoken with the business owners in that Plaza and um so far they seem to H you know be fans of the new management company and the new owners I believe they're from Birmingham Alabama real time um but I think that uh just being able to reach out and as the business liais on and have recommendations maybe that we would make with certain things because the landscape they're things that I know that the business owners would like to see done to the plaza and increased Recycling and education and and ways of recycling would be one of them so this to me would be such a great opportunity when we know there's new ownership faces right and to show all of these different things and recycling here's how we do it you know and and provide that kind of information um when we know there's a new owner or new ownership so um because again the businesses um are they have a lot of they they're they have a lot of things they would like to see uh and I think that the communication is falling somewhere you know um and they could use somebody on our on our end recommending plants for the plazas and recommending you know a lot of different things that I think um would help them F be able to focus on their business you know and I think is a great thing for the business liaison to be able to provide that is in you know a very welcoming gesture also on our end so Nara in the building department is our business Le on so I will I will tell her about that um and I would love to meet with I mean I would be even you know she I don't know how busy she is um dated like if there's a time or a day that I could schedule sometime because again there is so much information out there because I know these tasks can seem really daunting especially in terms of not being a scientist or not knowing if you're even giving the right information out or wanting to make sure of that and it's out there you know there are places and people like the Sierra Club that will have you know just there's tons and tons of educational material at our um that we can be using that I think that we uh should be inundating the community with you know um so she could easily put together a packet without having to do a ton of work and I would love to help her you know facilitate that guys please that would be great um so in terms of recycling again uh as far as the whole program I think this is one of those it kind of depends on the individual situations and the Case by case which it would be nice to with Nara create some sort of uh an ongoing uh what am I looking for here like a spreadsheet where we know which owners have expressed what interests and their willingness and who we might be working with in terms of individual businesses and plazas because recycling is definitely something that is important to us as a community it should be and I know it's important to a lot of these small business owners and so it's tough when they don't have the participation of you know the plaza owner I'm texting right now so just anyway we as a village can help facilitate that so that we obviously want the businesses to you know we don't want to create that many issues I think recycling shouldn't be the issue between them and their property owner right just since we're on that topic just a random question the email that Jeremy sent out in regards to recycling from uh the county that there's no um I guess we the The Village gets money back from the recycling operations but not this year has that been ever like a a substantial amount of money or what I I don't know I just was curious on that don't do we know it do you know Mar with the SW or the no I don't know okay Mr Bradford he knows everything of course yes I think recycling began about 1989 1988 something like that and uh at first there wasn't the rebate from SWA but then there became a rebate and the typical rebate is a five figure number you know could be 20,000 25,000 but it seemed to get a little lower over time but there have been years when for whatever reason uh the market sometimes affects their ability to get rid of plastic or to paper and they then make less money because they sit on it and wait till the market to improve and but so this it has happened two three maybe four times since 88 uh where the cities get no money okay but it's for us it's never been anything more than a five-digit uh no yeah five-digit numbers the bigger places it's like six digits sometimes but even if it was five digits that's sure I mean I thought it was it was nice my only question was because I have no gauge here are we increased uh are we doing better you know it just said we did 91 tons and I said all right that sounds like a lot but but what is it relative to yeah give me some context on that number um but thought it was good nonetheless okay you can get that data I was just going to say we can find uh I forgot his name but there's a guy at the SWA who is in charge of All Recycling he's on the Jupiter environmental advisory Jeff who Jeff sa no it's not jeff which is another thing I wanted to mention to you um no it's not him uh but he can give you the data and they'll usually break get down you see in Testa since virtually the only place that's recycling that's commercial is Publix because they have those compactors for paper and stuff like that most of our recycling is residential and so they take they will tell you per capita how much we are recycling and they can compare that to all of the other 39 or 40 cities and let you know how we stand right I think his name is Willie PES really not putts or I don't know was his first name is definitely Willie okay but he's through thewa yeah he works for thew which sorry go ahead um the other thing with Jeff Sabin so there's two things you really need relative to commercial recycling you need to know what the the the the rules are and in Testa if you have commercial recycling you the property owner pays for it of course you pass that on to your tenants as a cost of overhead but Jeff could come here you should get the contract The Village has with the S not no uh yeah with the Sabin company which is WF or is it is that the right wait no WM waste management and um ask Jeff he's he's like their communications director their marketing guy he'll come here and tell you how difficult or how easy it is to help or facilitate business owners adding just maybe one dumpster that's designated for recycling and so we're kind of like driving blind on that subject so if we get some data and we get a guy like Jeff to come in here that would be helpful I think you okay You' only said one of the two things we needed by the way you said the rules and there was not the number two I don't think well the rule the rules are for the contract with was right and then um what's the other thing uh because that the rule was that the property owner pays and then the number two thing that you need is you need to know what the game plan is the game plan is determined by the contract that Waste Management has with the village of the quest and wasn't that up for this isn't wasn't that up for Renewal this year was it Jay no it was a couple years ago okay I could have sworn Jeremy sent me the um it must have been the most recent okay uh but that is certainly something um that you know businesses are interested in here so uh and figuring out how we can help make it work for the food trucks would be uh that's just is somebody that's been a part of the CAC a long time and I set up there it is tough for me not having any even if there're cyclings at my tent you know you know like the recycle at the EAC or something because I know they don't like having to sort through it and I know nobody is I guess paying attention to the bins I think um if we had a way of uh I think one of the things that had come up was for example if there's pop a movie night or something and there's popcorn having the literal bag that The Popcorn is in like above where the bin it's supposed to go in making it or tape to it you know it very very yeah Visual and easy yeah as easy as we can you know because it's not um something they seeking out and then it's just a bin that it's getting thrown into so um I guess that's more the signage for that but uh all right um and the information benefits that's all we discussed that with Nara I would love to talk to her all right anything else anybody would like to add or that they didn't get a chance it takes us to the emails yes right yeah okay so um Brad would you like to start and uh give us an overview on the email and the information you found if I if you don't mind y Sam saver yeah Sam saver let's hear it thought it was cool that was cool yeah I mean so I hope you guys had a chance to go on their website and and look at some of the videos they have quite a few of them uh and some good information on it I don't know it seems like a novel approach to uh you know an ongoing problem that seems not to be necessarily getting better getting worse so I uh how it came to me was um I have a condo in the keys that's experiencing the same beach erosion issues and um one of the uh uh uh uh directors on the board is uh investigating this um the latest is uh that she has uh submitted this uh to the Army Corps and to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection um not haven't gone through any permitting process uh but we want to get the okay from those two departments before we go through a permitting process obviously because we're not going to install it if the Army for and and the D say now so um it's in process uh I don't you know again we're talking about two pretty big government agencies that operate on their own timeline so I I don't know kind of the time frame that that will get a response back from them so but I'll I'll update you and let you guys know uh as it progresses yeah it's an interesting yeah it's definitely an interesting comment concept I think um you know I think that it would with our our beach I um our critically eroded Barrier Island I think we have an interesting Beach compared to other beaches you know um and I think that our sea turtles nesting make things always um so you know difficult for us also it seems well I think that's one of the not I don't mean difficult sorry I meant that would make it a little bit more I think it we make things difficult for them in our constant these renourishment programs but go ahead Sorry Brad no that's okay um that's I think one of the advantages of this particular solution in that it is removable so you know I I think unofficially what is the turtle season is from March to October I believe uh so obviously you wouldn't have these things uh in place during that time frame but um you know I I would say having it there for a third of the year you know November December January February might be you know it might supplement uh do we still have to truck in sand I I don't know I guess one good hurricane we would have to but um you know at least if this thing does work it if it is effective and it's a possibility then uh why not retain the sand the sand you can for four months or add to uh the size of the beach during those four months Brad do when the municipality that you're in that you presented this to have they looked at other municipalities or areas that have already implemented that and used it is there studies or feedback I think it's just this um the only one that I've been able to Clum with is um somewhere in Michigan it was like Lake Michigan um but it was quite a few years ago and it was the predecessor to uh this current device so different device different uh kind of set of circumstances being on a lake but uh they were having issues with erosion um there is I if I remember correctly there's a number of us uh Institute um installations um there's one in Texas that's active um so I but I don't I don't think those are municipalities per se or or any any entity I think the majority majority of them are are you know companies companies or uh you know private private citizens I know this one in Houston is a private CI interesting yeah I I looked around on their website real quick just now looks like there were some installations or at least talks of installations in New Jersey um I do have some initial concerns just based on looking at the information on the website just from Google searching um first red flag that that concerns me is just that most of this information is being put out by the manufacturer itself and the manufacturer is a it's a plastic company um Ranger Plastics and anytime a company that is primarily a Plastics Company is putting out information about natural solutions to things I'm always a little bit skeptical um and then right s you sort of Click around on their website on just about every page you click on there's these little green bubbles at the top and it has sort of the same information um one of the the things it says is virtually permanent and then after that it says with a halflife and thousands of years sand saber could H offer a permanent solution um and when I see something like a half life okay so what is this material and if you kind of like scroll down and look around it's polyethylene okay which which again sort of concerns me and and when it mentions it's polyethylene it says it's nearly indestructible polyethylene which again further concerns me so I mean I'm not sure that like I know I've done 10 minutes of research so I'm not willing to throw out the idea but there are some initial red flags that would definitely concern me about a product like this okay no 100% And um that's the reason I sent it to you guys because I'd like all eyes on it to you know thoroughly uh look at it from all different angles um I I just found it uh interesting at first glance when it was uh recently introduced at one of our board meetings yeah so is outside the box definely always interested I know Jay's here he's got something to add yeah hey Brad this is Jay um so Jeremy and I were super excited when we first saw that um and so Jeremy fired it off to Joe Chason who's the head of the juper Inlet District who's a coastal engineer and he's been kind of educating Jeremy and I on some of the coastal resiliency issues and he said you know that looks great but he said the issue is that the sand that it's basically capturing the sand that um would be washing all over the beach right so our our sand typically moves from the north to south so this would be capturing the sand as it's moving south you know depositing it under one spot but that sand would no longer get to work its way South so it's he said it's it's really good on a sight specific basis so if you watch the video there's like a a hotel in Kenya that was having erosion issues and they basically like kind of coined it off and they were able to solve the erosion issues on their own Beach but it probably is to the detriment of the properties around them so that that was his initial impression of it but um good to share it does look cool D no that wonderful I'm I'm glad to get all the feedback I'm not a proponent and I don't get paid by Green no no no I just brought it to the four thank you all all solutions are worth talking about for sure absolutely yes definitely definitely okay anything else on this or on that um um no okay um was there another email or no was there I have I have no email access oh I mean that was the only okay yeah that was it it was Brad's emails the agenda and then I think it was maybe two yeah all right well then the other thing um I know Marana stepped out but um the other thing that I had just wanted to discuss and bring to everybody's attention here oh gosh sorry sorry um was that I had popped in and gotten for example um some quotes to see some of the different signage like different ways we could distribute information at the food trucks or setting up for any public events like when you and I went over to the BLM Michelle and we set up you know there's a lot of Flyers that I have and information that were at one point um poster boards from the nature concern cacy and they've sent the PDFs that we could have made big again but uh there's just a lot of uh opportunity to educate in signage and I think that the village could be investing in some of these different banners that would be very easy to hang when we've got stuff set up um we've moved on to agenda item three I apologize um and so anyway I just wanted to see what we wanted to consider I know it's been um up for discussion for a while but they've got the retractable banners they've got the kind of just clip on to you know uh the tent and for the vot designation right are you talking about yeah I'm saying when we set up for the EAC when we set up an EAC table whether it's at the food truck events or at the BLM when we've done you know e EAC under the vot yeah like we've got the nice vot t um Banner or the runner that's got the logos on it which is nice and um you know we've got our that at that specific event the tent we talked about it for there nothing at the top I agree she was really and I agree i' I've just gotten used to it but you know I we think they should invest in a tent that's or if it's a banner that goes on those and they can get used at other yeah I think it was the only tent that didn't have the logo on it for vill I mean like if we had a EAC vot Banner that was multi-purpose function that could go on a tent or could go this is I'm not talking about that kind of a banner but I do I that was a separate SE Banner okay so another words she would like the tent that has the logo on it to be used at the events because right and I think you borrowed our tent which doesn't have it no no no I had my own I've always used my own tent no but we put a tent outside for you remember it doesn't have anything on it either right right that's what I'm saying we don't oh yeah that was maybe in the interim of my but I mean the one that I've been using at the food trucks is my yeah it's a blue tent that just looks like yours you know because there's no logo on it so I can blend in but she definitely pointed out a notice that it stood out as the only tent that didn't have a logo for sure um this though when I am all set up and it is and people are standing around watching their kids with a craft or do something it would be nice if some of those little you know how I have those little laminated that might be about the lights why we turn lights off on the beach for sea turtles educational materials yes these educational posters not take home material or just while you're physically there this is while they're physically there so to be used at every event it's just an investment from the council into the setup and the presentation and this would fall under public education materials so there are I have you know for example example I'm sure you guys have a company you use but there are banners and there are retractable things you can set up and the you know um A-frame so I don't know what we are willing um to invest in but I know that there is a lot of material and uh so that was also something I was pointing out here because you know I went and took part in um the program that they have at the harbor Branch we went up to the um Harbor branch and took a tour of their facilities and learned about their programs which I would highly recommend anybody do up in Fort Pierce um was something that the field trip offered through the Sierra Club that was awesome and so they are for example one organization that just has tons of information Cloud charts you know things that are awesome they have a dolphin spotter program residents would love to know those you know a program that they could take part in that live on the river here you know um if they spot Dolphins there's the bird feeding guides we've got you know there's so much information even if you go to the River Center that is focused locally that um I have personally always just kind of run around to whoever I can to ask for information for our events but it would be nice to I don't know that the whoever is in this position in the future if um the you know food trucks we sto doing but it would be nice again just to have the resources that we use for these things available to make sure we have them yeah you know just and uh because I was on the Inaugural Committee here so I'm trying to think of some of these Loose Ends also but can I interrup do you know what the budget is do you guys have a budget like an operating budget for things like that no there's a former council member um so I'll talk I'll talk to Jeremy to find out what kind of budget you guys have I have some of my budget but the other thing though like Benji stun Benji stunt down at uh you know there there are a lot of different people that are at different organizations that are happy to give us things and to that same notion like SWA was one of the programs that came to mind daughter school at one point and they have a really cool setup that teaches kids about recycling you know a lot of these they have these programs that are available whenever you want you just book them and they're happy to come um and they're they're awesome so uh but yes fishing Florida you know all of these different things about circle hooks or all of this material I wish that we were giving out so if there is a way to partner with local um environmental you know you know uh anything and everything no but these different groups and organizations that have all of this different material whether we cycle through or we rotate or however it is there's just a plethora of information out there so I know that the kids love looking at it and getting stickers and things and so um this would be something uh to decide on also uh for the hanging banners you know what we would put on there um my suggestion would be that the nature conserv that was right here across from like Blowing Rocks they've I have PDFs from them that I'd be happy to send out or for you to review I think that would probably come down to council deciding we could make a recommendation about what we would like to be educating the community on or what our top you know recommendations would be but I think ultimately the council will decide what we will be publicly you know doing right um okay um does anybody have any like questions or um so just going back to identifying some more specifics does anybody else have an interest in trying to to do that at a a separate type of meeting so we don't have to keep waiting for monthly or yeah monthly or it takes it's a conversation that's going to take up time it doesn't seem we don't seem to be hitting it on each agenda is there other topics we well we can add this to the you know this can be um we're not going to have I think the last food trucks we are no is there are there any more TR no I don't mean for what you're talking about right now I mean there are other other items that to suggest for Council to consider the EV we voted on today what are the other ones oh you're going you want to know if we planned for the item agenda item one strategic meeting yeah strategic me do get all on one page on I doing this and I'm on the wrong screen okay um at our last meeting let me pull that up so I can speak to it specifically on our minutes let me pull up them at last meeting's minutes all right where' they go it's always at the bottom there we go you got to click on there's like a PDF to it yeah okay no that's the agenda there we are minutes all right so last months minutes it's kind the middle okay read number three yes number three the largest paragraph in the middle yes review the 2023 2024 strategic plan for the village and discuss the EAC initiatives for the village C Council to consider so we've given them one well I pres we presented that at the meeting the following day okay so did I un misunderstand that you need specifics this was for the code are you talking about I think she's are you talking about the code that they're making the um recommendations for let's see the workshop or maybe we just did the workshop was is that Tom Mr Bradford do you know what I'm confused with or did we not did I I presented the Strategic recommendations from the EAC at the last Workshop that will be considered at this Council have an option to do a workshop or a special meeting and but you do a workshop you can't make any decisions if you do a special meeting you can make a decision and then it can be given to the Village Council did I not already present to the council the Strategic priorities of the EAC yes okay okay so but I think we talking about grants right so so I think we that's where it comes under comes under grants so that we could find out what we want to specifically coordinate with the type of grants that are there looking for was where it all we' already presented that but now we were going to yes okay and that's where you had asked for the email from Grant yes I try and poke around when I got some free time in the evening so do we want to have a special meeting to discuss the grants that that we're finding is that um no no no I thought I was under that we needed to have some more of the spec specific strategies that we're looking for for Council not the general topics for the Strategic plan but the specific so you have a goal have to kind given the goals now we are the strategies one of them is EV one of them might be lead one of them might be you know the recycling if we've already established that and that's all you needed then we're then we're okay but if there's something else that's just trying to understand what you were asking and there were already again existing I think the code was what you were they're going to read the code the first reading is is tomorrow or no no it goes to Planning Commission in next week and then it goes the council in April oh okay April yeah I don't know why I was thinking um April 2 that was later we said no was it so we have we given you what you were requesting for yeah for that well I I I wasn't requesting that that he was just saying we could maybe slip this into the code you can you can try you get something we can bring up to the council got that okay all right are we good good okay I think that we are all good here um I would love to you know I don't know whether we're going to have to have a special planning meeting for Education you know or Outreach what materials we want to provide or how we want to go about that or if that you want me to just submit all of the things that I'm using or have been using to council or if they want us to make a recommendation if they tell us what kind of signage they would be willing to pay for for the event and that sort of thing and then we come back with what we would fill it with you know I don't know how we want to go about that but I would love to get that process underway for the next Food Truck season you know and for any of the events that pop up I'll talk to Jeremy about it and find out what what money is available yes and then the other thing that I did just want uh this is a uh not an item was this can I add this as any other comment even okay um that I remember when I was at the event I believe Michelle and I did with the BLM they had made a comment about wanting to create a new Trail on our side of the BLM the north side of the property H do you remember them saying that at all or was that maybe at one of the meetings I had attended um but they you know I had said that would be something I would love to be involved in you know and whether they're going to need clearing and uh all of that sort of thing but I'm not sure if you've been in communication with Peter dwit or if there's been any coordination with those guys on our end um I don't know how residents would feel about that from my understanding this would be if you're walking down us one for example heading south uh it would just be an opening not for vehicular traffic this is merely for foot traffic that would be an entrance on the US one kind of remember just kind of a gap I said oh okay that would be nice to be able to enter it without having to go all the way down you know over the bridge so um I think if if I would like to be in discussion and be up to speed with that you know and let BLM know that we're active participants in that um so maybe if you would like me to reach out or if you want to reach out or if we reach out to Peter to see where they might be standing with that trail and see what we can do to help be a part of it yeah if you have a relationship with them I don't know him yet so if you want to reach out go ahead and let us all right I will and I can just seec you and we can see how that goes all right anybody else have any no I mean maybe if at the next meeting I don't even know what we what you currently use maybe if you want to bring what we you want me to set up like I I me I I'm happy to give feedback you know but I don't even know what we have or what you sure I'm happy to bring in all of the all of the I think CU I think you're right it's smart to establish a database you know the number one thing I get it takes somebody to do it and we need to do it well I get asked all the time I don't know if this is something we could but they people want to buy the books the most frequently off of I I provide books on Florida friendly Landscaping so they can look through how to what plants for butterfly gardening any of um and so they'll try and buy them off the table they'll say oh are you selling that book and so I'll you know show them but even that you know I know that it's easy to do those like QR code scanning things if there was a scanning thing to to quest's Amazon page of environmental suggested whatever you know that would be awesome that would be so cool we'd be I mean the kids would do that they'd come over and scan while they were waiting to do you know so all of those things I'm all for speak their language when we're up to speed and look like we've got we can keep that as an agenda item in until we get some I mean because on that that really is in my opinion you know being out in the community and actually connecting with the kids and the community members and hearing what they have to say and being able to know you face tof face talk to somebody and just giving them an answer is always very nice so the Outreach part um I love for us Mr Bradford in regard to a database if you can right now go to on your computers okay and then go to departments and then go to clerk SLU information officer and then go to uh let me think what it is boards and committees MH no I already lost you I know that's what I mean it's this is already this is too much for people but keep going no I know yes and then go to EAC or environmental whatever they say okay well it doesn't have it as a link mine links to a page no there's no link I'm on a I'm on a page right now yeah you see oh I see on the side on the left side okay so so all of this all of this stuff that you've brought here to the day a lot of it can be scanned mhm but the uh I guess what I'm trying to show you even though that's a pain in the neck to get to and it doesn't stand out that's got some data on the right hand side that's very important and maybe some sort of a digital folder should be added there with all of this type of stuff exactly with a link from the homeage anything you know like a leaf it should have it yes exactly that just links you to a folder that opens with all of these resources because again we have put together I mean M Tom the amount of hours and time he spent for all of these ordinances and these are we had no help he had no help writing all of the agendas and all of the ordinances and everything so it's it would it certainly needs to be put to good use and I I've had people say that it's helped them I wanted you to see this because a it's hard to get to that for anybody but but B I don't think you should have something that's over here that's called the database that's not there oh sure they should speak to each other yeah it's also pretty hidden there like I I've actually never seen that page how did you get there again then departments Department dep wait wait let me find departments is at the top okay it's tall okay then you go to clero okay I never have found that no way so Maran do you think it'd be possible to add in like environment so there can always be an EAC board link but maybe there's like an environmental issues after resources even resources yeah there's the I'd like to link at the top and it has like hurricane information have you found it Michelle no what's next after uh Village clerk uh boards and committees and see again this is something if we have a little QR code at the table people scan it and it opens right there and they get all of these resources go environmental okay yeah that's that's so what are you all looking for you're looking for because there's legislation there's articles there's Partners it's very hard you got some interesting stuff on the on the on the right hand margin you have some interesting stuff right so if you're going to create a let's say a digital folder of information a library so to speak for interested people to see articles F it's going to go on and on and on and on these two things this article list as well as the database ought to be at the same location yeah I thought you were talking and then the other thing Mar the other thing is it's very difficult to actually find this page right talk we have to prioritize like the big buttons who gets that well again that's fine yeah no I understand that should be a big button I think the clerk's office should have a big button but okay let me get you out here yes I mean yep okay so you need to go up more here comes here we go we want a big button i' like the top I'll add a link that says environmental issues to that page because even like Juno they've used a lot of our ordinances or different places have looked to ours to try to copy so is easy that would be awesome you know if we could people tell me they can't find it I don't know sure hearing of it and again if we I don't I will figure out how to make those you know um little square QR Reader codes because having those set up at events on the table for people to be able to scan and link to to see what we've done or to see what we have especially when I'm in conversation or whomever is you just need a way to get to it have the most impct and I'd like to think that the list will get a lot longer and there will be a lot more articles and a lot more to add to it so maybe the ones on the sidebar just the most recent and the ones in the folder or everything you know yeah so right here I'd like to I'll just addit environmental resources that'll help that's fine that help hard if somebody knows to go to no no no no no that's not what it is no these are separate things I'm saying like thinking in overall for me as compan I want to make sure that we have resources Graphics images so so in other words I can show you here um you this something that's got picture on it that looks good you know is these are all and these are all from just the day that I spent at um you know up in at Harbor Grant that's but this is no no anyway I'm looking for are we done with our major step yeah I think that kind of calls the meeting do we need offishal all right well okay so does anybody have anything else they would like to add or any other comments any other citizen comments any public comment anything all right well then it is 3:37 and is adjourn would make a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn the meeting I'll second it all those in favor I you popped right I was like whoa he wanted to make the buzzer I want to talk I asked L and they had their big administrative copy machine it scans cool scanning large amounts of scan yeah that's awesome and you know a lot of um this one is I see NASA but Harbor Branch to they have the files at